1, First plane in about 8ish am Broken Hill they did not seem in to much of a rush! LOL I thought they would be running around like lonnies!
2, Getting info from the Maps ( tihs was after everyone ran to the toilet)
3, Mal and Mike talking about where they are and what they need to do..
4, just after getting food and info from the Cafe
5, they had to check the bags so they needed to wait for the bags to come off the plane! This is prob the fastest I saw the first group move!
6, Runing for the cars at the airport!
7, This is the second group and moved a lot faster to get maps etc! Helped Mallory and Christina find the toilet!
8, second group waiting for bags
9,The cowboys runngind the wrong way for the cars you can see them the cars in the background
10, the Globe trotters who drove away then drove back to the airport and they almost got in the wrong side of the car!!!!!