Author Topic: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)  (Read 78078 times)

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Offline georgiapeach

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TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« on: November 27, 2015, 09:02:49 PM »
Title quote thanks to Claude!

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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2015, 09:03:03 PM »

Racing report
Amazing Race Season 27, Episode 11, "It's not easy beating green"
Film date: probably 2015-07-12 - 2015-07-13

As usual this episode starts with an extra scene from the previous leg. This time it is just after the pit stop and we get to see the tension between Justin & Diana and Logan & Chris after the former U-turned the latter.

The last pit stop was at a wedding party in Agra. Teams seem to be released from a different place in Agra in the following order:
1.Justin & Diana      07:40
2.Kelsey & Joey       07:47+0:07
3.Tiffany & Krista    08:50+1:10
4.Logan & Chris       08:54+1:14

Route info: "Fly to Hong Kong". Once teams land they will be picked up by a green Rolls-Royce and be driven to the Peninsula hotel where they will find their next clue.

 "I'm tired of losing so it's time to get a win", Joey has four 2nd place in a row
 "It's not easy beating green", Krista gets the title

Teams end up on the same flight from New Delhi to Hong Kong, probably:
  CX698  DEL-HKG  2015-07-11  22:40 - 06:44+1  (scheduled 22:45 - 06:45)

Once teams land they find the Rolls-Royces in the following order:
 1. Tiffany & Krista
 2. Kelsey & Joey
 3. Justin & Diana
 4. Logan & Chris

 "From tuk-tuk to Rolls-Royce", Joey reflects on their different forms of transportation
 "We're usually following the Rolls-Royce so it's definitely a nice change on things", Chris (the Paparazzi)

Unsurprisingly the hotel drivers actually know where the hotel is so teams arrive at the hotel in the same order they left the airport. At the hotel they find their next clue box in front of the entrance.

Detour: Sam's or Cells

In Sam's teams must make their way to the world famous Sam's the tailor. Pick up an order form and make their way to his workshop. Here they must cut six pieces of fabric after a pattern. Once their cutting has been approved they must deliver a finished suit back to the store.

Sam's workshop turns out to be a very cramped and hot place. Tiffany & Krista are very confident when they go into the detour since they are used to sewing. Unfortunately they over-think the task and start preparing to actually sew the garment when all they need is to cut out the pieces. After a short while they realize their mistake and reread their clue.

The easiest way to cut the pieces is to fold the fabric over since the pieces are pairwise mirrored. Chris knows this but is overruled by Logan.

In Cells teams make their way to a market at Kweilin street where used cellphones are sold. They must then search through the bins containing hundreds of phones until they find one which works. Once they do they must use it to call a number (Kong Wah, 91488) for the location of their next clue.

 "It's pretty much a needle in a haystack", Justin
Finding a working cellphone means that they have to turn them on. This is tedious, but they are lucky and find a working one fairly quickly. They call the stored number and get an address. And this is where things take a turn for the worse for the green team. They do not realize that the address is just two blocks away. Instead they jump into a taxi and show their handwritten address.

Meanwhile at the tailor Kelsey & Joey get their first attempt rejected since they have cut half their pieces with the wrong side of the fabric up. Soon thereafter Tiffany & Krista are approved.

In the taxi Justin & Diana have trouble communicating with their driver but manage to learn that it will take 45 minutes to get to their destination. This sows the seeds of doubt in their minds. Their driver drive to a hotel and go in to get directions. Here they find some people who can check their destination and find out that it is very close to where they started, so they have to jump into their taxi again and go back. This extra trip probably took around 40 minutes.
 "He doesn't understand so I'm not being rude to him", Justin when Diana asks him to calm down in the taxi
 "Who wants to help you when you're yelling like a maniac?" Diana bites back

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+0) Tiffany & Krista, Sam's
 2(+0) Kelsey & Joey, Sam's, probably about 25 minutes after #1
 3(+1) Logan & Chris, Sam's, probably about 15 minutes after #2
 4(-1) Justin & Diana, cell

Route info: "Travel by taxi to the Turbo Jet ferry terminal on Hong Kong island". Teams must now travel to the ferry terminal and take a high speed ferry to Macau where they must make their way to the House of dancing water at the City of dreams casino.
 "Tiffany, this gonna be dance, we've got this, we're gonna win", Krista is excited about their next destination

And Justin & Diana's downward spiral continue. A local directs them to the Kowloon ferry terminal, which is closer. But not the place they should go to. Eventually teams end up on two different ferries.

Ferry #1 departs from Hong Kong island and carries:
  Kelsey & Joey
  Logan & Chris
  Tiffany & Krista

Ferry #2 departs from the Kowloon side at 11:30 and carries:
  Justin & Diana

The teams on the Hong Kong ferry are surprised that Justin & Diana is nowhere to be seen. But they assume they are in front of them.

Once in Macau teams rush to the taxis. The casino is a big one so all drivers seem to know where it is. Teams arrive at the house of dancing water in the following order:
 1(+1) Kelsey & Joey
 2(-1) Tiffany & Krista
 3(+0) Logan & Chris, shortly after #1
 4(+0) Justin & Diana, just as the first two teams are leaving

Road block: Who wants to rise to the occasion?

It this road block contestants must join a typical extravagant casino show. This one is centered around a large indoor pool. Contestants will be guided into the pool where they will catch a big mast like structure as it rises out of the water. They must then drop 30 feet into the pool, dive down and collect a golden fish. They have to do all this before the music stops. All present teams can participate in the same show.

The jump into the pool is scary but actually finding the fish is surprisingly difficult. The lighting is confusing and there are lots of bubbles in the water.

The show last for about 15 minutes and the reset between shows takes about 20 minutes. if teams fail they have to wait for the show to start again. But before they can make their first attempt they will have to change into a costume and have some makeup applied.
 "Any chance I get to relax for a minute and not hear Chris yelling at me", Logan enjoy getting her makeup done

We can tell that Krista is a show-girl since she seems to be really in her element doing lots of striking poses, at least until it is time to find the fishes.

 "How was it Logan?", Denise meet Logan as she reaches the changing area
 "You'll find out", But Logan doesn't want to share any information

Diana arrives just as the first teams leave, she get changed and has her makeup done but as she is about to enter the arena she is told:
 "We're going to need to wait here for about 20 minutes", by the staff
She has just missed the start of the next performance. This means that Krista is getting one more chance to complete the task before Diana can make her first attempt.

Once Justin hears from Tiffany what the task actually entails he wants to kick himself. He feels the task is 100% designed for him but they picked Diana since they thought it was going to be a fear-based task.

 "I would give back all our wins just for this one", Justin is one big ball of emotions as he watches
Both Justin & Diana are really distraught since they feel that they are staring into the throat of the the elimination monster.

It is hearth breaking to see Krista struggle with this task. Tiffany is also extremely tense as she sit and watch Krista fail. But to their credit, both Tiffany and Justin, seem to be very supportive of their partners.

Krista fails her second attempt to get the fish and for her third show she is joined by Diana.
 "I have to jump from here?", Diana realize that the jump is high

Krista frustration must be enormous when Diana gets it on her first attempt, specially since she must know that they are now in last. But she does not give up.
 "Don't give up Krista", Justin encourages Krista as he is leaving
Krista doesn't really appreciate Justin's words at the moment but is more receptive to the support from Tiffany. And Tiffany does her best to encourage her partner.
 "You can't fail at anything you do because that's not you", Tiffany
After some pep talk Krista finally manages to complete the task on her fifth attempt.

Teams complete the road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+2)Logan* & Chris      (6-5)On her 1st attempt
2(-1)Kelsey* & Joey      (6-5)On her 1st attempt
3(+1)Justin & Diana*     (5-6)On her 1st attempt
4(-2)Tiffany & Krista*   (5-6)On her 5th attempt

Route info: "Make your way to Nam Van Lake". This is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

Teams travel here by taxi (14min). The first two teams both prepare for a footrace to the mat. Even though they do not see each others. In the end it is not really that close, Logan & Chris arrive first with a comfortable margin.
 "Five in a row Phil", Joey is frustrated about their 5th 2nd place finish

The first two teams stay on the mat to see which the third team to reach the finale will be.

Meanwhile Justin & Diana are in a taxi on their way to the pit stop. Now that they think they are more or less safe they can relax and make up after a stressful day.
 "I'm sorry I take my frustrations out on you", Justin apologies to Diana

 "I don't think other teams are going to be happy to see us", Justin as they approach the pit stop
And we get to hear the reactions from the two teams waiting at the pit stop. And unsurprisingly Justin is right, they are not happy.

Justin & Diana are very happy to hear that they are the third team to arrive. But Phil continues with his classic "However...". Since Justin & Diana took the wrong ferry (from Kowloon rather than Hong Kong) they get a 30 minutes penalty, and they get an additional 25 minutes because that is how much faster that route was. So in total Justin & Diana have to wait out a 55 minute penalty.

So now we have a tense situation. When they reached the pit stop Krista is still struggling with the road block and nobody knows if they will be able to reach it before the penalty runs out.
 "The longest 55 minuets of our life", Justin
 "Krista & Tiffany need to be working their butts off right now. Hopefully they are not giving up", Logan

As they are waiting we get to see Krista complete the road block and they get into a taxi. Unfortunately for them the taxi takes them to the wrong place. It s not far out of the way but they still loose valuable minutes.

The episode is cut so that it looks like a tense race between the penalty time and Tiffany & Krista. But as usual we do not know how big the time difference was in the end.
 "I can't believe it", Logan is not happy with the result

Teams reach Phil in the following order:
 1(+0) Logan & Chris, win a trip to Peru
 2(+0) Kelsey & Joey
       Justin & Diana, get a 55 minutes penalty
 3(+0) Justin & Diana
 4(+0) Tiffany & Krista, are eliminated

All teams are still at the mat as Krista & Tiffany finally arrive. So they are not surprised by Phil's words.

 "We didn't make it to the final three but we were darn close, and if we inspired one person then that is all that matters", Krista

« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 07:17:46 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2015, 09:04:34 PM »

Leg 11
My hometown! Geographically a lot simpler to do Sam's rather than Cells. Not sure if it would have been faster for teams to take the Star Ferry from Tsimshatsui to Central before running over to the HK-Macau Ferry Terminal? Would have certainly saved a lot of cash!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 07:13:06 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2015, 09:20:59 PM »
Leg 11: Agra, India → Hong Kong, China → Macau, China

AIR DATE: December 4

ROUTE INFO:   Fly to Hong Kong, China

ROUTE INFO:   Peninsula Hotel

ROUTE INFO:   Unknown
DETOUR A:       Choose a fabric and set of measurements to make a tailored jacket

ROUTE INFO:   Apliu Street Flea Market
DETOUR B:       Search through a bin for a phone that works

ROUTE INFO:   Travel to Macau, China

FERRY: Hong Kong → Macau via Turbojet

ROUTE INFO:   The House of Dancing Water
ROADBLOCK:   Partake in high-flying water show

PIT STOP:       Nam Van Lake Pier

 :yes:  SAFE:Unknown


« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 05:47:33 AM by ovalorange »

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2015, 09:53:54 PM »
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 07:18:39 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2015, 10:10:47 PM »

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 08:07:21 AM by Alenaveda »
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2015, 10:11:17 PM »
Caps from the preview!















« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 08:03:49 AM by Alenaveda »
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2015, 10:11:44 PM »
Second part of the caps.














« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 08:05:37 AM by Alenaveda »
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Offline gamerfan09

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2015, 01:41:36 AM »

Kelsey & Joey to Justin & Diana's right and Tiffany & Krista to their left.

Logan & Chris nowhere to be found near them.

One thing to analyse is the DRAGON BOATS.

During Kelsey & Joey and Tiffany & Krista's part, they are moving to the RIGHT.

During Justin & Diana's part, the boats are going to the LEFT from the yellow flag at the far right seen in Tiffany & Krista's Pit Stop scene and seem to have completed their circuit to the RIGHT and is now going back.

Logan & Chris are seen with the big shrubery behind them like Kelsey & Joey. They clearly either check in much earlier or much later.

My spec?

Logan & Chris are Team Number One.
Kelsey & Joey are Team Number Two.
Tiffany & Krista are Team Number Three.
Justin & Diana are the last team to arrive.

However, if there is a Speedboat task this leg. It may also well be the other way around.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 01:57:48 AM by gamerfan09 »

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2015, 02:00:12 AM »
Another possibility is a penalty for Justin & Diana.

They think they over-ran Tiffany/Krista and when Phil tells them their penalty, Justin cries and that's when the boat finishes its circuit and begins to go left.

Offline Joberio

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2015, 02:35:07 AM »
Another possibility is a penalty for Justin & Diana.

They think they over-ran Tiffany/Krista and when Phil tells them their penalty, Justin cries and that's when the boat finishes its circuit and begins to go left.
Could be the other way around, couldn't it?  That Tiffany & Krista got penalized, and Justin's reacting out of relief?

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2015, 02:50:28 AM »
Another possibility is a penalty for Justin & Diana.

They think they over-ran Tiffany/Krista and when Phil tells them their penalty, Justin cries and that's when the boat finishes its circuit and begins to go left.
Could be the other way around, couldn't it?  That Tiffany & Krista got penalized, and Justin's reacting out of relief?

The press says "a shocking elimination". Only Justin & Diana would be shocking.
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2015, 02:57:18 AM »
Another possibility is a penalty for Justin & Diana.

They think they over-ran Tiffany/Krista and when Phil tells them their penalty, Justin cries and that's when the boat finishes its circuit and begins to go left.
Could be the other way around, couldn't it?  That Tiffany & Krista got penalized, and Justin's reacting out of relief?

The press says "a shocking elimination". Only Justin & Diana would be shocking.

I think it said Shocking finish?

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2015, 04:12:32 AM »
Another possibility is a penalty for Justin & Diana.

They think they over-ran Tiffany/Krista and when Phil tells them their penalty, Justin cries and that's when the boat finishes its circuit and begins to go left.
Could be the other way around, couldn't it?  That Tiffany & Krista got penalized, and Justin's reacting out of relief?

The press says "a shocking elimination". Only Justin & Diana would be shocking.

I think it said Shocking finish?
Another possibility is a penalty for Justin & Diana.

They think they over-ran Tiffany/Krista and when Phil tells them their penalty, Justin cries and that's when the boat finishes its circuit and begins to go left.
Could be the other way around, couldn't it?  That Tiffany & Krista got penalized, and Justin's reacting out of relief?

The press says "a shocking elimination". Only Justin & Diana would be shocking.

I think it said Shocking finish?

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2015, 04:15:32 AM »
It said Shocking Finish.  I listened again.

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2015, 04:19:53 AM »
It said Shocking Finish.  I listened again.

Final Three finale!

According to the episode preview at the end of this week's episode, the next leg will have a "shocking elimination" in the next Pit Stop that a team will be eliminated at the end of leg 11.

So which is true? Shocking finish or elimination?
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2015, 05:04:23 AM »
Pit stop at Avenida Panoramica Do Lago Nam Van in Macau

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2015, 07:25:32 AM »
What if a team (preferably green) get a penalty (if there is one) similar to Denise and James Earl in Leg 3? With everyone struggling at the Roadblock, it wouldn't be implausible for Justin to shout encouragement coupled with advice.
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2015, 08:25:41 AM »
I think Kelsey's not-very-happy face and Joey's "Wow" suggests Justin & Diana survived? I may be going too far here but ??? Not saying that they'd be jumping up and down :lol: (I probably would)

Based on that and everyone else's faces (and the fact that I don't believe they'd literally show Justin's reaction to elimination) I strongly believe Justin & Diana come in last but are saved by Tiffany & Krista

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2015, 08:37:23 AM »
I think Kelsey's not-very-happy face and Joey's "Wow" suggests Justin & Diana survived? I may be going too far here but ??? Not saying that they'd be jumping up and down :lol: (I probably would)

Based on that and everyone else's faces (and the fact that I don't believe they'd literally show Justin's reaction to elimination) I strongly believe Justin & Diana come in last but are saved by Tiffany & Krista

From what I recall, in earlier seasons, the preview that shows teams struggling are usually safe. And the team that looked safe are usually in danger of being eliminated. Is this edit still in effect?
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2015, 08:38:22 AM »
Please tell me it's not F4! (:;)

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2015, 08:39:07 AM »
It's not F4. As confrimed by media. Did you do not look?
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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2015, 08:54:07 AM »
Lol this thread is only focusing on Justin/Diana elimination possibilities instead of possible of tasks :lol: :lol:
what might have been

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2015, 08:59:29 AM »
Lol this thread is only focusing on Justin/Diana elimination possibilities instead of possible of tasks :lol: :lol:

hahahaha we will agree on that

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Re: TAR 27 Ep 11 "It's Not Easy Beating Green" (Hong Kong; Macau)
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2015, 08:59:53 AM »
I think the water dancing task should be a roadblock