Author Topic: The Amazing Race 28 Edgic *spoiler-free zone* (The Season is Over!)  (Read 62643 times)

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About the edit of Matt & Dana, they are getting bad American edit? Last leg Dana nearly stepped on the vender's good. This leg, she touched the chess board and mess it up.

But it may just like Laura and Tyler splitting on potatoes.

Offline gamerfan09

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Episode #04:

  • This week was a headache to watch. So many cuts with so many teams in the frame :lol:
  • Therefore, this week's visibility rating is dependant on how much teams were shown overall and what they did.
  • The cuts this episode don't really matter in terms of cuts without speaking, as there were multiple teams in a lot of cuts. Hence, this edgic is mainly based on when teams did talk, as there were far too many shots of teams in the background that essentially everyone is equalised. (603 talking cuts vs. 519 non-talking cuts to be exact. The median this leg is 124.)
  • There were also a grand total of 54 confessionals/voiceovers.
  • I also edited the episode three Edgic rank after rewatching one more time (for Sheri & Cole and Jessica & Brittany). Thank you ianthebalance/WinTar/Marionete for the correction!
  • This was derived after watching four times - and I seriously hate this episode a lot on rewatch :lol:

Team-By-Team Analysis:

Scott & Blair are still on fire after this leg. We saw their entire thought process throughout the leg, and Blair's strategy for all the tasks were shown full-force. (Blair at the Detour, Blair at the Roadblock, Blair yelling at everyone to get down to avoid Brittany & Jessica, etc.). The reason why they are Mixed though is that Blair hiding may be perceived as negative and her refusing to help Brittany & Jessica can be seen as negative SPV, with her also side-eying Tyler after being so done with the #Blodie garbage. Still, they have another strong edit, enough for me to place them as number one on the Winner Contenders. Let's see how it goes, but their edit is there. They just have to step it up race-wise and they could win lol.

(They had 8 confessionals/voiceovers and an equalised number of talking and non-talking cuts at 102 - below the median, but they averaged a longer screentime average than other teams so they are at a 3 visibility.)

I struggled where to put Burnie & Ashley and Brodie & Kurt this week. Both teams had strong moments of strategy and confessionals throughout, with a moment of eventually falling quiet (Burnie & Ashley beginning the Route Info to the Pit Stop, and Brodie & Kurt from the Roadblock). After some thinking, I am essentially going to give Burnie & Ashley a CP edit, while Brodie & Kurt get a highly-visible MOR rating. Why? Because the former was seen throughout the leg, while the latter basically went quiet mid-leg, only popping out during generic race comments at the Roadblock and Pit Stop. Brodie & Kurt, however, are still winner contenders as winners are usually a good combo of CP and MOR. Burnie & Ashley had a strong edit this week, but we'll see if it continues first before making any hasty movements. Let's see if they can keep it up!

(Both teams got 7 confessionals/voiceovers, and both (coincidentally) received 147 talking and non-talking cuts each - way above the median. However, the reason for Burnie & Ashley getting CP is due to 97 of their cuts being talking, 50 without; Brodie & Kurt got MOR simply because they only had 58 talking cuts followed by 89 without - the only teams without a near equal split.)

Speaking of strong outbreaks of edit from Burnie & Ashley, this week was Tyler & Korey's time to shine. After three MORP edits (where they would dish out confessionals but have it nothing to do with their performance yet still getting positive stuff in), they get a heavy positively-toned CPP5 edit. Like Burnie & Ashley, these two randomly got a strong edit, but we'll have to wait and see where this goes before upgrading them. Let's see if they can keep it up!

(They received 14 confessionals/voiceovers and got an equalised number of 170 talking and non-talking cuts - way way higher than the median and the strongest edit of the leg.)

This week was not a good week for Erin & Joslyn. They were really quiet this leg, in contrast to their two consecutive OTT edits. The fact that their edit was also either them just doing a task, running, or talking standard Race talk ("hurry up" "i see it" "i hope we're right"). The fact that their one and only confessional was 3 seconds long and inserted at the beginning for the multiple-team montage of teams mentioning "Blodie" was also definitely nothing worth noting. Erin & Joslyn are UTR and this is not a good sign for them. Let's see how next week goes.

(They got 1 confessional and an equalised total number of talking and non-talking cuts at 98 - way below the median of 124.)

Sheri & Cole was definitely much more visible this week. After two quiet legs, we finally got to see more of them. We got to see their mindset as they got lost to the Detour, and Cole did the Roadblock and was shown a semblance of strategy. Although they were still pretty low-vis (especially in contrast to their strong Leg One performance), this is a step in the right direction for them and they're not getting eliminated from winning quite yet. Let's wait and see!

(They had 1 confessional and an equalised number of 100 cuts - below the median but they averaged a longer time hence the 3 visibility.)

Dana & Matt are more subdued this leg for sure. Sure Dana still snipes at Matt and is generally negative (moving the chess board, sitting on it, "One minute? Are you f***king kidding me?"), but this leg they were helped by giving out more game talk (they seemed to have an actual strategy of sorts at the Detour and the Roadblock), and for gaining more context in their decisions for the leg. They are still primarily negative, but their edit leaping to a plain MORN rating is much better than three OTTNs in a row. Had they been OTTN this leg yet again I would have erased them as winner contenders, but as they are MORN this week I will keep them still in the running. Let's watch and see!

(They got 3 confessionals/voiceovers and a total number of 95 cuts - way below the median. However, their cuts averaged longer than Erin & Joslyn, and was borderline between Sheri & Cole and Brodie & Kurt, hence the 3 visibility rating.)

After a strong edit last leg, Zach & Rachel were relatively quiet this leg. While this would place in UTR or MOR territory, they basically got a Mike & Rochelle-esque edit. What does this mean? It means that even though they were low-visibility, every time they WERE shown had them dishing out a confessional or their mindset for what they were presently doing. (They were also the ONLY team to get a confessional during the run to the Roadblock.) Hence, they are basically still on the same edit last week, albeit less-visible. Due to this, I'm keeping them as Winner Contenders based on the pure merit of them having two CP edits and two quiet yet-positively toned edits out of four. Good job for them, let's see how it goes later on!

(They received 4 confessionals/voiceovers and an equalised number of 104 cuts - slightly below the median and in Erin & Joslyn territory.)

After three legs with a weak edit, Brittany & Jessica get their strongest edit yet - a CPN4, on their boot ep. Why CP? This was because we always saw their mindset throughout the leg (and all their mistakes). Why negatively toned? They are negatively-toned due to Jessica's Roadblock comments and their general bitching throughout the leg. But still, it doesn't matter. I eliminated them as winners last week and now they are eliminated lol. RIP Brittany & Jessica, the third team eliminated from the Race! :torche

(They received 8 confessionals/voiceovers and an equalised number of 144 cuts - way higher than the median.)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 07:02:20 AM by gamerfan09 »

Offline gamerfan09

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Edgic updated in the post above! :tup:

I did this while I was sleepy so feel free to comment and tell me if I missed anything or got something wrong!  :hearts:
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 07:21:15 AM by gamerfan09 »

Offline Marionete

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I'm just curiously wondering, gamer, does doing Edgic (which means rewatching the episodes many times) reduce your enjoyment of the season? ???

Offline gamerfan09

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I'm just curiously wondering, gamer, does doing Edgic (which means rewatching the episodes many times) reduce your enjoyment of the season? ???

Not really, people can actually make analysis for Survivor and other shows easily, I'm just really new to this so I have to rewatch :lol:

In regards to enjoyment, it depends! Sometimes rewatching leads you to notice things you may have missed that were decent moments (I didn't really notice Scott & Blair just walking casually while everyone ran to the Switzerland HoO but I'm so happy I noticed it on rewatch :lol: <3), or to notice how the episode really holds up.

Sometimes what seems amazing on first watch isn't really good on rewatch (Unlike TAR3 <3 Some of the leg designs are crap in the earlier seasons but the episodes are still so much fun), so in a way rewatching helps me both criticise and enjoy the show more!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 07:19:54 PM by gamerfan09 »

Offline gamerfan09

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Analysis will be posted eventually, I already hated the last episode when rewatching and it's gonna be harder when I already don't like the episode to begin with :lol:

I won't let my personal opinions cloud my judgment though! :tup:

Offline gamerfan09

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I basically have 2 weeks before the next episode, but I'll make sure to get up my analysis by this weekend :tup:

Offline kiki

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I would be very interested to read your remarks about Dana and Matt this week. For me they got a very mixed edit in this episode. When I saw the episode I thought that Matt was getting a positive edit while Dana was still getting a negative one.

Offline Marionete

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IMO it's been that way eversince leg 2  - Dana being negative, but Matt still edited very positively. It sucks because neither of them seem like one-dimensional people.

Offline gamerfan09

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I would be very interested to read your remarks about Dana and Matt this week. For me they got a very mixed edit in this episode. When I saw the episode I thought that Matt was getting a positive edit while Dana was still getting a negative one.

Thanks for commenting kiki! I'll try my best to get them up soon, I have an entire week on a break now :tup:

IMO it's been that way eversince leg 2  - Dana being negative, but Matt still edited very positively. It sucks because neither of them seem like one-dimensional people.

I would argue that the closest thing Matt ever got to being edited positively (as an individual) was Leg 3 (UTRP cheering for Dana) and last leg (dancing @ the Pit Start + encouraging Dana + his RB performance). Other than that he's been really really just MOR? :lol:

He's either dropping a gamebot confessional or running lol. Dana is a bigger character and thus, influences their edit accordingly.

Offline Marionete

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Yeah, I agree that if we judged him separately, he'd definitely have a MOR edit. But having him on the same team as Dana really showcases how differently they are being edited and for me the negativity of Dana coupled with the neutral/semi-positive attitude of Matt created an overall positive tone for Matt :lol:

Offline kiki

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I agree that Matt up to now was MOR, but this last leg it was as if he had a more positive edit with him talking how he grew in the mountains, that he missed them. So all that personal aspects were an even bigger contrast with how Dana was portrayed. I got really annoyed with her during the detour where we could hear her constantly saying: I'm afraid, help me etc and I knew it was just the edit. Imagine how much more negative was that for the casual viewer.
I think they editors are preparing the viewers for a spectacular fail from them. I really can't see them winning TAR.

Offline gamerfan09

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The Amazing Race 28 Edgic *spoiler-free zone*
« Reply #62 on: March 18, 2016, 10:27:19 PM »

Episode #05:

  • There were 17 Confessionals, 603 Cuts with Talking, 134 Cuts without Talking this leg.
  • Thus, the median of cuts this episode is 92.
  • This Edgic was derived after watching the episode two times. This was remarkably easier to do than last week!

Team-By-Team Analysis:

After a bunch of quiet legs, Sheri & Cole had a Leg 1-style breakout. We easily saw how Sheri & Cole felt throughout the leg. We always saw their motivation for making decisions. More importantly, they are positively toned as well because of the happy, triumphant music being played after Sheri got the Detour clue and finished the Roadblock. There's also a LOT of Cole supporting Sheri and way less yelling from the first leg which could be considered obnoxious.

Hence, after two of the other winner contenders got UTR edits, I'm proud to put Sheri & Cole back on the winning contenders. This would be a problem if they only began to resurge on Leg 10 like Jelani & Jenny on TAR26, but as it's not even half the season yet and they're already showing a sign of resurgence to a strong edit like Leg One, I'm going to place them back at #3 on the Winning Contenders. Hopefully they can keep it up!

They had 2 confessionals and 121 cuts this leg - the second strongest edit of the episode.

Brodie & Kurt shared almost the same screen-time as Sheri & Cole, and like the former, they resurged back into their Leg 1-selves. We got loud Brodie & Kurt again, with little to no confessionals or strategy discussion (Just "Go" "We can do this" or "This rocks" was received from them). It's not enough to hurt them though, and they firmly remain my #1 on the Winning Contenders.

They received 2 confessionals and a total of 120 cuts this leg - way above the median and the fourth strongest edit of the leg.

Burnie & Ashley also continue their strong edit to this week. They somehow built up into a more-visible edit from last week, and that was already a CP edit! We always saw how they felt doing tasks, their mindset throughout, and it's honestly enough to put them up on the winning contenders at #3. Good job! Let's see if they can keep it up.

They had 7 confessionals and a total of 132 cuts this leg - the strongest edit of the episode!

Tyler & Korey are definitely an odd team. They are always visible, but most of their screentime is one-dimensional. It's either Tyler commenting on what they're doing and how they feel, but never their mindset and strategies. Their "strategy" seems to only be "We can do it" "We're first". IDK why, but it reminds me a LOT of Justin's edit from TAR27. Their edit is also remarkably similar to them most of the season so after a CPP edit last leg, they are back to their original edit. They're still a team I'm gonna watch for, but honestly right now they seem like they may be a more mellow Justin & Diana from TAR27. And Justin & Diana did NOT win.

They had 3 confessionals and 93 cuts this episode - exactly the median.

As mentioned above, Dana & Matt had a mixed week. They are definitely more balanced out this week as characters. However, Matt being OTTP for the leg and Dana being pretty much negative (Her bitchy comments are really fun for me as a viewer but they are definitely negative lol.) throughout with not enough confessionals to merit a CP edit leads me to dump them into a MORM edit. Let's see how it goes, but their chances are pointing to a potential Logan & Chris/Brooke & Robbie-esque edit. AKA, not that good.

They had 1 confessional and 71 cuts - pretty near to the median. They would be a 2, but I bumped them up due to their entire Detour screentime being a few cuts with a lot more time focused on each.

After two legs of truly strong edits, Zach & Rachel and Scott & Blair sadly fell. This could be mainly attributed to almost all other teams getting a heavy edit except the two of them. Both were extremely quiet this leg and both would have received UTR2 edits, but because we had a closer form of strategy from Blair sabotaging Erin & Joslyn and the inspirational music being played after the Roadblock finish, I'm bumping up Scott & Blair to a MOR2. Both could still win, but this episode definitely hurt their chances and unfortunately, I had to remove them both from the winning contenders for now. Sorry guys!

Both teams received 33 and 36 cuts respectively and zero confessionals - the weakest edits of the episode. It seems like the editors hurt both teams by fleshing out everyone else for a TAR26-esque scenario where everyone in the Final Six had a semblance of a winning edit at one point. We'll see how it goes.

After a quiet leg, Erin & Joslyn went back to being OTT. But this time, they had the "inspirational and sad" elimination edit. We saw them a lot, but we didn't really get any strategy discussion. They had nothing but themselves being so happy about where they were, what they were doing, and about the Race. Erin's comments at the Roadblock, although may be portrayed as negative, are ultimately positive because it's her optimistic that she and Joslyn can survive despite being in the bottom three. But still, RIP Erin & Joslyn, the fourth team eliminated from The Amazing Race 28! :torche

They had 2 confessionals and 126 cuts this leg - the third strongest edit of the episode.

Offline gamerfan09

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Edgic posted above! :tup:

Once again, feel free to comment and say how you feel about my judgments this week!

Offline Marionete

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I don't understand why Brodie & Kurt are among the winner contenders with an obnoxious edit :lol:

Offline gamerfan09

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I don't understand why Brodie & Kurt are among the winner contenders with an obnoxious edit :lol:

Obnoxious Edit does not equal the same sentiments of everyone lol

Offline ghmorello

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Brodie and Kurt or Tyler and Korey may get the Tanner and Josh edit.

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Brodie and Kurt or Tyler and Korey may get the Tanner and Josh edit.

It's a possibility, but they ARE a wee bit far from it. At this point, they haven't been overtly negative towards anyone (Unlike Tanner & Josh in regards to Justin), but we'll see if it changes soon. :tup:

Offline ghmorello

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Brodie and Kurt or Tyler and Korey may get the Tanner and Josh edit.

It's a possibility, but they ARE a wee bit far from it. At this point, they haven't been overtly negative towards anyone (Unlike Tanner & Josh in regards to Justin), but we'll see if it changes soon. :tup:

Tanner and Josh Edit - Team dominates the 1st half of the race.  Once leg 6 or 7 is over, they begin to go downhill and get knocked out by a U-Turn in around leg 9 or 10.

Offline gamerfan09

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Brodie and Kurt or Tyler and Korey may get the Tanner and Josh edit.

It's a possibility, but they ARE a wee bit far from it. At this point, they haven't been overtly negative towards anyone (Unlike Tanner & Josh in regards to Justin), but we'll see if it changes soon. :tup:

Tanner and Josh Edit - Team dominates the 1st half of the race.  Once leg 6 or 7 is over, they begin to go downhill and get knocked out by a U-Turn in around leg 9 or 10.

That is more of their PERFORMANCE... not their edit.

Tanner & Josh's edit started off as relatively positive, then they were generally negative due to the Justin rivalry, and then eventually they ended up as really mixed personalities throughout until their boot.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 03:38:21 AM by gamerfan09 »

Offline scruffs

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Seriously I don't know how you're doing these analysis gamer! Not a joke re-watching an episode once, how much more nth times? :lol:

Still I always go back here to read everything.  :)
Chance favors prepared minds.

Offline gamerfan09

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Seriously I don't know how you're doing these analysis gamer! Not a joke re-watching an episode once, how much more nth times? :lol:

Still I always go back here to read everything.  :)

Loads and loads of random free time sprinkled throughout my week :lol:

It's definitely a pain if it's a bad episode though :lol:

Thanks for reading! :<3

Offline gamerfan09

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After a two week break, TAR is back and so is this!  :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Stay tunes for Episode Six analysis tomorrow!

Offline gamerfan09

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Episode Six analysis to be posted later today!

Offline ghmorello

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Episode Six analysis to be posted later today!

It wasn't posted.  :(