Author Topic: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread  (Read 205527 times)

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Offline woden

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The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« on: November 05, 2010, 08:59:32 AM »

EP01: Palm Springs, California (USA) to Manly, Australia (via Sydney, Australia)
EVIDENCE: Abundant photography! See Coutzy's full album here!

Film Date: NOV 20-22
Air Date: FEB 20

Leg Route/Tasks:
STARTING LINE: Whitewater Canyon Windmill Farm, Palm Springs, California (USA) (Source) near corner of 16th Ave. and Rock Mine Rd. (Source)
TASK: Find paper airplane with the words Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Travel to LAX and fly to Sydney, Australia
FLIGHT INFO: QF12 (DEP; ARR 9:59am) for Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara, Jet/Cord, Ron/Christina, Kent/Vyxsin, Zev/Justin, Mel/Mike, Herb/Nate; QF108 (DEP 11:50pm; ARR 9:56am) for Gary/Mallory, Amanda/Kris, Jen/LaKisha
LAX EVIDENCE: Sightings/tweets (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3),
SYDNEY DESTINATION EVIDENCE: Kent/Vyxsin spotted buying Australia reference guide at LAX (Source), gate sightings at LAX (Source), airport sightings in Sydney (Source 1), (Source 2), (Amanda/Kris Photo at LAX)
TIMING: Jen/LaKisha leave airport at 10:19am followed by Amanda/Kris; Gary/Mallory IN airport at 10:30am

ROUTE INFO/DETOUR?: Domestic train from airport to Circular Quay and on to Harbour Bridge; collect clue at tall ship outside Waterfront Restaurant (The Rocks at Campbell's Cove)
EVIDENCE: Multiple sightings at Ciruclar Quay (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), (Video 1), live sightings at bridge (Source 1), (Source 2); local info concerning destination (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), sighting of set up (Source), (Photos 1)
TIMING: Some teams present between 10:59 and 11:13am, Herb/Nate spotted at Harbour Bridge between 11:18am and 11:23am, behind a few other teams (Source); Margie/Luke and Jaime/Cara spotted at Circular Quay around 11:30am, Zev/Justin spotted ahead of Margie/Luke & Jaime/Cara and Kent/Vyxsin, Mel/Mike, & Ron/Christina spotted behind (Source);

ROUTE INFO: Travel by ferry to Manly (ferries depart every half hour); some teams on site approximately 12:13pm
EVIDENCE: Sighting (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), (Source 4), (Source 5)
TEAMS ON FERRY 1 (11:15-20am): Amanda/Kris, Gary/Mallory, LaKisha/Jen (Source)
TEAMS ON FERRY 2: Herb/Nate, Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara, Zev/Justin, Kent/Vyxsin, Ron/Christina, Mel/Mike (Source), (Video 1)
TEAMS ON FERRY 3: Jet/Cord (Source)

ROADBLOCK?: Swimming task at Ocean World in Manly (likely at Shark Dive XTreme) to obtain metallic object?
EVIDENCE: Live information (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3)
TIMING: Gary Mallory 1st (at Ocean World at 11:52am; depart 1st at 12:55pm) Amanda/Kris 2nd (departing at 1:14pm), LaKisha/Jen 3rd (departing at 1:14pm); Jaime/Cara, Herb/Nate, Margie/Luke, Kent/Vyxsin, Zev/Justin arrive in Manly at 12:38pm; Mel/Mike and Ron/Christina arrive next at 12:44pm, Jet/Cord arrive in last at 1:03pm; Zev/Justin depart at 1:25pm; Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara, and Herb/Nate depart 1:40pm (Margie/Luke and Jaime/Cara return at 1:45pm for directions); Jet/Cord depart 1:54pm (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), teams arriving mostly between 12:00pm and 1:57pm, see Source for more details (Source 4), (Source 5: Play-By-Play Details), ( Cluebox Photo), (Kent/Vyxsin Photo), (Jen/LaKisha Photo), (Photo 1), (Photos 2)

ROUTE INFO: Travel by taxi to Manly Yacht Club, perform sailing task 200 meters from dock
EVIDENCE: Live information (Source), (Source 2),  (Source 3),
TIMING: Jaime/Cara and Margie/Luke working together at club

FALSE PIT STOP: Shelley Beach/Cabbage Tree Bay
EVIDENCE: Live information (Source 1), (Source 2)
TIMING: Gary/Mallory arrive, Amanda/Kris en route (approximately 2:15pm) and arrive shortly after, Jen/LaKisha arrive 2:31pm, turn back, and return (Source 1), (Source 2), Zev/Justin arrive 2:38pm (Source), Herb/Nate arrive 2:59pm (Source), Jaime/Cara arrive 3:03pm (Source), Margie/Luke arrive 3:09pm (Source), Ron/Christina arrive 3:14pm with Mel/Mike close behind (Source), Kent/Vyxsin arrive 3:32pm (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Continue on to next location in Sydney (TBC)
EVIDENCE: Phil seen taking clue from under mat (Source), confirmed by local insider (Source), (Photos)


Bridge climb and/or tasks around Pitt Street/Castlereigh Street area
EVIDENCE: Information from teams' travel book (Source)

Travel by train/ferry (?) to Lavender Bay
EVIDENCE: Sighting by station manager, others (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3)

Tasks at/around Darling Harbour
EVIDENCE: Possible sighting (Source)

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: Everyone (TBC)

EP02: Sydney, Australia to Broken Hill, Australia

Film Date: NOV 23
Air Date: FEB 27

Leg Route/Tasks:
ROUTE INFO: Travel by ferry to Sydney
EVIDENCE: Live information (Source)
TIMING: Kent/Vyxsin on ferry at 4:39pm

ROUTE INFO: Find "To Sail To Stop" sculpture at Town Hall and receive next-day flight times (6:00am or 6:30am)
EVIDENCE: Local information (Source); teams spotted en route at different locations (Gary/Mallory on Pyrmont Bridge, Gary/Mallory and Ron/Chris at Marriott Hotel) (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), (Video 1)
TIMING: All teams at Town Hall simultaneously except Jet/Cord (Source), (Photos 1), (Photos 2), (Photos 3), (Photos 4), (Photos 5)
6:00AM DEPARTURE TIME: Jen/LaKisha, Mike/Mel, Jamie/Cara, Margie/Luke, Zev/Justin, Kent/Vyxsin (Source)
6:30AM DEPARTURE TIME: Herb/Nate, Ron/Christina, Gary/Mallory, Amanda/Kris, Jet/Cord (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Fly to Broken Hill, Australia
EVIDENCE: Local information (Source 1), (Photos 1), (Photo 2)
TIMING: Jen/LaKisha, Mel/Mike, Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara, Kent/Vyxsin, Zev/Justin on ZL9578 (DEP 6:05am; ARR 7:55am); Herb/Nate, Ron/Christina, Amanda/Kris, Gary/Mallory, Jet/Cord on ZL9596 (DEP 6:30am; ARR 8:20am), additional timing information from eyewitness (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Drive yourselves to Living Desert Flora & Fauna Sanctuary in Broken Hill
EVIDENCE: Sightings with confirmation (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), photos of teams heading toward vehicles for self-driving (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Find Memorial Oval
EVIDENCE: TV Tonight information (Source)

DETOUR?: Dress as kangaroos and hop around town OR...
EVIDENCE: Sighting of racers dressed as kangaroos hopping on Gypsum Street, with task ending on Mercury Street (Source 1), (Source 2)

PIT STOP: Junction Mine (Possible overnight stay)
EVIDENCE: Local information ((Source 1), Source 2), (Photo 1), (Photo 2)

Outdoor red sand cluebox in Broken Hill - Location unknown
EVIDENCE: Sighting with video (Source)

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: Zev/Justin, Herb/Nate, Jet/Cord, Margie/Luke, LaKisha/Jen, Mel/Mike, Kent/Vyxsin, Jamie/Cara, Gary/Mallory, Ron/Christina
Possibly Eliminated: Amanda/Kris

EP03: Broken Hill, Australia to Tokyo, Japan via Sydney, Australia

Film Date: NOV 24-25
Air Date: MAR 6

Leg Route/Tasks:
ROUTE INFO: Travel by train to Sydney, Australia during Pit Stop (Indian Pacific, ARR 10:15 AM 11/24); teams released sequentially from train station
EVIDENCE: Sightings (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), (Source 4),  (Photos 1), (Video 1), (Video 1 Caps), (Video 2), (Videos 3), (Video 4)
TIMING: Zev/Justin released apx 12:00pm; Herb/Nate released apx 12:10pm; Jet/Cord released apx 12:11pm; Margie/Luke released apx 12:12 pm; LaKisha/Jen released apx 12:13 pm; Mel and Mike released; Kent/Vyxsin released; Jamie/Cara released; Gary/Mallory released; Ron/Christina released apx 12:25pm (Source 1), (Source 2), (Zev/Justin at Pit Start)

ROUTE INFO: Make your way to SYD and fly to Tokyo, Japan
FLIGHT INFO: Teams aboard QF21 (DEP; ARR 6:13AM) (Gary/Mallory, Herb/Nate, LaKisha/Jen, Jet/Cord, Ron/Christina) and CX524 (DEP; ARR 7:32AM) (Zev/Justin, Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara, Kent/Vyxsin, Mel/Mike) (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), (Source 4)
EVIDENCE: Sightings at airport (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), (Source 4), (Photo 1), (Photo 2), (Photo 3), (Photos 4 with Destination Confirmation), (Photo 5)
TIMING: Kent/Vyxsin, Margie/Luke, Zev/Justin, Jamie/Cara (and 1-2 other teams) spotted together at NRT (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3), (Source 4)

ROUTE INFO: Find Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine
EVIDENCE: Sighting of Jet/Cord, LaKisha/Jen, Kent/Vyxsin, Margie/Luke apx 1:30 pm 11/25 (Source), (Photos 1)

DETOUR?/ROADBLOCK?: Ritual with frigid waters of Mount Fuji
EVIDENCE: Press release (Source)

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER): Ron/Christina, Gary/Mallory, LaKisha/Jen, Jet/Cord, Zev/Justin, Kent/Vyxsin, Herb/Nate, Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara
Possibly Eliminated: Mel/Mike

EP04: Tokyo, Japan to Lijiang, China

Film Date: NOV 27-28
Air Date: MAR 13

Leg Route/Tasks:
ROUTE INFO: Fly to Kunming, China and travel by train to Lijiang
EVIDENCE: Ron/Christina, Gary/Mallory, and LaKisha/Jen spotted in Kunming airport (Source) (Photos); Jet/Cord spotted at Kinming airport apx 7:30pm (Photo); Gary/Mallory spotted on train (L9032/L9033) from Kunming to Lijiang arriving apx 5:38am 11/28 (Source); Jet/Cord spotted at train station (Source 1), (Source 2)
TIMING: Jaime/Cara and Jet/Cord on same train (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Travel to Lijiang Ancient City
EVIDENCE: Local information (Source); Production sightings (Photos), (Video); Zev/Justin spotted on Square Street (Photo), (Map) possibly in last place with no money or Express Pass (Source 1), (Source 2); Kent/Vyxsin spotted just north of Sifangjie Plaza on Square Street (Photos), (Map)

DETOUR/ROADBLOCK?: Task involving Naxi customs?
EVIDENCE: Tourist blog (Source)

DETOUR?: Puzzle task involving putting a slip of paper in a box
EVIDENCE: Witness (Source)

EVIDENCE: Local sighting (Source)

PIT STOP: Wangu Pavilion; Kent/Vyxsin last (NEL - 30 minute penalty for non-first place finish?)
EVIDENCE: Local information (Source 1), (Source 2)

POST PIT STOP FUN?: Dancing with locals in Sifangjie Plaza
EVIDENCE: Photos from local informant (Photo), (Source)
PERFORMED BY: Ron/Christina (Source), (Map)

ALSO SPOTTED THIS LEG: Herb/Nate (Source 1) (Source 2); Margie/Luke (Source); Cara/Jaime (Source); Kent/Vyxsin (Source)

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER): Ron/Christina, Gary/Mallory, LaKisha/Jen, Jet/Cord, Zev/Justin, Kent/Vyxsin, Herb/Nate, Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara
Possibly Eliminated: NEL

EP05: Lijiang, China to Kunming, China

Film Date: NOV 29
Air Date: MAR 20

Leg Route/Tasks:
ROUTE INFO: Travel by train to Kunming, China; teams arrive 5:18 AM 11/29 (Source 1), (Source 2); Gary/Mallory and Jaime/Cara spotted (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Find Dounan Flower Market
EVIDENCE: Local information (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Find Golden Horse and Jade Rooster Archway, receive DETOUR options
EVIDENCE: Local information (Source 1), (Source 2)

U-TURN?: Possible U-Turn this leg? (Source)

PIT STOP: Green Lake Park
EVIDENCE: Local information (Source)
TIMING: Jet/Cord, Gary/Mallory, Margie/Luke, LaKisha/Jen (1:31pm), Kent/Vyxsin (not first, receive penalty) (1:53pm) (Photo), Herb/Nate (2:00pm), Ron/Christina (2:16pm), Zev/Justin (2:16pm), Jaime/Cara (3:51pm) (Photos 1), (Photo 2); (Source)

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: Jet/Cord, Gary/Mallory, Margie/Luke, LaKisha/Jen, Kent/Vyxsin, Herb/Nate, Ron/Christina, Zev/Justin
Possibly Eliminated: Jaime/Cara

EP06: Kunming, China to Kolkata, India
EVIDENCE: Tweet (Source); sighting on departure (Source)

Film Date: NOV 30-DEC 1-ish
Air Date: MAR 27

Leg Route/Tasks: UNKNOWN

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: Gary/Mallory (Source), Jet/Cord (Source), LaKisha/Jen (Source), Herb/Nate
TIMING: Gary/Mallory likely first (Source); at start of next leg, Jet/Cord through security at CCU while LaKisha/Jen still buying tickets (Source)

Possibly Eliminated: UNKNOWN

EP07: Kolkata, India to Varanasi, India
EVIDENCE: Teams seen in departure area of CCU (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport) on 12/2 (Source) at apx 3:10pm (Source); Jen/LaKisha booking Kingfisher Airlines flight (Source)

Film Date: DEC 2-3ish?
Air Date: APR 3

Leg Route/Tasks: UNKNOWN

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: Herb/Nate, Jen/LaKisha
Possibly Eliminated: UNKNOWN

EP08: Varanasi, India to Vienna, Austria
EVIDENCE: Jet/Cord seen in departure area in Delhi around midnight (12/5) (Source); sightings in Vienna (Source 1), (Source 2)

Film Date: DEC 5/6-ish
Air Date: APR 10

Leg Route/Tasks:
ROUTE INFO: Find mounument (close to a Christmas market)?
EVIDENCE: Sighting of Herb/Nate apx 11:30am 12/6 (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Travel by taxi to...
EVIDENCE: Tweet (Source)

ROADBLOCK?/DETOUR?: Possible food task on the Wiener Riesenrad
EVIDENCE: (Source)

ROADBLOCK?/DETOUR?: Possible task involving moving "Freud's couch" to University of Vienna
EVIDENCE: (Source)

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: Jen/LaKisha
Possibly Eliminated: UNKNOWN

EP09: Vienna, Austria to Zermatt, Switzerland (via Liechtenstein)
EVIDENCE: Sighting on train (Source), insider info (Source)

Film Date: DEC 7-
Air Date: APR 17

Leg Route/Tasks:
ROUTE INFO: Travel by train to Liechtenstein?
EVIDENCE: (Source)

ROUTE INFO?: Measure precise length of Liechtenstein on mopeds
EVIDENCE: Press release (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Travel by train to Zurich (Source 1)
EVIDENCE: Jen/LaKisha (wearing blue) spotted around 1pm on 12/7 train from Chur to Zurich arriving at 1:48pm (Source 1), (Source 2), (Source 3)

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: UNKNOWN
Possibly Eliminated: UNKNOWN

EP10: Zermatt, Switzerland
EVIDENCE: (Source)

Film Date: DEC 8-9ish
Air Date: APR 24

Leg Route/Tasks: UNKNOWN

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: UNKNOWN
Possibly Eliminated: UNKNOWN

EP11: Zermatt, Switzerland to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
EVIDENCE: (Source); Herb/Nate possibly spotted here (Source)

Film Date: DEC 10-11ish
Air Date: MAY 1

Leg Route/Tasks:
EVIDENCE: Tweet (Source)

PIT STOP: Possibly in Niteroi?
EVIDENCE: Tweet (Source)

OTHER INFO: Production staying in hotel in Copacabana?
EVIDENCE: Tweet (Source)

Safe from Elimination at End of Leg: UNKNOWN
Possibly Eliminated: UNKNOWN

EP12: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Pigeon Key, Florida (USA) (via Sao Paulo, Brazil and Miami, Florida (USA))
EVIDENCE: (Source)

Film Date: DEC 12-13
Air Date: MAY 8

Leg Route/Tasks:
ROUTE INFO: Fly to Miami, FL (USA); 9 of 11 teams on AA930 (ARR 9:36AM)
EVIDENCE: Teams photographed in airport (Source)

ROUTE INFO: Travel by taxi to Marine Stadium Marina; teams there apx 15-20 minutes
EVIDENCE: Filming permit, witnesses (Source)

ROADBLOCK: Travel by taxi to task in Key Largo
EVIDENCE: Witnesses (Source 1), (Source 2)

ROUTE INFO: Task in Big Pine Key
EVIDENCE: Witnesses (Source)

ROUTE INFO?: Task on Seven Mile Bridge
EVIDENCE: Blog (Source)

EVIDENCE: (Source), (Source 2)

Winners: UNKNOWN
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 12:59:57 AM by georgiapeach »

Offline woden

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2010, 08:59:48 AM »

Checks (:yes:) indicate a team is confirmed to have survived the leg indicated.
??? indicates a team was spotted on an indicated leg, but survival is uncertain.
 :toast indicates a team was most likely (in some cases certainly) eliminated on the leg indicated.
Parenthetical numbers after indicated legs show the believed place of finish for that leg, if known.

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (3)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (5)
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China
:yes: EP05: Kunming, China (4)
:yes: EP06: Kolkata, India
:yes: EP07: UNKNOWN (Likely India)
:yes: EP08: Vienna, Austria
???: EP09: Zermatt, Switzerland

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (5)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (2)
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China
:yes: EP05: Kunming, China (6)
:yes: EP06: Kolkata, India
:yes: EP07: UNKNOWN (Likely India)
???: EP08: Vienna, Austria

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (11)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (3)
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China
:yes: EP05: Kunming, China (1)
:yes: EP06: Kolkata, India
:yes: EP07: UNKNOWN (Likely India)
???: EP08: Vienna, Austria

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (1)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (9)
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China
:yes: EP05: Kunming, China (2)
:yes: EP06: Kolkata, India (1)

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia ( 8 )
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (10)
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China
:yes: EP05: Kunming, China (7)

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (10)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (7)
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China (9)
:yes: EP05: Kunming, China (5)

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (7)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (4)
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China
:yes: EP05: Kunming, China (3)

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (4)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (1)
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China
:yes: EP05: Kunming, China ( 8 )

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (6)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia ( 8 )
:yes: EP03: Tokyo, Japan
:yes: EP04: Lijiang, China
:toast EP05: Kunming, China (9)

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (9)
:yes: EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (6)
:toast EP03: Tokyo, Japan (10)

:yes: EP01: Manly, Australia (2)
:toast EP02: Broken Hill, Australia (11)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 08:50:55 PM by woden »

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2010, 09:42:24 PM »

Offline woden

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2010, 11:36:55 PM »
Whew! Calling it a day for now. The Timeline is more or less updated through the first half of our TBC leg. I'm sure there are errors, misconceptions, and info left out. Will revisit soon!

Offline Neobie

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2010, 12:12:06 AM »
Thanks Woden! Here's the live play-by-play. The Maps Thread has also been (and will continue to be) updated, so check it out!

QF 12 to Sydney (via Honolulu), 2226-0959 (scheduled 2225-0800), eight teams
QF 108 to Sydney, 2348-0956 (scheduled 2350-0925), three teams

Sydney Time (11h ahead of GMT)
9.56am: QF 108 with three teams arrives at Kingston Intl Airport.
9.59am: QF 12 with eight teams arrives at Kingston Intl Airport.
10.19am, Peach: LK/J leave Kingston Intl Airport.
10.30am, Peach: G/M in Kingston Intl Airport.
10.59am, TV Tonight: Teams on tall ship outside Waterfront Restaurant.
10.59am, Peach: Teams at The Rocks, leaving by public transport.
11.02am, TV Tonight: Teams at Circular Quay.
11.13am, BayBay: Teams at Circular Quay, towards Lavender Bay.
11.19am, BayBay: Crew at Kingston Intl Airport.
11.23am, TV Tonight: H/N at The Rocks.
11.30am, TV Tonight: G/M and other teams board ferry.
11.30am, Dhall: Z/J, M/L, Ja/Ca, K/V, M/M, R/C at Circular Quay.
11.30am, FaithAnne: M/L, Ja/Ca and other teams at Circular Quay.
11.40am, BayBay: Teams at Circular Quay, towards ferry.
11.52am, Facebook: Teams at Circular Quay.
11.57am, Facebook: Teams on ferry towards Manly.
12.00pm, TV Tonight: G/M and other teams at Manly.
12.13pm, Facebook: Teams at Manly.
12.27pm, TV Tonight: Teams on ferry towards Manly.
12.34pm, Peach: Teams at Oceanworld.
12.45pm, Facebook: Teams at Manly Beach.
12.49pm, Twitter: Filming at Oceanworld.
12.55pm, Peach: G/M in the lead.
1.02pm, Peach: M/M and other teams at Manly. (Fixed, thanks Coutzy!)
1.49pm, Peach: M/L, Ja/Ca, H/N leave Oceanworld, towards Manly Yacht Club.
1.57pm, Peach: M/M, R/C leave Oceanworld.
1.57pm, Peach: Sailing task at Manly Yacht Club.
2.00pm, Peach: Je/Co at Roadblock at Manly Yacht Club.
2.16pm, Chateau: A/K towards Shelley Beach.
2.31pm, Peach: LK/J check in at Shelley Beach.
2.38pm, Peach: A/K, G/M, Z/J check in at Shelley Beach.
2.59pm, Peach: H/N check in at Shelley Beach.
3.03pm, Peach: Ja/Ca check in at Shelley Beach.
3.09pm, Peach: M/L check in at Shelley Beach.
3.14pm, Peach: R/C, M/M check in at Shelley Beach.
3.52pm, Peach: K/V check in at Shelley Beach.

No times
TV Tonight: Teams on tall ship outside Waterfront Restaurant.
Peach: G/M, K/J, A/K on first ferry to Manly.
Peach: H/N, M/L, Ja/Ca, K/V, Z/J on second ferry to Manly.
Peach: Je/Co on third ferry ot Manly.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 01:08:57 AM by Neobie »

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2010, 12:19:38 AM »
You both are AMAZING!!!
RFF's Golden Rule:
Have RESPECT for each other, regardless of opinion. This of course includes no flaming/insulting other users and/or their posts.

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2010, 06:59:23 AM »


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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2010, 07:01:25 AM »
Nope.  The teams hit a TBC point . . . right on the first leg!

Offline Coutzy

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2010, 08:10:16 AM »
TIMING: Amanda/Kris en route (approximately 2:15pm), Jen/Kisha arrive 2:31pm but turn back (Source 1), (Source 2), Zev/Justin arrive 2:38pm (Amanda/Kris, Gary/Mallory, and Jen/Kisha checked in by this point) (Source), Flight Time/Big Easy arrive 2:59pm (Source), Jaime/Cara arrive 3:03pm (Source), Margie/Luke arrive 3:09pm (Source), Ron/Christina arrive 3:14pm with Mel/Mike close behind (Source), Kynt/Vyxsin arrive 3:32pm (Source)

Hopefully, I can clear this up a little.  :angel

1- Gary and Mallory
2- Amanda and Kris
3- Kisha and Jen
4- Zev and Justin
5- FT and BE
6- Jamie and Cara
7- Margie and Luke
8- Ron and Chris
9- Mel and Mike
10- Kynt and Vyxsin
11- Jet and Cord (Time unknown)

Evidence and explanations will follow, in time. Just have faith... :angel

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2010, 08:12:06 AM »
TIMING: Amanda/Kris en route (approximately 2:15pm), Jen/Kisha arrive 2:31pm but turn back (Source 1), (Source 2), Zev/Justin arrive 2:38pm (Amanda/Kris, Gary/Mallory, and Jen/Kisha checked in by this point) (Source), Flight Time/Big Easy arrive 2:59pm (Source), Jaime/Cara arrive 3:03pm (Source), Margie/Luke arrive 3:09pm (Source), Ron/Christina arrive 3:14pm with Mel/Mike close behind (Source), Kynt/Vyxsin arrive 3:32pm (Source)

Hopefully, I can clear this up a little.  :angel

1- Gary and Mallory
2- Amanda and Kris
3- Kisha and Jen
4- Zev and Justin
5- FT and BE
6- Jamie and Cara
7- Margie and Luke
8- Ron and Chris
9- Mel and Mike
10- Kynt and Vyxsin
11- Jet and Cord (Time unknown)

Evidence and explanations will follow, in time. Just have faith... :angel

Was an express pass given out? Did you catch where they were instructed to go next? Great work btw!
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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2010, 08:29:48 AM »
Okay, everybody. Please, hold your applause till the end, we have a lot to get through here:

On flight QF108- Kisha and Jen first out of customs, followed by Amanda and Kris and Gary and Mallory

The three teams took a train to Sydney Cove (Circular Quay station), to retrieve a clue by the base of the Harbour Bridge:

On the train, Mallory said: "One of us could win the Express Pass"

The three leading teams took the 11:07 Fast Ferry to Manly (It was late, departed at about 11:15-11:20 ish.)

11:52- G/M, K/J, A/K arrive at Oceanworld Manly and go inside. The :angel stops to get something to eat, and waits.

12:38- A ferry arrives at Manly, the following teams run past :angel
-Flight Time and Big Easy (Herb and Nate)
-Margie (Being dragged by Luke)
-Jamie and Cara
-Kynt and Vyxsin
-Zev and Justin (wearing globetrotter shirts)

12:44- Mel and Mike and Ron and Christina run past.

12:55- Gary and Mallory are first team to leave Oceanworld, headed for Manly Yacht Club. :angel does not follow.

13:00- Another ferry docks at manly

13:03- Jet and Cord arrive at Oceanworld, currently in last place.

13:14- A/K and K/J exit Oceanworld together

13:25- Z/J leave Oceanworld and get in a taxi

13:40- M/L, Ja/Ca, FT/BE leave Oceanworld

13:45- M/L and Ja/Ca return to Oceanworld, they are lost. (:angel is slightly ticked that Ja/Ca were happy to run off on the others, until they realised they needed their help.)

13:54- Jet and Cord leave Oceanworld. :angel was busy in kiosk asking about teams and may have missed some teams

14:09- @ Yacht club. Teams are performing a sailing task. Teams are very scattered and :angel only catches small glimpses of several. Notably, Kisha and Jen pass Margie and Luke coming the other way, Kisha and Jen say "Good luck" and teams high five each other in a show of support.

14:23- Gary and Mallory sighted (Later learned they were coming back from Cabbage Tree Bay and phony Pit Stop)

~14:15-14:20? Gary and Mallory told to continue racing.

14:26- Amanda and Kris told to continue racing.

14:31- Kisha and Jen told to continue racing.

14:38- Zev and Justin told to continue racing.

14:59- Flight Time and Big Easy told to continue racing.

15:03- Jamie and Cara told to continue racing.

15:09- Margie and Luke told to continue racing.

15:14- Ronald and Christina told to continue racing.

15:15 (assumed)- Mel and Mike told to continue racing.

15:32- Kynt and Vyxsin (Who came in from the wrong direction) told to continue racing. (:angel suffers a bout of "OHMYGO****SKYNTANDVYXSIN" and follows them. :angel learns teams are taking a ferry back to Sydney. Vyxsin looking in bad shape at this point, can hardly stand up. :angel asks if she's ok and if she needs any help. Vyxsin says she'll be ok, thank you.)

Unknown time: Jet and Cord told to continue racing.

16:39- (On ferry back to Sydney) Kynt: "When we get to the outback we'll be driving, not running."

Roughly 18:15- Teams sighted waiting at town hall square.

18:30- :angel goes back to the airport to fly home.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 08:40:40 AM by Coutzy »

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2010, 08:38:06 AM »
Coutzy quite honestly, it doesn't get much better than that. Most excellent work by the Australian ambassador!  :hearts:

TPTB will shudder to ever set foot on your territory again!

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2010, 08:38:57 AM »
Coutzy quite honestly, it doesn't get much better than that. Most excellent work by the Australian ambassador!  :hearts:

TPTB will shudder to ever set foot on your territory again!

Just the tip of the iceberg.

Now imagine if they came to Melbourne like I've been asking them to...

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2010, 08:58:22 AM »
Thanks Coutzy, BayBay, Dhall and all of the so many others who made this an incredible premiere spoiler leg!

Now just to confirm, there was no clue to Lavender Bay or Pyrmont Bridge?

Jet/Cord probably fell behind when they missed the fast ferry by less than ten minutes, or when they assumed there wasn't one.
Gary/Mallory and Ronald/Christina probably fell behind when they mistakenly went to Pyrmont Bridge in search of "To Sail, To Stop".

22 Nov
22 Nov
First leg
Broken Hill
23 Nov
23 Nov
Short leg

QF 108 to Sydney, 2348-0956 (scheduled 2350-0925)
LaKisha/Jennifer, Amanda/Kris, Gary/Mallory
QF 12 to Sydney (via Honolulu), 2226-0959 (scheduled 2225-0800)
Herbert/Nathaniel, Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara, Kynt/Vyxsin, Zev/Justin, Mel/Mike, Ronald/Christina, Jet/Cord

Airport Link to Circular Quay, 1009-1030, 1018-1039, or 1033-1054
LaKisha/Jennifer, Amanda/Kris, Gary/Mallory
Airport Link to Circular Quay, 1033-1054, 1039-1100, or 1048-1109
Airport Link to Circular Quay, 1048-1109, 1103-1124, or 1109-1130
Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara, Kynt/Vyxsin, Zev/Justin, Mel/Mike, Ronald/Christina
Airport Link to Circular Quay, 1048-1109, 1103-1124, 1109-1130, 1117-1138, 1132-1154, 1139-1200, or 1147-1208

Manly Fast Ferry to Manly, 1120-1152 (scheduled 1120-1140)
LaKisha/Jennifer, Amanda/Kris, Gary/Mallory
Manly Fast Ferry to Manly, arriving 1238 (scheduled 1220-1240)
Herbert/Nathaniel, Margie/Luke, Jaime/Cara, Kynt/Vyxsin, Zev/Justin, Mel/Mike, Ronald/Christina
Sydney Ferries to Manly, arriving 1300 (scheduled 1230-1300)

Sydney Ferries to Circular Quay, 1415-1445, 1445-1515, 1515-1545, 1545-1615, 1615-1645 (K/V), 1645-1715, 1715-1745, 1745-1815
Manly Fast Ferry to Circular Quay, 1450-1510, 1550-1610, 1645-1702, 1710-1727, 1735-1752

ZL 9578 to Broken Hill, 0605-0755
LaKisha/Jennifer, Mel/Mike, Jaime/Cara, Margie/Luke, Zev/Justin, Kynt/Vyxsin
ZL 9596 to Broken Hill, 0630-0820
Herbert/Nathaniel, Ronald/Christina, Gary/Mallory, Amanda/Kris, Jet/Cord
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 12:32:16 PM by Neobie »

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2010, 01:52:25 PM »
Let me know if you see something amiss with the timeline. That was quite a bit to process! Thanks!  :waves:

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2010, 02:41:36 PM »
:thankyou: It has been an incredible 24 hours!!
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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2010, 02:45:22 PM »
Great job Coutzy! You did amazing!!

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2010, 06:00:45 PM »
I'm not sure what the conditions are for getting teams on the same flight to Tokyo:
QF 21 from Sydney to Tokyo, 2205-0615

But that should be easy as long as teams miss this flight:
CX 100 from Sydney to Hong Kong, 1540-2200
CX 524 to Tokyo, 0105-0600

Given teams make it into Sydney by 10.30am and have plenty of time (if in race mode) to make the Hong Kong flight, if Tokyo does turn out to be the next destination the evidence leans strongly towards DrRox's proposal of a roving Pit Stop, with teams held in Sydney until after 3pm.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 06:11:35 PM by Neobie »

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2010, 08:43:47 PM »
Compilation of tweets and updates for the third one-hour leg, in Sydney.

Sydney Time (11h ahead of GMT)
10.30am, Kade: All teams arrive at Sydney Central.
12.00pm, Lance: Z/J check out.
12.10pm, Lance: H/N check out.
12.11pm, Lance: Je/Co check out.
12.12pm, Lance: M/L check out, head to travel agent.
12.13pm, Lance: LK/J check out.
12.19pm, iPhone: Racers at Sydney Central, buying tickets to the airport.
12.25pm, Lance: R/C check out, after (in order) M/M, K/V, Ja/Ca, and G/M.
12.38pm, inference: LK/J board train to airport.
12.46pm, Facebook: K/V and another team at Sydney Central.
12.49pm, iPhone: LK/J at airport.
1.01pm, iPhone: LK/J at Qantas counter, in airport.
1.02pm, iPhone: M/M on George/Quay Sts.
1.02pm, iPhone: Team books flight.
1.02pm, Mobile Web: Team at airport.
1.03pm, Facebook: "Twins" on train.
1.14pm, Kade: M/L and M/M at Sydney Central.
1.22pm, Mobile Web: Ja/Ca on train.
1.23pm, Mobile Web: Team on train.
1.40pm, Posterous: K/V board taxi.
1.40pm, Blackberry: M/L and M/M at George/Quay Sts.
1.57pm, iPhone: G/M at Qantas counter.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 09:42:30 AM by Neobie »

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2010, 11:11:51 PM »
Flight options Sydney to Tokyo, direct and via HK

Arrival Status Details  CP flight from Sydney
Airport:    (HKG) Hong Kong International Airport
City:    Hong Kong, HK 
Scheduled:    10:00 PM - Wed Nov 24, 2010 
Estimated:    9:42 PM - Wed Nov 24, 2010 
Terminal:    2

Arr Tokyo
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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2010, 01:05:10 AM »
1.02pm, Peach: Teams at School of Rock in Manly.

I feel I may have been misleading when I texted that to Peach. I meant that I had seen teams in front of "School of Rock" aka- Mel and Mike.

The team, not the place. Sorry everyone.

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2010, 01:09:44 AM »
Ohhhhhh...    :doh:

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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2010, 10:49:39 PM »
im kinda new
Go Sam & Renae ,  Tyler & Nathan, Alana & Mel, and Jeff & Luke!♥

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« Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 09:37:23 AM by the-pr0phet »
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Re: The Amazing Race 18 TIMELINE/Spoiler Summary Thread
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2010, 01:26:29 PM »
Been doing a bit of traveling myself, but I believe the Timeline is up to date now. Back to TAR17...  :lol: