Author Topic: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*  (Read 21871 times)

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #125 on: May 12, 2023, 11:26:11 PM »
full international route. I would love to see that instead of Toronto, Calgary and Ontario for a milestone season.

Legally this can't happen under Canadian content law.

Can you explain more please??

Basically, to receive government funding, a TV or movie production must feature a certain percentage of exclusively "Canadian" content. Which in short means a route entirely outside Canada is impossible unless they did it on their own dime.

This law really stifles creativity in a sense, but it protects Canadian productions from being too Americanized.

Thanks! I don't think I knew that!
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Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #126 on: May 13, 2023, 06:24:28 PM »
I don’t know why this specifically bothers me, but it bugs me how the route itself tends to criss cross. Why do provinces hold non-consecutive legs? Like, why not have three legs in Ontario (NOTL, Windsor, Toronto) and THEN go to Saguenay? I know it’s a very minor thing but it just irks me for some reason. Maybe it’s just me.

It's been a thing since TARCAN3 went from BC to AB then back to BC for its last three legs; it's no coincidence that the best routes/seasons avoid this trap, i.e. 1/2/4.

Offline Jjw26

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #127 on: May 14, 2023, 12:45:45 PM »
Both Tyler teams making the finale. At this point, you'd be making a mistake if you don't run the race with someone named Tyler.

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #128 on: May 14, 2023, 01:59:05 PM »
So today is the finale. They really have cut back to a 10 leg race  :groan:

Offline Jjw26

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #129 on: May 14, 2023, 02:01:40 PM »
So today is the finale. They really have cut back to a 10 leg race  :groan:
I don't think we can say for certain it's only 10 legs. We could've missed a leg anywhere or there could've been another KOR leg that ran all in one day that we missed. A lot of possibilities. I don't think we'll know for certain if it's 10 or 11 until it airs.

Offline Leafsfan.

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #130 on: May 14, 2023, 02:07:09 PM »
The only real gap is in between ~ Leg 3-4. Is it possible we missed a fifth BC leg?  :duno:

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #131 on: May 14, 2023, 04:38:42 PM »
Dance,rhythm task in the finale reminds...  :clap2: :)x The boys WILL struggle .Nice  dance show in kilts

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #132 on: May 14, 2023, 04:39:39 PM »
Both Tyler teams making the finale. At this point, you'd be making a mistake if you don't run the race with someone named Tyler.
Exactly 💯

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #133 on: May 14, 2023, 05:19:04 PM »
Both Tyler teams making the finale. At this point, you'd be making a mistake if you don't run the race with someone named Tyler.

"Tyler" seems to be the luckiest name in TAR, and that has now extended to Canada.

Offline gamerfan09

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #134 on: May 14, 2023, 05:44:48 PM »
Considering how both are still in and the name's track record in TARUS history, it was about time for TAR Canada to get a winner named Tyler eh?  :lol:

Assuming the Windsor leg eliminated our 6th placer, there's a decent chance both of them make the Final 3 at this rate.

Very strong chance one of them won as well since that crossword may be the final memory task, called it  :funny:

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #135 on: May 14, 2023, 07:24:53 PM »
I'm happy to see Tyler Smith in the finale! Even if I don't watch this season, I'll be rooting for them. To lose so many of his friends at once then go through physical rehabilitation, I can't imagine how the tough the last 5 years have been for him.

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #136 on: May 15, 2023, 12:00:16 AM »
The season  started on a musical  note and ended on musical  note  :conf:

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #137 on: May 15, 2023, 12:04:40 AM »
I'm happy to see Tyler Smith in the finale! Even if I don't watch this season, I'll be rooting for them. To lose so many of his friends at once then go through physical rehabilitation, I can't imagine how the tough the last 5 years have been for him.
It would mean that the last 2 winners have had a sob story unlike the last 2 winners of usa.. I have no problem  with it but there is a section of fans who feel that they can't do tar coz they have no sob stories

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #138 on: May 15, 2023, 06:16:19 PM »
Ahhhhh a finale in the Maritimes! Now we're talking! Finally, TAR Canada has delivered something noteworthy about this season!  :funny: :lol:

I'm happy to see Tyler Smith in the finale! Even if I don't watch this season, I'll be rooting for them. To lose so many of his friends at once then go through physical rehabilitation, I can't imagine how the tough the last 5 years have been for him.
I agree with this 100%. When the Humboldt Broncos crash occurred, I was an amateur sportsman myself (albeit in a different sport), so the crash hit me hard. This tragedy could of happened to anyone. Go Tyler!

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #139 on: May 16, 2023, 01:47:52 PM »
It's tragicomic that Race Across the World did a better job showcasing the Great White North than even TARCAN9, but cheers anyhow to RAtW3.

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #140 on: May 16, 2023, 03:06:38 PM »
It's tragicomic that Race Across the World did a better job showcasing the Great White North than even TARCAN9, but cheers anyhow to RAtW3.

That's what I was saying to someone earlier. When a showcase of your own country gets shown up by a production from abroad, you've got a problem. RATW3 was fantastic.

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #141 on: May 22, 2023, 03:23:46 PM »
After a four-season streak of mediocrity in varying shades, the newest addition to the bottom-tier since TARCAN3 has arrived.

(Merci mon Dieu for Cathie and Tricia!)

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #142 on: May 22, 2023, 03:41:49 PM »
At least season 3 had a budget ;)

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #143 on: May 22, 2023, 03:59:43 PM »
Admittedly so, including actual episodes filmed abroad (it almost lends itself to a head-canon whereby Canada's Choice tanked their own game on purpose because they knew that Tokyo and Lima were outside the route's scope).

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #144 on: June 28, 2023, 11:23:54 PM »
Well, that episode 1 title just crushed our small hope in there being a phantom NEL 1st leg in Manitoba. Their budget really has gotten so paltry that they're back to 10 legs  :groan:

How I wish TAR35 was airing over the summer to give this poor excuse for an Amazing Race some competition for once, like 10 TAR Australia's battles against Married At First Sight and other ratings behemoths.

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #145 on: June 29, 2023, 08:05:29 AM »
Eh, it's a relief that both those wretched seasons won't share airtime during Summer 2023 because why double the torture?

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #146 on: June 29, 2023, 04:20:27 PM »
Optics. I'm fully prepared for TAR35 to be a terrible season as well, but next to this, it'll look like an Emmy winner.

Offline Jjw26

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #147 on: June 29, 2023, 05:07:29 PM »
Well, that episode 1 title just crushed our small hope in there being a phantom NEL 1st leg in Manitoba. Their budget really has gotten so paltry that they're back to 10 legs  :groan:

How I wish TAR35 was airing over the summer to give this poor excuse for an Amazing Race some competition for once, like 10 TAR Australia's battles against Married At First Sight and other ratings behemoths.
Have they confirmed anywhere that it's only 10 legs? I don't think we ever debunked a possible second Quebec leg...

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #148 on: June 29, 2023, 05:26:21 PM »
Possibly, but there wasn't much time for one unless it was a KOR. They've never done Quebec legs back-to-back before, and the routes have become so predictable it's hard to believe they'll change now.

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR Canada 9: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Here! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*
« Reply #149 on: July 01, 2023, 09:25:28 AM »
Optics. I'm fully prepared for TAR35 to be a terrible season as well, but next to this, it'll look like an Emmy winner.

Aye, Rihanna's homeland almost single-handedly did that since TAR: Latin America already covered the DR.