Author Topic: TAR13 Episode Timeline, Route, Schedule  (Read 94227 times)

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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2008, 09:53:48 PM » might be easy to mistake a fish basket for a pig basket? they look a lot alike?

So our team in the water...

Are they retrieving a fish basket? Have to get so many of the little suckers? :lol:

Oh my...I'm having season 10 flashbacks where we had darn fish everywhere! :lol3: I don't think we ever did find the Tanzanian ones after they cancelled that pitstop...

And the blue trucks? I've been thinking they were on them after the boats but before Angkor Wat...

But suppose it is the other way around? Suppose the trucks are taking them to Tonle Sap for the water task...and maybe they come back to Sien Reap on the nice boats?? And is this getting to be a lot to do in one day? ???
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Offline Neobie

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #51 on: June 15, 2008, 02:10:36 AM »
Thanks to GeorgiaPeach, we now confirm that Chateau and Apskip were correct! :jam:

Map fixed (and moved downthread)!
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 03:12:19 AM by Neobie »

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #52 on: June 15, 2008, 11:31:11 PM »
Wow good now our facts are straight, the south am
Thanks to GeorgiaPeach, we now confirm that Chateau and Apskip were correct! :jam:

Map fixed!

That solves it then, the south american part of the map looks correct now!!!.

Leg 1: Los Angeles, California ^^^^^ Sao Paulo, Brazil

Leg 2: Sao Paulo, Brazil ^^^^^ Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Leg 3: Salvador de Bahia, Brazil ^^^^^ Fortaleza, Brazil

Leg 4: Fortaleza, Brazil ^^^^^ La Paz and Santa Cruz (Pitstop), Bolivia

( One leg in these four is a Non Elimination Leg)

Leg 5: Santa Cruz, Bolivia ^^^^^ Auckland, New Zealand (1 Hour from my home :pull)

Leg 6: Auckland, New Zealand ^^^^^ Siem Reap Town, Cambodia

Leg 7: Siem Reap Town, Cambodia ^^^^^ Dehli, India

Leg 8: Dehli, India ^^^^^ Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Leg 9: Dubai, United Arab Emirates ^^^^^ ...................... (I believe this is Kazachstan)

Leg 10: ...................... (I believe this is Kazachstan) ^^^^^ Moscow, Russia

Leg 11: Moscow, Russia ^^^^^ Frankfurt, Germany ^^^^^ Portland, Oregon

This excludes flight connections (layovers) and so on!!

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Offline puddin

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #53 on: June 16, 2008, 12:13:06 AM »
Kiwi, just so that you know..

3 legs in SA

Fortaleza = speculation
Kazakhstan = speculation

AHA! Remember 1311?

Matt flies to Auckland next, which from here is 1304. So I guess there are three legs in South America.

(Fred and Brent go to cover 1303, which means Bolivia.)

Cambodia would be Leg 5, and Leg 6 India, or maybe Cambodia Part II. Wow!

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #54 on: June 16, 2008, 12:58:21 AM »
sorry puddin, I know Kazachstan is spec but I believe it is...only three wow ok so maybe Cambodia Part 11 is a possability
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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #55 on: June 16, 2008, 05:28:24 AM »
Kiwi, I don't think we have any evidence for Santa Cruz being anything but a transit point for Phil yet...but can't rule it out either!

I actually woke up with some dates bothering me, so maybe y'all can help??

April 23 --what happened on that day? Where are our guys and what are they doing? Why do we not see them till elevator on 4/24? Are they sleeping outside somewhere that night?

April 29-30--okay, bear with me here and then set me straight...

Chateau figured it out long before we had confirmation from the blogger that the teams were actually seen in La Paz on the 28th...making the pitstop that night (28).

We see Phil (passing thru?) Santa Cruz on the 29th. We know he likes to stay a jump ahead of the teams.

We see teams arriving in Santiago airport tired and dirty on the 30th, prior to the flight to Auckland.

We can assume that production needs to be absolutely sure that teams do NOT miss that flight to Auckland, or things really will go haywire. So we can guess that they might want them in or very nearby Santiago in plenty of time to be sure they can not miss the no tight connections into Santiago--instead, have them already there.

So if that is true, looks like the choices would be:

An extended pitstop in La Paz, with leisurely travel to Santiago on the 30th to catch that flight. So if this is the case, wouldn't teams be arriving clean and rested, fresh off their extended pitstop w/ loads of time to bathe and do laundry? ??? And arr late that day could mean a possibility of missing the Auckland flight if they get held up along the way...

OR...could we possibly squeeze in an actual leg or nearby Santiago??

Pitstop night of 4/28 La Paz
Travel to Santiago 4/29 (Phil a little ahead of the teams on the morning of 4/29 going via Santa Cruz)
Arrival later (when??) in Santiago...
(apskip has told us HERE that:
So, it takes much of  the day to get to Santiago and the plane arrives at 1725 if from either LaPaz or Santa Cruz. This dictates that the arrival day in SCL has to be Tuesday April 29(alowing a REST DAY) or Wed. April 30 to connect with LAN 801 at 2245 on 4/30.

(But how to fit in a pitstop? Is there time? We have maybe 24 hours here from when teams could arr Santiago 1725 4/29 to when teams are back at Santiago airport 4/30...Possible? Or could we see the return of the "keep on racing" here?)
Tasks on 4/30 making them tired and dirty...
Arrival 5 ish to Santiago airport 4/30 ....and a long flight to Auckland giving them time to rest up a little.

I'm also looking for 11 legs and keep coming up short...But this would help:

Leg 1 LA to Salvador
Leg 2 somewhere in SA
Leg 3 La Paz
Leg 4 Santiago area
Leg 5 North Island, NZ
Leg 6 Siem Reap, Cambodia
Leg 7 Delhi, India
Leg 8 unknown
Leg 9 unknown
Leg 10 Moscow
Leg 11 race to Portland finale

Leg 8 unknown
Leg 9 Moscow
Leg 10 unknown
Leg 11 race to Portland finale

Anyway, this is all "woke up from a sound sleep" thinking about this thinking...

So what do y'all think?

Could we squeeze in one more SA leg...or not?  ???

« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 05:54:51 AM by georgiapeach »
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Offline apskip

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #56 on: June 16, 2008, 09:29:55 AM »

Earliest arrival if on April 29 would be at 1725 and the flight out to Auckland leaves Santiago at 2245 on April 30. There would be time for a TBC in Santiago, but not a full pitstop. There is no reasonable way teams could finish tasks within hours after arrival. It is possible that a task schedule for Santiago was very quick and compact, but I doubt it. The REST DAY hypothesis is still the most likely, although that begs the question of why the teams were dirty.

Offline puddin

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #57 on: June 16, 2008, 10:11:46 AM »
There is room for another leg in Siem Reap if we can put the teams at Bayon on May 5th then the sighting of the teams in Siem Reap - Angkor International Airport on May 6th.

Yet another blog:
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Just to catch up....
So I just got back into Thailand from Cambodia.... which is why i haven't posted in a while. Ends up that Cambodia is not a telecommunications mecca. Anyways, everything has kinda been a whirlwind. Covered 3 countries in 2 weeks and it kinda feels like we are on "The Amazing Race".... and i mean literally. Yesterday we were in Angkor Wat (more of that story later... it is AMAZING... you should look up pictures... seriously a Wonder of the Ancient world--- i thought better than the stuff i saw in Rome) The Amazing Race was filming at Angkor the same day we were there. AND THEN... we end up at the airport to fly to Bangkok from Cambodia... and who was on our airplane.... thats right.... 3 teams competing on the next season of the Amazing Race. We are sitting there and then all the sudden all these camera and sound guys are filming everything. And the producer guy was sitting in the seat right behind me and vida. CRAZY!! So now we consider ourselves official unofficial cast members. And before all this started I was telling vida that i thought it felt like we were on the amazing race.

and yet another blog
more Siem Reap
We didn't manage to take a picture of it but i think we ran into a couple doing the Amazing Race here. We'll have to check out the next season but the couple was being followed by a camera man and they had to find a specific face in the ruins. I did my best to make a cameo between this and Bollywood I am really getting my face out there.

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #58 on: June 16, 2008, 03:03:41 PM »
Sorry can I get this straight are the teams in Sao Paolo for half a leg and the pitstop is in Salvador or what... I read peach's post and it said

Leg 1 L.A to Salvador, Brazil??
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Offline Chateau d If

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #59 on: June 16, 2008, 03:17:27 PM »
I'm thinking it could be like, for example,  the first leg of TAR7 when they flew to Lima, Peru, spent the night on the beach, and flew to Cuzco, Peru for the rest of the leg.  They had to find their departure times in sand piles at the beach.  Early/lucky teams got the best departure times.  And they did not wait until sunrise to get going.  We have the pinks coming into Salvador at 12:30 pm on Gol Transportes Aereos flight #1600 via a connection in Rio.  They did not get the best departure tag.  :lol:

Offline puddin

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #60 on: June 16, 2008, 05:31:18 PM »
I want to play with the fish  :sucks

I finally found a team in the album. It's the mother and son team!

Could it be a roadblock? It seems he's going to retrieve a net which contains the fish

Looks like another dried fish task in the works ???  :lol:

From the shots in the floating village on Tonle Sap

We know the Roadblock is at Angkor sooooooo we know the Mom/Son are doing a detour

I think this is the task being set up hired locals , they are bringing the net baskets and wooden boats, the fish are in the pens and this is where they have to retrieve them? also we see Phil being filmed near the fish pens.
We see the Mom/Son team returning? a basket/net to the one boat. But we hear from the one witness that the African American team was loading baskets into the back of  one of the blue trucks that we see.  And where do the 7 boats with flags come in?


Back to playing with the fish

Hes wet as in wading in Tonle Sap Lake wet ..

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #61 on: June 22, 2008, 02:38:05 AM »

So thanks to Puddin, Rob and Nivaldo, we have our lost SA leg in Fortaleza!!

But....filming 4/25? When they are doing the Elevator task in Salvador on the 24th? How can this work?

How can we get them to and from there please? Does this then also make Forteleza an extended Pitstop?? (Leg 2 Netherlands was an extended one last season...)

Can someone please spell out for me when they have to leave to get to La Paz by the 28th? And how they get there from Salvador so fast?

And re Portugal:

Hmmmm....In AllStars when the first legs were all in SA...wasn't the sequester NOT in Portugal for the first few teams? Are we all convinced that the first teams DO go to Portugal this time??

I totally agree with the need for a minder to take the elim'd teams there. and know this is the most likely scenario..but just don't want to overlook any faint possibility that Portugal does not = sequester...
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Offline Neobie

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #62 on: June 22, 2008, 03:11:35 AM »
Gol has a flight from Salvador to Fortaleza at 6.45am (arriving 9.40am), so if Leg One ends by sunset on the 24th teams should still be able to make it on time...

(They'd better make this one though, the next one is TAM arriving three and a half hours later!)

Let's say Fortaleza's a regular Pit Stop, and teams depart at 2am on the 26th. Using the entire day to get to Sao Paulo if they need to (many many flights a day), they'd still be able to catch Aerosur to La Paz (connecting through Santa Cruz), departing at 4pm and arriving 8pm that same night. Which leaves the 27th blank... so...

I'd agree with GeorgiaPeach, Fortaleza's probably an extended Pit Stop!

(I'd upgrade Fortaleza to confirmed then?)

Map moved downthread!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 04:27:14 PM by Neobie »

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #63 on: June 22, 2008, 10:02:06 AM »
Thanks Neobie! :dancer:
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Offline apskip

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #64 on: June 22, 2008, 01:44:19 PM »
Peach said
But....filming 4/25? When they are doing the Elevator task in Salvador on the 24th? How can this work?

How can we get them to and from there please? Does this then also make Forteleza an extended Pitstop?? (Leg 2 Netherlands was an extended one last season...)

Can someone please spell out for me when they have to leave to get to La Paz by the 28th? And how they get there from Salvador so fast?

Let's take thesee one at a time. I have always had a problem with teams not reaching Salvador mid-afternoon on April 23. It appears that maybe they did. They start tasks late afternoon on the 23rd and continue with the elevator task on the morning of April 24. They they start a pitsotp in the early afternoon and get released from it early morning April 25. They take the following flights:

Quote by apskip, post #146 in Timelines thread, 6/09/08, with a few minor additions
Here is what could have happened beteen Salvador and Bolivia:

April 25 Salvador to Forteleza
flight possibiities SSA to FOR include:
GOL1642 0645 0940
GOL1260 1100 1350
TAM8003 1130 1310
TAM3366 0230 0415
TAM3894 1900 2210
SSA REC TAM3152 2150 2300 connecting with REC FOR TAM3158 2340 0055
GOL1830 1700 1940
GOL1804 2250 2355
April 26
tasks and pitstop in Fortaleza

April 27 Fortaleza to Bolivia via Sao Paulo

GOL1402 0605 0950
GOL1773 1150 1530
TAM 3301 1715 2015
TAM 3302 1330 1830
TAM 3717 1410 1745
GOL1789 1440 1810
GOL1849 2000 2330

I add these flights to get from GRU to VVI:
TAM Mercosur 707 GRU ASU 1530 1710, connecting  in ASU with TAM Mercosur 705 GRU ASU 1830 2010

and these to get from GRU to LPB(which is what teams probably did):
TACA130 GRU LIM 1755 2100 connecting in LIM with TACA35 LIM LPB 2155 0045
LANPeru780 GRU LIM 1530 1840 connecting in LIM with LANPeru 567 LIM LPB 0025 0305

So, that basically indicates that:
1. You can get from SSA to FOR on the morning of April 25.
2. A extended pitstop is possible but there should be a third pitstop before Bolivia. We have shed no light on that, although it could be a TBC that occurs in Santiago.
3. The way teams get from Fortaleza to Bolivia is an arduous set of flights that go first to Sao Paulo and then to either Asuncion or Lima before landing in Santa Cruz or in LaPaz. If there is an extended pitstop his can be done on the 27th if teams start early. Otherwise, the 26th if teams start early.
4. Could the extra leg be a second one in Bolivia if there eas no extendede pitstop in Fortaleza? Yes, it definitely could.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 05:28:59 PM by apskip »

Offline Neobie

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #65 on: June 22, 2008, 07:18:21 PM »
Thanks Apskip!

There seems to be a quicker flight connecting through Santa Cruz than TACA's 12.45am arrival; Aerosur flight combination 301/211 departs Sao Paulo at 4.00pm and arrives in La Paz at 8.30pm.

I think we should keep Salvador on April 24. The girls were seen at Rio that morning right? Unless... they're really that far behind...

I'm deducing from the whiteboard's "1304 = Auckland" that there are three legs in South America. So here's what I have:

Day One - April 22 (confirmed - sightings in Los Angeles & Chicago)
Depart morning from Los Angeles, half connect through Chicago
Arrive evening at Sao Paulo
Day Two - April 23
Spend the day in Sao Paulo, maybe racing for departure times on Day Three (as per usual)
Day Three - April 24 (confirmed - sightings in Rio de Janeiro)
Depart morning from Sao Paulo for Salvador
Salvador Pit Stop in the evening

Day Four - April 25 (confirmed - Nivaldo spoiler)
Depart Salvador in the morning for Fortaleza
Fortaleza Pit Stop in the afternoon
Day Five - April 26
Extended Pit Stop

Day Six - April 27
Depart early morning for La Paz, arriving at night
Day Seven - April 28 (confimed - sightings in La Paz)
Racing in La Paz

But what happens on April 29, for teams to arrive at night in Santiago on the 30th, tired and dirty? Phil's in Santa Cruz, but does this mean anything? A leg that goes from La Paz to Santa Cruz ending in a TBC, or something else completely?

Offline apskip

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #66 on: June 22, 2008, 07:43:51 PM »

I cannot accept as credible reports that teams float around both Sao Paolo and Rio De Janeiro without a pitstop. It makes no sense. I have to discount the sighting of arrival in Salvador on the mornign of April 24. It only makes sense if the leading teams arrive there on April 23 and come direct from Sao Paulo airport without stopping in Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, do some tasks until hitting an hours of operation constraint, and then finish with the repelling morning of April 24. Maybe some lagging teams have Amazing Race capacity constraints(i.e. artificial ones caused by limits set by World Race Production officials on teams for each rational flight) and don't arrive until the 24th.

The question of whether this is another South American TBC or pitstop in Bolivia or Santiago is still an open one. I am liking the "Santiago TBC" possibility more and more.

Offline Chateau d If

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #67 on: June 23, 2008, 05:34:58 PM »
Neobie, your summary looks solid to me.

We probably have to settle on one of the two extended pit stops (Fortaleza or La Paz).  I don't know which way to go on that.  There is a lot of spare time to play with.

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #68 on: June 23, 2008, 08:10:11 PM »
Thanks guys!

But I am still confused... :lol:!

I am thinking that apskip might be right about the sighting on the 24th because:

I reviewed the blog itself and you know what? The blog was posted on 4/26 but as far as I can tell we DO NOT actually have the date itself listed  in the sighting! Unless we can can find out which day had fog delays? I think we assumed the 24th but maybe we aren't right...

From newman 44 at this forum :
My friends have been living in Brazil for the last few months and this is an excerpt from her blog posted on April 26th:


For those of you who are unfamiliar with the reality TV show, The Amazing Race, it is a competition where people travel all over the world in a hectic rat race to come in first and win the big prize. I..m actually not all that familiar with the show myself but I..m pretty sure they were on my airplane.

This situation happened completely by chance. From Cordoba, we were to have a stop over in Porto Alegre another stop in Sao Paulo and then arrive in Salvador in the afternoon. Because of fog, the airport in Porto Alegre was closed, so we had to detour to Rio and from there, fly to Salvador, which was actually much more efficient and convenient.

At the airport in Rio, we noticed several film crews and people in teams of two, often wearing matching outfits. These two girls from Texas (according to their t-shirts anyway) were wearing matching black biker shorts, bright pink tank tops and a ton of make-up. I think the t-shirt was pretty accurate. Anyway, we noticed them being interviewed by the film crews, acting out dramatic situations and so-on. When it came time to board we talked to some of them and lent one of them our brazil book, although they didn..t give us many details about what they were doing. There was a delay in taking off and one team asked if they could move closer to the front. As soon as they did, all the other contestants tried to do the same. It was kind of annoying becuase I think it delayed our take-off even more. Anyway, at that point, we were pretty confident that if it wasn..t The Amazing Race, it was an amazing race of some sort.

I am trying to confirm the dates but this might take awhile...

Assuming we were wrong about the 24th--would this work?? Building on Neobie's:

Day One - April 22 (confirmed - sightings in Los Angeles & Chicago)
Depart morning from Los Angeles, half connect through Chicago
Travel via Sao Paulo (for some?)  (I also like the idea of looking for a departure time--something similar to the beach tasks we saw before in a previous season as Chateau suggested)
Day Two - April 23
Some Transit Rio en route to Salvador-- arr Salvadore >>Day 1 of Salvador tasks>> Hours of Ops??
Day Three - April 24
Salvador Elevator task>>Pitstop
Day Four - April 25 (confirmed - Nivaldo spoiler)
Depart Salvador in the morning for Fortaleza
Fortaleza Pit Stop in the afternoon
Day Five - April 26
Extended Pit Stop
Day Six - April 27
Depart early morning for La Paz, arriving at night
Day Seven - April 28 (confimed - sightings in La Paz)
Racing in La Paz>>Pitstop?

April 29 depart La Paz

But what happens on April 29, for teams to arrive at night in Santiago on the 30th, tired and dirty? Phil's in Santa Cruz, but does this mean anything? A leg that goes from La Paz to Santa Cruz ending in a TBC, or something else completely?

If leg 4 is Auckland...then we have no more legs in SA, right?

1=departure to Salvador
2=Salvador to Fortaleza
3=Fortaleza to La Paz

But as per my previous post upstream about this--I really think they need them safely in Santiago well before that flight to Auckland so as not to risk them messing up the remainder of the timeline.

Is there any way we can have them actually DO something in Santiago??  :lol:
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Offline puddin

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #69 on: June 23, 2008, 10:12:39 PM »
Check weather underground, it was foggy on the 24th & 26th but not the 25th, lol .........go figure.

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2008, 10:22:18 PM »
What about the 23rd?? Is there a way to find out which day those flights were cancelled??
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Offline Neobie

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #71 on: June 23, 2008, 11:14:50 PM »
Weather Underground lists the 23's weather as foggy from 2.35am to 4.00am, but the only non-stop flight going from Cordoba to Porto Alegre (that I could find), GOL 7469, touches down at 7.30am. Aerolineas Argentinas does a connection in Buenos Aires, but even then it arrives at 10.35am.

I'm not sure how airports operate with regard to fog. Do they turn away flights for much longer after bad weather has lifted? (GOL 7469 departs Cordoba at 5.35am, FWIW.)

Fog timings per Weather Underground
22nd: Nil
23rd: 2.35am to 4.00am
24th: 3.23am to 8.18am
25th: Nil
26th: 5.08am to 9.00am
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 11:19:41 PM by Neobie »

Offline Chateau d If

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #72 on: June 23, 2008, 11:45:19 PM »
Late again, I have to say the same thing as Neobie....   Weather Underground sorts it perfectly.  Here is the info for April 24th.  The flight the friends were on was Gol Transportes Aereos # 7469 from Cordoba COR to Porto Alegre POA.  It took off at 5:35 am and was scheduled to arrive at Porto Alegre at 7:30 am.  The weather info shows fog in Porto Alegre from 3:25 am to 8:18 am.  the other days don't have fog for that landing time.

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #73 on: June 24, 2008, 02:04:42 AM »
I'm not sure how airports operate with regard to fog. Do they turn away flights for much longer after bad weather has lifted? (GOL 7469 departs Cordoba at 5.35am, FWIW.)

The usual practice I believe is that if the flight is already in the air when the landing airport is officially closed, then they are returned to the original airport, or redirected to an alternative airport (depends on length of flight, and amount of fuel on board among other things). If the landing airport is closed before the flight is due to take off, the plane often remains grounded until the landing airport reopens. In the case of this flight, if it was on the 23rd, the Porto Alegre airport would most likely have been reopened well before the departure of the flight, so I doubt it would have caused delays, where as on the 24th, as Chateau said it very definately would have caused delays, as the original flight may not have been cleared for departure until at least 8:30ish, around 3 hours late

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Re: TAR13 timeline speculation
« Reply #74 on: June 24, 2008, 07:03:28 AM »
Peach said
But what happens on April 29, for teams to arrive at night in Santiago on the 30th, tired and dirty? Phil's in Santa Cruz, but does this mean anything? A leg that goes from La Paz to Santa Cruz ending in a TBC, or something else completely?

If leg 4 is Auckland...then we have no more legs in SA, right?

1=departure to Salvador
2=Salvador to Fortaleza
3=Fortaleza to La Paz

But as per my previous post upstream about this--I really think they need them safely in Santiago well before that flight to Auckland so as not to risk them messing up the remainder of the timeline.

Is there any way we can have them actually DO something in Santiago??  

Now, let's address these questions one by one:
1. As things stand now, it is likely there was a TBC somewhere in South America. It could have been Fortaleza, but more likely was in Santiago or Santa Cruz after a pitstop in LaPaz.

2. No more legs in South America? Possible but not likely.

3. Need for teams to be in Santiago in advance of the evening of April 30 - yes, absolutely.

4. Is there anything teams can do in Santiago? For startes they could visit a conference room in a building filled with actors so they could figure out which mine in a painting is the correct one based on one character clues they get from the actors posing as businessmen. No, wait, that's the plot of AR11, episode 2. What they can do in AR13 is:

a, Visit Plaza de Armas
b. Visit Cerro San Cristobal, the highest point in Santiago
c. Visit any of 2 major art museums or one nationla museum
d. Moneda Palace
e. Bellavista bohemian area