I never fully trusted Shelly, however, when she attacked Jordan like she did that just showed me what Shelly's true character is! She is a low snake in the grass and the fact that she yelled at Jordan! Well she sure lost ANY hope that I would vote her America's Favorite!! I sorta wish I hadn't watched tonight because it just made me mad all over again. Watching After Dark was bad enough!!I hope Shelly is out the next round, then she can go spend her time with her idol..Dani! And I hope that Brendan and Jeff give her a VERY Hard time when she gets there.
Like others, I think death threats etc are totally off the charts wrong, her family has no control over what she is doing now. Plus I feel sorry enough for her daughter that she is stuck with a "mom" like that! Total backstabber....but worse than that, to yell at Jordan while she is crying like that was over the top! If she had ever really cared about Jordan she would have not ran in standing over her yelling like that. And I'll admit it, I was yelling "hit her Jordan" and I am NOT about physical abuse at all!!