Hi, I'm long time active reader only in this forum..
Really amazed with your forum make me hooked!!
just wanna help to translate the sentence from the twitter.. It's in Bahasa Indonesia.. (And from the name, I bet He's also Indonesian :p)
The sentence meant: "This is so dumb.. The racer of Amazing Race said " Tokyo is a Country in Europe" Hahaha.. So Dumb!! :p
So can confirm that they're racing in Tokyo..
hey guys! I'd found this tweet from twitter by the name of hilmansiwabessy and this is related to TAR 18! And yes, they're racing in Tokyo, Japan already after Australia and I also need a translation on what she'd said and I think she speak Malay or Indonesian, and this is what she'd said:
Ini tolol banget deh peserta Amazing Race, masa dibilang 'Tokyo is a country in europe' hahaha tolski.
hey, who'll do you think gonna said that? I think that will be the title episode of TAR 18 for the Tokyo leg!