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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #450 on: August 31, 2012, 01:25:24 AM »
The camera's keep fixing on the orange tennis shoes pink sole above joe's bed....has done it several times now.... why?  any suggestions??

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #451 on: August 31, 2012, 01:25:32 AM »

I see Ian as the one that made the biggest moves this season. He actually has done what he said he was going to do. He might waver and feel bad, yes. But I think that kid has got game.

I will miss Brit and I think Dan's move was genius and Frank is a powerhouse in comps.....but go Ian!!

Jen and Joe are just wasted space. Floaters get your life vests.  :bags

What has Ian done? He won an HOH, targeted Frank, Frank won the veto, and nominated Joe as a replacement nominee. He got out Ashley during his HOH, thats a negative thing. Plus, he sat behind his alliances and got exposed because he played both sides really poorly. If he had any brains, he would have voted for Boogie to stay. He knew that there was no chance for Boogie to stay, at least give him your vote to make Frank think you have his back. Plus, wouldn't his alliance have wanted to keep getting info from Frank? He was stupid thinking that Joe would vote to keep Boogie and then he could say that was his vote. That didn't happen, and he got exposed.

Then he panicked when Britney got back doored. He tried to play it off as he was upset that a friend was nominated, but everyone in the house knew that he was crushed that his only real alliance member was going home. You see, Frank never hid the fact that he had a huge alliance with Boogie. Ian tried to hide his alliance with Britney and he did it very poorly evident by how he acted after Britney was nominated. If he had any brains, he would have stayed calm and not got into a big argument with Frank. That just screams that he is desperate to keep Britney because of how strong their alliance was. If he was actually trying to play it off as Britney just being a friend, he would have not made a big deal about it. You didn't see Shane getting in Frank's face over it.

This kid really has no chance to win. He doesn't have the ability to win more than a few competitions in a season, and if Frank goes, he and Dan are the two targets for everyone in the house. Lets say Frank goes, everyone would probably target Dan first, but then its Ian. And lets say that Frank and Dan go the next two weeks, Ian is EVERYONE's main target. Joe HATES him and wants him out and Shane and Danielle would want their only real competition left out. He has no chance to win this game. He is in a very bad position now that Dan outed him. He is a big target and will definitely now be targeted over Shane, Danielle, Jenn and Joe. Plus, whichever one of Frank or Dan that stays is clearly gunning for him even if he puts up a pawn against Frank on the block to save his ass with Dan. And if he puts Frank and Jenn up, and Frank wins POV, and he puts up Joe, that will automatically lose him any chance at winning the game since no one would give someone the money who chose to get out two of the three worst players in the season with his HOH when there were much bigger targets to get out.

This kid really has no chance to win. I am sorry, but he just doesn't have the friendship votes in the jury house and he doesn't have the gameplay votes unless he goes against Jenn or Joe which won't happen. Heck, I think Jenn might even have the gameplay votes on Ian right now.

He just hasn't played a good game. You might like him because he is the nerdy virgin who is socially awkward, but he has had a chance to get out a big player with his HOH and got out the worst player in the history of the game and he got outed for playing both sides because he had an inability to keep his emotions in check which further exposed his lie of his alliance with Britney.

If he would have kept his mouth shut, explained to his alliance that he has to vote with Frank to have Frank trust him and throw every competition, he would have been in the Final Three by default. No one was going to ever target him or even have suspicion that he was actually really playing the game instead of just taking a vacation. Instead, he tried to lie to Mike and Frank too many times, he got outed for it, and now he is a HUGE target in the game whether he is HOH this week or not. If he doesn't play this week correctly, he will be out the door next week.

I saw an interview on with Dr. Will last week and he made a great point. Everyone in the house has a certain role that they are casted for. Ian was casted as the socially awkward nerd that is not playing the game to win but to have the experience. He tried to play way too hard for someone in his role and he doesn't have the skills to back it up. You see, someone like Frank can play a big aggressive game because he is a great competitor in every kind of competition and his social game isn't that bad. Ian doesn't have that type of game. If he was on the block as many times as Frank, he would have already been gone. He doesn't have the type of game where he can reel off multiple competitions in a row. He can only win certain types of competitions, the question one's and the endurance HOH's that favor the smaller people. He didn't play his role and now he is a huge target without yet making any big moves.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #452 on: August 31, 2012, 01:28:06 AM »
The smart think to go is put up Frank and Jenn, that way they can't save each other, if one goes down then put up Dan as the pawn and the QP could save his

Frank and Jenn, with JOE as the replacement, if one of them comes down  :yess:

Okay, I really don't care for Ian, but he certainly earned that HOH, and I won't begrudge him that.  I do think he will be firm with the QP, at least I hope he will

If he puts up Jenn and Frank and Frank wins POV, and he chooses to put up Joe, that will be basically forfeiting his chance to win this game. If that was the case, he would have had an easy chance to back door big targets both of his HOH's instead he was afraid and he got out the two worst players in the season with his HOH's.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #453 on: August 31, 2012, 01:28:28 AM »
He shouldn't put Joe up, they might get rid of him, I want Frank or Jenn to go  :ghug:  :ghug:

Frank to go home! Except we all know that production loves Frank, so they'll probably try rigging something. :res:

Question: Has Frank been the only HOH to talk to Julie privately in the bedroom during the eviction shows? I remember that he talked to Julie last time he was HOH, but I don't remember if there was anyone else.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #454 on: August 31, 2012, 01:35:23 AM »
 :hello2:  Amazing Race Fan...exactly how i see it...Ian's only safe bet is to mend it with Frank and move forward...sincerely think they can get Shane out and then might be hard, but if those 2 really started talking they would figure out who is who and what's going down....i would love to see the house turned by it!  Get's rediculous seeing Shane and Dani every week.....get them out!

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #455 on: August 31, 2012, 02:17:47 AM »
:hello2:  Amazing Race Fan...exactly how i see it...Ian's only safe bet is to mend it with Frank and move forward...sincerely think they can get Shane out and then might be hard, but if those 2 really started talking they would figure out who is who and what's going down....i would love to see the house turned by it!  Get's rediculous seeing Shane and Dani every week.....get them out!

I think that if Ian wants to have any chance of making it to the end, he has to get either Dan or Frank out this week. He has to grow some balls and back door Dan if Frank wins the POV. Its simply idiotic to leave the two biggest threats in the house who are both coming after you as their Number 1 target, plus they would both get every vote in the jury house if they were sitting in the Final Two with Ian. If this kid is as smart as he advertises, he can't leave both Dan and Frank in the house this week. If he does, he has booked his ticket to the jury house. I know that Ian thinks he has a good relationship with Dan, but for now, Dan and Frank are both gunning for Ian instead of each other. Ian doesn't know this though, he still thinks that they hate each other and want each other out next, and that getting Britney out was Frank's #1 option. Frank wanted Dan out, but he had a chance to gain an ally and he did. Ian has to figure this out one way or another and take one of them out this week. The smart thing would be to put Frank and Dan on the block together. If he doesn't, I think he is simply a bad game player who is scared to make a bold move. Everyone knows he is gunning for Frank so its not bold to put him on the block, but you have to put him up against Dan, one of them has to go home for Ian to survive in this house.

This kid is worried about having people hold potential game moves against him outside of the show. This kid panicked when Boogy got eliminated and pretending to fake cry to get sympathy. Man up, admit that you wanted him out and Boogie will understand. Boogie isn't stupid, he knows it was a game move. However, I am sure Boogie lost any respect for him that he had when he saw that Ian resorted to fake crying to cover up what happened. These contestants this year are so mentally weak, which is why one of Dan or Frank are going to steam roll everyone and one of them will win. These two want to win and don't care who they upset along the way, the rest are playing for multiple different reasons that don't include winning.

You saw Britney lay down and die when she went on the block, Danielle can't control her emotions and I really think she would self evict if she was on the block with Shane for a one night stand with him, Joe wants a cooking shoe, Ian wants the "big brother experience", and Jenn wants a nice vacation and Shane is a block head who is expendable. He can't win anything unless its a physical competition that Frank isn't competing in and he certainly isn't masterminding any plans. This cast is PATHETIC. Frank and Dan are the only two real players left. Say what you want about Frank and Dan, but they are playing to win. They aren't in the game to promote another career or become famous or even to have a nice vacation, they want to win and they will do whatever they have to do to win.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #456 on: August 31, 2012, 02:36:30 AM »
Britney did not lay down and died, she was working for votes on Tuesday and really hard today, even Dani got upset about Brit working for votes, and Dan had to calm her down and reminded her that Britney was a jury vote

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #457 on: August 31, 2012, 04:38:35 AM »
Well, so it is done...quack pack back... renegades with Ian/Dan in the works...(do i believe this nah...Dan won't rest til he gets Shane out and Danielle to the end.  Ian thinks because of Dan's mist lol that they are f/2 deal.   Frank and Jenn on the block, and if pov won by Frank/Jenn then Joe up....cracks me up how Shane makes these other deals then says you have to really watch Joe, how he's been telling Frank everything.   If Joe ever went and outed Shane to everyone in a group meeting, Shane would fall all over hisself in words....i can't stand Shane....he is such an idiot! 
I like Frank, dislike how he trusts all these untrustworthy people...believes them, big mistake.   No use for anyone else... i do feel sorry for Ian, next week can't play, he will be up on the block....he won't see it coming, blinded by Dan. :lol3:


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #458 on: August 31, 2012, 08:37:26 AM »
Best Scenario.
Frank Wins Veto
Joe Replacement
Joe gets voted out

Frank still at it with Ian,Both can't play for HOH :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #459 on: August 31, 2012, 10:29:33 AM »
I feel like Ian needs to get Dan out this week if he wants to get down to at least the final three. If he stays with the qp to the final four no one would vote for him to stay in final three or two. Danielle has Shane and Dan covering her back, as well as Danielle having Shane and Dans back no Ian fits into that equation. I feel like he should put Dan and Frank up, if one of them wins put Dani has the replacement. Britney told Ian yesterday that he cant take Dan to the final three that Ian has to wait for a golden oppertunity and get him out! What would be the harm in keeping Frank one more week? He cant even play in the HOH next week, hes a huge target and everyone would want him out next if Dan left this week. I cant wait for next thursday, I hope the double eviction is a suprise to them and they dont figure it out, its always way more entertaining when they scramble because they are caught offgaurd.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #460 on: August 31, 2012, 11:29:39 AM »
I feel like Ian needs to get Dan out this week if he wants to get down to at least the final three. If he stays with the qp to the final four no one would vote for him to stay in final three or two. Danielle has Shane and Dan covering her back, as well as Danielle having Shane and Dans back no Ian fits into that equation. I feel like he should put Dan and Frank up, if one of them wins put Dani has the replacement. Britney told Ian yesterday that he cant take Dan to the final three that Ian has to wait for a golden oppertunity and get him out! What would be the harm in keeping Frank one more week? He cant even play in the HOH next week, hes a huge target and everyone would want him out next if Dan left this week. I cant wait for next thursday, I hope the double eviction is a suprise to them and they dont figure it out, its always way more entertaining when they scramble because they are caught offgaurd.

I agree, I am for Ian.  I think Dan has to go...liked him before what he did to Brit...and not talking about his show he put on...he had to do that to get the Veto...but the fact he reads his Bible all the time, and at the same time lies and treats people terrible...the 2 don't go togethe...such a hypacrit.

Put Dan and Dani up and if one gets Veto...put up Frank.  Frank can go up next week.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #461 on: August 31, 2012, 12:50:53 PM »
Britney did not lay down and died, she was working for votes on Tuesday and really hard today, even Dani got upset about Brit working for votes, and Dan had to calm her down and reminded her that Britney was a jury vote

Because the producers told her that she had work for votes. She cried and talked bad about just about everyone in the house when she was back doored. Its part of the game, she should get over it and not take it personal. I am happy she is gone.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #462 on: August 31, 2012, 12:53:24 PM »
I think that trying to backdoor anyone is useless at this point.  This week only one person will not get picked to play.  Starting next week, everyone will play.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #463 on: August 31, 2012, 01:36:27 PM »
I agree, I am for Ian.  I think Dan has to go...liked him before what he did to Brit...and not talking about his show he put on...he had to do that to get the Veto...but the fact he reads his Bible all the time, and at the same time lies and treats people terrible...the 2 don't go togethe...such a hypacrit.

Put Dan and Dani up and if one gets Veto...put up Frank.  Frank can go up next week.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #464 on: August 31, 2012, 01:43:42 PM »
I think that trying to backdoor anyone is useless at this point.  This week only one person will not get picked to play.  Starting next week, everyone will play.
Exactly what I keep saying.  And when you backdoor someone you are getting even more blood on your hands.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #465 on: August 31, 2012, 01:56:24 PM »
It would not be a bad thing if Joe went out this week.  He's all over the board, running where ever he can to tell the latest gossip. He has no clue how to play this game.   Dan's definitely playing the game, so is Ian. The difference there is Ian tends to be more open on what's he's doing or not doing.  And playing both sides.  Dan is really tight lipped.  Hard to tell what he is really thinking at a given moment.   Frank and Shane I put in the same boat.  Going after comps-- but don't really see a strategy at work.  Dani-- don't see one there either-- to much of a drama queen for me.  And Jenn-- its like she fell into a game plan last week, kind of woke up but still have no idea where she's at -- other than teaming up with Frank and thinking she's in a 4 alliance with F/D/D.       JMO for the day-- probably change tomorrow.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #466 on: August 31, 2012, 02:11:28 PM »
What cracks me up is after BBAD last night as soon as Frank got called to the Diary, Dan raced to the HOH room, got all the info he needed that Ian wants it to be Dan/Ian in the final 2, so Dan immediately signs on for it, then races downstairs to get Shane.Dani up to/HOH to re-instate quackpack, then all say get frank out with jenn on the hot seat to.   Joe already was up first to set safety for him, and the others make fun of Joe up there first doing just what they just did....Dan is a real JERK!


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #467 on: August 31, 2012, 02:35:20 PM »
I am sorry that Dan is a jerk )-** it's a freaking game,and especially there's no solid alliance,and Dan has no Memphis :lol3:

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #468 on: August 31, 2012, 02:42:46 PM »
I am sorry that Dan is a jerk )-** it's a freaking game,and especially there's no solid alliance,and Dan has no Memphis :lol3:

I totally understand it being just a game, just meant his word to anyone means nothing...and your right he has no memphis.   

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #469 on: August 31, 2012, 02:50:03 PM »
I dont understand why ian is so willing to work with Dan but so upset at Frank that he sent Britney home. It was clearly Dan that sold Ian down the river to Frank and suggested that Britney go up, Ian knows this and still wants to be in the qp, how does he not understand that he is the low man on the totam pole between himself, dan, danielle and shane. 


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #470 on: August 31, 2012, 02:55:47 PM »
I dont understand why ian is so willing to work with Dan but so upset at Frank that he sent Britney home. It was clearly Dan that sold Ian down the river to Frank and suggested that Britney go up, Ian knows this and still wants to be in the qp, how does he not understand that he is the low man on the totam pole between himself, dan, danielle and shane.

What does Ian have at this point? Joe is like a flip flop baboon,he'll probably make loads of deals,Frank clearly states his after Ian,so did Jen, Dan hasn't really betrayed Ian,he was saving his own ass,You can't play this game with your heart,Ian need to stay with his head,right now he need some votes, and help.otherwise he would be alone, Danielle/Shane/Dan is way more trustworthy than Frank/Joe,
Joe will do whatever Shane says. its majority 5v2.  So why not work with Dan to get Frank out once and for all?

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #471 on: August 31, 2012, 02:58:05 PM »
On BBAD Joe was up in HOH and Ian told him he would be a replacement, i think he also said then Frank/Jenn on the block....right then BB came over the speakers and said
 "you are not allowed to tell other houseguest who you are nominating for eviction"  Ian said he never heard that before.

later Dan/Dani Shane up in HOH and they reformed qp and said in the quack quack Frank/Jenn on the block
i wonder if there will be any fall out from it.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #472 on: August 31, 2012, 03:07:28 PM »
I dont understand why ian is so willing to work with Dan but so upset at Frank that he sent Britney home. It was clearly Dan that sold Ian down the river to Frank and suggested that Britney go up, Ian knows this and still wants to be in the qp, how does he not understand that he is the low man on the totam pole between himself, dan, danielle and shane.

for someone who seems to know how to play the game, he just doesn't seem to get it.  i'm waiting for his big yeah right!

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #473 on: August 31, 2012, 03:10:13 PM »
On BBAD Joe was up in HOH and Ian told him he would be a replacement, i think he also said then Frank/Jenn on the block....right then BB came over the speakers and said
 "you are not allowed to tell other houseguest who you are nominating for eviction"  Ian said he never heard that before.

later Dan/Dani Shane up in HOH and they re-formed qp and said in the quack quack Frank/Jenn on the block
i wonder if there will be any fall out from it.


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #474 on: August 31, 2012, 03:25:31 PM »
I dont understand why ian is so willing to work with Dan but so upset at Frank that he sent Britney home. It was clearly Dan that sold Ian down the river to Frank and suggested that Britney go up, Ian knows this and still wants to be in the qp, how does he not understand that he is the low man on the totam pole between himself, dan, danielle and shane.

for someone who seems to know how to play the game, he just doesn't seem to get it.  i'm waiting for his big yeah right!

By finally putting the nails in Frank's coffin