Author Topic: TAR 23 East Coast EP 9 SHOW updates and commentary **please read the rules**  (Read 24622 times)

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Offline RaceUntilWeDie

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Just watched the episode.

I loved it! This makes last season's Indonesia episode look kinda bad despite John's refusal to use the Express Pass.

Judging by editing, Ally & Ashley's elimination was edited to be quite sad :lol:  :( Why did the editors wait so long to feature them? I was kind of starting to like them.

(Speaking of "sad eliminations" who remembers when every elimination used to be SO sad? I've been watching some TAR 5 and such :lol: )

Offline Platrium

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This leg was a lot better than I expected. ;) The spoilers were great, but I didn't expect this episode to be as amazing as the other Indo legs.
-The ram thingy was an uh... :crazy: But it shows culture, so it prob'ly wasn't that bad. :) Plus, I think it would be even more entertaining if I were in a racer's shoes watching the rams fight.
-The taxi karma! :cheer:
-The Afghanimals bribing and Leo saying that his wife is... something. (didn't hear that part) :funny:
-The train scene avoids an equalizer. :luvya:
-The detour was good, definitely better than the Vienna detour. The elephants look fun. :hearts: For me, the birds look more boring. Anyway, the detour was great! :)
-The roadblock was amazing! :conf: The background, the culture, the placement jumbling - They were all amazing! The most amazing part of the roadblock is the cute kids!!! :luvya: :hrt: :hearts: :conf: :cheer: They're just too cute!!! :hugs:
-ER Docs falling from 1st to 2nd to the last was... woah! The 1st time I checked the spoilers, I was wondering what happened to them, since they arrived 1st and left 4th.
-The Afghanimals were very active this leg. They were more active than any other leg. Even when they were late. :funny:
-The ER Docs and Afghanimals' drama added some great spice to this leg.
-This legs karma was awesome! :wohoo:
-Jamy helping Nicole was... good? They were very nice to help them, but in this stage of the race, it's... really up to the team, and Jamy decided to help them. Wow! :o
-ER Docs & Ice Girls flunking was a pitiable part of the leg. ER Docs because of the roadblock. :stare
-Ice Girls made such a horrible mistake. They could've at least gotten... 2nd to the last? :funny: Not making the big mistake in the detour could have them race for at least 2 more legs.
-I thought in was NEL this leg. :pity I was expecting the Ice Girls to survive for another desperate leg.

TAR legs are more amazing with the Indo legs. :funny: :funny: :funny: Although I should feel sick about Indonesia being visited by TAR 3 seasons in a row :res: , the culture just makes the Indo legs great! :cheer:

Offline Jobby

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Lol at everyone who thought this leg was a NEL. (including myself)

This has to be one of my favourite legs after Europe as well. The Detour was refreshing, something we haven't seen on the race and the Roadblock required more skill and brains than just plain brutal, follow the rules type of task.

Love the starting task where teams had to deliver rams and watch them fight too. To be honest, this is definitely one of the better Indonesian legs in all 4 seasons we have seen so far.

Ally and Ashley getting eliminated when they didn't cheat? Wow. It could have been Nicole and Travis if they haven't been help by Jason and Amy.

Nicole and Travis... are completely my least favourite team right now. I've seen Travis being unsupportive of his wife.. but oh God, calling your wife an embarrassment just because she cannot complete a task. What? At least Tim and Marie are being real and mean to each other and they are just being true to themselves. N/T on the other hand, talks about being light of God and wanting to set an example... by cheating? I mean, nothing wrong with Nicole begging for Amy's help, but that was just so wrong trying to peep at Leo and Jamal, even after you U-TURNed them?

Somehow I think Ally and Ashley really screwed themselves. Had they been a little faster and Ally and Ashley were actually at the task, Leo and Jamal might actually stop to help them. A good team to bring to the F4 in fact.

Everything rocks this leg, except for the results. I wished Ally and Ashley stayed... but sometimes you can't have everything.

Offline Jobby

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And must I say... Leo and Jamal and Tim and Marie are slowly getting a more positive edit?

More of Leo and Jamal and gotta give them probs for totally embracing the local's culture this leg.

Offline ianthebalance

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And must I say... Leo and Jamal and Tim and Marie are slowly getting a more positive edit?

More of Leo and Jamal and gotta give them probs for totally embracing the local's culture this leg.

Tim and Marie are getting a more positive edit. Leo and Jamal got a VERY bad edit leg 8.

Offline Lutpay

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And must I say... Leo and Jamal and Tim and Marie are slowly getting a more positive edit?

More of Leo and Jamal and gotta give them probs for totally embracing the local's culture this leg.

When I looked on the spoilers back there, I thought the Detour will make me sleep when it airs, but I was wrong <3

I agree. Leo/Jamal might be manipulative, but it's just about the race strategy. They really enjoy the culture and friendly with the locals.

This leg is the BEST edit for Tim/Marie, like.. everything goes right about them.

Offline Jobby

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And must I say... Leo and Jamal and Tim and Marie are slowly getting a more positive edit?

More of Leo and Jamal and gotta give them probs for totally embracing the local's culture this leg.

Tim and Marie are getting a more positive edit. Leo and Jamal got a VERY bad edit leg 8.

They didn't.. I think. They lied to the doctors long before and it seemed to me just like a build up to this episode, where Nicole and Travis had such a big deal about people lying and they themselves being the hugeass bad example. Leg 8 was kind of neutral for them and I would say positive even. They completed the task and U-TURN with heads held high.

To be honest, I think people who pretend to be morally upright and self-righteous when they are not are even worse than people who are just real/mean etc. I don't know how I'm going to make this sound not negative or right, but the U-TURN lie that keeps being shown, seems to pale in comparison to Travis's unsupportiveness and calling her wife an "embarrassment" and of course Nicole attempting to peep her way through the RB.

Offline jetishidae

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oh wow this is the best Indonesian leg by far in TAR history, but judging from the preview the next leg in Bandung will also be good.
I really love the For the Elephant detour. All of them choose it because they wanted to see elephant  :funny:
it's pretty cute  :funny:

this episode has the best display of karma.
first for Tim&Marie, their Taxi broke down and letting Jason & Amy who got their cab stolen by T&M pass them
and the second of course for Nicole&Travis

Anyway, i really like how Marie is putting so much trust on Tim during the RB.
and she's not yelling  :yess:
is it just me or she's seems to be in a good mood during this leg, even though they missed the train and their taxi broke down?
maybe it's because of the elephant

Feel indifferent about Ally & Ashley elimination
I'am now and forever post-love

Offline Jobby

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^^ I get what you mean. If Nicole and Travis haven't got such a bad edit this leg, I won't be easily swing and manipulated to feel sad for the Ice Girls. To be honest, they can be really entertaining (look at the quotes they have delivered two episodes in a row!), just that I guess with so many teams with big personalities this season.. it's hard to outshine them. :(

Offline Lutpay

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  • #FishbachOuttaWater
^^ I get what you mean. If Nicole and Travis haven't got such a bad edit this leg, I won't be easily swing and manipulated to feel sad for the Ice Girls. To be honest, they can be really entertaining (look at the quotes they have delivered two episodes in a row!), just that I guess with so many teams with big personalities this season.. it's hard to outshine them. :(

As much as I like Ice Girls Ally, I'm rooting for Amy more than anyone else right now, I'll be upset if they're not winning this whole thing. She's such a sweetheart.

Offline Zachary

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Anyway, i really like how Marie is putting so much trust on Tim during the RB.
and she's not yelling  :yess:
is it just me or she's seems to be in a good mood during this leg, even though they missed the train and their taxi broke down?
maybe it's because of the elephant

LOL!  :funny:
I also think it's because they were probably what, like more or less than 1 hour behind, and they were last to arrive at the detour, but managed to pass three teams before checking in at the pit-stop. I mean that was pretty impressive on their part. Kinda remind me when The Country singers just breezed through that balancing on stilts roadblock in Bora-Bora and went from being last to also passing three teams before checking in at the pit-stop. How long was Tim doing that roadblock, like 5 minutes? And how long was Nicole doing that roadblock?  ;) :funny:

As much as I want Jamy to finally win a leg, I wish Timarie won this leg to be quite honest...  :(

Offline WinTar

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My comments on the leg:

Ram task was good and showed a part of their culture. :)

The Detour was also good, but I felt like the birds seemed a lot easier to do than the elephants.

Last but not the least, the Roadblock. I totally loved it! :hearts:
It looked hard to do especially in the midst of a loud environment, it was both difficult but at the same time fun and cultural.

The Pit Stop was also a great location. Loved it!

Overall, a good-great leg in Bandung. Looking forward to next week, looks promising! ;)

Offline Nyoman_SB1

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i'm glad most people loved this episode, although i'm sad at the same time reading comments on Facebook page (animal abuse)  :(
The detour was fine, but the roadblock  :hrt: :hrt: :hrt:
And Bosscha Observatory was a great choice for the Pit Stop  :luvya: 
The pit stop greeter is Dan Nicky. He is a musician from Chicago. He lived for 3 years in Bandung and compose songs for Indonesian children. I like him, but i was hoping local people as pit stop greeter.
Btw.. am i the only one who is rooting for the Afghanimals?  :funny:
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 10:56:49 AM by Nyoman_SB1 »

Offline whatever

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i'm glad most people loved this episode, although i'm sad at the same time reading comments on Facebook page (animal abuse)  :(
The detour was fine, but the roadblock  :hrt: :hrt: :hrt:
And Bosscha Observatory was a great choice for the Pit Stop  :luvya: 
The pit stop greeter is Dan Nicky. He is a musician from Chicago. He lived for 3 years in Bandung and compose songs for Indonesian children. I like him, but i was hoping local people as pit stop greeter.
Btw.. am i the only who is rooting for the Afghanimals?  :funny:
I'm rooting for them too!  :hrt:
But I also read a lot of spoilers on this forum ;).

Offline Bookworm

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And must I say... Leo and Jamal and Tim and Marie are slowly getting a more positive edit?

More of Leo and Jamal and gotta give them probs for totally embracing the local's culture this leg.
I agree completely! I'm very happy about their edit, as I've liked them since the beginning.
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Offline Jobby

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There was no animal abuse? :groan: If these rams head butt each other in the wild, they call it natural instinct and what animals do, but when humans set them up for it, they term it animal abuse?

I mean come on, it's not like they let them head butt each other till death. It was a local culture and I would instead see it that conservative people (and maybe some self righteous ones) are completely insensitive to culture.

Offline redskevin88

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There was no animal abuse? :groan: If these rams head butt each other in the wild, they call it natural instinct and what animals do, but when humans set them up for it, they term it animal abuse?

I mean come on, it's not like they let them head butt each other till death. It was a local culture and I would instead see it that conservative people (and maybe some self righteous ones) are completely insensitive to culture.

You don't know American conservative people. Everything different that's not American they don't like.

Offline RachelLeVega

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There was no animal abuse? :groan: If these rams head butt each other in the wild, they call it natural instinct and what animals do, but when humans set them up for it, they term it animal abuse?

I mean come on, it's not like they let them head butt each other till death. It was a local culture and I would instead see it that conservative people (and maybe some self righteous ones) are completely insensitive to culture.

You don't know American conservative people. Everything different that's not American they don't like.
I agree with Jobby. It's the rams' natural instincts to butt heads since they want to see whose horns are tougher, guessing both rams were males. Nobody or nothing was injured, it's part of a cultural and animal knowledge reference, and it's all in the fun and games for local Indonesians.

I have heard so many real animal abuse incidents like those vile and sickening dog fights Mexican cartels have organized (those beings just INFURIATE me! (:;) ) that have the audacity to let the losing dog die on the "spot". The ram task isn't abuse at all. Nature on PBS have shown moose butting heads and kangaroos kickboxing each other; it's natural instinct. Sorry, I just had to get that out there.

Here's a saying: "If you want to jump to conclusions, research it first."
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There was no animal abuse? :groan: If these rams head butt each other in the wild, they call it natural instinct and what animals do, but when humans set them up for it, they term it animal abuse?

I mean come on, it's not like they let them head butt each other till death. It was a local culture and I would instead see it that conservative people (and maybe some self righteous ones) are completely insensitive to culture.

You don't know American conservative people. Everything different that's not American they don't like.
I agree with Jobby. It's the rams' natural instincts to butt heads since they want to see whose horns are tougher, guessing both rams were males. Nobody or nothing was injured, it's part of a cultural and animal knowledge reference, and it's all in the fun and games for local Indonesians.

I have heard so many real animal abuse incidents like those vile and sickening dog fights Mexican cartels have organized (those beings just INFURIATE me! (:;) ) that have the audacity to let the losing dog die on the "spot". The ram task isn't abuse at all. Nature on PBS have shown moose butting heads and kangaroos kickboxing each other; it's natural instinct. Sorry, I just had to get that out there.

Here's a saying: "If you want to jump to conclusions, research it first."

I thought rams could only be male :lol:

Offline maf

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I have a question about this episode. How could Jason & Amy and Tim & Marie catch up with the front teams? Their train left one hour later, but still they caught up with the front teams at the road block. I can thing of a few possible explanations:

1. They got a faster train so they were much less than an hour after when they reached Bandung. But this feels unlikely since the distance between the stations is apparently just 17km, so the ride should be fairly quick.

2. Traffic was better so they could drive faster

3. The road block took a really long time. But this does not jibe with the fact that Leo seems to finish it fairly quickly. And Nicole, who really struggled, say she spent 40 minutes there.

Does anybody have any insights into this?

Offline redskevin88

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I have a question about this episode. How could Jason & Amy and Tim & Marie catch up with the front teams? Their train left one hour later, but still they caught up with the front teams at the road block. I can thing of a few possible explanations:

1. They got a faster train so they were much less than an hour after when they reached Bandung. But this feels unlikely since the distance between the stations is apparently just 17km, so the ride should be fairly quick.

2. Traffic was better so they could drive faster

3. The road block took a really long time. But this does not jibe with the fact that Leo seems to finish it fairly quickly. And Nicole, who really struggled, say she spent 40 minutes there.

Does anybody have any insights into this?

1. Nicole was being untruthful (no surprises there).
2. They got on a different train than shown, or perhaps the conductor lied. 
3. Teams struggled at the detour.
4. Tim & Marie and Jason & Amy did their detour quickly.

Offline Platrium

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I have a question about this episode. How could Jason & Amy and Tim & Marie catch up with the front teams? Their train left one hour later, but still they caught up with the front teams at the road block. I can thing of a few possible explanations:

1. They got a faster train so they were much less than an hour after when they reached Bandung. But this feels unlikely since the distance between the stations is apparently just 17km, so the ride should be fairly quick.

2. Traffic was better so they could drive faster

3. The road block took a really long time. But this does not jibe with the fact that Leo seems to finish it fairly quickly. And Nicole, who really struggled, say she spent 40 minutes there.

Does anybody have any insights into this?

1. Nicole was being untruthful (no surprises there).
2. They got on a different train than shown, or perhaps the conductor lied. 
3. Teams struggled at the detour.
4. Tim & Marie and Jason & Amy did their detour quickly.

They did the roadblock faster too. ;)

Offline Bookworm

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There was no animal abuse? :groan: If these rams head butt each other in the wild, they call it natural instinct and what animals do, but when humans set them up for it, they term it animal abuse?

I mean come on, it's not like they let them head butt each other till death. It was a local culture and I would instead see it that conservative people (and maybe some self righteous ones) are completely insensitive to culture.

You don't know American conservative people. Everything different that's not American they don't like.
I agree with Jobby. It's the rams' natural instincts to butt heads since they want to see whose horns are tougher, guessing both rams were males. Nobody or nothing was injured, it's part of a cultural and animal knowledge reference, and it's all in the fun and games for local Indonesians.

I have heard so many real animal abuse incidents like those vile and sickening dog fights Mexican cartels have organized (those beings just INFURIATE me! (:;) ) that have the audacity to let the losing dog die on the "spot". The ram task isn't abuse at all. Nature on PBS have shown moose butting heads and kangaroos kickboxing each other; it's natural instinct. Sorry, I just had to get that out there.

Here's a saying: "If you want to jump to conclusions, research it first."
Exactly. It's natural instinct for Rams to but heads to see who's the Alpha. It's Indonesian culture, and they understand that it's natural. However, if people are too conservative to understand different cultures, they they'll dislike it. It's like visiting the Plane Crash site last season. Many people complained and called it "un-American." How is it wrong to visit a memorial? It's not un-American to visit the USS Arizona Memorial in Peal Harbor, or to visit the Vietnam Memorial in DC, so how is it wrong to visit the Crashed Plane Memorial in Hanoi? Some people sadly are just to judgemental and misinterpret everything that has to do with culture.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better; it's not" - The Lorax

Offline RachelLeVega

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There was no animal abuse? :groan: If these rams head butt each other in the wild, they call it natural instinct and what animals do, but when humans set them up for it, they term it animal abuse?

I mean come on, it's not like they let them head butt each other till death. It was a local culture and I would instead see it that conservative people (and maybe some self righteous ones) are completely insensitive to culture.

You don't know American conservative people. Everything different that's not American they don't like.
I agree with Jobby. It's the rams' natural instincts to butt heads since they want to see whose horns are tougher, guessing both rams were males. Nobody or nothing was injured, it's part of a cultural and animal knowledge reference, and it's all in the fun and games for local Indonesians.

I have heard so many real animal abuse incidents like those vile and sickening dog fights Mexican cartels have organized (those beings just INFURIATE me! (:;) ) that have the audacity to let the losing dog die on the "spot". The ram task isn't abuse at all. Nature on PBS have shown moose butting heads and kangaroos kickboxing each other; it's natural instinct. Sorry, I just had to get that out there.

Here's a saying: "If you want to jump to conclusions, research it first."
Exactly. It's natural instinct for Rams to but heads to see who's the Alpha. It's Indonesian culture, and they understand that it's natural. However, if people are too conservative to understand different cultures, they they'll dislike it. It's like visiting the Plane Crash site last season. Many people complained and called it "un-American." How is it wrong to visit a memorial? It's not un-American to visit the USS Arizona Memorial in Peal Harbor, or to visit the Vietnam Memorial in DC, so how is it wrong to visit the Crashed Plane Memorial in Hanoi? Some people sadly are just to judgemental and misinterpret everything that has to do with culture.
And that FOX controversy specifically ruined TAR22's chances for an Emmy. :'(
<3 Family, friends, food, freedom...FULFILLED <3
Countries "raced": Greece (2019), Italy (2017), Switzerland (2017), Taiwan (2016), U.S. (WA 2013, CA [S.F. 2014, L.A. 2023], TX 2021, IL all the time)

Offline Kamineko

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I think nobody posted this. Teams got $31 for this leg of the race. ;)

« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 11:02:49 AM by Kamineko »
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*Postponed until after TAR:DC 8 finished*