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The Amazing Race => Amazing Race 33 => Topic started by: georgiapeach on September 18, 2021, 01:13:58 AM

Title: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 18, 2021, 01:13:58 AM

Feel free to Bitch, Moan, And Squeal with joy here!

Actual SPOILERS or DISCUSSION ON SPOILERS go in those threads please!


This is the place for general enthusiasm (or not...)   :funny:

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 18, 2021, 01:14:40 AM
I am squealing with JOY to have 33 BACK ON THE ROAD!!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on September 18, 2021, 01:35:25 AM
Hoping we get those first two legs aired regardless. Would be fun to see how different the team dynamics would be after all this time!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: BourkieBoy on September 18, 2021, 02:15:06 AM
I actually don’t think words can describe the excitement I am feeling for TAR to be so close to going back to filming! It’s been a long 19 months or so since TAR33 was “first” filmed and I just can’t wait to discover what locations teams travel to and what tasks they complete!

Plus, I’m sure Season 33 can’t be much worse then Season 32! :lol: :funny: I actually do think we are going to be heading in a completely new direction and exciting direction for the franchise and, quite frankly, I can’t wait to find out where we go!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on September 18, 2021, 07:36:58 AM
I actually don’t think words can describe the excitement I am feeling for TAR to be so close to going back to filming! It’s been a long 19 months or so since TAR33 was “first” filmed and I just can’t wait to discover what locations teams travel to and what tasks they complete!

Plus, I’m sure Season 33 can’t be much worse then Season 32! :lol: :funny: I actually do think we are going to be heading in a completely new direction and exciting direction for the franchise and, quite frankly, I can’t wait to find out where we go!
I'm wondering if Bertram and Elise stuck to their word from last season when they said they would seriously take a closer look at the loophole of teams assisting others DURING tasks which are specifically about arrangement, attention to detail, anything involving achieving an answer. Because if nothing changed, how would we know if this trend will continue? I find it an oversight that teammates aren't able to help each other during Roadblocks, but other racers can. I've always found that odd ever since it really got shown during the Brooke vs. metal strainer moment, but TAR32 definitely capitalized on it.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on September 18, 2021, 07:41:53 AM
Also, it's so invigorating to see pre-production powering itself back on! I'm excited for what's to come in the next few days/hours, and can't wait to see the route, new lodging situations, and twists that comes out of this. :conf:

"Make lemons out of lemonade!"
"Make lemonade out of lemons!" :lol: It's too early on the weekends.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TheRabbi on September 18, 2021, 09:27:14 AM
I'm so excited it looks like it's back!! And a private jet to boot!! As much as I love TAR being a show about teams running through crowded streets and asking for directions and having crazy cab rides, this also has the potential for a really interesting and challenging season if theres a lot of rural legs and self-navigation, which the show hardly does at all anymore. Here's hoping it's a great one!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: chja87 on September 18, 2021, 09:41:12 AM
I'm so excited for the race to be back on even if I'm shocked it's so soon! Can't wait for the live sightings to begin! Although I do worry that if there is a COVID situation involving filming, that could be a bad sign for the future of TAR.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jjw26 on September 18, 2021, 11:17:39 AM
The TAR private jet is giving very much Total Drama World Tour vibes.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on September 18, 2021, 11:34:17 AM
The TAR private jet is giving very much Total Drama World Tour vibes.

I had the same thought when I first saw it lol
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 18, 2021, 12:05:28 PM
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: chja87 on September 18, 2021, 01:48:33 PM
I definitely think that most of the legs will be self-driving and in rural areas. I can’t see a situation where the show would let them get in taxis or be in a bustling city. But I guess we will see!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Brannockdevice on September 18, 2021, 06:44:17 PM
One thing I think we should all try to do is to keep any criticisms about the route to a minimum. It’s quite possible we could see three or four legs in a row in the same country, no new countries, etc.; the normal stuff we moan about normally in terms of the route.

We are all so grateful to be starting again, and I think it’s safe to say any route should be gratefully accepted! Production will probably have replacements, replacements of the replacements, and replacements of those replacements in the can in case a certain country’s COVID situation changes rapidly.

All that being said, let’s be grateful for any route that comes our way!! <3
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on September 18, 2021, 11:41:59 PM
One thing I think we should all try to do is to keep any criticisms about the route to a minimum. It’s quite possible we could see three or four legs in a row in the same country, no new countries, etc.; the normal stuff we moan about normally in terms of the route.

We are all so grateful to be starting again, and I think it’s safe to say any route should be gratefully accepted! Production will probably have replacements, replacements of the replacements, and replacements of those replacements in the can in case a certain country’s COVID situation changes rapidly.

All that being said, let’s be grateful for any route that comes our way!! <3

Yup, it's a normal thing to moan about in a pre-covid setting.
Given the circumstances, I wouldn't mind. I am more than grateful to have us back on the running.
Also, there are a ton of countries that offer many exciting locations, like Spain, Norway, New Zealand, Australia that are ideal for multiple legs. They can revisit some undervisited ones like Mauritius and spend like 2 legs there. Elise stated in one of her interviews, it's one of her favorite locations the Race has filmed, I still cannot fathom, why they haven't visited it again.
I'm curious and excited as to how the route will play out.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Declive on September 19, 2021, 12:08:50 AM
This is awesome. Plus, the whole airplane investment gives us a hint: TAR has a long future on air.  :luvya:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: docol on September 19, 2021, 08:54:01 AM
so....the airplane thing is a REAL thing?? i know it seems silly, but i thought it was made out
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 19, 2021, 09:50:13 AM
We cannot say for sure.
But it IS a perfect solution for keeping everyone safe.
No airport crowd exposures.
No airplane seat mate exposures.
Direct flights to your place of choce. No weird plane changes.

You can be traveling ONLY with people you KNOW are vaccinated and tested Covid free.

Medical me is ecstatic.
Spoiler me slightly less so.  :funny:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 19, 2021, 09:51:04 AM
This is awesome. Plus, the whole airplane investment gives us a hint: TAR has a long future on air.  :luvya:

Ha this is probably just a rental.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: cerealking on September 19, 2021, 04:14:35 PM
I guess they decided to go ahead and get the show on the road now partially to keep stuff outside as much as possible. If they waited till November or December, they'd have to move stuff inside. Especially cause whatever modifications were made, they're likely to spend a lot of time in Europe.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: chja87 on September 20, 2021, 09:09:31 PM
Now that we know we are officially filming again, I am SO excited! The greatest show in the history in reality TV has officially overcome a pandemic. (so far)
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Avid on September 21, 2021, 05:05:48 AM
So this is the place to express..ok can that plane leave London already... The first 33 was in London...This one too...Am ready for Turkey  :bump: :hugs:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Avid on September 21, 2021, 05:11:35 AM
I guess leg 4 and 3 will be in London or Belfast or UK. Then we shall see how the plane moves... But I have a feeling  that since 3 teams may b out,  means less crew, less contestants. 7 teams don't need a private plane.... That's where they will wing it with other carriers..Am just guessing..what do u think :welcome: :didimiss: :)x
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: BourkieBoy on September 21, 2021, 05:35:15 AM
I, for one, am really excited for us to find some teams along the Racecourse! Helping to track this Race will help me forget from the terrible situations of which I find myself in, thanks to the pandemic. I’m really grateful that TAR33 has managed to get themselves back out there, despite all the odds being against them, in the last 20 months or so! I actually really don’t care if we see locations that have been visited too many times before over the course of the other 32 seasons. I’m just so grateful that we are getting another season!

I just wanna thank all of the Moderators and Detectives for all their hard work in spoiling the first couple of legs! You guys rock and are amazing!  :jam:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on September 21, 2021, 06:25:59 AM
I guess leg 4 and 3 will be in London or Belfast or UK. Then we shall see how the plane moves... But I have a feeling  that since 3 teams may b out,  means less crew, less contestants. 7 teams don't need a private plane.... That's where they will wing it with other carriers..Am just guessing..what do u think :welcome: :didimiss: :)x

I'm guessing that they are parking the plane in London to keep us guessing and to prevent people from trying to spoil and interact with the racers. Meanwhile, the real race is happening quietly over Europe. :funny:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on September 21, 2021, 07:10:54 AM
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on September 21, 2021, 07:52:27 AM
I think there are 2 legs in UK considering that big gap in the data from the plane.

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Avid on September 21, 2021, 09:11:38 AM
The devil works hard, but the Amazing Race crew works harder...  }:> leaked pics in a week,  and we are monitoring the tar plane, social media.. But nothing.  They have all there bases covered this season...heading into week 2 in 2 days....on the other hand ray hasn't posted anything in a while, he is a frequent instagram poster....but Caro posted....hmmm. could ray have..but no I doubt it
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on September 21, 2021, 07:15:48 PM
The devil works hard, but the Amazing Race crew works harder...  }:> leaked pics in a week,  and we are monitoring the tar plane, social media.. But nothing.  They have all there bases covered this season...heading into week 2 in 2 days....on the other hand ray hasn't posted anything in a while, he is a frequent instagram poster....but Caro posted....hmmm. could ray have..but no I doubt it
At least now we know they are taking socially distancing VERY seriously :conf:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Avid on September 22, 2021, 05:22:57 AM
Ya some one talked about it possible to get info on planes landing on Monday.. This will help us know which country they are in now  :d025:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on September 22, 2021, 08:07:28 AM
Greece as a possibility. Thessaloniki & Halkidiki, breathtaking locations  :2hearts:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 22, 2021, 02:09:22 PM
Locations are not bitching...go to discussion please.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 22, 2021, 02:10:36 PM
I guess leg 4 and 3 will be in London or Belfast or UK. Then we shall see how the plane moves... But I have a feeling  that since 3 teams may b out,  means less crew, less contestants. 7 teams don't need a private plane.... That's where they will wing it with other carriers..Am just guessing..what do u think :welcome: :didimiss: :)x

It is a whole NEW RACE AVID.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Malcooolm on September 22, 2021, 05:27:11 PM
I hope that if it is a whole new race, they at least acknowledge that they're starting over. It would annoy me if they tried to pretend like these teams have never raced or met each other before.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Kiwi Jay on September 22, 2021, 06:11:39 PM
Wouldn't bother me either way.

I'm just glad we have a race out there filming, with many of the contestants able to return, and whether they choose to pay mention to the previous filming in the first episode or not, I won't mind. Or if they release the footage as a special as well, either way is fine to me. And this is coming from someone who was there for the entire 2020 first leg in London and was probably filmed helping teams also. I'm just happy most of them are out there racing and get to experience this new race.

I feel more excited than I have for a long time about a new season. The cast is diverse, there are several contestants over 45, there are going to be lots of cool changes in production (the TAR airplane, self-driving, how do they navigate and ask for directions while keeping safe from COVID, less big populated areas for clues). It would be cool if they could do some charter flights to separate teams here and there so that we get the feeling of teams fighting for flights etc. but in a TAR-controlled way. For example, they could have landed in London Stansted and then chartered two flights (5 teams of each) to create some flight drama...just my two cents!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Malcooolm on September 22, 2021, 06:45:34 PM
Wouldn't bother me either way.

I'm just glad we have a race out there filming, with many of the contestants able to return, and whether they choose to pay mention to the previous filming in the first episode or not, I won't mind. Or if they release the footage as a special as well, either way is fine to me. And this is coming from someone who was there for the entire 2020 first leg in London and was probably filmed helping teams also. I'm just happy most of them are out there racing and get to experience this new race.

I feel more excited than I have for a long time about a new season. The cast is diverse, there are several contestants over 45, there are going to be lots of cool changes in production (the TAR airplane, self-driving, how do they navigate and ask for directions while keeping safe from COVID, less big populated areas for clues). It would be cool if they could do some charter flights to separate teams here and there so that we get the feeling of teams fighting for flights etc. but in a TAR-controlled way. For example, they could have landed in London Stansted and then chartered two flights (5 teams of each) to create some flight drama...just my two cents!

Yeah, I'm definitely excited as well! By annoyed, I more meant that I'd roll my eyes at them trying to act like these people haven't known each other for a year and a half but I'll get over it real quick haha!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on September 22, 2021, 07:32:07 PM
Well, if it's a whole new cast, one thing we know for sure is CBS' new 50% diversity rule will kick in for TAR as with Survivor and BB. Which I'm cool with, though TAR always was better at that already than the other two.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on September 22, 2021, 07:55:05 PM
Well, if it's a whole new cast, one thing we know for sure is CBS' new 50% diversity rule will kick in for TAR as with Survivor and BB. Which I'm cool with, though TAR always was better at that already than the other two.

The original cast already hit it and 32 also hit the quota!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 23, 2021, 08:50:26 AM
Well, if it's a whole new cast, one thing we know for sure is CBS' new 50% diversity rule will kick in for TAR as with Survivor and BB. Which I'm cool with, though TAR always was better at that already than the other two.

BUT it  isnt a whole new cast. It is the SAME CAST minus two teams. WHere did you see that misinformation??
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on September 23, 2021, 08:56:57 AM
Well, if it's a whole new cast, one thing we know for sure is CBS' new 50% diversity rule will kick in for TAR as with Survivor and BB. Which I'm cool with, though TAR always was better at that already than the other two.

BUT it  isnt a whole new cast. It is the SAME CAST minus two teams. WHere did you see that misinformation??

Is it confirmed that only two teams from the original cast are not racing this time? Were these two teams replaced by two brand new teams or did the season start with 9 teams only?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: fossil-racer on September 24, 2021, 12:43:14 AM
Well, if it's a whole new cast, one thing we know for sure is CBS' new 50% diversity rule will kick in for TAR as with Survivor and BB. Which I'm cool with, though TAR always was better at that already than the other two.

BUT it  isnt a whole new cast. It is the SAME CAST minus two teams. WHere did you see that misinformation??

Is it confirmed that only two teams from the original cast are not racing this time? Were these two teams replaced by two brand new teams or did the season start with 9 teams only?

We have 3 unidentified teams. One or more of them could be not racing.

All identified teams are accounted for. :tup:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jay33 on September 24, 2021, 01:02:21 AM
Where can we find the cast list? Will there be a 2nd try Timeline thread up?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on September 24, 2021, 02:08:56 AM
I think it is a fair conclusion that the restart had 11 teams with 2 of the teams are “replacements” of teams that did not return for whatever reason. It’s as if the first attempt in February of 2020 never officially happened. People should get rid of that mindset, it’ll make it easier to see what is being done differently this time because of Covid-19 restrictions for international travel. The one confirmed thing is the Boeing 757 the show has chartered to transport teams, camera crews and production. The second thing’s going to places that make it easier to travel across transnational borders even as the situation on the ground changes week to week, or day too day, such as quarantines, testing, and other protective practices. And be conscious of other rule changes that are likely designed to minimize or avoid exposure to unvaccinated locals, such as taxi drivers, and other forms of transportation. Self driving with satellite map GPS, could be one such possibility. And the possibility of isolation or quarantine between legs. It’s these sorts of new health and safety practices that is a mindscape challenge thist time around. It’s going to be far more difficult to track the Racers using time honored techniques because of the changes. It’s hard to anticipate what those will be and how we’ll be able to spot them. But that’s what we’re left with this time around.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: octoberbirch on September 24, 2021, 07:26:07 AM
Well, if it's a whole new cast, one thing we know for sure is CBS' new 50% diversity rule will kick in for TAR as with Survivor and BB. Which I'm cool with, though TAR always was better at that already than the other two.

BUT it  isnt a whole new cast. It is the SAME CAST minus two teams. WHere did you see that misinformation??

Is it confirmed that only two teams from the original cast are not racing this time? Were these two teams replaced by two brand new teams or did the season start with 9 teams only?

We have 3 unidentified teams. One or more of them could be not racing.

All identified teams are accounted for. :tup:

Any info on the unidentified teams?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 24, 2021, 07:39:13 AM would be a BIG help if you only use this thread to bitch and moan

If you are actively discussing the SPOILERS then use that discussion please?

And the cast reveal is right here:,36070.0.html
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: LandonM170 on September 24, 2021, 05:42:25 PM
It is very annoying that TAR has had barely any (if not none at all) on spoilers. Hopefully this can be like a TAR 30 where they film it and then it is aired soon after. Hoping for a late winter/early spring release that is on the 2021-2022 schedule.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on September 25, 2021, 07:51:41 AM
I was very patient but this is seriously geting annoying.  :groan: They are filming this for almost 2 weeks and there is still no live sighting?

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on September 25, 2021, 08:41:24 AM
Hi guys.. On the winner of s29 insta story ,there is talk of tar 34 ...where can we talk about 34 .coz 33 ,if Greece passes by, then forget about sightings  :-[

Yep the lead casting producer for TAR literally confirmed himself that they're filming 33 right now and casting for 34 soon:

This thread is where TAR34 info goes but it's locked right now:,36358.0.html
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on September 25, 2021, 09:49:24 AM
I was very patient but this is seriously geting annoying.  :groan: They are filming this for almost 2 weeks and there is still no live sighting?

Been searching endlessly but no luck finding info, went to ID'ing some of the contestants especially the one with the clear pic (Purple FF Team), no luck as well.

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: fossil-racer on September 25, 2021, 12:28:46 PM
We are on their tail so hopefully something will turn up.

This is like TAR AU 5 filming. :funny:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: H_E_L_L_O on September 25, 2021, 01:10:43 PM
Hi guys.. On the winner of s29 insta story ,there is talk of tar 34 ...where can we talk about 34 .coz 33 ,if Greece passes by, then forget about sightings  :-[

The story seems to have been removed. I wonder if she accidentally revealed that TAR 34 was going to be an All-Stars season.

Edit: if TAR 34 is in fact going into preproduction once TAR 33 is finished it would make sense for TAR 34 to be a returnee season since naturally people wouldn’t apply for a race around the world during the ongoing pandemic. So casting from the existing pool of racers would make producing another season easier.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 25, 2021, 01:52:02 PM
It isn't as they are doing casting now.


Thanks! Now back to 33 please. :)
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on September 25, 2021, 03:56:14 PM
So 8 teams returned to continue racing.

Highly rumoured that Ray & Caro and Connie & Sam are not in this time. So who is 3rd not racing team then?

I really hope that it's one of the MM teams, I do now want half of the teams in F8 being MM teams.

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Malcooolm on September 25, 2021, 09:35:25 PM
So 8 teams returned to continue racing.

Highly rumoured that Ray & Caro and Connie & Sam are not in this time. So who is 3rd not racing team then?

I really hope that it's one of the MM teams, I do now want half of the teams in F8 being MM teams.
I'm assuming that it's
Show content
Michael & Moe (singing cops)
, the team we know was the first boot.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on September 25, 2021, 09:57:03 PM

DO NOT POST NEW INFO HERE! Put it in theDiscussion thread please!

Moving forward  I will need to delete this kind of posts here. So choose wisely!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on September 26, 2021, 09:55:35 AM
We know exactly where they are racing right now but still no sightings. :-(
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on September 26, 2021, 03:19:09 PM
We know exactly where they are racing right now but still no sightings. :-(

Yeah, leg is most likely over and we got nothing except that one pretty useless short video. 

Spoiling was supposed to be fun and good. I am seriously annoyed, lol.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jack3257 on September 26, 2021, 03:24:38 PM
So if we use the three UK legs and have three more in Europe after the re-start, I wonder if this will be a Europe-centric season (possibly because of EU travel rules).  Asia and Australia definitely seem out this time.  I feel like we could end up flying south to Africa for two legs and then back to the Americas (South & Central, maybe even get the long overdue Canada visit) before returning to the USA.  I completely understand the production limits rn, but many of the Europe legs the last few seasons have started to feel redundant. 
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: H_E_L_L_O on September 26, 2021, 03:28:33 PM

Spoiling was supposed to be fun and good. I am seriously annoyed, lol.

LMAO, insert crying Rachel.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on September 26, 2021, 03:54:54 PM

Spoiling was supposed to be fun and good. I am seriously annoyed, lol.

LMAO, insert crying Rachel.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on September 26, 2021, 04:08:29 PM
This is so thrilling! I am looking forward to the season more than ever with giant missing puzzle pieces in every corner. With us being led solely by word-of-mouth so far, we may possibly be having the season play out like old-school viewing of the show. I remember before I joined RFF (pre-TAR19) that the locations were all surprises to me following each end credit preview and it kept me eager for the next episode for so long, and it still is the case when I arrived here - especially while live updating episodes. Here's to hoping we do get photo evidence in more days to come just so we can see the teams again, but I am not complaining about the lack of sightings.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on September 26, 2021, 07:50:43 PM
This is so thrilling! I am looking forward to the season more than ever with giant missing puzzle pieces in every corner. With us being led solely by word-of-mouth so far, we may possibly be having the season play out like old-school viewing of the show. I remember before I joined RFF (pre-TAR19) that the locations were all surprises to me following each end credit preview and it kept me eager for the next episode for so long, and it still is the case when I arrived here - especially while live updating episodes. Here's to hoping we do get photo evidence in more days to come just so we can see the teams again, but I am not complaining about the lack of sightings.

This is what things were like before the first live spoiler when season six was being filmed.The spoiler was a season five racer stumbling across season six being filmed in a Berlin train station. Or BostonRob having an advantage being recognized virtually anywhere while season seven was being filmed. We’d assemble what we found episode by episode to piece together what had actually happened and when.

So welcome back to the good ole days!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Neobie on September 27, 2021, 10:29:44 AM
I'm loving this spoiler season, with so much more thinking to go through! It really is like old school TAR detective work!

Also much appreciation for trying new regions in old countries, particularly for Corsica (the east and south instead of the north and west from TAR 6), and Greece (the northeast instead of Athens and the west from TAR 9 and TAR 29). Jury's out for England, Switzerland, and Italy though!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Brannockdevice on October 01, 2021, 04:19:58 PM
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe

If having an all-Europe race is what it takes for us to film, I’m all for it! I’m so grateful we can get back to doing what we love!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Kiwi Jay on October 01, 2021, 06:17:15 PM
I'm loving this spoiler season, with so much more thinking to go through! It really is like old school TAR detective work!

Also much appreciation for trying new regions in old countries, particularly for Corsica (the east and south instead of the north and west from TAR 6), and Greece (the northeast instead of Athens and the west from TAR 9 and TAR 29). Jury's out for England, Switzerland, and Italy though!

Agree with you on Corsica and Greece. Loving these choices. And I’m shamelessly hoping they drove through Northern Italy and visited Turin for a leg, before flying from Milan to Corsica.

So pleased the race is back, enjoying the challenges of finding spoilers this season, and although they’re probably only doing a 3 continent race with most of the legs in Europe, I’m really happy it’s filming. I mean - what a feat!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on October 02, 2021, 02:27:44 AM
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe

If having an all-Europe race is what it takes for us to film, I’m all for it! I’m so grateful we can get back to doing what we love!

Yes, and there have been amazing new locations. Glasgow, Thessaloniki. We haven't been to Corsica in a long time, we visited Corsica in S.6. Portugal is an underused country last visited in S.23

I would have preferred though a leg in Ireland, missed opportunity rather than (3) legs in United Kingdom. 2 is okay with me though.

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on October 02, 2021, 02:55:50 AM
Yes, and there have been amazing new locations. Glasgow, Thessaloniki. We haven't been to Corsica in a long time, we visited Corsica in S.6. Portugal is an underused country last visited in S.23

I would have preferred though a leg in Ireland, missed opportunity rather than (3) legs in United Kingdom. 2 is okay with me though.

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.

That and I believe we haven't had a leg in Milan in a while along with Zurich. Milan had a roadblock while Zurich was an airport connection.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: H_E_L_L_O on October 02, 2021, 02:58:05 AM
Yes, and there have been amazing new locations. Glasgow, Thessaloniki. We haven't been to Corsica in a long time, we visited Corsica in S.6. Portugal is an underused country last visited in S.23

I would have preferred though a leg in Ireland, missed opportunity rather than (3) legs in United Kingdom. 2 is okay with me though.

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.

That and I believe we haven't had a leg in Milan in a while along with Zurich. The last visit to Milan and Zurich merely used them as airport connections.

Milan had a roadblock on TAR 29
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on October 02, 2021, 04:03:55 AM
Milan had a roadblock on TAR 29

Thanks. Fixed.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Race2020FAN on October 02, 2021, 09:31:09 AM
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe

If having an all-Europe race is what it takes for us to film, I’m all for it! I’m so grateful we can get back to doing what we love!

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.
Gotta agree with you totally hoping there is no more Mine Five set ups. It’s no longer a race at that point. It shouldn’t be called the Amazing Race at that point. Something  more like The Amazing Coalition Games. JMHO
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jack3257 on October 03, 2021, 03:42:24 PM
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe

If having an all-Europe race is what it takes for us to film, I’m all for it! I’m so grateful we can get back to doing what we love!

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.
Gotta agree with you totally hoping there is no more Mine Five set ups. It’s no longer a race at that point. It shouldn’t be called the Amazing Race at that point. Something  more like The Amazing Coalition Games. JMHO

I read in an interview that Elise did that they are probably creating a new rule where you can’t help teams after you get your clue.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on October 04, 2021, 10:38:21 AM
We're so unspoiled on this season that the CBS promos will probably spoil more for us lol
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on October 04, 2021, 12:08:50 PM
We will have great fun watching and comparing notes when it airs!


Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: kiki on October 04, 2021, 12:20:50 PM
I'm actually quite excited for this season. We are not 100% sure about all the racers, we only know some of the locations and we have a single sighting of only one team!
It's almost like watching TAR 1!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on October 04, 2021, 12:26:57 PM
I'm actually quite excited for this season. We are not 100% sure about all the racers, we only know some of the locations and we have a single sighting of only one team!
It's almost like watching TAR 1!

I KNOW ME TOO lmao. Kinda fun!!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Alenaveda on October 04, 2021, 12:34:21 PM
I'm actually quite excited for this season. We are not 100% sure about all the racers, we only know some of the locations and we have a single sighting of only one team!
It's almost like watching TAR 1!

Yes! Is going to be a great experience being surprised again as in the beginning of the show. Rekindle that old TAR magic.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on October 04, 2021, 01:03:07 PM
You’ll be getting a chance to reconstruct the season the old fashioned way before the era of live spoilers. What was old will be new again!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: cbacbacba1 on October 04, 2021, 05:58:59 PM
It is hard to imagine that we are having an almost unspoiled season since we have been popular and having detectives in almost every single part of the world  :woohoo:

It is going to be exciting during the watch 
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on October 07, 2021, 01:36:23 AM
If that is the finish line, then that’s a hilarious downgrade from last season’s finish line lol
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: fossil-racer on October 07, 2021, 01:40:50 AM
If that is the finish line, then that’s a hilarious downgrade from last season’s finish line lol

It's like a dollar store version of the last finish line :funny: :funny:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on October 07, 2021, 02:24:08 AM
If that is the finish line, then that’s a hilarious downgrade from last season’s finish line lol

It's like a dollar store version of the last finish line :funny: :funny:

Please don't offend dollar stores. :funny:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on October 08, 2021, 04:13:05 PM
If that is the finish line, then that’s a hilarious downgrade from last season’s finish line lol
It's TAR-season-that-shall-not-be-named, but reversed. :-[

But hey, it's an official MLS stadium, not a complete sham.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on October 08, 2021, 04:22:33 PM
And there we have it, the final leg! This would've been the perfect excuse to fall somewhere completely off the grid instead of Los Angeles County for the...


Hopefully, they crafted up ideas that continue to make L.A. feel fresh, open up our impressions and misconceptions about the area, but I'm not enthusiastic about the finale route in particular.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on October 12, 2021, 03:38:25 AM
I wish this cast had less people who’ve been on talk shows  :groan:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on October 12, 2021, 04:22:12 AM
It's obviously different from Survivor and Big Brother since TAR is primarily ability, skill, and luck, rather than outsmarting your competition, but I'm certainly not looking forward to the optics of a Europe-only race where almost every single POC in this diverse cast is likely eliminated by the finale.

Also not too high on this cast either. A majority of them are people you could hear about while watching random Daytime TV reruns. Now I'm not someone who will knock on the show for recruiting people. Just look at TAR32. Three of the best teams of the season (IMO) who were not in the alliance were all recruits (Michelle & Victoria, Kaylynn & Haley, DeAngelo & Gary). TAR29 was a very recruit heavy season and that season still absolutely ruled.

But TAR33's cast almost feels like TAR28-lite, and the weird four Starting Line Airports at the start of the season did not help quiet that comparison. It also doesn't help that the one stuntcast I actually knew and was excited to watch on this season most certainly did not return to the 2021 restart, as they had already broken up.

I hate to sound like the rabid "cast REAL PEOPLE" crowd on Facebook that are also busy spouting awful rhetoric about "KEEP YOUR POLITICS OUT OF MY REALITY TV", but just by looking at our cast the two teams I get the most good vibes from (that go far) are not any of the stuntcasts. It is Raquel & Cayla and Arun & Natalia, two teams who don't appear to have any claim to fame this season. Really hoping the rest can provide good TV and all this complaining is a moot point.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited TAR will be back, and it's obviously no small feat that the show can now officially add "survived a global pandemic" to its rocky and exciting journey on the air. I am also very excited to have a season where we don't know a majority of what happens. I just wish we had a better route and am hoping that this season is still fun in spite of my concerns. Really hoping that the 33 resumption was just a pilot run for a post-COVID TAR and I'm certainly hoping 34 will be better.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on October 12, 2021, 04:40:26 AM
where every single POC in this diverse cast is likely eliminated by the finale.

Three of the best teams of the season (IMO) who were not in the alliance were all recruits (Michelle & Victoria, Kaylynn & Haley, DeAngelo & Gary).

Isn't Raquel latina?

Both FF teams mentioned were regular people who just happened to be recruited, imo. They are not typical gimmick recruits like singing cops or YouTube parents.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on October 12, 2021, 04:42:53 AM
where every single POC in this diverse cast is likely eliminated by the finale.

Three of the best teams of the season (IMO) who were not in the alliance were all recruits (Michelle & Victoria, Kaylynn & Haley, DeAngelo & Gary).

Isn't Raquel latina?

Both FF teams mentioned were regular people who just happened to be recruited, imo. They are not typical gimmick recruits like singing cops or YouTube parents.

Oops! Typoed and meant "almost".
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on October 12, 2021, 04:59:02 AM

Also not too high on this cast either. A majority of them are people you could hear about while watching random Daytime TV reruns. Now I'm not someone who will knock on the show for recruiting people. Just look at TAR32. Three of the best teams of the season (IMO) who were not in the alliance were all recruits (Michelle & Victoria, Kaylynn & Haley, DeAngelo & Gary). TAR29 was a very recruit heavy season and that season still absolutely ruled.

DeAngelo & Gary were in on the Mine-Five Alliance. Too bad they didn't realize that TAR had a final three not four.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on October 12, 2021, 06:54:13 AM

Also not too high on this cast either. A majority of them are people you could hear about while watching random Daytime TV reruns. Now I'm not someone who will knock on the show for recruiting people. Just look at TAR32. Three of the best teams of the season (IMO) who were not in the alliance were all recruits (Michelle & Victoria, Kaylynn & Haley, DeAngelo & Gary). TAR29 was a very recruit heavy season and that season still absolutely ruled.

DeAngelo & Gary were in on the Mine-Five Alliance. Too bad they didn't realize that TAR had a final three not four.

TAR 32, had great recruits especially all the F/F Teams which were the best and entertaining that season.
Michelle & Victoria, Kaylynn & Haley and Kellie & LaVonne, the latter lasted (2) Legs but were memorable to me.

I wondering who applied in S.33 and who got recruited.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: elthemagnifico on October 13, 2021, 04:30:57 AM
honestly at this point im just glad and grateful that TAR is back filming. i didnt mind the european centric at all since europe indeed a safer continent to visit. worst scenario if they indeed continued to film is TAR 8 route so im just glad they are patient enough to wait so they can get outside of america safely.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on November 10, 2021, 10:29:11 AM
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: fossil-racer on November 10, 2021, 10:36:46 AM

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on November 10, 2021, 11:00:56 AM
I’m guessing it’s the first two legs
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TheRabbi on November 10, 2021, 11:40:36 AM
Exciting news! Can't wait.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on November 10, 2021, 11:45:17 AM
I’m guessing it’s the first two legs

And/Or possibly some discussion of what happened and why the delay? Somewhere that'll be addressed I would think. Perhaps at end of ep 2??
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on November 10, 2021, 03:38:06 PM
I’m quite curious to see how the production suspension is handled in the final produced product, as well aAs the structural changes production had to make. Definitely going to be a unique season for broadcast.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on November 10, 2021, 10:57:22 PM
Definitely thinking the 2-hour premiere is just legs 1 + 2 aired back-to-back. The leg in London seems far too short to warrant stretching over 2-hours. Now maybe if the TAR32 premiere was 2-hours, I could see the leg 1 Trinidad & Tobago leg fitting that since that leg had so much going on in it + it had a mid-leg Overnight Rest, but definitely not for TAR33. If anything, this makes me think that the premiere will end on a cliffhanger of the production shutdown at the very end of the episode.

Also, the last time TAR aired in January opposite the Olympics was season 30 back in 2018, so I assume that this season will have a very similar schedule to that one. If anyone remembers, TAR30 aired 12 legs in just 8 weeks. They doubled up 2-hours a night four times to burn through the season quickly for Survivor to start, so I think that will happen again here. Survivor 42 is set to premiere March 9 so I think the TAR33 finale will be one week earlier on March 2. So this season will air over 9 weeks if that's the case, just one week longer than TAR30.

Personally I'm not a big fan of CBS doubling up the episodes, I like to enjoy each episode as it's own standalone leg, but I guess if they want to burn the season off before Survivor, starting off with doubling the premiere (which only happened once back in TAR15) is what they're gonna do. The only other thing I wonder is how many legs were shot this season, if it's still the usual 12, or if it was less. If it was less then there will be less double episodes than TAR30 for sure.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on November 11, 2021, 01:36:33 AM
Keep in mind TAR33’s time slot is 9PM eastern not Survivor’s 8pm time slot.
CBS is doing a lot of burn off programming in the 8pm time slot before and during the Beijing Winter Olympics in February, such as Price Is Right Primetime and Celebrity Big Brother so don’t expect a lot of ratings help with the lead ins. There are nine Wednesdays from the beginning of January until Survivor premieres in March, so I suspect two hours for the premiere, two hours for the finale, and one other two hour block (for a total of 12 episodes). Possible that could be the second week to address the changes due to the pandemic and the production suspension and any cast issues. But that’s just speculation on my part. I can’t imagine them ignoring the reality of the changes that were necessary to complete filming the season.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on November 13, 2021, 03:06:36 AM
I figured it was gonna be a Eurocentric route, but it's better than nothing, at least they didn't get desperate enough to churn something out to settle on a home country route.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on November 13, 2021, 08:05:01 PM
So we're ringing in the New Year right. :yes:
Cannot wait to live update for this long-anticipated special season! :cheer:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on November 14, 2021, 06:10:29 PM
So we're ringing in the New Year right. :yes:
Cannot wait to live update for this long-anticipated special season! :cheer:

And we bless you for doing it! Can't wait either! :2hearts: :luvya: :2hearts:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on November 24, 2021, 11:08:25 AM
I hope we'd be able to see the planned Lulea leg in Sweden in a future TAR season someday.

I almost kind of wonder why they didn't just go out and film that leg to get another episode in the can before the shutdown considering the shutdown happened in the early morning hours of February 28th and the teams could have flew over to Lulea and completed the leg before the day was over, especially if everything was already set up. But I guess they thought better safe than sorry?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: kyleisalive on November 24, 2021, 12:49:16 PM
I hope we'd be able to see the planned Lulea leg in Sweden in a future TAR season someday.

I almost kind of wonder why they didn't just go out and film that leg to get another episode in the can before the shutdown considering the shutdown happened in the early morning hours of February 28th and the teams could have flew over to Lulea and completed the leg before the day was over, especially if everything was already set up. But I guess they thought better safe than sorry?

Risk.  We knew transmission was happening across borders through air travel.  One person gets sick on the cast or crew, they face huge liability in the face of what was, then, a major unknown.  They made the only sensible call.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on November 24, 2021, 02:50:54 PM
Out of every leg we know about for 33 I’d be much more excited for that Lulea leg than any of them :(
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on December 10, 2021, 04:10:48 PM
CBS couldn't even be bothered to have the cast bios up in time on the website.


Also not fixed even though it's been there for nearly a month now on their Twitter.

Other than that though, pleasantly surprised by this cast. The video bios we do have seem promising even though I wasn't huge on them on paper.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 10, 2021, 04:45:30 PM
Thank God for the two-hour, two-leg premiere a la Season 15 because three legs in the UK to begin the route reeks.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on December 10, 2021, 10:48:27 PM
I want more teams without claims to fame
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 11, 2021, 03:58:17 AM
Yuck @ Detours in a premiere, especially these low-budget tasks that look lifted from the Australian or Canadian versions.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on December 11, 2021, 06:02:03 AM
Yuck @ Detours in a premiere, especially these low-budget tasks that look lifted from the Australian or Canadian versions.

The Australian and Canadian versions of the race actually had good tasks.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 11, 2021, 08:45:58 AM
Yuck @ Detours in a premiere, especially these low-budget tasks that look lifted from the Australian or Canadian versions.

The Australian and Canadian versions of the race actually had good tasks.

AUS2/CAN1/CAN2/CAN4 did have excellent challenges, but not more recent seasons such as AUS5/CAN7.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on December 11, 2021, 08:59:17 AM
The commercial that celebrates 20 years of TAR blew me away! :luvya:
The barrel clanging task fitting into the theme song is just :funny:
Love that we get to finally see the teams in HD.

This drums up my excitement even more!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jack3257 on December 11, 2021, 12:11:46 PM
Based on the preview, I am VERY confused as to how the shutdown will be handled.  Are they skipping the three UK legs entirely?  Editing out the teams that didn’t return?  The starting line video vary much felt like they intend to use it in episode 1, not episode 4.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jjw26 on December 11, 2021, 04:30:43 PM
Based on the preview, I am VERY confused as to how the shutdown will be handled.  Are they skipping the three UK legs entirely?  Editing out the teams that didn’t return?  The starting line video vary much felt like they intend to use it in episode 1, not episode 4.

They started from home like on TAR28 before the shutdown. They don't start from home after resuming filming. The first three pre-COVID legs will be aired normally. If you watch RuPaul's Drag Race UK 2, it will be very similar.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on December 12, 2021, 01:38:14 PM
I hope there will be small tribute for these two teams who were not able to continue racing in 2021 in episode 4. Zoom call with them or something, lol.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 12, 2021, 02:16:50 PM
It would be funnier to memory-hole them, especially if they turned out to be antivaxxers.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on December 14, 2021, 08:09:07 AM
CBS couldn't even be bothered to have the cast bios up in time on the website.

Officially four days now and they're still not up and the CBS page isn't even updated with the new key art or the fact that we have a new season airing.  :didimiss:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on December 14, 2021, 05:33:49 PM
I'm just curious how we had a 20,000-mile race when we all know that the race only visited Europe.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: LandonM170 on December 14, 2021, 07:35:44 PM
I'm just curious how we had a 20,000-mile race when we all know that the race only visited Europe.
I always measure out the miles per race using Google Maps's "measure distance" tool and they have always been off. I mean season 5 is around 45,000 miles and season 32 was 31,000 not 33,000.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on December 14, 2021, 08:32:51 PM
They could've counted flying back to the US then back to Europe again
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on December 14, 2021, 10:10:48 PM
I'm just curious how we had a 20,000-mile race when we all know that the race only visited Europe.

Isn't the video footage in the preview of Phil saying that from episode 1...? Like as in before the shutdown when they were doing the original route?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on December 14, 2021, 10:38:30 PM
I'm just curious how we had a 20,000-mile race when we all know that the race only visited Europe.

Isn't the video footage in the preview of Phil saying that from episode 1...? Like as in before the shutdown when they were doing the original route?

I think the voiceover is likely ADR'ed in. With our current route and connections, no matter where you started the season, you finish over 20,000 miles.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 14, 2021, 11:13:47 PM
So only a couple thousand miles fewer than Season 24.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on December 16, 2021, 12:44:49 AM
CBS couldn't even be bothered to have the cast bios up in time on the website.

Officially four days now and they're still not up and the CBS page isn't even updated with the new key art or the fact that we have a new season airing.  :didimiss:

Via CBS team: "Unfortunately, the CBS site does not plan to post full bios this year. If anything changes we'll let you know."
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on December 16, 2021, 02:32:18 AM
CBS couldn't even be bothered to have the cast bios up in time on the website.

Officially four days now and they're still not up and the CBS page isn't even updated with the new key art or the fact that we have a new season airing.  :didimiss:
"Via CBS team: "Unfortunately, the CBS site does not plan to post full bios this year. If anything changes we'll let you know."

Well that's disappointing. Is this only for TAR or also for all the other CBS reality shows?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 16, 2021, 09:30:47 AM
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on December 16, 2021, 06:30:04 PM
CBS couldn't even be bothered to have the cast bios up in time on the website.

Officially four days now and they're still not up and the CBS page isn't even updated with the new key art or the fact that we have a new season airing.  :didimiss:
"Via CBS team: "Unfortunately, the CBS site does not plan to post full bios this year. If anything changes we'll let you know."
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on December 30, 2021, 01:34:17 PM
Penn is correct: it does sound like someone singing “oatmeal”  :funny:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 31, 2021, 10:18:09 AM
Ew @ the pointlessness of a Detour in the premiere when it should strictly be Roadblocks and/or Active Route Info tasks only by now.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on December 31, 2021, 11:45:29 AM
Ewww at gatekeeping what kinds of tasks should be allowed in a premier
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Philimination on December 31, 2021, 12:41:28 PM
I'm fine with it as long as there's at least one other substantial task, not just clue, detour, pitstop.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 31, 2021, 02:29:46 PM
Ewww at gatekeeping what kinds of tasks should be allowed in a premier

First and foremost, the correct spelling is premiere; secondly, that logistic sloppiness is what led to the show's uninterrupted string of Emmy losses for the last half-decade, but go off.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on December 31, 2021, 02:33:15 PM
I'm fine with it as long as there's at least one other substantial task, not just clue, detour, pitstop.

Au contraire, nothing about the structure of one or two RBs alongside an ARI before the first Mat needed any fixing.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on December 31, 2021, 03:18:20 PM
Bruh are you really trying to argue that the emmys saw that there weren’t always a roadblock and detour in every leg and decided not to award TAR because of that?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: LandonM170 on December 31, 2021, 05:06:04 PM
Are we even sure there is only a Detour and not a Route Info Task also?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Kiwi Jay on January 01, 2022, 10:50:43 PM
The teams leave Heathrow and electric taxi to Trafalgar Square where they have to search among some 500 men dressed as iconic red phone-boxes, where only a select number have clues (RI task). The next clue instructs them to travel on foot to Buckingham Palace and search outside the front for the next clue. (RI search). The clue outside Buckingham is where Phil was waiting for teams - it's a Detour and is a choice between something at the Horse Guards Palace if I recall correctly, and the Mess Hall in Covent Garden (art space). I followed teams to the Mess Hall. From here they receive a RI instructing them to travel by taxi into the heart of Soho and find the Queen and Boris Johnson having tea at The Shipping News (RI). From here the Queen gives teams the RI instructing them to travel by taxi to the pitstop inside the National History Museum.

So, not just a detour and a RI or two. There are three RI's and one is an ARI task to search among the men at Trafalgar for the next clue. Some were there for a little while before moving on.

Enjoy TAR33 everyone. Aren't we INCREDIBLY lucky to be able to see another season of this incredible show, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The fact production got teams back to Europe for Switzerland, Italy, Corsica, Greece and Portugal AT ALL is a triumph, and hopefully 34 will see them travel to some other continents later this year. So excited to see this season play out, having been there for the first and a bit of the second leg. What a great cast, very diverse. Again - still yearn for the older couple over 60 - but this cast has several over-40s which is lovely to see after a very young 32 cast.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on January 02, 2022, 06:07:43 AM
I understand that the promotion this season is heavily based on social media but this is a new level of lazy.

The CBS website main page has only been advertising "Good Sam" as premiering on January 5 at 10 PM. Undercover Boss is also currently listed as "Premieres Friday Jan. 7". Absolutely nothing about TAR premiering on January 5.

The TAR page itself is STILL using the Season 32 key art (even though everywhere else has been updated). It's STILL just saying "Now Streaming". It's STILL showing nothing but Season 32 stuff unless you scroll down to see Season 33 previews in the video tab. The cast was revealed almost a MONTH ago.

The season premieres in 3 days. This is just a minor nitpicking since TAR being back is always the most important thing but the handling of the pre-show press has been ridiculous at this point.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on January 02, 2022, 08:04:18 AM
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: cbacbacba1 on January 03, 2022, 10:38:09 AM

We were supposed to have the first visit to Nepal for TAR33  :'(
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on January 03, 2022, 02:09:39 PM

We were supposed to have the first visit to Nepal for TAR33  :'(

My wishlist country. Figures it'd be a scrapped route that finally gets there, huh? :(

At least TAR Israel spent a couple legs there 2 seasons ago, so I've already gotten to see it featured once.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on January 03, 2022, 02:56:23 PM
Are we sure that wasn’t an attempt at Nepal when they were trying to rescramble  after legs were cancelled? That’s what I thought he meant
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: H_E_L_L_O on January 03, 2022, 03:37:37 PM
Are we sure that wasn’t an attempt at Nepal when they were trying to rescramble  after legs were cancelled? That’s what I thought he meant

I’m interpreting it like this as well, that Nepal and Thailand were on the reroute that included South America (and logically it likely also included Australia or New Zealand).
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Leafsfan on January 03, 2022, 03:40:26 PM
Are we sure that wasn’t an attempt at Nepal when they were trying to rescramble  after legs were cancelled? That’s what I thought he meant

Doesn't sound like that. Sounds like Nepal was on the original route with Thailand.

We also know Austria (close to Italy) and Vietnam were also believed to be on the original route.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: BourkieBoy on January 03, 2022, 05:20:21 PM
Man, I would of loved to have see Nepal debut on the original route. So robbed! Hopefully we see it on the next season?  :duno:

On another aspect, I thought that it was discussed here previously, but I thought that the whole of Asia was going to be skipped in the 1st run of TAR33? So, how can that article discuss possible legs in Thailand and we speculate Vietnam was going to be visited, when the producers confirmed in an interview after the Race that the whole of Asia was going to be skipped, should they of completed all 12 legs in the first run of TAR33...
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on January 04, 2022, 05:30:04 AM
Missed opportunity with the Nepal leg. That would have been the 93rd country on the US version. I do hope in the future, TAR visits  100 countries.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: PikaBelleChu on January 04, 2022, 05:34:09 PM
Original Route of TAR 33 would've been:

- 2 Legs of U.K. (London & Glasgow)
- 1 Leg of Sweden (Lulea)
- 1 Leg of Latvia (Riga)
- 2 Legs of Austria (Salzburg)
- 1 Leg of Nepal (Kathmandu)
- 1 Leg of Vietnam (Hue & Da Nang)
- 1 Leg of New Zealand (Auckland)
- 1 Leg of Uruguay (Montevideo)
- 1 Leg of Bolivia (La Paz)
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: cbacbacba1 on January 04, 2022, 06:14:06 PM
Original Route of TAR 33 would've been:

- 2 Legs of U.K. (London & Glasgow)
- 1 Leg of Sweden (Lulea)
- 1 Leg of Latvia (Riga)
- 2 Legs of Austria (Salzburg)
- 1 Leg of Nepal (Kathmandu)
- 1 Leg of Vietnam (Hue & Da Nang)
- 1 Leg of New Zealand (Auckland)
- 1 Leg of Uruguay (Montevideo)
- 1 Leg of Bolivia (La Paz)

I don’t think we have heard of any for Latvia / New Zealand / Uruguay / Bolivia
What we have heard of for the South America part was Peru I think?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: H_E_L_L_O on January 04, 2022, 07:16:22 PM
Original Route of TAR 33 would've been:

- 2 Legs of U.K. (London & Glasgow)
- 1 Leg of Sweden (Lulea)
- 1 Leg of Latvia (Riga)
- 2 Legs of Austria (Salzburg)
- 1 Leg of Nepal (Kathmandu)
- 1 Leg of Vietnam (Hue & Da Nang)
- 1 Leg of New Zealand (Auckland)
- 1 Leg of Uruguay (Montevideo)
- 1 Leg of Bolivia (La Paz)

I don’t think we have heard of any for Latvia / New Zealand / Uruguay / Bolivia
What we have heard of for the South America part was Peru I think?

I think this also the first time we hear of two legs in Austria.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on January 04, 2022, 07:19:52 PM
Original Route of TAR 33 would've been:

- 2 Legs of U.K. (London & Glasgow)
- 1 Leg of Sweden (Lulea)
- 1 Leg of Latvia (Riga)
- 2 Legs of Austria (Salzburg)
- 1 Leg of Nepal (Kathmandu)
- 1 Leg of Vietnam (Hue & Da Nang)
- 1 Leg of New Zealand (Auckland)
- 1 Leg of Uruguay (Montevideo)
- 1 Leg of Bolivia (La Paz)
First problem it’s this is that there were three legs in the UK (2 in London, 1 in Glasgow) As to the rest of it, source please?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on January 05, 2022, 11:14:55 PM
I wonder why the editors didn't show Lulu and Lala switching Detours from Darts to Cakes? Would've added more drama. I thought the Darts Detour was way too easy, so it would've been good to show a team struggle enough on it to actually switch Detours.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Robin4 on January 05, 2022, 11:36:22 PM
Oh, I thought the darts detour looked really hard personally.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on January 05, 2022, 11:52:33 PM
I wonder why the editors didn't show Lulu and Lala switching Detours from Darts to Cakes? Would've added more drama. I thought the Darts Detour was way too easy, so it would've been good to show a team struggle enough on it to actually switch Detours.
Maybe they didn't struggle with it, but only switched after a first attempt. ???

And we did see Connie & Sam and Arun & Natalia misfiring the darts a lot too.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on January 06, 2022, 12:26:26 AM
Yeah that would’ve made a better story too if we saw them switch
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jay33 on January 06, 2022, 04:32:58 AM
So I'm glad the first boot wasn't changed and things will be running smoothly as they were supposed to from the start. Right?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TheRabbi on January 06, 2022, 06:29:54 AM
I dislike the starting from home angle. I think the TAR start line is a sacred place that needs to always be present! I didn't care for the social media season start, nor this one.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on January 07, 2022, 12:03:34 PM
I dislike the starting from home angle. I think the TAR start line is a sacred place that needs to always be present! I didn't care for the social media season start, nor this one.

I hate it too!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Kiwi Jay on January 07, 2022, 12:32:20 PM
Another person who hates it here! Much prefer our starting line!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on January 07, 2022, 02:44:20 PM
The way I see it, the starting line is pointless anyways nowadays so doesn’t matter if it’s virtual or not. Only 1 flight offered in 31 and 32 and separate flights edited out in 30. This means 29 was the last starting line that episode wise actually mattered
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: cbacbacba1 on January 07, 2022, 06:38:48 PM
The way I see it, the starting line is pointless anyways nowadays so doesn’t matter if it’s virtual or not. Only 1 flight offered in 31 and 32 and separate flights edited out in 30. This means 29 was the last starting line that episode wise actually mattered
30 had a public start (as well as being part of a memory challenge) and 31 had a starting line challenge (with a specific reward awarded). Can’t really say the starting line was pointless.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on January 07, 2022, 06:51:46 PM
Even though we've only seen two episodes of them, I feel like this is going to be a good cast! They really saved a subpar first couple of legs. Loving even Ray & Caro, who at first impression I expected to be more obnoxious.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on January 07, 2022, 08:10:24 PM
I found the tasks quite easy, IMO. Cast is great. A couple of teams on their 40's. Another Parent/Child Team. Rooting for Raquel & Cayla, Ryan & Dusty, Kim & Penn and Arun & Natalia.
Would have loved it, if Michelle & Victoria were placed in this Season as well, rather than the atrocious S.32
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 08, 2022, 05:12:39 PM
Well, in terms of cities hosting a double-leg, this one did clear the low bar set by Guangzhou.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: cbacbacba1 on January 08, 2022, 06:49:48 PM
I feel like tasks are simple for these first two legs. Yet teams delivered a lot, as I don’t feel the first leg being empty at all for having one proper task only  :woohoo:

The second leg is clearly worse than the first leg by having a really unbalanced detour (dart is clearly easier). Luckily it is a KOR so it doesn’t really matter. The roadblock is surprisingly easy to make Penn & Ray second guess is funny though.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on January 08, 2022, 06:59:40 PM
Well, in terms of cities hosting a double-leg, this one did clear the low bar set by Guangzhou.
It cleared it by several miles. :clap2:
No kids' activities or somersaults!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Joberio on January 08, 2022, 07:00:18 PM
The second leg is clearly worse than the first leg by having a really unbalanced detour (dart is clearly easier).
Not for those who don't know how to play darts.  I would have struggled at that one.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 08, 2022, 07:12:00 PM
Well, in terms of cities hosting a double-leg, this one did clear the low bar set by Guangzhou.
It cleared it by several miles. :clap2:
No kids' activities or somersaults!

The corollary is that it was nowhere near the calibre of the zenith that is Saint Petersburg.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: travilana on January 09, 2022, 10:58:26 PM
After watching the premiere, and getting to know the teams & their personalities on a more deep & personal level, I just have to say it:

Show content
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on January 09, 2022, 11:23:59 PM
After watching the premiere, and getting to know the teams & their personalities on a more deep & personal level, I just have to say it:

Show content

Show content
Agreed. The large amount of fans the Holderness family brought to the show will certainly be pleased. Happy for Ryan as well, he deserves this after 10 destroyed years of his life.

The flight attendants, thus far, I'm neutral on
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Bookworm on January 10, 2022, 06:47:21 AM
After watching the premiere, and getting to know the teams & their personalities on a more deep & personal level, I just have to say it:

Show content

Show content
Agreed. The large amount of fans the Holderness family brought to the show will certainly be pleased. Happy for Ryan as well, he deserves this after 10 destroyed years of his life.

The flight attendants, thus far, I'm neutral on

Show content
Further, I think Ryan is the perfect package, due to demographics and charm, to relay the horrors of the US carceral system to the viewing audience. They may look like the typical M/M team that bores the online community, but I'm elated they have this opportunity.

I actually really like the flight attendants! Their level of fitness surprised me-- they kept up really well in the first leg and they seem race savvy.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on January 12, 2022, 07:28:45 PM
I understand that the promotion this season is heavily based on social media but this is a new level of lazy.

The CBS website main page has only been advertising "Good Sam" as premiering on January 5 at 10 PM. Undercover Boss is also currently listed as "Premieres Friday Jan. 7". Absolutely nothing about TAR premiering on January 5.

The TAR page itself is STILL using the Season 32 key art (even though everywhere else has been updated). It's STILL just saying "Now Streaming". It's STILL showing nothing but Season 32 stuff unless you scroll down to see Season 33 previews in the video tab. The cast was revealed almost a MONTH ago.

The season premieres in 3 days. This is just a minor nitpicking since TAR being back is always the most important thing but the handling of the pre-show press has been ridiculous at this point.

Guess what?? They have FINALLY updated the site!! (

Thank goodness.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 12, 2022, 09:31:53 PM
The Husbands bowing out is a curveball downer.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on January 13, 2022, 12:47:40 AM
I wanted to see Loch Lomund  :'(
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Kiwi Jay on January 13, 2022, 12:49:39 AM
I wanted to see Loch Lomund  :'(
Same! I am very sad!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on January 13, 2022, 12:51:08 AM
I wanted to see Loch Lomund  :'(
Same! I am very sad!

Who needs a beautiful lake when you can watch people sing the same song 30 times?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on January 13, 2022, 02:17:41 AM
I can’t believe TAR hasn’t done an Outlander-related task, although they did use a location for Phil’s announcement that was used as the 1968-era Harvard University for Brianna and Claire, if that counts.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on January 13, 2022, 02:30:58 AM
I can’t believe TAR hasn’t done an Outlander-related task, although they did use a location for Phil’s announcement that was used as the 1968-era Harvard University for Brianna and Claire, if that counts.

It's probably not cheap to get the rights from Diana Gabaldon and Starz, but yeah. I was thinking the same thing. :)
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TheRabbi on January 13, 2022, 07:13:32 AM
I know it was an extraordinary and unprecedented situation, but it just feels wrong that only 5 of the 9 teams were able to return. If 7 or 8 can make it, you live with it and proceed. But 5 feels too low, and that it maybe should have been rescheduled, or the season redone with new teams. Just my opinion.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Joberio on January 13, 2022, 07:17:41 AM
I know it was an extraordinary and unprecedented situation, but it just feels wrong that only 5 of the 9 teams were able to return. If 7 or 8 can make it, you live with it and proceed. But 5 feels too low, and that it maybe should have been rescheduled, or the season redone with new teams. Just my opinion.
I fully disagree. These teens put in the time to be here on the race. They deserve to resume where they left off.  For the teams who can't come back, it's terrible, but it's tough cookies.  This was the only apparent time they could do it, and they couldn't. Not the show's fault.

That said, I hope that the teams who couldn't come back can at least be given a second chance on another season.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Cybersst on January 13, 2022, 12:07:53 PM
Does anyone know why Anthony and Spencer were unable to return?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Linda BC2 on January 13, 2022, 01:02:18 PM
 I'd like to know what the teams did in those 18 months to prepare better for the race, seeing as they've tasted 3 legs already. More stick driving lessons? Musical lessons? Up their gym workouts?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redwings8831 on January 13, 2022, 01:08:03 PM
Does anyone know why Anthony and Spencer were unable to return?

One of them was injured
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on January 13, 2022, 02:29:25 PM
Does anyone know why Anthony and Spencer were unable to return?
While there are things that happened with Spencer later in 2020 after production was suspended, it’s not possible from what is available in online searches to say those things were related to the team not returning to resume filming.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 13, 2022, 07:39:25 PM
I can’t believe TAR hasn’t done an Outlander-related task, although they did use a location for Phil’s announcement that was used as the 1968-era Harvard University for Brianna and Claire, if that counts.

It's probably not cheap to get the rights from Diana Gabaldon and Starz, but yeah. I was thinking the same thing. :)

Then a MacBeth reenactment and/or a shortbread task with a Queen Mary Stuart impersonator should've been done instead of rehashing the lameness of Season 22's visit.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on January 14, 2022, 06:20:23 AM
Apparently they are casting Tough as Nails season 5 already. Season 5. Isn't that crazy considering that the 1st season premiered in the summer of 2020?

Is someone actually watching that show? I never seen much discussion online about it. Is it that popular rating wise that they are filming more and more seasons in such a short period of a time?

I wish they would treat TAR as this Tough as Nails show.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Cybersst on January 14, 2022, 08:29:57 AM
Does anyone know why Anthony and Spencer were unable to return?

One of them was injured

I saw someone else say Spencer was stuck in France trying to renew his Visa and could not get it done in time
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 14, 2022, 02:41:42 PM
It just dawned on me that a bullet was dodged insofar as the Train Boys' advantage in Corsica seeing as they would easily breeze through the Swiss leg(s).
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on January 14, 2022, 03:24:24 PM
Does anyone know why Anthony and Spencer were unable to return?

One of them was injured

I saw someone else say Spencer was stuck in France trying to renew his Visa and could not get it done in time
We have never seen any reporting other than Spencer was hospitalized for some undisclosed reason in Paris while waiting to give testimony in the trial of the terrorist and his accomplices in August or September of 2020. I doubt there would have been a visa issue in any event as both Anthony and Spencer are naturalized French citizens as well as American citizens and could have traveled using that status. We simply have no available public information out there.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 14, 2022, 04:29:02 PM
These upcoming Swiss tasks look as recycled as from previous visits to the country as the Glaswegian ones were from Season 22.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Cybersst on January 14, 2022, 06:37:03 PM
Ok, Thank you

Does anyone know why Anthony and Spencer were unable to return?

One of them was injured

I saw someone else say Spencer was stuck in France trying to renew his Visa and could not get it done in time
We. Have never seen any reporting other than Spencer was hospitalized for some undisclosed reason in Paris while waiting to give testimony in the trial of the terrorist and his accomplices in August or September of 2020. I doubt there would have been a visa issue in any event as both Anthony and Spencer are naturalized French citizens as well aAs American citizens and could have traveled using that status. We simply have no available public information out there.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on January 14, 2022, 06:46:33 PM
These upcoming Swiss tasks look as recycled as from previous visits to the country as the Glaswegian ones were from Season 22.

Well due to a certain pandemic that was going on, the TAR team has bigger and more important things to do than put on their thinking caps and come up with creative tasks and legs. I think we should be thankful given that we know in hindsight the race had a narrow window to film before the coronavirus situation got worse and could have gotten dangerous and difficult to film.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on January 14, 2022, 08:48:05 PM

I saw someone else say Spencer was stuck in France trying to renew his Visa and could not get it done in time

This makes no sense. Spencer would have nothing to do with this. WRP arranges all visas well in advance.

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 15, 2022, 03:21:49 AM
These upcoming Swiss tasks look as recycled as from previous visits to the country as the Glaswegian ones were from Season 22.

Well due to a certain pandemic that was going on, the TAR team has bigger and more important things to do than put on their thinking caps and come up with creative tasks and legs. I think we should be thankful given that we know in hindsight the race had a narrow window to film before the coronavirus situation got worse and could have gotten dangerous and difficult to film.

Quite frankly, that's a cop-out defence mechanism seeing as the Canadian version has demonstrated how tasks can transcend the limits of their locations.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: LandonM170 on January 15, 2022, 07:40:04 PM
These upcoming Swiss tasks look as recycled as from previous visits to the country as the Glaswegian ones were from Season 22.

Well to be honest the RB from that leg I would love to see again as a switchback. I thought it was a very cool task.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 15, 2022, 08:07:16 PM
Anything good about the Edinburgensian tasks was negated by the atrocious proto-Mine5 gameplay; the best Scottish episode remains a tie between the original half-leg in Stonehaven from Season 3 and the (admittedly RB-lacking) Shetland visit.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jobby on January 17, 2022, 09:20:04 PM
I love the restart! And how they invited (is it official? it seems so on Wiki) the eliminated teams back. A little sad Anthony and Spencer can't return because they genuinely have a shot of winning, but the other three teams don't really have much editing from the start for me to know them that much either. Happy that one of them got a baby boy though!

I've been very uninterested with the tasks so far. I don't know why but it doesn't feel magical anymore. Hopefully the pace picks up!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jobby on January 17, 2022, 09:38:21 PM
I take back my words. Just saw the first roadblock of the restart and!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 18, 2022, 09:37:15 AM
Hopefully, either the flag Detour or the other vegetable-Zorb side makes up for a guaranteed linear RB proverbially chewing the scenery.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jro on January 18, 2022, 05:35:30 PM
I love the restart! And how they invited (is it official? it seems so on Wiki) the eliminated teams back. A little sad Anthony and Spencer can't return because they genuinely have a shot of winning, but the other three teams don't really have much editing from the start for me to know them that much either. Happy that one of them got a baby boy though!

I've been very uninterested with the tasks so far. I don't know why but it doesn't feel magical anymore. Hopefully the pace picks up!

The eliminated teams running in was shown in one of the sneak peaks ;)

Edit: Nevermind you probably saw it by now lol
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 19, 2022, 11:27:32 AM
Here's hoping that the second Swiss leg does justice to the country's Italophone region(s) unlike Social Media Edition's treatment of Romandy (versus Season 3's actually good one).
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Malcooolm on January 19, 2022, 08:50:19 PM
You know it's rough when Lulu & Lala are better than 3/7 teams!!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: stunami on January 19, 2022, 08:56:50 PM
I really don't understand why they made this first leg an elimination leg... I mean the next leg is also in Switzerland... Why not keep all 7 teams, For the first time in Race History, we have 6 teams left at the start of leg 5...I guess we will have for the rest of the season : NEL or KOR/EL in alternance...

ALSO, while looking on google Map, I noticed the pitstop was like 6 km from Austria, and that the direct self-driving road to Lugano (Our next leg) passes really close to Liechtenstein...
I don't know if it's only me who thinks like this, but I would love to see them have a task in one of the other countries, to up a bit the # of countries visited.
I don't think visas would be a problem to just do a quick task in either of those countries, right? 
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 19, 2022, 09:49:25 PM
You know it's rough when Lulu & Lala are better than 3/7 teams!!

More like amusing, but okay.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Jro on January 19, 2022, 10:40:08 PM
You know it's rough when Lulu & Lala are better than 3/7 teams!!

Yeahhhhh this is not the strongest crop of racers. Definitely was not helped by (arguably) 3 of the stronger teams dropping out. We were left with Akbar and Sheridan who....inspiring but a 8th-12th place finish in other seasons, Lulu and Lala who are your middle of the pack, surprise you and get 6th ish team. Michael and Moe who somehow found a way to compete in two amazing race legs and get eliminated in both of them, Arun and Natalia who cannot navigate....

Penn and Kim and Ryan and Dusty are by far the strongest teams left in this race and it's not even close. Without knowing spoilers bc i slacked this season heavy on that end (which i actually like because it'll make it slightly more enjoyable), i fully expect those two to cake walk to final 3. Cayla and Raquel sneak in as number 3 just because the rest....just....are not making a final 3.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on January 19, 2022, 10:57:09 PM
Sad to see ANOTHER cut task. That's three out of four episodes all in a row that have had cut tasks. I wonder if that's getting near a record of tasks being cut in a row?
I really wish CBS would upload these somewhere, Paramount+ or even their YouTube channel. I mean they're wasting money out of their budget for tasks that they'll never show anyone so that sucks.


Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 20, 2022, 12:02:49 AM

Yeahhhhh this is not the strongest crop of racers. Definitely was not helped by (arguably) 3 of the stronger teams dropping out. We were left with Akbar and Sheridan who....inspiring but a 8th-12th place finish in other seasons, Lulu and Lala who are your middle of the pack, surprise you and get 6th ish team. Michael and Moe who somehow found a way to compete in two amazing race legs and get eliminated in both of them, Arun and Natalia who cannot navigate....

Penn and Kim and Ryan and Dusty are by far the strongest teams left in this race and it's not even close. Without knowing spoilers bc i slacked this season heavy on that end (which i actually like because it'll make it slightly more enjoyable), i fully expect those two to cake walk to final 3. Cayla and Raquel sneak in as number 3 just because the rest....just....are not making a final 3.

Damn straight, this season is the fourth in a row to have a predictable boot order.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on January 20, 2022, 12:35:17 AM
Also CBS themselves used a moment from the unaired task as the episode 4 thumbnails, woops  :lol:

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on January 20, 2022, 04:16:15 AM
Perhaps those unaired tasks will be used as extras on the eventual dvd release. By my math, it’s hard to see 12 episodes/leg segments this season.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 20, 2022, 10:17:22 AM
As if the budget would be able to include that, Luss, AND Orbit Tower.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: kshel on January 22, 2022, 03:41:47 AM
So, the Instagram TAR account has done a why we didn’t return video…
And it turns out Cato has a German passport! How? what! why!? I thought you had to be a US passport holder to be on TAR? (Because of visas, passport control etc)

Does this mean if I only moved to the US I could apply and be on TAR!?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on January 22, 2022, 05:54:52 AM
So, the Instagram TAR account has done a why we didn’t return video…
And it turns out Cato has a German passport! How? what! why!? I thought you had to be a US passport holder to be on TAR? (Because of visas, passport control etc)

Does this mean if I only moved to the US I could apply and be on TAR!?

I suspect having dual citizenship or permanent residency is one way you can have more than one passport. Anthony and Spencer have dual citizenship (France) as part of being honored due to the train terrorist incident in 2015. They both could have legally have dual passports as a result.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: kshel on January 22, 2022, 07:59:45 AM
But if that was true why could she not use an American passport to compete? She said “borders closed for non us citizens” so she couldn’t compete. If she had a us passport she could have entered the US.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: stunami on January 22, 2022, 08:39:36 AM
And the video confirmed that the Husbands were in Switzerland, and the day before the race started he got the got from him mom about his brother :'(
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 22, 2022, 08:52:14 AM
Just imagine if this season still had a standard episode count of twelve: it'd be the first Final Six NEL as early as Leg 5 and the finale would also be preceded by a non-elimination with the F3.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Leilani on January 22, 2022, 09:11:12 AM
So, the Instagram TAR account has done a why we didn’t return video…
And it turns out Cato has a German passport! How? what! why!? I thought you had to be a US passport holder to be on TAR? (Because of visas, passport control etc)

Does this mean if I only moved to the US I could apply and be on TAR!?

I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't take a few minutes to do the "why we didn't return" as part of the show.  Many of us don't have Instagram.  I don't really know why, but as excited as I was for the last episode it did nothing for me.  I watched it twice and it just didn't hold my attention.  I'm sure part of it was that I was rooting for Anthony & Spencer, but my favorite teams have been eliminated early before and I still found the show fun to watch.  Hopefully it was a one off bad episode for me.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: NumfarPTB on January 22, 2022, 05:36:54 PM
So, the Instagram TAR account has done a why we didn’t return video…
And it turns out Cato has a German passport! How? what! why!? I thought you had to be a US passport holder to be on TAR? (Because of visas, passport control etc)

Does this mean if I only moved to the US I could apply and be on TAR!?

I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't take a few minutes to do the "why we didn't return" as part of the show.  Many of us don't have Instagram.  I don't really know why, but as excited as I was for the last episode it did nothing for me.  I watched it twice and it just didn't hold my attention.  I'm sure part of it was that I was rooting for Anthony & Spencer, but my favorite teams have been eliminated early before and I still found the show fun to watch.  Hopefully it was a one off bad episode for me.

I really hate the IG UI, was hoping to find the clip on Youtube, but no luck. Here's a direct link. I don't think one needs an IG account to watch it.

As someone who holds dual citizenship and does hold passports from two different countries, that's not something that uncommon.

On Caro's case, I speculate that she holds a green card, but has not yet become a fully US citizen,  which probably is what allowed her to compete, but as she lacked the latter, she doesn't have a US passport.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: betheactress on January 22, 2022, 05:41:27 PM
tar33 wikipedia page is sore on the eyes
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on January 22, 2022, 06:47:28 PM
tar33 wikipedia page is sore on the eyes

I know, the leg summaries are bland now. Some Wikipedia mod decided a few months back that national flags should only ever be used on pages for diplomatic purposes, and wiped them off every TAR page. A TV show doesn't qualify, even one about traveling different countries.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 22, 2022, 09:29:58 PM
The counterpart TAR Fandom Wikia stays winning.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on January 23, 2022, 02:41:21 AM
tar33 wikipedia page is sore on the eyes

I know, the leg summaries are bland now. Some Wikipedia mod decided a few months back that national flags should only ever be used on pages for diplomatic purposes, and wiped them off every TAR page. A TV show doesn't qualify, even one about traveling different countries.

National flags only used on diplomatic purposes? Naked and Afraid's Wiki has all the countries visited and national flags shown. It's a reality show. My sister watches Beauty Pageants like Miss Universe, Miss World those have flags listed on their Wiki pages. I used to edit and make writeups on some TAR pages in Wikia and it keeps getting edited or taken off. The Wikia is bland as well. I've given up. Peach wanted our own page separate from Wiki & Wikia with the more passionate TAR fans, the ones managing it.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Leilani on January 23, 2022, 06:55:00 AM
So, the Instagram TAR account has done a why we didn’t return video…
And it turns out Cato has a German passport! How? what! why!? I thought you had to be a US passport holder to be on TAR? (Because of visas, passport control etc)

Does this mean if I only moved to the US I could apply and be on TAR!?

I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't take a few minutes to do the "why we didn't return" as part of the show.  Many of us don't have Instagram.  I don't really know why, but as excited as I was for the last episode it did nothing for me.  I watched it twice and it just didn't hold my attention.  I'm sure part of it was that I was rooting for Anthony & Spencer, but my favorite teams have been eliminated early before and I still found the show fun to watch.  Hopefully it was a one off bad episode for me.

I really hate the IG UI, was hoping to find the clip on Youtube, but no luck. Here's a direct link. I don't think one needs an IG account to watch it.

As someone who holds dual citizenship and does hold passports from two different countries, that's not something that uncommon.

On Caro's case, I speculate that she holds a green card, but has not yet become a fully US citizen,  which probably is what allowed her to compete, but as she lacked the latter, she doesn't have a US passport.

Thank you.  Apparently you don't need an account if you get a link to watch (like you gave me), but if you go to IG and find the video it wants you to log in or create an account.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: georgiapeach on January 23, 2022, 12:37:21 PM
Back to 33 please :luvu:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: kshel on January 24, 2022, 03:59:36 AM
So, the Instagram TAR account has done a why we didn’t return video…
And it turns out Cato has a German passport! How? what! why!? I thought you had to be a US passport holder to be on TAR? (Because of visas, passport control etc)

Does this mean if I only moved to the US I could apply and be on TAR!?

I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't take a few minutes to do the "why we didn't return" as part of the show.  Many of us don't have Instagram.  I don't really know why, but as excited as I was for the last episode it did nothing for me.  I watched it twice and it just didn't hold my attention.  I'm sure part of it was that I was rooting for Anthony & Spencer, but my favorite teams have been eliminated early before and I still found the show fun to watch.  Hopefully it was a one off bad episode for me.

On Caro's case, I speculate that she holds a green card, but has not yet become a fully US citizen,  which probably is what allowed her to compete, but as she lacked the latter, she doesn't have a US passport.

This makes more sense. I wonder how this would have played out in terms of getting stuck at borders. She might have been quicker through passport control for all these EU countries had the race continued.
But am I right in thinking they now hold you at the airport until me everyone is through passport control? 
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 26, 2022, 10:43:39 PM
Praying that the Corsican brocciu cooking task in the latest preview finally knocks the Mizzou Boys off the podium for once a la Eric and Jeremy in Oman.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on January 27, 2022, 02:25:04 PM
So apparently this season is only 10 legs. This all-Europe route is nice once, but hopefully they can return to a wider one in season 34. Much respect to production for how they handled this.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 27, 2022, 02:48:58 PM
Seasons 12 and 13 no longer share the record for shortest episode length.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on January 27, 2022, 02:53:23 PM
Do we have a source on the 10 legs? I know it’s on Wikipedia but I mean the actual source
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redwings8831 on January 27, 2022, 03:31:29 PM
Do we have a source on the 10 legs? I know it’s on Wikipedia but I mean the actual source

There are five more episodes (finale is March 2nd). The Survivor 42 two hour premiere is on 3/9.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on January 27, 2022, 05:40:23 PM
This makes more sense. I wonder how this would have played out in terms of getting stuck at borders. She might have been quicker through passport control for all these EU countries had the race continued.
But am I right in thinking they now hold you at the airport until me everyone is through passport control?

Would be difficult if by some miracle or force of nature they make it to the final three, and are stuck and unable to return to the United States to race the final leg.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: LandonM170 on January 27, 2022, 06:41:39 PM
Do we have a source on the 10 legs? I know it’s on Wikipedia but I mean the actual source

There are five more episodes (finale is March 2nd). The Survivor 42 two hour premiere is on 3/9.
There are no 2 hour episodes on the schedule, right?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on January 27, 2022, 06:43:54 PM
The apparent source for the episode/leg count is The Futon Critic by looking at its schedule pages for The Amazing Race, Survivor (which premieres Wednesday March 9), and Good Sam. And no room on the CBS schedule at the 8 pm hour with Celebrity Big Brother throughout February.

Unless CBS is planning a unannounced two hour finale on March 2, then there are no two hour episodes scheduled.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: stunami on January 27, 2022, 07:14:42 PM
If I had to bet, I would say Portugal is only one leg. Greece is two for sure, would France be only one?

Also, looking at the drive from the pit start and the bungee, they passed by Liechtenstein, it would have been cool to do the task they did in TAR18! AND would have added one extra country for the count.

Also, I hope the boys won't win every leg until the end, 2-1-2-1-1 is pretty boring...

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on January 27, 2022, 07:18:30 PM
They won't win next week, but they won't be last. That preview reminded me of the Macau preview from TAR27, heavily teasing the downfall of Justin & Diana.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on January 27, 2022, 10:53:11 PM
As long as they place fourth or fifth.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on February 02, 2022, 07:13:03 PM
At least we're finally getting out of English-speaking Europe and will have a meaningful elimination tonight. 1 continent route, 4 teams dropped out and the only 2 eliminated brought back, these past couple weeks have felt like those horrible Midwest legs of Family Edition that took 3 weeks to eliminate someone.

Maybe its just me, but with 33 I'm quickly reaching the point where I wish CBS would do like 30 and burn off the rest with 2 episodes a week  :duno:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: redskevin88 on February 02, 2022, 07:39:52 PM
At least we're finally getting out of English-speaking Europe and will have a meaningful elimination tonight. 1 continent route, 4 teams dropped out and the only 2 eliminated brought back, these past couple weeks have felt like those horrible Midwest legs of Family Edition that took 3 weeks to eliminate someone.

Maybe its just me, but with 33 I'm quickly reaching the point where I wish CBS would do like 30 and burn off the rest with 2 episodes a week  :duno:

Switzerland is not part of English-speaking Europe. They speak German, French, Italian, and Romansh. No speak English.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Kiwi Jay on February 02, 2022, 09:08:11 PM
At least we're finally getting out of English-speaking Europe and will have a meaningful elimination tonight. 1 continent route, 4 teams dropped out and the only 2 eliminated brought back, these past couple weeks have felt like those horrible Midwest legs of Family Edition that took 3 weeks to eliminate someone.

Maybe its just me, but with 33 I'm quickly reaching the point where I wish CBS would do like 30 and burn off the rest with 2 episodes a week  :duno:

Have been loving this season. So pleased they managed to get the Race back after so many issues. Loving the diversity of the teams! Would be good to see more over-45 contestants on the next season too along with the BIPOC diverse casting. Age, ethnicity, background, weight - it's important to have all different types of people!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on February 02, 2022, 09:15:29 PM
Ugh, the Mizzou Boys stay on the podium AND it's another season with a double French leg while every Greek visit remains a single episode!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: elthemagnifico on February 02, 2022, 10:46:37 PM
At least we're finally getting out of English-speaking Europe and will have a meaningful elimination tonight. 1 continent route, 4 teams dropped out and the only 2 eliminated brought back, these past couple weeks have felt like those horrible Midwest legs of Family Edition that took 3 weeks to eliminate someone.

Maybe its just me, but with 33 I'm quickly reaching the point where I wish CBS would do like 30 and burn off the rest with 2 episodes a week  :duno:

I mean tbf europe was the only possible continents who were safe to visit at the time the (rest of the race of this) season was produced.

As for the the post pandemic hiatus eps, im honestly surprised and impressed with the production. The designs are better if not great, the editing is better, we get to see old TAR vibes with it (which i kind find it ironic since they never advertise it as back to basic TAR). Its a really good comeback for TAR so far. Great casts as well
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on February 03, 2022, 07:49:44 PM
At least we're finally getting out of English-speaking Europe and will have a meaningful elimination tonight. 1 continent route, 4 teams dropped out and the only 2 eliminated brought back, these past couple weeks have felt like those horrible Midwest legs of Family Edition that took 3 weeks to eliminate someone.

Maybe its just me, but with 33 I'm quickly reaching the point where I wish CBS would do like 30 and burn off the rest with 2 episodes a week  :duno:

I mean tbf europe was the only possible continents who were safe to visit at the time the (rest of the race of this) season was produced.

As for the the post pandemic hiatus eps, im honestly surprised and impressed with the production. The designs are better if not great, the editing is better, we get to see old TAR vibes with it (which i kind find it ironic since they never advertise it as back to basic TAR). Its a really good comeback for TAR so far. Great casts as well
Last night leg's editing was pretty good. It had instances of watching the first Switzerland leg as well where the adrenaline and classic race music really elevated the commotion of the race. I just wish Phil could elaborate on the tasks beforehand like in the early half of the series when routes were the primary emphasis of the show, rather than teams trying to "teach" us the details of the tasks through confessionals.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: I ♥ TAR on February 05, 2022, 03:56:58 AM
Raquel confirmed on her Insta that her and Cayla were recruited. Are Arun & Natalia the only team who actually applied for this season or were they recruited as well?

I am just so dissaponted by TAR casting... This is ridicilous. They are recruting even ordinary people now, see both sisters teams from last season.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on February 05, 2022, 04:23:03 AM
Hot take - I don't mind the recruiting as much as the "stacking" we've been getting these past few seasons.

TAR30 = The eventual Final Five was all the five strongest teams of the season.
TAR31 = The TAR teams steamrolled all the non-TAR teams as they put some of the strongest TAR teams ever vs. complete newbies.
TAR32 = The Mine Five, as polarizing as they were, were objectively the Top 4 strongest teams of the season (Eswar & Aparna being the stragglers that left at Final 5).
TAR33 = The COVID shutdown made it so that it's Ryan & Dusty and Kim & Penn as the clear frontrunners without fail. And surprise, surprise, they make the Final 3 based on our spoilers.

I know it's probably hard to determine what makes a good team race-ability wise during casting, but this is the fourth season in a row where the endgame is relatively predictable. The last time we had a truly unpredictable/balanced season was TAR29.

Hoping 34 and the future is better, because one of the things I really do love about this season is the way the restrictions have allowed them to film safely while also bringing the Race closer to its roots with the self-driving and navigation mattering more than the tasks. In an environment where every competitive RTV format keeps modernizing and modernizing to the detriment of the original format (see: Survivor and Big Brother), it's nice to see TAR go more back to its roots even though this was definitely caused by the shutdown.

Our current format with more countries instead of Europe to the route + a balanced cast + more self-navigation + no shutdown = bigger potential for the future.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TARUSAFan on February 05, 2022, 07:01:02 AM
Hot take - I don't mind the recruiting as much as the "stacking" we've been getting these past few seasons.

TAR30 = The eventual Final Five was all the five strongest teams of the season.
TAR31 = The TAR teams steamrolled all the non-TAR teams as they put some of the strongest TAR teams ever vs. complete newbies.
TAR32 = The Mine Five, as polarizing as they were, were objectively the Top 4 strongest teams of the season (Eswar & Aparna being the stragglers that left at Final 5).
TAR33 = The COVID shutdown made it so that it's Ryan & Dusty and Kim & Penn as the clear frontrunners without fail. And surprise, surprise, they make the Final 3 based on our spoilers.

I know it's probably hard to determine what makes a good team race-ability wise during casting, but this is the fourth season in a row where the endgame is relatively predictable. The last time we had a truly unpredictable/balanced season was TAR29.

Hoping 34 and the future is better, because one of the things I really do love about this season is the way the restrictions have allowed them to film safely while also bringing the Race closer to its roots with the self-driving and navigation mattering more than the tasks. In an environment where every competitive RTV format keeps modernizing and modernizing to the detriment of the original format (see: Survivor and Big Brother), it's nice to see TAR go more back to its roots even though this was definitely caused by the shutdown.

Our current format with more countries instead of Europe to the route + a balanced cast + more self-navigation + no shutdown = bigger potential for the future.

I'm with you on this. They did go back to roots with this season. It is though, getting predictable. I honestly thought Ryan & Dusty will get eliminated this Leg.
But I do wonder what if all the 11 teams were evenly stacked regardless of the age composition, no clear frontrunners. I'd love to see that.

TAR 29 had teams, that looked strong but did not do well (Shamir/Sara, Jessie/Francesca) and odd couples do good on legs (Liz/Mike, Tara/Joey).
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Linda BC2 on February 05, 2022, 10:28:16 AM
Raquel confirmed on her Insta that her and Cayla were recruited. Are Arun & Natalia the only team who actually applied for this season or were they recruited as well?

I am just so dissaponted by TAR casting... This is ridicilous. They are recruting even ordinary people now, see both sisters teams from last season.

I don't know if this would classify as recruited but Arun & Natalia were aporoached by casting.

See this article:

"Arun had always wanted to send in an audition tape with Natalia, but they never did. Then, in 2016, Natalia sent in an audition tape with her fiancé without telling Arun.

“I get a call in 2019 from Natalia saying she auditioned three years earlier, and now the casting director wanted to know if she was still interested in being on the race,” Arun explained. “But now her fiancé was unable to participate because of his medical residency. So, I told her to contact the producers and tell them her dad would like to participate instead.”

Natalia did just that and within a few weeks, the two were off to Los Angeles to complete several rounds of in-person auditions, interviews, and background checks."
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on February 05, 2022, 01:03:11 PM
It's really sad that pretty much everyone on the show is recruited. Like can the auditions tapes being sent in be that bad? Or is hardly anyone applying?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: gamerfan09 on February 05, 2022, 07:05:54 PM
Raquel confirmed on her Insta that her and Cayla were recruited. Are Arun & Natalia the only team who actually applied for this season or were they recruited as well?

I am just so dissaponted by TAR casting... This is ridicilous. They are recruting even ordinary people now, see both sisters teams from last season.

I don't know if this would classify as recruited but Arun & Natalia were aporoached by casting.

Arun & Natalia applied for TAR32. It's just a case of casting revisiting old apps.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Linda BC2 on February 06, 2022, 11:11:08 AM
Raquel confirmed on her Insta that her and Cayla were recruited. Are Arun & Natalia the only team who actually applied for this season or were they recruited as well?

I am just so dissaponted by TAR casting... This is ridicilous. They are recruting even ordinary people now, see both sisters teams from last season.

I don't know if this would classify as recruited but Arun & Natalia were aporoached by casting.

Arun & Natalia applied for TAR32. It's just a case of casting revisiting old apps.

Read the article - Natalia and her fiance applied in 2016. Casting reached out to Natalia - her fiance couldn't go but her father said he could.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on February 09, 2022, 09:24:34 PM
A dolmades-making Roadblock and the country hosting that task fails to be named in the preview?

For shame!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: stunami on February 10, 2022, 10:36:46 AM
I don't know if I'm liking the group departures thing... I don't like the first group working together, so maybe having teams leave alone at a 5 mins difference would be better?

And i Reallllllly think producer made a mistake by having that first leg back (Leg 4) be an elimination point. I would have done:
Leg 4: NEL
Leg 5: 7 to 6 teams
Leg 6: KOR
Leg 7: 6 to 5
Leg 8: 5 to 4 (to mix it up a bit)
Leg 9: NEL
Leg 10: 4 to 3

I guess having one teams drop out the night before the race re-started kinda messed up the plan for the NEL/EL schedule but still...I feel like it's Arun/Natalia being safe from NEL every 2-3 legs, and even without spoilers, I would be able to guess our final 3.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on February 10, 2022, 11:59:06 AM
This is really minor but early in the episode seeing one of Raquel and Cayla say in their post-leg confessional “there’s only one leg you need to win” pretty much spoiled me that they won’t win the leg
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on February 10, 2022, 12:57:56 PM
A dolmades-making Roadblock and the country hosting that task fails to be named in the preview?

For shame!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Bgthetruth34 on February 10, 2022, 04:20:41 PM
Hi , first time poster here. I’m aware spoilers are limited to the final 3 teams, but I haven’t been able to find the post revealing which 3 made the final. Is this season a little more of a mystery because of the restart? Could someone point me in the right direction please?
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on February 10, 2022, 04:23:00 PM
Hi , first time poster here. I’m aware spoilers are limited to the final 3 teams, but I haven’t been able to find the post revealing which 3 made the final. Is this season a little more of a mystery because of the restart? Could someone point me in the right direction please?

You can find that info in the timeline thread
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Alenaveda on February 10, 2022, 04:34:58 PM
 :bigwelcome to the R.F.F., Bgthetruth34.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Race2020FAN on February 10, 2022, 05:51:01 PM
Ugh, the Mizzou Boys stay on the podium AND it's another season with a double French leg while every Greek visit remains a single episode!
Them giving us a sneak peak of the Pitstop for the coming Leg 8, I think we will be getting two kegs in Greece.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on February 10, 2022, 08:14:12 PM
Ugh, the Mizzou Boys stay on the podium AND it's another season with a double French leg while every Greek visit remains a single episode!
Them giving us a sneak peak of the Pitstop for the coming Leg 8, I think we will be getting two kegs in Greece.

I'm glad to have been corrected by both Elise herself as well as the Diogenes reenactor in Thessaloniki.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: NumfarPTB on February 11, 2022, 02:49:41 PM
Hi , first time poster here. I’m aware spoilers are limited to the final 3 teams, but I haven’t been able to find the post revealing which 3 made the final. Is this season a little more of a mystery because of the restart? Could someone point me in the right direction please?

First, welcome to RFF.
You can find more info in the Live Sightings thread. There should be enough information to know who are the final 3, though not a lot. For contrast we had basically the entire final leg of TAR29 covered when that was filmed a few years ago.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Plaidmoon on February 11, 2022, 08:34:41 PM
I don't know if I'm liking the group departures thing... I don't like the first group working together, so maybe having teams leave alone at a 5 mins difference would be better?

And i Reallllllly think producer made a mistake by having that first leg back (Leg 4) be an elimination point. I would have done:
Leg 4: NEL
Leg 5: 7 to 6 teams
Leg 6: KOR
Leg 7: 6 to 5
Leg 8: 5 to 4 (to mix it up a bit)
Leg 9: NEL
Leg 10: 4 to 3

I guess having one teams drop out the night before the race re-started kinda messed up the plan for the NEL/EL schedule but still...I feel like it's Arun/Natalia being safe from NEL every 2-3 legs, and even without spoilers, I would be able to guess our final 3.

I don't know if it means anything, but at the pit stop, Phil didn't say anything to teams about leaving with the first or second group, so I'm wondering if teams will be released in the order and time they arrived in the next leg.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on February 12, 2022, 01:45:45 PM
Fingers crossed for an unadvertised/unannounced surprise U-Turn that knocks the Mizzou Boys down to a fourth place check-in.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on February 24, 2022, 12:24:50 AM
Fingers crossed for an unadvertised/unannounced surprise U-Turn that knocks the Mizzou Boys down to a fourth place check-in.

No U-Turn but a rock gave you your wish
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: ianthebalance on February 24, 2022, 01:17:47 PM
Weird thing I've noticed: it seems like every leg of this season had overcast weather. It's like even the weather knew this was the season that would forever be associated with being shut down.

Edit: Actually, I remember like 1-2 legs with sunny weather but still its rather odd
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Plaidmoon on February 24, 2022, 01:57:02 PM
I was noticing the overcast on the last episode too. I was trying see if I could guess how far Dusty and Ryan were behind Natalie and Arun. With the overcast, there were no shadows, so I couldn't tell anything that way. The clouds looked pretty similar for both teams, but that may not have meant much. I miss the days when we had someone who could analyze screenshots, determine solar angles and give us a short time window when the images were recorded.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: OMGitsGARRET on February 25, 2022, 03:13:49 AM
Cayla lowkey acknowledged the spoilers in an Instagram post. :funny: She posted the picture of her and Raquel at the Greece Pit Stop that was our only clear spoiler pic all season lol.

And another angle from Raquel:
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on February 25, 2022, 07:24:01 PM
Fingers crossed for an unadvertised/unannounced surprise U-Turn that knocks the Mizzou Boys down to a fourth place check-in.

No U-Turn but a rock gave you your wish

Praise be to Pythia (instead of Probst)!
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on February 26, 2022, 06:29:43 PM
I know this is a minor gripe but they got lazier with the episode titles this season. Only 4 of 11 are racer quotes (episode 10 is said in the commercial, and episode 11 is obvious because this person says "the Race Gods" constantly in recaps)
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on February 26, 2022, 07:06:57 PM
Rumour's got it that there was a lot of eleventh-bour editing, which would also explain the shortened opening sequence for the majority of the season's broadcast.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on February 26, 2022, 07:15:32 PM
Rumour's got it that there was a lot of eleventh-bour editing, which would also explain the shortened opening sequence for the majority of the season's broadcast.

Yeah, they did have an eleventh-hour plan change, so that would make sense. Taylor & Isaiah were supposed to join the restart. They were in the sequester in Switzerland when their family called.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Genius on February 26, 2022, 11:15:43 PM
Kind of bummed that Ryan and Dusty finished last, but at least it was a NEL.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on February 27, 2022, 12:05:26 PM
On the contrary, it's a relief that the record held by #TeamExtreme from Season 30 (due to counting the Zimbabwean TBC as a de facto three-team leg) will stay intact.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: elthemagnifico on March 02, 2022, 09:40:44 PM
What a refreshing, fun, and solid season, despite the circumstances. The casts might be the stars but the production crew were the unsung hero for their effort to make the race a solid and fun one despite the difficult situations they have to face.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Maanca on March 02, 2022, 09:48:34 PM
What a refreshing, fun, and solid season, despite the circumstances. The casts might be the stars but the production crew were the unsung hero for their effort to make the race a solid and fun one despite the difficult situations they have to face.

When you put it that way, the throwback task felt like another tribute to production. The foley is also an important member of the crew behind the scenes.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: elthemagnifico on March 02, 2022, 10:05:51 PM
What a refreshing, fun, and solid season, despite the circumstances. The casts might be the stars but the production crew were the unsung hero for their effort to make the race a solid and fun one despite the difficult situations they have to face.

When you put it that way, the throwback task felt like another tribute to production. The foley is also an important member of the crew behind the scenes.

Honestly agree. Feels like most of tasks in finale are a thank you note to the production crew for making the race comeback feels sweeter. Great stuffs
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Kiwi Jay on March 03, 2022, 03:19:32 PM
Excellent season. Felt so old school with the self-driving, lack of U-Turns, interesting tasks and diverse teams.

Really hope season 34 sees more teams over 45-50, and also teams of all physical abilities. For every Ryan & Dusty, it's good to see an Akbar & Sheri (said with every ounce of love and respect). That's what made the race so fun! And as much as I don't mind a team or two who have some notoriety (like Kim & Penn), I do like to see teams who are just ordinary Americans who love the show (like Arun & Natalia).
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: TheRabbi on March 03, 2022, 03:33:01 PM
It was great to have the show back. Both hours of the 2 hour finale were great. Certain episodes in the middle were a bit dry, but it was still great to have a lot of self-driving, a pleasant cast without any real rivalries or alliances, and still enough cool scenery despite being confined to just a few countries. Hopefully season 34 can continue to build on this.
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: Parasparopagraho on March 03, 2022, 11:20:07 PM
Top Dozen Season, i.e. upper-middle tier
Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: RachelLeVega on March 04, 2022, 06:59:06 PM
All in all, very beautiful finale (aside from the season-shall-not-be-named jumpscare) and Portugal had a great penultimate leg feeling. Crazy to think that this season was ~95% in Europe with the least amount of countries ever visited in the original TAR's history (aside from TAR8) and still had smashing success as a cohesive season.

Title: Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
Post by: theschnauzers on March 05, 2022, 08:21:53 PM
I’ll be posting the data later, but TAR 33 had three teams with an average ordinal placement better than 3.0000. It’s the first time since season one that has happened.