1. Did you like the final leg?
2. Are you happy with Will & James victory?
3. Did they deserve it?
4. Now that it's over, how do qualify the whole season?
5. It was what you expected before it started?
6. Which was the best leg for you?
7. And the worst (or the one that wasn't as good as the others)?
8. Which moment was your favourite of the season?
9. Which one made you feel sad?
10. Which one was the funniest?
11. Which moment was the most dramatic?
12. And which one surprised/shocked you?
13. Which team exceeded your expectations?
14. And what team didn't fulfilled them?
15. Finally, who was/were the MVP of the season? Why?1. I enjoyed the tasks and NOLA was such a brilliant location, especially at night!
2. No. They are at the top of the list of worst winners. They were master manipulators. If they didn't have that alliance, they would have been out several legs earlier.
3. No. I’m sorry, but they had their “hands held” throughout Leg 10.
4. TAR32 will certainly be a Bottom Five season for me.
5. I was really looking forward to the season (we had to wait TWO YEARS for it to air), but the alliance just ruined it. The tasks and locations were great however!
6. I really enjoyed Leg 5 (Paris)
7. I found Leg 2 (Colombia) to the the worst leg of the season, because it was quite boring!
8. Will & James’s engagement at the Finish Line? Hey, credit goes, where credit’s due!
9. Michelle & Victoria being eliminated in Paris, after driving around the city lost for six hours!

10. The high-heel sprint. It was quite hilarious to watch the men sprinting down the boardwalk in the heels!

11. I can’t nail this down to one, but possibly Haley & Kaylynn being the luckiest team out!
12. Just the amount of hand-holding throughout the entire season, especially in the penultimate leg. It was actually quite shocking.
13. Certainly Kaylynn & Haley! I remember tracking the spoilers in 2018 and we all thought they were out in Leg 4! Their performance was outstanding!
14. Nathan & Cody. Being eliminated on the first leg was very disappointing for the viewers
15. Kaylynn & Haley! For being the complete undergoes and lasting all the way to Leg 8!