Background: I messaged Peach a couple of days ago about discovering a legitimate site that broadcasts complimentary TAR episodes and I had heard back that there hasn't been a thread in recent memory providing information on where we can watch un-pirated versions of the show. I thought I'd get the ball rolling by compiling a standard list of our resources for the U.S. version of the show. Feel free to share
verifiably legal sites showing international versions as well like the Australian, Canadian, Asian, Ukrainian, Chinese, HaMerotz LaMillion, etc.
Compliments of the house:Pluto TV - the one I am late to the party about
Cost: Complimentary
Style: Live streaming
Seasons: Presumably all played in chronological order, cannot rewind or "Fast Forward" as of 12/24: Currently airing rotations of seasons 13-20, 1-7 believed to have been archived in their order.
Subscriptions:Amazon Prime Video
Cost: 1) $12.99/month for regular Prime membership, $8.99/month for Prime Video
2) $6.49/month for Prime Student
3) $5.99/month for Prime for U.S. EBT qualifiers for a max of four years,
all after a 30-day free trial period
Style: On-demand, and offers purchase-to-play
Seasons: All (30, 31, and 32 are purchase-to-play for $19.99 per season)Update 12/24/2021: Will not be available the Amazon platform beginning January 1, 2022.
HuluCost: $6.99/month with ads, $12.99 without ads, both after a 30-day free trial period
Style: On-demand
1 to 31 (can access latest season on CBS main website with Hulu login)Update 12/24/2021: 30 and 31 will add on January 7.
Update 1/16/2022: Many seasons have been removed from the site. Only ones available are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31.
Disney+ CanadaCost: $11.99/month
Style: On-demand
Seasons: 1-25 only
Paramount+/CBS "All" AccessCost: $5/month after a 30-day free trial
Style: On-demand
32 onlyUpdate 1/7/2022: 33 replaced 32, platform only supports the most recently aired season.
One-Offs:iTunesCost: Ranges from $9.99 to $19.99 to purchase individual seasons
Style: Purchase-to-play
AllUpdate as of 11/30: 1-12 not available on the platform.
Google PlayCost: Ranges from $14.99 to $19.99 to purchase individual seasons
Style: Purchase-to-play
Seasons: 25 to 32
Vudu/Fandango NOWCost: Ranges from $9.99 to $14.99 to purchase individual seasons
Style: Purchase-to-play
Seasons: 13 to 32
YouTube Official Show CatalogsCost: $19.99 to purchase individual seasons
Style: Purchase-to-play
Seasons: 25 to 32
*Monthly costs may differ from time to time and platforms may offer varied discounts not reflected on this posting.
**Costs are all calculated based on average or a within-range monthly subscription and/or per season.