Author Topic: Survivor 29: Ep 1 "Suck It Up and Survive" (Spoiler and Episode Discussion)  (Read 16757 times)

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Offline selfeviction

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Re: Survivor 29: Ep 1 "Suck It Up and Survive" (Spoiler and Episode Discussion)
« Reply #75 on: September 26, 2014, 06:19:13 PM »
^ IKR , i <3 val and jaclyn is ok too, but i cant stand baylor/josh etc. HUNAPHU FTW <3

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Re: Survivor 29: Ep 1 "Suck It Up and Survive" (Spoiler and Episode Discussion)
« Reply #76 on: September 27, 2014, 02:15:32 PM »
I hate everyone from Nadiya's tribe left except Val :res:

Go Natalie and her tribe <3
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Re: Survivor 29: Ep 1 "Suck It Up and Survive" (Spoiler and Episode Discussion)
« Reply #77 on: September 27, 2014, 02:41:32 PM »
I got really good vibes from Keith!

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Re: Survivor 29: Ep 1 "Suck It Up and Survive" (Spoiler and Episode Discussion)
« Reply #78 on: September 28, 2014, 10:27:32 AM »
It sucks to see Nadiya left so fast. :'( Voted out just because they were scared getting "U-Turned"/backstabbed just confirmed that the Twinnies were considered a threat and who voted for them was just simply scared. (:;)

From what I saw on the episode, Nadiya did NOTHING wrong with her tribe members!!! So I'm really pissed to see her go! (:;)

Finally, I HOPE that Natalie will go far.. At least now I can tell the Twinnies apart, because I couldn't do that on two seasons of TAR... :tantrum :lol: And I hope that Val will find her Immunity Idol WITHOUT telling anyone. :hoot:
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Offline Nyoman_SB1

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:dick :dick :dick (:;) (:;) (:;)
RIP NADIYA  :'( :'( :'(

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I watched the first 3 episodes today, and I was just soooo gutted to see Nadiya go :'( :'(
I do think the tribe targetted her just because she was seen as a threat.

However, the way she felt about Josh (all that "girlfriend" "gay guy" stuff) shouldn't have been said to everyone, especially Josh himself :groan: So Nadiya really didn't play this well. I think that Josh didn't feel comfortable with her, neither would I in his shoes. But yeah, this is a completely different game than TAR, so Nadiya made her mistakes - at least I hope that Natalie goes far now, as she doesn't have a target and seems to be in a much better position over on her tribe than Nadiya was.

AND O.M.G., A QUIT? :o :o And then we were shown a helicopter, is that the quitter being taken away, or is there a med-evac later on as well? That's just my speculation, but I think it would be horrible to the producers to have planned the game for 20 people, then have a pair med-evac'ed just before the game and then even having a quit + another possible evacuation :( I really hope this season goes well, but the first 2 boots have really disappointed me.

P.S. someone asked who we think is going to quit... My speculation is that it will either be Dale/Keith if it's because of a medical condition (similar to Dana in Philippines season) or Baylor/Jaclyn. I don't see anyone else quitting and would be really surprised, unless we have an unpredictable Lindsey moment again..

P.P.S. by the way, they've never shown us so early that somebody was going to quit later on. Could this be artificial? Like, Jeff could ask "so you're going to quit the game?" (or whatever he said in the preview) and then that person might just go "no, I'm struggling, but I will keep on going and won't quit". At least I hope so :(