Author Topic: HaMerotz LaMillion (The Amazing Race Israel) Season 3: HaRecaps (The Recaps)  (Read 51669 times)

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Offline Jai Ho

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After an eventful weekend, I am back and bear some important announcements.

1. TAR Israel is real. Poor pun, I know, but TAR's been around for long enough and as just about anyone on the board can testify, it's real and unscripted (except for the host). No proof needed. Nada. This is a moot point. End of discussion.

2. There will be no recap of Episode 15. It was a clip show, and we saw nothing new other than a bunch of rejected auditions, so that means I'm actually only 1 episode behind, so, at this point, catching up seems likely :)

3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Dana, one of the toughest and awesomest girls to ever run TAR. According to the show's Facebook page, it is indeed her birthday. For what it's worth, Herut of our dearly departed Girl Scouts turned 21 last month, I just forgot to mention it. So here's a birthday smiley for each of you  :conf:  :conf:

4. This is the fourth announcement.

5. Get ready to read Episode 14 in the next post.
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline Jai Ho

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Episode 14: Let Me Ask You, "Skintimate - Or Not?"

Bet you thought I was going to make a Brazilian wax joke.

We open on Rio. Just to catch up: Everyone’s on their way to the next task, sans Falafel who have FFed and Cousins who have been U-turned.

The first to arrive at the clue box are Blue Collar, who discover that the task involves bodybuilding and poses. But wait! They must get Brazilian body waxes to compete. Inside, the boys strip down and Eliran’s the first of the two on the table. He’s covering his face as the lady oils up his leg, and this promises to be painful for him and fun for us. An excellent combination that we don’t get from this show often enough.

Streets of Rio. LiMor get a cab, and their driver has no clue where the university is, even when Mor gallantly tries Portuguese. They forsake their driver, but not before Lior gets some yummy caramel popcorn! A funny moment. Talia brushes off a kiss from Koby, but Yasmin is more than happy to kiss her partner, and they are notably cuddlier in the interview.

University. As Romy/Michele arrive, Eliran gets his first tear, and David’s feeling the pain for his partner. Eliran’s too far gone at this point that he must laugh at this sticky situation he’s found himself in, moaning a la 40-year-old virgin. They have a new appreciation for women after this. Romy/Michele enter their waxing chamber, and as they are hairless ladies, the wax comes off less like Velcro and more like a banana peel. The girls wonder how Koby will deal with this, and speaking of them, here they come. Koby is obviously the first up for being waxed. Talia comforts him by singing, and it seems to work as we barely hear him say a word.

Streets of Rio. Falafel are now on their way to Arpoador, a rock between Ipanema and Copacabana beaches that serves as this leg’s pit stop, where indeed Ron is standing along with a lovely local in lemon yellow. The boys chatter in excitement, hoping that it will be the first time they’ll win a leg.

Coffee. Ma’Ayan/Batel are looking and feeling pretty darn hopeless.  Whether it’s to put them out of their misery or not, they get the correct arrangement and get the clue. In the taxi, Ma’Ayan is her usual chipper self, but Batel is starting to crack. They talk about Romi/Michele, and how they’re in a similar boat, but Romi/Michele are better racers. Way to talk yourself up there, Ma’Ayan.

University. Romi/Michele lotion up while it’s David’s turn to scream and yell. In an interview, they do show off their smooth long legs. And now we have a moment where Sisters and Blue Collar rub on lotion in slow motion and lust over one another. This is simultaneously straight, gay, and lesbian erotica. Cool? Blue Collar is ready to pose, and they choose a rather old guy. D/D show up just then, and Dana must really not be a girly girl because she screams and stamps like a maniac when being waxed. ShiMin arrive, and hearing Dana’s screams, Shimi begins to sweat. LiMor arrive, and commence the sequence of the waxing of Lior. He’s a big guy so this’ll take a while. He starts to curse up the storm as heard in the preview, and Mor can’t stop laughing. Lior sees Shimi totally zenning out during his wax while breathing slowly while twinkly teahouse music plays, so Lior gets back on the table. More of ShiMin being lovey-dovey – foreshadowing much? TaKo oil up, and Koby looks like a teddy bear. Blue Collar learn their poses and look pretty good while doing them. Romi/Michele start the posing work as well. Romi comments on the weird eye thing their bodybuilder lady has going on, and it truly is weird. They bicker, and micromanaging Romi is told to simmer down.

Stage. Blue Collar are the first up. I don’t think they did too horribly, but we’ll find out soon, because we cut to the sisters doing their routine. Both teams complete their routines.  Coral comments that the judges look angry. Surprisingly, the speaker of the panel speaks perfect English almost without accident, and the panel is not messing around because the boys get a 7. Only a 7? Man, these judges are picky. The head judge likes Romi, but the panel as a whole doesn’t like them, as they get an 8 and it’s back to the practice room for them.

Streets of Rio. Falafel comment on scenery on their way to the pit stop. They run up to the pit stop. Ron talks to them about the fact that they’re in winter clothes, and came last in the last leg, and get on with it…wait for it…a little more…first, just like we all knew. They are surprisingly reserved and calm about it.

University. Cousins arrive, and are shocked that almost everyone that was ahead of them is still there. This gives them a second wind – Batel can’t stop giggling, and Ma’Ayan hams it up, first pretending that her partner is giving birth, then asking the waxing lady to wax Batel’s mustache (teehee), and then singing a song which ends in her hugging the lady as she waxes, who probably just wants to get home to her kids. D/D oil up, and Debbie gets an odd boob blur even though she’s clearly clothed – I don’t know. They pick a rather young and cute guy in purple posers to train them, and of course they must drool over him and touch him. Elsewhere in the room, TaKo practice their posing. Talia looks like a walking skeleton. At the same time, Romi/Michele/Blue Collar decide to practice together, but it’s TaKo’s turn to take the stage.

Stage. Talia shows off her ballet moves as she Nutcrackers her way on stage. Head judge backhandedly calls Koby tubby, and despite their high energy, they don’t crack 10. Up next for their second try are Blue Collar, as Star Wars music plays, inexplicably. They get a round of applause and 11 points, which is a pass so they get the clue. Back outside and fully clothed, they get the next clue, which is an audio clue leading them to the pit stop, by asking them to find the place between the two beaches based on music clips from “The Girl from Ipanema,” and “Copacabana.” They figure it out in no time, and get the correct location from a local. Back at the stage, Romi/Michele are on their second try and they merit an even 10. Hugging their weird eyed bodybuilder lady, they get their musical clue…but they think at first that it means to go to Copacabana, but they get the clue in the same manner as the Blue Collar Boys.
Aproador. It’s not quite a footrace, but the two teams at the pitstop are clearly within a few minutes of each other. Blue Collar get there first. They must, of course, play show and tell before finding out that they’re second. Indeed, the sisters arrive next, while the guys are still on the mat, and are pleased to be in third.

Practice Room. D/D use this opportunity to ogle their bodybuilder some more and probably purposely screw up so they can have more bodily interaction. Debby, of course, comments on the butt.

Stage. Dana seems to do all right, but uncoordinated lefty Debby is all wrong. The judges think that the girls are sisters, which makes Debby very happy, then they give them a 9, making Debby very sad. Off to the practice room with you!

Practice Room. LiMor are with Romi/Michele’s weird-eye girl, Mor micromanaging as usual and telling her husband he’s all wrong. They argue about arguing and it’s all quite pointless. To her credit, Mor is a quick learner and her husband is not, so there’s that. ShiMin seem to be getting it quickly. Purples in purple dresses rather than bikinis, prepare rather quickly and seem to coordinate well, as we saw on the catwalk in Paris.

Stage. I guess there’s no queue, because here come the Purples. They do quick, sharp moves in perfect unison, and it’s looking pretty good. Their math skills momentarily leave them, as they fail to add 3, 3, and 4, but then realize that it’s 10. Congrats on the first first-try pass, ladies. The caption tells us that just like that, they’re in 4th, having been 8th at the beginning of the leg. Back onstage, TaKo take it on with much less  ballet and more focus, and it pays off with a total of 13 points, including a 5 from the very impressed female judge. TaKo exit and are surprised to see the Purples there. The Purples get the clue, and TaKo do not. Talia stops the Purples’ cab and tries to bum the answer, but gets the brush-off, so they play follow-the-Persians. Remember, it was this leg that TaKo turned on the Purples, so in a way, they get what’s coming.

Taxis. TaKo have a funny sequence in which their cabbie knows where they’re going, and despite repeating the name of the place twenty times, they don’t get it. Both teams de-cab at Arpoador (well, only the Purples know that, TaKo are just chasing them at this point). It is indeed a footrace, with the Purples slightly leading TaKo. An out-of-breath Batel needs a short break to get some air, so the couple takes the opportunity to pass the girls, within sight of the pit stop. TaKo, you’re fourth, and Purples, you’re fifth. Same placings as last leg, but neither team is eliminated, so I guess everyone’s happy.

Stage. D/D are on their second try. It looks better than the first try. An 11 is what they get, and they’re off. ShiMin are up for their first try, and maybe the judges are getting tired or lax or both, because their routine is kind of boring. Cut to LiMor, who have a false start but quickly get it together. Back to ShiMin, they finish and earn a 10. Head judge likes Lior, and they merit an 11.

Taxis. After some randomly inserted Rio shots, we go to D/D, who are kind of in meh moods after having a day of more-than-normal arguing. They exchange some strong words and have a mom/daughter moment. They arrive at the pit stop smiling, however, and like those who came before them, repeat their placing, and it’s down to the two couples. LiMor get the answer, and ShiMin hop in a cab, hoping the driver will understand their broken English and hand gestures. LiMor get into a cab as well, fully aware of where they’re heading.

Arpoador. The editing makes it appear like the cabs arrive at the same time, but it’s clear that LiMor are there before ShiMin, and they are, earning them 7th place. Solemn music leads us to ShiMin arriving at the pit stop, and they know they’re hosed, but Shimi is at least complimentary of his girlfriend. Ron officially eliminates them. Yasmin hopes that she didn’t let Shimi down, and…end of episode? I can go to bed now? Please? And…Shimi keeps talking. He asks if he can put his bag down for a minute. We know what’s coming, but Yasmin does not. She explodes in shock as Shimi kneels down, and of course she says yes because she’s on national TV, but they do seem to be more affectionate to each other than in earlier legs, so I hope it all works out for them. We hear the clapping of many hands, supposedly the other teams as this great love story comes to a close, even though it’s clear that no other teams are around, or else we’d actually see them, since it’s not that dark. We close on a rare shot of the crew cleaning up the pit stop as Shimi and Yasmin have another kiss.

Next time: Havana! Old cars! Cigars! Tutti Fruit! Talia and Koby almost get run over by a pedicab.
(Does anyone read these?)
Who do you like?
Who do you dislike?
Have your opinions changed?
Will Shimi and Yasmin's love last forever?
Does this race seem like it's taking forever?
Will Little Richard make an appearance in Cuba?
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline hotriceguy

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TAR isn't scripted, this has been gone over many many times before.
Yeah. Maybe the way they editing the episodes makes me feel like that the show is scripted. Especially when teams are voting in front of the U-turn/Yield board. I always focus that how many votes has been stuck on the board. I know that the American version is definitely UNSCRIPTED, just this season of the Israeli version. Well, even though IF it's scripted, it looks all good. Jai Ho, Thanks for the recaps anyways. =]
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 12:18:42 AM by hotriceguy »
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Offline G.B.

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Those Yield/U-Turn thingies look very flimsy. They probably fall off all the time. Producers don't care and just remember who's been voted for.
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Offline Jai Ho

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Actually, regarding the U-Turn/Yield/Prom Queen Board, I think it's not rigged but deliberately staged. Just like in TAR USA where the producers sometimes put extra clues in the clue box, I think that they sometimes put on/take off stickers from the board so teams are a) not tempted to look at their competitors' votes, b) not tempted to count the photos to see how many of theirs are missing, and c) so the teams don't know what place they're in. For example, an overconfident team who is gliding through in first might see three stickers up, and not rest on their laurels knowing that (or that's it's possible that) three teams are ahead of them. Likewise, a team that might be in dead last might see only a few stickers up and get a spark of hope that they might still have a shot.

Or as GB said, it could be flimsy to the point where they just fall off and the producers remember who picked whom.

As far as scripting (and this is the LAST thing I'll say on this topic, I think) some of the teams are naturally funny and over the top ALL THE TIME (Ma'Ayan/Batel, Itzik/Eliran) and some are rather reserved (David/Eliran, Mor/Lior). If it really was scripted, we'd have zingers coming from all over the place. 3 out of the first 4 eliminations were not shockers: Herut/Yoftut were pretty bad at just about everything but navigating, Andrea/Ronney were older and out-of-shape, and Shimi/Yasmin only started to cooperate once they got to Brazil. Liran/Ronit was kind of a fluke, I think, because they were in the tippy top for the whole race and just had a rough leg with some bad tasks. All four situations have happened on other versions of TAR: I'd compare Herut/Yoftut to Maiya/Misa (TAR USA), Andrea/Ronney to Anita/Arthur (TAR USA), Shimi/Yasmin to Anna/Roman (TAR Ukraine), and Liran/Ronit to Lorena/Jason or Aaron/Arianne (TAR/USA), or even, to some extent Monica/Edwin of TAR Asia (remember how they were saying that they were going to be the next Rob and Amber, and then the race started and they were completely incompetent at EVERYTHING despite being a young, strong, intelligent couple?).

Plus, if they REALLY wanted ratings, I think Israel would've loved to have seen Herut/Yoftut scrub each other in Spain/get waxed in Brazil (as they are very religious and modest and would probably have complete breakdowns when it comes to shedding clothes), Ronit spaz out in the favela in Rio (because she's so prissy), and Liran flirt with the judges in the Paris task (because he's, to my knowledge, the only gay racer this season).
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline hotriceguy

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Thanks for the detailed explanation! Overall, TARI is a very successful and enjoyable show. =]
"Rip it, Read it, and Keep Racing!" -Phil Keoghan
"Quebec just blew up!"- NATALIE SPOONER (TARC 2)

Offline Jai Ho

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Thanks for the comments, y'all! It's been a busy week and a strange one for me, and I've fallen behind again, but here we are:

Episode 16: Sometimes  A Cigar Is Just A Cigar

We open on Falafel. Eliran completely butchers their next destination, calling it “Hawaiiana, Coba,” and Itzik steps in to correct him. Blue Collar, Sisters, and TaKo all depart on the same flight, with Eliran voicing over that he thinks he and Itzik can win this thing.
Havana. The top four teams arrive and are presented with their pimpmobiles for this leg of the race (Random Fact: according to Microsoft Word, “pimpmobiles” is a word). Blue Collar and Falafel are entranced by the ancient cars. Romi/Michele pick a red one. TaKo read out the clue, telling us that the teams must take their vintage vehicles to the Upmann Cigar Factory. Plenty of “a-HOO-ga”s abound. The factory’s not too hard to find, but the cars tend to break down on the way. I just HATE it when I’m going to my local cigar factory and my car breaks down. Ruins my whole day.

Cars. Montage of teams having no clue how to operate the cars. Itzik and Eliran discover a baseball bat in their trunk. An interesting mystery. Talia breaks her car’s starter. The hell, Talia? (It’s been a while since I got to say that!) Itzik gets his car started, but it refuses to move. Eliran finds it funnier than his partner in the driver’s seat. Eliran of the Blue Collar’s interesting in mechanical engineering benefits them, as they depart first. Sisters get scared and jump in their car. Blue Collar Boys straight up say that women can’t drive. Note the gay hands. Back at the cars, Coral spazzes and can’t figure out a thing. Little Richard sings as Falafel hit the road, attempting to sing “Tutti Fruit,” but just making sounds. They pass a guy who does an awesome backflip for the camera. They are the first to notice the fact that they’ve traveled back in time to the 60s or 70s. Koby gets in the driver’s seat and he and Talia are off like “Gran Torino,” or something.

On the Road. Falafels pass Blue Collar, and Eliran’s hair blows out the window like a model’s. This is stupid. David totally screws up the usage of the word “caramba.” Eliran and Eliran yell across the road at one another. The road splits and they each take different forks. Suspense! In the Falafel car, Eliran still can’t say “Havana” correctly. We see the Blue Collars passing under a Havana sign, so obviously they made the right choice. They also note the “frozen in time” ness of Havana, as do TaKo, who appear to have made it to the city as well.

Cigar Factory. It is raining, and Blue Collar retains their lead, getting their clue from one of three old ladies in white dresses smoking cigars. Route Info: One team member must roll a Cuban cigar – blindfolded! Oh, you naughty Israeli producers. Side Note: Why isn’t this a roadblock? Oh, and there will be a random lady reading to the teams in Spanish over a loudspeaker, because that’s what Cubans have to deal with while they work. They enter the factory and immediately notice the smell, and the young age of all the workers, as well as the old age of all the machinery. Eliran picks a guy with dreads to teach him how to do this task. The actual assembling of the cigar is pretty visual, so forgive me for not recapping everything that happens. TaKo have passed Falafel and arrive in second place. Talia picks a lady in grey to teach her. The two teams hear each other yelling and become increasingly more worried. Eliran screws it up and starts over, and Talia appears to do the same. Both teams are yelling at each other. A Cuban blows a puff of smoke in frustration.

Cars. Second flight has landed, which is D/D, Cousins, and LiMor. But Romi/Michele? Still at the cars. D/D pick a sunny yellow car, and Dana must have a magic touch because she gets going with absolutely no help. Take that, Eliran and David. They almost hit a car but don’t. A split screen takes us back to the cars. Sisters? No luck. Ma’Ayan and Batel? On the road. Ma’Ayan plays with the horn as we get a fun transition to Lior driving his team. Side note: These two run a tire shop for a living, so they know a thing or two about cars. Let’s see if this helps them. Lior starts to clap…hands on the wheel, mister. He says that his car has a soul. Hopefully it won’t go to heaven on him. We go back to Cousins car, and of course it’s stalled, with smoke everywhere. This can’t be good for them. A local in a plaid shirt tells the girls that they were riding the clutch too hard – a logical explanation. They thank him and are on their way.

Cigar Factory. Falafel arrive in third. Itzik will roll the cigar. Bob Marley reference. We get a few seconds of some random girl’s boobs. The boys get a guy in a blue beret to help them. Eliran picks up a cigar and smokes it…what? Touching the merchandise? Sheesh. At least Koby and David are paying attention to their partners. Speaking of David, here are Blue Collar, making good progress. Talia complains some more. D/D have made up crazy amounts of time and arrive at the factory in fourth. Meanwhile, Eliran cuts and ties his cigar and gets a yes from the lady in orange who is serving as the judge. They read the next clue, and it’s a Double Battle at Floridita, a bar frequented by Hemingway in his time. The task: transport a tray of full cocktail glasses to a nearby hotel. But before that, they must start their car. They manage to fix it with a waterbottle and Eliran’s foot.

Cars. Romi/Michele…still there. There is an extra vehicle there, and Coral immediately tries it and breaks a piece off of it. So now, there are no cars left. The sisters are not doing it for themselves. They have no choice but to sit and look sad and hope that they’re not out of the race because production screwed up.

Cigar Factory. Talia finishes hers. It is so good, apparently, that the judge offers her a job in the factory. They head out, and it’s time for a Talia history lesson, where she proceeds to name the titles of every Hemingway book ever written. We do not get to find out what happens in the end, because we cut right to the Double Battle. The teams head off with their glasses. Blue Collar are doing very well and moving at a good clip, but Talia and Koby are doing it completely inefficiently. A guy runs in front of TaKo shaking some purple maracas, and then they almost get run over by a pedicab. They seem to be getting harassed more than Blue Collar.

Cigar Factory. LiMor arrive in fifth. Lior has done this before, so he will give it a go. Mor’s claws come out just about immediately. Purples arrive, and Batel takes it for them. Montage of teams arguing. It’s refreshing to see some real competition, with four teams in the same boat. Dana strategizes by imagining that she’s making grape leaves just like she does at home, and it works, bumping them up to third. Itzik, on the other hand, proceeds to self-destruct and they have their first real breakdown of the race.

Double Battle. Both teams seem to be wandering. Koby looks a little shaky, and boom goes a glass. Blue Collar arrive at the hotel with all their glasses intact, and Talia immediately and reluctantly concedes defeat. Route Info: Go to the home of a Santeria priestess and take part in a traditional Santeria ceremony. They stop for a quick dance, and Eliran slaps David on the ass but they head out.

Cars. Romi/Michele are informed that indeed, there is no car. Romi inexplicably starts laughing at their horrible luck entering Cuba. A somewhat nicer car appears, and the girls are off. They have a small advantage in that they get in while the car is already running, so they don’t have to deal with starting it up.

Double Battle. TaKo vs. D/D. Probably easier this time around since everyone knows where the hotel is. Dana wisely bypasses a pedicab and some distractions. The teams keep passing up one another, until one of D/D’s glasses drop, leading to a TaKo win.

Santeria. Blue Collar arrive and are welcomed by older ladies in white that look suspiciously like those at the factory. They don orange smocks and get whacked by the lady, who hits them with tree branches and sings. David is quite uncomfortable. They get crosses drawn on them. Eliran gets spit on with some sort of holy water, then David. It’s all just…a lot. Route Info: Find a tarot card reader on

Hospital Street. Cool! TaKo show up next and are more enchanted by the ceremony. Talia compares the ladies to alpacas.

Cigar Factory. Lior has a sleep mask on, but no rest for this one. He and Lior appear to finish at the same time. They get the clues and leave in 5th and 6th. Eliran of the Falafels wonder where the sisters are. And finally, here they are at the cigar factory. They seem to cooperate well, maybe they’ve worn out their yelling voices for the day.

Double Battle: Girl on Girl Action (D/D vs. Purples). The purples are shaky, due to the height difference, and they allow D/D to get way ahead. They start over. Elsewhere, D/D lose a few cups, but that doesn’t matter because the Purples have completely given up. D/D are at the hotel and deliver their glasses. Despite only having five, they get the clue. Dana’s arm is in pain but Mom tells her to shake it off. Good on you, mom.

Double Battle: Purples vs. LiMor. It’s actually looking like Mor might be doing an illegal move by balancing her free hand on her partner’s shoulder, but apparently, it’s kosher. The girls’ tray wobbles, leaving only one (Ma’Ayan: “It’s okay, we’re fine, just one”) then BOOM. The girls launch into a huge battle as LiMor go off to the Santeria. At the cigar factory, Coral finishes up and the sisters head off to double battle, not quite out yet.

Santeria. Dana is expecting shantis and yoga, and is rudely awakened with holy water. It’s almost comical, but they get the clue anyway.

Double Battle: Purples vs. Falafel. Purples employ the Mor strategy but look shaky nonetheless. Falafel are cruisin’ like it’s their job. A frightened Batel starts to waver and the girls lose one. As Itzik/Eliran arrive with all glasses intact, the Purples show up with three intact, two of which break upon being set on the counter.

Santeria. LiMor get some blue outfits to wear, and seem to have fun, dancing with the ladies. Lior is particularly getting into it. Falafel arrive and get slapped with brooms. The ladies seem to get rougher with Eliran (who is white), than Itzik (who is black).

Streets of Havana. Sisters comment on their crazy day, and being in last for the first time. Purples bicker.

Next time: Dance party! Lior asks a woman if hair is in his future. I’d say…only if you join the Broadway cast.
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

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Ugh, this race really needs to cut it out with the "three episodes for one leg" thing...I love TAR Israel, but they are REALLY overstaying their welcome. Is this going to be even longer than Season 2? I complained back when I found out that season 1 had 22 episodes :I
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Busy week, along with two pretty awful episodes and one that I haven't yet seen. Here comes last Wednesday's episode...

Episode 17: Party Like It's 1962

Previously, Cuba. Today, more Cuba, and a detour along with some other tasks.

Blue Collar. They comment that everyone smiles here. TaKo are in second. Talia smells smoke. Talk about something interesting, please?
So, I’ll take a moment to wonder just how the racers got around the fact that Cuba doesn’t formally recognize Israel. Debby comments about the importance of teamwork and that they’ve been going up and down all day.

Route Info. Teams must get their tarot cards read by a Voodoo priestess, then, with her advice, vote for the u-turn board, then go to a square for their next clue. First up:  David/Eliran. They comment on her insanely long and intricate fingernails. She has David mix the cards, and then he draws some. And now, I must refer to my dictionary, because I can’t think English, hear Spanish, and read Hebrew at the same time. She predicts that he’ll be married in two years. To his partner? But then she clears it up by say that Eliran will be married by May or June. Well, it’s July, and according to Facebook he’s still single, so shows you how much this lady knows.

Priestess. TaKo are next. Koby is a Capricorn. Priestess tells Koby that he had problems with love and talks too much, and that Talia will be a good mother in her next life. Not a promising predilection for their current life. D/D are shown with the priestess next, who tells them not to fight – to relax and come together. I’m thinking the producers may have given her at least a tip sheet. This launches both a long interview in which Debby talks about love and mothers and daughters and then they hug and cry and declare their love for one another.

Streets of Havana. LiMor are just happy to be here, and Falafel are watching for girls. As usual.

Priestess. And now…we’re back to Blue Collar? Ah, now they must ask her which team to u-turn. She says something about the one with a spirit of truth and evil in their eyes. This makes them select D/D, which makes sense. TaKo debate between D/D and LiMor. They opt for LiMor, for their strength in doing tasks. D/D are told that they are threatened by the team that wants them out. Well, that’s specific, considering who’s U-turned them so far (hint: everyone) but they opt for LiMor, remembering Sausagegate back in Spain.

Double Battle. Ma’Ayan is reasoning with her partner, and mixes up her pronouns, which is refreshing to hear an Israeli do. In the Sisters car, Romi is giving a history lesson. But they admit that they’ve still got a shot, which is always true, but maybe not on this leg.

Detour. TaKo arrive first, leading the pack for a change. I’m calling this detour Shake It or Shave It. In Shake It, the teams must gather 40 strangers in the square and have them dance in a circle while waving their team’s colors’ bandanas. In Shave It, they must find 2 men to shave, wash, and give a scalp message. Miami Sound Machine plays in the background as TaKo choose Shake It. D/D, having passed Blue Collar as well, arrive and do the same. At the square are dancers, stiltwalkers, and musicians – it’s quite a scene that there are already people gathered around. TaKo arrive and start distributing yellow bandanas. Talia feels like a grade school teacher. Finally,
Blue Collar arrive, opting to Shave It, which actually sounds like a better option , considering you only have to find two people. David and Eliran, however, are finding it difficult but finally get their first customer. On the other hand, if two strange people asked you if they could give you a scalp massage, I’d probably turn and walk in the other direction. We learn that David’s mother is a hairdresser. They
head out in search of their second customer.

Priestess. Lior shuffles the cards, and the priestess blurts out immediately that Mor’s a raging bitch and a control freak. Maybe she’s a better fortune teller than we thought. They ask if Lior will ever grow hair, and the answer is no. A fair assessment. They are told to u-turn the “slow and steady” team. Falafel arrive and shuffle the cards. Eliran is a butterfingers. Or he can’t count to 1. She predicts a big event in their near future. She basically tells them to start being smart. We’ll see how that works out for them. They’re told to watch out for the team that “wants the money,” so they are confused. LiMor pick D/D for the millionth time, but the Falafels decide to go for LiMor because they’re race-bots and always worm their way to the front. They aren’t happy about it, but they choose the married parents anyway and now they lead D/D 3 votes to 2.

Square. D/D arrive with 40 people in tow, and of course pick the red bandanas. Talia and Koby grab their 40th person and begin to dance. Koby shows off his salsa skills. He admits to missing dancing because Talia doesn’t dance with him. I could see Talia as being the “no fun” wife. She does, however, get picked up and spun by some locals. The trumpet player gives them their next clue, which instructs them to pick up a hitchhiker and take them home. Wow, really? They’re relegating the teams to being makeshift taxi drivers?

Double battle. Night has fallen. The Purples have conceded defeat to three teams and now they’re in their final face off: Ma’Ayan/Batel vs Romi/Michele. The cousins take off quickly and fend off people using the LiMor strategy. We learn that Romi has never waited tables, but Coral has. I don’t know if Coral had to do anything quite like this at her job. The cousins, far ahead, have already dropped a bunch of cups, while Romi/Michele have them all. Just as Romi starts to sing a song about focusing, they tip and it’s over for them. The cousins, even though they lost half their glasses, lost 50% less than the sisters, so they’re off to Santeria, which already feel like ages ago. And…their car won’t start. Once they get started, they lament that everyone passed them a thousand years ago, which is true. Well, all except Romi/Michele.

Square. LiMor opt to Shave It, and jacket up at the barber shop. Their local is very good-natured about it all. Falafel have found their second victim, and he wants a little more from the young men than they want to give, which I found pretty hilarious. They get the clue and head out, having dropped to 2nd. Falafel arrive at the square, choose to Shake It, and find a local boy named David to help them find people. They choose pink bandanas and start off with a small group of kids that grows.

Shake It. Debby and Dana are getting their groove on with the locals and get their clue. Elsewhere, Romi/Michele’s legs hurt as they head over to the Santeria task. They are annoyed and disappointed in their luck. Romi carries her tired sister on her back through the streets of Havana and it’s awfully cute. Back at their car, they lament being last again.

Santeria. Cousins arrive, this should be entertaining. Sisters arrive and are put in pink smocks. Both teams are shown getting spit on. Coral is clearly not a happy camper, as is Batel, but Ma’Ayan is just laughing it off, even grabbing a broom and hitting the ladies back with it. They leave with their fortune-teller clues. For some reason, we see a large fire.

Shave It. LiMor are on their second customer, who has little emotion.

Shake It. A lady in a pink dress demands that Itzik/Eliran supply all the children with drinks and candy, and when they do not, she takes all the kids and runs away. Back to square one for you. Elsewhere, Romi/Coral flirt with some other drivers.

Priestess. Ma’Ayan is given tarot cards to mix. She is asked what astrological sign she is, and she initially has no clue, but says “fish.” The priestess predicts that she’ll come into money, which is a pretty good sign considering the fact that she’s on a reality show. Romi/Michele enter  and Romi is handed the cards to mix. Coral talking-heads about how she’s afraid of dolls. Romi shocks me when she correctly pronounces her star sign, “Sagittarius,” perfectly. Most Americans can’t even pronounce that. The priestess tells Ma’Ayan and Batel that they will win, which earns her a hug and kiss from Ma’Ayan, which probably would’ve happened even if she’d predicted a fiery death. They u-turn D/D, which means that it’s up to Romi/Michele to break the tie. They are told to fear the “black turkeys.”  They choose LiMor, so the deed is done.

Square. Ma’Ayan/Batel arrive and grab the Detour clue. They decide to party.
U-turn board. No dice for TaKo, so time for them to exit this episode. Blue Collar uncover the same fate. D/D stumble up to the board, commence their usual prayers, and…they work for once, with only the usual suspects (LiMor, Cousins, Blue Collar) picking them.

Square. Romi/Michele get the detour. Coral wants to do the shaving and get it over with, while all Romi wants to is dance.
U-turn board. LiMor approach as tension builds. Lior knows it’s them, and they briefly acknowledge their oppressors (Falafel, D/D, Romi/Michele, and TaKo) and head off to dance.

Shake It. Falafel are doing their second try at that task. LiMor arrive and start distributing white bandanas. One of Itzik’s ladies runs away, and they run after her, only to find a little boy riding away with another one of their bandanas. Cousins arrive and start with their green bandanas, Ma’Ayan gets to crowdsurf. Mor gets to go upside down. Cousins complete the task, as do LiMor. So much for the u-turn inconveniencing them. Back at the square, the sisters decide to Shave It and not only find two guys, but get them to give them a free lift to the task in their pedicab. That’s the way to do it. Coral hopes that the guy doesn’t give them headlice. Back at the dancing detour, Falafel are desperately trying to make up some time by handing out more bandanas, hoping no one’s planning to punk out on them, giving their 40th to David, who refuses to dance. We get a quick back-and-forth montage of Romi/Michele shaving and Eliran/Itzik dancing, and they get their next clues. The latter team is so moved by David that they give him some money, which is a nice goodwill gesture. “Stress is the name of the game,” says Itzik. Elsewhere, the sisters get in their car and lament about their sad situation some more, trying to stay positive.

Next time: A fancy hotel. PIT STOP. Everyone is shown crying.
Are you glad that this leg is almost over?
Will anyone ever get eliminated?
Are you over this season yet?
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline Maxine Rama

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Lol this season sounds like a trainwreck...

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This season's tasks and teams are just as Amazing as the previous seasons of HaMerotz LaMillion. It's still really good and really entertaining with engaging and unique tasks.

However, it's this goddamn 3-episode-per-leg structure that's really hurting it. They're showing off waaaaay too much and overstaying their welcome, leading viewers like me and Jai Ho to get bored more often.

(Also, the tasks in Cuba sucked. There were four dull ones almost in a row)
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Offline Jai Ho

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It's been a very busy week for me, but over the past 48 hours, I've managed to recap 2 of the 3 episodes I'm behind on (and the other I'm not really going to recap, but you'll understand why when I post it).

Meanwhile, tonight begins the much anticipated HaMerotz trip to the USA!!!!

Granted, it's to Las Vegas, which is probably the most artificial and least historic place in the country, but let's hope they do tasks that actually feature American culture rather than useless filler stuff that could happen in any big city.

When I first heard that the race was coming to America, I had some unique/interesting ideas for places for them to go/tasks to do:

1) Come here to Houston (so I could have found them). Tasks: Rodeo (trick riding/roping/being rodeo clowns/selling stuff/betting on pig race or muttin' bustin); getting a pint of Blue Bell Ice Cream and having to find the location of the Girl and Cow Statue depicted on the cartoon, in nearby Brenham, Texas, and make or sell ice cream; learning two-stepping and doing country-line dancing; teaching some local kids Hebrew words; going to the Art Car Museum and decorating art cars; play baseball with the Astros at Minute Maid Park; go to NASA and do astronaut training tasks/virtual moon walk; eat chili, cactus, steak, or roadkill or other Texas treats. Pit Stop: Reliant Stadium or Water Wall or on an oil rig :)

2) Go to Miami (a TAR USA favorite city) and do some of the tasks TAR's done there, like the tricycles or the trailer park decorating; learn the Golden Girls theme song and perform all the words correctly for the judge, Betty White; ride through the Everglades on a fan boat; club-hop in South Beach to find a specific clubber with their clue; go to Cape Canaveral and do astronaut tasks/fire model rocketsl go up to Orlando to do Disney World tasks. Pit Stop could be the Florida Keys, Disney, or maybe some retirement home where they have to win at bingo in order to check in :)

3) A Midwest leg: Find Monowi, Nebraska and gather the entire population of the town for a group picture (actual population, 1 lady named Elsie Eiler  :funny:); play baseball at the Field of Dreams in Iowa; make or eat cheese in Wisconsin.

4) A New England leg: Boston tasks like drinking at Cheers or delivering mail (like Cliff in Cheers); reenact a Revolutionary War battle; dump tea into the harbor; do some intelligence-related task at Harvard or Boston Latin; do a Paul Revere task "the British are coming!"  :funny: ; witch trial tasks in nearby Salem; bake chocolate chip cookies (Toll House, invented in Massachusetts); Dr. Seuss tasks (Dr. Seuss is very popular in Israel). Pit Stop could be the Green Monster or Faneuil Hall, or the battlefields at Concord/Lexington.

5) A leg in Pennsylvania like Family Edition, with encounters with the Amish/Mennonites, Gettysburg or Valley Forge tasks, Benjamin Franklin tasks in Philly, eating Philly cream cheese or cheesesteaks, going to Hershey and doing chocolate-themed tasks. Pit Stop at Independence Hall or the Liberty Bell. Or Intercourse, Pennsylvania for the laffos  :funny:

6) A leg in Seattle/Washington state with visits to Experience Music Project, Pike Place Market, Space Needle. Ultimate Needle-In-A-Haystack Task: find a specific Starbucks and drink venti mocha cookie crumble Frappuccinos with a clue hidden on the inside bottom of the cup, there are more than 300 Starbucks in Seattle and I could imagine multiple teams breaking down after drinking Frappuccino after Frappuccino, and then asking clueless and overworked baristas where their clue is :funny: Pit Stop: Gas Works Park (because it's TAR).

7) A leg in Alaska (when I told Israelis I'd been to Alaska once, they were like "wtf how did you get there? did you stay in an igloo with Eskimos?") Alaska is on the clear opposite side of the world from Israel, and the distance is incomprehensible (like us Americans and India/China). Tasks like dog-sledding, igloo-building, glacier-trekking, polar bear plunge, learning words in a language native to Alaska. Pit Stop Greeter: a very confused Sarah Palin  :funny:

...but of course, I'll probably be disappointed.

Where in America would you like to seem them go to/do?
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline Jai Ho

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Let me preface this episode by saying:

This episode highlights some of the biggest differences between the American and Israeli versions of the race. On TAR USA, we rarely see/hear outside people mentioned (family/friends/people from home), yet here, we have a whole episode basically devoted to people who we don't even know.

As an American, I'm used to traveling. I took my first plane ride at age three. When I graduated high school, like many if not most Americans, I went away to college and lived in a dorm. Since then, I've lived in varying states and countries, and have been on my own for the majority of the last decade. Sure, I talk to my parents all the time, but I've gone weeks and even months without seeing them (currently, it's July, and I haven't seen anyone in my family since March since we live so far apart). When I do want to see my parents, I have to either a) book plane tickets and fly across the country, or b) get in my car and drive for a few days. I've also been fortunate enough in my life to have traveled both inside and outside these here United States and am used to having disruptions in my routine. In fact, I can't remember the last time I actually had a routine.

For Israelis, this is not the case. Israel is about the size of New Jersey. Picture all your friends, family, and everything you know and love within a three-hour drive, max. And, not only that, but you don't even have to drive - you take a bus, train, or taxi. Distances that we find relatively short (for example, 2 hours between Houston and Austin, or 3 hours between Houston and San Antonio) are impossible to conceive for them. One weekend, I stayed with some family in Ashkelon, a small town right near Ashdod (where David and Eliran come from). I had recently graduated college, and one of family's friends was grilling me about what going to college in America was like. When I told her that it was about a ten-hour drive from my parents' home to where I went to school, she was shell-shocked at a) what 10 hours in a car would be like, b) why I chose to live so far away from home, and c) why I would drive that distance regularly (well, on winter and summer breaks).

When I lived there, most people I knew either didn't have licenses or had licenses but no car. Almost all of them disliked driving and would take public transit, given the option. Notice that some racers, (Batel and Debby, in particular), are rarely seen behind the wheel. People in Israel thought that it was bizarre, when asked what I missed most, replied "my car." My family could come visit me (and they did) but as I'm not from a place like New York City, Boston, or Chicago, public transportation was a bit of a nuisance and I missed the freedom I had to go anywhere, any time, on my own schedule.

When Israelis travel, they tend to go on short 'tiyulim,' or trips within their own country, either to visit family in another city or to visit a natural park or a kibbutz. Leaving the country is a very big deal, and for most Israelis, it's very hard and culture shock sets in pretty quickly because there really is no place like Israel. I have Israeli friends who are grown adults who cry every time they leave the country even if it's just for a few days. Except for Talia and Koby, who went to school abroad, for the racers this is probably the longest and furthest they've ever been from home. Those racers who attended university in Israel probably all lived at home. Ma'Ayan and Batel even admit in this episode that they've always lived at home, and never anywhere else. Romi is a soldier and probably lives on a base somewhere, but in the Israeli Army, it's not inconceivable that Romi's mother or father would call her unit leader on the phone and ask her what the hell's taking their daughter so long to get home for Shabbat. In America, we tend to be more comforted by material possessions - for me, it's my car and my apartment - but in Israel, family is more important than anything (even friends, sometimes) and being without them for an extended period of time with no contact is like having all your arms and legs cut off.
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline Jai Ho

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Episode 18: “The Seinfeld Episode”

This episode was basically the show about nothing. No tasks featured. Teams pick up locals and spend some time at their homes with them and are presented with gift boxes sent to them from Israel. It’s very nice for them and very touching and emotional, but also very unexciting. Then they go to a completely arbitrary pit stop in the same order they were in the beginning of the episode. Romi/Michele are last, but not eliminated, in what should’ve been a TBC leg/superleg.

The highlights (what few there are)
•   Talia/Koby get a lady named Marlene. Her house is gorgeous and they clearly lucked out. She’s a dress designer with a huge closet. They play dominoes around the table. Their box includes Talia’s white teddy bear, which bears the creative name of “White Teddy Bear.” They get their cat’s collar as well.
•   Blue Collar pick up a chick named Amber. Eliran is super cute with a little baby girl. Their box include David’s mother’s scarf and a letter.
•   D/D get a guy about Debby’s age named Jorge. She flirts with him of course. Jorge’s house is lovely and pink. Their box includes pictures of Debby’s two other children, and Dana’s wedding picture and a letter from her husband.
•   LiMor choose a girl who looks about twelve. We learn her name is Amarilis. They get their package and much emotion all around. Apropos of nothing, either Mor’s makeup is smeared or she has a bruise on the right side of her face. Their box contains baby clothes.
•   Cousins pick up a guy named Lazaro. Ma’Ayan proposes marriage to Lazaro in front of his mother, who either doesn’t understand or does understand and thinks that Ma’Ayan is insane. Both of which would be true. They call him about 12 different names, all of which wrong. They get a photo album.
•   Falafel chooses a lady named Diamelix, and of course they botch up her name. At her home, they look at photos and postmodern-looking wall art. They also take advantage of the free booze. Their box contains a large jar of sand from the beach back home. Well, that’ll be useful, especially in a “build a sandcastle with your own sand” challenge.
•   Romi/Michele get an older man named Eddie and this would be creepier with producers not around. Romi jokes that they’re going to get eliminated today so their guy should come with them to visit Israel. They also play dominos. Their box has a letter from their parents – only one letter for the team, because they’re sisters.

Pit Stop: Hotel Nacional de Cuba.

Arrival Order:
1.   TaKo
2.   Blue Collar
3.   D/D
4.   LiMor
5.   Cousins
6.   Falafel
7.   Sisters

More to come later!
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline omeroz

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I don't usually write on forums but I had to correct a few things you said about Israel.
first off it takes 9 hours to cross Israel from north to south (not 3).
In Israel life starts a bit later then in the united states. After the army service Israelis usually save some money and then travel the world for a few months. In fact Israelis like to travel a LOT.   
After that they start university and usually can't afford to buy a car (which is more expensive then in the US). Most people buy a car at the end of their schooling.

However I will agree that in Israel the most important thing is your family  :)


Offline Jai Ho

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I don't usually write on forums but I had to correct a few things you said about Israel.
first off it takes 9 hours to cross Israel from north to south (not 3).
In Israel life starts a bit later then in the united states. After the army service Israelis usually save some money and then travel the world for a few months. In fact Israelis like to travel a LOT.   
After that they start university and usually can't afford to buy a car (which is more expensive then in the US). Most people buy a car at the end of their schooling.

However I will agree that in Israel the most important thing is your family  :)


Welcome to the thread omeroz!

It does take 9 hours to cross Israel from north to south completely, true (from, like, Golan Heights to Eilat), but I don't know many people that routinely did that. I actually never ended up doing the whole cross-country trip, the longest I ever needed to go to get anywhere was about three hours (except for the time when I made a 3-hour trip into 5 hours because I forgot to get off the train once and ended up going the long way around when I could have skipped 2 hours by switching to a different bus line).

Israelis do love to travel, and the "Southeast Asia" year or the "Machu Picchu" year (as a cousin or uncle of mine who went to Peru for his year called it) is very important - a lot of people do this, not all, but a lot. I have a lot of religious friends/family members who didn't do it after army/national service and just went straight into college or into the workforce, but that's just people I know personally, who don't represent the majority of the young population of the country. And yes, you're right, having a car is super expensive in Israel - if I did live there, I'd probably want one but only as a complete last-minute option.

Thanks for reading my posts and stay tuned for more! Thoughts and opinions are always welcome here :) and it makes me seem like less of a narcissistic bitch so post on!
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline Jai Ho

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Episode 19: Animal Misbehavior

Neighing horses and angry crocodiles lead us back to Cuba.

Pitstart. TaKo reveal they must go to La Cienega del Zapata National Park to meet up with some crocodiles, who will hopefully not eat most of them. General “yay we’re first” talk. David/Eliran and D/D leave as well. David admires Talia and Kobi’s strong relationship. Debby is proud that they’re moving up the ladder.

Morning. Talia remarks on the tropical scenery, as does Eliran, Debby and Dana. Foreboding music plays as Debby reveals her fear of crocodiles and hopes she has to deal with coconuts instead.

Park. Two-sided task. First, transport 4 baby crocodiles per hand from the water into a box. Second, wrangle a crocodile. Talia, Koby, David, and Eliran show up first. Koby asks Talia to imagine them as gummy bears. David, though entering the pen after Talia, is shown catching his first croc. D/D show up as well. Dana tries to get Mom to go, “ladies first” but she ends up attempting first and though she screams, she seems more entertained than scared.

Streets of Havana. LiMor and Purples head out. Batel asks her driver his name, which happens to be Alejandro, and of course Lady Gaga starts to play.

Crocodiles. Fearless Koby gets 8 crocs like it’s nobody’s business, followed by David. Eliran is grossed out but gets it anyway. They move on to stage 2. Meanwhile, Talia is shown picking up some, and she finishes quickly because we flip to them at stage 2.
Streets of Havana. Itzik shouts “Good Morning Cuba!” several times. (Cuba: “Thank you but we need the sleep.”) Sisters leave as well and are extremely relieved at not having to drive.

Crocodiles. Dana freaks out a little but gets it done quickly. At Stage 2, Blue Collar enters the cage with the big crocs. Foreboding music plays as the boys prepare. In a truly frightening moment, David slips and falls, angering the crocodiles. Talia and Koby get closer to the crocodiles, but Koby’s first few tries don’t result in a catch. David (now standing) quickly nabs a big croc and they are off in first, to the town of Soplillar. Unexpectedly, it’s Talia who nabs the big one for her team and she and Koby head out in second. Back at stage 1, Debby’s still freaking out as Purples arrive. While Dana asks Debby to imagine them as little hot dogs, Ma’Ayan freaks out over how cute the babies are and grabs them lickety split, even having time to dance with them before inviting Batel to do the same. Dana comments that Ma’ayan is fearless. LiMor shows up. Lior picks up eight like he’s picking up his kid’s toys, and Mor quickly follows. Batel gets eight. Debby can’t even get one – come on, Ma!

Soplillar. Footrace to the cluebox between Blue Collar/TaKo. Double Battle! And it’s a chariot race, Ben-Hur Style! Talia checks the horses’ genders and chooses a mare, while Blue Collar opt for the filly. And…they’re off! Talia takes her team to an early lead, but Eliran overtakes her towards the end and leads Blue Collar to the win, putting them back in first. Their next clue? Campismo Beach, for a u-turn vote.

Crocodiles. Falafel show up, and Eliran dutifully starts grabbing the little ones and even tries to comfort Debby a little. Debby gets one but drops it, and Itzik knows that this is their chance to pass them. Dana goes and picks up one for her mother, but she’s still unconvinced. At the big crocs, the Purples are apprehensive, and Batel makes a valiant effort but her croc goes right through the loop. Her second attempt is a success, however, and then they humorously flee while Ma’Ayan threatens to have them made into Louis Vuitton handbags. Lior gets a croc, lickety-split, and Mor is turned on by this. I hope the camera is turned off for their next taxi ride. Falafel are slightly more apprehensive, but Itzik gets it, putting them up in fifth.

U-Turn. Blue Collar pick, for the 7th consecutive time, D/D, saying that they’re strong, while we watch Debby cower in fear at the baby crocodiles. At the beach, Blue Collar finds their next clue on a table full of fruit. Their next task is the highly competitive one of…eating fruit and throwing a note in a bottle into the ocean, intended for their families in Israel. Let’s see those guys make it through the Cuban trade embargo. We get treated to watching David and Eliran eat fruit on the beach and argue over who to write a letter to. What is this?

Double Battle. Purples arrive next, and feel like they have an advantage because they are from a small moshav, a country town where sometimes they like to ride horses for fun. Batel takes the reins and Ma’Ayan loses her helmet, but Talia and Koby (who’ve switched to Blue Collar’s filly) win. LiMor appear to have gotten very lost, because Falafel arrive next and we are treated to spaghetti Western music. The purples race to a win, on the faster horse, of course.

Crocodiles. Romi/Michele arrive and Romi does a relatively good crocodile impression. Coral does it like a pro, comparing it to picking up dropped French fries (LOL). Romi does it, but not before having fallen into the mud, judging by the brown stain on her butt. D/D, now in last, sends Debby in for one more try, and of course they get it, with much nudging from production and handlers.

U-turn board. TaKo choose LiMor again. Talia writes to her father in America. They talk about Talia’s father, and then Talia reads her letter to us in English. Apparently they didn’t tell him that they were going on The Amazing Race. Whoops. David throws his bottle into the ocean, while Talia and Koby gently toss theirs into the surf. More shirtless shots of Blue Collar. Next stop: Green Bar.

Double Battle. Falafel vs. LiMor. The couple are on Slowpoke, so of course Falafel are going to win. Lior starts to pray. But wait…we get a slo-mo shot of Falafel’s horse doing a side-step, and shockingly, allowing LiMor to pass them on Slowpoke, going on to take the win! They do not know that they’ve bucked the trend, and now Falafel are pissed off. Itzik hops down and walks away without a word to the parents. Cue the ugly moment. Mor instigates it by asking Itzik why he walked away without saying anything, Itzik says he doesn’t want to talk, but that’s not good enough for Mor, who catches up to him and fuels the fire (bad move) and then Itzik launches into full-out sore loser mode against both Lior and Mor. Itzik whines how unfair it was, Mor calls him a sore loser, and no one comes off looking particularly good. Well, not everyone – Eliran (playing the UN, according to Itzik) wisely walks away from the group. The whole fight was too stupid and grade-school to recap every single word, and you can probably figure out what happened. Conclusion: Mor is a bully, Lior is her lackey, and Itzik doesn’t play well with others. The parents leave but not before telling the camera that Itzik behaves (and drives) like a little girl. I think the show wants me to feel sorry for Itzik, but I’m actually siding with Mor a little because frankly, Itzik is being a brat and a bad sport and we (as well as Itzik) already know that Mor’s a loudmouth and he should have just ignored her in situations like this one, knowing that she’ll go away, and THEN cry and whine and hate her and call her a bitch for the cameras for all the time in the world, if he is still mad. A race is a race, Itzik, and although they had a stroke of pure luck, they won the horse race fair and square so just move on and wait for the next team.


Crocodiles. Sisters and Mom/Daughter head to the big croc cages. Dana is rightfully disappointed at being in front of only the sisters. Romi makes a couple of good tries but her croc is very snappy, while Debby redeems herself about a half an iota for nabbing the crocodile. Romi gets it as well and both teams leave.

U-Turn board. Purples pick D/D, again. They enjoy the fruit and Batel tearfully writes to her mother and they (her and Ma’Ayan, not her and her mother) hug on the beach.

Double Battle: Falafel vs. D/D. Falafel have stuck with their horse and give D/D the former loser’s horse, figuring that lightning can’t strike twice, and they’re right, winning easily, but now down in 5th.

U-Turn board. LiMor stick with D/D – what, no Falafel vote? Mor writes to her mother and Lior eats fruit, then they lie on the beach for a moment before getting their clue and exiting the episode another with the other. Falafel stick with LiMor. Eliran is dyslexic. Nothing else interesting.

Double Battle. D/D vs. Romi/Michele. D/D have learned nothing, and stick with Slowpoke. It’s the closest race yet, but it’s obvious that Romi/Michele won by a half-length. D/D are initially confused, but disappointed when they find out they lost.

U-Turn board. Sisters choose LiMor, again. They have a stupid argument because Romi wants to sit in the shade. Moment ruined. It was bound to happen. Elsewhere, D/D head to the beach. Romi reads her letter, telling their parents that they’re being sisterly and nice (even though it’s not always true). D/D pick LiMor and the deed is done, same as previous leg. Predictably, they enjoy the siesta. Dana uses the quill pen to write her husband’s name in the sand. We don’t see what they wrote, but they toss their bottle into the sea.

Next time: Pirates! Ahoy! ELIMINATION, finally. Oh, and some distracting birds.
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline Jai Ho

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So, newsflash - I'm actually up to date (!!) so here's Episode 20. 21 + 22 coming tomorrow. Also, coming soon...The HaMerotz LaMillion drinking game I recently created to get us through the rest of the season! Yay!


Episode 20: Hit The Road (Captain) Jack, and Don’t You Come Back No, Mor, No, Mor, No, Mor, No, Mor

A lone seagull flies over Cuba, an island on which LiMor have just been yielded.

Route Info: As told to us by David and Koby, teams must dress and act as pirates for the rest of the leg, with their next clue waiting at Playa Shackleton. David is the first to reference Johnny Depp.  Both teams taxi up. Talia thinks that eye patches are sexy. The hell, Talia? Eliran is singing 99 Bottles of Beer and this whole leg just seems like one long car trip with the family. Remember Detours and Roadblocks? Ah Oy indeed. Purples pirate up as well, and learn that Johnny Depp was indeed in Cuba filming the movie.
Shackleton. Hey look, endangered species sighting! It’s a Detour! Approach with caution, guys. This time, it’s Sea or Air. In Sea, teams must rescue items from a sinking ship, and in Air, it’s a pirate-themed ropes course. Blue Collar choose Air and get suspended in a giant hammock. They go back and forth and are finding it tougher than they initially thought, with neither leverage nor gravity on their side. TaKo also choose Air and get raised up. Talia gets pretty close, and nearby Blue Collar are having a rare argument. TaKo successfully harnesses the laws of phyiscs and gets it with a good swing. Eliran uses brute force to claw his way up the rope and grab the flag, but after placing it between his teeth, he loses focus or something and the flag flutters away and lands nearby. Blue Collar climb down from the hammock and contemplate switching.Elsewhere, LiMor and Falafel suit up in pirate duds. Ma’Ayan/Batel arrive at the clue box and are the first to pick Sea. They wade out into the surf and find that the little boats are chock full of random stuff, from pots to drums to a bicycle. Because pirates don’t go anywhere without a bicycle! This task actually looks easier than I first thought, because the boats are not that far off shore – as you can see, the girls are barely waist deep. I would’ve probably gone with this one.  They start with the oversized lawn chair as the drum hits her in the head.

Air. Talia tries to grab the sack with brute force but is inches away. Back in the saddle, the boys grab the flag successfully and use that momentum to steer David to the sack, which he grabs but drops. The Butterfingered Blue Collars are lowered. Talia is still trying to grab the sack, and after a music build, she does, as David/Eliran clap for them gamely. They head to the next task, which starts with the U-turn board. Talia is scared since they’ve gotten such a nice lead, but of course it’s not them, so they march to the next task, which we’ll find out about soon, I guess. Elsewhere, Sisters and D/D get suited up.

Detour. Falafel show up and are their usual incredibly indecisive selves. As they go back and forth, Blue Collar go back and forth and finish the task, and Ma’Ayan/Batel, having found a crate, complete their first back and forth. Finally, they pick Sea, and start their carry just as the parents show up. Their second trip includes the bike and the drum. Itzik’s pants keep falling down.
U-Turn. Blue Collar are safe.

Detour. Mor/Lior get raised, and I’m think that the weight disparity is not going to help them here. In jog the Purples, who’ve apparently switched over to Air. Lior makes the flag, and I think Ma’Ayan grabs it for the purples. Both teams get very tangled.

Sand Piles. Apparently, one team member must get buried in the sand, while the other pours things on them, looking for a pearl which will open a treasure chest and a map. Blue Collar arrives as well. Talia and Eliran get buried for their teams. Koby’s first bottle contains confetti, while David’s contains honey. Ducks show up, and Talia completely flips out at them.

Detour. Falafel, despite their indecision, appear to be going along swimmingly, ferrying their captain across. At Air, Mor uses the brute-force strategy to grab the sack. They head off to the U-turn board. Cousins complete the task as well.  Romi/Michele arrive and argue about whether they need their bags or not. D/D arrive and choose Air, as do Sisters. No love for the Sea task. Dana tries to use gravity as  her pendulum but Debby can’t help her because she is an idiot so they swing aimless. Sisters use brute force to grab the flag, and Dana does the same. Both teams start screaming – the sisters because of rope burn, Dana because her mom sucks.

U-Turn board. Batel/Ma’Ayan? Safe. LiMor? Not so much, back to the Sea for you.

Detour. It appears that Falafel has had to start over, since they brought their person back too soon. Over at Air, Romi makes the grab with force while Dana uses gravity to grab their sack. Well done, ladies, you’ve managed to make it to the middle of the pack despite your car trouble and Debby sucking at the crocodile task. Over at Sea, Lior and Mor transport what looks to be a baby cradle and head out for more stuff. Lior climbs in the boat and takes a hard tumble. Falafel finish their task and head out. The sky gets dark, and just as LiMor hit the beach, Mor tumbles and the crate drops right on her head. Lior asks if she got a bruise, and she’s like, of course you loser, you just dropped a crate on my head. They take a break on the beach watching the rain come on.

Sand Piles. Ducks are still torturing Talia. Purples come in, with Batel plopping down in the hole and Ma’Ayan burying her. Ma’Ayan is thrilled at burying her partner in the sand and even tries to goose her further by sticking her sandy fingers in Batel’s mouth. Revenge, thy name is wet sand. TaKo gets their pearl, and Talia and her pink bikini wash off as Blue Collar watch and get their own pearl. Both teams head out, treasure map in tow. As they race to the pit stop, the teams get separated.

Detour. Mor and Lior head out for the last time. Lior, used to carrying children on his back, gets their man, and Mor carries the bike. They head off to the Sand Piles.

Sand Piles. Coral climbs in the hole. She calls her sister a disappointment and she spits out sand. D/D arrive and finally, the perfect task for Deb – sitting in a hole in the ground. What could go wrong? Dana pours the first bottle, which is just water, until gross black crap comes out, and she’s all, “ugh.” All three lady teams are pouring as Falafel arrives and Eliran gets in the hole. Ma’Ayan gets their pearl, and hilariously runs off, leaving Batel in the sand. Whoops. She comes back to get her, though, so it’s all good.

Pit Stop. Both leading teams arrive, but Koby is the first to emerge in the hut where the mat is, and he and Talia are team number one, our first repeat leg winner of the race. Congratulations, you two. David/Eliran are team number two and are not disappointed.

Sand Piles. Debby’s hair gets a pineapple juice treatment. Finally, they get the pearl, and afterwards, Debby laughs at herself good-naturedly, saying Dana was probably pleased to see her trapped there. Dana’s all, “okay, I’ll get you out of there.” Like she has a choice, LOL. Romi gets the pearl as well and they’re off. In their cab, Purples have trouble reading the map and make a Dora the Explorer reference. Dana sees this as a chance to pull ahead. They see the Pit Stop, but it’s Ma’Ayan and Batel who arrive next. They are third, and Ma’Ayan must give Ron a poo hug. D/D and Sisters both approach the pit stop. Mom and Daughter get turned around looking for Ron, allowing the sisters to slide in in fourth. They don’t appear to be serving their penalty, however, because Debby and Dana get fifth. Itzik finds his pearl as Lior is still pouring stuff on Mor. But wait! The boys lose the pearl in the sand. Oopsie. The camera shows that it’s rolled a foot or two away. Eliran heads to clean off while Itzik looks on hands and knees for the pearl. Eliran does not seem to understand the importance of the pearl. Itzik comments that they could conceivably lose because of this, as they’re second to last, Lior just found his team’s pearl, and Eliran is being lackadaisical. Lior offers Mor a hand and she’s all, am I supposed to dig myself out? LiMor appear to leave while Falafels are still fretting over the map, so they might have a chance.

Pit stop. Both teams are shown running. Please, don’t do to us what you did in Spain (LiRonit/TaKo). And…the Falafels save their fannies again. Before they find out their placement, Itzik complains about his partner’s laziness, but at the end of it all, they are still friends and still in the race. Sad music leads us to Mor and Lior hitting the mat. Lior, for some reason, is in civilian gear rather than pirate. They blame their loss on the other teams and not themselves – not the best way to exit the race with grace, guys. And with that, we’re down to officially more women than men in the race, with only one mixed-gender couple remaining. They get their loser lotto tickets and off my computer screen.

Next time: Rihanna brings us to Vegas, where Debbie is in a pretty wedding dress. Showgirls! Roulette! Bellagio fountains! Motorcycles! Ma’Ayan proposes to a hobo.
So, who’s your favorite as of now?
Did you want LiMor eliminated, or someone else?
Are you wondering how the teams are going to get from Cuba to the USA, given the political circumstances?
How many times will we hear someone say “Vegas, baby!” or “Viva Las Vegas”?
Finally, to whom will we say hasta la vista in America (in three to five episodes down the road)?
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline Jai Ho

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Episode 21: Party in the USA

We open on Ron standing in front of Circus Circus. He says “welcome to Vegas, baby!” (drink).

Back in Cuba, Talia/Koby open their clue which reveals that they are going to Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. An incredibly politically inaccurate graphic shows a plane taking off in Cuba and landing in America, which we all know has been impossible since the Bay of Pigs. Just putting it out there, Reshet Art Department. After a Vegas montage, we are treated to a montage of excited teams. Coral points out that Romi can’t gamble since she’s 18. Teams are shown on a plane. We do not, however, see their connection in Canada or Mexico.
Vegas. Frank Sinatra welcomes us to America, where the teams get their first clue in the airport. Coral uses “rapido” and then realizes that she’s in the United States and Romi interprets into English for her. Given that it’s America, Spanish can’t hurt either. Romi/Michele and David/Eliran enjoy the lights of Vegas from cabs as Elvis plays. Debby is feeling the Vegas spirit and the adrenaline. Keep your top on, honey. (SPOILER ALERT). Talia admits that she’s not a gambler. Yawn.

Fremont Street Experience. Blue Collar appears to be the first team to arrive, with the sisters not far behind. The sisters run past Darth Vader, then Elmo. Talia and Koby show up as well. Talia describes it as Alice in Wonderland-like. Are we going to get Acid Trip Talia on this leg? I would be both thrilled and terrified at that. They ask a lady if she’s seen a roulette wheel.  D/D arrive next and pass some showgirls and have fun with living statues.

Roulette wheel. First up: TaKo. They start their spin. We are also shown Blue Collar spinning. The roulette wheel stops, and TaKo land on 1, so they earn the right to leave right away. David/Eliran? 5. Next task: Harley Café. Here, they must arm-wrestle a local and drink some beer. D/D pass the wheel, instead, looking at a display of iPhone cases. Not the time, ladies. Romi/Michele approach, give it a spin, and get a 2, so they get to leave as well since Talia/Koby got #1. David/Eliran? Still waiting.

Streets of Vegas. That sounds wrong, until we get to the streetwalker task (spoiler alert…not really). In the purples cab, their driver impresses them by speaking in Hebrew and knowing what “Batel” means in English, correctly. In the Falafel cab, they wonder if they’re also in Hollywood. How do they even put their shoes on in the morning?

Harley Café. TaKo and Sisters arrive pretty close to one another. TaKo pick a table, and Koby starts to arm-wrestle a man in yellow. We also learn that apparently, Koby has a British accent when he speaks English. Who knew? Talia starts to tickle the opponent. Nearby, Romi prepares to armwrestle, with Coral’s help.

Fremont Street Experience. Falafel  and Purples arrive. D/D? Still wandering around. Get it together, ladies. Falafel arrive and spin the wheel. They get a 3, so they may leave as well. They run off yelling at the tops of their lungs. David/Eliran acknowledge their bad luck. Elsewhere, the Purples are running around a random casino, hilariously failing with the English. Both teams are then shown at the wheel. Purples take a spin, and it’s a 6, so D/D are 4. It doesn’t really matter, since they’re all there and I guess they can all leave at the same time, just in that order. D/D snap a pic with a showgirl and they head out. In a cab, Itzik informs Eliran that “café” is not an English word, and it’s pronounced “Harley Coffee.” Oy.

Harley Café. The girls win at arm wrestling while Koby struggles. Eliran takes the challenge for Falafel, and loses almost immediately. Debby flirts with her opponent, earning her brownie points, but not any mercy. Romi/Michele get their beers and must chug them. Um…Romi’s not legal and I don’t think Coral is either. Is that fact completely escaping everyone’s minds? Or is it just ginger ale or something? Or will their next task be, "bail yourself out of jail to continue with the race and then spend the next leg with an ankle bracelet"? TaKo get their beers, and Talia relates that this is not at all like her university experience, because she went grad school at the University of Chicago, “the place where fun comes to die.” I can relate, since I went to the University of Houston, aka “America’s largest community college,” and “the place where the sun vaporizes you while walking to class.” Falafel get beers as well. Romi, Koby, and Eliran are shown finishing, but their partners are failing. Itzik caves and hits the floor, literally. Coral and Talia finish just under the wire and leave in first and second. Route Info: Little White Wedding Chapel. Outside, Romi and her sister suit up and ride on Harleys to the next task. Romi is either giddy or very, very drunk. TaKo get on their bikes as well and head out to the chapel as well. Koby is hanging on for dear life. Is Talia drunk yet? We’ll see.

Wedding Chapel. First to arrive: Talia and Koby. Did the girls get lost or arrested or something? They rip and read their clue. They must find a couple willing to get married, get a wedding license from the Clark County Clerk’s office, and then bring the couple back to the chapel and get them married. The Vegas “weddings of celebrities” montage includes Britney Spears. I’m guessing that the Las Vegas Tourist Board had little to do with the PR here. Talia looks flustered because this task is messed up. She tells their driver to take them to a public place to find a couple. Romi rips the clue and knows what the task is already. Smarty drunky pants.

Harley Café. Both trailing teams arrive. Eliran is shown no mercy. Ma’Ayan fails as well. Dana, now in her sports bra, helps her mother
win with the good ol’ “distract the big guy with your boobs” method. Itzik gets another glass of beer, and finishes it without sharing his boobs. He looks sick. Debby freaks out over the beer. Eliran reads the clue a language that is neither Hebrew nor English.

Somewhere in Vegas. Talia and Koby are asking people with little success. Elsewhere, Romi and Coral accost a Filipino-looking couple outside a Starbucks, who look horrified. Their sales pitches kind of suck, with Coral not understanding that it’s a real marriage and not just “for fun.” She clearly didn’t follow the Ross and Rachel storyline too closely. Then again, she was probably in grade school. Kids. They then find a young couple with a lady who’s celebrating her birthday today and her boyfriend, and what do you know, they convince them. Now in first, the sisters head to the courthouse.

Harley Café. Eliran/Itzik scream all the way to the chapel. Eliran, having two brain cells rub together for the first time ever, tells the camera that this is a ridiculous and nearly impossible task. I would have to agree. They try a begging tactic and offer new shoes (?) to an obviously weirded-out couple. They then approach some more random people in the street. They manage to get a couple for a while, but then they leave as well.

Harley Café. David scores a legit win, while the girls get a fake win and babble to the bikers in Hebrew. Batel asks for a smaller glass. D/D, Purples, and Blue Collar are all shown drinking, with Eliran sucking it down like it’s nobody’s business. Dana finishes as well. Batel manages to finish. David has very little left and he finishes, as does Ma’Ayan, who gives a huge belch. Also: 2 of the 5 people who just drank are underage. Just putting it out there. Debby proves that she isn’t a downer, as she gives up halfway done with some of it coming back up. Both winning teams head off on motorcycles, with David asking to drive. He is denied and America thanks the producers. After a screaming ride, both teams arrive at the chapel. Blue Collar asks for a public place. Now, a montage of Ma’Ayan and Batel ambushing embarrassed people including a pair of divorcees and a mother and son.

Casino somewhere. Talia and Koby, in a stroke of brilliance, hype the crowd by getting a microphone and announcing the challenge, after which an engaged couple comes forward as volunteers. They skip away gaily as the Dixie Cups sing “Going to the Chapel.”

Streets of Vegas. Romi/Michele. Their couple has cold feet and runs off, taking their lead with them. Aww. It happens to the best of us, even Julia Roberts. Ok, so maybe not the best of us, but it happens. 

Wedding Bureau. It’s really happening for TaKo, whose couple signs the papers and then goes to the chapel with them. We learn that they’re Jessica and Andrew from Canada. The four of them tux and gown up and Talia asks Jessica if she’s ready. Talia holds the bride’s train as they enter the chapel.

Harley Café. Debby gets a second try. Dana coaches from the side, and Debby finally finishes. And now, she’s afraid of the motorcycles. Oy. They head off, with Debby surprisingly enjoying herself. Good for her. They head out.

Somewhere in Vegas. Ma’Ayan and Batel are still wandering around. Ma’Ayan approaches a hobo who rolls his eyes at her. Itzik/Eliran are at the Bellagio fountains (I think) and working the crowds there. They get turned down by some Asians.

Wedding Chapel. Talia and Koby watch Jessica and Andrew get married, and it’s actually more cute than awkward. Talia is about to either cry or pee herself with excitement. They’ve prepared a speech, too. Elton John sings “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” They kiss and the deed is done. As do Talia and Koby. Next clue: find the Limousine Inferno and get the hell out of this episode.

Fremont Street Experience. D/D approach a man in an army uniform and his girlfriend, and they actually sound interested. They stupidly give the couple up because they don’t already have the license. WTF? That’s part of the task! Bad move, girls. Blue Collar find an Israeli guy named Omri who will do it if they find him a wife. They get a lesbian couple, and hopefully they’ll soon find out about gay marriage in America. Elsewhere, the sisters find a couple and they look game for it. They manage to gather a cheering crowd, and the girl demands he kneel. He does, shockingly, and she accepts. This is absolutely nuts.

Marriage bureau. Apparently, the guys have gotten the lesbians a wedding license. I call BS. Something’s gotta go wrong here. Sisters get their straight couple a license and head out as well.

Wedding chapel. Oh, wait…Omri’s with them. The black lesbian chick is marrying him. But now both the lesbians are in wedding dresses. This is all kinds of awkward. We find out that Romi/Michele’s couple has been dating seven months. Coral is decked out in a ridiculously large crown of flowers – actually, my grandma wore the same outfit at her wedding, so I guess it’s a timeless look. Either that or she’s going to perform a la Isadora Duncan at the reception. Romi steps out in a white tux instead of a dress, and the couple has one final kiss before entering the chapel. For a minute there the sisters look like they’re about to kiss, but the lesbian incest moment will have to wait, ‘cause it’s time for their couple to get hitched. And…what happens next is beyond weird. David, Eliran, Omri, and the lesbians approach the minister. That’s one of the oddest sentences I’ve ever typed. Eliran wipes away fake tears before completely losing it. The vows are shared, and we learn that Omri’s black lesbian wife’s name is Meiko. What, no LaNiqua? Other Lesbian looks dubious. Romi/Coral’s couple, Sharon and Joshua (who get Patrick Swayze’s “She’s Like the Wind”), exchanges vows as well. At the fake Israeli black lesbian wedding (OMG, where is my life right now?), Eliran laughs again and is given a warning by the minister. When a 24-hour wedding chapel minister tells you you’re being disrespectful, you’re in big trouble. Eliran gives a speech after he’s collected himself but he still comes off sounding like an incredible jackass. At least pretend you care. Other Lesbian is like, “can I be anywhere else right now?” Then they laugh again. Over at the actual wedding of Sharon and Joshua, Romi and Coral are actually somewhat respectful. Omri and Meiko get married. I call SHAM and they’re so getting divorced in ten minutes. Nonetheless, both teams qualify for the clue and they head out.

Streets of Vegas. Tense music brings us to a very serious looking Itzik. Amazingly, they find a bride and groom to take to the marriage bureau, only to discover their couple’s ditched them. Suckers. End of episode.

Next time: Strip poker. America continues to get a bad rap as a nation full of stupid people who do stupid things all day and all night. What's going to be the next task - working for minimum wage at Waffle House? Comforting an old person while giving them their social security check? Seeing how many laws you can break before you get arrested?
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

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This might be kind of random- sorry if I’m unpatriotic, but I hate it when foreign races come to America! It seriously infuriates me D:<  why on Earth would they want to come here when there are such more beautiful places elsewhere in North America (Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, anywhere in Canada, Panama, Guatemala, the D.R.)! These foreign shows should just skip coming here and spare the racers the heartbreak of visiting such a suckish place. This is just imho
"Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit." -Frank Borman

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Jai Ho, you mentioned Romi and Coral not serving their penalty, but my translation of Ron's speech at the end of the Non-Elimination Leg seems to inform me that Romi & Coral served a penalty BEFORE departing on the second Cuba leg.
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First I'd like to express our thanks for your great recaps. They allow Talia's family in the states to follow the show's progress.

Regarding the beer - it was non-alcoholic, which was noted, explicitly, in the challenge's title during the broadcast. BTW we didn't know it was non alcoholic.

Keep on "the hell, Talia"ing - it's a killer   :yess:

Offline G.B.

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Oh my goodness! Koby!! Talia!!! I love you!! You're one of my favourite teams this season!! Talia, you're so lovable that I wanna give you a hug! :cheer:
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 04:01:13 AM by GB »
Come check out the Reality Fan Wiki! The LARGEST Amazing Race database on the internet!!! (probably)
--Got something you're curious about? You'll probably find the answer on the Wiki!

Offline Jai Ho

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First I'd like to express our thanks for your great recaps. They allow Talia's family in the states to follow the show's progress.

Regarding the beer - it was non-alcoholic, which was noted, explicitly, in the challenge's title during the broadcast. BTW we didn't know it was non alcoholic.

Keep on "the hell, Talia"ing - it's a killer   :yess:

Hi Koby and Talia! Welcome! B'ruchim haba'im!  Ma inyanim?


I've (obviously) been enjoying the show so far - this is the best cast yet. Can't believe I missed out on the fact about the beer - when you're watching and listening Hebrew and thinking and typing English, sometimes you miss out on a word or two. I usually watch each episode twice, the first time to watch and the second to write.

I actually have a somewhat-decent reason for the recent delay - I'm at a conference at Disney World in Orlando, FL for the weekend, so I'll be back in action with the most recent episodes when I return to Houston on Monday. I am also (sadly) leaving Texas for good in 2 weeks to start my doctoral degree in another state (I know, I know, I'm a defector, but I wasn't born here so I[m not a total disappointment. That weeks' recaps might each be written in a different state as I travel to my new digs.

I'm so glad you're enjoying the randomness and ramblings of a simple American. I've been wondering if any of the racers have stumbled upon here and have been lurking around  I hope the others will read and post something about them, inbox me, or start a campaign to Reshet to get me to Israel in time for the finale/season wrap party. If you find any glaring errors or jokes that just aren't funny or whatever, just inbox me.

Anyway - gotta head to participate in an aqua-based professional development meeting (or, swim/hot tub party). I love you and Talia so much, love the show, will post more when I get a chance! Ciao for now!

PS: I thought seeing Snow White in the Magic Kingdom was the best thing that happened today, that is, until this happened.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 12:52:14 AM by Jai Ho »
TAR. USA/Israel.

aishwarya rai :: nicole scherzinger :: ke$ha :: leila lopes :: rosanne cash :: des'ree :: carly simon :: leymah gbowee :: mary j blige :: kathy najimy :: annie lennox :: angelique kidjo :: dolly parton :: temple grandin :: sheila e :: lena :: ellen degeneres :: shirley manson

Offline G.B.

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I've always wondered what those little blue pendants are that the teams always wear. Are those supposed to be their microphones?
Come check out the Reality Fan Wiki! The LARGEST Amazing Race database on the internet!!! (probably)
--Got something you're curious about? You'll probably find the answer on the Wiki!