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The Amazing Race News
« on: September 23, 2008, 06:21:49 PM »

Exclusive: 'The Amazing Race' producer talks about upcoming season

After twelve seasons, The Amazing Race viewers grown used to seeing the show's contestants participate in some unusual tasks as they race around the world.  However, according to co-creator and executive producer Bertram van Munster, the show will be kicking the danger level up a notch during this fall's thirteenth edition.

"[This season] you will see a tricky one where you will wonder 'How in the world did they have the guts to do this?' You are really going to wonder," van Munster told Reality TV World in an exclusive interview last week.

"I look[ed] at it and I [went] 'Oh what was I thinking? Oh my god, this could go very wrong.'  And then it does."

But despite the unexpected task drama, The Amazing Race's thirteenth season -- which filmed this past summer and will premiere this Sunday at 8PM ET/PT on CBS -- will still feature the same structure and elements the show has become known for, according to van Munster.

"I think it’s an unbelievable trek around the globe," he told Reality TV World. "We have a fun cast [and] we had a great time with them. They performed splendidly, they were exhausted, they were furious with each other, they loved each other, they were ready to give up. You name it, all of the emotions you can possible imagine on [a show] like this."

Unlike CBS' other long-running Big Brother and Survivor reality series, which have regularly used new twists over the years, The Amazing Race's thirteenth season stuck to a format very similar to the show's previous editions  -- a move van Munster said was a deliberate decision to adhere the six-time Emmy-winning show's original concept.

"The more you start messing with an original concept, usually it doesn't get much better. It doesn't really improve," he said.

Instead, van Munster said he placed additional emphasis on designing intriguing task challenges for the new season.

"What I've done [for this season is] I've come up with so many insane challenges that it should do the trick and I think it will be plenty exciting for an audience to watch it," he told Reality TV World.

Rather than moving away from the show's original concept, The Amazing Race 13 will actually attempt to return closer to it and feature "clues" -- which despite their name, have devolved into more basic instructions over the years -- that are more complex and closer to those used in the show's initial editions.

"I think that you'll definitely see it... we really try to go back to the old ways so the audience doesn't feel like we're 'FedEx-ing' people around the world," van Munster told Reality TV World.

"We are very diligent and I am extremely aggressive about it that the show stays really truly original and distinct to the original core as possible."

In addition, the season also happened to play out as one of the few The Amazing Race editions in which one of the competing teams failed to make it to the course's finish line -- an unexpected development that was welcomed by van Munster.

"I like it when people don't make it to the finish line," he said.

Non-elimination Pit Stops will also return as part of The Amazing Race's thirteenth season, according to van Munster, who said he was unsure why fellow executive producer Jonathan Littman had incorrectly told reporters -- and van Munster had then subsequently confirmed -- the stops had been eliminated from last fall's twelfth edition.

"That was our mistake," van Munster, who admits to not being a fan of the non-elimination Pit Stops, said of the confusion. "We probably all had jet lag, but there's always a non-elimination in there."

Last season's new Speed Bump tasks -- the show's latest version of a penalty for the team that arrives last at a non-elimination Pit Stop -- will return for The Amazing Race's thirteenth season, according to the producer.

Viewers will also see a broader range of equipment brought by the contestants this season, including a decision by "Best Friends" Mark Yturralde and Bill Hahler to run the race using extra small backpacks.

"We had people showing up with 80-pound backpacks and we had people showing up with almost nothing," van Munster said. "It's their choice. This is a true reality show. You show up with whatever you have and then we turn you loose and you have to figure out how to do it. We don't sit there and guide [contestants] and manipulate it and edit it and all of that nonsense. We just turn them loose and off you go."

Van Munster said that while the thirteenth season's course -- which covers approximately 30,000 miles of travel and is similar to the length of last fall's edition -- is shorter than most of the show's previous seasons, it features many "really original" locations and will not seem short to viewers.

"If you look at where we're going it's unbelievable," van Munster said. "There are a couple of straight-line-shots that make the mileage a little shorter, but we are going all over the place on this one."

"If you look at it you say 'How can it [only] be 30,000 miles?' ... we have such insane plane rides."

Bolivia, Kazakhstan and Cambodia will be among several of the new countries visited for the first time.

"When I went to Kazakhstan everyone thought I was going to pull a Borat on them," van Munster said with a laugh.

In addition, Cambodia also proved to be difficult due to the country's lack of organized transportation systems.

"The infrastructure consists of mopeds, taxis, and buses -- and lots of them -- so it doesn't make [travel] easy," van Munster explained.

Overall, van Munster said he was extremely pleased with the season's result.

"I'm very proud of it," he said.  "It's an insane race once again."


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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 02:06:14 AM »
woohoo!!! it's about time they stopped hand-feeding the racers on where to go. They were pretty much just shy of giving them a GPS and access to google maps! Thank goodness they're going back to the cryptic clues where teams have to actually *think* about where they have to go. 

Like that one in South Africa (i think) where they were told to make their way to where the earth growls at the sky, or something like that...and it was to Victoria Falls where the mist looks like it's growling at the sky. (i'm sure someone with a better memory will correct all my mistakes on that lolol). Or the one where they were told to pay a tribute by offering up a car? They had to figure out it was a paper car and had to locate the correct fire to toss them into.

can't wait can't wait!

Offline apskip

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 07:40:37 AM »
It was the "Smoke that Thunders" in AR1 episode 1, for a stretch of the Zambezi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe going over Victoria Falls.

I completely agree that going back to clues that require some deciphering is way better for viewers than the "Go To" directives which have been typical since AR1 (the paper cars incident excepted). That will bring brains into the equation along with the speed, strength, agility, and ability to read a map and navigate that are already key to victory in Amazing Races.

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 01:19:23 PM »
ahh that was it. well i was close, sorta. got the waterfalls right lolol

Now i'm even more excited for Sunday!

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2008, 11:04:47 AM »
For you Canadians!!

Air Canada and CTV team up for Amazing Race-themed contest
by Marija Djukic
In the spirit of The Amazing Race, CTV launched the Air Canada Amazing World Experience contest, which was jointly developed by CTV and Montreal-based ad agency Marketel - who also handled media buys - using multiplatform promotional material to reach travel buffs.

To encourage viewers to enter the contest, CTV developed 30-sec, 10-sec and 5-sec on-air promos, which are airing on Montreal's Metrovision screens. Online banners are featured on CTV's website,, and

Prizes include four trips for two, including flights and accommodations, to a destination in Asia, Europe, South America or Australia, as well as one grand prize trip for two to all four destinations. The contest ends Nov. 23.

The Amazing Race airs Sundays at 8 pm ET on CTV
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Offline michael

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2008, 11:43:10 AM »

CBS is sticking with winners, looking for new ones

October 31, 2008

Filed under: Industry, Programming, Reality-Free

logo cbsFor CBS, tradition and consistency are the keystones for success. So while CBS Corp. president and CEO Leslie Moonves talked about a few new projects in an interview with TV Week, he also shared the news that the network will be booking more Survivor and The Amazing Race editions in the seasons to come.

To this I state, hooray! Especially for The Breathtaking Race. There’s a reason this show has won the Emmy so many times. The current race has been terrific. Survivor seems to be having a bounce back season, as well.

Offline patlini

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2008, 12:22:14 PM »

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2009, 05:27:32 AM »
Amazing’ lessons
 Spanish teacher Nelson Rojas, left, watches as Toni, a contestant from the 13th season of "The Amazing Race," runs into the audience to kiss students at Corona del Mar High School on Friday.

   CdM teacher brings TV-show contestants to school because he says the program helps teach geography appreciation.

By Michael Alexander
Updated: Friday, January 16, 2009 8:55 PM PST

Spanish-language teacher Nelson Rojas’ five classes at Corona del Mar High School were all screaming at an ear-splitting volume.

“Period Three!” one group yelled.

It was no wonder they were excited, as Rojas’ classes were filled with fans of CBS’s “The Amazing Race,” and four teams from the last two seasons of the show were 10 feet in front of them.

For the last few years, Rojas has taught the show in his classroom, using its many exotic locales to teach geography in Spanish. But the show has a positive message for students as well, Rojas said.

“I use it to teach geography and history, but also to get them to travel and be good ambassadors, especially in the times we live in nowadays,” he said. “In my class, I tell my kids, ‘I want you guys to study abroad, to spend a year somewhere — go anywhere.’”

But with some chance connections and effort, Rojas and students managed to get “Amazing Race” contestants to visit the school last year, and he topped the effort Friday.

In front of a crowd of nearly 300, eight of the show’s contestants answered audience questions and Rojas’ quizzing, mingled with the audience and talked about how travel has changed them.

“It’s made me the most thankful for what I have in my life,” said Aja Benton, who competed in the most recent season, the 13th. “Going to other places in the world, you realize how happy people can be with so little.”

Some of the event was less serious in tone: Benton’s boyfriend, Tyrone “Ty” White, talked about how painful it was to crush kiwi fruit with his feet, and contestant Mark Yturralde lightheartedly complained about his own hardest challenge.

“Definitely, it was wrestling at 15,000 feet, where there’s no oxygen at all, and you can’t breathe,” Yturralde said.

But Rojas’ message got through, as the guests talked about the importance of seeing the world and keeping an open mind.

For 12th-season competitor Jennifer “Vyxsin” Fiala, the biggest lesson of the show was that she should have paid attention in school.

“I would have taken foreign language a lot more seriously,” she said. “I would have picked one and learned it. It can only help you.”

Rojas said this year’s meet was doing exactly what it was supposed to: open minds.

“I make 180 ‘Amazing Race’ fans every year in my classes,” Rojas said. “They get the travel fever. Their experience in my class isn’t just about learning the words; it’s about learning other cultures.”

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2009, 05:31:14 AM »
Why can't i get a teacher like that?

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2009, 11:33:03 AM »
I had geography teachers who yelled. Not cool.
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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2009, 04:22:43 PM »
I just found that on Google! I was going to post it but you guys found it first.

I wish I could meet the contestants, but only one team lives close enough for me to ever see them.
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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2009, 10:34:36 PM »
I wanna meet TAR teams too, but the closest I'll ever get to are the Asian teams. :P
I'm baaaaaack!

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2009, 12:16:33 PM » Hunt celebrity auction raises money for cancer research
Posted by televisionJanuary 22, 2009    Talk show host Bonnie Hunt used to work as an oncology nurse at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University in Chicago.
   She helped raise more than $30,000 for the center with her “Bonnie’s Basement” celebrity auction in December. And she has once again asked her talk show guests to help her with the second installment of her online auction.
   Go to to bid on one-of-a-kind celebrity items in “Bonnie’s Basement.” All profits from the auctions, which end Sunday (Jan. 25) will benefit her former place of work.
Among the items up for bids are:
◊◊An Ovation guitar signed by Grammy and Academy Award-winner Melissa Etheridge (pictured at right signing it on “The Bonnie Hunt Show”).
◊◊“The Amazing Race” official Season 13 check-in mat signed by host Phil Keoghan.
◊◊NBC anchor Brian Williams’ personal Presidential Election Day press badges.
◊◊Volleyball signed by Chad Michael Murray and other “One Tree Hill” cast members.
◊◊Jensen Ackles’ signed director’s chair fabric back and a “Supernatural” signed hockey jersey.
◊◊Hospital scrubs signed by the cast of “Grey’s Anatomy”.
◊◊Boxed Star Wars’ Princess Leia plastic bust and a copy of “Wishful Drinking” signed by Carrie Fisher.
Great items. Even greater cause. Happy bidding.


Here's the current bidding, oh my I want it! :lol:  $325 only!

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Offline puddin

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2009, 12:34:38 PM »
haha we should all chip in and have a photo taken with all the TAR detectives standing on the mat! I wonder if Phil would pose with us? hee

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2009, 12:41:40 PM »
Oh It would be so cool if RFF could have it! I want visiting rights! Maybe it could be "The Detectivehood of the Travelling Mat" lol.

I want it...   :'(

Count me in if there is a pool, :lol:
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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2009, 05:46:13 PM »
thankfully puddin its not a far ride for me to get in that photo with you and phil :jam:

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2009, 06:14:44 PM »
thankfully puddin its not a far ride for me to get in that photo with you and phil :jam:
We forgot to tell you Kogs, the party is at your house  :jam: , I'll bring the Kosher wine :wine:

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2009, 07:13:52 PM »
thankfully puddin its not a far ride for me to get in that photo with you and phil :jam:
We forgot to tell you Kogs, the party is at your house  :jam: , I'll bring the Kosher wine :wine:

 :yess: :yess: :jam:

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2009, 04:49:44 PM »
I don't know what to make of this, but I heard on WABC-TV, the local ABC channel for the New York metro area, that Bertam van Munster would be on tomorrow on the Eyewitness News this Morning program, which is on from 5am to 7am. I will try and VCR tape it and if successful report on what he says.

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2009, 04:56:28 PM »
We have been waiting for a BVM interview or something!  :jumpy:  So please do try! :ty3:
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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2009, 07:17:26 PM »
Did you guys get the mat in the end? :sucks

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2009, 07:01:56 AM »
I don't know what to make of this, but I heard on WABC-TV, the local ABC channel for the New York metro area, that Bertam van Munster would be on tomorrow on the Eyewitness News this Morning program, which is on from 5am to 7am. I will try and VCR tape it and if successful report on what he says.

I taped the 2 hour Eyewitness news this Morning segment. I was mistaken. There was an interview of Jerry Bruckheimer(not Bertram Van Munster), who is touting his film "Confessions of a Shopaholic" starring Isla Fisher. There was nothing about the Amazing Race (and why would ABC be publicizing it, now that I think about it?). So, fuhgettaboutit.

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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2009, 10:19:01 AM »
Did you guys get the mat in the end? :sucks

Matt went for US $1,051.00 - outbid me by a few hundred  :'(

Not sure who got it in the end.
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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2009, 10:53:11 AM »
I don't know what to make of this, but I heard on WABC-TV, the local ABC channel for the New York metro area, that Bertam van Munster would be on tomorrow on the Eyewitness News this Morning program, which is on from 5am to 7am. I will try and VCR tape it and if successful report on what he says.

I taped the 2 hour Eyewitness news this Morning segment. I was mistaken. There was an interview of Jerry Bruckheimer(not Bertram Van Munster), who is touting his film "Confessions of a Shopaholic" starring Isla Fisher. There was nothing about the Amazing Race (and why would ABC be publicizing it, now that I think about it?). So, fuhgettaboutit.
It happens, but at least thanks for thinking of us. Besides ABC Studios does have a piece in Amazing Race so you never know. Down the line, someone from The Amazing Race could be on.
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Re: The Amazing Race News
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2009, 10:59:36 AM »
Thanks apskips. I read that ABC is picking up a Bruckheimer pilot or 2 for the fall season, no idea if thats related as well?