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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #50 on: April 16, 2009, 03:59:51 PM »
awsome pic of jeff will, love it!!!
tv junky needs help!!!!!

Offline puddin

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #51 on: April 16, 2009, 09:02:17 PM »

Offline RealityFreakWill

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2009, 08:08:05 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Tocantins' episode 8

Okay, truth're starting to love Coach a little bit, right? If not, you are gonna hate this blog, because this blog is dedicated to Coach.

I've hosted Survivor for 18 seasons, and up until now there has only been one person I thought might be worthy of their own show and that was Boston Rob. That is, up until now.

I am seriously considering a show called The Dragon Slayer. It's about a guy who lives in a world that exists solely in his own mind, and thus is invisible to the outside world. While it is the year 2009, the Dragon Slayer dresses like he's just returned from one of those Renaissance fairs where he's just finished eating a turkey leg the size of a small dog. We'll simply follow his daily life, where every time he leaves his home offers the potential for a life changing, near-death, journey. Every episode concludes with his signature line:

Coach: "Hence my name, the dragon slayer."

Most shows suffer from running out of ideas. That will never happen on The Dragon Slayer, not with comments like this:

Coach: "I want you guys to know there are three people in the world that know this story."

Okay, that is a total lie. Coach told all of us producers this same story during casting and I've probably told three or four other people cause come on, it's a good story. They've told people, who've told other people, cause again, it really is a good story. I'd argue that after tonight's episode, seen in over a hundred countries, that Coach's story of being beaten by indigenous people in the Amazon will soon surpass Susan Boyle in popularity. Don't know who Susan Boyle is? Stop reading this blog and go to YouTube.

Back to my new show, The Dragon Slayer. Another reason Coach deserves his own show is because he has principal. For instance, in one episode, National Geographic wants to come along with Coach as he kayaks down the Amazon, but he says no.

Coach: "I'm doing this alone."

That is a true, Dragon Slayer. You do it not for the glory, but because it is there.

Say no to Nat Geo, but a resounding YES to Survivor. The man knows his demographic.

At this point in the pitch, I'm just gonna give you some topics for future episodes, snippets of dialogue you'll hear in the show:

Brendan: "How'd you afford a military chopper?"
Coach: "That I got for free."
Brendan: "How'd you do that?"
Coach: "I pulled some strings."

Coach: "Be the wizard, Stephen, be the wizard."

EPISODE 8 - YOU WON'T FIND IT (this will be our Emmy submission)
Coach: "If you do a Google search you won't find it; it's only passed down verbally."

Okay, now if you tell me you do not appreciate the brilliance of that line and the man who uttered it, I challenge you and say you are a LIAR. Furthermore, I'll give 20-1 odds that tonight, (Friday) you'll be home alone with microwave popcorn and some ridiculous Jim Carrey movie.

What a brilliant line. Maybe the single most brilliant line this season. That one sentence can literally get you out of any jam. "If you Google it, you won't find it, it's only (fill in the blank) verbally."

Coach is a genius.

The writing that comes out of Coach's mouth is so good that I am honestly intimidated. If Hollywood could write at this level consistently, there would be no need for anyone to ever strike because everybody would be working!

Brendan: We're throwing underhand breaking tiles and none of us have ever done us before.
Coach: "I have."

I throw my hands up. I cannot keep up. You get the idea. And yes, in case you're wondering, my lawyer has assured me that this blog constitutes ownership of the idea, the name of the show, and of Coach himself.

Okay, okay a few other things:

From what I can tell from my position as host, being on Exile Island with somebody is bad enough, being out there alone is miserable. An hour feels like a month. A bit of rain can get you so cold you truly believe you will freeze to death, never to awake again.

Stephen was completely out of his element and over his head on Exile and to his credit, he hung in there and he did it. He made fire. Making fire is never as easy as you think it is. I'm impressed.

Tyson — the dude is dangerous. A major physical threat. Also one of the best spontaneous lines of the night:

Tyson: (Regarding voting out Sierra) "It probably won't win me her vote...(long pause) but it might win me everybody else's vote!" I love Tyson. He cracks me up. I definitely think that Tyson should show up as a nemesis in the third episode of my new show, but he and Dragon Slayer eventually become friends. But what Coach doesn't know is that Tyson one day plans to slay him and steal the Dragon Slayer crown.

J.T.: I'd come back with a damn 30-30 Winchester." Okay, look, I will admit that I am not a big gun enthusiast so it probably won't surprise anyone that J.T.'s comment about how he'd handle those damn Amazonian people who captured Coach, made me more than a bit uncomfortable. I'm telling you, J.T. would make a great small town Sheriff.

Okay, let's get to Tribal Council and the star of my new show, The Dragon Slayer.

Coach: "Brendan's the dragon. I'm the Dragon Slayer."

Brendan: "He's kinda like a snake — don't bother him and he won't bother you."

Ah Brendan, such a good strategy. Unfortunately you bothered him and he bit you.

In one of the biggest surprises of the season, Coach defeats Brendan. The Dragon Slayer slays the Dragon.

Poor Brendan. Sitting on that idol... he never saw it coming. Blindside #4. That one hurt. Hated to see Brendan go as he seems like a guy you'd have a beer with.

But as much as I like Brendan, I'll admit, if given the choice of keeping the dragon or the Dragon Slayer – you know my vote. Long live the Dragon Slayer!!!

Please keep the Dragon Slayer all the way to the end. Please let him plead his case to the jury.

Two last things:
1. Coach can never write his own dialogue in my new show, The Dragon Slayer, and here's an example of why:

Coach: "Who really was the chosen one? It's gonna be Coach Wade."

Wait...What? Coach Wade? Coach Wade? What happened to my Dragon Slayer? Coach fell out of character. For one moment he remembered who he really was, "Coach Wade" and it totally blew the whole image thing.

"Coach Wade" does NOT work. It doesn't ring and it doesn't conjure up cool images of things being "slayed" either. It actually makes me imagine an over-weight, former athlete turned insurance salesman living in Tulsa. Nothing sexy about that. Nothing. Sorry, but I've been to Tulsa.

That line should read:

"Who really was the chosen one? The Dragon Slayer."

And the last thing...and the best part of my new TV show, The Dragon Slayer, Coach has an Achilles heel, he'll cut his nose off to spite his face. Coach, you may have defeated Brendan, but in my opinion you and the former Timbira tribe made a terrible decision tonight. Voting out Brendan made no sense at all. You should have taken out J.T.

Okay, it's late. I'm done.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 09:11:02 AM by RealityFreakWill »

Offline puddin

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2009, 10:38:07 AM »

Okay, we all knew it already but Jeff is pretty awesome and having a lot of fun with his blogs. Fore shadowing? I hope so!! If JT is so loved why oh why do they want to keep him there? Not that I'm complaining.....

And the last thing...and the best part of my new TV show, The Dragon Slayer, Coach has an Achilles heel, he'll cut his nose off to spite his face. Coach, you may have defeated Brendan, but in my opinion you and the former Timbira tribe made a terrible decision tonight. Voting out Brendan made no sense at all. You should have taken out J.T.

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #54 on: April 18, 2009, 09:47:12 AM »
Jeff almost, ALMOST, makes me like Coach The Dragon Slayer!  :funny:

And the last thing...and the best part of my new TV show, The Dragon Slayer, Coach has an Achilles heel, he'll cut his nose off to spite his face. Coach, you may have defeated Brendan, but in my opinion you and the former Timbira tribe made a terrible decision tonight. Voting out Brendan made no sense at all. You should have taken out J.T.

Heh heh heh..
The choices we make dictate the life we lead.

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #55 on: April 24, 2009, 09:02:14 AM »
Jeff's blog:

Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Tocantins' (episode 10)

Hey all,

How good was that episode?!  On a scale of 1-10, I'd love your feedback.  I honestly think it's one of the best Survivor episodes ever, for the following reasons:

1. LOVED IT:  The opening shot of Coach standing in the water doing his various poses  — not because it's Coach but because if you really go back and look at the shot it's absolutely amazing.  Our helicopter team is so good.  That shot is really beautiful as it spins around him and then pulls away.  It's movie good.  Bet you didn't even notice it – it was that good.  Go back and check.

2. HATED IT:  Okay, I've had just about enough of Sierra having to plead for her life with everybody else.  Coach, Tyson, Debbie – everybody lecturing her.  The ''older folk'' are working the young girl over and now Sierra is my new favorite underdog.

Sierra, tell them to shut it.  It's easy to do.  Just say, ''Shut it.''

Even Serena is really pissed.  She is mad that Sierra has never been given a fair shot.  From day one, when she was sick and ousted from the tribe, she has been working hard to earn their approval.  Serena is angry.  Very angry.  I like it when Serena gets angry.

BTW: Tyson, you're wrong – her boyfriend IS pretty cool.  Mess with him, you mess with me and you don't want to mess with me.  Okay, check that, maybe you do want to mess with me, so I'm just asking, please don't mess with me.

3. TENDER MOMENT:  Coach has a heart.  He extends an olive branch to the young female Dragon Slayer in the making, Sierra.  She needs a better Dragon Slayer name though – how about Sierra-Mota.  Has a certain ring, I think.

And Sierra with a beautiful line: ''How do you save the kind enemy?''   I know for many of you this just passes by without appreciation, but as a veteran of this reality world, I'm telling you this kind of writing is rare air.

Serena says, ''It's like we're in the Twilight zone.  None of this makes any sense.''

4. WEATHER ORGASM:  Oh, you know I love the rain.  Love it.  Love it.  Love it.  If there is such thing as a ''reality show host program orgasm'' this is it for me.  Go ahead, make all the pithy comments you want.  I encourage them all because I own it — I love the rain.

But to have rain...mixed along with hot pizza and a huge dilemma for the contestants... you have a Survivor episode worthy of an Emmy.  And an orgasm worthy of it's own blog.

Are you reading this Emmy voters?  I challenge you to watch this episode and then tell me this show is not worthy of an Emmy nomination.  I'm not positioning, I'm merely preaching the gospel.  Where's the love?  Let us back in the game for crying out loud.

5. POSER ALERT:  Coach, you're such a poser!  The ''dragon slayer'' who wants to change the game and play against the best, doesn't think twice about opting for pizza over immunity?  I expected better.

Coach's ''I'm hungry'' move just about did Serena in for the night.  ''These three guys (Coach, Stephen, JT) think they are king of the world and it pisses me off.''

Okay I'm not that mad, that's what happens in this game.  It's what is supposed to happen in the game.  That's how it's designed.  You think you're in control so you take a chance.  Stephen and JT clearly feel they are very safe in this game.  That kind of cockiness is fun to watch but it can backfire quickly, so heads up country mouse and city slicker – watch your backs.

6. WRITE THIS DOWN:  ''It would be (bleeping) stupid if we made an alliance, gave it a name, bandied the name about, talked about ourselves being warriors and then chickened out at the last second.''  Oh man, that made me laugh so hard I had to play it back again and again so I could get it exactly right when I added it to the blog.  Coach you may be a poser, but are a classic, dude.

7. CAN YOU SAY BLINDSIDE?:  Tyson, I am going to miss you so much.  Man, you were a blast.  People will miss you way more than they realize.  But dude, what a great blindside, eh?  I mean they kicked your ass.  Zero idea.  Great hair at tribal council, by the way.

FINAL WORDS:  I know this season has been a slow burn...but I hope you're starting to enjoy it as much as I hoped you would.  Like I said, tonight was hands down my favorite episode of the season and one of my favorites of all time.

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2009, 12:33:50 AM »
Who's Serena? ???

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2009, 12:36:34 AM »
Its one of the producers I believe...

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2009, 12:37:56 AM »
And ummmm...does Jeff make it sound like he is dating Sierra now?? Or did I read that funny?? :lol:
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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #59 on: April 25, 2009, 12:41:55 AM »
Yeah I suspect she might be dating one of the survivor crew members.

Offline Snooky

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #60 on: April 25, 2009, 12:36:04 PM »
And ummmm...does Jeff make it sound like he is dating Sierra now?? Or did I read that funny?? :lol:
I doubt that they would start dating!

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2009, 05:08:22 AM »
For the first time, his blog post was not dedicated to Coach. :funny:

Offline realshowfan

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2009, 06:07:04 AM »
Okay, according to Jeff's blog, there should be 5 blindsides. What I know of:


Is Sandy the other blindsided person? idk.
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Offline Belle Book

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2009, 10:42:53 AM »
Maybe Sydney or Spencer is the other blindsided person.

Belle Book

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2009, 01:46:10 PM »
i hope there is one left and it is for coach. i did love that opening shot  we hve hd and i love to watch tis show just for that reason alone, but the shot is totaly runied buy couches dumb a$$ in the shot.jmo
the other thing is that actuly i think jeff is making fun of couch in some of the things he says about him, i mean the guys is totaly off his rocker and belongs in a luniey been or out in the wild, rember jeff saying how couchs tattoo's were new and the ink wasn't even dry on some of them. some how i think jmo after all thease seasons jeff is looking at this a comody
 and about sera i like her all so as an under dog and as many times as they have had to blur out her private parts i am sure some one on the crew was wanting a date, again jmo...
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2009, 03:53:14 PM »
Maybe Sydney or Spencer is the other blindsided person.

Belle Book

Spencer didn't really seem blindsided to me...He kind've sensed it I think.

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2009, 05:40:55 PM »
Well, in interviews, there were taglines about Sandy like:

"I thought they'd keep the strong rather than the beautiful" or something like that, so I think she's the other blindsided person.

That makes 5. Micronesia has 8 blindsides right? So at the least 4 more to go.

There are 5 Jurors to go if there is a final 2, to make it a sure record-breaking blindside, 4 out of those 5 have to be blindsides. But I think all of them will be blindsides so expect the unexpected now I guess.
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Offline tory

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #67 on: April 26, 2009, 06:36:26 PM »
 :camping: please let it b couch!!!!! :groan:
tv junky needs help!!!!!

Offline Snooky

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #68 on: April 27, 2009, 07:01:30 PM »
:camping: please let it b couch!!!!! :groan:
I agree Tory!  He is the only one I want out now!

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #69 on: May 01, 2009, 01:13:30 AM »
I would love for Coach, Debbie, JT and Stephen to all get blindsided, leaving Taj and Erinn as our F2. :funny: :yess: :hearts:

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #70 on: May 01, 2009, 03:39:43 AM »
I would love for Coach, Debbie, JT and Stephen to all get blindsided, leaving Taj and Erinn as our F2. :funny: :yess: :hearts:

Me too!  :hearts:

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #71 on: May 01, 2009, 04:32:59 AM »
'Survivor: Tocantins ' Recap: Sierra Fights Back...Finally!

By Dalton Ross Dalton Ross
 Dalton Ross is an Assistant Managing Editor at EW and would feel a whole lot better if you would stop looking at his picture.A lot of you thought I was too harsh on Sierra last week, but I stick by what I wrote. Yes, other tribe members were being mean to her, and yes, it was great to see big bully Tyson voted off instead, but she did nothing — NOTHING! — strategically or socially to make anyone want to keep her in the game. Hell, even the people that saved her didn’t bother telling her or including her in their plans. Southern gentleman J.T. even called her a "bitch." I get that it’s natural to root for the underdog, but all she did was whine and pout. I demand action and intelligence from my Survivor contestants, not woe-is-me sob stories.
I say all this, because finally Sierra did something worthwhile in this last episode (and no, I don't mean being voted off). I'm not sure whether it was for strategic purposes or just because she was being vindictive, but the woman became aggressive. She got in Coach's face. She made Debbie cry. She outed them both as liars, liars, pants on fire. It didn't save her, but at least it showed she had a spine. And it sure was a lot more entertaining than her one-person pity party.

But, as always, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's take it from the top. After last week's blindside of Tyson, we were all hotly anticipating how Coach was going to react. The answer: Total submissiveness. He and Debbie were falling all over themselves complimenting J.T. and Stephen on the move, even thanking them for not telling them beforehand. Thanking them!!! "Bold and brilliant, tonight," said Coach. "Absolutely no hard feelings." No hard feelings? What happened to "I will be a ravenous wolf for anybody who wants to go head to head with me and I will cut them off at the knees with no remorse and no regret"? What could have possibly transpired in the mere one-hour or so it took to get back to camp? Did the wolf stop for a snack along the way and become significantly less ravenous? Wow, way to back up those words, Coach. You're such a freakin' warrior!

While J.T. and Stephen assured/lied to Debbie and Coach that they still wanted to go to the final 4 with them, Debbie was starting to wonder if they should try to get the old Timbira together. Ah, old Timbira. Never have I seen a tribe up in numbers at the merge self-destruct so quickly. Absolutely amazing. You know what was not that amazing, however? The reward challenge. This is what the Survivor producers like to refer to as a "F--- you" challenge. Basically, they ask a lot of questions in the hopes of upsetting cast members who find out their tribemates don't like them as much as they thought, and then make them eliminate each other in the hopes that it will reveal to someone that they are much further down in the pecking order than they anticipated. Unfortunately, neither thing happened. It was hard for Coach to get too upset with being named as the person who hasn't lived up to their potential, when even he chose himself. And Debbie couldn't get too riled up about being picked as the person who would never survive on her own when she already thought that about herself as well. So, a bit anticlimactic, that one.

The one interesting thing was when J.T. was named as the person others would trust with their life. "I don’t know why everyone trusts me so much," he said. "In this game, I'm not that trustworthy, and it seems like people would catch on to that. It may be the accent." The thing is, he's probably right. I think it is the accent. The whole charming hillbilly thing has definitely worked to his advantage. Stephen ended up winning the hum-drum affair, and then he did something incredibly stupid. After sending Erinn off to Exile (non) Island, he picked Taj and J.T. to accompany him on the natural spring reward. It kills me when people pick their best buddies to go with them on these things, thereby leaving others to potentially bond and conspire against them. Why would you leave Sierra, Coach, and Debbie back together at camp? It's just not smart. For one thing, it sends Coach and Debbie a clear message that Taj is in your alliance before they are. For another, it lets them work the floater Sierra and try to bring her back to their side.

Which is exactly what they did try to do — only very awkwardly. "I thought you said you were gonna be loyal," Coach asked Sierra. "And then you wrote my name down at Tribal Council, " she responded. The only thing that would have made that any more delicious is if she had added on an "aduh" at the end for emphasis. I found it interesting how Coach could sit there and berate Sierra for having no loyalty whatsoever, yet at the same time not only refuse to take J.T. to task for blindsiding him, but even go so far as to compliment him for doing it. Thank you, sir, may I have another! (It must be some sort of "warrior code" thing.) Then it was Debbie's turn to freak out upon being informed by Sierra Mist that Taj was in tight with J.T. and Stephen. "I'm done. I'm done," Debbie started yelling and then stormed off. Isn't this pretty much what Sierra did to Debbie in the previous episode — starting a conversation and then abruptly demanding its immediate conclusion once it didn't go as planned? People are awesome.

Hey, if you thought the reward challenge was boring, wait till you check out the immunity one! The first three contestants who could use a grappling hook to retrieve three bags moved on to the second round where they had to roll a ball through a maze, and no, it was not more exciting that I just made it sound. I hate to write this because I know a lot of the challenge department people and they're all super smart, creative guys, but this season has kinda been dudsville as far as challenges go. Part of the problem is that they haven't been able to do a whole lot in the water. If you look at the seasons that had some of the best challenges (Palau and Pearl Islands being two examples), they had a good mix of surf and turf, and yes, I realize those last three words sound vaguely like a combo dish you'd order at a Benihana. When you get stuck on land, your options become more limited. But just in general, a lot of competitions this cycle have seemed...well, uninspired. Very rarely have I seen a course or heard Probst explain the rules and said to myself "Cool!" Of course, I try to make it a point to not talk to myself, but you catch my drift. It's been a down season for challenges.

So anyway, Coach shocked us all by beating out J.T. for immunity and randomly yelling out "Dragon Slayer!" in the process, but the real drama was about to occur back at camp. Sierra was trying to convince Stephen and his man-crush J.T. that it was Coach who was lying when he told them that Sierra had tried to restart the Timbira alliance. According to Coach, his response had been, "I cannot do that to those guys. There is gonna be no Timbira alliance. I don't like it. It makes me sick to my stomach." Which is apt considering he makes 90 percent of America sick to their stomachs, but I digress. Sierra could have stopped there, but then she did what anyone who is about to get voted out should do — she stirred the pot. "I have no problem confronting him to show you that he was lying," she said to J.T. and then sure enough, away she went.

The best part about this was that you knew Coach would never capitulate and instead would just ramp up his rhetoric even more. "I have not lied in this game, nor will I," he exclaimed. (For her part, Debbie started sobbing, "I'm too old for this.") Coach, of course, always saves his inexplicable best for Tribal Council. "I'm not eliminating anybody because I'm afraid they're gonna beat me later on in the game," he insisted, although Brendan would be exhibit A in the case against that absurd statement. Sierra certainly found it absurd. Wait, a second...the exaggerated eye rolls, the audible exhales, the visible head nods — that's not Sierra. That's Survivor Vanuatu/Micronesia Tribal Council facial expression champion Eliza Orlins!!! No one else can go all the way around on a single eye roll. That's pure 100 percent Orlins right there! Or not. Now that I think about it, Sierra is too blonde, and not nearly chatty or high-strung enough to be Eliza. But I did wonder if Eliza felt threatened by this new contender for the indignant facial expression crown, so I — and this is not a joke — emailed her in Bosnia (yes, Bosnia) to see if she was confident she could take the young upstart in a one-on-one "face-off," if you will. "I would take Sierra down in an eye roll competition!" she replied. Okay, that's not exactly the most exciting quote in the world, but in Eliza's defense she said she was also super exhausted and perhaps a little bit drunk. Still, them's fighting words! It's on, Sierra! Eliza is calling you out!

But Sierra was just getting ready to call Coach out for his big lie. Would he admit it? Of course not. Don't be silly. "I honestly think that in Sierra's warped mind, that she thinks she is telling the truth," was his explanation. Where did he come up with this one? It was easy, considering that everything in Coach's warped mind he believes to be true. (Remember the mad posse of Peruvian dwarfs?) He then went on to compare himself to Stephen from the Bible getting stoned in the temple and pleading, "God forgive them, for they know not what they do." Speaking of the Almighty, I've always considered Coach to be sort of like God's concept album. It's as if the Lord woke up one day and said "I want to try something a little different and a little experimental with this one — something a little freakier than Tommy but not quite as flat-out insane as Chris Gaines." And thus Coach was born.

Taj was right on the money (something I'm guessing she has quite a bit of being married to Eddie George) when she described the big Sierra Vs. Coach and Debbie feud as a soap opera. But people on soap operas have to die. True, they may later come back to life or be reincarnated as a Satanic goat, but they do die. And it was Sierra's time to die (in the game, at least). We all kinda saw it coming, but there was still an intriguing twist with the vote with Erinn casting one for alliance-mate Stephen (complete with "Never again. Sorry" written underneath). What was that all about? My guesses. 1.) She was worried about a hidden immunity idol coming into play and the possibility of someone casting one vote against her thereby sending her home, so she voted against Stephen as protection against that. Or: 2.) She promised to never cast a vote against Sierra so was just throwing her vote elsewhere to not piss off a jury member. You all probably have better guesses than that. Or you went and watched the casting votes video at which isn’t up yet as I write this.

Okay, a few notes before you hit the message boards. Will Jeff Probst now finally clear up any of the hints he's dropped about Sierra dating a Survivor producer? Go read his blog to find out. Due to some logistical snafus, there will be no Survivor Talk this week, but you can still see the latest exclusive deleted scene staring at you below. Check it out. Are you a fan of Lost, American Idol, Jim Parsons or going to Comic-Con for absolutely free? If so, you'll want to watch the latest episode of Must List Live!. No, seriously — you will. Okay, so are you standing in line to throw stones at Coach? Have J.T. and Stephen already won the game? And why do you think Erinn cast a vote for Stephen? Post your theories on the message boards now. See ya next week!,,20275760,00.html
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 04:40:17 AM by Joab »

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #72 on: May 01, 2009, 04:41:54 AM »
What a long blog post.. and for the first time ever.. i enjoyed reading Jeff's blog because he was running down on Coach throughout. :hugs: :funny: :yess:

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #73 on: May 01, 2009, 05:08:43 AM »
This blog post is laffos. :lol: It was a blast!
I'm baaaaaack!

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Re: Jeff Probst's blog!!!
« Reply #74 on: May 01, 2009, 08:50:12 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Tocantins' (episode 11)

Let me begin by admitting that I blew it big time on my last blog. As much as I enjoyed everything I wrote...and I did…I completely overlooked one of the greatest blindsides in the history of Survivor.

Tyson's blindside was brilliant, and I can tell from the word on the street that you guys loved it! So I had to start tonight's blog by giving credit where due – that was a fantastic blindside and I think even Tyson appreciated the execution of it, so to speak.

Okay, onto tonight's episode – J.T. is a great player. The moment they got back to camp, he immediately went to Coach and explained why he didn't tell him which way the vote was going. No matter what else Coach may think, he will forever appreciate J.T.'s ''honesty'' and if J.T. is in the final and Coach is not, J.T. probably gets Coach's vote. That's how important the social politics are in this game. You have to manage every single person every single moment of every single day.

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie... she is a sly one. I wonder if anybody is buying it? I wouldn't let Debbie last much longer if I had my way because she is too likable, completely untrustworthy, and if she gets to the end she'd have a great shot at winning.

How in the heck did Timbira let themselves get into the situation you ask? It's why this game is so damn good. No matter how strong your alliance is, there is ALWAYS somebody on the bottom of that alliance and that person is ALWAYS looking to move up.

Erinn knew she was low person on the Timbira totem pole. She was vulnerable. Jalapao sensed it and took advantage. It doesn't matter if you watch every episode of every season and then get a chance to play Survivor yourself – you stand the same chance of making the same mistakes because this game is based on human nature.

Erinn didn't betray anybody, Erinn is playing the game. She made the best move for herself in this game and it kept her alive. That's why this game works season after season. There is no ''foolproof game plan'' that will keep you safe. Hindsight is always 20-20 but in the moment it is a very difficult game.

INSIGHT: Last night's reward challenge - where the tribe members try to guess who was voted ''biggest pain in the ass'' and other things like that - has run its course. I think we need to avoid this challenge for a while because I think what happened this year is that the Survivors had already discussed amongst themselves whose name they were going to write down if this challenge came up. I can't prove it, but that's my guess. I don't think we'll be seeing this one again for a while.

INSIGHT: Erinn had a miserable night on Exile Island. Brutal. In 18 seasons of Survivor, I'd venture that was probably one of the worst nights that anybody has endured. It didn't come across nearly as bad as it was. She definitely earned her Survivor stripes.

Okay, I'll admit it. I had no idea Taj would be this well liked, even by me! When she picked up that little girl at the reward, it reminded me of how special moms are to us all. How important they are to the world and that I need to get on it and order some flowers for Mother's Day!

Taj is also smarter than I realized. She has mastered the art of staying out of the way. The big risk Taj is flirting with is letting Stephen and J.T. get so tight that they're inseparable. What she has going for her is that sooner or later one of those guys is gonna want to take the other out and that could put Taj in a great spot.

(Deep breathe.) Debbie and Coach were so annoying tonight. I am so done with them lecturing Sierra. I kind of expect it from Coach and almost laugh when he does it, but Debbie was irritating. Here's my take: I imagine that Sierra was definitely a pain in the ass and annoyed people but damn, enough is enough. ''Can't we all just get along?''

HYPOCRITE: Coach. Coach. Coach. Dragon Slayer, you know I love you, but dude, you are one major hypocrite. Coach: ''Sierra is gonna do whatever she must to get as far as she can without any honor.'' Honor? Oh for crying out loud. It's a game and YOU are playing it as much as anyone! You lie as much as anyone else, Coach. You do see that, right? Please tell me you are smiling as you read this because you know that I know that you know that we all know that you know! Ya know? Please.

And Debbie, don't think I don't see you hiding there in the brush. Debbie: ''I'm too old for this.'' No, you're not too old. You're just frustrated that a 46-year-old woman got busted by an annoying 23-year-old. We all saw the episode. We all heard what we heard. You and Coach lied. Period. The funny part is all of you are nuts anyway because once again, it's a game! You're supposed to lie, that's part of the fun! ''Who can I trust?'' is the single great question of the game.

MINI ORGASM: More rain. Wasn't very hard but it did make me a little moist. The rain. The rain made me moist. Relax everybody. Please don't waste your time writing to tell me I'm a pervert. I just ignore those posts.

The Dragon Slayer won immunity. Oh man, he is so happy! I love it. Imagine how great a story this will become as it grows over the next 20 years.

Coach: ''And then, it was raining so hard that you literally could not see. Even Jeff said, 'It's raining so hard, I can't see.' But I dug deep and I used my ability to meditate while standing and that allowed me to see through the impenetrable rain. Something only Jedi masters can do.

''Then, I used my telepathic powers to guide the ball through a maze that was so difficult it had never been accomplished by anyone before. Even Jeff said so: 'This challenge is so difficult, no human being has ever accomplished it before!'

''When I finally won, Jeff tried to put the immunity necklace around my neck but due to me bench pressing 350 lb tree trunks earlier in the day my neck was too big for the necklace. That was another first. Even Jeff said as much, 'Wow, I've never seen a neck so big as a result of bench pressing 350 lb tree trunks that I can't get the necklace around. That's impressive.' ''

I'm so happy that I'm gonna be part of a Coach tall tale!

Finally...I will miss Sierra. I'm sure she earned most of the grief people gave her, but I still found her to be a bit of an underdog. That's just how I roll. She certainly made the show interesting. I'm not sure if she's a hero or a villain but she was definitely memorable. Goodnight, Sierra-Moto.

That's all I'm gonna say about this subject. Period. Paragraph. (Yes, that is a Coach-ism. I just couldn't resist.)