Author Topic: Ranking the Teams -- A basis for comparing all teams (TAR 1 - 33)  (Read 168456 times)

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Offline theschnauzers

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  • An original TARfly
33 Races, 366 teams, 677 Racers

Here is a list of all the teams from the 33 seasons to date in order of average leg placement. (Future seasons will be added to the main list after that season(s) ends; during that season the leg-by-leg leaderboard will be updated after each night’s episode(s).)

Except for season 33, the numbers before the team name on each row shows that team's season and that team's overall order of finish in that season. Season 33 teams are shown as “33-**” due to the unique circumstances of that season. The fraction is a numerator equal to the total ordinal placements from the legs that team raced in added together, divided by the number of legs that team raced. The final number is the average placement taken out to a value of one-ten thousandth. Where more than one team has the same average, a team that completed more legs is ranked ahead of a team that completed fewer legs, and then, for teams that competed for the same number of legs, a team from an earlier season is ranked ahead of a team from a later season. Finally, where there are teams from the same season, with the same average, and lasted for the same number of legs, the team that placed closer to first place is ranked ahead of the other team.

Keep in mind that in seasons 6, 7, 9, and 10, there was an überleg (which is treated as two legs for the purposes of this list), that seasons 18 and 19 had legs with pit stops that had no intervening rest period before the next leg started; that 12 teams competed in seasons 3, 4, 10, and 15, and that ten teams competed in season 8. (In season 22, David-Connor decided to withdraw after starting the fifth leg due to David’s injury in leg 2 that required immediate surgery. While they reached the pit stop before any of the teams completed the leg, they are shown as checking in last for computation purposes. In seasons 25 and 26, there were four teams that started the final leg, with an elimination mid-leg. The eliminated team is shown being in fourth place.) Seasons 11, 18, 24, and 31 featured teams with returning Racers only, although in two instances, a team was composed of team members who did not compete together in their earlier season. Teams with more than one appearance are listed separately for each of their seasons. In season 30, Leg 7 in Zimbabwe featured the first ever "partner swap" where a pair of teams switched partners for the leg and were checked in once both teammates had reached the check in point. Leg 7 was also a KOR leg. Because the only information given on air was the arrival order of the swapped pairs before teams were reunited and checked in, the team placement for leg 7 is the average of each team member’s arrival order as a swapped pair. No actual placement order for each team was announced. Season 31 had 11 returning racers and 11 new racers who were cast from alumni of other CBS reality shows. Each season 31 team is ranked sepaeately for any returning race team. Season 32 featured a “Megaleg” which is treated as having two leg segments with a midpoint, as typical for “double length legs, and which had two roadblocks, two detours, and two Yields, which returned in modified form for the first time since season 7. Leg 1 was a KOR leg with an elimination, the first such leg ever. And it also included a “city rush” leg with with no detours nor roadblocks, u-turns, nor yields. Season 33 had a situation due to the suspension of production for over 19 months that resulted in the withdrawal of four teams due to extenuating circumstances during the Covid-19 pandemic before production could resume safely, and the return of two eliminated teams. The average leg placement methodology is not changed, but no team will be shown as eliminated in the first leg, and no placement order is shown for that season., which had only 11 legs.

The lines in navy blue with italics are the final three teams of each season.
Teams in purple are the winning teams of each season.
The teams that were eliminated during the first leg are in maroon.
The teams in green are from season 33.
No team from seasons 18, 19, 28 or 33 is in maroon, as no team was eliminated on the first leg (or returned to race in subsequent legs. There is a paragraph break in the list after every tenth team.

The lower the average, the better the team placed on average. The best possible average for a team that reaches the final three (for an 12-leg race with 11 teams) and therefore, completes the Race would be:
(1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)  12/12= 1.0000.
The worse possible average for a team that reaches the final three (for an 12-leg race with 11 teams) would be:
(11+11+10+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+3) 87/12=7.2500.

(I used 12 legs, 11 teams as the most common variation in describing the highest and lowest values. This will vary slightly, depending on the designations of some legs as either NELs or an überleg in the Race design, and for the number of teams (10 to 12) and number of legs (11 to 13) for any given season, except for season 33.)

I plan to update this list after every season using this first post.

The Amazing Race team comparisons
09-02 Eric-Jeremy      22/13   1.6923
20-01 Rachel-Dave      22/12   1.8333
15-01 Meghan-Cheyne   24/12   2.0000
27-02 Justin-Diana       25/12   2.0833
33-** Kim-Penn         23/11   2.0909
24-01 Dave-Connor      26/12   2.1666
32-03 Riley-Maddison       26/12   2.1666 [/i]
14-01 Tammy-Victor      27/12   2.2500
20-02 Art-J.J.            27/12   2.2500
07-02 Rob-Amber       30/13   2.3076
33-** Ryan-Dusty        26/11   2.3636
01-02 Frank-Margarita   31/13   2.3846
06-02 Kris-Jon           31/13   2.3846
10-01Tyler-James       31/13   2.3846
22-01 Bates-Anthony   29/12   2.4166
28-03 Tyler-Korey       29/12   2.4166
31-01 Colin-Christie      29/12   2.4166
13-01 Nick-Starr         27/11   2.4545
30-03   Kristi-Jen       29.5/12   2.4583
01-01 Rob-Brennan      32/13   2.4615
05-02 Colin-Christie      32/13   2.4615
09-01 BJ-Tyler         32/13   2.4615
02-02 Tara-Wil         33/13   2.5384
29-04 Matt-Redmond       28/11   2.5454
16-02 Jet-Cord         31/12   2.5833
23-03 Nicole-Travis       31/12   2.5833
25-02 Misti-Jim          31/12   2.5833
[color= purple]32-01 Will-James            31/12   2.5833 [/color]

28-05 Kurt-Brodie          26/10   2.6000
13-02 Ken-Tina         29/11   2.6363
19-04 Andy-Tommy       29/11   2.6363
11-04 Oswald-Danny      32/12   2.6666
03-01 Flo-Zach         35/13   2.6923
0 3-03 Ken-Gerard      35/13   2.6923
33-** Raquel-Cayla     30/11 2.7272
31-02 Tyler-Korey      33/12   2.7500
14-03 Margie-Luke      33/12   2.7500
11-08 Rob-Amber           11/4   2.7500
01-03 Joe-Bill            36/13   2.7692
21-05 Abbie-Ryan         25/9   2.7777
24-05 Jet-Cord            28/10   2.8000
08-01 Linz            31/11   2.8181
19-01 Ernie-Cindy       34/12   2.8333
25-03 Adam-Bethany       34/12   2.8333
32-02 Hung & Chee           34/12   2.8333
23-01 Jason-Amy       35/12    2.9166
06-04 Hayden-Aaron      35/12   2.9166
11-02 Dustin-Kandice     38/13   2.9230
07-03 Ron-Kelly          39/13   3.0000
10-02 Rob-Kimberly      39/13   3.0000
12-06 Azaria-Hendekea   18/6   3.0000
17-03 Jill-Thomas         6/12     3.0000
22-08 David-Connor      15/5   3.0000
30-04 Alex-Conor       3.5/11   3.0454
04-01 Reichen-Chip      40/13   3.0769
17-01 Nat-Kat         37/12   3.0833
26-01 Laura-Tyler       37/12   3.0833
29-02 Tara-Joey          37/12   3.0833
03-04 Derek-Drew         34/11   3.0909
15-04 Flight Time-Big Easy   34/11   3.0909
13-04 Toni-Dallas         31/10   3.1000
25-05 Kym-Alli          28/9   3.1111
30-01 Cody-Jessica    37.5/12   3.1250
07-01 Uchenna-Joyce   41/13   3.1538
15-02 Sam-Dan         38/12   3.1666
10-04 Dustin-Kandice      38/12    3.1666
10-07 Peter-Sarah         19/6   3.1666
26-02 Jelani-Jenny       38/12   3.1666
17-02 Brook-Claire      38/12   3.1666
21-03 Trey-Lexi         38/12    3.1666
28-01 Dana-Matt       38/12   3.1666
12-01 Rachel-TK       35/11   3.1818
08-02 Bransen         35/11   3.1818
27-06 Tanner-Josh       29/9   3.2222
13-05 Terence-Sarah      26/8   3.2500
18-03 Gary-Malloy      9/12   3.2500
08-03 Weaver         36/11   3.2727
21-04 Nadiya-Natalie      36/11   3.2727
28-04 Burnie-Ashley       36/11   3.2727
05-03 Brandon-Nicole      43/13   3.3076
18-01 Kisha-Jen         40/12   3.3333
26-03 Hayley-Blair       40/12   3.3333
27-01 Kelsey-Joey       40/12   3.3333
29-05 Becca-Floyd       34/10   3.4000
20-03 Brendon-Rachel   41/12   3.4166
01-04 Kevin-Drew         37/11   3.3636
16-06 Steve-Allison      27/8    3.3750
02-01 Chris-Alex      44/13   3.3846
05-01 Chip-Kim         44/13   3.3846
23-02 Tim-Marie          41/12   3.4166
12-02 Ronald-Christina    38/11   3.4545
18-04 Zev-Justin          38/11   3.4545
06-01 Freddy-Kendra   45/13   3.4615
06-06 Jonathan-Victoria    32/9   3.5555
14-06 Mel-Mike          25/7   3.5714
19-02 Jeremy-Sandy       43/12   3.5833
21-02 Jaymes-James      43/12   3.5833
11-01 Eric-Danielle       47/13   3.6153
12-05 Kynt-Vyxsin         29/8   3.6250
30-02   Henry & Evan    43.5/12   3.6250
04-05 Millie-Chuck         33/9   3.6666
33-** Anthony-Spencer   11/3   3.6666
02-03 Blake-Paige      48/13   3.6923
08-04 Godlewski         37/10   3.7000
12-04 Jennifer-Nathan      37/10   3.7000
05-06 Charla-Mirna      26/7   3.7142
24-04 Leo-Jamal         41/11   3.7272
04-04 Jon-Al            41/11   3.7272
18-02 Flight Time-Big Easy   45/12   3.7500
22-09 Jessica-John      15/4   3.7500
24-03 Brendon-Rachel   45/12   3.7500
26-06 Aly-Steve          30/8   3.7500
09-04 Joseph-Monica      42/11   3.8181
23-04 Leo-Jamal          42/11   3.8181
31-04 Nicole & Victor      42/11    3.8181
04-02 Kelly-Jon         50/13   3.8461
02-05 Gary-Dave         35/9   3.8888
14-02 Cara-Jaime         47/12   3.9166
31-05 Becca & Floyd      40/10    4.0000
04-03 David-Jeff         52/13   4.0000
16-05 Carol-Brandy      36/9    4.0000
02-04 Oswald-Danny      44/11   4.0000
25-04 Brooke-Robbie       49/12   4.0833
29-01 Brooke-Scott       49/12   4.0833
07-05 Lynn-Alex          37/9   4.1111
08-05 Paolo         33/8   4.1250
21-06 James-Abba         33/8    4.1250
02-06 Mary-Peach         29/7   4.1428
22-07 Pam-Winnie         29/7   4.1428
11-03 Charla-Mirna        54/13   4.1538
05-04 Linda-Karen         50/12   4.1666
12-03 Nicolas-Donald      46/11   4.1818
15-05 Gary-Matt         38/9   4.2222
09-03 Ray-Yolanda      55/13   4.2307
02-08 Shola-Doyin         17/4   4.2500
15-03 Brian-Ericka      51/12   4.2500
22-02 Max-Katie         51/12   4.2500
24-02 Caroline-Jennifer   51/12   4.2500
31-03 Leo-Jamal      51/12   4.2500
14-04 Kisha-Jen         47/11   4.2727
32-04 DeAngelo-Gary           47/11   4.2727
19-07 Justin-Jennifer       30/7   4.2850
27-05 Denise-James Earl   43/10   4.3000
11-05 Uchenna-Joyce       39/9   4.3333
16-01 Jordan-Daniel      52/12   4.3333
16-03 Brent-Caite       52/12   4.3333
22-03 Mona-Beth         52/12   4.3333
27-03 Logan-Chris       52/12   4.3333
33-** Connie-Sam      13/3   4.3333
16-04 Louie-Michael      48/11   4.3636
19-06 Laurence-Zac       35/8   4.3750
16-08 Joseph-Heidi       22/5    4.4000
19-03 Amani-Marcus       53/12   4.4166
25-01 Amy-Maya       54/12   4.5000
14-08 Amanda-Kris      18/4   4.5000
03-02 Teri-Ian         59/13   4.5384
18-06 Jet-Cord            41/9   4.5555
21-01 Josh-Brent      55/12    4.5833
06-05 Lori-Bolo         46/10   4.6000
10-05 Erwin-Godwin      46/10    4.6000
20-05 Mark-Bopper      46/10   4.6000
17-06 Gary-Malloy         37/8   4.6250
10-09 Duke-Lauren      14/3   4.6666
23-09 Chester-Ephraim    14/3   4.6666
28-06 Zach-Rachel       42/9   4.6666
29-09 Seth-Olive          14/3   4.6666   
06-03 Adam-Rebecca      61/13   4.6923
22-05 Joey-Meghan      47/10   4.7000
07-06 Brian-Greg          33/7   4.7142
09-06 Lake-Michelle      33/7   4.7142
08-07 Schroeder         19/4   4.7500
17-09 Connor-Jonathan   19/4   4.7500
26-04 Mike-Rochelle       57/12   4.7500
29-06 Liz-Michael          38/8   4.7500
03-05 John Vito-Jill         48/10   4.8000
32-08 Michelle-Victoria         24/5   4.8000
11-07 Teri-Ian           29/6   4.8333
29-03 London-Logan       58/12   4.8333
29-07 Vanck-Ashton       29/6   4.8333
30-05 Lucas & Brittany    43.5/9   4.8333
25-06 Tim-Te Jay          39/8   4.8750
09-05 Fran-Barry         44/9   4.8888
26-05 Matt-Ashley          49/10   4.9000
20-04 Vanessa-Ralph      54/11   4.9090
22-04 Caroline-Jennifer   54/11   4.9090
10-03 Lyn-Karlyn         65/13   5.0000
07-07 Ray-Deanna       30/6   5.0000
04-09 Steve-Josh         20/4   5.0000
01-09 Pat-Brenda         15/3   5.0000
13-09 Mark-Bill            15/3   5.0000
24-08 Margie-Luke         25/5   5.0000
17-05 Chad-Stephanie      46/9   5.1111
30-07 Trevor-Chris      31/6   5.1666
13-06 Kelly-Christy         36/7    5.1428
03-07 Aaron-Arianne      31/6   5.1666
26-07 Jeff-Jackie          31/6   5.1666
13-03 Andrew-Dan      57/11   5.1818
14-05 Mark-Michael      47/9   5.2222
31-06 Chris-Bret         47/9   5.2222   
11-06 Joe-Bill              42/8   5.2500
05-08 Bob-Joyce         21/4   5.2500
12-08 Lorena-Jason      21/4   5.2500
17-04 Nick-Vicki             58/11   5.2727
27-04 Tiffany-Krista       58/11   5.2727
06-07 Gus-Hera         37/7   5.2857
17-07 Michael-Kevin      37/7   5.2857
04-07 Monica-Sheree      32/6   5.3333
05-07 Marshall-Lance      32/6   5.3333
07-09 Debbie-Bianca      16/3   5.3333
16-09 Monique-Shawne    16/3    5.3333
18-08 Margie-Luke         32/6   5.3333
07-04 Meredith-Gretchen   59/11   5.3636
33-** Caro-Ray      16/3   5.3333
23-06 Nicky-Kim          43/8    5.3750
23-08 Brandon-Adam       27/5    5.4000
17-08 Katie-Rachel      27/5   5.4000
25-08 Keith-Whitney       27/5   5.4000
26-08 Bergen-Kurt          27/5   5.4000
32-05 Eswar-Aparna         54/10      5.4000
33-** Arun-Natalia       54/10   5.4000
04-06 Tian-Jaree         38/7   5.4285
19-05 Bill-Cathi          50/10   5.5000
08-06 Gaghan            33/6   5.5000
05-10 Alison-Donny      11/2   5.5000
20-06 Nary-Jamie         44/8   5.5000
20-07 Joey-Danny         33/6   5.5000
28-02 Sheri-Cole          67/12   5.5833
03-06 Andre-Damon      39/7   5.5714
27-07 Cindy-Rick          39/7   5.5714
16-07 Jeff-Jordan         34/6    5.6666
03-09 Heather-Eve         23/4   5.7500
32-07 Leo-Alana          40/7   5.7142
01-05 Nancy-Emily         52/9   5.7777
05-05 Kami-Karli         58/10   5.8000
02-07 Cyndy-Russell      29/5   5.8000
03-08 Michael-Kathy      29/5   5.8000
12-07 Shana-Jennifer      29/5   5.8000
27-08 Jazmine-Danielle    29/5   5.8000
30-06 Eric & Daniel       46.5/8   5.8125
09-07 David-Lori         35/6   5.8333
24-06 Flight Time-Big Easy      47/8   5.8750
33-** Lulu-Lala      47/8   5.8750
04-11 Amanda-Chris      12/2   6.0000   
15-08 Lance-Keri         30/5   6.0000
15-09 Zev-Justin         24/4   6.0000
18-05 Kent-Vyxsin         60/10   6.0000
18-07 Ronald-Christina      42/7   6.0000
21-07 Rob-Kelley         36/6    6.0000
21-10 Amy-Daniel         12/2    6.0000
23-05 Ally-Ashley          55/9    6.1111
10-06 David-Mary         49/8   6.1250
31-07 Rachel-Elissa      49/8   6.1250   
22-06 Chuck-Wynona      49/8   6.1250   
24-07 John-Jessica      43/7   6.1428
23-07 Tim-Danny           37/6    6.1666
33-** Akbar-Sheri      37/6   6.1666
04-08 Steve-Dave         31/5   6.2000
13-07 Ajay-Ty            31/5    6.2000
30-08 Joey-Tim          31/5   6.2000
09-09 Wanda-Desiree      25/4   6.2500
21-09 Caitlin-Brittany      19/3    6.3333
25-07 Shelley-Nici          38/6   6.3333
01-06 Lenny-Karen         45/7   6.4285
32-06 Kaylynn-Haley       58/9   6.4444
01-08 David-Margaretta     26/4   6.5000
07-08 Susan-Patrick      26/4   6.5000
08-09 Rogers            13/2   6.5000
23-10 Rowan-Shane       13/2    6.5000
18-11 Amanda-Kris      13/2   6.5000
15-06 Maria-Tiffany      46/7   6.5714
01-07 Paul-Amie         33/5   6.6000
14-07 Christie-Jodi         40/6   6.6666
14-09 Brad-Victoria      20/3   6.6666
31-08 Janelle-Britney      40/6    6.6666
26-09 Harley-Jonathan      27/4   6.7500
20-08 Kerri-Stacy         34/5   6.8000
10-08 Tom-Terry         28/4   7.0000
06-09 Lena-Kristy         21/3   7.0000
08-08 Aiello            21/3   7.0000
19-09 Kaylani-Lisa          21/3   7.0000
02-10 Hope-Norm         14/2   7.0000
19-10 Ethan-Jenna       14/2   7.0000
28-09 Jessica-Brittany       28/4   7.0000
28-08 Erin-Joslyn          36/5   7.2000
29-08 Shamir-Sara       29/4   7.2500
30-09 Cedric-Shawn       29/4   7.2500
31-09 Corinne-Eliza      29/4   7.2500   
05-09 Jim-Marsha         22/3   7.3333
28-07 Scott-Blair          52/7   7.4285
15-07 Mika-Canaan      46/6   7.6666
15-10 Marcy-Ron         23/3   7.6666
32-09 Jerry & Frank       23/3   7.6666
13-08 Marisa-Brooke      31/4   7.7500
09-08 Danielle-Dani      39/5   7.8000
18-09 Cara-Jaime         39/5   7.8000
19-08 Liz-Marie          39/5   7.8000
06-08 Don-Mary Jean      40/5   8.0000
01-10 Kim-Leslie         16/2   8.0000
10-10 Kellie-Jamie         16/2    8.0000
20-09 Elliot-Andrew      24/3   8.0000
24-10 Mark-Mallory      16/2   8.0000
27-10 Alex-Adam          15/2   8.0000
28-10 Cameron-Darius    24/3   8.0000
21-08 Gary-Will         33/4    8.2500
04-10 Russell-Cindy      25/3   8.3333
12-09 Marianna-Julia      25/3   8.3333
18-10 Mel-Mike         25/3   8.3333
25-09 Michael-Scott       25/3   8.3333
27-09 Ernest-Jin          25/3   8.3333
33-** Taylor-Isaiah  25/3   8.3333 
25-10 Dennis-Isabelle       17/2   8.5000
02-09 Peggy-Claire      27/3   9.0000
03-10 Dennis-Andrew      27/3   9.0000
06-10 Meredith-Maria      18/2   9.0000
11-09 David-Mary           27/3   9.0000
12-10 Kate-Pat            18/2   9.0000
20-10 Dave-Cherie         18/2   9.0000
22-10 Idries-Jamil         18/2   9.0000
33-** Michael-Moe      18/2   9.0000
24-09 Joey-Meghan      28/3   9.3333
07-10 Megan-Heidi         19/2   9.5000
13-10 Anthony-Stephanie   19/2   9.5000
14-10 Linda-Steve         19/2   9.5000
15-11 Garrett-Jessica      19/2   9.5000
17-10 Andie-Jenna         19/2   9.5000
19-11 Ron-Bill             19/2   9.5000
28-11 Marty-Hagan       19/2   9.5000
29-10 Jessie-Francesca    19/2   9.5000
32-10 Kellie-LaVonne      19/2   9.5000
09-10 Lisa-Joni         20/2   10.0000
11-10 Kevin-Drew           20/2   10.0000
16-10 Jody-Shannon       20/2   10.0000
08-10 Black            10/1   10.0000
26-10 Libby-CJ          10/2   10.0000
30-10April-Sarah       20/2   10.0000
31-10 Rupert-Laura      20/2   10.0000
03-11 Tramel-Talicia      21/2   10.5000
01-11 Matt-Ana         11/1   11.0000
02-11 Deidre-Hillary      11/1   11.0000
05-11 Dennis-Erika      11/1   11.0000
06-11 Joe-Avi         11/1    11.0000
07-11 Ryan-Chuck       11/1    11.0000
09-11 John-Scott      11/1   11.0000
10-11 Vipul-Arti         11/1   11.0000
11-11 John Vito-Jill      11/1   11.0000
12-11 Ari-Staella         11/1   11.0000
13-11 Anita-Arthur      11/1   11.0000
14-11 Jennifer-Preston   11/1   11.0000
16-11 Adrian-Dana       11/1    11.0000
17-11 Ron-Tony         11/1   11.0000
20-11 Misa-Maiya      11/1   11.0000
21-11 Rob-Sheila      11/1    11.0000
22-11 Matthew-Daniel    11/1   11.0000
23-11 Hoskote-Naina    11/1    11.0000
24-11 Natalie-Nadiya    11/1   11.0000
25-11 Lisa-Michelle       11/1   11.0000
26-11 Jeff-Lyda          11/1   11.0000
27-11 Kelly-Shevonne   11/1   11.0000
29-11 Kevin-Jenn       11/1   11.0000
30-11 Dessie & Kayla    11/1    11.0000
31-11 Art & JJ         11/1   11.0000
32-11 Nathan & Cody      11/1    11.0000
03-12 Gina-Sylvia      12/1   12.0000
04-12 Debra-Steve      12/1   12.0000
10-12 Bilal-Sa'eed        12/1   12.0000
15-12 Eric-Lisa         12/1   12.0000

« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 10:27:56 PM by theschnauzers »
-- theschnauzers

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Awesome list, as always. I think I saw you do this elsewhere in the past.  I totally agree with counting TBC's as two legs (as there are typically 2 RB/Detours within the "one leg").  Sadly, it gets difficult to have a perfect comparison when you factor in races from TAR12 to the most recent TAR.  That's due to the 11-leg format used from TAR's 12-14.

Something I did on my now "deceased" geocities site for the first 9 seasons was that I also factored in each team's placement vs. the field within each segment.  In other words, it's each team's placement out of the # of teams the beat (or that beat them) within each leg.  For instance, Flo & Zach finished 2nd in their first leg.  I multiplied that by 12 (then 5*11 and 3*10 and so on to get to a total of 249 for Flo & Zach). 

After the overall number was reached, I divided it by the total number of teams that raced in each leg throughout the race.  For TAR3, that total would be 88 (12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+5+5+4+3+3=88).  Therefore, factoring the field in addition to a team's placement and the number of legs that team completed would have given Flo & Zach an average of 2.83.

It's a little bit higher than the 2.69 that you had, but IMO, I feel that it was more of an accomplishment seeing someone win a couple of legs with 9 or more teams racing in that leg, compared to someone winning 2 (or more) legs with 4 or 5 teams remaining.

I think I saved the other teams placement somewhere else, but I don't know for sure (or it's buried somewhere & I'd be better off recreating it to include season 10 and beyond).  I like your list though in general; really gives a nice look toward how a lot of the teams performed overall during their stay on the race.
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Offline apskip

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The raw statistics are a good start, but I think the difficulty of prime opponents is another factor. Here are teams that won despite relatively equal performance by another team:

Uchenna/Joyce  AR7 (opp. Rob/Amber)
BJ/Tyler AR9 (opp. Eric/Jeremy)
Chris/Alex AR2 (opp. Wil/Tara)
Freddie/Kendra AR6 (opp. Kris/Jon)
Nick/Starr AR13 (opp. Ken/Tina)
I think a way needs to be developed to factor in dominance of a season despite not winning it. The prime example of this is Colin/Christie, who lost of Chip/Kim only by multiple instances of bad luck (fog in Calgary, bad advice from American Airlines, tire blowout in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area).

I believe that the necessary judgments to determine "who is the best team of all time" are inherently subjective. Statistics can only take you so far. You have to develop essentially qualitative measures that get somehow translated into numbers in order to accomplish a decent ranking.

Offline Coutzy

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Rob and Brennan also managed to beat a team that performed roughly equal to them (Avg. place difference between them and Frank and Margarita was roughly .08)

Offline theschnauzers

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There is an earlier version of this over at TWoP, but I haven't updated it in recent seasons, and there were inconsistencies in computation that needed to be fixed. I also decided that rather than round off decimals, I'd take the fractions out 4 digits. And the attitude of TPTB there isn't receptive to this sort of thing anymore, so it was time to move it elsewhere, such as here.

I've reached the conclusion that the variations in the number of legs and teams wouldn't likely make a real difference in this type of measurement. Dominating teams in a season are reflected in this placement approach; you need look no further than at the teams currently listed at the top of the listing. I'd also look at the final three teams that have the highest values, such as the ones averaging 5.0000 or higher, and I think there's little argument that some final three teams were very, very, lucky to make final three.

One problem in using mid-leg points to fine-tune placements is that the show is inconsistent in providing such points from leg-to-leg and season-to-season. Then there's the issue of bunching, and the issue of filmed but unaired tasks and route markers, both of which make having complete ordinal information impossible.

Finally, keep in mind that this is intended to be an objective tool, and not reflect subjective opinions. Of course, this listing is a starting point for those types of discussion, but that's fine with me. I doubt there would be any consensus on subjectively developed performance rankings anyhow.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 01:21:57 AM by theschnauzers »
-- theschnauzers

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It's interesting when you look at All-Stars.  Except for the bottom three teams,  a pretty close ranking.

11-04 Oswald/Danny      32/12   2.6666
11-08 Rob/Amber        11/4      2.7500
11-02 Dustin/Kandice     38/13   2.9230
11-01 Eric/Danielle    47/13   3.6153
11-03 Charla/Mirna     54/13   4.1538
11-05 Uchenna/Joyce    39/9      4.3333
11-07 Teri/Ian           29/6      4.8333
11-06 Joe/Bill           42/8      5.2500
11-09 David/Mary        27/3      9.0000
11-10 Kevin/Drew        20/2      10.0000
11-11 John Vito/Jill         11/1      11.0000

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I love your list! I've been hoping for someone to post something like this for a while. Thanks! :wohoo:

I found an error, though. In Season 7 you have it listed as being out of 12 legs, but if you count double-legs that would result in a total of 13 legs, not 12. That also means that Lynn & Alex raced through 9/13 legs, and Meredith and Gretchen raced through 11/13 legs.
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I found an error, though. In Season 7 you have it listed as being out of 12 legs, but if you count double-legs that would result in a total of 13 legs, not 12. That also means that Lynn & Alex raced through 9/13 legs, and Meredith and Gretchen raced through 11/13 legs.

I kept each season's leg-by-leg placements, so I'll double-check when I get a chance. As you can gather, it's a very painstaking process, and all it takes is one interruption to mess up. And making sure all the uberlegs got treated consistently meant that I had to move teams up and down since originally I counted them as separate legs in some seasons and not in others. But the show has never failed to show the order of the mid-point arrivals for a double-leg, so it makes it easier to equitably treat it as two legs.

As to All-Stars , I think the numbers can be said to show that it was a fairly wide open season once Romber were out of the way.  It's also surprising how many of the All-Star Teams had similar placement averages to their original season(s), which is what helped convince me that the approach I'm using to compute this list was the fairest way to go.
-- theschnauzers

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OK, I have found the problem, and fixed the list. It turns out that at some point the placements for leg 5 of season 7 got lost in the merged notes I worked from this week, although they were in my original notes I made back in season seven. I've recomputed the values for the seven teams affected, and re-ordered the list with the correct values for those teams.
-- theschnauzers

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Wow, amazing work! This is sensational, and I thank you for producing this! :hearts:
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I love this

but there's another way to know dominance ^_^

From wuming01:

For each leg, the placement is weighted (by multiplying the percentile total, in decimals, the team placed in comparison to all teams taking part in the leg).

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Coming in first (or second) on most of the legs appears to be what most people mean by dominance; and in several of the seasons, there were more than one dominant team, and sometimes neither of those teams won the final leg.

In other words, there are different ways to define that term, and as a result, there's probably a mathematical formula to meet every different definition. This is where I apply the K-I-S-S principle, and that explains the reason why my approach is what it is.  

I should point out that comparing any two teams using this list is relative and not intended to be exact; I think one could reasonably asset that where several teams are within say, .01 of a given placement value, and they raced in approximately the same number of legs, that those performances are essentially equal. But that is a subjective interpretation, and not necessarily a conclusion cast in concrete definitiveness. (Think about it, it's a play on words. :fun)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 12:41:27 AM by theschnauzers »
-- theschnauzers

Offline nathandg0924

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Wow, this is very interesting, hopefully you post more

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Years ago I used to do this for the site (but it got to long doing every team) The only question I have is for the DBL leg, I assume you count how they performed during each half of the leg.  And if so in season 9, who got to the matt first Dani & Danielle or Wanda & Desiree (I could never tell with the footage we got).

And for the Family Edition, The finale leg as two full legs in it, but where do you split it.  At getting to the stadium or after they got their departure times?

As to factors, pure numbers aren't enough to go on. 

For example seasons 1-5 had fast forwards available in all but one leg, these means in the legs a fast forward was used it alters the possible outcome in relation to other season.

Then you have the fact that seasons 1-5 let any racer perform all roadblocks.

Season one (and a few other times over the years, but season one was of course the worst) had much harder clues then most all other seasons.  They also unlike any other season had no idea what to expect.

Seasons 13 and on, they had dramatically cut back on how much teams drive (this used to be a huge factor in how well you did).

Hell look at All Stars, and see how one airport mess really screwed with teams.  Impacting several legs.

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I don't look at episodes, I look at legs. (Only in the case of uberlegs, do I break it at all, and that's because we've always been shown the order of teams reaching the "continue racing" midpoint (even if that's been over two episodes, which is usually the case.)

Wiki doesn't keep track of that detail, but I have in my notes. One secondary source would normally be the CBS website, but those are impossible to retrieve these days, but Miss Alli's recaps also noted that information. (In other words, I trust my notes, as I've kept track of leg order of finish in real time ever since season three-- and reconstructing the first two seasons was easier then since CBS had "leg-by-leg leader boards." And that's true notwithstanding that CBS messed up a placement in season three that they never fixed.)

My theory is that notwithstanding the changes in how the over-all racecourse is designed (such as increased bunching) the overall average is what has value and not every single placement in each leg, or at points in the leg. It's like for other things, it is a measure of overall performance and not the moment to moment performance. Luck plays a role in winning the last leg; and no matter how you slice it, that can't really be measured....e.g., the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints. (Just try telling me that the on-side kick play call in the third quarter wasn't a bit of luck.)
-- theschnauzers

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The reason I mentioned the first part of season 9's leg (is that we don't see it happen, not even from clips, so I always hated that).  All we see is both on the matt at the same time (and order on the matt left or right isn't always the order).

As for the Family Edition, that final leg I hate (actually its their best leg), but I hate to figure out where the break would be.

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After looking at your list.  I think you don't consider season 8 final to be a DBL leg (though it does have all elements of one 2 roadblocks, 2 detours all in different citites).

Offline theschnauzers

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Take a look at how that final Family Edition leg was constructed, and you'll find that it was next to impossible to determine a specific point as the mid-point of the leg. (I pulled out my DVD, looked at my surviving notes, looked at Wiki, and Miss Alli's recap of that episode.)

Even Wikipedia calls the Olympic Stadium in Montreal as an "ostensible leg midpoint" because of the ambiguity of the situation. Was it the order of arrival at the stadium, the order teams found the clues in the searching task in the stadium before resting overnight,  or the time of departure the following morning? (All of which resulted in a different team order.)

In the other seasons with uberlegs, the double-length legs had a specific midpoint where teams were instructed to keep racing; and in season six (which was unplanned), the midpoint was generally considered to be the overnight wait at the cafe in Budapest. In many ways the FE final leg was similar to most of the early seasons where teams had an overnight wait that was not a pit stop in mid-leg of the final leg. With that in mind, I'm comfortable that the final leg in the Family Edition couldn't be treated as a true uberleg.
-- theschnauzers

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Sorry If I sounded like I was complaining about what you used, trust me I was complaining because I could never decide on which point to use as it effect all three teams.  Personally as much as I hate the weavers I want to say arriving at the Stadium (since no other leg in race history has you looking for you departure times for your next episode, its always on that next episode).  Of course, then the other arguement is that every TBC leg also allows a rest period between legs (that would mean its after you find your departure times, thus my grey hair).

Oh but I was wrong about Dani & Danielle & Wanda & Desiree it is stated on air (what was I smoking, now off to see if I wrote it down current or wrong).

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 :tup:  Great research and work...  However, I'm interested in a different sort of list.  I'm hoping someone can help me out.  I'm curious to know, from the beginning of the race, the total # of m/m, f/f and m/f teams; the total # of openly gay male racers, (either on the same team or individually) vs openly lesbian racers; the # of "differently-able" racers; the # of racers in their 20s, 30s, 40s, etc; the racial breakdown of the racers: Asian, African American, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, etc...  Consider it a sort of TAR census.  I'd like to see the equality in The Amazing Race, (or lack thereof).  Perhaps these #s could help broaden the horizons of the casting process, make for more original and interesting Amazing Race Seasons, and expand the fan base...  Just wondering, thanks for the help!! 

Offline Coutzy

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There are some problems with your proposal. Largely, how do you define "Differently-able"? A case could be made either way for Luke and Charla. Both these racers had a handicap while competing, but such a handicap wouldn't get them any parking privileges.

My point is, where do you draw the line? In these days, where obesity is considered a disability by some, who decides what makes differently-able on the race?

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Let's leave THIS thread for theschnauzers updates and discussion of that technique please.

All that info you are asking for is widely available, if you want to start another thread and ask for help, feel free jtarhead11. I personally find adding labels to teams rather distasteful though, but I see where you are going.

Back to topic please. :)
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Let's leave THIS thread for theschnauzers updates and discussion of that technique please.

All that info you are asking for is widely available, if you want to start another thread and ask for help, feel free jtarhead11. I personally find adding labels to teams rather distasteful though, but I see where you are going.

Back to topic please. :)

 :groan:  Georgiapeach, didn't mean to offend, and I'm certainly not trying to "label" anymore than the race already does. I was merely trying to explore some of the inequities in casting.  For example, did you know that, including season 16, only 7 openly gay women have been chosen for the race, while the number of openly gay men is at my count at least 21.  Seems a bit unfair don't you think??  And how many young, Caucasian Barbie and Ken type teams have been on??  Seriously, too many to count, but then America never gets tired of Barbie and Ken.   :lol:

But you're right, I should have started another thread to discuss this so as not to distract from theschnauzers AWESOME statistics skills!   

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There are some problems with your proposal. Largely, how do you define "Differently-able"? A case could be made either way for Luke and Charla. Both these racers had a handicap while competing, but such a handicap wouldn't get them any parking privileges.

My point is, where do you draw the line? In these days, where obesity is considered a disability by some, who decides what makes differently-able on the race?

Hey now! I am no "disability"  :neener:    My deafness wasn't a big problem for me on the Race. Hence, my mom and I finished in Top Four in every leg for entire race! Isn't that pretty impressive?

But under the law, I am labeled as disability. Oh well.


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There are some problems with your proposal. Largely, how do you define "Differently-able"? A case could be made either way for Luke and Charla. Both these racers had a handicap while competing, but such a handicap wouldn't get them any parking privileges.

My point is, where do you draw the line? In these days, where obesity is considered a disability by some, who decides what makes differently-able on the race?

Hey now! I am no "disability"  :neener:    My deafness wasn't a big problem for me on the Race. Hence, my mom and I finished in Top Four in every leg for entire race! Isn't that pretty impressive?

But under the law, I am labeled as disability. Oh well.

Luke's only disability has something to do with a certain Chinese bird...