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The Amazing Race 16 Destinations/Locations
« on: November 26, 2009, 11:10:14 PM »
updating in progress, I'll give a heads up when completed

special thanks to woden's and thanks to Caelestor as well timeline :

Probable Bottom 5
Jodi & Shannon (Possibly eliminated in Puerto Varas (Leg 2))
Jeff & Jordan (Photographed with Elimination Station teams; among first 5-6 teams eliminated)   
Adrian & Dana (Photographed with Elimination Station teams; among first 5-6 teams eliminated)
Monique & Shawne (Photographed with Elimination Station teams; among first 5-6 teams eliminated)
Joseph & Heidi (Photographed with Elimination Station teams; among first 5-6 teams eliminated)

Probable Top 6
Carol & Brandy (Spotted in Singapore) Final 6
Steve & Allie (Decoys Shanghai) Final 6
Mike & Louie (Decoys leg 2 Shanghai) Final 4
Jet & Cord (Spotted en route to USA) Final 3
Brent & Caitlin(Spotted en route to USA) Final 3
Dan & Jordan (Spotted en route to USA) Final 3

EP01: Los Angeles, CA (USA) to Valparaiso, Chile (via Santiago)

Air Date: FEB 14

Film Date: NOV 28-29

START:  Vista Hermosa park.
EVIDENCE: Teams spotted at/near downtown Mariott; filming permit to close 2nd St Tunnel between Hill and Figueroa

ROUTE INFO: Find your own way to LAX?
EVIDENCE: Teams spotted near highway (report of someone refusing team a ride), at Union Station


*"Looking outside my window at the hotel and I think I just saw "the amazing race" team just run across the entrance to the freeway. Random."
*"The amazing race is at our hotel? So are the USC football, USC basketball, and UCLA mens waterpolo teams. This place is rockin."
*Just watched start of next "Amazing Race" - should air early next year on CBS. Soooo cool!
RE: *AdamKossoff -about an hour ago near the downtown los angeles marriot. not sure where they were heading
*JimmyHodson: Dropping my nephews off at LAX where they're shooting The Amazing Race. Hard enough to get through security without cameras in our faces!
* shloky: LOL. In the security line at LAX with the entire cast from the new Amazing Race.
*shloky: amazing race _ they're headed to Chile. both santiago and wolf castle. theres a bus involved
*shloky: amazing race teams : big guys, 1 w/ a man fu beard. also a tall guy w/ a short blonde. also a grandma w/ a 20 something brunette
*shloky: amazing race didnt see twins or asians. theyre going to chile by way of dwf or dulles or stl. gate is stacked
* amyecrawford: Camera situation in LAX, appears a couple of reality show teams from mayb Amazing Race r trying 2 make wating 4 a flight appear interesting
*amyecrawford: Teams were identical twins, wearing team colors, backpacking gear.. After engaging in some faux-competitive conversation they flew to Dallas
*amazing race _ they're headed to Chile. both santiago and wolf castle. theres a bus involved
*In LAX waiting for the flight to Texas and the Amazing Race is being filmed right next to my gate. Ah 30 min in LA....
*suerosenbaum: At LAX and #ikarl is asked to help a new team for the next season of amazing race (we guessed) to find Castile Wolf in Chile watch for him
*DanielleVarey:    No flight number. I did go up and talk to Jeff. Saw where they were sitting in airport. Going to either Chicago/Boston.
*DanielleVarey:   Of course I'm not 100% sure where they flew to. I just know the gate they went and sat down next to which said Chicago/Boston
*DanielleVarey :The gate they were by in the picture was not the gate they went and sat next to. They were checking departure boards there. So who knows
*ob-la-di-ob-la-da --John Joo said:Got stopped by the Amazing Race crew in downtown LA and signed a release form. Wonder if I'm gonna be on it. Look for the dude in a big white SUV that refuses to give a couple of ladies a ride. Hahaha.

*Slowhatch: I'm not sure what the caption of this photo means: the photo seems to have been created today (27 Dec), and he might be referring to a former racer. Disney Concert Hall

more photos ca be found in the contestant thread
photo courtesy of lindaaries11
*Ooh- cool, it's the 'Amazing Race' filming in the Union Station
photos by Chateau d if

photo courtesy of DanielleVarey

photo courtesy of DanielleVarey

Tweets/Twitter/Facebook: 11/29-30/09

*Just got asked for directions from a couple named Jordan & Jeff on the Amazing Race. NBD...
*They wore baby blue and black and no they didn't ask how to get to a castle just to where a lot of taxis are.
*mr_fuenzalida: I just watched 3 teams of the new season of The amazing race! They were super lost! Lol (He is from Rgua-Valpo-Rgua | Chile)
I just noticed that @TeamJEJO was one of the teams I saw yesterday... But they were wearing a red shirt.
*mr_fuenzalida@Savannahsmum I'm sorry but aftar that I had to go... ALSO! They had problems with their tickets... Greetings from Chile!
*"At the Turbus Terminal...some cameras are following a couple...seems like The Amazing Race"
*"And in the subway, a guy pushes a lady who won't let him on and the lady hits him. Wow!"
RE: Dan/cdfe88: Hey guys, I talked with LoreLesLado about the couple at the Metro station and she said they were a blonde girl and a guy with long black hair
Ryan83:TheBlotSays: Just found out the cast of the Amazing Race was on my friend's flight to Chile last weekend. Not sure if its the current cast or next season
RE:response: @walkingpneumoni Not sure, sorry! The flight was last Sat. He originated out of Chicago, but its very likely he stopped in Miami.

Blog find

The Amazing Race came to town - we spent a whole lunchtime in a waiting for the couples to come running by chased by their out of breath cameraman and soundman. It was funny (in a slightly cruel way) to see the teams that went down streets that none of the others had chosen. Losers. How we laughed as we sipped our beers.
woden: Looks like Cardonal Market.

Blog find:

Phil filming in Valparaiso, Chile

challenge set up, teams had to paint the  white portions of the walls

Slowhatch:  I found a picture of the market; the sign reads Templeman, one of the main drags of Old Town. The cross-street? Maybe...San Enrique.
*OK, I think I've got it. Enlarge the pictures here and here; it's the building behind San Luis Gonazga church at the top of Cerro Alegre. The cross street is Galos.

Blog find:

The Amazing race was being filmed whie wer were in town, and Elise had the pleasure of seeing many moronic Americans carrying paint tins up the hills. We were chased away every time we went for our cameras, so you`ll have to watch all of season 27 to check the truthfulness of this.

EP02: Valparaiso, Chile to Puerto Varas, Chile (via Santiago)

Air Date: FEB 21

Film Date: NOV 30-DEC 1

ROUTE INFO: Travel by bus to Santiago, Chile and on to Puerto Varas
EVIDENCE: Cameras spotted in Turbus terminal (most likely in Santiago) on 11/30, teams photographed in Puerto Varas near Puerto Montt, teams likely spotted on bus near Osorno

OTHER POTENTIAL LOCATIONS: Lakes Region, Petrohué, Isla Margarita and Onces Bellavista
EVIDENCE: Chilean article detailing route, hiring of Lakes Region expert Maria Elena Bartsch

The Amazing Race in Puerto Varas, the broadcast by CBS conducted part of their itinerary in the lake district
Despite the secrecy with which they tried to carry out the recordings of “The Amazing Race” broadcast on CBS managed to captures some images of the alleged couple eliminated from this competition.
The tests of this competition that were carried out in the lacustrine zone of Port Twigs, had like places the localities of Petrohué, Island Margarita and Onces Bellavistas, to finalize the recordings in the traditional grotto of Port Twigs. Evidence of this competition that took pleases in the lake district of Port Twigs, had the locations of sites Petrohué, Margarita Island and Onces Bellavista, to finish the recordings in the traditional grotto of Port Twigs.
Separate point deserves the fact that during the recording of the series transmitted through cable, was very difficult to catch images because the attitude of the production was to intimidate the press sending to different people to cover and to follow to that walked with camera although the recordings were carried out in a public place. Point deserves the fact that during the recording of to number transmitted through the cable, it was very difficult to captures images because the attitude of the production was to intimidate the press by sending different people to to cover and follow the One who walked with double bed although the recordings were carried out in a public pleases. In quite hostile form one even indicated the people to him who were a deprived recording, the one that paradoxicalally was made in a public place. Even in a fairly hostile people told him that it was to private recording, which ironically took pleases in a public pleases.
This winning program of 8 prizes Emmy, lead by Phil Keoghan consists of a species of competition reality, in where they are eliminated the pairs (11) as trascurre the competition. This program won 8 Emmy Awards, hosted by Phil Keoghan is to sort of reality competition, where couples plows eliminated (11) ace competition elapses.

PIT STOP: Grotto of Lourdes, Puerto Varas
EVIDENCE: Teams photographed at pit stop


EP03: Puerto Varas, Chile to Bariloche, Argentina

Air Date: FEB 28

Film Date: DEC 2-3

ROUTE INFO: Travel to Bariloche, Argentina
EVIDENCE: Chilean article

POSSIBLE LOCATIONS: Limay River/Estancia Fortín Chacabuco
EVIDENCE: Bariloche article


The Amazing Race recorded in Bariloche
 “the city returns to be mega scene productions for international television”, stood out from the EMPROTUR. The Amazing Race recorded one of the stages in San Carlos de Bariloche, before continuing in Germany.
With a hearing considered of more than one hundred twenty million viewers, the program returns to put to the city like mega scene productions for signal CBS. Of an enormous promotional value the recording included leases on Rio Limay and the stay Chacabuco Bunker. It is the second time in four years that the producers of the greater program of competitions in format reality of the world, elije to Bariloche like scene for its productions.
The Amazing Race (the Great Race) is a Reality Show, winning manifold of the Emmy, and normally it is emitted in episodes of one hour, in which equipment of two or four members runs around the world in competition against other equipment. The program of the CBS and emitted by AXN in Latin America has been to the air from year 2001 and recently thirteenth season has finished his. The show is lead by the Neozelandés Phil Keoghan and was created by Elise Doganieri and Bertram van Munster. Excellent Program of Reality has already been awarded with the Emmy of the Primetime (the hour strip with greater hearing) in the category “/Competition” every year since the category was created in 2003 to date.


EP04: Bariloche, Argentina to Liverpool, England or Hamburg, Germany

EVIDENCE: Teams retrace the early days of the Beatles (CBS Press Release)

Air Date: MAR 7

Film Date: DEC 4-5/6


Safe From Elimination at End of Episode:
Dan & Jordan: Spotted en route to Penang, Malaysia
Steve & Allie: Spotted in Penang, possibly spotted in Singapore
Mike & Louie: Spotted in Singapore
Carol & Brandy: Spotted in Singapore
Brent & Caitlin: Possibly spotted in Singapore/San Francisco
Jet & Cord: Possibly spotted in San Francisco

Possibly Eliminated:
Jeff & Jordan?
Adrian & Dana?
Monique & Shawne?
Joseph & Heidi?

EP05-EP06?: England/Germany to France

EVIDENCE: World War I reenactment in France. (CBS PRESS RELEASE)

POSSIBLE LOCATION: Somewhere around Lille

Air Dates: MAR 21/28?

Film Dates: DEC 7-11?

Possibly Eliminated:
Jeff & Jordan eliminated at/before this point (spotted in Puerto Vallarta around 12/9)  
Adrian & Dana eliminated at/before this point (spotted in Puerto Vallarta around 12/9)
Monique & Shawne eliminated at/before this point (photographed with other Elimination Station teams at SFO 12/19)
Joseph & Heidi eliminated at/before this point (photographed with other Elimination Station teams at SFO 12/19)

EP07: France to Seychelles

EVIDENCE: Confirmed by CBS Press Release.

Air Date: APR 4?

Film Date: DEC 12-13?


Safe From Elimination at End of Episode:
Dan & Jordan: Spotted en route to Penang, Malaysia
Steve & Allie: Spotted in Penang, possibly spotted in Singapore
Mike & Louie: Spotted in Singapore
Carol & Brandy: Spotted in Singapore
Brent & Caitlin: Possibly spotted in Singapore/San Francisco
Jet & Cord: Possibly spotted in San Francisco

Note: Hard to tell difference between racers and decoys from this episode on

Possibly Eliminated: UNKNOWN


EP08: Seychelles to Penang, Malaysia

EVIDENCE: Phil likely spotted in Penang International Airport McDonald’s (departure area) on December 15 (apx 5:45pm); Frat team spotted on flight from Kuala Lumpur to Penang (MH1138)

Air Date: APR 4

Film Date: DEC 14-15?

ROUTE INFO: Find Kuan Yin Teng Temple?
EVIDENCE: Teams spotted at Kek Lok Si Temple (the wrong location) around 11am, possibly looking for Kuan Yin Teng (Mike & Louie possibly first team to arrive at Kek Lok Si, then Dan & Jordan, then “Father/Daughter” team)

Safe From Elimination at End of Episode:
Brent & Caitlin?: Possibly spotted in Singapore/San Francisco
Jet & Cord?: Possibly spotted in San Francisco

Possibly Eliminated:
Dan & Jordan?: As of now, not spotted after this leg

Elimination Status Unknown:
Mike & Louie: Spotted in Singapore (but may be decoys)
Carol & Brandy: Spotted in Singapore (but may be decoys)
Steve & Allie: Possibly spotted in Singapore (but may be decoys)


EP09: Penang, Malaysia to Singapore

EVIDENCE: Phil likely spotted in Penang International Airport McDonald’s (departure area) on December 15 (apx 5:45pm); Frat team possibly spotted on flight from Kuala Lumpur to Penang (MH1138)
Air Date: APR 11?

Film Date: DEC 14-15?

ROUTE INFO: Find Kuan Yin Teng Temple?
EVIDENCE: Teams spotted at Kek Lok Si Temple (the wrong location) around 11am, possibly looking for Kuan Yin Teng (Mike & Louie possibly first team to arrive at Kek Lok Si, then Dan & Jordan, then “Father/Daughter” team)

Safe From Elimination at End of Episode:
Mike & Louie: Spotted in Singapore
Brent & Caitlin?: Possibly spotted in Singapore/San Francisco
Carol & Brandy?: Possibly spotted in Singapore
Jet & Cord?: Possibly spotted in San Francisco

Possibly Eliminated:
Dan & Jordan?: As of now, not spotted after this leg
Steve & Allie: As of now, not spotted after this leg

EP10?: Penang, Malaysia to Singapore

Air Date: APR 18?

Film Date: DEC 16


ROUTE INFO: Find ice cream vendor at corner of Waterloo and Bencoolen Link
DETOUR?: Sell ice cream
EVIDENCE: Photo of vendor with clue in hand/flags on cart being filmed, Carol & Brandy (wearing gray) spotted selling ice cream (around 11am)

ROUTE INFO: Go to Sentosa (Mega-Zip)/Singapore Flyer
EVIDENCE: “Young F/F team” possibly spotted with helicopter on top of Singapore Flyer (Flyer closed to public until 12:30pm); “two big guys in blue and a blonde M/brunette F couple” possibly spotted at Sentosa (close to Subway at cable car arrival plaza); Mike/Louie photographed at Island Life shop in Sentosa; teams spotted at Mega-Zip at Sentosa

ROUTE INFO: Find Marina Barrage
EVIDENCE: Camera crew/team spotted between 10am and 1pm on 12/16 at marina; again at about 1:30pm (guys in blue, later a couple in red)

Safe From Elimination at End of Episode:
Brent & Caitlin?: Possibly spotted in Singapore/San Francisco
Jet & Cord?: Possibly spotted in San Francisco

Possibly Eliminated:
Mike & Louie (Eliminated before final leg)

Tweets/ Blogs/ Etc 12/16

*Hellataz :
i just saw the amazing race cluebox at bukit batok, between bukit batok and jurong east, so might be wondering if the new season of amazing race 16 might be stopping in singapore for race
*stephanietang Spotted AmaZing race crew at s'pore!! Bugis near temple.
*Stephanie Tang - the girl that captured the photo of the ice cream truck - tweeted that the pic was taken about 12:00 noon but that she didn't see any participants.  Also confirmed it was TAR USA
The girl who saw the Set up of the Ice Cream Cart in Singapore yesterday just tweeted this back to me
*@heyhay28 hey there its at SINGAPORE. at Bugis. Near a very popular temple. didnt get to see any participants yet. USA Version.
*The Amazing Race 16 in Singapore
Filming of the new season of The Amazing Race had been spotted in SG! at the flyer and in Bugis - read it in the papers yesterday and my mum actually saw one team doing the challenge in Bugis that day...

peach: Had a lovely followup note:
*i'm afraid she didn't take any pictures, cause she had no idea it's the AMAZING RACE till she saw the picture in the newspaper report! i so wanted to be there too!
well, according to her, there were 2 females, should be wearing grey though she wasn't really sure now. They were selling ice cream and it was about 11+ am. =)
Photo matching completed!! It is our short haired ladies in camo!!
*anyway, yup my mum said it's the first team -  the team in grey/black. =)

one more Facebook post, from someone in Singapore 2 hours ago (5:30am, Singapore time):
*Thank you guys.... check out the AMAZING RACE ASIA...... Saw the filming at Singapore flyer & Sentosa. Due the the show, they close the flyer from public until 12.30pm, we were way too early...end up took the flyer in the evening. A great trip..
*And a tweet to go along with it:
BethRuh: Sighted: People walking outside on TOP of the Singapore Flyer. Helicopter filming...I'll give you one guess....
I had seen this post on FB earlier but i think i goes along with the race you guys are talking about:
*Mint Lee Thank you guys.... check out the AMAZING RACE ASIA...... Saw the filming at Singapore flyer & Sentosa. Due the the show, they close the flyer from public until 12.30pm, we were way too early...end up took the flyer in the evening. A great trip..
And a tweet to go along with it:
BethRuh: Sighted: People walking outside on TOP of the Singapore Flyer. Helicopter filming...I'll give you one guess....
Okay, incoming:
From one of the Sentosa posters:
*I did not realise that they were filming the amazing race until the 2nd sighting, therfore no pictures were taken.
I was at the singapore flyer at about 11am, 16 dec 2009, when i saw the 1st group, male/female team(young couple, long hair girl dressed in blue).
As the flyer was closed for shooting until 12.30pm, my family and i proceeded to sentosa's underwater world, where we spotted the 2nd group, male/male group (middle aged man, dressed in blue too.) wondering around Rasa Sentosa Hotel car park at abt 1pm, same day.

Natalie Blog:
Found a girl that saw amazing race filming at the megazip/Sentosa.
*Natalie: okay i think.. there's this two guys with cowboy hats? n a couple team?(indians?) didnt hang around there very long... sorry!

*While I would consider riding the Singapore Flyer, the world's tallest Ferris Wheel, to be one of the must-dos in Singapore, the night we went it was amazingly uncrowded -- in fact, we came very close to getting a tube of our own. My friends and I got there around 6:30, an arrival perfectly timed for sunset, which happens quickly this close to the equator. We navigated the maze of shops and ramps to the entrance and we hopped onto the slow-moving wheel without it even stopping. Soon we were out of the housing and getting great views of Singapore and beyond. Het, we could even see Malaysia and Indonesia -- a tri-nation view! We got great looks at the skyline and harbor as the sun dropped behind the tall buildings. We got a great perspective on the ongoing construction of the world's largest casino complex and on Singapore's floating soccer field. Additionally, we could see an unending line of ships at anchor, waiting for their turn to enter busy Singapore Harbor. All in all, the ride took just a hair over 30 minutes and regaled us the entire time, all for about $20.
If we had wanted to splurge, for $199 we could have gotten a tube that came with a full-service dinner on nice linens and fine china, with champagne. In fact, n the tube behind us, we could see two young girls were being filmed doing just that. Since we envisioned that the dinner would be an occassion for romance and dinner, and the girls were rather shoddily-dressed, we were trying to come up with scenarios for what was going on. Was it a reality TV show? It turns out we were close -- a Hong Kong Travel show was filming its Singapore adventure

*Found this blurb on a blog. Not sure if it helps. Maybe it will help put the timeline together.
Lunch at Subway! And guess what? We saw teams of Amazing race running around Sentosa. That was so cool! Watch out for the next season... Sentosa might be the pit stop for a leg of the race!

A follow up on his blog:
*Well, the first team I saw were two big guys wearing blue and the second team were a couple. The male is blonde-haired and the female is a brunette.
*We had an awesome picnic at marina barrage today! Even though we didn’t get to rest our bums on the grass pasture at level 2 cos there is some event (we think it is amazing race asia, cos we saw some angmoh filming crew and two backpackers running here and there) and we had to wake up at 7-ish am; IT WAS WORTH IT! ((:
* follow up
Amazing Race TAR 16
by Yirene
I need to exclaim first, I was so shocked when I saw my blog readership yesterday and then I realised it was because I merely mentioned about amazing race in one of my sentences. So to all the amazing race fans out there…
Ok guys, I hoped I got this right. I just received a FB message from this nice lady call Peach and she said that you guys want to know more about the race in Singapore. Honestly, I am not very sure whether the people I saw were from Amazing Race but just in case they were, let me fill you in with some details.
WHO: 2 males in blue shirts and blue backpacks
WHERE: Marina Barrage
WHEN: 16 December, about 130pm or so.
My friend, Fiona also mentioned that she saw another couple in red running in some time after.
That’s about all that I know! Yeap, and I am terribly sorry cos’ I was more interested in the filming crew than the contestants themselves! I don’t know why! HAHA. But I’ve attached some pictures, so take a look if you are interested! (:

Alright, this article was taken from "THE NEW PAPER" (Singapore's "alternative" newspaper) and the issue is dated Friday, 18th December 2009. Just a quick heads up before I dive in into the article proper, there really isn't much new information inside the article and it seemed like the person who wrote it took most of it directly off RFF, in fact.  :groan: But nonetheless, I'm posting it up here hoping it would be of some help to the investigation here.

so since i can't really get a proper clear picture, i'll just type it out and highlight (in bold) the more-interesting/important points within

Is Amazing Race back in S'pore?  
Film crew spotted at S'pore Flyer and Bugis

IS THE Amazing Race making a pitstop in Singapore again?
A US film crew was spotted at the Singapore Flyer and Bugis on Wednesday. And it looked like they were laying the groundwork and preparing for the impending arrival of contestants as the signature red and yellow striped envelope which participants need to find was seen by someone who posted it on the Net.
But contestants were nowhere to be seen.
Now into its 16th instalment, the US reality TV game show first came to our shores in 2002 during its third season.
According to Ms Nicole Lee, 30, who works at Singapore Flyer's Japanese restaurant Hibiki, the tourist attraction was strangely quiet on Wednesday morning. Curious, Ms Lee asked the receptionist, who confirmed that The Amazing Race had indeed been filming there in the morning.
She told The New Paper: "When I arrived for work at about 11:30am, I saw a helicopter hovering above us, which is unusual."
Singapore Flyer's marketing communications manager June Leong confirmed that it had been hired for filming a commercial TV production", but did not specify which one.

Later that afternoon, the crew moved on to Bugis where they were seen filming with an ice-cream street vendor.
Miss Stephanie Tang was on the way back to her office at Parkview Square after lunch at Albert Centre when she spotted them.
Being a fan of the series, Miss Tang immediately recognised the signature red and yellow stripped envelope. So she snapped a photo and posted it on Twitter.
The 23-year-old marketing communications executive told The New Paper: "They were at The Bencoolen at about 1pm.
"The film crew asked an ice-cream vendor to hold on to a red and yellow envelope. I didn't spot any contestants around."
Back in 2002, we saw The Amazing Race teams wandering through the National Orchid Garden, swimming across a manatee enclosure at the Singapore Zoo and getting wet in Suntec City's Fountain of Wealth. They also navigated maze-like HDB corridors in Choa Chu Kang, after which actor Gurmit Singh - playing Phua Chu Kang - handed them clues.
Finally, actress and former Miss Singapore Universe Jaime Teo greeted them at the Mount Faber pitstop.
As for this season, it seems filming of the race started at the Los Angeles International Airport. While details have not been released, Entertainment Weekly reported that rumoured contestants Jordan Lloyd and her boyfriend Jeff Schroeder were spotted at the airport in competition attire late last month.
Lloyd is US reality TV show Big Brother 11's winner and Schroeder was a fellow participant.
The film crew and contestants have also been spotted in South America's Puerto Varas and San Carlos de Bariloche, according to Spanish news websites.

*Good work, Dragoondaniel! I saw a reference to a story being in TNP which I was guessing was The New Paper but I couldn't find it on their web site.
I did find this thread at .
It has a few tidbits and bears watching.
I was at T3 yesterday night at this breadshop nxt to where the bus "stop" is, then there was this AETOS security guard, and two ang moh pple surfing the free internet on the com at that bread shop(forgot the name)...
so weird, initially i tot A Race, but as i dun watch the show i dunnoe the contestons~

at b.batok. blk 334 under the void deck there got mama shop there will be the pit stop.
There's also some speculation about meeting "PCK" or "LKY and familee" or "the prata man". I assume these are local celebrities and are pure speculation.

*There are reports of the production crew and contestants being sighted around Bukit Batok/Jurong, Bugis, Marina Barrage, Singapore Flyer and Sentosa a couple of days back.
  Photo by Michael Tan


EP11?: Singapore to Shanghai, China

Shanghai Spoilers Start here

EVIDENCE: Crews spotted on Nanjing Road, crew spotted returning to SFO from Shanghai

Air Date: APR 25?

Film Date: DEC 17-18


Safe From Elimination at End of Episode:
Brent & Caitlin?: Possibly spotted in San Francisco
Jet & Cord?: Possibly spotted in San Francisco

Possibly Eliminated: UNKNOWN
Mike & Louie (Eliminated before final leg)


EP12?: Shanghai, China to San Francisco, CA (USA)

Air Date: MAY 2?

Film Date: DEC 18-20


ROUTE INFO: Find Yoda at Letterman Digital Arts Center, something involving Storm Troopers (and possibly George Lucas)
EVIDENCE: Tweet, other sources

ROUTE INFO: Find and climb Coit Tower
EVIDENCE: Team spotted, confirmation of crew dismantling equipment

OTHER POSSIBLE LOCATIONS: Hunter’s Point, Great American Music Hall
EVIDENCE: Tweets, other sources, Jet & Cord spotted near Great American Music Hall looking for cab (on O’Farrell and Geary streets)

ROUTE INFO: Carry large locked trunk to…?
EVIDENCE: Probable decoy team (Mike & Louie) spotted with large trunk at California and Larkin streets (around noon)

Final 3 Teams:
Brent/Caitlin?: Brown hair male/blonde female spotted at Coit Tower (in red)
Jet & Cord?: Male team spotted carrying trunk, “cowboys” reported twice

Winners: UNKNOWN

Tweets/etc 12/20/09

*Just went through customs on San Francisco, standing in line with two guys from Amazing Race and their camera crew.    

*Storm Troopers are escorting 'Amazing Race' contestants through the Letterman Digital Arts Center
*Frantic couples with backbacks running thru SFO followed by film crew. Great Race contestants?    about 2 hours ago   from TweetDeck  
 *joelwhitaker Amazing Race contestants just completed near-final stage by rappelling up San Francisco's Coit Tower!
*joelwhitaker@heyhay28 @futureracer15 The Amazing Race contestants scaled the tower then hopped in a SF cab, but I didn't see which team it was.

From FB:
*Andrew Susanto I think I just saw 2 of the contestants for the next season of amazing race, they were wearing cowboy hats, running around trying to find taxi, with 2 cameramen following them!

*I saw what I think was an AR crew filming just now (noon PST) on California Street in San Francisco. Was nearly toppled by a man running with a handheld camera. He stopped at California and Larkin to capture the image of two men (I think) walking with a large locked trunk. They were walking towards Polk Street. May investigate further while I buy a pizza slice.
*** Follow up RE peach:
With BIG thanks to TrebledTimes at TWoP for this elaboration on his original sighting on 12/20 in San Fran: (He was linked to our photos for comparisons)

What I can say with 100% certainty was that it was noon PST at the corner of Larkin and California Streets. What I saw were two large guys wearing navy blue fleeces or jackets carrying what looked like a large locked trunk. I was across the street and they were facing the other direction. I'm not sure I could even hazard a guess based on those photos, although I would say with 90% certainty they were wearing navy blue. And the film crew were quite agro (they nearly knocked me over, which is why I noticed what they were doing) which leads me to believe it was actual footage they were after.

* jenbakerbrown: the two guys we saw were young and wearing cowboy hats. The officer at customs told me they were from Amazing Race

Chateau d if:

Louis and Michael captured by Chateau at SFO on 12/20, non race mode, traveling with production.

thanks to qwerty @ sucks taken on 12/19 -- sequestered team evidence

I spoke to someone else in San Fran who saw the cowboys around the Great American Music Hall, which is on O'Farrell Street. They said they were very frantic and tried to get a cab but there was someone in it. They tried to get the people to give up the cab but they wouldn't so they ran to the next street over, Geary Street and caught a cab there.

I don't know if there was something at the Music Hall or if it was just the nearest landmark to describe where they were. Here is a map of it in comparison to Coit Tower. Notice that it is towards heading back in the direction of Hunter's Point, which would be further to the bottom right of what this map shows.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 07:02:55 PM by puddin »

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The Amazing Race 16 Destinations/Locations
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2009, 02:32:57 PM »


« Last Edit: November 30, 2009, 04:43:49 PM by puddin »
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2009, 02:35:11 PM »
Yes, I just found out it definitely is Chile.

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2009, 02:40:51 PM »
 shloky: amazing race _ they're headed to Chile. both santiago and wolf castle. theres a bus involved
1 minute ago from mobile web · Reply · View Tweet

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2009, 02:41:45 PM »
Wolf Castle anyone? Possibly buses from the airport to Wolf Castle!
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2009, 02:49:20 PM »
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2009, 02:50:26 PM »
Amazing race: I just called my friend in Toronto.There is flags and a cluebox outside the brickworks. 

 :funny: :funny: :funny:

Liar, Liar pants on fire.

Have we got anyone here from Santiago or in particular Valparaiso!
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2009, 02:51:20 PM »
We should look into AA 945 from DFW to Santiago. Are there earlier flights that get there?

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2009, 02:55:02 PM »
amazing race didnt see twins or asians. theyre going to chile by way of dwf or dulles or stl. gate is stacked

This gives us something I hope!
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2009, 02:55:36 PM »
Can we think of a diverge point? Something completely new in the race? Or will it just be a decoying behaviour?

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2009, 03:22:45 PM »
Can we think of a diverge point? Something completely new in the race? Or will it just be a decoying behaviour?

1/2 teams to Chile; 1/2 to Toronto?  That would be interesting.  Could accomplish a double elmination on 1st leg.  Just spec though...until we hear from the "Man in the Field"   :tup:

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2009, 03:29:21 PM »
It is Santiago >>Valpairaiso guys.

Remember who brought us the FALSE MAuritius spoiler. :groan:

SOmebody be helpful here please and do some research.

I would like to see a list of top sights and a nice map of Valpairaiso please.
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2009, 03:38:36 PM »
History of Valparaiso (Wikipedia):

Although Santiago is Chile's official capital, Valparaiso houses the National Congress. Valparaíso played an important geopolitical role in the second half of the 19th century, when the city served as a major stopover for ships traveling between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by crossing the Straits of Magellan. Always a magnet for European immigrants, Valparaíso mushroomed during its golden age, when the city was known by international sailors as “Little San Francisco” or “The Jewel of the Pacific.”
Examples of Valparaíso’s former glory include Latin America’s oldest stock exchange, the continent’s first volunteer fire department, Chile’s first public library, and the oldest Spanish language newspaper in continuous publication in the world.

It has also been the residence of many artists, such as Pablo Neruda (TAR should visit his house) and Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío.

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2009, 03:39:58 PM »
Someone know the flight attendans that fly lax to DFW.They need conformation that the teams are head to dallad. Anyone?

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2009, 03:40:08 PM »

Nice central map, zoom though!

Examples of Valparaíso’s former glory include Latin America’s oldest stock exchange, the continent’s first volunteer fire department, Chile’s first public library, and the oldest Spanish language newspaper in continuous publication in the world. The opening of the Panama Canal and reduction in ship traffic dealt a staggering blow to Valparaíso, though the city has staged an impressive renaissance in recent years.

Landmarks include:

Iglesia de la Matriz
Sotomayor Square
The "4 season women", bought by Francisco Echaurren in 1877, in Plaza de la victoria
The late "Cafè Riquet" which was a classic amongst "Porteños" or locals, along with the otherevents that often take place at the Anibal Pinto Square
The 16 remaining "Funiculars", 15 public(national monuments)/ 1 private (that belongs to "Hospital Carlos Van Buren"), of which at one point there were up to 29 of them.
The Concepcion & Alegre Historical District
The Bellavista hill, which has the "Museo a Cielo Abierto" or "open sky museum".
Monument to Admiral Lord Thomas Alexander Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald.
Monument to Manuel Blanco Encalada, first Chilean President, Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 03:44:57 PM by Kiwi Jay »
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2009, 03:46:37 PM »
Thanks guys!! This is a BIG help!!

Also...can someone review all the tweets and see if we can possibly sort out the actual START location? Or some possibilities??

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2009, 03:48:38 PM »
I have just been reading over them and noone specified anything about the start line at all so we can only speculate. I certainly didn't see anything about where they began!  :lol:
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2009, 03:56:08 PM »
You have to research possibilities based on where they were seen kiwi, unlikely to have it handed to us.
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2009, 03:57:50 PM »
Been looking into this a bit... and just going with the hotel spoilers in downtown LA... you can extrapolate something like this....

One of the downtown hotels used by USC (to house alumni/team) is the Omni Hotel

Given that, what else is there to do downtown within walking distance of the hotel....

- Angels Flight (funicular) next to Omni (closed for repairs)
- Walt Disney Concert Hall (modern Bilbao-like structure) possible indoor start ?
- a whole lot of nothing.........  but great access to the freeways...

In short, I got nothin'   :groan:

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2009, 04:02:19 PM »
Could this be connected to the start location??? see (9)   =
 but I think it would be close to where teams were spotted??? (I'm probably just grasping at straws  :duno:)

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2009, 04:02:46 PM »
I think the hotel was said to be the Downtown Marriott so we might be looking at another big landmark in downtown LA.

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2009, 04:04:44 PM »
I can't find a wolf castle in Chile...anyone??
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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2009, 04:10:06 PM »
 the staples centre is possiable

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2009, 04:11:24 PM »
I can't find a wolf castle in Chile...anyone??

Could it be this place in Viña del Mar?

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Re: The Amazing Race 16 First Destination!
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2009, 04:12:37 PM »
I can't find a wolf castle in Chile...anyone??

Maybe not in Chile, but there is a Wolf's Castle in Wales.  The possibilities are either Canada, Chile, or Wales.