I didn't know there wasn't any commentary here for you internationals, otherwise I would have done some myself

I'll give a run down of what happened, try to bring you all up to speed.
All teams depart, and basically there's two flights, one through Rome with a risky connection which Nathan and Tyler gamble on and one through Jordan with a big layover which Tom & Matt and Jeff & Luke take. Sam & Renae attempt to take the one through Jordan, but there's no seats so they are forced to take the one through Rome. The connection works fine and Sam & Renae and Nathan & Tyler arrive 5? hours ahead of the others.
Constant reminders of Sam & Renae's MFE penalty throughout the entire leg.Once they land, they travel to a temple and receive a blessing and their next clue. HoO here, but it doesn't allow Matt & Tom and Jeff & Luke to catch up.
Detour: Count or Carry. Count a number of fish or carry large blocks of ice through fish market.
All teams chose carry. Sam & Renae finish the same time as Nathan and Tyler and Matt & Tom finish just before Jeff and Luke.
Then all teams take the same train to Galle. (Sam and Renae thought the train might leave before the other arrived so they could via for places 1 or 2, but sadly it didn't work out)
In Galle, teams needed to find out the year of Sri Lanka's independence from Britain and the year of some emperor's reign?
I can't remember the details of what they were looking for, sorry
Teams all complete it in the order they arrive. Surfers, models, farmers and then L/J.
Then, teams took a bus to Ambalangoda and match a mask with a dancer.
Bus #1: Models and Surfers.
Bus #2: Farmers and Father/Son
The masks are actually all similar and it looks difficult but only Matt & Tom need a second try, everyone else gets it on their first go.
Roadblock: Sew a fluro orange bowling shirt to receive your next clue.
Matt, Renae, Jeff and Tyler do it.
On the way to the RB, Sam & Renae and Tyler & Nathan take an unauthorized taxi... which spells PENALTY!
They all struggle, with Matt struggling the most. Renae seems fairly good and gets it done well before the boys.
Pitstop: Independence Square.
Sam and Renae breeze ahead....however they incur a 20 min penalty for the taxi being unregistered.
Tyler finishes the RB next, they head to the pitstop and also incur the 20 min penalty.
Sam & Renae's penalty is over, they are the first team and their MFE penalty does NOT count. They're team #1, the first team in the finale racing for the $250K. They also win a $5000 Bing Lee home entertainment system.
Nathan & Tyler's penalty expires, they check in 2nd.
Jeff & Luke's Tuk tuk stops to be repaired....
Two shadows cross the ground of the temple...
Jeff & Luke check in 3rd, they're the last team to arrive that will continue into the finale leg of the race.
Matt & Tom arrive last and are eliminated..
Next week: Tight ropes, Singapore flyer and a finish line!

I'm so excited!