Author Topic: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)  (Read 87967 times)

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #100 on: December 06, 2011, 01:18:54 PM »
Yea, I was saying I'm pretty sure Andy and Tommy won't get a shot at Allstars. :lol:

They'll probably be asked if there is another Unfinished Business, but who knows if they'll accept.
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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #101 on: December 06, 2011, 02:11:24 PM »
I still don't know which ones Andy and which ones Tommy.  :lol:

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #102 on: December 06, 2011, 02:12:56 PM »
Andy is the hairy one

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #103 on: December 06, 2011, 02:33:23 PM »
Until now, the cowboys have been my favorite team ever.   

I have to say though, that based on their interviews above, Andy and Tommy have surpassed even Jet & Cord for me.  They truly seem to be awesome young men who are commited to following Christ in everything they do. 

WAY TO GO, ANDY & TOMMY!!!!    I believe you achieved your goals in this race and even more importantly are running well in the most important race of all!!!

Here's hoping for Unfinished Business II...

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #104 on: December 06, 2011, 05:38:20 PM »


Rebecca L.: How did it feel to win six legs and then come so close to the final leg and find out you were eliminated? Any regrets?
Andy: Definitely no regrets. We felt blessed to win six legs. That was way more than we could have dreamed of. It felt great to make it 11 legs. We we’re so grateful.
Tommy: Winning six legs was absolutely amazing. We got awesome prizes, trips and cash. Seeing places that we would not normally travel to was great. It was an awesome experience.

Laura A.: What was your favorite challenge? And where was your favorite place you went to?
Tommy: My favorite challenge was getting to drive the mustang. My favorite place was probably Thailand. Getting to navigate those islands and doing the coral challenge was cool.
Andy: Thailand was definitely sensory overload. Africa was awesome as well. The dancing, the music… it was rich in culture. It made the race really special for me. The coral was probably my favorite challenge because it wasn’t easy and we had to concur it.

Robert  H.: Did you guys think you were going to win it all after dominating so many previous legs if the race??
Tommy: Our main goal was to make it to the finals and do our best. Our goal was to learn from our mistakes and make every leg better… Which we were just shy of.
Andy: You never know in the Race. We’ve seen strong teams get eliminated so many times. Anything can happen.

Aaron Q:  Out of the remaining teams who was your Favorite?
Andy: we really enjoyed all the teams. We didn’t have anyone that we disliked, but we really hit it off with Marcus and Amani. They are amazing and such a great example of what a marriage should be like.
Tommy: They are great role models. They are so solid and such an inspiration.

Irene M.: How has this race made a difference with your faith and friendship?
Tommy: It has definitely grown our friendship. It is going to be a lifelong friendship. As far as our faith goes… this is reality. They put you in challenges and you have to get through ‘em. That is the same way with life and you just have to realize that Jesus is there for you, you just have to let him in.
Andy: Running this Race… God strengthened my Race. We would surrender each day to him and he would carry us through. In our weakest points we found strength in our faith. It was like someone tapped me on the shoulder when we were at the orphanage and told me to turn around.
I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #105 on: December 11, 2011, 11:09:15 PM »
Are they a definite pick for the next All-Stars? Since they got a confessional at the end and weren't part of the final three (Like Gary & Mallory from TAR17)?

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #106 on: December 12, 2011, 04:03:58 AM »
Are they a definite pick for the next All-Stars? Since they got a confessional at the end and weren't part of the final three (Like Gary & Mallory from TAR17)?

I would think they are definite contenders for it.
They did indeed get their moment in the spot at the end. I think more 'offensive' teams have been on the previous All-stars series and their overall strength and appeal will get them a long way (depending obviously on the teams that will be on the next series before we get another All-stars one.  :cmaslol )

I also think they might give Bill and Cathi another chance - also depending on who will be on the next few series but if anyone will be asked from this series I'm thinking it's either of these teams or both. But most likely A & T because they were such strong and relaxed racers. :)
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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #107 on: December 12, 2011, 08:48:18 AM »
Are they a definite pick for the next All-Stars? Since they got a confessional at the end and weren't part of the final three (Like Gary & Mallory from TAR17)?

It's premature to speculate on who will be in the next All-Star season since I do not expect one until about AR25 to be telecast in the fall of 2014. However, there are many other teams who I would give the nod to over Andy/Tommy, including:

Colin/Christie of AR5
Brook/Claire of AR17
Ken/Tina of AR13

Room will have to be left for teams from AR20, AR21, AR22, AR23, and AR24 if my hypothesis on when the next All Star season will be is accurate. Of course it is possible that it may not be until AR27 or AR30.

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #108 on: December 12, 2011, 02:56:30 PM »
“We Were Out of the Loop" – Reality News Online's Exclusive Interview with The Amazing Race 19's Andy & Tommy
by Teeuwynn Woodruff -- 12/12/2011
Andy & Tommy (right) won six legs of The Amazing Race and seemed such shoe-ins to make the finals that the remaining three teams cheered and celebrated their loss. What do Andy & Tommy think of that reaction? How did their faith shape their race experience? And what do they think was their weakest feature as a team? All this and more inside!

Reality News Online: Hi, Andy & Tommy! Thanks for talking to Reality News Online! How are you doing?
Andy: Oh, we’re doing good. Wasabi!
RNO: What made you decide to apply for The Amazing Race?
Andy: We have my wife to thank for that. It was her idea. I actually applied with her and she was the force behind it. We were definitely fans of the show. And Tommy applied six years ago, right?
Tommy: Yeah, like five years ago.
Andy: We’re both fans of the show and when it came up that [the producers] wanted me to go on the show with another Olympic snowboarder – Tommy Sheen’s my man.
RNO: You were definitely the powerhouse team of the race, but were you surprised at the reactions of the final three teams when they found out you weren’t going to be in the finals?
Andy: Yeah, they were stoked that we weren’t in it. I was watching some extra clips on the CBS website and Phil was asking them, “Who’s really excited that Tommy & Andy are not going to be in the finale?” All of them were just cheering and raising their hands and carrying on.
RNO: Well, that’s a compliment. You both excelled at most of the challenges on the race, but the ones with more of a puzzly bent didn’t seem your forte. Why do you think that was?
Andy: Because we’re snowboarders. We throw ourselves off cliffs and bang our heads on the ground.
Tommy: Our brains have been through the ringer.
Andy: When most people go to college, we were travelling the world, snowboarding – doing the X-Games and the Olympics. That’s where our education is – we got our master’s in snowboarding and travelling.
Tommy: We knew where we were going to be weak going into it.
RNO: You had a comfortable lead going to the final challenge before the Pit Stop this past leg. But the challenge to find the Pit Stop’s location looked incredibly difficult. Did you try to look at the skirts or did you only concentrate on the jewelry?
Andy: We searched those girls head to toe. We looked all over their skirts, their medallions, their hair, the bands that held their hair up… We looked on their eyelids. We thought for sure it was on the girls, but we couldn’t find it.
It turned out Panama Viejo was only on one of the dresses and you could only see it when she held her skirt open. To see it, you almost had to be standing back about 20 feet in front of the right girl when she stopped dancing.
RNO: So only one girl’s skirt had the answer? Yikes!
Andy: Yes, just one girl. It was a very, very tough challenge. Jeremy is the only one who was able to get it correct – and he didn’t even read the dress! Jeremy drew a picture off of the belt and then his taxi driver knew where to go from there. It was a very, very tough challenge.
RNO: It looked that way. How far out of your way did you travel looking for “Balboa?”
Tommy: We did a full tour of Panama City.
Andy: Yeah, we can tell you where all the sites are.
Tommy: One way it was probably 25 minutes to the Panama Canal which, on the way, we passed the town of Balboa. We thought we were doing good and then when the guy drove past we were like, “Why’s he going past this?”
We saw the same building that Jeremy drew a picture of and, since the word Balboa was there, we thought it was a building that had to do with [explorer] Balboa. Then we went to the town and we started to see Balboa on a bunch of buildings. Balboa was just way too broad.
Then we realized the guy was taking us to the Panama Canal.
Andy: At the Panama Canal we talked to the guy who sent us to the statue [of Balboa]. We felt pretty good about that one. Then we got there and realized that wasn’t it.
RNO: Did your taxi driver ever get into the chat loop with the other three taxi drivers?
Tommy: No, definitely not. We were out of the loop.
RNO: Even though the other teams didn’t want them to do so, the other taxi drivers were sharing information with each other.
Andy: That was funny how you could tell they didn’t want [the drivers] to share information.
RNO: How far behind the other teams did you get to the Pit Stop? Do you know?
Tommy: I don’t really know. It had to be a little bit. It was one of those things where Andy and I knew we could have been in last, but we absolutely weren’t going to give up. We went 110% until we figured out that challenge and were standing on the mat in front of Phil. We were a little bit back, but we ran as hard and fast as we could.
RNO: We saw a couple of times on the race that your faith is important to both of you. How did you feel travelling to sites that are holy or significant to other religions?
Andy: It was cool to see some of the architecture and buildings – I think it’s part of the cultural experience. People have asked if we got weird vibes, and the answer is no. We’re sound in our faith. We believe for a reason. God has shown his love to us, and I took a stance to make a point for what we believe in.
Tommy: It was definitely cool to go see all of the manmade stuff – the temples and all that. But I believe that our God is bigger than a temple or a place. It was definitely really neat to see all that. I just believe our God is bigger than any temples or buildings.
Andy: That goes for Christian churches too.
Tommy: Absolutely!
RNO: Beside being in excellent shape, how do you think being Olympians affected your race?
Andy: I think being Olympians, we have a lot of heart and determination – that’s what got us into the Olympics. We didn’t take no for an answer. We keep going until we reach the goal, you know?
Tommy: Just being Olympians in the U.S. The U.S. has the deepest, best group of riders. So, to make the Olympics for snowboarding in the U.S. you gotta be crazy determined and give it your all.
All of our experience travelling and being professional snowboarders for 15+ years definitely came into play.
Andy: And not crumbling under pressure!
RNO: What was the smartest thing you did on the race?
Andy: I don’t know if we can take credit for that. Can we, Tommy? (laughs) The smartest thing we did was turning around and seeing the sign to give all our money to the orphanage.
RNO: And what was the most memorable moment on the race?
Andy: I really enjoyed Thailand and navigating through those islands. Also, just experiencing the different culture in Africa. Every location we went was different and rad in its own sort of way. And just meeting all the different teams – it was a great bunch of teams this year. The whole thing was a great experience!
RNO: Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers about yourselves or the race?
Andy: The race is a mirror image of how you deal with real life. It’s a really cool thing. A lot of people are pretty harsh and negative when they see what goes down. Those are the people who are going to struggle on the race. You gotta keep your head up, keep good attitudes, and keep plugging away – even when it’s a challenge.
Tommy: The Amazing Race is true reality. It’s like life in that you can get through anything – you just can’t give up – whether it’s in life or the race. People can get through anything that’s thrown at them.
RNO: Thank you for talking to me today. I have to say I didn’t expect to talk to you until after the finale!
Andy: Thank you!

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #109 on: December 12, 2011, 08:13:34 PM »
I liked them fairly well, but I was actually kind of glad when they got eliminated because it made things less predictable.  :cmaslol

Just thought I'd add, one thing I thought was interesting from their interviews was when they said that in the Malawi leg where they beat Ernie & Cindy to the Pit Stop, Cindy was bruised badly from a bike wreck during the Roadblock. Andy & Tommy absolutely deserved that win and I'm not arguing with that, but that does make me understand Cindy's point of view more & make me forgive that one quote of "Please let us win, boys!" Put together with her asthma, the running must have been REALLY rough on her.  :cmas15

Anyway, back to Andy & Tommy...I'd agree that they're a shoo-in for any future fan favorites season, they do have the fan base and are competitive. I'd definitely like to see them back!  :cmas22

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #110 on: December 18, 2011, 12:48:46 PM »
Are they a definite pick for the next All-Stars? Since they got a confessional at the end and weren't part of the final three (Like Gary & Mallory from TAR17)?
The fact that they weren't just mentioned in the elimination thingy at the final, they got their own 15 seconds explaining why they lost makes me agree with you.

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #111 on: December 18, 2011, 02:14:19 PM »
Are they a definite pick for the next All-Stars? Since they got a confessional at the end and weren't part of the final three (Like Gary & Mallory from TAR17)?
The fact that they weren't just mentioned in the elimination thingy at the final, they got their own 15 seconds explaining why they lost makes me agree with you.

If I remember correctly, Chad & Stephanie did talk a bit at the end of TAR17 too. Right?

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #112 on: December 18, 2011, 02:15:49 PM »
Louie and Michael too.

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #113 on: December 18, 2011, 02:26:34 PM »
Louie and Michael too.

Yea. Zev & Justin too.
I think they normally put a bit of screentime for the last team eliminated. TAR17 was an exception because Gallory was already on TAR18 and Chad & Stephanie has just been engaged.

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ANDY FINCH helped out / participate in CitySolve Urban Race 2012
TAR Aus Season 5 | Tough As Nails Season 2

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Andy is hoping to join a mission to Croatia. You can read the whole story here and donate if desired!
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I liked them on the race, particularly Andy.  Not just because they were competitive but as they could be funny too.  And it does help to have someone who has fun on the race, like Mallory in 18 or Brook in 17. 

With reality show contestants I try and put aside the snippits of political/religious or social views you get, because I think the general character of someone is often more important than those things and you are never about to agree on every world issue with someone.  The God stuff didn't mean much to me, and they could probably seem insensitive to other religions in something that was said but really I didn't get the feeling it was that important in judging their general character.

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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #117 on: October 16, 2013, 09:16:12 PM »
Huge Congratulations to Amber and Andy on the birth of their SON today!!  :hrt:

Welcome to the World, Asher Josiah!!

From Andy:
Asher Josiah Finch born at 10:13am 6lb 9.5 oz 18 inches long
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Re: TAR 19: Andy Finch & Tommy Czeschin (Friends/former Olympic snowboarders)
« Reply #118 on: October 18, 2013, 12:44:06 AM »
Big congrats!!! I loved this boys, hope to see them soon back in TAR! :)