So teams traveled to BC by India-Japan-Vancouver
1) First challenged was a maze of car, like they had in S2 of Australia, move cars to make your car pass. (Nick and Matt had early lead)
2) Then the roadblock, two figures in wakeboard, slide and jump. (Order of finish: J/G, B/S, N/M, S/O and D/J, last she was injured but continued)
3) Speedbump just before the detour for B/S: make 12 bottles of wine from scrap, includent the cork and all
4)Detour: Brain or Brawn, brain was: find wine bottles with coordinate, sling shot a target with potato and stacks some wooden planks. Braws was picl up 10 sack of onions, the tired, and monkey barns. Both detour had to finish with mud crawl race. All teams did Brawns
5)UTURN: G/J was first to finish, Uturned M/N, then M/N finished uturned D/L, after in order: B/S, M/N, S/O, D/L who took two penalties and didn't do any side of the detour, a lot of yelling and tears with them, said they didn't want to talk to each other
6) Find the mini Jon
and the pitstop