I continue to monitor what’s going on here in the state and the county and city, not just my immediate neighborhood and building. I do wear a mask if .I’m staying within the building, almost always for one of Edele’s daily outings to the pet area on a deck area on one of our floors, which is late evening or during the overnight before bedtime. When I’m taking her to the ground level for a walk outside in the few block radius, which is usually at around dusk, I don’t unless it’s cold enough to need to cover my face as much as possible. With the offices still delaying returns to offices, there’s very few people out, and the current CDC guidance remains masking in crowded indoor spaces. We’ve had a few instances where visitors are cautioned about a positive test somewhere on one of our floors, but we’re not told anything directly.
I‘ve stayed up to date on vaccinations as have many of my neighbors but it’s impossible to know for sure. And this time of year, with this being a snowier and colder (and windier) winter with lots of large swings in temperatures, wind chills, humidity and precipitation often in a matter of hours, weather is more of a threat than Covid-19 actually as you can go a week or more without seeing anyone outside the apartment. (On Saturday (night) and Sunday (early morning) around midnight it was 42F Seven hours later it was 11F with winds gusting overnight at 40 mph and well below zeroF wind chills.
So I’m basically doing what I’ve been doing since early in the pandemic two years ago.