I really don't like Australian editing.
It's making this season a lot less enjoyable than I imagine it being on CBS.
It really bugs me that many decisions go unexplained and the episodes are generally drawn-out.
I'm meh with Kent going. I never cared for him much, I really loved Joan (
) pre-season and for outstaying her, I hold a grudge.
Michelle and Ben are really useless people though, I just see them being lost puppies at the merge, so I wish they'd go before jury.
Also, am I the only one that's extremely annoyed with Luke?? He's been so grating to me since the very first episode and I just don't understand how his antics could be entertaining to somebody.
Jericho is also such a strange character alol. On my way from loving him at the start, to slowly turning that love into hate.
ETA: This seems like a rant, but it's easy to get frustrated rather than enjoy the good parts.
Overall, I'm liking this season so far, it's just that all of its potential doesn't translate on the TV.