Author Topic: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!  (Read 12050 times)

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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2021, 04:47:23 AM »
There are at least 2 teams (twins & RTV couple) from original cast whom are pretty active on SM so I am assuming they are not filming this. Then there is team which was already eliminated in 1st leg in 2020 and it was confirmed this team is back for this.

So do you think they just replaced teams who could not make it this time with already eliminated teams and resuming it from 4th leg? Or are they completely reruning this since 1st leg with original cast (including teams eliminated in 2020) and brand new teams added to the cast as well (to replace these whom couldn't make it this time)?

They're "influencers." I wouldn't be surprised if they had people running their social media accounts for them, lol.
Unless they're posting recent stuff that explicitly shows the date...? Also if they're in a 2-week quarantine they may still have their phones.

yes to someone running their social media. NO to having phones. And I do not think that couple will be back.:)
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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2021, 02:41:07 PM »
If they are using a chartered plane, on which all 11 teams would be on from starting line->1st destination with no need to rush to the airport to get on the 1st of 2-3 flights like usual -- would it be possible the starting line happened already in a closed location, the teams then privately shuttled off to a private part of the airport (don't know how chartered flights leave LAX), flown to first destination on said charter plane, and currently quarantining/at their first destination right now?

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2021, 02:49:02 PM »
If they are using a chartered plane, on which all 11 teams would be on from starting line->1st destination with no need to rush to the airport to get on the 1st of 2-3 flights like usual -- would it be possible the starting line happened already in a closed location, the teams then privately shuttled off to a private part of the airport (don't know how chartered flights leave LAX), flown to first destination on said charter plane, and currently quarantining/at their first destination right now?
I believe they are currently racing, but more experience spoilers don’t believe they will kick off racing until next week. I don’t know how the spotting racers works, but I say be on the look out already. Exciting times either way.

Offline LandonM170

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #53 on: September 19, 2021, 02:53:37 PM »
Do we know for sure if they are really doing a "2nd run" (like starting from leg 1 again) or are they starting from leg 3/4 (where they stopped). I know the route is completely different now, but are the first 2/3 legs just cancelled now?

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #54 on: September 19, 2021, 03:18:28 PM »
Do we know for sure if they are really doing a "2nd run" (like starting from leg 1 again) or are they starting from leg 3/4 (where they stopped). I know the route is completely different now, but are the first 2/3 legs just cancelled now?
I have no clue, but I personally believe they will keep the prior race legs and piece it all together. I think it would add to the story line. They have never had a halt like this. I think it would be intriguing to get a taste of how the dynamics changed over the course of a year away from racing. Not that they would ever want to do that again, but what an awesome twist that adds. Just my opinion.

Offline utubefan

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #55 on: September 19, 2021, 03:30:33 PM »
If they are using a chartered plane, on which all 11 teams would be on from starting line->1st destination with no need to rush to the airport to get on the 1st of 2-3 flights like usual -- would it be possible the starting line happened already in a closed location, the teams then privately shuttled off to a private part of the airport (don't know how chartered flights leave LAX), flown to first destination on said charter plane, and currently quarantining/at their first destination right now?
I believe they are currently racing, but more experience spoilers don’t believe they will kick off racing until next week. I don’t know how the spotting racers works, but I say be on the look out already. Exciting times either way.

I forgot the Emmys are tonight. Right after makes more sense. If Phil/exec producers in the audience then we'll know they didn't start yet.

Offline theschnauzers

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2021, 03:44:14 PM »
The way I’ve reasoned through this is if even one team originally cast and not eliminated for season 33 was not able to return, there’s no way those original three legs could count. The language in the network announcement back in February of last year clearly showed it was intended to pick up from where the suspension took place, but the advent of the Delta variant, as the hypothetical possible that not all cast and production got vaccinated, may mean those intentions were set aside.
Plus the rumors of the charter aircraft and the international travel environment suggest substantial changes in the rules and procedures such as not using local based crews, using technologies in ways we haven’t seen before, my favorite idea is covering task locations with drone cameras, and even total self driving with internet based maps, again minimizing exposure to using locals for taxis or getting directions. (For those of you wondering, I know nothing, But I’ve been looking at this and reasoning out what are possible ways to minimize contact with locals who may or may not be vaccinated and recognizing quarantine and testing rules in some places.) I suspect this may be the most challenging environment for filming a Race, or for spoiling specifics since, well, ever.
-- theschnauzers

Offline cerealking

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #57 on: September 19, 2021, 04:08:55 PM »
Lots of time in Europe I'm guessing.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2021, 04:15:40 PM by cerealking »

Offline Race2020FAN

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #58 on: September 19, 2021, 04:51:47 PM »
If they are using a chartered plane, on which all 11 teams would be on from starting line->1st destination with no need to rush to the airport to get on the 1st of 2-3 flights like usual -- would it be possible the starting line happened already in a closed location, the teams then privately shuttled off to a private part of the airport (don't know how chartered flights leave LAX), flown to first destination on said charter plane, and currently quarantining/at their first destination right now?
I believe they are currently racing, but more experience spoilers don’t believe they will kick off racing until next week. I don’t know how the spotting racers works, but I say be on the look out already. Exciting times either way.

I forgot the Emmys are tonight. Right after makes more sense. If Phil/exec producers in the audience then we'll know they didn't start yet.
That’s interesting. I won’t be watching those, so let this thread know what you see please.

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #59 on: September 19, 2021, 05:38:01 PM »
The way I’ve reasoned through this is if even one team originally cast and not eliminated for season 33 was not able to return, there’s no way those original three legs could count. The language in the network announcement back in February of last year clearly showed it was intended to pick up from where the suspension took place, but the advent of the Delta variant, as the hypothetical possible that not all cast and production got vaccinated, may mean those intentions were set aside.
Plus the rumors of the charter aircraft and the international travel environment suggest substantial changes in the rules and procedures such as not using local based crews, using technologies in ways we haven’t seen before, my favorite idea is covering task locations with drone cameras, and even total self driving with internet based maps, again minimizing exposure to using locals for taxis or getting directions. (For those of you wondering, I know nothing, But I’ve been looking at this and reasoning out what are possible ways to minimize contact with locals who may or may not be vaccinated and recognizing quarantine and testing rules in some places.) I suspect this may be the most challenging environment for filming a Race, or for spoiling specifics since, well, ever.

Given the team who revealed they were flying to Los Angeles for 'something big' were likely eliminated in the first legs filmed in 2020, it indicates to me that most of the 33 cast is returning, but perhaps not 1-2 teams. Therefore, we might be seeing a restart, which would explain why this eliminated team is being allowed to return.

I did note the plane has been making trips to London recently, so I contemplated speculation around re-filming a leg in England-Scotland with the updated cast.

I love some of your ideas for filming theschnauzers. I am also fascinated to see how they get around taxi trips and directions from locals!
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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #60 on: September 19, 2021, 05:57:21 PM »
I just do not get why would they throw away 3 already filmed legs and start from the beggining? Unless like 3 original teams from F8 could not make filming this time... Adding brand new teams and starting from the beginning seems so strange, considering other teams have history together.

Offline cerealking

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2021, 06:59:48 PM »
I just do not get why would they throw away 3 already filmed legs and start from the beggining? Unless like 3 original teams from F8 could not make filming this time... Adding brand new teams and starting from the beginning seems so strange, considering other teams have history together.

My guess would be they didn't get everyone to come back.

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2021, 07:20:17 PM »
I just do not get why would they throw away 3 already filmed legs and start from the beggining? Unless like 3 original teams from F8 could not make filming this time... Adding brand new teams and starting from the beginning seems so strange, considering other teams have history together.

My guess would be they didn't get everyone to come back.
All of this is just us speculating. I don’t feel it’s necessary for everyone to come back to keep whatever prior legs they have. If they were to bring in new racers, I could see that as an unfair advantage, but as long as it’s just the originals that were already racing, no reason to discard prior race legs. Racers might feel somewhat slighted if they bring eliminated racers back, but it’s not much different than when a team is last an luckily are on a leg where they don’t get eliminated.

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2021, 07:58:40 PM »
I think they only filmed 3 legs last time, so let's say only 1 team still in it can't make it, then it would be easy to ask one of the three teams eliminated to come back and replace them. A bit like the first team eliminated in Amazing Race Australia 5.

Best case scenario is, if we were at the top 8, to get all the teams remaining (let's say only 6 could race again, then replace the last 2 with two already eliminated teams).

It would be a waste to have those first two episode and not use them. BUT I think they needed to add new teams (aka there was more team that couldn't do the race than teams eliminated) than I can see a reshoot.

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #64 on: September 19, 2021, 10:01:40 PM »
I don't know. My feeling says it will pick up from where it was left.
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Offline cerealking

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #65 on: September 20, 2021, 08:48:21 AM »
The US lifted the testing restrictions for people coming from the UK & EU, maybe they’re going to re-route and come through one of those places last. I’m sure they have contacts in the Transportation Department.

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #66 on: September 20, 2021, 08:57:25 AM »
I don't think they would throw the eliminated teams in midstream.

Also suppose the non returning teams were leading?

No evidence, but my guess is we are seeing a whole new do-over. Makes the most sense to me.
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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #67 on: September 20, 2021, 10:21:00 AM »
 :welcome: I think they are filming tar 34 next week 😂....coz the way that Tar plane has been moving...its like 4 legs.. Coupled with the original 3 ..making 8 legs.. But am just guessing....why would they waste fuel on

Offline theschnauzers

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #68 on: September 20, 2021, 01:14:37 PM »
Avid, they’ll be calling what we’re expecting to happen season 33, not 34. If there’s a sequsterville, I wouldn’t be surprised if is placed in the U.S. to minimize the risk of COVID-19 exposure. I take it on face value that safety and health are the top priority of production this time around. Much like how adjustments were made for filming TAR 2, twenty years ago, just after 9/11, having to deal with greatly enhanced airport and aircraft security. I remember to this day the problems teams had to depart from Las Vegas at the beginning of the Race. JMO, but TPTB are going to do everything in their power to keep cast, crew, and production safe.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2021, 02:40:24 PM by theschnauzers »
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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #69 on: September 20, 2021, 04:12:36 PM »
I AM OPENING THE TAR 33 "re-do" PAGES over the next couple of hours.

Stay tuned!


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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #70 on: September 20, 2021, 05:37:23 PM »
OK...thank u. I believe the show it's a safe haven for the cast and crew. Thank u for the brief history of security checks. . The cast looked good back then.  Looking at the archives. Can-not wait - to see them again . Am also interested in seeing the crew. We know some of them and have become accustomed to them  :ghug: :kuss: :tup:

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #71 on: September 20, 2021, 06:21:38 PM »
Ok, so because they are visting UK again it's more than likely that they throw away 3 filmed legs from 2020 and started again from Leg 1. I wonder how many original teams are in the cast? And how many new ones? Also I think that team which was already eliminated in 2020 did not deserved to come back fo this. It's kind of ridicilous that they gave them 2nd chance instead of cast another new team.

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #72 on: September 20, 2021, 07:11:31 PM »
A Los Angeles based airplane spotter caught an airplane land at LAX today that had "The Amazing Race" written on its side:
I don’t know if there is a way to get eyes on this charter plane currently at STN airport, but if so, someone needs to camp out and watch for racers to board for next destination, where ever that might be. It is believed they are racing now.

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #73 on: September 20, 2021, 07:41:04 PM »
   You can continue to discuss any pre-race issues here (for now).

BUT all current racing comments need to go into that thread from now forward.

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Re: TAR 33 2nd try ReRun? All pre-race 2nd try speculation here please!
« Reply #74 on: September 22, 2021, 11:06:51 AM »
ah this is exciting!, I'm hoping they'll pick up from where they left of similar to what Drag Race Uk Season 2 did