Hello Kelly & Georgia! It's so nice to speak with you, I always love talking with racers. I am the head of the
wiki/database on this website, I track and document all the events and data from every race worldwide and I'm always striving to make it as perfect as possible! Thanks so much already for providing info on some unaired tasks, I will add those in soon.
Interestingly, it's always the seasons with minimal unknown data that seem to have racers willing to share, haha.. Despite the incredibly long length of your race, I think there's only a few major things we don't know... (I feel proud because our wiki for Turkey leg 3 talks about an 'unknown unaired task', and now I see you've confirmed that I was right, haha)
Would you be able to share who teamed up with who during this unaired Intersection? We track the partnerships of Intersections and include them in the results table.
The car-boat Roadblock in Turkey leg 3 is a weird one, because it was clearly a Roadblock (only one team member performed it and you can see red Roadblock clues everywhere), but they presented it as a normal Route Info task. So, by chance, would you happen to recall what the Roadblock prompt was for this task? (The question that gets asked before you decide who performs the task). We keep track of those as well.
We also have clue-by-clue leaderboards that are missing some data due to the large amount of teams and the show not always showing every single team starting and finishing each task, but that might be asking a bit much. Either way, any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!