Author Topic: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*  (Read 33103 times)

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2011, 10:28:18 AM »
I'm glad that Matt & Tom were eliminated...
Is it just me, but I think that Sam & Renae were the first team that didn't receive the MFE penalty in the pit-stop... :duno:
So, it's like TARA again, huh? The final 3 are female/female, alpha-male, and parent/child teams..

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2011, 11:53:36 AM »
I'm glad that Matt & Tom were eliminated...
Is it just me, but I think that Sam & Renae were the first team that didn't receive the MFE penalty in the pit-stop... :duno:
David and Mary didn't receive the MFE penalty when they won the stage in Kuwait in TAR10.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2011, 03:38:33 PM »
First of all thanks to my google search, because when i tried to look for some links to watch this episode, instead of sites which i wanted it gave me a link with the title "Matt and Tom Final Interviev" [so basically the evidence of their elimination].
Argh... ~~

Sad to see Matt and Tom go - they were my favorite team, no doubt about it. I'm rooting for Luke and Jeff for the win :). I can't stand the surfers, i'm neutral when it comes to blondes, but i have a bad feeling that they'll win this.

And the episode - pretty much like other episodes, i liked the tasks with the history of Sri Lanka [i've always wanted the tasks to be more asking people, searching in the internet], detour was ok [i kind of expected a Yield or U-Turn after it], roadblock was fun to watch :-). Pretty much all.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2011, 04:48:23 AM »
The end bit of the episode was pretty suspenseful. There were a lot of equalizers in this episode.

I expected a 30 minute penalty for Jeff & Luke when they bought the wrong tickets. I thought it should have been 30 minutes. :duno: (That's just probably because I wanted Matt & Tom to win.) And I was surprised that they were to wait out their penalty at the train station.

I wonder how long Matt & Tom or Jeff & Luke were at the roadblock. The place was practically empty when Matt & Tom left.

I think the final 3 are all super deserving of the $250,000 but it would be pretty great if Sam & Renae won. :tup:

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2011, 11:32:10 AM »
When Jeff and Luke brought the wrong tickets, I thought they should have been accessed a 30 minutes penalty at the pitstop.. not 10 minutes on the spot?? With so many equalizers, that was unfair.


I was so angry when they were caught up by teams who were on the slower flight. Then they proved themselves again by pushing through the Ice Detour. GOSH, they finished the same time as Nathan and Tyler.

I know finally, the Roadblock is a gender discrimination one against the guys.. I didn't like how the guys struggled with it, but seriously if there's so many physical tasks on the race, surely one that required more of patience and details should be okay right.. especially if a guy actually know how to sew, he would have nailed that one too.


The last 10 minutes of the show was the BEST EDIT EVER. I honestly thought Jeff and Luke were going home this leg. But I had a gut feeling Matt and Tom were done.. but seriously, when they couldn't do the RB.. and seemed to be struggling.. I knew all was over. At the pitstop, I also knew there's no way Nathan and Tyler are going to catch up with the girls since they had a 20 minutes penalty too. I guess it was a blessing in disguise that the girls actually got the boys to go on the private vehicle with them as well. :lol:


Oh..... the suspense.. great leg.. I'm actually feeling sad that this season is going to end. It doesn't even matter if Sam and Ranae don't win (okay i'm lying) but seriously.. one of the best seasons of The Amazing Race ever.. maybe CBS should buy it and air it in the US???

Next leg.. Singapore in the middle of the night... that's an AMAZING RACE FIRST! Hope ya all like the night scenes here. It's as good as Hong Kong and any other parts of the world! <3 (maybe not, but decent!)

Marina Bay Sands agaiaiaiaiaian!


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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2011, 06:35:04 PM »
I expected a 30 minute penalty for Jeff & Luke when they bought the wrong tickets.
They take a 10 minute penalty to not be 2 hours behind. Quite a bargain if you ask me. And when the other two teams get into a cab whose driver assured them that it's official, both teams get a 20 minute penalty. Whaaaaat?

I couldn't even enjoy this episode. The train equalizer p***ed me off (what the hell is the point of this? Give them a car or let them take a cab, there was already an equalizer at the 6 a.m. temple). And that editing during the last 15 minutes or so was too exciting for me to bear. I died a million deaths while figuring out that I've never rooted for anyone as much as I did for Sam & Renae.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2011, 08:04:43 PM »
I expected a 30 minute penalty for Jeff & Luke when they bought the wrong tickets.
They take a 10 minute penalty to not be 2 hours behind. Quite a bargain if you ask me. And when the other two teams get into a cab whose driver assured them that it's official, both teams get a 20 minute penalty. Whaaaaat?

I couldn't even enjoy this episode. The train equalizer p***ed me off (what the hell is the point of this? Give them a car or let them take a cab, there was already an equalizer at the 6 a.m. temple). And that editing during the last 15 minutes or so was too exciting for me to bear. I died a million deaths while figuring out that I've never rooted for anyone as much as I did for Sam & Renae.

They would still have made the train if they went immediately to get 3rd class. What pisses me off is the accessing of Jeff and Luke's penalty. They should have been given a 30 minutes penalty at the pitstop instead. They sort of got equalized at the bus.. like WTH?

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2011, 07:02:37 AM »
They would still have made the train if they went immediately to get 3rd class.
The way I understood it they were at the wrong booth and would have had to go to another (where they would have had to wait in line again).

What pisses me off is the accessing of Jeff and Luke's penalty. They should have been given a 30 minutes penalty at the pitstop instead. They sort of got equalized at the bus.. like WTH?
Good point, I didn't even realize this at the time. That's just stupid ruling. I love TAR AU, but at least in the US version the rules are very clear: if you break one, you get a 30 minute penalty at the pit stop.

Offline Elven6

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2011, 11:17:24 AM »
It was a pretty suspenseful race, at the end I think the teams were probably at least 5 to 10 minutes apart from each other. I'd say it was more suspenseful than the much hyped Unfinished Business season finale where there was still a pretty big gap between the teams.

It sucks to see Matt & Tom go since they were pretty good racers and their learning experience was awesome to watch. But hey, they placed first a few times so asides from the race experience they aren't going home empty handed! Also kind of funny that if Tyler & Nathan stuck with their "we won't be working together" mentality from last episode they could have easily eliminated their better competition by locking in the 30 minute penalty.

I think the train penalty was kind of useless since it didn't really put anyone at a disadvantage having someone on another part of the train (the cabins all looked the same anyway) but either way, it's better than a 2 hour wait.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2011, 11:23:06 AM »
Also kind of funny that if Tyler & Nathan stuck with their "we won't be working together" mentality from last episode
You mean the mentality that helped Jeff solve the code?

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2011, 11:52:04 AM »
Okay. Nobody mentioned about Sam and Ranae checking in 6mins after Nathan and Tyler in Israel. WTF???? :jam: :jam: :jam: :jam:

Offline Elven6

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2011, 03:00:40 PM »
Also kind of funny that if Tyler & Nathan stuck with their "we won't be working together" mentality from last episode
You mean the mentality that helped Jeff solve the code?

Yeah they brought it up after that basically saying they didn't want to help anyone at that stage of the race then in this episode they worked with Same & Renae, if they hadn't "partnered up" thus taken a different cab they wouldn't suffer from the same 20 minute penalty the girls did.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2011, 08:27:06 PM »
I think the girls would have been team number #2 or #3 even with the 30 minutes penalty. :duno:

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2011, 03:10:28 AM »
I think the girls would have been team number #2 or #3 even with the 30 minutes penalty. :duno:

I agree with that. I got the impression that the farmers were more than 30 minutes behind. Even Jeff and Luke I think where at least 10 min behind the surfers.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2011, 11:39:53 AM »
The girls were 10mins in front of the surfers.. so with that if surfers didn't have 20mins penalty, the girls would have been left with a total of 50 more minutes penalty to serve. I think Jeff and Luke might have checked in during the time.. definitely not Matt and Tom.

However, it could be fun if the girls came in THIRD last week and Surfers fourth.. and Nathan and Tyler has to serve 50 minutes penalty.. that could be interesting to watch.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2011, 07:02:19 PM »

I know finally, the Roadblock is a gender discrimination one against the guys.. I didn't like how the guys struggled with it, but seriously if there's so many physical tasks on the race, surely one that required more of patience and details should be okay right.. especially if a guy actually know how to sew, he would have nailed that one too.

Actually, Joab, both the DETOUR and the ROADBLOCK were throwbacks to Amazing Race Asia 4 episode 3 and 4 in Sri Lanka. Here it is as reported in Calvin's recap:

Colombo (Gangaramaya Temple)

Detour: Count or Carry

In this detour, teams must make their way to the Peta commercial center which is really a fish market.

In Count, they must count the number of fishes in a fish crate. The fishes are iced so they must get it right in the first try or risk getting numb fingers. In Carry, teams must transport 12 blocks of ice via trolley to a stall. Each block of ice weighs 20 kilos each.

Roadblock: Reap What You Sew

In this roadblock, teams must make their way to the Trendy Connection shirt factory where one member must follow a pattern to sew a shirt.

Colombo (Independence Square) >Pit Stop (Leg 3)

Continuing to ARA4, leg 4, here are additional throwbacks:

Railway: Colombo (Fort Railway Station) to Galle (Galle Railway Station)
Roadblock ("Who can unlock the past?")<
Bus: Galle (Galle Bus Station) to Ambalangoda (Ambalangoda Train Station)
Ambalangoda (Mask Stall Vendor)

Offline Elven6

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2011, 10:17:13 PM »
The girls were 10mins in front of the surfers.. so with that if surfers didn't have 20mins penalty, the girls would have been left with a total of 50 more minutes penalty to serve. I think Jeff and Luke might have checked in during the time.. definitely not Matt and Tom.

However, it could be fun if the girls came in THIRD last week and Surfers fourth.. and Nathan and Tyler has to serve 50 minutes penalty.. that could be interesting to watch.

It didn't seem like Jeff and Luke were that far off after the surfers had checked in so I think the girls could have placed either third or fourth with a 50 minute penalty since Matt & Tom showed up shortly after but the show is always edited in a way where it's difficult to keep track of time.

Offline ct03

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2011, 09:13:02 AM »
It didn't seem like Jeff and Luke were that far off after the surfers had checked in
Matt & Tom showed up shortly after
There is no way to tell how close it was. The surfers had already left the pit stop area when Jeff and Luke checked in, so they could have been minutes or hours apart. Impossible to say.
It did appear however that the cowboys were way behind Jeff and Luke, because the sewing place was almost deserted and closed up by the time they left.

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Re: TARAus 1 Episode 11 (Sri Lanka) Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2011, 02:17:30 PM »
So happy that the final 3 will not be all-male teams. At this point, it would not really matter who would win, as I don't really hate any of them.

I did hate where the 10 minute penalty was assessed, as there could be so many variables between the train station and the pit shop. Jeff & Luke probably caught a huge break there, as they ran into more trouble after that.

These teams did not seem to have nearly as many problems with cab drivers as TARA4.