Did a little more digging and I'm feeling doubtful it was actually Gretchen who said this line...
When the episode title quotes were first added to the Wikipedia page, "They Saved the Eyeball" was left blank since it wasn't said in the episode. A registered user called 'UWAFanatic05' then filled in the blank with PATRICK's name (Which makes sense, as I mentioned before, since Patrick got an injury in the episode close to his eye).
But then 10 days later, an unregistered user (AKA a 'guest') changed the page to say it was a quote from Gretchen instead of Patrick. This edit is the
ONLY one this IP address has ever made to Wikipedia. As far as I can tell, it's stayed listed as Gretchen ever since.
I'm leaning towards Patrick actually being the quoted, but unfortunately we might never be able to tell...
Likewise, the attribution of the S5 quote to Brandon was done by an unregistered guest, though at least this person had more than one edit to their name.