Author Topic: The Amazing Race 28 Edgic *spoiler-free zone* (The Season is Over!)  (Read 62587 times)

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Aww, how much longer?

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Episode #10:

  • This Edgic does not include flashbacks nor the Pit Start scene.
  • This Edgic was derived after three viewings!
  • There were also a grand total of 53 confessionals/voiceovers and 786 cuts.

Team-By-Team Analysis:

This week was still really good for Sheri & Cole. But while they didn't contribute anything major to the episode's story of #GetBrodieAndKurtOut, their underdog arc seemed to be fully fleshed out this leg as the team that the show wants you to root for. Throughout the leg, Sheri was shown doing nothing but laughing, encouraging Cole, saying good job, and then the entire screen-time spent at the Roadblock was obviously meant to be inspirational. While they didn't contribute anything much to the U-Turn drama, they were portrayed as extremely positive throughout, and their confessionals only seemed to increase that tone even more. No doubt about it, Sheri & Cole were OTTP this leg and still remain #1 as the winner contender of this season. Let's see how next week goes before I make a final Winner Prediction!

(They received 12 confessionals/voiceovers and 129 cuts - very near the median.)

If this week was great for Sheri & Cole, Burnie & Ashley also trudged along just as well as they did on the previous week. This leg, we always saw how they thought, why they did what they did, and they were full narrative and strategic characters this leg. No doubt about it, they were 100% strategic and complex. However, what concerns me is that unlike very early on in the Race, Burnie & Ashley have remained virtually toneless for their past legs. Sure, they have the CP - MOR combination on lock, but without overtly positive content for them aside from their throwaway one-liners and kisses, it's a little uncertain for me. Still, like Kelsey & Joey who shared almost the same edit as them, it's 100% sure that these two will STILL remain #2 on the Winning Contenders. But like Sheri & Cole,  let's see how next week goes before I make a final Winner Prediction!

(They received 6 confessionals/voiceovers and 141 cuts - near the median.)

After multiple weeks, Tyler & Korey finally got their CP edgic! However, it was pretty mixed. They were indeed shown being their general, happy and positive selves, but their strategy at the U-Turn in addition to random comments about other teams (particularly when Tyler snapped about Cole better jumping or else the U-Turn would have been for nothing) and negative SPV garnered from Brodie & Kurt about them being sneaky was enough negative content to put them as a Mixed team. I'm not 100% keen on them winning just yet, as they've only received two CP edgics in ten our of twelve episodes, and winners generally have had a good mix by now, but it's enough to consider them as technically #4 (out of five teams left not including Brodie & Kurt :lol:) on the Winning Contenders and going on my radar for the first time. Good job guys!

(They received 14 confessionals/voiceovers and 205 cuts - the strongest visibility of the episode.)

Dana & Matt are still not winning. This leg, instead of the redemption edit we got teased on in Dubai, they were shown as still more or less the same team they were in their peak legs - mixed, bickering, and not 100% visible. They, particularly Dana, were extremely up and down this week and served not much purpose but to show up for narration and alternating positive and negative content. They were teased a redemption arc but nothing has popped up to support this foreshadowing. I'm sorry to say that these two are still not winning, and with Tyler & Korey getting a good upgrade this week, these two remain as the only team that is STILL not winning The Amazing Race 28.

(They received 7 confessionals/voiceovers and 123 cuts - right on the median.)

It's too bad that this week was Brodie & Kurt's time to go, but then, they were certainly edited to be a 'shock boot'. By being always shown on camera and having generally good edits, Brodie & Kurt were frontrunners... and then despite having the same strong edit they usually have, they were eliminated. I have nothing much to say other than if they were winning, they would certainly still be on the Winning Contenders. But as they are now gone... RIP Brodie & Kurt, the SEVENTH team eliminated from The Amazing Race 28! :torche

(They received 13 confessionals/voiceovers and 188 cuts, the second biggest edit of the episode!)

Offline gamerfan09

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Again, let me know if you think I messed up somewhere! :hrt:

Since next week is before the finale, I'll DEFINITELY make sure the Edgic next week has my final thoughts on who wins with additional notes popping up at the bottom like the first few legs! :tup:

Offline j.s45

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lol @ brodie and kurt still being winner contenders even though they're eliminated

Offline gamerfan09

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lol @ brodie and kurt still being winner contenders even though they're eliminated

Italics= Booted :tup:

I take note of that despite elims happening!
(If I didn't, assume Tyler & Korey are the third)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 06:16:57 PM by gamerfan09 »

Offline ghmorello

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lol @ brodie and kurt still being winner contenders even though they're eliminated

Did you just register on this site to criticize the edgic?

Offline j.s45

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Did you just register on this site to criticize the edgic?

all i said was lol. we've moved on.

Offline gamerfan09

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Episode #11:

  • This Edgic contains everything, except the flashbacks. These "Final Three" confessionals are ultimately a point of discussion of this Edgic as well since they are part of the episode.
  • This Edgic was derived after four viewings! (one live, one after, one with my cousins, and one with my mom :lol:)
  • There were also a grand total of 30 confessionals/voiceovers and 672 cuts.

Team-By-Team Analysis:

Sheri & Cole surge yet again into CP territory. This leg, they were shown as nothing but extremely positive, and like last leg, they served to be the characters that were "over and above the drama". Throughout the leg, we got Sheri and Cole shown as positive. If one thought the other couldn't do well, then they would encourage each other. This, coupled with several visual and auditory cues (the weird holy music and subsequent "OMG I GOT IT" moment when Sheri found the Vatican at the Roadblock + that entire Pit Stop segment) prove one thing without a doubt. Sheri & Cole were positive. HOWEVER, unlike last leg, their positive edit was one which had rich content in it, which was why they were given the CPP edgic.

Throughout the leg, we always saw Sheri & Cole and their ideas. We always had their commentary on everything in the leg, every decision they did, and we always knew how they were thinking in the leg. They were complex characters, and they served to bring their story forward, which is, again, "Sheri & Cole are over the other teams' drama and will not indulge in it". They were fooled by Tyler & Korey, but they did not dish out any negative content towards the latter. Not only that, the closest thing they ever came to trash-talking another team in the leg (unlike the other three teams in the episode who had something negative to say about each other) was during the "Final Three" segment where they say that Dana & Matt may lose because of their bickering and that's it. Sheri & Cole were extremely complex characters and were DEFINITELY CPP5, and the best edit of the episode.

Basically, for this final analysis of the season, I'm happy to say that Sheri & Cole may very well be just pronounced the winners right now. Sheri & Cole, all-in-all, are shown as the underdogs (even said by the other teams). They are also being portrayed as: a team that doesn't cause drama, a team that is shown with inspirational music, and a team that is meant to bring out positive feeling from its audience and never gave up despite what seemed to be their hopeless scenario (which was pretty much stuck in last place for the entirety of this leg). I really do not like bringing out unaired stuff from the Race, because this is an analysis of the Episodes and not the Secret Scenes,  but even Sheri's big collapse in Dubai (which was in the mid-season preview yet was NOT in the episode nor the Secret Scenes) was edited out because many people (aka regular viewers) treat crying on this show as negative.

Overall, if Sheri & Cole win, it will be a very well-deserved and well-fought win for the sake of the audience watching it and to draw out feelings of joy from its audience. Sheri & Cole are 95% winning in my book.

(They received 8 confessionals/voiceovers and 203 cuts - the second most visible edit of the episode but the best edit overall of the episode!)

What's the reason, however, for not saying Sheri & Cole 100% win? It's Tyler & Korey. This leg, no doubt about it, Tyler & Korey were central characters. We always saw what they did, how they wanted to do what they did, and their comments throughout. However, this may be construed as negative as a lot of them involves them being "sneaky", their random comments about wanting another team out while everyone else has said nothing, and Tyler receiving a lot of negative SPV from Burnie & Ashley. But the question is... why are they number three (now two because Burnie & Ashley were tied with Sheri & Cole for winning odds) and still having a chance of winning? Well, it's one thing. It's the Laura & Tyler factor (TAR26).

On TAR26, the winners were heavily implied to be Hayley & Blair or Mike & Rochelle before the finale. At this point, Laura & Tyler had several weak and negative episodes after their strong CP appearances early on in the Race. However, they got (no matter how negatively toned) strong CP edits near the end and still won The Amazing Race. This is why I don't have Sheri & Cole as 100% winning. Had Laura & Tyler not won, I would not be writing this right now, and I would say the former is 100% winning. But since they did win, this brings to mind the closing of a story (this season) with two scenarios.

Throughout this season, Tyler & Korey served as plain narrative characters early on in the Race and morphed into (arguably) the "villain" of the season. Tyler & Korey's race record is arguably impressive, but this show loves to show (as of recent) the resultant of the phrase "pride cometh before a fall". This has shown up particularly in Justin & Diana boasting about how they would finish and then failing to win the finale and crying to a second place finish or Brooke & Robbie boasting and getting pissed about Amy & Maya still being in it and self-destructing in the finale. Tyler's final confessionals this episode also include him saying that they've won five legs and are sure they can win. Thus, I conclude that Tyler & Korey will either self-destruct in the finale and drop to a second or third place, or end up proving their points and winning it all. Ultimately, they are winning with 5-95 odds. This means, they have a chance of winning, and a small part of me would be surprised, but if they lost and Sheri did win instead, it would definitely not be a surprise 100%.

(They received 13 confessionals/voiceovers and 249 cuts - the strongest visibility of the episode.)

Unlike Tyler & Korey and Sheri & Cole, however, there is one team that is definitely not winning. And that team is Dana & Matt. On a leg filled with drama and competition from three teams, Dana & Matt were reduced to background characters. It's very interesting to note as well that throughout the leg, Dana was mainly shown doing the Roadblock with Tyler physically, but Tyler would dish out almost all the confessionals and ideas through the leg. One of the most glaring examples is on the way to the Pit Stop when they were racing for first with Tyler & Korey.


Tyler & Korey

Tyler: I was so glad we didn't do the unicycle Detour. The painting Detour was so much harder than we expected...
Korey: Yeah.
Tyler:  Hopefully the other Detour trips up Burnie & Ashley and gives Sheri & Cole a chance to catch up and be the Comeback Kids today.

*cut to Dana & Matt who are also on their way to the Pit Stop*

Dana & Matt

Matt: I just want to see Phil and hear any number less than four.

*the show cuts to Sheri & Cole then doing the Scooter Detour and when we DO return, Tyler is easily shown as winning the leg and Dana & Matt just shown as being lost and stumbling to the Pit Stop*.

See the major difference? In this scene, Tyler & Korey are portrayed as the team that is savvy about the game (no matter how negative they were for this leg) and is given a chance to voice out their thoughts and emotions about the current situation they are in. Dana & Matt, however, are barely given a voice and just exist to narrate a little and to have Dana be the negative person dragging the more positive Matt along.

This leg was also no different. We saw Dana at the beginning of the leg arguing with Matt with no context, she then took part with Tyler in his Burnie & Ashley trash-talk at the Roadblock, and then finally, she lashed out at Matt during the Detour despite nothing the former team member doing wrong being shown. This, coupled with negative SPV towards Dana, gives them a MORN edgic and are the weakest in the Final Three. If they won, I would be legitimately surprised lol. These two are STILL NOT winning.

In addition, there is also literally nothing of note shown about them in the Final Three segment. While Tyler & Korey have had their 'best moments' shown (from their leg win in Colombia all the way to them doing the Chicken Detour just last leg), and Sheri & Cole had them as well (they had footage of them as far as Dubai shown), Dana & Matt coast by with footage from only their FIRST TWO episodes (their leg win and their arguing in Colombia) coupled with a random shot of them holding hands in Indonesia (in which actually only popped up for five seconds on the actual episode in contrast to the shortened footage of the other two teams which ran for longer!).

Ultimately, I think the footage best corresponds with Matt says.

In the final part of the episode, Matt says: "I think that we're absolutely capable of winning and we proved from the very first leg that we had the potential." This is shockingly accurate to how they were edited on the Race. Yes, they had potential after winning the first leg. But then, their edit just kept devolving and devolving and hitting new lows (their OTTNs, and ultimately, getting a UTR1 edit in the FINAL SIX. They had a redemption arc teased in Dubai, but it never came to fruition.). Ultimately, again, Dana & Matt are NOT winning The Amazing Race 28 and if they ever win, consider it a unique one-time scenario for this new post-24 era of The Amazing Race.

(They received 5 confessionals/voiceovers and 158 cuts - literally falling short of the median of 168!)

After these heavy walls of text going in-depth of the other teams, it's unfortunate that Burnie & Ashley had to go. They were easily tied with Sheri & Cole for having the most content. Yes, the former have the positivity (literally!) of being a generally positively-edited team. However, Burnie & Ashley's edgic throughout the Race was eerily similar to Kelsey & Joey, and had they been in the finale, I would have given them a 50/50 chance of winning with Sheri. But as it stands, they serve as a shock boot in the vein of 4th/5th placers like Tiffany & Krista, Mike & Rochelle, Brodie & Kurt, and Kym & Alli.

Ultimately... RIP Burnie & Ashley, the FINAL team eliminated from The Amazing Race 28! :torche

(They received 4 confessionals/voiceovers and 182 cuts - above the median but not quite the level of Sheri or Tyler.)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 09:28:31 PM by gamerfan09 »

Offline gamerfan09

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The final Edgic of the season as well as a poll has been put up!  :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Again, feel free to comment about what you think I got right or wrong.

Easy to say, whether I'm right or wrong, doing this thread has been so much fun and thank you everyone reading this!  :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

(PS if I'm right this is gonna be 2-0 to my record (Kelsey & Joey were a team I got right), if not it'll be 1-1! :lol:)

Offline gamerfan09

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In addition, yes, I posted early so it wouldn't look like I'm basing my stuff on soon to come previews and sneak peeks and such lol. =P

Offline gamerfan09

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PS I just realised that finale writeup has about 1.5k words :lol:

WHEW that was a lot o.O

Offline Marionete

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Reading your Edgic gives me a LOT more hope that Sheri & Cole can win, which I've wanted since mid-race after seeing that my pre-race and early race favourites Dana & Matt had no chance.
BUT, I'm still inclined to think that Tyler & Korey have more of a winner's edit for some reason ??? I'm not analysing the episodes and the edits as thoroughly as you are obviously, but they just give me winner's vibes?
It may be because I see a Tyler & Korey win more probable performance-wise and they are not edited in a way that casuals would hate them winning, but we'll see.

I'm still very surprised you're writiting them off so much and not giving at least 70/30 odds.. :P

Offline gamerfan09

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Reading your Edgic gives me a LOT more hope that Sheri & Cole can win, which I've wanted since mid-race after seeing that my pre-race and early race favourites Dana & Matt had no chance.

BUT, I'm still inclined to think that Tyler & Korey have more of a winner's edit for some reason ??? I'm not analysing the episodes and the edits as thoroughly as you are obviously, but they just give me winner's vibes?
It may be because I see a Tyler & Korey win more probable performance-wise and they are not edited in a way that casuals would hate them winning, but we'll see.

I'm still very surprised you're writiting them off so much and not giving at least 70/30 odds.. :P

In regards to Tyler & Korey, it's just purely because they only had one CP edit and have only begun getting more of them from the past two legs :tup: Recent winners have had many surges of CP-MOR territory, but Tyler & Korey have dipped in the CP pool very little this season compared to the past three winners (Amaya had 5 on the way to the finale because of their chain of getting screentime from Leg 8 always showing their strategy and such, Laura/Tyler had four by the time Leg 7 hit, and Kelsey & Joey five before the finale. In contrast, Tyler only has three (Leg 4/10/11).)

Additionally, (even though I really do not like talking outside the episodes) casuals were actually pissed off at them (and Burnie & Ashley) for the past two episodes. Tyler is just good at damage control by posting on the TAR Facebook page and making his fans' likes and comments of love quickly overpower the negativity. If you actually check the recent posts, the top comments are one of praising Sheri and one saying they hope Dana & Matt and them lose but I digress!

I'm not 100% writing them off though hence the 10% and they could still win lol :P

Thanks for commenting! ;D (I didn't see any comments and wondered if I spent the time writing about 1.5k words for nothing :lol:)

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I'm giving a 100% Tyler and Korey are winning, Dana and Matt second, Sheri and Cole third.  :funny:

Offline gamerfan09

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I'm giving a 100% Tyler and Korey are winning, Dana and Matt second, Sheri and Cole third.  :funny:

We'll find out Friday! :lol:

Offline Bookworm

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In terms of edit, Sheri & Cole seem like winners, I agree with you there. But I just don't know how they'll do it :lol: Fingers crossed!
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In terms of edit, Sheri & Cole seem like winners, I agree with you there. But I just don't know how they'll do it :lol: Fingers crossed!

Agreed so much Bookworm, the only thing that could probably not make them win is their Race performance  :funny:

(fun fact if they win they dethrone GGF for worst average of a TARUS winner ever)

Let's see!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 09:28:07 PM by gamerfan09 »

Offline Marionete

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When will you reveal the votes of this poll?

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RFF's Golden Rule:
Have RESPECT for each other, regardless of opinion. This of course includes no flaming/insulting other users and/or their posts.

Offline gamerfan09

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GGF? ???

Gay Goat Farmers aka Josh & Brent lol.

When will you reveal the votes of this poll?

It's expiring in 24 hours so tomorrow! :P

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The poll results are out and it looks like a lot of people agree with me that Sheri & Cole are most likely to win.

See you all in 24 hours when the winner is revealed and I post the final Edgic chart!

Offline Marionete

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I'm surprised more people don't think Tyler & Korey are winning. I do. :P

Offline Lemontail

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I'm surprised more people don't think Tyler & Korey are winning. I do. :P

Basically the Tyler curse needs to be broken.
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I'm surprised more people don't think Tyler & Korey are winning. I do. :P

I think their votes mostly bias on the love able or like able team instead of the performance and/or editing...
what might have been

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Just want to say that it was really fun reading your edgic. So much work put into it and it was awesome! :hearts: Hope you continue next season!