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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #250 on: March 03, 2009, 10:56:41 AM »
Jason Mesnick on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night

credit with thanks to jimmykimmellive

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #251 on: March 03, 2009, 12:37:27 PM »
The Bachelor season finale and After the Final Rose dominated the ratings last night...big numbers

Click on the link to view the ratings from last night of all major networks

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #252 on: March 03, 2009, 12:59:06 PM »
DeAnna posted a blog on her myspace today....


First off, I would like to say thank you for everyone's support! I really appreciate all the kind words.
Contrary to what it looked like last night, I DID NOT go back on the show to get Jason back. Jason and I have remained great friends since he was on my show. I simply thought I was going out there to give him advice and to explain my break up with Jesse. Apparently, it got cut to look like I went to see Jason for another reason. Jason and I are great friends and always will be....that's it.
My heart goes out to Melissa. She seems like a wonderful girl. I was sad to see her and Jason break up on national television. But, there probably was a lot more going on than any of us realize! Some of those things may never get explained to any of us. Molly and Jason seem like a great fit. I wish them a life of love and should everyone else. Melissa is a beautiful, energetic, warm hearted girl....she is going to find the perfect man for her that will truely sweep her off of her feet! ♥

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #253 on: March 03, 2009, 01:08:31 PM »
The e-mail exchange between Jason and Melissa after the taping of After the Final Rose last January

After the After the final rose taping...

    —– Original Message —–

    From: <>

    To: Jason Mesnick

    Sent: Mon Jan 19 08:18:10 2009

    So last night didn’t go NEAR how I thought. I didn’t think I would be

    that angry (I’m not sure I’ve EVER been that angry to be honest with

    you….), but I’m sorry for how heated I got. At the same time though, I’m not. I still can’t believe how you can’t give reasons other than ‘It changed.’

    In relationships (especially ones where committments are involved), you FIGHT,you TRY, you  COMMUNICATE to make things work. You know as well as I do that you didn’t give 100% to me or the relationship. And I don’t understand how you can walk away from something without giving it your all - but I am walking away knowing I did.

    And getting confirmation about Molly in front of people like that was a

    complete classless move if you ask me - how could you do that to me

    after Irepe atedly asked you about it??? I’m not stupid, I knew about

    Molly…knew you guys had been talking….and you lied to me about it. For you to choose to b e with someone who most of the girls in the house didn’t get a long with, and bashed me when she left, then more power to you both. You owed it to me to  tell me this before last night…and I can’t believe you did that to me publicly. I can’t even tell you how much respect I lost for you….but it makes this whole process from here on out much easier for me.

    Please don’t respond…I really just wanted to apologize for getting so

    angry last night - but I hope you understand why I did….

    From: “Jason Mesnick”

    Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:52:58 -0800

    To: <>

    Subject: Re:

    The producers had a lot to do with it. I am so sorry. This is so

    horrible []

    Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 9:11 AM

    To: Jason Mesnick

    Subject: Re:

    (This coming from the man who told me not to trust producers…..) Then

    congratulations on being produced….but I don’t believe you. You are a

    grown man, and perfectly capable of making your own decisions. Own your actions and stop blaming this process..

    From: “Jason Mesnick”xxx*

    Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 01:37 AM



    Subject: RE:

    I wish we could have had that same conversation away from cameras. You are so right about feeling everything you do. I deserved everything you said.

    They really didn’t want me to say anything to you until the cameras were there and you know that I couldn’t do that. I tried and I hate what I

    have done to you. You don’t deserve any of it at all. I wish there were more that I could say. Its just things really felt different and I didn’t

    want to be thinking about her and wish I could control it. I want to take all of your pain away and put it on me. If you are talking about Karma, I

    slipped and fell and had a huge gash in my leg 3 inches wide and to the bone. I deserve so much worse for what I am doing to you.  Obviously you know more about me now and you just deserve so much more. I hate that I had to say that to you, and you had to hear that.  You do need to heal and if that means never talking to me again or if that means, you getting angry with  meas  often as you want, I will do it all.

    You do not need to give me any reasons for your actions; I think you did

    what you had to do.


    —–Original Message—–

    From []

    Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:24 AM

    To: Jason Mesnick

    Subject: RE:

    I do hope you understand my frustrations then. The fact that even after

    ‘production’ was wrapped, you still let producers manipulate our

    ‘relationship’ is frustrating. At what point do you say, “Hey,

    guys…youdid your  part, and now it’s our turn to have a real relationship without you meddling and telling us what to say and do?”  When I look at it that way, I’m thankful I found this out now. And I’ll just say, the Molly thing wasn’t a secret….just wish you’d had the decency to tell me before I was put in front of TV cameras - regardless of what Martin was telling you, as a person, a friend, etc…you owed me that. Especially since you were the one who kept saying you didn’t want any surprises at this thing……ironic, eh? Seeing the person that you became, you are right: a relationship between you and I would never work out - and that’s why I’m thankful this happened sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, you were not the person that I thought you were - and that’s ok….just a little embarrassed I fell for it I guess. I do think it’s a little ironic, though that you kept telling me, “morally, how could I ever get back with DeAnna after what she did to me?” And I agree….just seems like a very similar situation with your new lady…..Just a little irony I guess.

    Anyway, I’m not mad…I’m not hurt - seeing how things were  handled,helped me get over things very quickly. I do wish you both the best though.

    Take care.

    I understand everything and I wish more than anything I didn’t let them

    get in the way. I handled that part so poorly. It sounds like you are

    doing well and am so glad. Just know that I feel so horribly about this.

    It is a pain I will live with forever. I will not make any excuses you

    are a wonderful person and I am sorry for everything. I do want you to

    know that when I proposed to you it was from the heart and wanted to be with you forever.


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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #254 on: March 03, 2009, 01:32:28 PM »
Jesse posted a blog on his website about the finale...

Jesse Csincsaks Thoughts on the Bachelor Finale

Jesse Csincsaks Thoughts on the Bachelor Finale:

Being on the show is a huge experience that only the people who go on it can even imagine... It is very easy to judge the contestants and say ohhh well I would have done it like this.. Just remember that every season the contestants go on this show to fall in love and every year they do exactly that... This year Jason fell in love with Melissa and then they broke up and now he is dating Molly..  That to me is exactly what happened with Me DeAnna and Holly Durst except mine happened off Camera... My relationship with DeAnna didnt work out and now I am dating another Bachelor cast member HOLLY DURST..  Everyone is soo quick to judge the situation because it happened on camera but remember the people on this show are bound by an IRON CLAD contract to do certain things on camera.. So before you judge someone for going on TV and putting themselves out there just remember there are always things that you might not know that effect the situation...I wish Jason, Ty and Molly the best..... And I am sure a great girl like Melissa will find love again...

Just my thoughts...


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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #255 on: March 03, 2009, 01:44:37 PM »
This is what Trista Sutter has to say about the finale...

Trista Goes OFF on the Bachelor!

So what does "Bachelorette" Trista Sutter think about single dad Jason Mesnick's change of heart?

Did you watch "The Bachelor" last night?? In case you missed it -- Bachelor Jason proposed to Melissa, only to DUMP her on national TV and tell Molly (the girl he dissed in the finale) that he loved HER instead! "Bachelorette" Trista Sutter weighs in on the most controversial "Bachelor" ever.

How do you feel about Jason right now?

Trista: How could you go from being engaged to someone to kissing someone else on the couch?! He doesn't deserve to walk away scot-free. I mean, what disappointed me as a mom is that he introduced both girls to Ty (Jason's son). Melissa was around, and now she's gone. What is Ty going to think?

What's your message for Melissa?

Trista: I've spoken with Melissa. How could anyone do this?! I texted her last night and said, "I'm proud of the way you handled it." She deserves so much better! Melissa hasn't been able to say anything about this until now, so I think she's relieved. I am happy she can finally move on. As far as I'm concerned, this is a blessing in disguise. Now she can find someone who truly loves her.

What are your thoughts on Molly?

Trista: How can you trust him? I wouldn't trust what he is saying to me. He is obviously fickle. He didn't want to fight for the relationship between he and Melissa. He gave up. If you have such strong feelings for someone, at least give it a chance before making such a big decision.

Some blogs are reporting this was set up by producers. Do you think last night was rigged?

Trista: I don't know what Jason's contract says, but I don't believe the producers could have manipulated the ending to this extent. I think Jason definitely had a choice in how he broke off the engagement -- either publicly or in private. Ryan and I don't think the producers could force him into something like that.

Have you ever seen a "Bachelor" cry so much?

Trista: I do feel for him. For me, I did not cry when I had to break it off with Charlie, because I was so excited for Ryan to come. I did not fall in love with two people, so I cannot speak to that. If that's the case, I'm sure it was difficult. But why put a ring on someone's finger if you're that torn? He took that away from Melissa. She only wanted to get engaged ONE time. He took that from her.

Do you think Melissa should be the next "Bachelorette"?

Trista: I can't comment on that, but I think America would embrace her. After all she's been through.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #256 on: March 03, 2009, 06:22:03 PM »
wow ty will that was a lot to read, my head is spinning..

i have my own theroies on this whole thing.. i do think that jason had to break up on tv for several reasons one the ring, 2 the batchlor franchis could not just leave us hanning. he probly did go to the producers and told them he made a mistake and they did have to do damage control.
as far as steve goes yes he found out and told us as soon as he new, so what bc he was the only one not under contract and could run his mouth he did.i realy don't think to much of reality steve, jmo
the e-mails he produced only made what jason said last night more ligit, they were sent right after the after tapeing, and it had the same tone as the words both of them said on the show.

i think jason did fall in love with2 ppl and i allso think that if de anna (the bitch) had notshowen up he might have picket molly, she was all don't do what i did i picked some one fun blh blh blh..

i realy think he was fowlling his head not his gut or his heart and picked mellisa, she did seem to get along with ty better and was what he pictured his wife to look like, she does resimble deann and his x wife, he porblly has commitment issues, i no i was dovorced once and i would not wish that on my worse enamy. it realy does change who u r.

my current hubby had to beg me to marrie him and he is hot and 15 yrs younger than me. oh and i have 3 kids.. who he raised we have been married 14 yrs..

the other thing is i all so in my younger days  would go out with as they say now 2 guys at one time i rember one time i was like 15 i think i liked 2 guys with the same last name i did not want to chose so i did not, untill they were both at this one dance and i had to chose i am 51 and i still rember how bad i felt.

any way several hunderd yrs later lol i totaly can see how jason could have been in love with both and when forced to choise and i think he if there is any conspircy here was forced to choise after brad they probly did put that in the contract.did what he thought was right only to b wrong..
ok jmo
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #257 on: March 04, 2009, 08:58:04 AM »
Bachelor Creator: The Outcome Was Never Staged

ABC’s reality series The Bachelor has had its share of surprising endings, but Jason Mesnick’s on-camera breakup with fiancée Melissa Rycroft and subsequent reunion with runner-up Molly Malaney has been by far the most shocking. But online rumors persist: Was the show’s outcome fixed?

As Bachelor creator Mike Fleiss tells PEOPLE, “That’s patently untrue. It was [Jason's] choice in New Zealand who he proposed to.” But after the show wrapped, Fleiss says, “He was not in love with Melissa anymore and he was in love with Molly and he needed to make a change.”

In fact, no one saw this coming, says Fleiss, who upon returning to the States “was in the process of trying to talk Molly into being the Bachelorette.” “She was finally starting to come around and saying she wanted to do it, and she had spoken to her family,” he says. “I thought she would be a fantastic Bachelorette, so likeable and beautiful and telegenic.”

A week later, Fleiss learned that Jason and Melissa were not getting along, and that he had never stopped thinking about Molly. “My first thought was, ‘Oh, too bad,’” Fleiss says. “My next thought was, ‘Wow, that’s almost too good!’ I knew that was a remarkable twist.

“At that point, the decision was made to bring all three parties into the studio to film After the Final Rose, the most shocking After the Final Rose in Bachelor history,” Fleiss says. “It was never anyone’s plan.”

Host Chris Harrison also tells PEOPLE, “We haven’t shown breakups before, but we’ve never had this situation. We couldn’t not show that.”

While Harrison maintains Jason was “head over heels in love with [Melissa],” he adds, “There’s nothing we can change or do about” his eventual change of heart.

Says Harrison: “We just had to show it. We were holding on by the seat of our pants.”

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #258 on: March 04, 2009, 09:00:05 AM »
The Bachelor Episode Recap: "After the Final Rose, Part 2"

Welcome to the recap of The Bachelor: After the Final Rose. Part Two. Lord, when will it end? This is an extra hour of The Bachelor, which comes after last night's extra hour, in which Jason dumped Melissa, the woman he proposed to in the last episode of the show, and started something up with Molly, the woman he dumped in the last episode.

In this episode, Jason answers a bunch of questions about his six-week-old relationship with Molly, and we meet the next Bachelorette. In case all those viewers who say they'll never watch the Bachelor/ette again after this season are lying.

I'm here again with my lovely fiancée, under duress, because we are so, so tired of this show. Maybe the reason they need all these extra hours is that the first 10 minutes of every show are recaps of what's already happened? Anyway, the same is true tonight.

Chris Harrison welcomes us back from the commercial to note that Jason's decision has been "controversial." Meaning, everyone hates him. Chris then welcomes back a bunch of the contestants who escaped before the start of our long, national nightmare.

Stephanie, the single-mom widow and audience favorite, says she thinks Jason and Molly can last. Naomi, the one with the wacky family, says she wanted to put a fist through the screen when Jason ditched her girl Melissa. Erica, who got kicked off the show so long ago neither my fiancée nor I remember her, keeps talking about stuff.

Fiancée: Want to bet dinner on who the next Bachelorette is?

Me: Okay — I say Melissa.

Fiancée: No way. Jillian.

Chris asks people in the studio audience for their opinions. One woman who's been married for 21 years is disappointed Jason would put Melissa through what he did. A Molly fan says he did the right thing.

"Who's really mad?" Chris asks.

A nice-seeming woman says she's angry Jason didn't decide what he wanted sooner. But she doesn't seem that angry. Because really, how angry can anyone be? A show based on a ridiculous premise — that you can meet the love of your life on a TV show — has ended ridiculously.

Next, a guy appears. A guy is there!

"I would never propose to somebody if I had that reaction to somebody else," The Guy says.

Fiancée: Can you imagine bawling your eyes out about one girl and then proposing to me?

Me: Am I on a TV show and are you someone I've only known for a couple weeks? Just kidding. I only cry while watching Wall-E.

Jason comes out on stage.

Fiancée: Booooooooooo!

The audience applauds politely. Chris asks Jason what reaction he was expecting.

Jason says he didn't handle things in the classiest possible way, but he did what he had to do, and Oh my God they're replaying another clip.

Half an hour has passed, and really nothing has happened. It's hard to build a clip show around events that we all saw a mere 24 hours ago.

Oh wait, Jason might cry again. He's doing that shaky voice thing I do when Wall-E gives Eve the plant. But he recovers.

"It was just honest," Jason says of the ridiculous thing he did.

Chris reminds Jason that many people across America are very, very angry.

Fiancée: It's so funny how personally people take this.

Me: No it's not. This is very important.

Chris asks Jason if he can tell his son Ty what he did. Jason says yes.

Fiancée: If you had a son, would you show him video of you crying like a sissy man on a balcony?

Me: ...

Fiancée: I'm going to tape you watching Wall-E.

Melissa, Chris says, has declined to appear tonight —

Fiancée: Booooooooooo!

— but she says through Chris that she's doing really well.

Molly walks out.

Fiancée: Jellyfish.

Me: Why Jellyfish?

Fiancée: She has no spine.

We cut to yet another clip of something that happened 24 hours ago: Molly agreeing to start things up with Jason again just moments after he's dumped Melissa.

Fiancée: She is such a bad example for women. She's such a sucker.

Me: If you had to choose: sucker or a jellyfish?

Fiancée: A jellyfish. She seems desperate. She's willing to accept this no-good guy who already dumped her on national television. The engagement ring is still fresh off the other girl's finger.

Molly says people keep making unfair judgments about her character, and that they don't realize the characters on the show are real human beings. "These people who say these things don't realize the damage their words can do," Molly says.

Chris brings Jason back to the stage. Jason kisses Molly and sits with his arm around her. They say their relationship is much stronger because of all they've been through.

"We've become best friends, and partners in crime," Jason says. "The passion's still there, and the fun's still there."

Way to keep it interesting after six weeks, kids.

Jason and Molly say they talk on the phone a lot and have seen each other on a few weekends. Molly says she plans to move to Seattle, and the audience applauds, because they obviously want to see her make a terrible decision.

Chris asks them when they knew they were in love. Neither has an answer. Chris presents them with the tent where they went to first base (according to Jason) early in the show.

Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for: Chris introduces the new Bachelorette: Jillian. My fiancée gets a dinner I probably would have bought her anyway. Because she's not a jellyfish.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #259 on: March 04, 2009, 09:23:02 AM »
From Dallas News...

'The Bachelor' sparks furor over last-minute change of heart (assuming he has a heart)

"Jerk." "Idiot." "Creep." "Sleaze."

These were the choice words that fans of The Bachelor had for Jason Mesnick after Monday's finale and the After the Final Rose special, during which he broke up with Dallas native Melissa Rycroft only to ask runner-up Molly Malaney to take him back.

From Facebook to former Bachelorette Trista Sutter, many were livid about how Rycroft, a former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, was treated by the man she'd hoped was her one true love.

So on Tuesday night's After the Final Rose: Part Two, Mesnick tried to explain himself.

"It was definitely not the classiest thing in the world, but I had to follow my heart," he said. "Are there things I'd probably do differently? Maybe. But I don't regret where I'm at at all." His feelings for Malaney began growing the minute after he sent her home: "I slowly started realizing, 'Oh, my God. It was her.' " Then, the Bachelor got brave. "Even though I've had to hurt people in a way, I feel like I did it with integrity," he said. As for Malaney, she says criticism from viewers has been tough. "But, luckily, I've had Jason to lean on, and we're happier than ever now."

But it will take a lot of wooing to win viewers back after Monday night, when he dumped Rycroft and kissed Malaney in record time.

Fans – or former fans – didn't exactly throw rice at the happy couple.

"Jason is a creep," one viewer wrote on a message board. "Chris Harrison is a bigger creep."

Harrison tried to explain the show's position on his blog at the Entertainment Weekly Web site, "You have to understand that we want a proposal, and we want a true happy ending," he wrote Tuesday. Harrison said he had thought that was what they were going to deliver.

But, later, Harrison heard that Mesnick still had feelings for Malaney. "I will be honest when I tell you that my heart sank," he wrote. "My first thought was, 'Oh, my God, he's going to do the unthinkable and make the switch.' ... I was right."

Ellen Degeneres, who will have Harrison on today's show, Rycroft Thursday and the happy couple Friday, didn't hold back her disgust.

"We'll see how long that lasts," she said about the couple on Tuesday's broadcast. "He's going to change his mind again, probably. I'm mad, and I don't care what anybody says. I'm mad."

She's in good company. Sutter, with husband Ryan the only successful pairing so far from the Bachelor franchise, told that Mesnick "doesn't deserve to walk away scot-free."

It seems fitting that the host of the show, who has to deliver the old "Ladies, this is the final rose" pronouncements every season, should get the final word.

"I know many of you have sworn to me that this is it – you will never watch again," he wrote on his blog.

On the other hand, "I'll keep your side of the bed warm in case you decide to come back home."

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #260 on: March 04, 2009, 09:26:18 AM »
From L.A. Times...

'The Bachelor's' Jason Mesnick: 'Everyone thinks I’m dragging Melissa over the coals'

It’s going to be a rough week for “The Bachelor’s” Jason Mesnick.

On Monday night, rampant online rumors concerning the show’s twist ending –- one that would potentially brand Mesnick a cad -– were confirmed when he retracted his proposal to Melissa Rycroft, delivered in the last moments of the finale, in favor of the runner-up, Molly Malaney.

What’s worse for Mesnick –- but good for ABC -– is that more than 17.6 million tuned in to watch Melissa get the shaft on the “After the Final Rose” special, making it the most-watched in the franchise’s seven-year history.

Jimmy Kimmel kicked off the roast early. “Is your arm sore from handing out and taking back roses?” he asked.

In an interview with The Times on Tuesday afternoon, Mesnick explained that he had, in fact, ended his relationship with Rycroft on the phone a week before the taping. “If you watched carefully, she wasn’t wearing her ring,” he said.

Either way, the jilted Rycroft seems quite unhappy, and though she might have been able to turn her sympathetic position into even more camera time as the next “Bachelorette,” ABC confirmed that second runner-up Jillian Harris would wear that mantle.

But back to Mesnick. While “The Bachelor” has been at the center of controversy before -- Season 11’s Brad Womack, for instance, rejected all of his options and was booed by the audience throughout his “After the Final Rose” -- but dumping a girl you just proposed to on national TV? Mesnick better have his flak jacket ready. Here he goes:

Was there any discussion between you and Melissa about how this might play out on TV since you say you had ended things on the phone beforehand?
No. Her response had been, “How do you want me to react to that?” I wasn’t going to coach her. I just told her that we were going to talk about things again [on the show] and however she felt is how she was going to react. I’m never going to tell anyone what to say.
Are you surprised by the backlash against you?
I don’t know if the public expected me to just pretend like I’m in a good happy relationship. I mean, is that what people really wanted to see? Because that was the other option, but never a real option for me. It sucks that everyone thinks I’m dragging Melissa over the coals right in front of everybody because it’s not true. What’s funny is that everybody loves the fact that I break up with somebody every week in the regular part of the show ... and now I'm being judged.

Why ultimately didn’t you ask Molly to marry you the first time?
What scared me the most about Molly is that we had this young, fun, friendship relationship with a lot of passion, and people who have been together for a long time all say, "The passion is the first thing to go." In my regular everyday life I wouldn’t have stopped dating any one of [the final three]. I would have gone and tried to experience more with each of them.

At what point did you change your mind about Melissa? What was the turning point?
It was right after the holidays. We spent a week together during Christmas and I felt differently. She didn’t do anything wrong, but we had this great communication style where we could talk about anything while we were on the show, and then all of a sudden we’re together for longer periods of time afterwards and we just couldn’t talk about stuff. ... I was realizing that we didn’t have a great friendship, and that was hard for me to face.

Why did you go on a TV show to find love in front of millions? Why not just use
It sounded like the ultimate dating experience. I mean, if they’re going to go across the country and find 25 great matches -– if you’re going to talk about –- it’s better than that! It’s very unique.

What do you think your 4-year-old son, Ty, who met both Melissa and Molly, will learn about how to treat women from watching “The Bachelor”?
I don’t know. I think that I want him to look at me and just say, "My daddy had this crazy experience and it’s OK to do some things differently from other people. It’s OK that relationships don’t work because that’s part of real life." I want him to see how real it was and how hard it was for me and that how much all that pain was worth it in the end.

Would you advise he find love the same way?
Would I recommend for Ty to do this? I hope Ty would be the type of person to think about doing something different, absolutely. I wouldn’t say necessarily a TV show.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #261 on: March 04, 2009, 09:54:26 AM »
Jason's myspace blog posted 3/3/09...

Thank you to those who have voiced their support

I just want to say 'thank you' to everyone who's been supportive throughout the entire Bachelor process (especially over the last 24 hours!).  I can't tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement.  Reality TV and reality are sometimes worlds apart, so again...thank you for understanding that and for sticking with me.  Molly and I are incredibly happy together and your well wishes mean so much right now.  For those of you who've been asking what I'm up to next, I'm working on starting a new resource/organization for single moms and dads - something I'm obviously very passionate about.  Check back in a couple days for more details. 
Talk to you soon, 

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #262 on: March 04, 2009, 10:06:25 AM »

TV Appearances/Interviews

Wed 3/4

ABC Teleconference with Jason & Molly

Chris Harrison on Ellen Degeneres Show

Thurs 3/5

Melissa Rycroft on Ellen Degeneres Show

Fri 3/6

Jason Mesnick & Molly Malaney on Ellen Degeneres Show

Mon 3/9

Jason Mesnick on Bonnie Hunt Show

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #263 on: March 04, 2009, 10:28:20 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': After the Final Rose, part 2

Not sure if it's safe to come back in here, but I wanted to come back today and give you my final thoughts now that everything is out in the open. I completely understand that many, if not most, of you are upset at what went down. It's not up to me to judge whether Jason was right or wrong in doing what he did. That's for you guys to decide and debate. I hate that he hurt Melissa like he did but I also see the other side. I spent time with him and Molly and have talked to both of them several times since we shot After the Final Rose part 1. I don't know if it makes it any easier for you to swallow but they are in love and are fighting like hell under an extreme amount of pressure to make this work. I told him that he must really love Molly to have done this. The easy thing for him to have done was break up with Melissa and just let it all go away, but that's not the choice he made and that's what we showed you.

I found it very interesting to hear what the bachelorettes who came back had to say. Most of them are very good friends with Melissa, but they saw firsthand what really happened this season. I can tell you now that we all thought it was Melissa from the start. I remember thinking that first night that it was going to be hard for us to hide the fact that Jason was so in love with her. Even the other women could tell it was Melissa. But they also said that they could see his feelings for Molly grow stronger toward the end. It will be debated for some time to come what was right and what was wrong, and I'm happy to hear all of your opinions. I really am. I find it fascinating to hear how you feel about all this. We all bring our own baggage into this discussion and that definitely helps shape our thoughts and feelings. I'm not here to apologize or excuse anything that Jason said or did, but let me say this publicly about everybody involved: I consider all three of them to be friends. I've talked to Melissa and know she's doing fine. You'll see her this week telling her story to Ellen and in the magazines. By the way, I will also be dishing on Ellen's show Wednesday. I wish Melissa the best and know that we'll keep in touch and that she'll be fine. I also consider Molly and Jason to be friends now and wish them nothing but the best. After taping the special Friday night, Jason, Molly, Jillian, my wife, and my friends all hung out in my dressing room and had a cold one. We talked about what was about to happen this week. Jason and Molly are well aware that many don't appreciate what happened and hold ill feelings toward them. They are going to have a lot of pressure on them and all they can do is just rely on each other and do the best they can. I wish you all could have hung out with us and just seen that these are real people going through life just like you and I are. It just so happens that what they do is magnified times a thousand because they are on TV.

There will be a lot said and written about this season of The Bachelor. For better or worse, it's one for the history books. I can't do much about the rumors and flat-out lies that are being told out there. I have been as honest and as detailed with you as I could possibly have been. I am sorry that this is hurting some of my friends but they are strong people and will come out on the other side of this just fine. I've never been a part of anything like this before and will be perfectly happy if it never happens again. Ratings aside and contrary to what some of you may believe, I didn't enjoy one bit of what happened. I would love to show you a great love story every time but that's not how life works, and in the end we may have indeed brought you a love story after all. Five years down the road, when Jason and Molly are married, I wonder if many of you will feel different about this.

Let me just wrap this up by saying, I'm very excited to announce Jillian as our next Bachelorette. I think it always speaks volumes about our show when the good people like Jillian decide to come back. I think it also helps that I showed her the script for next season, and although she's not happy about having octuplets, she does like the guy we picked for her so she's all good. Seriously, Jillian is the best. We couldn't have found a more down to earth, funny, thoughtful woman. I hope she finds what she's looking for but be warned  – even if she does, we just learned it may not happen exactly how you like!

A quick thank you to the wonderful crew I work with on The Bachelor year in and year out. I love you all like family. My thanks to my new friends at EW. When I started this I had never blogged before and now that it's done it's safe to say I'll never do it again. Kidding...I'll be back blogging about Jillian when we premiere in May. Until then, thank you for watching.

For everyone who's been a part of this one, I'm Chris Harrison. Good Night!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #264 on: March 04, 2009, 12:48:12 PM »
To read Reality Steve's latest blog, or his other blogs as well, go here...

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #265 on: March 04, 2009, 01:25:41 PM »
Bachelor Host Thinks Jason Should Have Picked Melissa

People are still buzzing about The Bachelor’s shocking twist—including host Chris Harrison.

On today’s Ellen DeGeneres Show, the reality show host shares his perspective on Bachelor Jason Mesnick’s shocking change of heart, which was revealed on the After the Final Rose special Monday night.

When asked if Mesnick, 32, should have chosen Melissa Rycroft, 25, over Molly Malaney, 24, in the finale, Harrison replies, “Oh, yeah, she was terrific. When we left New Zealand [where the finale was filmed in November] we could not [have] been happier because it was a great ending. He is a great guy. This is best ending. She’s going to be a mom [to his son, Ty, 4].”

In January, Harrison tells DeGeneres, he found out that Mesnick wasn’t happy.

“I learned that not only did he want to break-up with Melissa but he wanted a shot with Molly,” says Harrison. “The show was just starting to air so now we’re left with this dilemma [because] we have this proposal.”

The producers then had to decide what to do next. “So we choose six weeks ago to shoot this special that you saw on Monday night,” he explains. “And, what you saw last night [on part two of the ATFR show] is what obviously what’s happened in the six weeks since.” Mesnick and Malaney are still together, and she plans to move to Seattle to be closer to him, she tells PEOPLE.

Harrison also addresses rumors that the dramatic switch was planned. “That was the one thing that did upset me about all of this,” says Harrison. “When the rumors went from how this ends to this is completely contrived and scripted, questioning not only the show’s integrity but my integrity and honesty that’s where I got a little upset.”

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #266 on: March 04, 2009, 02:20:44 PM »
'Bachelor' exec producer Mike Fleiss speaks out on controversial finale

Sure, single papa Jason Mesnick's Bachelor finale showdown -- and subsequent After The Final Rose specials part 1 and part 2 -- brought record ratings, but will the fan backlash end up hurting ABC's hit reality series? Pick up a copy of Entertainment Weekly this Friday for our full report, including what advice season 2 Bachelor Aaron Buerge -- who knows a thing or two about, you know, being despised for making a girl cry on TV -- has for the ever-fickle Mesnick. Meanwhile, we checked in with the man who's really behind the roses, exec producer Mike Fleiss, to find out what the hell went down over the course of what will now be known as The Best Season Of Reality TV Ever (well, at least to me it will)!

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: There are rumors that the outcome was manipulated and that you guys knew all along how it was going to turn out. What do you have to say about those accusations?
MIKE FLEISS: It's completely untrue! Don't you think if we were into that and playing those kind of games that somebody who it happened to would be saying that and not some "unnamed source?" We’ve had 500 people on the show, find one that says we told them who to pick -- you won’t because we’ve never done that. The rumor stuff is just appalling because we all work so hard on this show. We really make every attempt possible to keep this pure and let people make their own decisions. You can’t have people staging this, they’re not good enough actors. If they were all actors, that would be the best acting on any network. [Laughs] If he was acting, then Jason is the nation’s finest actor, better than Javier Bardem, better than Brad Pitt, and Molly is the new Meryl Streep!

Another question irking many fans: Why did he have to break it off with Melissa on camera?
It's a simple answer: It's a TV show. He would have done it on the radio if this were a radio show.

But you could argue that in the past not all Bachelors have felt compelled to break up on camera.
In the past it didn’t involve our other girl. I understand that people are a little ticked off that we put it [the breakup] on TV, but I think a lot more people would have been ticked off if we didn’t put it on TV. They watch the show, they invested in this whole season, they care about the characters, they’re looking forward to the finale, and then we don’t show them the defining moment of the season? I think that would piss some people off.

After the jump: "Once you’ve made the commitment to be on one of these shows you have to assume a certain level of emotional risk."

Did he have a choice in the matter?
There was never a discussion like, "Oh, this is going to have to be part of the show."

So he could have chosen to break up with Melissa off-camera and then talk about it after the fact on the After The Final Rose special?
[Melissa] had certainly been given a heads-up. I don’t think she realized it was going to go as far as it went with her giving back the ring and him taking it back. But she knew there was trouble in paradise. Don’t you think if your husband or boyfriend is about to break up with you and you spend every day with him for six weeks and you spend time talking on the phone with him every night that you’d have a little bit of a clue? Melissa is a wonderful girl and we were really happy she was the one chosen, but there’s no way we could make a show like this and not include the most important moment of the season.

Still, so many people think that because it was such a personal moment, she must be humiliated.
It’s a reality TV show about people falling in love. If you’re going to go on a reality dating show I think it’s a safe assumption that some of this is going to be possible. These people that are saying, “God, I would never want to go through something like that.” I agree. I could never do it, but once you’ve made the commitment to be on one of these shows you have to assume a certain level of emotional risk.

People just think Jason made the wrong decision in doing that so publicly.
He did everything else publicly, so what’s the difference?

Everyone had thought he'd chosen Melissa, that it was set in stone, and then it was just a surprise that he'd changed his mind in that amount of time.
Believe me, that heartache that Molly experienced the first time was probably not that much different than the heartache that Melissa experienced in the ATFR. He was dumping the both of them on camera.

It was a little surprising that Molly wasn’t more hesitant to take him back.
She’s in love with him. If you’re in love with somebody, you’ll put up with that. You put up with s--- that you wouldn’t put up with from anyone else in the world because you do love them and you want them back. You want to spend your life with them because you’re dreaming of them every night, that’s the place where Molly is.

Are you worried now that some fans are going to walk away from the show because their disappointed or angry by Jason's decision?If that were true, we wouldn’t have held our numbers in that second half hour during Monday night's ATFR. If there was going to be this mass exodus from the show, it would have [already] happened. If we make a great show, people will watch a great show and that’s the bottom line.

Why do you think it is that Jason's season did see such a ratings spike for the show?
I think by keeping the ongoing soap opera alive it allows viewers to come back and reinvest more easily. By going from Brad’s season to Deanna's season to Jason’s is what’s allowed the audience to stick around. You try to do new things to keep the show fresh, but by keeping the thread of the characters through, the audience is watching a continuing soap opera and it’s easier for them to reinvest. Had we tried to launch Jason cold, not from The Bachelorette, and say, “He’s our new Bachelor!”, I don’t think we would have even gotten him approved, necessarily, by the network. He’s not a doctor, he’s not a captain in the Navy, he’s not Mr. Hunkalicious of the Century. I mean he’s a good looking guy, but we had better looking physical specimens for that role. But the audience came to like him and care about him so much from the previous season that watching him as the new Bachelor was really easy.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #267 on: March 05, 2009, 01:39:23 AM »
Chris Harrison on The Ellen Degeneres Show 3/4/09

Credit with thanks to EllenShowFan

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #268 on: March 05, 2009, 08:09:43 AM »
These people keep contradicting each other and themselves. I think they're all lying. The only person I believe right now is Reality Steve, who may not have the story 100% correct but has come closer than any of these revisionists associated with the show.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #269 on: March 05, 2009, 09:08:38 AM »
Ryan Sutter posted a blog on his website concerning the Bachelor fiasco:

Because I actually watched the last hour of the Bachelor last night I thought I would jump into the popular conversation and offer my two cents. Prior to last night I had not watched a Bachelor series since the Bachelorette that I was on seven years ago. Why? I don’t believe the show holds a very high moral standard and quite frankly I don’t enjoy reliving a very stressful and exhausting time in my life. That said, I would not change my experience and find my personal hardships a very small price to pay for the resulting life they afforded me. You see love is not easy to come by. Sometimes it embarrasses you. Sometimes it humbles you. And sometimes, as in Jason’s case, it makes you look like a complete jackass. Jason took part in a show that preys on those of weak spine and spirit. He fell victim to a program of intense emotional overload intended to create a narrow tunnel of vision from which only rash and irresponsible decisions could possibly be made. I have no doubt he made the decision he felt was right when he chose Melissa. I’ll buy his explanation that when the real world with all of its real world influences and realities came back into play he had second thoughts. At some point, however, Jason needed to realize that the re-entry of the real world meant that he needed to resume his role as a real man. If his feeling for Melissa had changed he should have told her. There is absolutely no excuse for the savage treatment Jason laid on Mellisa’s heart. If he truly cared he would have disregarded the request of the show to hold a public break-up. Jason crumbled under the pressure of the production and in the process walked down a path cast with shadows of shame for which he will always be remembered. Jason had to know the consequences of his choices. His cliche laden explanations, though weak and uninspiring, are his attempt to justify a decision he is convinced he made for love. If that is truly the case, can we really blame him? I get emails all the time from people desperate to find love. It seems some people are willing to do most anything for a chance at the queasy stomached emotion. Still, I would like to believe that when it came right down to it, the majority of the broken-hearted would stop short of blatantly and quite publicly torching the feelings of someone they laid claim to caring for simply to further their own desperate quest for love. Love is a powerful force, capable of providing us with both the cause for stupid decisions and the strength to overcome them. For Jason’s sake I hope he found it. 

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #270 on: March 05, 2009, 09:14:02 AM »
Bachelor's Melissa: Jason and Molly Betrayed Me 

On Thursday's Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Bachelor's Melissa Rycroft speaks out for the first time  about being dumped by Jason Mesnick on national television and how hurt she was when she found out he was dating runner-up Molly Malaney.

Rycroft says "it was pretty immediate" after the finale that Mesnick realized he didn't want to be with her.

"Once we got back, we both kind of sat in the real world, and we were talking about how [our relationship] was different," she says. "He kind of gave up, and I couldn't understand why at the time. Now I do - because I think there was someone else involved."

"And that is where my feelings of betrayal came in," she goes on. "I knew on the night After the Final Rose [aired], I wasn't getting dumped. We had already ended the relationship and that was mutual."

"I repeatedly asked him, 'Is Molly involved in anything?' And when they moved up the taping of After the Final Rose, I was going, 'Why did we move the taping up? What's going on?'"

"I asked Jason, 'Am I going to be blind-sided by anything? Is there anything you want to tell me?' And he said, 'No, gosh no.' And the second I went out on that stage, he goes, 'P.S. it is Molly.' And I went, 'Bastard!'"

Even though Mesnick initially denied he was dating Malaney, Rycroft says she had a feeling.

"Being a girl, you get that feeling," she says. "Anybody that's been cheated on, you know. And being a woman, I got that feeling, because he just backed away from me, and I knew he had contacted her."

"There had been at least one contact that I knew about, where he was 'checking on her,' and so it was just in the back of my mind. I would just casually ask, 'Are you talking to her? Have you talked to her? Tell me, just be honest.'"

"He kept saying no," Rycroft adds.

Rycroft says she and Mesnick exchanged e-mails "right after we filmed After the Final Rose."

"I instigated it ... and wish I hadn't," she says. "I felt like I needed to apologize for getting that angry with him, but at the same time, I said, 'I hope you know why I got that mad.' We weren't talking at that point, so it was my way off saying, 'This is my closure ... Don't reply back.'"

Asked if she could ever be friends with Mesnick or Malaney, Rycroft says, "No."

"Jason and Molly don't quite have the characteristics of [people] I would want to be friends with," she says. "On a level, they both did betray me. I understand it was a break-up, and I'm not mad about that. We all get broken up with, but to be lied to...."

Rycroft says she is moving on and is even dating a new guy named Ty (though she declined to reveal any more details).

"Because of the privacy and everything going on, we haven't really been able to explore a new relationship, but now that everything is over, I'm so excited," she says. "I've known him for two years and kind of done the dating on-and-off. He has been my biggest rock and supporter throughout this whole process. He's become my best friend."

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #271 on: March 05, 2009, 10:35:39 AM »
Wow.. trainwreck!  :ascared
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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #272 on: March 05, 2009, 10:47:59 AM »
Thanks for all the articles and updates TL & Will  :jam:

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #273 on: March 05, 2009, 10:58:47 AM »
You have no idea how much I'm laughing at the fiasco about The Bachelor. It's all over the internet and there are lots more articles and stuff but I'm kinda tired of posting them....waiting on the video of Melissa on Ellen today and will only post new info about them.

It's so funny to see everybody throwing each other under the bus, putting blame on others. It will blow over once The Bachelorette starts in May.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #274 on: March 05, 2009, 11:39:40 AM »
You have no idea how much I'm laughing at the fiasco about The Bachelor. It's all over the internet and there are lots more articles and stuff but I'm kinda tired of posting them....waiting on the video of Melissa on Ellen today and will only post new info about them.

It's so funny to see everybody throwing each other under the bus, putting blame on others. It will blow over once The Bachelorette starts in May.

It is kind of amusing because the premise of the show is to reject/send one home week after week... :roses:

(We need a "ripping heart apart" smiley!)
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