Hello, i've been lurking around and finally decided to make an account. (:
1. We see Tina turning green, is she the jolly green giant or is she hulking out?
She's probably a Tina Hulk.2. Do you think Ken & Tina will manage the speed bump well? Well enough to avoid being Philiminated.
Yeap. With Kelly and Christy and Andrew and Dan still behind them.3. Which teams unexpectedly work together in this episode?
The one with the sports bra and the one who pushed the sports bra off the ledge. *rolleyes*4. How frustrated our the teams when getting paint all over them? Do you think any actually just have fun and enjoy it?
Sarah would probably just keep saying "Yea baby, i love you". Tina (who isn't the one doing the RB) whines and be her usual self. Nick will just get the clue and say nothing. Toni and Dallas will skip it since i think they went for the FF. Andrew and Dan will never appreciate where they went to on the race and start complaining. Kelly and Christy, well we all know what happens to them. LOL!5. Do you think the last fast forward will appear in this episode?
Yeap.6. Who do you think wins this leg?
Toni and Dallas (finally!) with the FF!