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BB13: Shelly Moore
« on: June 27, 2011, 08:59:38 AM »

Name: Shelly Moore
Age: 41
Hometown: Centerville, Ohio (living in Prairieville, La.)
Occupation: Outdoors Industry Executive
Three adjectives that describe you: Dynamic, tenacious and giving
Favorite activities: I like to play with my family.  We play wall ball and Super Mario is hilarious.  We like to ride bikes and scooters and swim a lot.  I also like collecting all the junk mail, then saving it, and then putting all of it in a postage paid junk mail envelope to send back to one of the senders.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the BIG BROTHER house? (Dealing with) the filth of people who don't clean up their stuff.  The other hard part would be sleeping in a room with people who snore.  Also, popping a zit in front of America would be a new challenge.
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I'm a leader, a ring leader and a team builder.  I would try to pull a good group of people together that could mutually benefit from the arrangement.
Which past BIG BROTHER cast member did you like most or least? I loved Jeff and Jordan.  They were genuine and real.  They were also extremely classy and represented themselves very well as human beings.
What are you afraid of? Snakes and really tall buildings.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? My daughter.  Every smile, every hug, every word... she is part of her daddy and me.
Finish this sentence: My life's motto is... It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena... Teddy Roosevelt
What would you take into the house and why? My husband and daughter smiling in a picture, Monster Blue (energy drink) and ear plugs.
What would you do if BIG BROTHER made you famous? I would make a bee line to St. Jude's hospital with my little girl and do all we could for those kids.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 09:24:01 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 08:21:38 AM »
Learn more about Shelly as she answers questions from Big Brother fans!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 08:19:07 PM by ugot2bekidinmeny »
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 05:44:34 PM »
Ooh, I like her... both from her CBS interview and her Superpass video I think she will be easy to get along with.  From first impressions I dare say she is my favorite.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2011, 05:14:16 PM »
WOW, Shelly is a MAJOR player in the corporate world.  Scroll down on the NBFog employee page

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 07:30:34 AM »
Thanks for finding his TS! I thought she might own her own small company or was a rep for a company, I didn't realize that she was VP of Business Development. I knew she was a very smart woman. She hides her accomplishments extremely well in the house.
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 08:39:54 AM »
she is like dr will and maggie mashed into a wrinkly old body

i wish shed own up to her game tho

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2011, 01:04:47 PM »
Oooooh, Shelly was removed from her employer's website!!! Did she get fired over BB13???  :groan:
She was listed here:     and now she's gone!

I found a cached page that had her listed, but when you click the link, it says the page is gone LOL OMG!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2011, 03:35:50 PM »
Most likely for privacy reasons.
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2011, 04:05:37 PM »
I doubt that Shelly's employer would see her lying a little on BB and then terminate her. They probably did it for privacy reasons.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2011, 11:15:40 AM »
Shelly was cracking me up during the HOH comp last night.  Anyone notice how she sticks her tongue out and curls it when she's running?   :lol3:  Better than Michael Jordan!!!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2011, 01:42:09 AM »

You've played a very dirty game, S, with all your lies, cattiness, betrayals (think how you threw Dom under the bus right after he said he trusted you), meanness and bullying, and yet, I think you'll take it because you have fooled the ones who will take you to the end (the JJ's).

And what kind of a mom leaves a little girl for the whole summer???  There has to be ice running through your veins!!

Oh and honey, please give up smoking.  You look gross.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2011, 09:05:52 AM »

thats the company shelly was bragging about last nite @ 12:35am on feeds 1/2 that she owned. i also believe that is the company she sold and made her $$
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2011, 11:00:46 AM »
Shelly is one my favorites. 

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2011, 02:12:43 PM »
I found this today as well.

Do You Know Centerville’s Shelly Moore?

11:23 am, Jun 30, 2011 | Written by jkiesewetter   
Centerville native Shelly Moore on "Big Brother"

Do you know Centerville native Shelly Moore?  If not, you’ll know her soon: The 41-year-old Ohio native is one of the 8 new Houseguests this season on CBS’ “Big Brother” starting July 7 (9 p.m., Channels 12, 7).

I don’t know how long she lived in Ohio. CBS describes here as an ”outdoors industry executive” living in Prairieville, La. I don’t know what that means. She is married, and has a daughter. On her CBS video she says she took a leave of absence to spend the summer in  Big Brother’s LA house. “I hope they forgive me when they see me on TV,” she says. She promises to “blast the competition…” while being the one to “represent the Average American. I’m not Barbie.”  Here’s a link to her bio, and to her video.


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Offline Lucybell

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2011, 11:31:49 AM »

You've played a very dirty game, S, with all your lies, cattiness, betrayals (think how you threw Dom under the bus right after he said he trusted you), meanness and bullying, and yet, I think you'll take it because you have fooled the ones who will take you to the end (the JJ's).

And what kind of a mom leaves a little girl for the whole summer???  There has to be ice running through your veins!!

Oh and honey, please give up smoking.  You look gross.

I think Shelly has played one of the best games in that house in a long time.  In her pre-show interview she said she knew she would have to be a little ruthless and that she would have to lie and backstab because that is part of Big Brother!  She is right about that!  But she also said that it is only 3 months of her life and it's not who she really is...

I believe her because there are a lot of times we see the real Shelly shining thru.  When she talks to these kids and gives them their pep talks, that is genuine.  She cares about each and everyone of these houseguests on a personal level. Well, maybe not so much Rachel. LOL She tried with Rachel, she really did, but Rachel, being Rachel, was/is a hopeless case and Shelly isn't gonna waste anymore time and energy on her.

As far as the supposed lies she has told... Shelly is very smart.  What she says is worded very carefully.  When Rachel & Brendon first approached Shelly for a vote against Jordan, Shelly made it a point to say " Hypothetically , if I were to vote Jordan out, would you consider taking me to F3?"  Rachel took this and twisted it to sound like Shelly was, in fact, going to vote out Jordan AND turn her back on J & J for a F3 deal with her and Brendon.  That was NOT true! Rachel was lying!  Shelly never intended to vote out Jordan and NEVER intended to go to F3 with Brendon and Rachel.  What she WAS doing was gathering information to take back to her true Alliance-Jeff & Jordan, PERIOD!  She never made a deal with Dani, Kalia and Porsche either... That was a ' If I were to work with you... and let's see what happens' type thing.  She came into the DR and said straight out, my true alliance is with J & J but I would be remiss not to cover my bases on the other side of the house.

Now, what totally threw Shelly for a loop was the lie that Rachel told trying to 'out' Shelly.  It freaked Shelly out because she was scared that J & J would believe it and kick her out of the alliance!  AND Shelly really likes and respects Jeff & Jordan alot (also pre-show interview) and didn't want them to ever think she would do anything to hurt them OR their game!  This was coupled with the stress of being in the house, on slop and missing her family.

As far as her leaving her family and Josie, many people have played this game with children at home!  Do you think that married/single parents should not apply?  When you are playing to benefit the kids, I say go for it!  After all, Josie is with her dad and he is taking real good care of her!

As far as Dom, Cassi, etc... Evel Dick even told Cassi that he told Shelly about the the 4 person alliance and that they were working for the golden keys.  Um, personally, being that I am a huge BB fan (like Shelly), If I  had the chance to work with veterans that I loved and respected VS. New kids on the block that knew NOTHING about the game and were working to eventually get me out, I would go with the VETS and take my chances!  It's a game!

BTW I think Rachel's main beef with Shelly is that she feels Shelly took her place in the J & J alliance and that now, all the other HG's talk to and LIKE Shelly as well!  Rachel is about to explode with jealousy!

The end!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2011, 12:22:10 PM »
 @ Lucybell   :hrt: I couldn't have said that any better.
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2011, 12:48:18 PM »
VERY well said Lucybell!! I agree 100%. I updated at least 2 of those convos and you are right, she always said IF...was always asking and gathering info.

I see her a gamer...trying maybe too hard, but not as a serious liar in any way. I think she will be as straightforward as the game allows.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2011, 09:16:51 PM »

"Lies, cries, and plays both sides" That's how Julie described her!!

Can't wait til the beotch is evicted - but in my heart I think her lies and dirty playing are going to take her to the $500 K and she will ultimately throw the JJ's under the bus too.  And Jeff will go: Where's my 6 figure job that you promised me????  And Shelly will go: I lied.  :lol3:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2011, 10:28:20 PM »

"Lies, cries, and plays both sides" That's how Julie described her!!

Can't wait til the beotch is evicted - but in my heart I think her lies and dirty playing are going to take her to the $500 K and she will ultimately throw the JJ's under the bus too.  And Jeff will go: Where's my 6 figure job that you promised me????  And Shelly will go: I lied.  :lol3:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2011, 11:23:02 PM »
I'm a Momma too, and there is NOTHING that would induce me to behave like this nasty piece of work.  Cut up Rachel's stuffed toy?  Suggest she take a pregnancy test?  I so hope that Jeff or Jordan overhear her with the others at one point, before she stabs her dirty little knife into them too.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2011, 11:42:17 PM »
I'm a Momma too, and there is NOTHING that would induce me to behave like this nasty piece of work.  Cut up Rachel's stuffed toy?  Suggest she take a pregnancy test?  I so hope that Jeff or Jordan overhear her with the others at one point, before she stabs her dirty little knife into them too.

I have to admit, Shelly is going a little over the top.  She will be mortified when she gets out and see's all the hate.  However, I understand where her hate and frustration comes from.  Rachel damn near killed her with her (Rachel's) lies.  Rachel threw the first sword so to speak.  Shelly tried with her.  Shelly saved her butt from eviction and Rachel spit in her face.

Another thing is, she is trying to bond with the mean girls in an effort to keep herself safe next week.  If Rachel bashing will keep her safe, then she is gonna Rachel bash.  Quite honestly, everyone bashs on everyone.  It happens every year.  Josie is not watching the feeds.  I can guarantee Tony will not let her see that stuff.  Shelly will NOT cut up Rachels stuffed toy.  She is just blowing smoke.  She will not turn on J & J either.  They are her true alliance.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2011, 12:32:35 AM »
I'm a Momma too, and there is NOTHING that would induce me to behave like this nasty piece of work.  Cut up Rachel's stuffed toy?  Suggest she take a pregnancy test?  I so hope that Jeff or Jordan overhear her with the others at one point, before she stabs her dirty little knife into them too.

I hear ya. I am a Mom too and could never behave in the dirty manner that S is.  I saw it begin early on when poor trusting Dom confided in her and S took that confidence right up to Rachel's HOH room, ratted out on him, thus leading to his eviction.

And poor Dom never saw it coming. Right before she became the rat on him, he told her that she was the only one in the house he could trust. Poor guy. :'(

And the JJ's are in the same frame of mind - just wait til she throws them under the bus too.  I have been saying all along that Jeff needs to get rid of Shelly.  I think he saw it at first but she sealed the deal with the promise of the 6 figure job.  And he bought it hook line and sinker - he should have closed his ears and mind right then and there  :lala

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2011, 07:20:42 AM »

I hear ya. I am a Mom too and could never behave in the dirty manner that S is.  I saw it begin early on when poor trusting Dom confided in her and S took that confidence right up to Rachel's HOH room, ratted out on him, thus leading to his eviction.

And poor Dom never saw it coming. Right before she became the rat on him, he told her that she was the only one in the house he could trust. Poor guy. :'(

And the JJ's are in the same frame of mind - just wait til she throws them under the bus too.  I have been saying all along that Jeff needs to get rid of Shelly.  I think he saw it at first but she sealed the deal with the promise of the 6 figure job.  And he bought it hook line and sinker - he should have closed his ears and mind right then and there  :lala

Poor little itty bitty baby Dom! Big bad Shelly single handedly got him evicted? OMG! I'm sorry but Dom has no one to thank for his eviction but Dani, himself, his 'Regulator' alliance and Mr. Evel Dick!  Dani, being her true whiny, selfish self, played a little to hard to keep Dom.  It wasn't because she thought he could do great things for her, it was because she wanted a boy toy to entertain her, period!  Then Dom, in all his stupidity, decided to throw the POV while he was on the block!  Idiot!  Who did he trust then?  Dani and Rachel and Brendon!   Evel Dick told Shelly that Dom, Cassi, Keith & Lawon were part of an alliance that would eventually lead to her being evicted so Cassi could have the golden key!  So if Shelly did anything to save her own butt, she was well within her rights to do so!

The only way Shelly would ever throw J & J under that bus is if they threw her first.  J & J are her true alliance and she will stick with them to the end.  I do not recall her offering Jeff a six figure income.  Do you have the flashback date and time?  It's just odd that I don't hear Jeff bring this up if that job promise was the only reason he was keeping her around.  I just have a hard time believing that. 

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2011, 07:57:42 AM »
She didn't offer him a six figure income. She did a mock interview with Jordan (which was hilarious!!!) and then they talked about jobs, but she never made a real offer...just job talk and joking about it.  I can't hate anyone in the house because they are playing a game!!! Who knows what role I'd play or what would make me snap and talk crap, or what I think is a conversation vs an alliance.  I wouldn't cut a stuffed puppies leg off, but neither will Shelly. She's venting and bonding with DKP on instruction from the Js.  She's blending with her environment for Pete's sake LOL Like they say about Rome...when in Rome...
Well, when in the Big Brother House...

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2011, 11:15:44 AM »
ThunderStruck and LucyBell..couldn't agree with you more..I truly believe that Shelly would do anything to protect the JJ's.  She is not playing the game any worse then previous HG's..everyone lies..D/K/P are serious mean judgemental..the 3 of them aren't as perfect as they think they are when judging others ...I can't imagine what Ms Kalia will think when she gets out and sees the clip of her shaving her pub on BBAD for the world to see or the vids made of her eating constantly. Ofcourse Porshe wants to be a moviestar/actress so she wears a bikini top barely covering her boobs and the muffin top is beginning to over flow the sides..yup she'll be making movies maybe she can team up with the last Bb Hg that did porn movie

Again..I believe that Josie's Dad is taking very good care of her and I'm sure he edits what she see's...he may be watching but I bet Josie only see the CBS version..I like Shelly..she may be talking to both sides but her allegiance is to JJ and she has been that comforting MOM to the girls when they needed it and it was done not for gameplay but just to comfort

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2011, 10:01:29 PM »
What??? Shelly first goal is not to help JJ win? SHOCKER  :lol:
Her first goal is playing BB and I seriously think when JJ put Rachel's name first during nominations, Shelly had to re-think her game.  JJ knows that Shelly and Rachel weren't getting along and the order of the names put the seed of doubt in her head. With all the other girls bashing Rachel, it must have been a slap in the face that Rachel got the first key pulled. I personally thought (when I saw it) that Shelly is not the type to play second fiddle and JJ just screwed themselves. I don't blame her actions, I just can't wait to see her REACTION if/when JJ find out about her trying to flip the house. She's gonna make some great TV this week!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2011, 07:22:11 AM »

Shelly DID indeed off jeff a 6 figure job.. i was updating at the time and she flat out said "when  we're done in here come see me and i'll give you a 6 figure job.. you wont even have to leave home..  our company likes to have people all around the United states and we're family oriented."

Im not sure if i put it up in the flashback threads or not but im sure if you search this forum for the words "6 figures" you should be able to find the post.

 jeff's reply was  and has still been im gonna look you up when i get out.

 Shelly has sold everyone in that house a part of what she is, what she does and what she has..

 what i dont get how can she be ALL that "worldly" and never heard of hummus, guacamole or know the correct way to say parmigiana :groan:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2011, 07:52:29 AM »
I heard her offer Jeff the job as well. First she told Jeff that she wanted to do something for Jordan and her family when she got out. Jeff said that she didn't have to do anything but finally said you could get her a gift certificate for On The Border. Then she turned to the subject of Jeff and employment at her company. It hit me as just not right when she did it. You can't offer to split the prize money and it seemed like something along the same lines to me.

Somehow, I don't think Jeff will be getting that job.  :haha

Ugot, I might not pronounce parmigiana correctly either.... :lol:  (You better teach me..)
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 07:56:47 AM by TexasLady »
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2011, 11:42:10 AM »
Shelly DID indeed off jeff a 6 figure job.. i was updating at the time and she flat out said "when  we're done in here come see me and i'll give you a 6 figure job.. you wont even have to leave home..  our company likes to have people all around the United states and we're family oriented."
I heard her offer Jeff the job as well. First she told Jeff that she wanted to do something for Jordan and her family when she got out. Jeff said that she didn't have to do anything but finally said you could get her a gift certificate for On The Border. Then she turned to the subject of Jeff and employment at her company. It hit me as just not right when she did it. You can't offer to split the prize money and it seemed like something along the same lines to me.
WHOA! I stand corrected.  I didn't stick around long enough after the mock interview! I remember the On The Border gift certificate.  That should be illegal in BB Land. She is really pushing the limits! I didn't think I'd actually start to dislike her...but I am  :(

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2011, 02:36:44 PM »
OK, I want to rant! Rachel just went inside to get some bread for a bird that has been coming into the yard. When she was going inside, Shelly could be heard saying: "Give me a BREAK!"   Once she was inside and couldn't hear Shelly, she made the cuckoo motion and said it as well to Adam. Can Rachel do NOTHING right?

What a beotch! ARGHHH... She is getting on my everlasting nerve! I'm sorry, if you can't even give a bird a piece of bread without criticism, that's just too much for me. (I feed our birds bread all the time. Am I cuckoo too?)
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2011, 02:51:21 PM »
Shelly got soured by some apparent backstabbing by Rachel. She got jaded by that and now everything that Rachel does is horrendous in Shelly's sight. It starts with a legitimate gripe, but then snowballs out of control.

I think Shelly is a decent person who loves her family, work, etc. However, I think there's a chance that she is greatly disheartened by her behavior and how she's received by people who saw her on the show and she may regret it when it's all said and done.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2011, 12:53:22 PM »
And if I am not mistaken, yesterday Shelly suggested they feed it! :groan:
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #32 on: August 26, 2011, 12:54:50 AM »

a1mamacat has a great new name for you:  "sheliar"!!!!  love it  :lol3: :lol3:

It's a lot easier than having to say shelly the lying beotch.  :tup:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2011, 12:58:53 AM »
How dare Shelly yell at Jordan after the eviction!  (:;)  She has NO CLASS!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #34 on: August 26, 2011, 01:28:42 AM »
How dare Shelly yell at Jordan after the eviction!  (:;)  She has NO CLASS!

Yeah, really.  Sheliar should be giving out etiquette training - NOT!!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #35 on: August 26, 2011, 11:03:34 PM »
Not sure that I have ever seen a more masculine
woman. I am NOT a fan. When she blows those ugly
kisses after she votes, I just cringe. I swear, her lumbering
walk is so manly. I also hate an ass kisser and she has that
down to a science. I also do not want to hear about
her integrity because she has none.  Lying, fake, tobacco face.  :knuckles:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2011, 11:19:00 PM »
Not sure that I have ever seen a more masculine
woman. I am NOT a fan. When she blows those ugly
kisses after she votes, I just cringe. I swear, her lumbering
walk is so manly. I also hate an ass kisser and she has that
down to a science. I also do not want to hear about
her integrity because she has none.  Lying, fake, tobacco face.  :knuckles:

I also picked up her masculinity in the way she walks, talks and blows smoke out of that ugly hole of a mouth.

Sheliar is repulsive from any perspective in her appearance, but it's her inner self that even tops her outer self in repusiveness.  I think she would sell her grandmother down the river for her own gain and I know she used her daughter as a source of fake tears to have the HG "feel" for her when it was all part of the betrayal.

I feel sorry for her child for having a mother who is now "America's Most Hated". 

"She lies, she cries, she plays both sides" : Julie's description of sheliar.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #37 on: August 27, 2011, 12:07:59 AM »
Well said Kate!!  The Moore I see the less I want to see.  :lol3:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #38 on: August 27, 2011, 12:10:54 AM »
I agree, I cannot stand her...she is fake and I hope she goes home next. Her daughter told off on her already, saying, "Her mother needs to stop lying and decide which team she is going to stay with". Her 8 year old daughter is smarter than her old "41" year old a**. She gets on my nerves and has no class and is the nastiest person ever on big brother, worse than Evil Dick :meow: Cannot wait til she is gone, then she can go smoke and drink all she wants :iok   This is what she does when she switches sides  :kuss:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #39 on: August 27, 2011, 12:30:34 AM »
If I were in that house I would cut up all her smokes. She would
hit that self evict button on the back wall in no
time flat.   :gaah:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #40 on: August 27, 2011, 03:13:38 AM »

You've played a very dirty game, S, with all your lies, cattiness, betrayals (think how you threw Dom under the bus right after he said he trusted you), meanness and bullying, and yet, I think you'll take it because you have fooled the ones who will take you to the end (the JJ's).

And what kind of a mom leaves a little girl for the whole summer???  There has to be ice running through your veins!!

Oh and honey, please give up smoking.  You look gross.

I think Shelly has played one of the best games in that house in a long time.  In her pre-show interview she said she knew she would have to be a little ruthless and that she would have to lie and backstab because that is part of Big Brother!  She is right about that!  But she also said that it is only 3 months of her life and it's not who she really is...

I believe her because there are a lot of times we see the real Shelly shining thru.  When she talks to these kids and gives them their pep talks, that is genuine.  She cares about each and everyone of these houseguests on a personal level. Well, maybe not so much Rachel. LOL She tried with Rachel, she really did, but Rachel, being Rachel, was/is a hopeless case and Shelly isn't gonna waste anymore time and energy on her.

As far as the supposed lies she has told... Shelly is very smart.  What she says is worded very carefully.  When Rachel & Brendon first approached Shelly for a vote against Jordan, Shelly made it a point to say " Hypothetically , if I were to vote Jordan out, would you consider taking me to F3?"  Rachel took this and twisted it to sound like Shelly was, in fact, going to vote out Jordan AND turn her back on J & J for a F3 deal with her and Brendon.  That was NOT true! Rachel was lying!  Shelly never intended to vote out Jordan and NEVER intended to go to F3 with Brendon and Rachel.  What she WAS doing was gathering information to take back to her true Alliance-Jeff & Jordan, PERIOD!  She never made a deal with Dani, Kalia and Porsche either... That was a ' If I were to work with you... and let's see what happens' type thing.  She came into the DR and said straight out, my true alliance is with J & J but I would be remiss not to cover my bases on the other side of the house.

Now, what totally threw Shelly for a loop was the lie that Rachel told trying to 'out' Shelly.  It freaked Shelly out because she was scared that J & J would believe it and kick her out of the alliance!  AND Shelly really likes and respects Jeff & Jordan alot (also pre-show interview) and didn't want them to ever think she would do anything to hurt them OR their game!  This was coupled with the stress of being in the house, on slop and missing her family.

As far as her leaving her family and Josie, many people have played this game with children at home!  Do you think that married/single parents should not apply?  When you are playing to benefit the kids, I say go for it!  After all, Josie is with her dad and he is taking real good care of her!

As far as Dom, Cassi, etc... Evel Dick even told Cassi that he told Shelly about the the 4 person alliance and that they were working for the golden keys.  Um, personally, being that I am a huge BB fan (like Shelly), If I  had the chance to work with veterans that I loved and respected VS. New kids on the block that knew NOTHING about the game and were working to eventually get me out, I would go with the VETS and take my chances!  It's a game!

BTW I think Rachel's main beef with Shelly is that she feels Shelly took her place in the J & J alliance and that now, all the other HG's talk to and LIKE Shelly as well!  Rachel is about to explode with jealousy!

The end!

Sheliar is a dirty nasty person.  I say "person" because some of us are thinkin' "she" is a "he".  The swaggar, the talk, the whole persona, very male.  Wonder if someone outed her as a male if she's have to leave BB.  I only wish.

From the very beginning, sheliar was dirty.  On the second day of BB, poor trusting Dom confided in her that he wanted R out, PLUS he told her that sheliar was the only one in the house he trusted. BIG MISTAKE Dom  :'(.  She then proceeded to haul her dirty behind up to Rachel's HOH room and rat him out, thus leading to his eviction.  Dom never saw it coming.

The rest of the summer unfolded with one dirty backstabbing move after another.

The nastiness, meanness and cattiness that emerged from sheliar's ugly face was sickening.  She made the summer repulsive and the worst BB ever. Many of us barely tolerated it and did NOT tolerate sheliar.

When J offered her isolation and the phone call, sheliar really didn't want it, protested.  Then the lights went on in her dirty haired head and she realized WOW i can play this out like a martyr, bring out the tears for all the HG to see, pretend i give a hoot about talking with family and all the HG will think i am SUCH a good person  B:) B:)

Jeff might have been onto her but sweet Jordon was so trusting of the "mommy card" that she was playing that she led jeff to think sheliar was a good guy (note i said "guy".

This all led to sheliars finale plan of the backstabbing of the J's.  The ultimate betrayal from the ultimate Bitch.

In the words of Julie: "She lies, she cries, she plays both sides".  And if only Jeff had seen the light through the forest about what a bitch she truly is . . . He'd still be in the house and she'd be driving the jury house crazy.   B:) B:)

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #41 on: August 27, 2011, 04:24:02 AM »
I would never say anything that would hurt a little girls feelings.  Unfortunately, her mother didn't care to protect her when she decided to bash Rachel with such vulgarity, steal her stuffed puppy dog and attack poor Jordan after betraying her! Josie now has to hear about it at school, in the mall, wherever she is because CBS already had a special insert about Shelly's family.  So Shelly HAD to have signed a waiver clearing CBS to expose the poor kid!!! What kind of mother is this vile witch? I wonder if Josie ever upset her mom and then "lost" one of her favorite animals???  :(

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #42 on: August 27, 2011, 04:36:31 AM »
I would never say anything that would hurt a little girls feelings.  Unfortunately, her mother didn't care to protect her when she decided to bash Rachel with such vulgarity, steal her stuffed puppy dog and attack poor Jordan after betraying her! Josie now has to hear about it at school, in the mall, wherever she is because CBS already had a special insert about Shelly's family.  So Shelly HAD to have signed a waiver clearing CBS to expose the poor kid!!! What kind of mother is this vile witch? I wonder if Josie ever upset her mom and then "lost" one of her favorite animals???  :(

It's unfathomable to me that a "mother" could expose her daughter to such vulgarities about her personality!! :snicker:  As a mom myself, I know how important it is to set an example to treat people like you would want your child to grow up and treat people.  comment removed   And this kid now has America's Most Hated Mom. 

« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 08:53:09 AM by georgiapeach »

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2011, 09:35:14 AM »
While I do realize that it is a game there are still situations in this game that show your  true character. It's one thing to turn on Jordan but to attack her while doing it shows she is a snake.   She probably climbed the corporate ladder by stepping on a lot of people. Being she has the CEO job which brings six figures, why the nasty
ruthless plays to get to the top. She said she is doing it for her family but it sure does not seem like her family is hurting.  Some people will never
have enough money to be satisfied. As far as setting an example for her daughter, any winnings Shelley may get could be well spent hiring a woman to teach
Shelley how to be one.

(comment edited for northernlite)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 05:40:32 PM by TexasLady »

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2011, 09:44:05 AM »
Asking you all to remember please that while Shelly herself is fair game...her daughter is not.

Personal comments on HG's children other than on any show appearance are off limits.

Thanks everyone!
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2011, 08:56:38 PM »
How dare Shelly yell at Jordan after the eviction!  (:;)  She has NO CLASS!

I have been thinking about Shelly and how she operates. She has picked her targets carefully. She picked off Lawon and he helped her. She got rid of Dominic.. that was a piece of cake, she switched her vote and no one remembers that anymore.

3 weeks ago she started hanging out more with Dani, Kalia and Porsche but she had been using the Trojan horse excuse all along to Jeff and Jordan, so it didn't bother them too much. She did cause a lack of faith between them and B/R. Ultimately, that led to getting rid of Brendon but unfortunately he came back so she had to work harder to make them split again. It worked with Jeff.

She told Adam she threw the veto comp for him and she did throw her bag over the roof which puzzled me at the time. The other thing she did was to tell whoever was in the HOH at the time that she controlled Adam, he'd do whatever she wanted, thus emasculating him. Just like Lawon, he helped her because he didn't want to make any big moves.

She offered Jordan and her family a gift and Jeff a 6 figure job and lulled him into thinking she was an ally, but with Brendon gone it was Jeff's turn. She started by saying he'd won $15,000 and Jordan had won BB and it made her sick to think of them getting any more money. She started in on Rachel as well, bad mouthing her at every turn and made it acceptable to hate on her in the open.

She made comments about Porsche, she disgusted Shelly. as Ugot updated. Now she's Porsche's bestest friend and second mommy. (Watch out Porsche!)

I believe that the yelling match with Jordan was intended to make Jordan mad enough to hit her or do something stupid but Rachel whisked her out of the room. However that put the spotlight on Jordan. She loses no opportunity to boohoo and talk bad about Jordan to the other three newbies. Whatever it takes, she does. (As Kate says, she lies, she cries...etc. etc.)

In my opinion, there is a method to her madness. She's achieved important positions in the business world. I'm sure she's used the same methods on her climb up the corporate ladder. Excessive, effusive praise, ever helpful until she needed to put that knife in the back.(Figuratively of course.)

She's in a bad or semi bad position right now, they all see what she does, but she still has excuses to keep her, and she'll use anything and everything to stay in the house and win it if at all possible.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 09:03:31 PM by TexasLady »
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2011, 10:39:55 PM »
I am totally disappointed in Shelly's game play.


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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2011, 11:13:47 PM »
Shelly was my favorite until she turned on Jeff and Jordan. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #48 on: August 27, 2011, 11:23:51 PM »
Shelly was my favorite until she turned on Jeff and Jordan. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

I was a big fan of hers until a few weeks ago. It's like a switch flipped on and she changed and it wasn't a good change. I didn't think she'd win but I thought for certain she'd win America's favorite but she's lost that now.
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #49 on: August 28, 2011, 03:05:31 AM »
I wonder if BB will show Jordan crying, minding her own business and then being attacked/bullied by Shelly. That is the exact moment I lost respect for her. I didn't like her game because it was against people I liked, but I did defend her game. But after seeing that scene, I don't like HER as a person. It was like kicking a puppy. It was below the belt.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #50 on: August 28, 2011, 11:38:46 AM »
I don't know if they will or not but they just might! Shelly hasn't gotten a lot of good edits except for her daughter and the phone call..

Watch the FB of Shelly talking to Jordan, manipulating her yet again. You will not believe it but it's happening before your eyes.

I should have said that what Shelly does is use people's humanity or weaknesses and exploits them.
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #51 on: August 28, 2011, 08:20:10 PM »
I never fully trusted Shelly, however, when she attacked Jordan like she did that just showed me what Shelly's true character is! She is a low snake in the grass and the fact that she yelled at Jordan! Well she sure lost ANY hope that I would vote her America's Favorite!! I sorta wish I hadn't watched tonight because it just made me mad all over again. Watching After Dark was bad enough!!I hope Shelly is out the next round, then she can go spend her time with her idol..Dani! And I hope that Brendan and Jeff give her a VERY Hard time when she gets there.
Like others, I think death threats etc are totally off the charts wrong, her family has no control over what she is doing now. Plus I feel sorry enough for her daughter that she is stuck with a "mom" like that! Total backstabber....but worse than that, to yell at Jordan while she is crying like that was over the top! If she had ever really cared about Jordan she would have not ran in standing over her yelling like that. And I'll admit it, I was yelling "hit her Jordan" and I am NOT about physical abuse at all!!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #52 on: August 28, 2011, 09:56:33 PM »
I never fully trusted Shelly, however, when she attacked Jordan like she did that just showed me what Shelly's true character is! She is a low snake in the grass and the fact that she yelled at Jordan! Well she sure lost ANY hope that I would vote her America's Favorite!! I sorta wish I hadn't watched tonight because it just made me mad all over again. Watching After Dark was bad enough!!I hope Shelly is out the next round, then she can go spend her time with her idol..Dani! And I hope that Brendan and Jeff give her a VERY Hard time when she gets there.
Like others, I think death threats etc are totally off the charts wrong, her family has no control over what she is doing now. Plus I feel sorry enough for her daughter that she is stuck with a "mom" like that! Total backstabber....but worse than that, to yell at Jordan while she is crying like that was over the top! If she had ever really cared about Jordan she would have not ran in standing over her yelling like that. And I'll admit it, I was yelling "hit her Jordan" and I am NOT about physical abuse at all!!

Hi AntiShelly and WELCOME - I AM GLAD YOU JOINED US!!  You may be new but your thoughts about Sheliar are right up to speed.  I have watched her backstabbing, lying, cattiness since the beginning of the show when she backstabbed Dom RIGHT after he pledged his trust in her.  Where did she take that trust?  Right up to Rachel's HOH room, ratted on him, and he was put up on the block and evicted.  So I knew early on the snake that is sheliar.

As Julie said "She lies, she cries, she plays both sides" reference to Sheliar.

We all hope she gets evicted but there is still the fear that she has once again pulled a con on R & J.  And if she pulls the con off, she may well take the $500 K.  :ascared

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #53 on: August 28, 2011, 09:59:31 PM »
I wonder if BB will show Jordan crying, minding her own business and then being attacked/bullied by Shelly. That is the exact moment I lost respect for her. I didn't like her game because it was against people I liked, but I did defend her game. But after seeing that scene, I don't like HER as a person. It was like kicking a puppy. It was below the belt.

Let's put it this way, if aliens came down and somehow Sheliar represented humanity, it would be PRETTY EMBARRASSING  :snicker:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #54 on: August 28, 2011, 10:09:02 PM »
TL great observations and dead on right analysis, I think.   

I've been amazed by Shelly and her game play.  She's quite masterful.  I don't agree with it, but it worked for her and she's impacted every eviction in this house. 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #55 on: August 28, 2011, 10:16:06 PM »
I never fully trusted Shelly, however, when she attacked Jordan like she did that just showed me what Shelly's true character is! She is a low snake in the grass and the fact that she yelled at Jordan! Well she sure lost ANY hope that I would vote her America's Favorite!! I sorta wish I hadn't watched tonight because it just made me mad all over again. Watching After Dark was bad enough!!I hope Shelly is out the next round, then she can go spend her time with her idol..Dani! And I hope that Brendan and Jeff give her a VERY Hard time when she gets there.
Like others, I think death threats etc are totally off the charts wrong, her family has no control over what she is doing now. Plus I feel sorry enough for her daughter that she is stuck with a "mom" like that! Total backstabber....but worse than that, to yell at Jordan while she is crying like that was over the top! If she had ever really cared about Jordan she would have not ran in standing over her yelling like that. And I'll admit it, I was yelling "hit her Jordan" and I am NOT about physical abuse at all!!

Hi AntiShelly and WELCOME - I AM GLAD YOU JOINED US!!  You may be new but your thoughts about Sheliar are right up to speed.  I have watched her backstabbing, lying, cattiness since the beginning of the show when she backstabbed Dom RIGHT after he pledged his trust in her.  Where did she take that trust?  Right up to Rachel's HOH room, ratted on him, and he was put up on the block and evicted.  So I knew early on the snake that is sheliar.

As Julie said "She lies, she cries, she plays both sides" reference to Sheliar.

We all hope she gets evicted but there is still the fear that she has once again pulled a con on R & J.  And if she pulls the con off, she may well take the $500 K.  :ascared

Thanks for the welcome! I didn't know this site existed until tonight...I was angry about Jordan getting yelled at so I had to google forums so I could  get my opinion out somewhere. (hubby is in Afghanistan so I didn't have him to talk to about it lol).  This is the first year I have watched BB (I know, what rock have I been under LOL), but won't be the last. LOL  When Shelly backdoored Dominic, I was still figuring this "game" out so it took me a little longer than most to get it. LOL But I've got it all now!   :yess: I am truly hoping she doesn't win....what a disappointment that will be! LOL

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #56 on: August 28, 2011, 10:59:16 PM »
I never fully trusted Shelly, however, when she attacked Jordan like she did that just showed me what Shelly's true character is! She is a low snake in the grass and the fact that she yelled at Jordan! Well she sure lost ANY hope that I would vote her America's Favorite!! I sorta wish I hadn't watched tonight because it just made me mad all over again. Watching After Dark was bad enough!!I hope Shelly is out the next round, then she can go spend her time with her idol..Dani! And I hope that Brendan and Jeff give her a VERY Hard time when she gets there.
Like others, I think death threats etc are totally off the charts wrong, her family has no control over what she is doing now. Plus I feel sorry enough for her daughter that she is stuck with a "mom" like that! Total backstabber....but worse than that, to yell at Jordan while she is crying like that was over the top! If she had ever really cared about Jordan she would have not ran in standing over her yelling like that. And I'll admit it, I was yelling "hit her Jordan" and I am NOT about physical abuse at all!!

Hi AntiShelly and WELCOME - I AM GLAD YOU JOINED US!!  You may be new but your thoughts about Sheliar are right up to speed.  I have watched her backstabbing, lying, cattiness since the beginning of the show when she backstabbed Dom RIGHT after he pledged his trust in her.  Where did she take that trust?  Right up to Rachel's HOH room, ratted on him, and he was put up on the block and evicted.  So I knew early on the snake that is sheliar.

As Julie said "She lies, she cries, she plays both sides" reference to Sheliar.

We all hope she gets evicted but there is still the fear that she has once again pulled a con on R & J.  And if she pulls the con off, she may well take the $500 K.  :ascared

Thanks for the welcome! I didn't know this site existed until tonight...I was angry about Jordan getting yelled at so I had to google forums so I could  get my opinion out somewhere. (hubby is in Afghanistan so I didn't have him to talk to about it lol).  This is the first year I have watched BB (I know, what rock have I been under LOL), but won't be the last. LOL  When Shelly backdoored Dominic, I was still figuring this "game" out so it took me a little longer than most to get it. LOL But I've got it all now!   :yess: I am truly hoping she doesn't win....what a disappointment that will be! LOL

I have never seen a person grow more faces in one summer than Sheliar.  She makes so many people on this forum sick to their stomachs so you are not alone!!  I think what she did to the JJ's was just too over the top because she played the "mommy" card on them all summer and then she became "mommy dearest" to them  :lol3:  She will be the most hated contestant to be evicted (and I so hope she IS evicted on Thursday).  :yess:

I hope things are going OK for your hubby in Afghanistan and I want you to know that I appreciate that he is amongst America's finest being there. 

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #57 on: August 28, 2011, 11:25:29 PM »

I have never seen a person grow more faces in one summer than Sheliar.  She makes so many people on this forum sick to their stomachs so you are not alone!! I think what she did to the JJ's was just too over the top because she played the "mommy" card on them all summer and then she became "mommy dearest" to them  :lol3:  She will be the most hated contestant to be evicted (and I so hope she IS evicted on Thursday).  :yess:

I hope things are going OK for your hubby in Afghanistan and I want you to know that I appreciate that he is amongst America's finest being there.

Mommy Dearest!!  :lol3:  :lol3:  So totally right! I am crossing my fingers that she is evicted on thursday too. I'll be dancing around my living room if she is!! LOL

Thanks for the nice words for hubby, I'm sure he will appreciate them. So far so good for him there..only 5 more months to go!  :hrt:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #58 on: August 29, 2011, 03:52:30 AM »
I have watched every season of BB since season one.  I have been mad at different players over the years but never, never..... NEVER have I had the absolute HATE for any player as I do for the POS named Shelly.  I thought she was interesting learning that she was basically a man trapped in a womans body.  I thought it was poor game play to try to be buddy buddy with each side in the house but whatever.  Over the last week or so...........OK oK i sound mean but I am pretty nice and dont usually use the word hate when describing a human... BUT.... I F'ing HATE HATE HATE Shelly as a PERSON.   She should change her name to Snaky.  She gets caught twice and instantly starts LYING her butt off to make the other people look like they are the ones lying.  Her Crying BS is soo soo soooooooooo FAKE. fake fake B***H

I dont understand why she walks like a penguin unless she has something stuck up there.  I honestly really feel sorry for her family as they seem nice and normal but she has instincts in her that have come out and....I wouldnt wish her on anyone.   She is beyond evil.

This is also the fist time in 13 seasons that I have been so upset that I actually post my HATE of any player.  I wish there was a way to let her know personally how she has made me.. and others I would guess.. feel.  AAARRRHHHGGGGHHHH  I cant even explain in words how much I HATE her and her "game play" as I dont think this behavior is only in the game.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #59 on: August 29, 2011, 04:56:44 AM »
I have watched every season of BB since season one.  I have been mad at different players over the years but never, never..... NEVER have I had the absolute HATE for any player as I do for the POS named Shelly.  I thought she was interesting learning that she was basically a man trapped in a womans body.  I thought it was poor game play to try to be buddy buddy with each side in the house but whatever.  Over the last week or so...........OK oK i sound mean but I am pretty nice and dont usually use the word hate when describing a human... BUT.... I F'ing HATE HATE HATE Shelly as a PERSON.   She should change her name to Snaky.  She gets caught twice and instantly starts LYING her butt off to make the other people look like they are the ones lying.  Her Crying BS is soo soo soooooooooo FAKE. fake fake B***H

I dont understand why she walks like a penguin unless she has something stuck up there.  I honestly really feel sorry for her family as they seem nice and normal but she has instincts in her that have come out and....I wouldnt wish her on anyone.   She is beyond evil.

This is also the fist time in 13 seasons that I have been so upset that I actually post my HATE of any player.  I wish there was a way to let her know personally how she has made me.. and others I would guess.. feel.  AAARRRHHHGGGGHHHH  I cant even explain in words how much I HATE her and her "game play" as I dont think this behavior is only in the game.

Welcome to the group - you are not alone. She is very hated here. She is the worst of what a person can be to those who have been nice to her. She is all that is untrustworthy and malicious and backstabbing in a person and to see it played out on National TV in front of her family is beyond what any of us can believe.  I cannot imagine having that kind of evil inside let alone having ones daughter see it - and all for money, greed!  Yuch.  And We Hate Shelly Moore facebook sites and I think blogs have sprung up - she is very hated.  So don't feel that you are alone.

I think all of us will feel very relieved when she finally gets her ugly ass out of the BB house.  And I agree with your thought that this is not just "game play" but is the way she is IRL too.  No one can be that malicious and switch it right off again.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #60 on: August 29, 2011, 06:21:31 AM »
I would never say anything that would hurt a little girls feelings.  Unfortunately, her mother didn't care to protect her when she decided to bash Rachel with such vulgarity, steal her stuffed puppy dog and attack poor Jordan after betraying her! Josie now has to hear about it at school, in the mall, wherever she is because CBS already had a special insert about Shelly's family.  So Shelly HAD to have signed a waiver clearing CBS to expose the poor kid!!! What kind of mother is this vile witch? I wonder if Josie ever upset her mom and then "lost" one of her favorite animals???  :(

Thunderstruck - And then how could she expose the vileness of herself on National TV for EVERYONE to see???  Your comment about your wondering if Josie ever did something to upset her mother and then had one of her favorite animals "lost" just gave me the chills.  The cruelty that we have seen just in this summer on TV has been scarey. 

She has made this summer an unpleasant watching experience; no one likes to see a beotch in action for months on end.  Let's hope this Thursday is a much needed eviction!!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 06:27:48 AM by Kate04 »

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #61 on: August 29, 2011, 07:55:30 AM »
Welcome to RFF AM. I don't hate her, I surely do hate her game play. It's coming back to bite her though. She's going to sequester Thursday unless that fortune teller has a POV miracle for her.. :future:

I think she has had medical problems and that's why she walks the way she does.
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #62 on: August 29, 2011, 07:57:44 AM »
Shelly has said she has metal rods in her back. My oldest had a severe form of scoliosis and also has metal rods in her back, and walks almost exactly as Shelly does.
delightful just delightful

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #63 on: August 29, 2011, 02:09:20 PM »
Asking you all to remember please that while Shelly herself is fair game...her daughter is not.

Personal comments on HG's children other than on any show appearance are off limits.

Thanks everyone!

To clarify RFF's policy concerning Josie and our threads.

As Peach said earlier, since Josie has been cleared to be mentioned and has been interviewed twice, it is OK to post comments about her and offer opinions. Our rules have always said that the HGs are fair game and since Shelly and her husband have approved her to be part of the show, she is fair game for discussion. However, This does NOT include death threats or wishing her ill!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #64 on: August 29, 2011, 03:09:26 PM »
Shelly has said she has metal rods in her back. My oldest had a severe form of scoliosis and also has metal rods in her back, and walks almost exactly as Shelly does.

Yikes!  Well, I hope no one is horribly offended by my Photochops of Shelly.   :ascared  I made them before I read your post after a few posters called her "She-Man."  My own daughter  :hrt: has mild cerebral palsy affecting her left side, so she thumps along pretty good when she walks and we joke about it all the time.         

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #65 on: August 29, 2011, 05:11:50 PM »
Shelly has said she has metal rods in her back. My oldest had a severe form of scoliosis and also has metal rods in her back, and walks almost exactly as Shelly does.

Yikes!  Well, I hope no one is horribly offended by my Photochops of Shelly.   :ascared  I made them before I read your post after a few posters called her "She-Man."  My own daughter  :hrt: has mild cerebral palsy affecting her left side, so she thumps along pretty good when she walks and we joke about it all the time.         

No, I thought they were funny.  :lol:  She does have a very manly way of walking and talking. Totally understandable if she walks the way she does because she has rods in her back. My son has steel rods in his leg because an idiot turned in front of him when he was riding a motor bike, he got hit with the rear bumper and broke the tibia, fibula, it took 2 years to heal.

Sending some love for your daughter.  :<3
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #66 on: August 29, 2011, 05:34:52 PM »
Thanks for the welcome! I didn't know this site existed until tonight...I was angry about Jordan getting yelled at so I had to google forums so I could  get my opinion out somewhere. (hubby is in Afghanistan so I didn't have him to talk to about it lol).  This is the first year I have watched BB (I know, what rock have I been under LOL), but won't be the last. LOL  When Shelly backdoored Dominic, I was still figuring this "game" out so it took me a little longer than most to get it. LOL But I've got it all now!   :yess: I am truly hoping she doesn't win....what a disappointment that will be! LOL

I think it was the comment about Rachel feeding the birds that sent me over the top and into my rant. I'm one too, I feed them bread too.  Cuckoo! Cuckoo!  (I'm sorry about my rant.. it's because I AM cuckoo!)  :iok :lol:

Please tell your hubby We thank him for his service and welcome to RFF!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #67 on: August 29, 2011, 05:58:46 PM »
Shelly has said she has metal rods in her back. My oldest had a severe form of scoliosis and also has metal rods in her back, and walks almost exactly as Shelly does.

and this, we think, might be a true statement???  Or a sympathy ploy to explain inability to complete physical comps...I, for one, don't believe her.  I think is it door number 2

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #68 on: August 29, 2011, 06:12:18 PM »
Shelly has said she has metal rods in her back. My oldest had a severe form of scoliosis and also has metal rods in her back, and walks almost exactly as Shelly does.

and this, we think, might be a true statement???  Or a sympathy ploy to explain inability to complete physical comps...I, for one, don't believe her.  I think is it door number 2

If you believe sheliar has rods in her back, you also might want to purchase enron.  :lol3: Remember "She lies, she cries, she plays both sides".  My friend has rods in his back from scoliosis and walks nothing like sheliar and it would be SO like sheliar to conjure up a story to cover for her failure at comps and of course to win the sympathy of the HG.

Beyond lying though, the is something increasingly scarey about his ugly broad.  Yelling at J after sheliar did the betrayal, hiding R's stuffed animal, the constant faces growing, the whole constant lies routine, the constant backstabbing.  The look on her face is downright creepy, the poster who put up the likeness between her and elaine wormack said it all  :knuckles: (:;)

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #69 on: August 30, 2011, 02:01:03 AM »
Oh, for heaven's sake.  Enough already.

It's really sad when the moms of kids who are or have been disabled one way or another can't share aloud about why a BB contestant walks a certain way without being told in so many ways we're being naive.

Let's not forget that Franklin D. Roosevelt hid his disability so well from the public that he was elected President.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #70 on: August 30, 2011, 04:41:07 AM »
Oh, for heaven's sake.  Enough already.

It's really sad when the moms of kids who are or have been disabled one way or another can't share aloud about why a BB contestant walks a certain way without being told in so many ways we're being naive.

Let's not forget that Franklin D. Roosevelt hid his disability so well from the public that he was elected President.

Frankly I don't give a hoot how sheliar walks, let's just get her to walk OUT OF THERE, and don't kick the door on your way out Sl  :yess:

This has nothing to do with a physical disability or children dealing with this.  It's all about Sheliar and what a louse she has been all summer.  I think people have just totally had it with her, the weeks are winding down and we just want her OUT.  And people on this board have assured me that neither R nor J is going to keep her, although I have seen her worm her way around with her lies in the past and won't believe it til she walks out to Julie!!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #71 on: August 30, 2011, 10:26:49 AM »
Oh, for heaven's sake.  Enough already.

It's really sad when the moms of kids who are or have been disabled one way or another can't share aloud about why a BB contestant walks a certain way without being told in so many ways we're being naive.

Let's not forget that Franklin D. Roosevelt hid his disability so well from the public that he was elected President.

I do apologize if anyone took my remarks the wrong way, but I am so skeptical of her because of all the lies presented, that I am classifing her as lying about the rods until after the show.  Just like Matt used the sick wife lie, I think Sheliar is lying about her back to gain sympathy.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #72 on: August 30, 2011, 08:34:17 PM »
You sure didn't upset me mamacat...I will tell everyone this, when my daughter had healed from her surgery the orthopedic doctor told us her back was stronger than the normal person's just because she has rods and fused bones...makes her back very strong  :tup:
delightful just delightful

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #73 on: August 31, 2011, 12:27:48 AM »
You sure didn't upset me mamacat...I will tell everyone this, when my daughter had healed from her surgery the orthopedic doctor told us her back was stronger than the normal person's just because she has rods and fused bones...makes her back very strong  :tup:

This is SO nice to hear - glad for her  :tup:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #74 on: August 31, 2011, 10:40:25 PM »
I have to say, Shelly is one persuasive person. She convinced me yesterday that she really did feel bad about hurting Jordan when she talked to Rachel. I think she truly was flattered when Rachel praised her game play but will she remember that for very long? Probably not.  :lol:

After watching the show tonight and her DR it really is hard to know which Shelly is the real one. :sera:  :adevil

The only thing I do believe, she is a cleaning machine and she can clean an area faster than anyone I've ever seen. The BB house has never been cleaner and so far, she's kept the ants out of the house, a major accomplishment. Other than that, I don't know what she really thinks about Jordan.

I almost wish Jordan and Rachel would keep her just to see what she would do next.  :peek
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #75 on: August 31, 2011, 11:02:19 PM »
I have to say, Shelly is one persuasive person. She convinced me yesterday that she really did feel bad about hurting Jordan when she talked to Rachel. I think she truly was flattered when Rachel praised her game play but will she remember that for very long? Probably not.  :lol:

After watching the show tonight and her DR it really is hard to know which Shelly is the real one. :sera:  :adevil

The only thing I do believe, she is a cleaning machine and she can clean an area faster than anyone I've ever seen. The BB house has never been cleaner and so far, she's kept the ants out of the house, a major accomplishment. Other than that, I don't know what she really thinks about Jordan.

I almost wish Jordan and Rachel would keep her just to see what she would do next.  :peek

Oh No Texas Lady!! :'(  Now you are drinking the kool aid and thinking just like she has manipulated the JJ's all summer.  And if YOU are thinking this, then guess what, J and R are too and my suspicions that this sheliar will take this to the end are founded.  People are the forum are trying to convince me that there is no way R or J will keep her and I have hoped they are right.  But now YOU are falling for it too. ARGH!!!!!  :lala

This is exactly how she played the JJ's all summer and then stabbed Jeff right in the back before he could barely catch his breath and know what was happening to him.

And the cleaning is all part of her manipulations.  Probably a lot kinder than her lies and growing new faces but nonetheless she had to do something.  She was basically a worthless HG otherwise.

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #76 on: August 31, 2011, 11:08:52 PM »
I think she's :toast but I don't trust Adam either. You have to admit that kool-aid is strong stuff! Whew!
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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #77 on: August 31, 2011, 11:32:09 PM »
I think she's :toast but I don't trust Adam either. You have to admit that kool-aid is strong stuff! Whew!

Especially on a hot summer, it can be IRRESISTABLE  :lol3:

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #78 on: September 08, 2011, 07:56:12 AM »
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

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Re: BB13: Shelly Moore
« Reply #79 on: September 15, 2011, 09:31:16 AM »
backyard interview with canada global shelly explains why she gave her vote to rachel

shelly says you cant look past how she played and competed in the game.

Shelly admits that if she came down to the F3 with the J's she would have told them ANYTHING because its a game
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 09:36:05 AM by ugot2bekidinmeny »
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!