Thoughts on TAR 28 IntroHonestly, when I first saw it, I thought it was pure garbage.
Today, a day later, the huge text has actually grown on me?
BUT, I wish they just stuck to ONE animation for the font, instead of messily having each team have a different animation. I think Darius & Cameron have the WORST text/animation ever. It feels like it's half of the screen, whereas when you see teams like Erin & Joslyn, their text is still a little towards the bottom, which is fine.
Cast PhotosI love that they didn't do the typical pictures-in-a-grassy-area for the cast pictures this season. It's very old TAR-esque for me. I think the last time they did this was TAR 20--which coincidentally felt like old-school TAR at the time.
Marty & HaganI believe they're the first ones out? (Been a while since I've checked spoilers). If so,
because they're the most normal team for this season. If I'm correct, their "fame" was by accident, while the other teams worked for the fame.