Maybe I am just one of those people who doesn't like this kinda drama.
I guess it makes for more interesting tv for many people, makes sense I guess. No doubt that was part of the attraction of getting someone like (emotional/hypernervous) Rachel on the show especially in a mix with highstrung diva Vanessa.
Really tbh I don't care at all about their little catfights and all the drama about them.
I think Bopper/Mark and Jamie/Nary are a breath of fresh air away from this drama, the drama between Rachel and Dave whenever things go slightly wrong (though granted they do get themselves together again mostly), and the arrogance of the borderpatrol guys.
Maybe I haven't seen enough TAR series to appreciate the dynamics and surely the show would be a bit more boring maybe, without them - but to me they don't make it more entertaining to watch tbh. I think the cultural things, challenges and group dynamics between teams/ intrinsic team dynamics have plenty to offer apart from all this drama about nothing...
So I guess from now on I'll be rooting for either of those two teams
, even if I think the FBI agents aren't doing very well sofar, at least not as well as you might expect.
So for me I would really like to see either of them go and I don't really care much for which of the two since to me both of them can be held accountable for the situation as is now, and both of them have been rude, insulting and overly dramatic during the race.
At this point I just hope neither of these teams will win, but given the self-destruct mode they seem to be in most of the time contrary to some other teams I think it - hopefully- won't be likely.