Author Topic: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)  (Read 35957 times)

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Offline Alenaveda

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #250 on: February 10, 2022, 04:34:58 PM »
 :bigwelcome to the R.F.F., Bgthetruth34.
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Offline Race2020FAN

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #251 on: February 10, 2022, 05:51:01 PM »
Ugh, the Mizzou Boys stay on the podium AND it's another season with a double French leg while every Greek visit remains a single episode!
Them giving us a sneak peak of the Pitstop for the coming Leg 8, I think we will be getting two kegs in Greece.

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #252 on: February 10, 2022, 08:14:12 PM »
Ugh, the Mizzou Boys stay on the podium AND it's another season with a double French leg while every Greek visit remains a single episode!
Them giving us a sneak peak of the Pitstop for the coming Leg 8, I think we will be getting two kegs in Greece.

I'm glad to have been corrected by both Elise herself as well as the Diogenes reenactor in Thessaloniki.

Offline NumfarPTB

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #253 on: February 11, 2022, 02:49:41 PM »
Hi , first time poster here. I’m aware spoilers are limited to the final 3 teams, but I haven’t been able to find the post revealing which 3 made the final. Is this season a little more of a mystery because of the restart? Could someone point me in the right direction please?

First, welcome to RFF.
You can find more info in the Live Sightings thread. There should be enough information to know who are the final 3, though not a lot. For contrast we had basically the entire final leg of TAR29 covered when that was filmed a few years ago.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 03:06:20 PM by NumfarPTB »

Offline Plaidmoon

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #254 on: February 11, 2022, 08:34:41 PM »
I don't know if I'm liking the group departures thing... I don't like the first group working together, so maybe having teams leave alone at a 5 mins difference would be better?

And i Reallllllly think producer made a mistake by having that first leg back (Leg 4) be an elimination point. I would have done:
Leg 4: NEL
Leg 5: 7 to 6 teams
Leg 6: KOR
Leg 7: 6 to 5
Leg 8: 5 to 4 (to mix it up a bit)
Leg 9: NEL
Leg 10: 4 to 3

I guess having one teams drop out the night before the race re-started kinda messed up the plan for the NEL/EL schedule but still...I feel like it's Arun/Natalia being safe from NEL every 2-3 legs, and even without spoilers, I would be able to guess our final 3.

I don't know if it means anything, but at the pit stop, Phil didn't say anything to teams about leaving with the first or second group, so I'm wondering if teams will be released in the order and time they arrived in the next leg.

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #255 on: February 12, 2022, 01:45:45 PM »
Fingers crossed for an unadvertised/unannounced surprise U-Turn that knocks the Mizzou Boys down to a fourth place check-in.

Offline ianthebalance

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #256 on: February 24, 2022, 12:24:50 AM »
Fingers crossed for an unadvertised/unannounced surprise U-Turn that knocks the Mizzou Boys down to a fourth place check-in.

No U-Turn but a rock gave you your wish

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #257 on: February 24, 2022, 01:17:47 PM »
Weird thing I've noticed: it seems like every leg of this season had overcast weather. It's like even the weather knew this was the season that would forever be associated with being shut down.

Edit: Actually, I remember like 1-2 legs with sunny weather but still its rather odd
« Last Edit: February 24, 2022, 01:24:17 PM by ianthebalance »

Offline Plaidmoon

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #258 on: February 24, 2022, 01:57:02 PM »
I was noticing the overcast on the last episode too. I was trying see if I could guess how far Dusty and Ryan were behind Natalie and Arun. With the overcast, there were no shadows, so I couldn't tell anything that way. The clouds looked pretty similar for both teams, but that may not have meant much. I miss the days when we had someone who could analyze screenshots, determine solar angles and give us a short time window when the images were recorded.

Offline OMGitsGARRET

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #259 on: February 25, 2022, 03:13:49 AM »
Cayla lowkey acknowledged the spoilers in an Instagram post. :funny: She posted the picture of her and Raquel at the Greece Pit Stop that was our only clear spoiler pic all season lol.

And another angle from Raquel:

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #260 on: February 25, 2022, 07:24:01 PM »
Fingers crossed for an unadvertised/unannounced surprise U-Turn that knocks the Mizzou Boys down to a fourth place check-in.

No U-Turn but a rock gave you your wish

Praise be to Pythia (instead of Probst)!

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #261 on: February 26, 2022, 06:29:43 PM »
I know this is a minor gripe but they got lazier with the episode titles this season. Only 4 of 11 are racer quotes (episode 10 is said in the commercial, and episode 11 is obvious because this person says "the Race Gods" constantly in recaps)

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #262 on: February 26, 2022, 07:06:57 PM »
Rumour's got it that there was a lot of eleventh-bour editing, which would also explain the shortened opening sequence for the majority of the season's broadcast.

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #263 on: February 26, 2022, 07:15:32 PM »
Rumour's got it that there was a lot of eleventh-bour editing, which would also explain the shortened opening sequence for the majority of the season's broadcast.

Yeah, they did have an eleventh-hour plan change, so that would make sense. Taylor & Isaiah were supposed to join the restart. They were in the sequester in Switzerland when their family called.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2022, 07:19:23 PM by Maanca »

Offline Genius

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #264 on: February 26, 2022, 11:15:43 PM »
Kind of bummed that Ryan and Dusty finished last, but at least it was a NEL.

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #265 on: February 27, 2022, 12:05:26 PM »
On the contrary, it's a relief that the record held by #TeamExtreme from Season 30 (due to counting the Zimbabwean TBC as a de facto three-team leg) will stay intact.

Offline elthemagnifico

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #266 on: March 02, 2022, 09:40:44 PM »
What a refreshing, fun, and solid season, despite the circumstances. The casts might be the stars but the production crew were the unsung hero for their effort to make the race a solid and fun one despite the difficult situations they have to face.
what might have been

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #267 on: March 02, 2022, 09:48:34 PM »
What a refreshing, fun, and solid season, despite the circumstances. The casts might be the stars but the production crew were the unsung hero for their effort to make the race a solid and fun one despite the difficult situations they have to face.

When you put it that way, the throwback task felt like another tribute to production. The foley is also an important member of the crew behind the scenes.

Offline elthemagnifico

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #268 on: March 02, 2022, 10:05:51 PM »
What a refreshing, fun, and solid season, despite the circumstances. The casts might be the stars but the production crew were the unsung hero for their effort to make the race a solid and fun one despite the difficult situations they have to face.

When you put it that way, the throwback task felt like another tribute to production. The foley is also an important member of the crew behind the scenes.

Honestly agree. Feels like most of tasks in finale are a thank you note to the production crew for making the race comeback feels sweeter. Great stuffs
what might have been

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #269 on: March 03, 2022, 03:19:32 PM »
Excellent season. Felt so old school with the self-driving, lack of U-Turns, interesting tasks and diverse teams.

Really hope season 34 sees more teams over 45-50, and also teams of all physical abilities. For every Ryan & Dusty, it's good to see an Akbar & Sheri (said with every ounce of love and respect). That's what made the race so fun! And as much as I don't mind a team or two who have some notoriety (like Kim & Penn), I do like to see teams who are just ordinary Americans who love the show (like Arun & Natalia).
« Last Edit: March 03, 2022, 03:26:57 PM by Kiwi Jay »
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Offline TheRabbi

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #270 on: March 03, 2022, 03:33:01 PM »
It was great to have the show back. Both hours of the 2 hour finale were great. Certain episodes in the middle were a bit dry, but it was still great to have a lot of self-driving, a pleasant cast without any real rivalries or alliances, and still enough cool scenery despite being confined to just a few countries. Hopefully season 34 can continue to build on this.

Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #271 on: March 03, 2022, 11:20:07 PM »
Top Dozen Season, i.e. upper-middle tier

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #272 on: March 04, 2022, 06:59:06 PM »
All in all, very beautiful finale (aside from the season-shall-not-be-named jumpscare) and Portugal had a great penultimate leg feeling. Crazy to think that this season was ~95% in Europe with the least amount of countries ever visited in the original TAR's history (aside from TAR8) and still had smashing success as a cohesive season.

<3 Family, friends, food, freedom...FULFILLED <3
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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #273 on: March 05, 2022, 08:21:53 PM »
I’ll be posting the data later, but TAR 33 had three teams with an average ordinal placement better than 3.0000. It’s the first time since season one that has happened.
-- theschnauzers