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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1100 on: October 06, 2020, 07:49:05 AM »
Great designs! A very competitive round :)
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1101 on: October 06, 2020, 09:51:31 AM »
Wow what a round! I defintely feel this is everybodys best round and we have some amazing legs here!

Super excited to see the results!!

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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1102 on: October 06, 2020, 03:36:20 PM »
INSANE level of designs, everyone! Amazing!
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1103 on: October 07, 2020, 10:03:35 PM »
Where is the poll?

Offline Kamineko

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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1104 on: October 07, 2020, 11:12:59 PM »
Where is the poll?

Sorry, I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding, oval!  :luvya:

Poll is up! :tup:
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1105 on: October 09, 2020, 11:22:56 AM »
Feeling very nervous about this one....good luck everyone! We’ve come a long way!

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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1106 on: October 10, 2020, 01:44:03 AM »
omg i've gone too long and when I checked rff back in, tar dc is back  :didimiss:

hope everyone's healthy. need some time to see read the whole thread here.  :ghug:
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1107 on: October 12, 2020, 03:38:01 AM »
Sorry I haven't had the time to comment much recently but enjoying the designs - great work everyone and good luck! :2hearts:
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1108 on: October 13, 2020, 12:42:00 AM »

Here are my comments for your premiere legs!

MikeDodgers - Venice, Italy

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• Miami is the starting line for a trip to Venice, Italy. I like how you connected the starting location to the first destination, noting the Italian-American population in Miami. A little surprised you picked Venice as it was just visited in TAR29, but it certainly has a lot of promise for a premiere leg.

• What word do they have to unscramble with the coins? “Venice”, “Italy”, or something else?

• I don’t see any flight screenshots. Try to have those in there somewhere!

• “...make their way by marked car and motorized scooter to the Piazza…” What does this mean, exactly? Do they have to use both modes of transportation or do they get to pick? Try to clarify this type of thing.

• This first Roadblock sounds fine on paper; Marco Polo is an important historical figure, and a delivery task is okay. However, let’s think about the details of this task- where and what are the marked locations? How much do the locations pay? Do they get to keep extra money, if applicable?

• What types of motor-scooters are teams using? Will camera crews be able to go along? Driving these can be unsafe for novices, but it could be possible with the right safety protocols.

• Locating the letters is OK, although the task only gets harder for teams getting there later. I don’t mind this type of simple ARI to help extend the length of the leg.

• For the second Roadblock, is there any type of resource for teams to use to be able to translate? Otherwise, do they have to rely on their innate knowledge of Latin? What type and length of phrase are they translating? Do they submit their guess by writing it down or speaking it? There are so many more things I would need to know about this task before being able to say whether it’s a quality Roadblock task.

• Teams then move over to Doge Palace for the first Pit Stop. Looks to be a good site.

What I Liked Most: A solid amount of Italian history was touched upon. The locations were fine and the tasks seemed to all be good ideas for a Leg 1.

What I Disliked Most: By far, the lack of details. At this point in the contest, I think I’ve opined enough about the importance of details. I wanted to say that this leg is feasible, but I can’t even know that for sure without things like maps or logistics explanations. The ceiling for your score lowers when you omit so many details.

Good work overall and good luck if you make it to the final round. :hrt:

Lemontail - Ambon, Indonesia

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• Guam is a unique starting line; I want to see a return to this island for the first time since TAR 11. As for the Starting Line task, I like the concept of progressively uncovering the clues to the different route markers, but the actual performance of the task may have snags; frantic racers running around with saws could lead to some potential injuries. Plus, all teams are starting from the same place at the same time and would likely be able to follow each other around. The second task- spelling AMBON, ID- is more likely to separate teams, as it’s tough enough and requires some mental strategy.

• Anyway, teams are separated into two different flights. Ambon is one of the top Indonesian destinations I would like to see on TAR. As seen by the flight paths, it’s pretty difficult to get to, but I think it’ll be worth the long trip.

• Teams then go to the Monument and find a Detour. Touch the Food requires teams to create skewers and then skewer some fish, while Feel the Sound is more about the musical side. I think it’s interesting how both Detours involve bamboo sticks, just like back in Guam. Overall, I like how each task highlights the cultural profile of Molucca. Both tasks seem to be an appropriate difficulty for the premiere leg, too.

• Moving on to the soccer field, teams encounter a Roadblock of making and decorating a ritual stone. If the stones are heavy, it may be prohibitively difficult for one racer alone to maneuver them. For that reason, mainly, I would have actually liked to see this task be the ARI and your next ARI be a Roadblock. This is a fine and cultural task, notwithstanding.

• At the Statue of Pattimura, we get a lively dance task. I like how this task isn’t directly after the Feel the Sound Detour, because that would be two similar music tasks in a row. Six minutes sounds pretty long for a dance, so it could be exhausting for some racers.

• The second Roadblock is an eating task with a twist; racers will have to sample several papeda dishes. While distinguishing between the dishes may be difficult at first, racers should be able to catch on. Are they told which ones are right if they aren’t all correct? Eating tasks on Leg 1 are a good way to get teams immersed in international culture.

• I like how teams have to go on foot to this Pit Stop. There’s always potential for drama with #ReadYourClue.

What I Liked Most: The tasks and locations of the leg were a good snapshot of this yet-unexplored region of Eastern Indonesia. The leg had lots of material for a 90-minute premiere.

What I Disliked Most: I prefer more accessible destinations for a premiere leg (1 or 2 flights to get to the first destination instead of 3 or 4), although I understand this was necessary due to the remoteness of Ambon.

Good work overall and good luck if you make it to the final round. :hrt:

nrh2110 - Kyoto, Japan

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• Beginning in Japan is a unique twist; it gives more time for teams to be on the ground in Kyoto. I won’t judge the teams you decided to put in your cast, although they seem to be a good bunch. Teams will immediately have to go back to their last race and remember what Pit Stop they were eliminated at. It does play into the “redemption arc” theme of the season and could give us some flashback clips, so I think it’s okay. I also like the cultural tie-in of the manga drawings.

• The “two famous Italians” cryptic clue could make for some way off-base guesses if racers try to think of real-life figures and not the characters, but most should be able to figure it out in short order. We then have our first Roadblock of the Race, and it requires teams to quickly play two game levels. In my view, I’m only so-so when it comes to video game tasks on TAR. They can provide some good moments, but also could be just like watching Twitch, which may not be what people tuned into CBS want. More positively, the location of the task is of course very appropriate; there is a good amount of cultural relevance in this task.

• Teams then go to Ichiime Shrine for a quick doll arranging task. It’s traditional, cultural, uncomplicated, and has some potential for placement changes. Pretty much a perfect ARI task for a first leg, so good addition!

• The next clues eventually lead teams to the pagoda and they find the second red envelope of the leg. I really like how you addressed some of the stereotypes or assumptions regarding geisha, so I like how the task can be a positive cultural moment. Dressing and styling the geisha should be interesting, and dancing is usually fun and won’t be linear with 11 racers participating. The performative nature of the task means that teams will be shaken up right before heading off to the Pit Stop, which is advantageous.

• Kinkaku-ji then serves as the beautiful Pit Stop for the leg.

What I Liked Most: Japan is an incredible place to have elements of both modern and historical culture in one leg, and this leg did exactly that. Kyoto is a city that ought to get a visit and the design included a great sample of the locations and culture of the city.

What I Disliked Most: The segment of finding Kiyomizudera is a solid concept, but it feels like it should have been at the end of the leg. There are three mid-leg non-task clues in a row and while I understand their purposes, it could have been a bit smoother to make Kiyomizudera the Pit Stop- teams have to find their way there by their own volition and are racing there on foot, which could make for a more exciting ending.

Good work overall and good luck if you make it to the final round. :hrt:

Bookworm - Antigua, Guatemala

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• The teams begin with the stunning backdrop of Lake Atitlan in an unvisited country, Guatemala. The Starting Line task features these traditional kaleidoscopic kites, which should be visually appealing for the viewers. Paddling back and forth with the kites is strenuous, but hectic. The penalty for a kite touching the water could be irritating if the weather doesn’t cooperate, but it is usually windy at the Lake. As you mentioned, this task will test teams’ cooperation and cohesion immediately after Phil says go, not to mention physicality (rowing) and language skills. While hiccups are possible, I do believe it’s a suitable Starting Line task.

• I like how each bus departs as the last team gets there; it keeps the initial adrenaline and momentum high. Arriving in Antigua, the Hazard penalty is a fundamental task of both chocolate and Mayan math. The math should be easy to pick up and the task will go by quickly, but that’s exactly what a Hazard is supposed to be. A small penalty, but nothing too impeding.

• The first Roadblock at the Convent is a mental task, memorizing nun characteristics. The difficulty of this task highly depends on whether teams are able to keep notes. If so, then the task should be more about applying the convents. If notes are prohibited and it’s more about memory skill, then the task gets significantly harder. Remembering 15 unique names and their order would be challenging- I know that I would need several attempts. It’s a good cultural spotlight and a fitting task for the location, but the amount of note-taking (and helping between racers) allowed will have an affect on the toughness of the task.

• Moving on to Iglesia La Merced, teams must smash ceramic owls to collect 100 Quetzals. This task is cultural, and helps to round out the Antigua portion of the leg. Provided safety measures for passers-by are in place, I think it serves its purpose just fine.

• This second Roadblock is probably my favorite task of the leg. Sawdust carpets are a part of many Central American cultures and should be featured on TAR! The task requires intricacy to complete the art, and with unique sections teams won’t be able to look off each other. Good task through-and-through.

• I’m totally fine with the TAR 25 method of distributing the Express Pass making a return, and I also like how you attached a quick task so it’s more than just diverting to another location. The risk-reward is there with the potential for teams to be relatively close together in Antigua, and the task will take time but isn’t overwhelming. Overall, a favorable and practical implementation of the EP twist.

• Teams then ascend to the picturesque Cerro de la Cruz to end the first leg.

What I Liked Most: Teams are immersed in Guatemalan culture from the get-go and the leg has tons of potential for a great episode with a pair of twists, a fast pace, teams racing close together, and diverse tasks. Choosing a Starting Line in Guatemala as well as the chicken buses were positives.

What I Disliked Most: Some viewers may be confused by both the required Hazard and the optional Express Pass locations appearing in the same leg. With the other tasks needing chunks of airtime, having both twists in Leg 1 could detract from the flow of the other tasks/locations.

Good work overall and good luck if you make it to the final round. :hrt:

Nuku - Cairns, Australia

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• Big Bear Lake serves as the Starting Line, which makes for some good shots of scenery. The Starting Line is seriously physical, with the obstacle course and mountain biking. However, it also has its mental component with the Australia clues and questions. I like how teams will have to race hard straight away and how teams will be rewarded for knowledge of the Aussie symbols. If a racer were to fall on the monkey bars or balance beam, would they have to start over again, or could they move on to the next obstacle? I hope older racers wouldn’t be at too much of a disadvantage. The safety factor is also important in this task. Multiple people trying to ride a mountain bike on the same narrow path at the same time could be a logjam. I like the essence of your Starting Line Task, but there needs to be some more details on its organization.

• What time of day are you planning on starting in Big Bear? One of your flights leaves at 7 AM, while the other leaves at 11 PM the same day. Maybe having all teams on the same flight to BNE and on separate flights to CNS would be better than these two separate itineraries.

• Cairns! Haven’t seen this area in a while (in fact, Season 4 was the only American visit to Queensland). Teams self-drive to the Terminal where they grab a water taxi to Green Island. How long is the boat trip? The first Roadblock involves snorkeling, which is a good activity for Leg 1. Matching the corals will require some swimming around but will be doable for the teams. I also think the additional penalty of doing 2 extra corals is appropriate.

• Teams then drop off their coral samples at the terminal and depart for Kewarra Beach. This second Roadblock requires both dis-assembly and assembly, and transforms material from one type of recreation (canoe) to another (volleyball net). Is repurposing wood to make a net something that’s been done before, or did you create this idea yourself? Either way, it’s an inventive task. It harkens back to some other beach tasks, yet has a different spin to it. Plus, there will be a finished net on the beach for the community to use at the end! Overall, this is a quality challenge.

• At the Cultural Park, racers have to paint and be painted with an Aboriginal design. This is an important part of Aboriginal tradition, so it’s a good idea to respectfully promote it. Then, they must find a match of their face paint design, which adds another small layer to the task.

• Teams then go to the cable car terminal and hop on to travel to the Pit Stop. Very photogenic ride and Pit Stop, but bunching points right before the Pit Stop aren’t my favorite. I appreciate your intent to mitigate this by closing the cable car to the public for the race, but I’m not sure if the cost to do that (if even possible) would outweigh the possibility of more frequent service.

• I liked how you featured distinct sides of Cairns- in fact, there was sea, land and air in this leg (in that order, no less!). Still, adding maps to the design would have made a difference.

What I Liked Most: As a whole, I enjoyed the Australian tasks of the leg, and the Aboriginal culture was a good addition. Self-driving was also the right choice for the leg, in my opinion. This would be a good return to Northeast Australia!

What I Disliked Most: The leg’s tasks were fairly tilted towards the physical side. While that isn’t necessarily bad, it would be unique to see a beachside premiere leg that isn’t mostly physical. Also, some logistical details could have been brushed up, including maps and the flights.

Good work overall and good luck if you make it to the final round. :hrt:

betheactress - Inle Lake, Myanmar

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• Beginning in bustling Mumbai and underneath the shadow of the Gateway to India, teams must find a hti with the correct flag. Flag ID isn’t new to starting line challenges, but teams finding the correct hti and keeping it with them is a new take on the challenge, so it’s fine by me. Traveling by tuk-tuk to the airport after finishing the task is chaotic and is a breath of fresh air from the typical self-drive to the airport that determines flight order. Great use of the Mumbai starting line!

• Teams then use their hti at the Kuthodaw Pagoda, a nice cultural touch. Then, it’s a classic scramble for bus tickets, separating teams on to three buses to Inle Lake.

• Leg rowing is pretty much an obligatory task at Inle Lake, so I like its inclusion here as the Roadblock. The task is modeled after a day in the life of an Inle Lake resident between the rowing and the tomato collection. There is a chance that a racer could sabotage another by knocking into their canoe or blocking them in, so I would hope to have some play-fair rules in this task. Aside from that, the task premise here is superb.

• Inn Paw Khon is the next location, providing an Active Route Info of finding the woman with the most rings. About 15 women scattered around the village seems about right, as you don’t want teams to be there all day. This is quite the unique practice, so it’s special to be able to highlight a different type of beauty standard.

• Teams then go over to the Market and encounter the Detour. Healthy Paste requires teams to mix ingredients, with the water-powder ratio being key. It may take a couple of tries, but teams won’t be starting over completely if they mess up since they are in the process of grinding. On the flip side, Golden Plate also ties into local art. Unlike previous gold leaf tasks, teams are actually making the product instead of applying it. I would have liked to see a video of the process, but your explanation of the artisan process was sufficient.

• I like how technique is important to each Detour task. Overall, it was a cultural Detour that should be fairly balanced with each task being the right difficulty for Leg 1. After finishing the Detour, teams travel to the beautiful Phang Daw Oo to find Phil at the Pit Stop!

What I Liked Most: The India start was executed nicely; then, jumping into an unvisited country, the tasks were fitting and their cultural significance shined through your explanations. Presentation was smooth as always and the leg would make for an engaging race episode.

What I Disliked Most: Not a whole lot of complaints about the leg at all, but the Inle Lake portion of the leg seems like it could be more suited for the middle of a race. That’s not to say it feels out of place as an opening leg, but it feels as if it would be more sleek as a final six (or so) leg.

Good work overall and good luck if you make it to the final round. :hrt:
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1109 on: October 13, 2020, 08:14:41 AM »

Here are my comments for your premiere legs!

MikeDodgers - Venice, Italy

• Miami is the starting line for a trip to Venice, Italy. I like how you connected the starting location to the first destination, noting the Italian-American population in Miami. A little surprised you picked Venice as it was just visited in TAR29, but it certainly has a lot of promise for a premiere leg.

• What word do they have to unscramble with the coins? “Venice”, “Italy”, or something else?

• I don’t see any flight screenshots. Try to have those in there somewhere!

• “...make their way by marked car and motorized scooter to the Piazza…” What does this mean, exactly? Do they have to use both modes of transportation or do they get to pick? Try to clarify this type of thing.

• This first Roadblock sounds fine on paper; Marco Polo is an important historical figure, and a delivery task is okay. However, let’s think about the details of this task- where and what are the marked locations? How much do the locations pay? Do they get to keep extra money, if applicable?

• What types of motor-scooters are teams using? Will camera crews be able to go along? Driving these can be unsafe for novices, but it could be possible with the right safety protocols.

• Locating the letters is OK, although the task only gets harder for teams getting there later. I don’t mind this type of simple ARI to help extend the length of the leg.

• For the second Roadblock, is there any type of resource for teams to use to be able to translate? Otherwise, do they have to rely on their innate knowledge of Latin? What type and length of phrase are they translating? Do they submit their guess by writing it down or speaking it? There are so many more things I would need to know about this task before being able to say whether it’s a quality Roadblock task.

• Teams then move over to Doge Palace for the first Pit Stop. Looks to be a good site.

What I Liked Most: A solid amount of Italian history was touched upon. The locations were fine and the tasks seemed to all be good ideas for a Leg 1.

What I Disliked Most: By far, the lack of details. At this point in the contest, I think I’ve opined enough about the importance of details. I wanted to say that this leg is feasible, but I can’t even know that for sure without things like maps or logistics explanations. The ceiling for your score lowers when you omit so many details.

Good work overall and good luck if you make it to the final round. :hrt:
Thank you for the comments, Pi. I'll try to clarify things for you in order as best I can:

- Phil told teams that they were going to Italy out of the gate, so they have to unscramble 'Venice' with the coins

- 'Marked Car AND Motorized Scooter' means both. I chose to add in the moto-scooter because that's a widely available form of transport in Italy

- Teams will be able to keep extra money and the locations are tailor shops throughout the Square. Each shop pays a different amount, so strategy will play a role.

- Teams will be using moto-scooters with side cars and camera crews will have their own specialized scooters that can handle the extra equipment.

- For the 2nd RB, they'll rely on sets of Latin to English dictionaries to help translate. They submit by writing it down on parchment and speaking it to the librarian.
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1110 on: October 13, 2020, 08:16:21 AM »

I had this Venice leg in mind since round 1 and I feel as though this was a great chance to display my heritage as an Italian-American.
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1111 on: October 13, 2020, 09:03:46 AM »
Pi, I agree that the inclusion of two optional tasks could distract from the flow of the Leg, but it would largely only affect 2-3 teams in total; this would hopefully allow for a narrative to develop in full. I included the Hazard because I wanted the Starting Line task (thank you for the compliments on that) to carry weight- typically they lead to stratification between teams and I wanted a hint of that. Plus, I like the Hazard as a penalty and would like to see it continue to be used.

As for the first RB, teams cannot take notes, but nothing prohibits them from working together. Further, as I had mentioned, teams have the notes distinguishing between the classifications. Because of this, it's really just two lists of 5 and 8. It's challenging, of course, but not impossible. Hope this clarifies! :)
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1112 on: October 14, 2020, 12:29:32 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi all! I'm really sorry for the delay. I've been really busy with my work in past weeks, but finally I'm done with my work assignments so I have enough time to read all your legs. So now it's time to post my comments for all your legs. I make sure that I'm posting this before the premiere of TAR32 so I can watch the premiere in peace.

I'll post my comments grouped by each designer. :tup:
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1113 on: October 14, 2020, 12:30:05 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi betheactress, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Mumbai, India → Nyaungshwe, Myanmar]

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First, I really like that you used Mumbai as your starting city. I like the possibility of chaos that could happen on the Starting Line and on the way to the airport. For the hti finding task, are there also other flags to confuse the racers?

I like the first task in Mandalay. This could give teams a chance to catch up if they’re behind or make a team fall to the last place if they’re not aware about all possible arrival times.

For the Roadblock, that task looks really interesting on TV and I can imagine some are struggling with this. What if they fall into the water and the tomatoes fall too? Should they start from the beginning?

The following ARI task is also interesting. I read on Wikipedia that the length of coil is added each year, so I assume that they have to find the oldest lady in that village? But since the answer is only one for all teams, they may finish it faster if they work together or do a brute-force attempt. It’s not really a problem for me since you highlight the culture well here and I don’t see a possibility of a controversy from this task.

Let’s continue to the Detour. The first Detour option is okay and I believe won’t take too long to complete, except for the trial-and-error part of making the paste. For the second option, I think this task may take longer to complete than the first one and more difficult since there are more steps to be done.
The Pit Stop is in a really nice location and can provide a good landscape on TV. I really like it.

For my final comments, I think this leg is pretty solid. I think the amount of tasks are enough to not become really rushed in editing nor become lazy and slow-phased in editing. You really threw all the cultural aspects and I like that they are not monotone because they involve different things. So, good job on that.

Assigned Country Leg [Bagan, Myanmar → Kaohsiung & Tainan, Taiwan]

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Because this is my assigned country to you, I hope you really impress me with your Taiwan leg.

I wonder why you make them fly to Taipei first, rather than fly directly to Kaohsiung? I assume it’s because you wanted to make a night leg and you didn’t find a proper flight for that? I just hope that there’s no frontrunner team because of getting into an earlier train or a team that left behind from the others.

The first destination is really nice and that task is great as an intro to begin the night theme leg here.

Then comes the Detour. For the Stickers task, I wonder how big is the area that they have to look for and are they given a map for the 7-Eleven locations, because 20 stores sounds many for me. Also, is there a limit for the items in each store? I just think that this task may take a really long time to complete for some teams if they end up searching through all the stores. For the Stalls task, it’s more straightforward and basically just an eating task. The food/drink that they have to eat/drink are not that “challenging” as well (at least for me, since I’m Asian) because the worst-sounded name, the frog eggs jelly drink, is just made from sugar water and tapioca pearl (basically like a boba without the tea). What can burden the teams for finishing this task faster perhaps with the amount of visitors in the night market and finding the exact stall.

Their next location is in a different city and I’m really pleased because I’m hoping that you’re not only sticking in Kaohsiung and go to other places.

The Roadblock for this leg is nice and perfect for a nighttime leg here in Taiwan. I don’t know how one person will walk the palanquin (perhaps a local will help them), but transporting it could be hard for some people.

The Pit Stop is okay and nice for a break after the commotion of the Roadblock task.

For my final comments, I’m pretty pleased with your tasks. Actually I was hoping that you would design in places outside the cities when I assigned you this country since all the Taiwan legs I’ve watched in TAR were all held in the cities, so basically some tasks here are predictable in my opinion (especially the night market part). But I still think that you did a good job in highlighting both Kaohsiung and Tainan in this leg.
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Offline Kamineko

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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1114 on: October 14, 2020, 12:30:36 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi Bookworm, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Panajachel, Guatemala → Antigua, Guatemala]

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I really like your Starting Line location, it’s really beautiful and picturesque.

The Starting Line Task is great to see on television. I don’t know if all teams know the name of the old capital, especially that there are no one nearby. Asking for help from the locals can also risk the team to receive the Hazard penalty later. I’m also not really a fan of a penalty to the Starting Line task.

The Hazard task could take a short time, but also pretty long if the team has no idea of the task. The task is fine and really unique as well.

The first Roadblock sounds really interesting in paper and if aired on TV. I really like the idea and I think it’s a solid task.

The following ARI task is just okay, with some luck involved. I don’t think this task would change the placements, anyway.

The second Roadblock task is also a really good one. I really hope that there are some kind of (can be paid) parade held in the Roadblock location so that it will be more interesting to watch, otherwise it can be boring to watch.

I like the idea of an extra task for getting an Express Pass. The task itself looks pretty simple and should not take too long to complete. If multiple teams are attempting that could be interesting to watch as well.

The Pit Stop of the leg has a really nice view to the town, I really like it.

For my final comments, I really like your leg this time. It’s really solid and I’m totally impressed with what you could show to us. I really hope that this leg is made into reality (not has to be a premiere leg, though) because it will be so much fun to watch.

Assigned Country Leg [Shanghai, China → Gampola & Ella, Sri Lanka]

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Your choice of location is interesting. I’ve never heard of it before. Hopefully you can impress me with this leg.

The first destination is interesting. I rarely watch a night train ride in TAR, so that’s nice. The view on the next morning must be really breathtaking. So far I’m impressed with the idea. For the next train ride, I’m pleased that you picked a Friday flight from Shanghai, so the leg should be taking part on Saturday, which fits the train schedule.

For the Roadblock task, I like the concept of the task. I wonder how the “patients” act on some ailments because some of them are pretty tough to act like and to be different from other similar ailments. This task reminds me of the Vietnam leg Roadblock task in TAR 22 in the execution (like what you said at the notes), but I still like the idea for this task since it’s really unique.

Then the Roadblock directly followed by a Detour. The first option seems to be pretty complicated since I don’t know if there’s any difference for the smells between consistencies of the spice. For the second Detour option, the task seems pretty straightforward in the instruction and it’s pretty solid one, especially with the background landscape.

I like the hearing part to find the Pit Stop location. Hopefully there’s no weather interference like rain that would make the sound even harder to notice, but sounds of wild monkeys (if any) would be a good difficulty aspect that they have to tackle.

For my final comments, I think you definitely up your ante for this leg. I am really impressed with your leg and I think this is the best Sri Lanka leg I’ve ever read and compared to the existing Sri Lanka legs in all versions of TAR. Good job on that!
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1115 on: October 14, 2020, 12:31:12 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi Lemontail, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Hagåtña, Guam → Ambon, Indonesia]

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First, I’m glad to see an Indonesian leg that’s not held in either Java or Sumatra. And also, since some of my families are from the Moluccas, I think I can relate with some of your tasks here. So I expect an impressive leg to showcase eastern Indonesia from you.

We’ve never seen a Starting Line in Guam, so that’s definitely new and interesting to see happening in real TAR.

The Starting Line Task seems to be taking pretty long to complete. It looks interesting because teams would have to make more effort to finish the task rather than just finding things. The “AMBON, ID” could fool many teams because Ambon is not that well known for foreigners. They could arrange the letters into “I AM BOND” and ignore the comma as well lol.

The flying part is kinda long anyway. Why did you pick Guam and not a closer location like Singapore, for example? Perhaps you want a connection with the bamboo part?

The first task in Ambon is a Detour. The first option is to prepare ikan asar dish. It’s kinda similar to cakalang fufu in the preparation and result, so I can imagine how the task would be like. For the second option, I wonder if the bamboo carving is really necessary because it sounds like an extra task. The music part of the task looks fun anyway. I don’t really know if there is some pattern to stump the bamboo, because it can look random for some.

The first Roadblock doesn’t sound really complicated. The assembling part doesn’t look that confusing because the materials are not too many. I would love to see what kind of mock ritual they have to perform, though.

The following ARI task is great. I love that you showcase Ambon culture well, especially on this task. If you’re not showcasing a dancing task in an Ambon leg, I would be triggered lol.

The second Roadblock is another food related task, although this time they have to eat a local delicacy. I’ve eaten this dish before and I loved it. But perhaps some people are going to get a hard time finishing this dish because of the texture of the papeda that’s similar to eating slimy glue. But I love this dish and this task.

The Pit Stop location is also nice because it has a pretty landscape.

For my final comments, I like this leg and I believe it’s pretty solid. Maybe I’m biased since I’m not too foreign with the culture, but I believe you’ve done a pretty good job in showcasing the not-really-well-known culture. I think you can remove a task or two since it seems pretty long, especially with the long Starting Line Task, and it would be fine with the timespan. But overall, I am satisfied with this Indonesia leg of yours.

Assigned Country Leg [Darwin, Australia → Lampang, Thailand]

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Your assigned country is Thailand and you picked Lampang, which is a city I’ve never heard before, so I’m curious what this city could show.

For the first Roadblock, I wonder why you didn’t showcase the “chicken bowl” part, especially that the location is famous for it? Remaking the egg won’t take too long it seems, but making 30 at the worst case could be a really annoying job.

Continuing to a street market, they have to prepare and sell a local dish. While making the dish doesn’t seem that hard, but selling it to the locals could take a long time if they’re not loud enough I think. Also, how much is the price for each kai paam?

Move on to the Detour. For the first option, it seems pretty straightforward. The tough part is making sure that they’re picking the correct dress. The second option seems pretty confusing for me. I would just prefer if you make the task simpler and easier to understand. If you want to keep doing tasks like this, I would prefer that you provide a sketch or a “demo” of how the task would be completed.

The Pit Stop location looks okay. The picture seems too dark, though. So I don't have much comment to the location.

For my final comments, I think that you showed a part of Thailand I’ve never heard before. However, I’m not that excited reading this leg and it’s pretty boring in my opinion. No task was memorable for me unfortunately, especially when you said that Lampang has so much to offer. Hopefully your premiere leg saves you this time.
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1116 on: October 14, 2020, 12:31:44 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi MikeDodgers, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Miami, FL, United States → Venice, Italy]

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So you picked Venice, Italy. It’s really interesting since Italy is rarely featured in a premiere leg, so I have a high hope for this premiere leg.

Your Starting Line Task was pretty solid. I wonder if the production threw some red herrings, so letters for, let’s say: ROME, FLORENCE, MILAN, BOLOGNA, etc., would also be included there as well. The teams separation was okay, although I would prefer if you included the flight detail there.

You said that teams would have no money for this premiere leg, which was not good in my opinion. Because the money given was not also used for transportation, but also for buying their needs like food or maps. It was kinda cruel to not give teams any money at their starting leg.

Your first Roadblock task was okay, although you missed many things to explain more about this task. Where were the locations that they had to deliver the silk rolls to? How much would each location pay? Was there a possibility that they didn’t have to deliver to all five locations, but could already collect 75 Euros? Also, once again teams are not allowed to keep the money although they didn’t receive any money at the Starting Line.

Their next task was to search for a letter from a cardinal. I don’t really understand the purpose of this task. Maybe you could provide a link to all of the letters? This task just didn't sound interesting for me to read, let alone watch it on TV.

The second Roadblock just didn’t excite me at all. It’s just another translating task, although in Venice you should have so much more options and ideas for tasks. How should they know how to translate the phrase? Were they given a dictionary or anything like that? I simply don’t like this task, sorry.

Then there’s already the Pit Stop? The location was okay, although all the locations for this leg looked monotone because they looked like the same thing. Also, I believe you should be aware that we asked to make a 2-hour premiere leg, right? Personally, I just don’t think the amount of tasks would be enough to cover the 2-hour timespan.

For my final comments, I believe this time you wanted to do an Italian history themed leg, right? However, I think that you overloaded the leg with so many history aspects that I found them boring in the end. You picked Venice, but I just don’t really feel that you did Venice justice. Also, because this was intended to be a premiere leg, I would be really bored to watch it until the end.

Assigned Country Leg [Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam → Baguio, Philippines]

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Because this was gamer’s assigned country to you, I will let gamer gives his comments more thoroughly because he understands his country better.

The starting location was the same from TAR 15, so it’s not really new to see on TV. Teams were instructed to fly to Manila, Philippines, and there’s a Double Yield in this leg. We’ve never seen this happen before in TAR, so it’s pretty interesting for me.

The first clue was located in a post office, and there’s also a Fast Forward. I just don’t like the Fast Forward task concept. I know that you wanted a Switchback to the Roadblock back in TAR 12 where Rob & Amber were eliminated, but that task was memorable just because the teams involved were interesting to watch. For you bringing back this task won’t work for me because I find it boring, sorry.

The others should drive to Banaue Rice Terraces, which are located around 395km (± 245 miles) away. That’s too far for a middle leg driving! In Google Maps, it says that the driving duration is around 8 hours, so I just don’t think this leg is feasible at this very point. And it’s just the beginning of some more infeasible driving length, to be honest.

Then teams had to harvest enough rice to fill up a bag. This task was okay and pretty much fitted with the location they were in.

Then, they had to drive to Sagada, around 3 hours away… That’s more than 11 hours after they left Manila.

Your Roadblock sounded dangerous for me. I don’t know whether this kind of task is allowed by the locals since it involves a sacred tradition, I believe. Also, getting inside a coffin while being hung sounds risky if the coffin falls, in my opinion.

Then it’s followed by a Detour. For the first Detour task, were you sure back then to include this task? Because from what I read, teams should find a man or woman who committed adultery, which was just unacceptable. Although you did say that the locals were just action (which means they were paid to act), I just don’t agree with the task concept. I won’t comment more about this task. The second Detour task also sounded dangerous with going inside a cave without any source of light.

Finally they went to the Pit Stop, which surprisingly located around 4 hours away from the Detour location. Which means that this leg would take at least 15 hours of self-driving, and adding a Fast Forward at the beginning was a cherry-on-top of why I think that this leg was just not feasible to do whatsoever.

For my final comments, I think that this is one of your worst legs. But I want to applaud you for trying your best to design two legs in this penultimate round. I also really appreciate your tenacity for making this far and you should be really proud of yourself.
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1117 on: October 14, 2020, 12:32:15 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi nrh2110, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Kyoto, Japan]

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Choosing Kyoto as the Starting Line location and focusing the premiere leg on the same city is pretty daring, I say. I always have high hopes for a Japan leg, so hopefully you can impress me this time.

Love the Starting Line location. I think it fits really well for a Starting Line, especially in Kyoto.

The Starting Line Task is pretty solid I believe. I just wish you included the picture of the Kyoto International Manga Museum. Also, I believe this task fits better if it’s held in the museum, instead of in the Starting Line.

The first cryptic clue is nice. I believe teams would have a hard time to find out that Nintendo’s HQ is located here. But if they’re smart enough, they can just go inside the museum and ask for help from the locals.

The first Roadblock is nicely themed. I just don’t like that there are only four spots to perform the Roadblock at one time.

Onto the next task in Ichihime Shrine (a typo you made right there), which is a Hinamatsuri themed task is fine. I have some issues for this. First, that the shrine is way smaller than the Nintendo HQ but all teams can complete the challenge in one time, but you only provided four spots at the first Roadblock. Also, you used a picture of Ichihime Shrine that is located in Kanazawa, not the one in Kyoto, I believe.

The next location is pretty useless and can be skipped, because teams will only get a clue directing them to Kiyomizu-dera. Perhaps you picked Otani Hombyo because it’s near the next location, but I wonder why you pick the specific location, instead of other nearby locations like (for example) Ninenzaka or Yasaka Shrine.

Then teams have to go directly to a theater for another Roadblock. The concept is great because I would love to see a geisha-themed task happening. I am confused that teams had to dress a geisha, but followed by learning a dance routine, which was not really related. Perhaps you meant that they have to dress themselves as geisha then learn the routine? Because that makes more sense to me.

Finally they go to the Pit Stop at Kinkaku-ji. Nice location to serve at the Pit Stop.

For my final comments, I believe you highlighted Kyoto pretty well. It’s not a perfect one because I think you were rushed to submit this leg. Also, the latter half of the leg just seems pretty mediocre to me, because at the beginning I was pleased reading on your leg but it’s declining after the halfway of the leg.

Assigned Country Leg [Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei → Rotorua, New Zealand]

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Since this is my assigned country to you, I really hope that you impress me with a side of New Zealand that I rarely see.

I like that you’re starting in Brunei. We’ve never had a leg before in Brunei, so I am really curious about a leg in Brunei as well. I have to say that the location that you pick, which is Rotorua, is not surprising, since Rotorua has some Maori influenced sights and many cultural sights as well in there. But let’s see if you can surprise me with your leg in Rotorua.

The first location is nice and well fit for the upcoming Roadblock. I really like the background story for the Roadblock, and that you took parts of the story as your Roadblock task. I just don’t like that you didn’t explain more about the music that they had to follow and you didn’t include a picture of the geothermal pool.

The next location is also nice. Although you didn’t have any task there, I like that the geyser fits really well with Rotorua.

Then, teams went to a Maori village. Although from the picture it seems to be a tourist attraction location, that's fine.

Your next task is another Roadblock, but it’s fine. I really like the Roadblock task since it fits really well with the indigenous culture there. I had watched this way of cooking in Gordon Ramsay’s Uncharted series, so I can imagine how this task would work, thus I really like it that you used this task.

Finally they go to the Pit Stop. It’s another nice location and really fit as a Pit Stop location.

For my final comments for this leg, I appreciate that you follow my suggestion and avoid the adrenaline activities, but still delivered a pretty solid leg in New Zealand. I just feel that I want to see more task(s) because it seems to be a pretty short leg. Another idea I kinda hoped you included in this leg was a task related to sheep since it’s an animal that fits well with New Zealand and I really love to see more featured in a race.
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1118 on: October 14, 2020, 12:32:37 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi Nuku, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Big Bear Lake, CA, United States → Cairns, Australia]

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Your starting line is in California, which is pretty boring. But, I kinda like that teams are starting in a ski resort.

The Starting Line task looks pretty hard with so many things to complete. I wonder if you’re having this leg in winter or summer, since your Starting Line picture was supposedly in winter, but your tasks are definitely not a winter activity. The guessing part seems really obvious, but I don’t like that I can foresee that the first few teams to complete the task are alpha teams or totally fit teams, while unfit teams are almost surely in the back. If they could pick one of three, it would be better I think.

The first destination has been visited before in TAR 4, but I hope you can deliver a better leg in Cairns.

First Roadblock is located in the Great Barrier Reef, which is really nice. The task itself is just okay and won’t affect much on position shuffling, I believe.
Your second Roadblock pretty confuses me since I don’t really expect that kind of task. I don’t dislike it but I am not liking it either. I’m just confused because I don’t know why you have this concept.

The following ARI kinda saves you because I pretty like it. It’s not that new in terms of idea, but at least it’s culturally relevant.

The Pit Stop location is really great and breathtaking, though. I like it a lot.

For my final comments, I’m kinda confused with your leg for most part. You had a really tough Starting Line task, followed by a penalty for some teams. The second Roadblock is not really good, but the last task and the Pit Stop location are pretty memorable for me.

Assigned Country Leg [New Delhi, India → Tbilisi, Georgia]

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Your assigned country is Georgia. However, you picked the exact same city as the one held in TAR28. I don’t know what else you can bring to Tbilisi, though. I hope you prove me wrong.

Thankfully you’re going directly to the outskirts. The ARI task seems interesting, but I would like to know each grape type’s differences from each other.

Following the ARI is a Detour, and it’s a blind one. However, judging by the Detour names, teams would get a clue on the upcoming task. If you use a similar option like “This” or “That”, it would be more fun to see. For the first option, it’s just a straightforward decorating task. What are the criteria to get accepted anyway? For the second option, it’s just a performing task x3 since I think they have to perform 3 times (correct me if I’m wrong). Please provide more context to the routine they have to perform so I would understand the difference with other countries’ music culture.

The Roadblock looks fun to watch, though. I like the concept that they have to show the moves within a designated amount of time.

The Pit Stop location seems to be an interesting location as well.

For my final comments, I think you’ve shown a different side of Georgia I haven’t been aware of. However, I would love it more if you just picked other cities, not Tbilisi again. Since we’ve seen a leg in Tbilisi before, that makes your choices more limited, so I think that what makes your leg seem to have many constraints.
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1119 on: October 14, 2020, 02:41:27 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi Nuku, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Big Bear Lake, CA, United States → Cairns, Australia]

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Your starting line is in California, which is pretty boring. But, I kinda like that teams are starting in a ski resort.

The Starting Line task looks pretty hard with so many things to complete. I wonder if you’re having this leg in winter or summer, since your Starting Line picture was supposedly in winter, but your tasks are definitely not a winter activity. The guessing part seems really obvious, but I don’t like that I can foresee that the first few teams to complete the task are alpha teams or totally fit teams, while unfit teams are almost surely in the back. If they could pick one of three, it would be better I think.

The first destination has been visited before in TAR 4, but I hope you can deliver a better leg in Cairns.

First Roadblock is located in the Great Barrier Reef, which is really nice. The task itself is just okay and won’t affect much on position shuffling, I believe.
Your second Roadblock pretty confuses me since I don’t really expect that kind of task. I don’t dislike it but I am not liking it either. I’m just confused because I don’t know why you have this concept.

The following ARI kinda saves you because I pretty like it. It’s not that new in terms of idea, but at least it’s culturally relevant.

The Pit Stop location is really great and breathtaking, though. I like it a lot.

For my final comments, I’m kinda confused with your leg for most part. You had a really tough Starting Line task, followed by a penalty for some teams. The second Roadblock is not really good, but the last task and the Pit Stop location are pretty memorable for me.

Assigned Country Leg [New Delhi, India → Tbilisi, Georgia]

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Your assigned country is Georgia. However, you picked the exact same city as the one held in TAR28. I don’t know what else you can bring to Tbilisi, though. I hope you prove me wrong.

Thankfully you’re going directly to the outskirts. The ARI task seems interesting, but I would like to know each grape type’s differences from each other.

Following the ARI is a Detour, and it’s a blind one. However, judging by the Detour names, teams would get a clue on the upcoming task. If you use a similar option like “This” or “That”, it would be more fun to see. For the first option, it’s just a straightforward decorating task. What are the criteria to get accepted anyway? For the second option, it’s just a performing task x3 since I think they have to perform 3 times (correct me if I’m wrong). Please provide more context to the routine they have to perform so I would understand the difference with other countries’ music culture.

The Roadblock looks fun to watch, though. I like the concept that they have to show the moves within a designated amount of time.

The Pit Stop location seems to be an interesting location as well.

For my final comments, I think you’ve shown a different side of Georgia I haven’t been aware of. However, I would love it more if you just picked other cities, not Tbilisi again. Since we’ve seen a leg in Tbilisi before, that makes your choices more limited, so I think that what makes your leg seem to have many constraints.
Well Kamineko I have to say I dont agree with some of your comments.

Yes the starting line is physical, but the country guessing will give the prepared and nerdier teams the advantage! The onyl advantage to doing the starting line fast is getting on an earlier flight!

the first roadblock i think could cause some shuffling! corals are very different from each other and the reef is large! plus a bit of swimming! again a physical task with key mental components!!

now second roadblock i knew it would either be a fantastic task or not a good task at all and i think you need some clarification. Each team has a outrigger canoe. They will have to take apart certain pieces using tools like screwdrivers harmer and what not. Then they will use certain things they get from the outrigger to make a beach volleyball net! it will be super fun to watch and again its physical but you are gonna need to be able to know how to put it together!

for my second leg i think i just need to explain my choice of Tbilisi. You guys gave me Georgia because the leg we saw wasnt great and it didnt represent the country or Tbilisi right so i decided to swing for the fences and make a leg in tbilisi to show what it can really offer and so my leg could be compared against TAR28! I wanted to giv tbilisi redemption it wasnt me wanting the easy way out! plus super different tasks!! the drumming is 3 performances but the racers need to change their tempo so it matches the dance!!! that is not easy!!! and if u saw the picture of the xmas tree you would see that that is definitely a tricky task as well!!! peeling all those stirngs of bark and decorating it!!!

im sorry to see rude but i really think you are looking at most of my tasks the wrong way and i hope this clarifies to you what they truly offer!!

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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1120 on: October 14, 2020, 04:11:20 PM »

nrh2110 - Kyoto, Japan

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• Beginning in Japan is a unique twist; it gives more time for teams to be on the ground in Kyoto. I won’t judge the teams you decided to put in your cast, although they seem to be a good bunch. Teams will immediately have to go back to their last race and remember what Pit Stop they were eliminated at. It does play into the “redemption arc” theme of the season and could give us some flashback clips, so I think it’s okay. I also like the cultural tie-in of the manga drawings.

• The “two famous Italians” cryptic clue could make for some way off-base guesses if racers try to think of real-life figures and not the characters, but most should be able to figure it out in short order. We then have our first Roadblock of the Race, and it requires teams to quickly play two game levels. In my view, I’m only so-so when it comes to video game tasks on TAR. They can provide some good moments, but also could be just like watching Twitch, which may not be what people tuned into CBS want. More positively, the location of the task is of course very appropriate; there is a good amount of cultural relevance in this task.

• Teams then go to Ichiime Shrine for a quick doll arranging task. It’s traditional, cultural, uncomplicated, and has some potential for placement changes. Pretty much a perfect ARI task for a first leg, so good addition!

• The next clues eventually lead teams to the pagoda and they find the second red envelope of the leg. I really like how you addressed some of the stereotypes or assumptions regarding geisha, so I like how the task can be a positive cultural moment. Dressing and styling the geisha should be interesting, and dancing is usually fun and won’t be linear with 11 racers participating. The performative nature of the task means that teams will be shaken up right before heading off to the Pit Stop, which is advantageous.

• Kinkaku-ji then serves as the beautiful Pit Stop for the leg.

What I Liked Most: Japan is an incredible place to have elements of both modern and historical culture in one leg, and this leg did exactly that. Kyoto is a city that ought to get a visit and the design included a great sample of the locations and culture of the city.

What I Disliked Most: The segment of finding Kiyomizudera is a solid concept, but it feels like it should have been at the end of the leg. There are three mid-leg non-task clues in a row and while I understand their purposes, it could have been a bit smoother to make Kiyomizudera the Pit Stop- teams have to find their way there by their own volition and are racing there on foot, which could make for a more exciting ending.

Good work overall and good luck if you make it to the final round. :hrt:

Tnanks Pi. I think your main criticisms are fair, but I just want to say the main reason I had the placement of the Kiyomizudera task at that point in the leg because it didn't make sense based on the location of the roadblock and the doll ARI before it (if you look at the map provided, that illustrates it.

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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1121 on: October 14, 2020, 04:32:32 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi nrh2110, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Kyoto, Japan]

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Choosing Kyoto as the Starting Line location and focusing the premiere leg on the same city is pretty daring, I say. I always have high hopes for a Japan leg, so hopefully you can impress me this time.

Love the Starting Line location. I think it fits really well for a Starting Line, especially in Kyoto.

The Starting Line Task is pretty solid I believe. I just wish you included the picture of the Kyoto International Manga Museum. Also, I believe this task fits better if it’s held in the museum, instead of in the Starting Line.

The first cryptic clue is nice. I believe teams would have a hard time to find out that Nintendo’s HQ is located here. But if they’re smart enough, they can just go inside the museum and ask for help from the locals.

The first Roadblock is nicely themed. I just don’t like that there are only four spots to perform the Roadblock at one time.

Onto the next task in Ichihime Shrine (a typo you made right there), which is a Hinamatsuri themed task is fine. I have some issues for this. First, that the shrine is way smaller than the Nintendo HQ but all teams can complete the challenge in one time, but you only provided four spots at the first Roadblock. Also, you used a picture of Ichihime Shrine that is located in Kanazawa, not the one in Kyoto, I believe.

The next location is pretty useless and can be skipped, because teams will only get a clue directing them to Kiyomizu-dera. Perhaps you picked Otani Hombyo because it’s near the next location, but I wonder why you pick the specific location, instead of other nearby locations like (for example) Ninenzaka or Yasaka Shrine.

Then teams have to go directly to a theater for another Roadblock. The concept is great because I would love to see a geisha-themed task happening. I am confused that teams had to dress a geisha, but followed by learning a dance routine, which was not really related. Perhaps you meant that they have to dress themselves as geisha then learn the routine? Because that makes more sense to me.

Finally they go to the Pit Stop at Kinkaku-ji. Nice location to serve at the Pit Stop.

For my final comments, I believe you highlighted Kyoto pretty well. It’s not a perfect one because I think you were rushed to submit this leg. Also, the latter half of the leg just seems pretty mediocre to me, because at the beginning I was pleased reading on your leg but it’s declining after the halfway of the leg.

Assigned Country Leg [Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei → Rotorua, New Zealand]

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Since this is my assigned country to you, I really hope that you impress me with a side of New Zealand that I rarely see.

I like that you’re starting in Brunei. We’ve never had a leg before in Brunei, so I am really curious about a leg in Brunei as well. I have to say that the location that you pick, which is Rotorua, is not surprising, since Rotorua has some Maori influenced sights and many cultural sights as well in there. But let’s see if you can surprise me with your leg in Rotorua.

The first location is nice and well fit for the upcoming Roadblock. I really like the background story for the Roadblock, and that you took parts of the story as your Roadblock task. I just don’t like that you didn’t explain more about the music that they had to follow and you didn’t include a picture of the geothermal pool.

The next location is also nice. Although you didn’t have any task there, I like that the geyser fits really well with Rotorua.

Then, teams went to a Maori village. Although from the picture it seems to be a tourist attraction location, that's fine.

Your next task is another Roadblock, but it’s fine. I really like the Roadblock task since it fits really well with the indigenous culture there. I had watched this way of cooking in Gordon Ramsay’s Uncharted series, so I can imagine how this task would work, thus I really like it that you used this task.

Finally they go to the Pit Stop. It’s another nice location and really fit as a Pit Stop location.

For my final comments for this leg, I appreciate that you follow my suggestion and avoid the adrenaline activities, but still delivered a pretty solid leg in New Zealand. I just feel that I want to see more task(s) because it seems to be a pretty short leg. Another idea I kinda hoped you included in this leg was a task related to sheep since it’s an animal that fits well with New Zealand and I really love to see more featured in a race.
Thanks Kami, just a few things!

1. I think your criticism about having the SLT at the museum makes sense, I honestly wish I'd thought of having them run there for the SLT, so I think that's a reasonable critism.

2. I think four is enough, given how much time they have on each go, and for the players who aren't good, for the first few times their rounds may be shorter because they keep dying. But I'd be okay with maybe a couple more—I think having enough for everyone to play or even most to be able to play wouldn't be as interesting and wouldn't create as much of a staggering of teams that having four or maybe a couple more would.

3. Your criticism is fair about the ARI. I didn't have a chance to visit it while I was there so I didn't realize it was that small (also sorry for getting the wrong picture!).

4. Yes. I chose the Otani Hombyo simply due to its proximity to Kiyomizudera.

5. Yes. I didn't realize that they way I wrote it could be interpreted differently, but that is EXACTLY what I meant—they get dressed and then learn the routine.

6. I included information about both the music and the pool in my notes!:

The main highlight of the music being played is the flute, and you can listen to an example here. As you can see in this picture, the hot pool isn't deep either, so grabbing the clue at the bottom won't be too difficult.

7. Your criticism is fair about the length, but I still feel that it would work for a full hour episode—especially since it's longer than the original Rotorua leg, and the Roadblocks are both multiple-part roadblocks that will take time. I actually considered doing something with sheep but I figured that that was just as expected as an adrenaline task. I really wanted to do a leg that really tailored to the Maori side of New Zealand bc iirc, the only task relating to Maori culture in the visits of TARUS (I may be wrong though, it's been a while since I've watched some of the seasons) was the tattoo one and I think that's something that's expected, so I wanted to do it justice.

Thanks Kami! Hope I get to see one more leg of comments.

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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1122 on: October 14, 2020, 07:03:13 PM »
Please note TAR 32 block 7-10PM tonight. All fine after that! :tu
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1123 on: October 14, 2020, 09:07:14 PM »

Kamineko's Comments

Hi MikeDodgers, these are my comments to your legs. :luvya:

Premiere Leg [Miami, FL, United States → Venice, Italy]

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So you picked Venice, Italy. It’s really interesting since Italy is rarely featured in a premiere leg, so I have a high hope for this premiere leg.

Your Starting Line Task was pretty solid. I wonder if the production threw some red herrings, so letters for, let’s say: ROME, FLORENCE, MILAN, BOLOGNA, etc., would also be included there as well. The teams separation was okay, although I would prefer if you included the flight detail there.

You said that teams would have no money for this premiere leg, which was not good in my opinion. Because the money given was not also used for transportation, but also for buying their needs like food or maps. It was kinda cruel to not give teams any money at their starting leg.

Your first Roadblock task was okay, although you missed many things to explain more about this task. Where were the locations that they had to deliver the silk rolls to? How much would each location pay? Was there a possibility that they didn’t have to deliver to all five locations, but could already collect 75 Euros? Also, once again teams are not allowed to keep the money although they didn’t receive any money at the Starting Line.

Their next task was to search for a letter from a cardinal. I don’t really understand the purpose of this task. Maybe you could provide a link to all of the letters? This task just didn't sound interesting for me to read, let alone watch it on TV.

The second Roadblock just didn’t excite me at all. It’s just another translating task, although in Venice you should have so much more options and ideas for tasks. How should they know how to translate the phrase? Were they given a dictionary or anything like that? I simply don’t like this task, sorry.

Then there’s already the Pit Stop? The location was okay, although all the locations for this leg looked monotone because they looked like the same thing. Also, I believe you should be aware that we asked to make a 2-hour premiere leg, right? Personally, I just don’t think the amount of tasks would be enough to cover the 2-hour timespan.

For my final comments, I believe this time you wanted to do an Italian history themed leg, right? However, I think that you overloaded the leg with so many history aspects that I found them boring in the end. You picked Venice, but I just don’t really feel that you did Venice justice. Also, because this was intended to be a premiere leg, I would be really bored to watch it until the end.

Assigned Country Leg [Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam → Baguio, Philippines]

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Because this was gamer’s assigned country to you, I will let gamer gives his comments more thoroughly because he understands his country better.

The starting location was the same from TAR 15, so it’s not really new to see on TV. Teams were instructed to fly to Manila, Philippines, and there’s a Double Yield in this leg. We’ve never seen this happen before in TAR, so it’s pretty interesting for me.

The first clue was located in a post office, and there’s also a Fast Forward. I just don’t like the Fast Forward task concept. I know that you wanted a Switchback to the Roadblock back in TAR 12 where Rob & Amber were eliminated, but that task was memorable just because the teams involved were interesting to watch. For you bringing back this task won’t work for me because I find it boring, sorry.

The others should drive to Banaue Rice Terraces, which are located around 395km (± 245 miles) away. That’s too far for a middle leg driving! In Google Maps, it says that the driving duration is around 8 hours, so I just don’t think this leg is feasible at this very point. And it’s just the beginning of some more infeasible driving length, to be honest.

Then teams had to harvest enough rice to fill up a bag. This task was okay and pretty much fitted with the location they were in.

Then, they had to drive to Sagada, around 3 hours away… That’s more than 11 hours after they left Manila.

Your Roadblock sounded dangerous for me. I don’t know whether this kind of task is allowed by the locals since it involves a sacred tradition, I believe. Also, getting inside a coffin while being hung sounds risky if the coffin falls, in my opinion.

Then it’s followed by a Detour. For the first Detour task, were you sure back then to include this task? Because from what I read, teams should find a man or woman who committed adultery, which was just unacceptable. Although you did say that the locals were just action (which means they were paid to act), I just don’t agree with the task concept. I won’t comment more about this task. The second Detour task also sounded dangerous with going inside a cave without any source of light.

Finally they went to the Pit Stop, which surprisingly located around 4 hours away from the Detour location. Which means that this leg would take at least 15 hours of self-driving, and adding a Fast Forward at the beginning was a cherry-on-top of why I think that this leg was just not feasible to do whatsoever.

For my final comments, I think that this is one of your worst legs. But I want to applaud you for trying your best to design two legs in this penultimate round. I also really appreciate your tenacity for making this far and you should be really proud of yourself.
What more can I say except that I tried my hardest in this round, Kami. The premiere was meant to be a part 1 of a 2 hour premiere with part 2 being leg 2 (also in Italy).
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Re: The Amazing Race: Design Challenge VIII - Round 6 Design Show on Page 44!
« Reply #1124 on: October 16, 2020, 02:36:27 PM »
Please note TAR 32 block 7-10PM tonight. All fine after that! :tu

Thank you. I forgot this was even airing!