Author Topic: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)  (Read 35969 times)

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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #50 on: September 25, 2021, 01:52:02 PM »
It isn't as they are doing casting now.


Thanks! Now back to 33 please. :)
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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #51 on: September 25, 2021, 03:56:14 PM »
So 8 teams returned to continue racing.

Highly rumoured that Ray & Caro and Connie & Sam are not in this time. So who is 3rd not racing team then?

I really hope that it's one of the MM teams, I do now want half of the teams in F8 being MM teams.

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2021, 09:35:25 PM »
So 8 teams returned to continue racing.

Highly rumoured that Ray & Caro and Connie & Sam are not in this time. So who is 3rd not racing team then?

I really hope that it's one of the MM teams, I do now want half of the teams in F8 being MM teams.
I'm assuming that it's
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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #53 on: September 25, 2021, 09:57:03 PM »

DO NOT POST NEW INFO HERE! Put it in theDiscussion thread please!

Moving forward  I will need to delete this kind of posts here. So choose wisely!
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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #54 on: September 26, 2021, 09:55:35 AM »
We know exactly where they are racing right now but still no sightings. :-(

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #55 on: September 26, 2021, 03:19:09 PM »
We know exactly where they are racing right now but still no sightings. :-(

Yeah, leg is most likely over and we got nothing except that one pretty useless short video. 

Spoiling was supposed to be fun and good. I am seriously annoyed, lol.

Offline Jack3257

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #56 on: September 26, 2021, 03:24:38 PM »
So if we use the three UK legs and have three more in Europe after the re-start, I wonder if this will be a Europe-centric season (possibly because of EU travel rules).  Asia and Australia definitely seem out this time.  I feel like we could end up flying south to Africa for two legs and then back to the Americas (South & Central, maybe even get the long overdue Canada visit) before returning to the USA.  I completely understand the production limits rn, but many of the Europe legs the last few seasons have started to feel redundant. 

Offline H_E_L_L_O

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #57 on: September 26, 2021, 03:28:33 PM »

Spoiling was supposed to be fun and good. I am seriously annoyed, lol.

LMAO, insert crying Rachel.

Offline RachelLeVega

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #58 on: September 26, 2021, 03:54:54 PM »

Spoiling was supposed to be fun and good. I am seriously annoyed, lol.

LMAO, insert crying Rachel.
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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #59 on: September 26, 2021, 04:08:29 PM »
This is so thrilling! I am looking forward to the season more than ever with giant missing puzzle pieces in every corner. With us being led solely by word-of-mouth so far, we may possibly be having the season play out like old-school viewing of the show. I remember before I joined RFF (pre-TAR19) that the locations were all surprises to me following each end credit preview and it kept me eager for the next episode for so long, and it still is the case when I arrived here - especially while live updating episodes. Here's to hoping we do get photo evidence in more days to come just so we can see the teams again, but I am not complaining about the lack of sightings.
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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2021, 07:50:43 PM »
This is so thrilling! I am looking forward to the season more than ever with giant missing puzzle pieces in every corner. With us being led solely by word-of-mouth so far, we may possibly be having the season play out like old-school viewing of the show. I remember before I joined RFF (pre-TAR19) that the locations were all surprises to me following each end credit preview and it kept me eager for the next episode for so long, and it still is the case when I arrived here - especially while live updating episodes. Here's to hoping we do get photo evidence in more days to come just so we can see the teams again, but I am not complaining about the lack of sightings.

This is what things were like before the first live spoiler when season six was being filmed.The spoiler was a season five racer stumbling across season six being filmed in a Berlin train station. Or BostonRob having an advantage being recognized virtually anywhere while season seven was being filmed. We’d assemble what we found episode by episode to piece together what had actually happened and when.

So welcome back to the good ole days!
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Offline Neobie

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #61 on: September 27, 2021, 10:29:44 AM »
I'm loving this spoiler season, with so much more thinking to go through! It really is like old school TAR detective work!

Also much appreciation for trying new regions in old countries, particularly for Corsica (the east and south instead of the north and west from TAR 6), and Greece (the northeast instead of Athens and the west from TAR 9 and TAR 29). Jury's out for England, Switzerland, and Italy though!

Offline Brannockdevice

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #62 on: October 01, 2021, 04:19:58 PM »
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe

If having an all-Europe race is what it takes for us to film, I’m all for it! I’m so grateful we can get back to doing what we love!
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Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #63 on: October 01, 2021, 06:17:15 PM »
I'm loving this spoiler season, with so much more thinking to go through! It really is like old school TAR detective work!

Also much appreciation for trying new regions in old countries, particularly for Corsica (the east and south instead of the north and west from TAR 6), and Greece (the northeast instead of Athens and the west from TAR 9 and TAR 29). Jury's out for England, Switzerland, and Italy though!

Agree with you on Corsica and Greece. Loving these choices. And I’m shamelessly hoping they drove through Northern Italy and visited Turin for a leg, before flying from Milan to Corsica.

So pleased the race is back, enjoying the challenges of finding spoilers this season, and although they’re probably only doing a 3 continent race with most of the legs in Europe, I’m really happy it’s filming. I mean - what a feat!
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Offline TARUSAFan

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #64 on: October 02, 2021, 02:27:44 AM »
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe

If having an all-Europe race is what it takes for us to film, I’m all for it! I’m so grateful we can get back to doing what we love!

Yes, and there have been amazing new locations. Glasgow, Thessaloniki. We haven't been to Corsica in a long time, we visited Corsica in S.6. Portugal is an underused country last visited in S.23

I would have preferred though a leg in Ireland, missed opportunity rather than (3) legs in United Kingdom. 2 is okay with me though.

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2021, 02:34:43 AM by TARUSAFan »

Offline redskevin88

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #65 on: October 02, 2021, 02:55:50 AM »
Yes, and there have been amazing new locations. Glasgow, Thessaloniki. We haven't been to Corsica in a long time, we visited Corsica in S.6. Portugal is an underused country last visited in S.23

I would have preferred though a leg in Ireland, missed opportunity rather than (3) legs in United Kingdom. 2 is okay with me though.

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.

That and I believe we haven't had a leg in Milan in a while along with Zurich. Milan had a roadblock while Zurich was an airport connection.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2021, 04:03:26 AM by redskevin88 »

Offline H_E_L_L_O

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #66 on: October 02, 2021, 02:58:05 AM »
Yes, and there have been amazing new locations. Glasgow, Thessaloniki. We haven't been to Corsica in a long time, we visited Corsica in S.6. Portugal is an underused country last visited in S.23

I would have preferred though a leg in Ireland, missed opportunity rather than (3) legs in United Kingdom. 2 is okay with me though.

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.

That and I believe we haven't had a leg in Milan in a while along with Zurich. The last visit to Milan and Zurich merely used them as airport connections.

Milan had a roadblock on TAR 29

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #67 on: October 02, 2021, 04:03:55 AM »
Milan had a roadblock on TAR 29

Thanks. Fixed.

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #68 on: October 02, 2021, 09:31:09 AM »
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe

If having an all-Europe race is what it takes for us to film, I’m all for it! I’m so grateful we can get back to doing what we love!

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.
Gotta agree with you totally hoping there is no more Mine Five set ups. It’s no longer a race at that point. It shouldn’t be called the Amazing Race at that point. Something  more like The Amazing Coalition Games. JMHO

Offline Jack3257

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #69 on: October 03, 2021, 03:42:24 PM »
Love European countries, I would have no problem if they spend half the season there. Hehehe

If having an all-Europe race is what it takes for us to film, I’m all for it! I’m so grateful we can get back to doing what we love!

I just cannot wait for this to air. I do not want to wait for a long time like S.32 especially the latter was bad and I waited a long time for it. Hopefully the production team made some drastic changes to prevent a Mine Five 2.0 or any strategy taken from their book which I never want to see on TAR ever again.
Gotta agree with you totally hoping there is no more Mine Five set ups. It’s no longer a race at that point. It shouldn’t be called the Amazing Race at that point. Something  more like The Amazing Coalition Games. JMHO

I read in an interview that Elise did that they are probably creating a new rule where you can’t help teams after you get your clue.

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2021, 10:38:21 AM »
We're so unspoiled on this season that the CBS promos will probably spoil more for us lol

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2021, 12:08:50 PM »
We will have great fun watching and comparing notes when it airs!


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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #72 on: October 04, 2021, 12:20:50 PM »
I'm actually quite excited for this season. We are not 100% sure about all the racers, we only know some of the locations and we have a single sighting of only one team!
It's almost like watching TAR 1!

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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2021, 12:26:57 PM »
I'm actually quite excited for this season. We are not 100% sure about all the racers, we only know some of the locations and we have a single sighting of only one team!
It's almost like watching TAR 1!

I KNOW ME TOO lmao. Kinda fun!!
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Re: TAR 33 (2nd Try!) Bitch, Moan, and Squeal HERE! (Spoilers)
« Reply #74 on: October 04, 2021, 12:34:21 PM »
I'm actually quite excited for this season. We are not 100% sure about all the racers, we only know some of the locations and we have a single sighting of only one team!
It's almost like watching TAR 1!

Yes! Is going to be a great experience being surprised again as in the beginning of the show. Rekindle that old TAR magic.
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