Nah, the clue itself wasn't the problem. The teams just really don't know how to read clues (as has been shown repeatedly this season) and can't complete tasks without someone else holding their hand. Nothing new and totally expected and predictable in this Penultimate Leg.
This. I don’t think anyone’s ever mentioned this being against the rules but reality shows change when they get broken, or not entertaining. Big brother got rid of majority rules because majority alliances coordinated to always pick the first option. That’s no fun! So they got rid of it. Survivor had an idol that was played after the votes were read, but when one person sailed to the end with no obstacles they changed it to be played Before the votes were read, and made things interesting. TARs done the same thing with U-Turns and race hindrances (even fast forwards!). TAR should definitely look at this season, and the backlash it’s received. For heavens sake Phil had to audibly reprimand teams to think for themselves so I *speculate* they aren’t the happiest with how things played out, and TAR33/34 whatever is next will be a moment to watch for sure.
And if teams can’t handle valid criticisms without censorship, then that’s on them. Me thinks they won’t be favorites for returning seasons.
The fact that Phil had to remind them countless times shows how this alliance bothered production.
It's like a parent telling their toddlers not to do this. Ugh.
The apologists, trolls and alliance defenders are all-out. Reading those was like. I'm not buying that."
I really don't care if it was brilliant gameplay, an effective strategy or it was within the rules. Yeah, sure it was within the rules.
But on a viewer's perspective and on an entertainment perspective. It was flat out bad.
The alliance basically took away the thrill of what a Race really meant.
Yes, there were alliances in the past, it was acceptable and manageable but the alliance this season was overtly excessive.
This is The Amazing Race! RACE. There's only 1 team that wins till the end.
I really feel bad for production for making flawless tasks, hard tasks only to be ruined by you know what.....
If there's a returning season, an Unfinished Business one,
I see only the 6th-8th Place (Blonde Bandits, Cool Nerds & Cajun Asians) returning as stellar choices.
If there's an All-Winners Season, nobody should get called from this season back regardless of who wins. God forbid that to happen.
TAR 33/34 should revise their rules. I cannot stomach seeing this happen again, the 2nd time around.