Oh, here we go again.
This is basically what this episode contains:
- DETOUR! Yep the continuation of the Detour. [Now idk why I feel both options tested the teams' "togetherness" looking at the ways teams complete both tasks]
- U-Turn reveal >> do things start getting hotter?
- Oh welp. The continuation of this leg will be tomorrow (for those who watch, notice "also tomorrow" (גם מחר) on the top of the TV). All right then.
Some fun facts for this time, and perhaps I shall say the reasons why things are getting hotter:
- I'm trying to comprehend why people targeting Vova & Alla again as if... oh welp. They're U-Turned with four votes... "Welcome back to the fourth season" (yas Vova this realness)
- "Making alliances, are we on Survivor?" (omg if we got quotes for an ep title this deserved it). This is what I got from Alis while talking Shay & Shani voting them for the U-Turn, but wait aren't alliances are what I occasionally see in the US version, and what I wildly infer from several U-Turn/Yield voting in the past HMLMs? Hmm. Guess I'll be thinking hard or verify this further (yep I need verification, this limited understanding sometimes haunted me).
- Yass @ Yael & Yosiel caught up so fast from that Route Info to Detour~ I'm so glad

I'm not gonna lie
- The task with the ice cube gave me a flashback to idk what previous version and season was it (a past HMLM or a US version I forgot, between those). Oh, well then, if that leads to looking for that one single mark... that sounds tricky but we still need to pay attention to details nevertheless.