Congrats Erika

So many complains from viewers because Xander didn't win, mostly because he is people's sweetheart (like Joe, Malcolm, Spencer) and they think the jury were bitter. I think Xander has no one to blame but himself. First, he takes Erika to the final 3 and the most important thing is his answers at the final tribal. Erika did a great job with her speech, convinced the jury why she deserve to win. Xander failed to impress the jury with his answers, even took a long time to understand Liana's question.
I knew Erika won right after the final tribal, but i was surprised Xander got ZERO vote. I expected at least he got 2 votes from his closest ally (Evvie & Tiffany). I also confused with Danny, he praised Erika's game a lot but he vote for Deshawn lol...