Author Topic: The Amazing Race 28 Edgic *spoiler-free zone* (The Season is Over!)  (Read 62609 times)

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Offline ghmorello

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Shouldn't the edgic be posted before tomorrow's episode?

Offline gamerfan09

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Episode #06:

  • This Edgic does not include flashback of a Secret Scene from the last leg.
  • This Edgic has been equalised in terms of non-speaking cuts, as there were some scenes where no one would talk, but everyone was visible on screen. These would, ultimately, amount to a subtraction of five cuts from every team.
  • This Edgic was derived after three viewings, and the third was only because I really enjoyed the leg :lol:
  • There were also a grand total of 24 confessionals/voiceovers - easily the least of the season. There were, however, 712 cuts!

Team-By-Team Analysis:

After this week, Sheri & Cole are still on fire. Allthroughout, we saw a lot of strategy and discussion from them, from the start of the episode. It's really worth noting that they were the only team to give a firm strategy about how they've been doing and how desperate they want to be in it and win at the beginning of the Pit Start, while other teams were just shown departing. (Tyler got a short game talk segment but they were mainly about how he's happy he/Korey are always in 1st or 2nd so it doesn't really count IMO.)

Not only that, Sheri & Cole are also the ONLY team this episode to have confessionals throughout the ENTIRE segment of tasks, only not having a confessional for the Opera House Route Info as they were literally out by one minute of screentime.

They were also super-positively toned, as they were always portrayed as positive and optimistic throughout the leg. Even Sheri's breakdown at the Roadblock was treated as positive due to positive SPV towards her from Scott & Blair and them remaining positive even when in last, with Cole saying "Maybe their taxi messed up and we'll get there before them" and the big inspirational music playing right after they arrive last and their confessional about happy to be moving on after a second chance.

This giant turn, especially after an equally strong edit BEFORE this episode, is a giant move for them. They easily got the strongest edit this episode, and after two very strong rebound episodes edit-wise, I am upgrading them back to their original Leg 1 spot. Good job!]

Ultimately, I would love to say these two win. BUT. The only thing holding them back is their ACTUAL Race performance. But if Amy & Maya could win, so could they lol. Let's see if this edit keeps on going, although I fully expect them to get a more nuanced MOR edit at one point.

(They had 6 confessionals/voiceovers (25% of the ENTIRE episode!) and a grand total of 164 cuts - the strongest edit of the episode.)

Brodie & Kurt have seemed to rebound on their Leg 1 selves, as started by Leg 5. They ran around, they yelled, they screamed, and they remained as one-dimensional as their first outing with little to no Confessionals. They are still very much winning contenders, I can't deny their strong Leg 2-4 edits, but the fact that they have hit three OTTs is a little bit concerning. Why? Winners can be OTT at times (Amy & Maya/Laura & Tyler had one noticeable OTTP episode for the former, and OTTN for the latter), but they can never be TOO OTT (Justin & Diana). They remain #2 on my winning contenders, but time will tell if this trend will continue.

(They had 4 confessionals/voiceovers and a total of 151 cuts - had they gotten a CP edit this leg they would easily have had the strongest edit.)

Burnie & Ashley weakened a little bit after two strong episodes, but it's especially common for people with strong CP streaks to eventually mellow down. They were relatively invisible especially compared to their previous outings (Leg 3 had them as UTRP, but that was alright as it is P-toned), but a MOR from them after two strong CP edits is expected. Firmly keeping them as third in the winning contenders for now.

(They got 4 confessionals/voiceovers and a total of 70 cuts (8 non-speaking) - below the median.)

Scott & Blair rebounded a little bit by getting a MORP edit this episode. I actually debated on giving them OTTP or MORP, but I felt the latter was more worthy to describe them, as they DID have some over the top positive moments (Blair hugging Sheri, Blair's searching and making witty remarks at the ARI in contrast to Tyler & Korey's negativity, etc.), but they weren't completely one-dimensional, as evidenced by their confessionals. I took them off the winning contenders for now, but they are still very much in the running.

(They had 3 confessionals/voiceovers and a total of 101 cuts - EXACTLY the median.)

Tyler & Korey are a mixed bag. After generally MORP episodes where they would merely exist to be edited positively, this episode put them in a bad light. Tyler scheming to get Brodie & Kurt out and wanting them to slow down, plus plotting to get Sheri out by helping Scott was pretty negative. This, coupled with a lot of their slight negative comments while at the bottom of the pack like "This sucks" or "Ugh" puts them into a generally MORN edit. While I would say easily that their sudden MORP to MORN shift is not a good sign, it's honestly worth noting that Laura & Tyler were pretty MORN especially in the second half of the Race, but they still won. So I'm definitely still watching them for sure.

(They received 4 confessionals/voiceovers and got 123 cuts (87 with talking) - not quite the highest visibility of the episode but a little close.)

Dana & Matt were absolutely off this leg. They were mainly shown just ripping clues, doing tasks, and then checking in. However, the reason why they are MOR1 was because despite being EXTREMELY low-vis, they still dealt out three confessionals and some game talk for the microscopic screentime they had. But, I'm not going to deny the fact that they have never gotten a single sign of greatness with their constant negative-mixed toned edits, with fluctuating screentime every episode.

While I would like to say that they are still to watch for, unfortunately, I will have to eliminate them from winning. Why? Because it's already literally half of the season. Even if they get continuos strong edits from Leg 7 and up, should they make the finale, it just won't be enough. Case and point, Amy & Maya had a CP edit despite severely weak edits prior by this point in the season. Sorry guys!

(They got 2 confessionals and a measly 42 cuts (7 of which don't even have them talking!) - EXTREMELY lower than the median.)

Zach & Rachel, after last leg, strengthened up a bit with a MORP edit. Last leg, they were virtually invisible, and this time although they remained quite absent, they were still popping out to talk a little game. The reason why they are MORP is due to their random throwaway jokes and comments and their general demeanour throughout the leg. What's surprising though, is that their visibility rating has never been at an average higher than 2. Aside from their very strong Leg 3 outing, Zach & Rachel have remained super low-key, garnering merely 2s. This would be cause of concern, and as I have said with Dana & Matt, but considering their TOTAL screentime would equal Amy & Maya's screentime at this rate, they are still slightly worth watching for. Next leg will make all the difference. If they get a strong edit next leg, they are very well still in it. If not, then I'll have to strike them off the winner contenders. Let's see!

(They received 1 confessional and a total number of 60 cuts - below the median but not quite Dana & Matt level.)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 03:29:02 AM by gamerfan09 »

Offline gamerfan09

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The Amazing Race 28 Edgic *spoiler-free zone* (Episode Six Analysis!)
« Reply #77 on: April 08, 2016, 03:28:27 AM »
Edgic edited in above!  :hearts:

Please comment if you have any concerns or if you think I screwed up somewhere :lol:

Offline WinTar

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Tyler & Korey weren't N at all. Tbh, the N tone that you think they had probably stemmed from ur personal opinion of them. Their plotting scene was purely strategic and there was no part of the edit that tainted them as negative.

Offline gamerfan09

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Tyler & Korey weren't N at all. Tbh, the N tone that you think they had probably stemmed from ur personal opinion of them. Their plotting scene was purely strategic and there was no part of the edit that tainted them as negative.

You're right. I tried to rewatch it and they were more MORM than anything considering they had some positive content last leg. I'll edit that in when I post Episode 7 Edgic :tup:

Offline ghmorello

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So, edgics will be on Wednesdays or Thursdays?

Offline gamerfan09

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So, edgics will be on Wednesdays or Thursdays?

Not necessarily... I do have it. It's just quite time-consuming for me to write up updates. Patience. :tup:

I'll definitely try my best to post quickly soon, however! Especially as my schedule gets less and less packed.

Offline gamerfan09

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Episode #07:

  • This Edgic begins from when Sheri & Cole are shown departing the Pit Stop and continuing Racing.
  • This Edgic was derived after three viewings.
  • There were also a grand total of 24 confessionals/voiceovers - on par with last week. There were, however, 844 cuts, marginally more than Episode Six!

Team-By-Team Analysis:

I actually struggled where to put both Tyler & Korey and Dana & Matt, since both had the same edit. Both had extremely dramatic character traits that weren't really peppered with game talk and served to make them both OTT, with a drastic shift beginning the Roadblock. However, their toning is where the giant difference is.

Dana & Matt was portrayed as EXTREMELY negative in the first half of the leg. But, beginning them at their Detour, they were suddenly all positive and peaceful? And then beginning the Roadblock they were full-on positive all the way to the Pit Stop. The shift, however, considering how noticeable their behaviour was for the first half, was enough to make them OTTM. Ultimately, however, they still don't win.

(They received 3 confessionals and a total number of 82 cuts - lower than the median but their screentime was adjusted to a 3 visibility.)

Tyler & Korey, however, don't quite have the same kind of shift to mixed. While Dana & Matt were clearly shown as 100% negative in their first half, Tyler & Korey were mixed from the start. They were essentially Brittany & Jessica's whole appearance all the way until the Detour - generally alright but always making negative comments about what wrong they had made. But, beginning from them finishing the Detour, Tyler constantly being shown as side-eying the other teams at the Roadblock, and his subsequent meltdown and rage over his bag, is enough to push them to an OTTN edgic.

While this is not a good sign, they are relatively still in, unlike Dana & Matt. Why? This is due to what I like to call the "Laura & Tyler" factor. Laura & Tyler had ONE OTTN episode too. Considering the former won, it's not quite a death kneel to Tyler & Korey just yet. The fact that these two have also had generally P-edited episodes beforehand is also not quite enough to eliminate them. Let's see!

(They received 4 confessionals and a total number of 157 cuts - higher than the median.)

Burnie & Ashley and Brodie & Kurt, despite both having a large difference in loudness between them, had the same edit this episode, almost similarly to Leg 4. Both gave enough strategy on the leg, but not too much to make them complex. Both also did not suffer from any significant toning, with Burnie & Ashley only coming close at Ashley finishing the Roadblock and Brodie during the Detour. Basically, it's an expected break from the two of them considering their heavy edits prior. Unless they suddenly go invisible or continuously OTT, they're still as solid as they were on their spots on the winning contenders.

(The former received 4 confessionals and 100 cuts while the latter received 6 confessionals and 111 cuts - both right on the median.)

Sheri & Cole got a quieter episode as predicted. But, them getting a MORP edit instead of a MOR one, is definitely a good sign. They were shown as relatively positive throughout the leg like Zach & Rachel and ultimately checking in happy. Unless they go another dark phase of being quiet, I'm firmly keeping an eye on them as the #1 contender.

(They had 1 confessional and 77 cuts - the smallest edit of the episode. However, many of these cuts constituted long brooding shots of them, helped by them being the only one shown performing the other Detour for quite some time.)

I said last week that if Zach & Rachel were quiet again, they would be eliminated from winning. Well this week slightly proved me wrong lol. They were shown as relatively positive by cheering each other on, and then them at the Roadblock was pretty positive too, with their Pit Stop entrance taking the cake. The funny thing though, is despite everyone getting a visible edit, they were STILL the quietest team amongst the visible teams. They're still in it, but one more quiet episode for them will be their death kneel.

(They received 5 confessionals and a total number of 104 cuts - on par with the median.)

After two quiet legs, Scott & Blair had their early-Race edit back. Unfortunately they were eliminated. I don't really have much to say except RIP Scott & Blair, the fifth team eliminated from The Amazing Race 28! :torche

(They had 4 confessionals/voiceovers and a total of 127 cuts - way above the median.)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 09:13:46 AM by gamerfan09 »

Offline gamerfan09

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Episode #08:

  • This Edgic does not include the very first scene since Blair is still there lol.
  • This Edgic was derived after three viewings!
  • There were also a grand total of 26 confessionals/voiceovers - on par with last week +2. There were, however, 800 cuts.

Team-By-Team Analysis:

Dana & Matt carry the same edit they got last leg, only 100 times more amplified. We consistently got confessionals from them, yet these would only serve to project their traits during those scenes as positive or negative. Dana & Matt were so up and down, that they would literally have a big negative moment followed by a big positive moment. This, coupled with the fact that we literally saw no strategy from them, just Dana yelling at Matt, made them absolutely one-dimensional and still OTTM. I would put them as OTTN, but their positives (them finishing their Detour, the slide, the Pit Stop scene) balance out the negatives (everything else :lol:).

But then, there is something I would like to address. Dana & Matt got an extremely positive Pit Stop scene about them wanting to be better as a team. What's the significance of this? Well ladies and gentlemen, it simply means they may get a Redemptive Arc like Jelani & Jenny did on TAR26. They may get a brighter, sunnier arc, but ultimately, this is a red herring. Nothing will change. These two are STILL not winning.

(They received 10 confessionals and 172 cuts - the second biggest edit of the episode.)

Sheri & Cole were almost as quiet as last leg, but with a remarkable difference. They were CPP this leg. How? Whenever Sheri would bitch about getting lost, Cole (despite how annoying it could be) always cheered his mom on. This would continue all the way to the Roadblock, where Sheri would then cheer on Cole. Despite them being in last, they were always positive throughout. Not only that, we always saw their decision making. We always saw (no matter how lesser the screentime was) where their head was at and why they did what they did. Ultimately, Sheri & Cole are still number one on the winning contenders.

Like Dana & Matt, however, there is something I would also like to address. Their Pit Stop scene was absolutely positive as well like the former. But there were multiple things this leg that point to Sheri & Cole as the underdogs.

Firstly, the fact that we see other teams (especially Tyler) say that at least Sheri is behind them means they are not seen as a weak team.
Secondly, they themselves acknowledge that the other teams might get pissed at them because they've been NELed twice.
And lastly, an entire scene (Sheri falling and crying on the way to the Pit Stop, it counts as part of the show since it WAS in a promo) seems to point that Sheri is trying to be shown as likeable and positive as her team could be - a big fall for them would give a slight tinge of negativity considering most casual viewers hate any form of crying.

Overall, Sheri & Cole, especially now, are serious contenders, and definitely the underdog team of the season. Whether they win like Amy & Maya or fail like Mike & Rochelle though... we will see.

(They received 4 confessionals and 147 cuts - right on the median.)

Brodie & Kurt, after four episodes of wallowing through OTT and MOR territory, finally got another strong edit. We consistently saw how things were working out with them, how they felt, and how they wanted to finish their tasks. Brodie & Kurt were 100% visible, 100% strategic throughout, and 100% still on the Winning Contenders list at Number Two.

(They received 5 confessionals and 198 cuts - way higher than the median and the strongest edit of the episode.)

Burnie & Ashley basically had the same edit they did last leg. They pop in for some confessionals, then they do tasks, and then end it off with a kiss. They're still number three on the contenders, but considering Sheri & Cole and Brodie & Kurt have had dips into MOR territory with a surge back into CP, these two need their surge back into CP as well.

(They received 2 confessionals and 123 cuts - less than the median but adjusted to three for visibility.)

After two legs of negativity, Tyler & Korey are back to their early-Race spirit. They were there to smile and act positive and that's it. Not much strategy from them except the usual "lets not be last" or "we could be first", with their confessionals reflecting this fact. As I mentioned in my last Edgic, they are still very much in despite their relatively negative edits in the past two legs. However, these two need a CP edgic soon. Winners usually have more than one by now, and the fact that they do NOT have another one yet is a cause of concern. They may still win, but right now, they are strictly on "Watching".

(They received 6 confessionals and 119 cuts - less than the median but adjusted, just like Burnie & Ashley. )

I mentioned last episode that if Zach & Rachel got another quiet ep, they would be eliminated. And lo and behold, they were quiet this episode. We did get some strategy from them at the Detour, especially Rachel's reasoning, but the mere fact that they were the ONLY team not shown going to the Roadblock and just popping out at the task as well as doing the same for the Pit Stop as well as being the ONLY team with NO confessionals at the FINAL SIX was definitely not good for them. Considering they've been riding the low-visibility train for quite some time now, it's now time. Zach & Rachel are NOT winning The Amazing Race 28.

(They received 0 confessionals and 98 cuts, 32 of which did not even have them speak! Easily the weakest edit of the episode.)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 06:36:50 PM by gamerfan09 »

Offline gamerfan09

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As compensation for posting Episode Seven Edgic late, Episode Eight edgic has been edited in less than 24 hours after the episode aired. :)

Have fun and again, tell me if you think I made something wrong and comment on this! :hrt:
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 10:01:56 AM by gamerfan09 »

Offline Marionete

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Once again, love these ones gamer! :lol:

I just think that that Tyler & Korey's negative edit should be completely disregarded due to their overwhelming amount of positively-toned edits. I know you've not eliminated them from the winner contenders and I agree that they're not top 3 of it, but I think leg 7 (and/or 6) made absolutely no difference in their overall edit. It was just a portion of the race where they FINALYL ended up towards the bottom and fighting for their lives -- as a result, naturally, getting frustrated and stressed.

Offline gamerfan09

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Once again, love these ones gamer! :lol:

I just think that that Tyler & Korey's negative edit should be completely disregarded due to their overwhelming amount of positively-toned edits. I know you've not eliminated them from the winner contenders and I agree that they're not top 3 of it, but I think leg 7 (and/or 6) made absolutely no difference in their overall edit. It was just a portion of the race where they FINALYL ended up towards the bottom and fighting for their lives -- as a result, naturally, getting frustrated and stressed.

Yeah I can see that, but that doesn't change the fact that his bag freakout was extremely out of place... seems like something a team like Dana & Matt would do rather than them. This, continued with their random sniping comments throughout the leg, was enough to make them OTTN on Episode 7.

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Analysis coming tomorrow, expect a slight shift in the Winning Contenders :lol:

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Analysis coming tomorrow, expect a slight shift in the Winning Contenders :lol:

So you're saying Brodie and Kurt lost their winners' edit this episode.

Offline gamerfan09

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The Amazing Race 28 Edgic *spoiler-free zone* (Episode Nine Analysis!)
« Reply #89 on: April 24, 2016, 04:12:58 AM »

Episode #09:

  • This Edgic does not include the very first scene with Travelocity nor does it include the flashbacks.
  • This Edgic was derived after four viewings!
  • There were also a grand total of 16 confessionals/voiceovers - much much lower and a season low. There were, however, 947 cuts.

Team-By-Team Analysis:

Sheri & Cole were relatively positive this leg. Just like their Leg 7 mellowing them down a bit but retaining their positivity from the previous leg they were last in, they remained here with the same screentime as the past two, but generally positive. Cole being shown as always cheering on Sheri, and their antics being portrayed as positive (listen to the music when they said the bakso, the music that was played in the background was humorous?) is basically enough to keep them at a MORP level. The fact that they seem to have found a balance with their edit being consistently positive and strong especially after two painfully quiet legs early on is definitely a giant sign of good things for them and their underdog arc is also slowly evidenced everytime a team this leg was shown saying "Sheri might struggle" or "Sheri will have a hard time". Thus, Sheri & Cole retain their #1 spot in the winning contenders.

(They received 4 confessionals and 148 cuts - right on the median.)

Burnie & Ashley get the CP surge they needed! The entire leg, we always saw their mindset, their strategy, and everything else. Their pattern is slightly similar to late-game Kelsey & Joey, which is good for them. Interestingly enough, their edit of two strong CP eps followed by some MOR eps is almost like Sheri & Cole. This is basically enough for me to upgrade them to #1 above Brodie & Kurt (tied with Sheri & Cole) to the Winning Contenders. The only reason they aren't #1 is simply because the former has exhibited stronger winning vibes early on compared to them, plus Burnie & Ashley hadn't had over-positive moments of theirs being played yet since the third leg. Still, they are now my 2nd bet to win.

(They received 2 confessionals and 157 cuts - above the median and the strongest edit of the episode!)

Speaking of Brodie & Kurt, they were a bit odd this leg. They kept their position as having the most screentime, but a lot of it was negative, especially from Brodie. It's like they are two different teams from the first and second half, generally being positive in the first and then the second. Ultimately, however, they were generally portrayed as negative due to Brodie. Despite seeing their mindset and thoughts throughout the leg, there's no question about it. Brodie & Kurt are CPN and the fact that this is their first negatively-toned episode compared to the two other winning contenders who have zero is slightly alarming. I'm keeping them at number three, but if I had to make a guess, we could see them be an end-game shock boot like Kym & Alli, who had a mixed episode before a CPN boot after several positive episodes before.

(They received 6 confessionals and 208 cuts - way higher than the median and still the most-visible edit of the episode.)

It's honestly really hard to talk about Tyler & Korey. They mainly serve as characters of narration (telling the audience what we already know and not giving out strategy of their own) and commentary (their random comments), but they're really just there? They are both extremely competitive, but there is literally nothing in their edit to this episode that suggests they could win, and the fact that they had ZERO confessionals this leg is alarming. Tyler & Korey were MOR this episode and that's it for them. I'm not eliminating them as contenders yet, but as I said last week, they need that CP episode. But perhaps, it may already be too late considering there are only two episodes left before the finale. We'll see.

(They received ZERO confessionals and 164 cuts - on the dot with the median.)

And while it is hard to talk about Tyler & Korey, it is hard to talk ANYTHING about Dana & Matt this leg. After last week's Pit Stop scene suggesting a potential redemption arc, this leg completely yanked out that possibility from the audience. They were mainly shown ripping open clues, reading clues, sitting around at the Roadblock, and being at the Pit Stop. I already eliminated them from winning, but this edit pushes this even further. A UTR1, especially when there are only SIX teams left, is absolutely not good. Dana & Matt are STILL not winning The Amazing Race 28.

(They received ZERO confessionals and 106 cuts - with half of those cuts not even having them speak! Easily the weakest edit of the episode.)

After eliminating Zach & Rachel last week, they went this week. Nothing much to say except that they were relatively-positive on their boot episode. RIP Zach & Rachel, the SIXTH team eliminated from The Amazing Race 28! :torche

(They received 3 confessionals and 164 cuts, the third biggest edit of the episode!)

Offline gamerfan09

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Analysis coming tomorrow, expect a slight shift in the Winning Contenders :lol:

So you're saying Brodie and Kurt lost their winners' edit this episode.

Not exactly... but it's not a good sign for them considering their negative edit last leg seemed to be a torpedo wanting to sink their ship.

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I think Brodie and Kurt are all about the Roadblocks edit. Kurt has been a RB star! Brodie on the other hand is super strong but has the frustration tolerance of a two year old. My guess is they are being set up for us to see more along that line.
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I wish this thread was done by someone who didn't already know spoilers and was able to analyze the episodes without letting personal bias affect their opinion.  blahblah

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I wish this thread was done by someone who didn't already know spoilers and was able to analyze the episodes without letting personal bias affect their opinion.  blahblah

How is personal bias affecting my opinion???

I got the TAR27 winner right without knowing the Final Three and also when I was only a big fan of one of the Final Three and accepted they weren't winning. :)

I'm definitely gonna try to go into 29 unspoiled though.

I think Brodie and Kurt are all about the Roadblocks edit. Kurt has been a RB star! Brodie on the other hand is super strong but has the frustration tolerance of a two year old. My guess is they are being set up for us to see more along that line.

Yeah I definitely agree with this, but the fact that their editing shift was pretty drastic like Tyler & Korey on Georgia was enough to push them in negative territory. I absolutely agree that this is a set up for the audience to see more.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 05:41:51 AM by gamerfan09 »

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I'm definitely gonna try to go into 29 unspoiled though.

Oh no you aren't!! Them's fighting words!!  :funny:
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I wish this thread was done by someone who didn't already know spoilers and was able to analyze the episodes without letting personal bias affect their opinion.  blahblah

:welcome: to RFF j.s45! Feel free to contribute to the discussion, and use logic and facts to dispute any analysis. But we are a friendly bunch so we all try to be careful about HOW we say things.  :waves:
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I'm definitely gonna try to go into 29 unspoiled though.

Oh no you aren't!! Them's fighting words!!  :funny:

No lol I'm serious. I'll probably just check out the route in the Locations-Only thread for 29.

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Episode Ten analysis hopefully coming in 24 hours!  :spy:

Offline ghmorello

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I wish this thread was done by someone who didn't already know spoilers and was able to analyze the episodes without letting personal bias affect their opinion.  blahblah

>First quote. 

Yeah, this is probably a troll.

Offline georgiapeach

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I wish this thread was done by someone who didn't already know spoilers and was able to analyze the episodes without letting personal bias affect their opinion.  blahblah

>First quote. 

Yeah, this is probably a troll.

Already addressed here. Please move on. Thanks!
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Have RESPECT for each other, regardless of opinion. This of course includes no flaming/insulting other users and/or their posts.