Author Topic: TAR 24 East Coast EP 12 FINALE updates & commentary **Please read the rules**  (Read 105297 times)

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Also not including the Family edition, This is the shortest route in the US TAR history at 23,000 miles. Even TAR 21 and TAR 15 had longer routes.

That really emphasises how bad this was.

Personally, TAR15 actually had a great route despite the shortness of it, especially with countries unique to that season in Czech Republic and Estonia, plus they at least had Middle East (which feels different to the rest of Asia).

This time it was Asia and Western Europe - all very flat and very dull. No new countries either.
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I disliked Phil's hosting style this time around, he talked too much at the Finish Line, the announcement of team's  placements in every leg was boring and lacked of any tension or drama, and his comments lacked of the neutrality needed from a host in this kind of shows, bring back the Phil from old seasons...

I agree - he seemed so fake and pretentious... it feels nothing like TAR. :(

I guess he wasn't excited at all because of the season itself. This season felt like nobody cared at all, and it was sad.

Phil was clearly sooooo bummed Twinnies didn't dominate, you could tell he was super disappointed it was them to go first in the premiere.

Offline Dånooky

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Could WRP please stop it with helicopters and planes in the finale? They need to also stop all tasks that require teams to take turns.
The story so far:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move

Offline Vitoko

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Thoughts on the finale:

:conf: :hearts: :wohoo: FULL INTRO  :wohoo:  :hearts: :conf:
That's it, TAR is saved!

I guess there was only 1 flight to Las Vegas, I wish they would've show us that, teams getting the the news that as soon as the flight lands is fair game and is anyones game to win...

This driver thing, is kind of creepy and I would've prefer to see them drive themself to marked spot... I guess they wanted to have the shot of the 3 teams digging at the same time... ok! What is wrong with Rachel at this point, pushing Caro or Jen at the airport first then throwing the dirt in the other teams hole, isn't against the rules to interrupt another team progress? This is why I don't like you Rachel, you don't run your own race you try to cheat to get what you want... What happened to the Rachel from Kuala Lumpur that I wanted to see more of? At least Dave&Connor and Caroline&Jennifer called her out... even though she still doesn't seem to care that she is trying to sabotage another team? What?! Run your own race Rachel you would do better...

I'm surprised Brendon&Rachel were the only ones to understand the clue, "deliver the content" of the box to David Copperfield and are the only ones prepare to do the Roadblock... At least that doesn't seem to stop Dave and Caroline to get the keys from the box, I wonder how long it took Caroline&Jennifer to open it because they seem to have the most trouble with it...  ???

I don't quite like this challenge... luck base and teams didn't seem to have enough control over their own performance... too "staged" IMO but at least it represent the "Espectacle" that is the life of Las Vegas... and probably most viewers wer thrilled to see David Copperfield in the race...  ???

I loved the idea of the visit to the Neon Boneyard, really cool setting, but I feel it was wasted for what was basically just a route marker... would've love a memory challenge based on Las Vegas Neon Lights... I guess the presumable change in route is to blame for the missing memory challenge... and here begins Brendon&Rachel's selfdestruction as I predicted last week... Taxi Luck is always a factor in The Amazing Race... don't be mad to the lady that is totally doing her job as it should be, just solve the problem... And Brendon is wasting so much time trying to steal Caroline&Jennifer's taxi cab... good oh him for trying but dude, get the hint, the cab driver is good at his job and is listening to the owner of the service...  :yess:

So far the leg is pretty straightforward but the teams are so closed to each other that it doesn't really matter... team placement keeps changing...  :wohoo:

And Caroline&Jennifer are the first one at The Mirage, taxi luck was against Dave&Connor at this point... Interestining challenge... and just when I thought Caroline&Jennifer got this, that they were going to leave first, Dave&Connor finish and get the answer wrong, guessed one number and get it right, that was lucky, Jennifer&Caroline get it right, first try, and they are off seconds behind Dave&Connor...  :wohoo:

And after missing the cluebox, and running around this huge Hotel, Brendon&Rachel finally start the lightbulb challenge, this is why it doesn't even matter if you don't have an allience, you are your own enemy, you have to beat your own limitations, and they couldn'd do it, they were not paying attention to what was in front of them, to what they were doing... they lost their focus...  :groan:

Both teams struggling to find Maverick Helicopters, is neck and neck, is still everyone's game, both really competitive teams going running to the cluebox, such a great feeling when you know BOTH teams really want this, and have the prize at reach, just one final push to finish... aaaaand the roadblocks tell them to find a sign for the landing zone, this could be really hard considering the amount of bright lights of Vegas, everything is shining and the sign they need to find keeps rotating with the information... this is a cool idea IMO but taking control away of the teams seems really odd to be the last challenge before the finish line...  ???

Ok, as I said, seems really awkward to have a team member at the finish line waiting for the other one to arrive... you can feel the tension of the eliminated teams and the anxiety from Connor and Jennifer just waiting for their partners... this as a challenge doesn't fit right to be the last one but it has that last WOW moment that should be there in the finale...

and... CONGRATULATIONS DAVE&CONNOR, WINNERS OF AMAZING RACE ALL-STARS totally deserved first place for this really competitive team, they fought really hard against a lot of great teams to be the winners of the race... I got what I wanted, a poetic victory from the Cancer Survivor team that had to quit the race on their original season after two 1st places in a row because of an injury, they came back, they race a great race, they did every challenge, they beat the odds, being a Parent/Child team, winning Leg 3, all the curses thrown at them were broken... They totally deserve to win The Amazing Race... :conf:

Caroline&Jennifer got a well earned 2nd place, yes, they were not the best team of the race, but they were competitive, they use everything on their power to be there at the finish line, looks, luck, strategy, everything to be a possible winner, totally earned 2nd place, wouldn't be mad if they were the winners... Total respect for this team  :hearts:

And Rachel is crying, again, this shot of her crying in the grass of the driveway is really sad, I'm glad they got outraced by the other teams... they had a chance, and they blew it... oh well... if they would've focus on what THEY were doing, and do their own thing instead of worry about what others talked about them, they probably would've done better... I guess they got overconfident at the beginning of the leg because of home field advantage, that never played in to place, especially considering what happened at The Mirage...  :groan:

I think Phil wasn't expecting this, he looked really happy about Dave&Connor, and his speech felt really honest and natural, not as scripted as other seasons... that group hug was great, a happy moment to end this season, to end this cycle of the race...

Overall, this season could've been better, it was entertaining, and exciting because teams were always closed to each other, but the route didn't deliver, not enough countries, we will never know what was that mysterious 4th continent the press pictures kept talking about, a big part of the cast didn't need to comeback, and their pressence wasn't worth it... but hey could've been better but I still have fun watching. :conf:

Offline paradoxinee

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I'm watching it now and FULL INTRO  :o

Offline AugustCM

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C/J were beaten by seconds  :'(

Offline paradoxinee

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Phil did not mention about 4 continents so maybe the press is just so wrong.

Offline paradoxinee

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Love the final. IDK but it seems that they edit every leg so fast. But in my opinion, the tasks are all difficult than we thought. We had a shuttle position sometimes so it is ridiculous to call it linear.
- Magic RB: Actually, the magic just is how David Copperfield took the contestants out of the box. The actual task is finding a correct key as fast as possible.
- Neon ARI: I hope they made it more difficult by taking out the cluebox and all the teams had to find something to lead them to The Mirage. But good point to trick at least one team with finding that question mark.
- Light bulb ARI: This task seemed to be harder than what we see in the TV. Wind, Height, Counting, Screwing, Pressure. It's good.
- Helicopter RB: This is so cool. I think it is not too easy to find the clue. With a lot of light, a lot of sign board in LV and finding from the helicopter, it should take some time.
- The finish line is so great. Even without footrace, it still bring a lot of feeling.
So happy, finally, my favorite team of the season won the race.  :<3

Offline Zachary

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People who were in denial of this is probably headless or something...

1st off, Brenchel's cab driver. What kinda cab driver in Vegas doesn't know Vegas???? I've been in Vegas twice and I knew for a fact that Cabbies in Vegas ARE NOT that clueless.

2nd off, the skydving RB? Was it cool? Yes, back in Bora-Bora. Now? Not so much. A perfect way to "control" the outcome of the race.

3rd off, Roadblock shares!!! Phil made an excuse about the not more than 6 being reduced to leg 10. Then questions:
- In TAR 21, leg 11, why Jaymes, Lexi, and Brent were forced to  do the RB?
- In TAR 22, leg 11, why Katie, Mona, and Jennifer were forced to do the RB?
- In TAR 23, leg 11, why Marie, Amy, Nicole, and Leo were forced to do the RB?
You know what they all have in common? All their respective partners, James,Trey,Josh,Max,Beth,Caroline,Tim,Jason,Travis,and Jamal had all done 6 RB, prior to leg 11!!!!
Since Phil said the not more than 6 rule only apllied till leg 10, it implied that in leg 11, they were all back to become eligible. Then why were they all ineligible at that moment?
Phil's reasoning makes zero sense

I've never witnessed a racer performed 8 RB in a single season. Maybe in old seasons but I don't watch old season

You know I've never even thought that TAR would actually stoop to that level. The fact that Dave and Connor and Caroline and Jen only congratulating each other on twitter yet none of the other teams from this season seems interested in doing so to them, pretty much implied that they were all seeing this and lost interest to the show whatsoever. I expect this sort of thing from Big Brother or any reality tv shows really, but not TAR. Remember when Marie turned down the offer to return for All Stars because she said she disliked her editing? No, it's not that. It's because of this. It's no longer fair. I am very disapointed. Even if Brenchel had won I would've been still disappointed if they won it "that" way

Offline WinTar

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lol if you think its rigged

Offline gamerfan09

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Offline SamualDude

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The roadblock stuff is still very odd to me, We'll have to see if teams next season realize this loophole that was opened up to them.
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Offline albegrato

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I want to agree with you, Zachary. But, sadly, we will never know. :(

THEORY: Maybe once Connor hit 6 Roadblocks after Leg 10, the producers quickly changed the rules to allow Connor to do more Roadblocks.

That rule wasn’t there before S24 but then BAM, suddenly it’s there. And in a returning racers season no less. Do they really think we are that dumb to not notice or care? No one has performed more than 7 Roadblocks starting season 6, AND THERE'S A REASON! What the heck are they trying to pull here!?

Please note that I would be just as disappointed and enraged if this happened to Caroline & Jennifer or Brendon & Rachel, but it didn’t. And then Dave & Connor won, which just makes it much more aggravating and insulting to us. :gaah: But I really can’t blame decrepit Dave here, but I blame production. Why? Can’t they hire an intern to look at the Roadblock count? For goodness sake, it's not that hard: current TAR structure allows for 12 to 14 RBs a season. If there's 12, that's a limit of 6 RBs for each team member. If there's 13 or 14, the limit would be 7 per team member. How the hell would this rule allow for a racer to perform 8 Roadblocks, huh?

I know all of this ranting is in vain as the bad team already won. :'( Let’s just say I won’t be recognizing the most recenet winners as “winners”. :res:
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 05:04:54 AM by Karpov617 »
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The only reason I could possibly think of with regards to the Roadblock Rule is that there might have been some Roadblocks Dave couldn't do due to the Achilles problem (remember this was only a year ago it may not have fully recovered by that point). Roadblocks that come to mind is the trampoline one in Leg 4 or the aerial flips in Leg 1

Offline Hysha

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Cool leg.
Hate the winners.

For a few seconds CaroJen don't win... :(
Kelley/Ciera/Abi/Kass goddesses

Offline airn10

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I am almost always happy with anything TAR, no matter what. However, this season left me feeling not so good about the future of TAR. I was actually sick at my stomach last night after the finale! Not because of who won, but because of the tasks. Yeah, it was cool to drop from a helicopter onto the FL, but why no memory challenge on an All Stars season is ridiculous! (:;) I can't wait for to see some improvements on 25!

Sorry, I'm done venting!

Offline albegrato

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The only reason I could possibly think of with regards to the Roadblock Rule is that there might have been some Roadblocks Dave couldn't do due to the Achilles problem (remember this was only a year ago it may not have fully recovered by that point). Roadblocks that come to mind is the trampoline one in Leg 4 or the aerial flips in Leg 1

I don't think the new Roadblock "rule" (if you could even call it that) would apply to apply to Big Easy, who seems to be the only person to have ever been barred from doing a Roadblock (the waterfall rappel in Leg 3). And the last Roadblock was poetry reading. How in the world is Dave's achilles heel connected to that?
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THEORY: Maybe once Connor hit 6 Roadblocks after Leg 10, the producers quickly changed the rules to allow Connor to do more Roadblocks.

Your theory wont hold water. Simply because the Producers can not just change the RB rules in the middle of the race. The RB rules would have been the same at the srart of the race as in Legs 10/11/12. Why? Because it is against the law. There are very strict laws that govern game shows in the USA.
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Offline RaceUntilWeDie

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I just watched the finale. There could/should have been more tasks than just 2 Roadblocks & searching. (Though, this is the norm lately).

I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish they had the Racers run it out to the Finish Line. Caroline & Jennifer vs. Dave & Connor would have been so exciting, will 2 little country girls beat a young athletic guy with his older yet still fit father, or the other way around? Even if it might seem predictable, it would have been amazing to see a footrace again like Season 2.

The sky diving to the Finish Line was cool though, I admit. If only they saved it for another season :lol:

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OK, So just a few things.
Firstly, Thank You CBS for the Full Intro again!!! And the new Caps were Great!  :conf:

Secondly, I'm not all that annoyed with the winners, infact I'm actually alright with Dave & Conner winning.
Like someone else has already said, whether you Love them or Hate them, you have give them respect, for overcoming such a serious illness like Cancer, and the injuries Dave suffered, and come back and win TAR.  I think its a nice sentimental finish to an All Star season, even if this Season was just  :groan:

Also, I still don't understand the Brenchel love?? I really don't like them, and Rachel's constant "We need to win so we can have a baby" really just sickened me.  How can anyone condemn Dave's constant whining, but overlook Rachel's constant moaning about having a baby. (Especially in the finale??)  :groan:
There's millions of people who have children everyday, and I don't see any of them NEEDING to win a reality TV show to have a baby.
And before anyone says they just want to have the money to help raise they baby, correct me if I'm wrong, but how much did Rachel get for winning Big Brother??? Exactly!

Anyway, moooooving on, I hate saying anything bad about TAR because I  :hrt: it much, and it will always have a special place in my heart, but if the producers don't make some serious changes for TAR25, along with the Time Slot move to Fridays, I really feel we're going to see the last of it very soon.  :'(
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Brenchel want to provide a stable financial situation for their baby especially with Brendon still studying, and I thought the idea of Brenchel babies was cute.

Offline gamerfan09

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And Brendon is studying how to potentially cure alzheimers <3

What is Cancer going to do with that money anyway? :res:

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And Brendon is studying how to potentially cure alzheimers <3

What is Cancer going to do with that money anyway? :res:

Lol, at least half will go to taxes and the church.

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And Brendon is studying how to potentially cure alzheimers <3

What is Cancer going to do with that money anyway? :res:

Hopefully they answer that during their CBS interview, but I wouldn't be surprised if they donate quite a bit to fund Cancer Research.  :<3
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Offline Leafsfan.

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Actually Brendon (Brennan) is studying towards a cure for cancer.