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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #275 on: March 05, 2009, 12:09:24 PM »
Bachelor’s Melissa Suspected Molly Was the Other Woman

Melissa Rycroft’s shocking dismissal by fiancé Jason Mesnick on national television was a surprise to Bachelor fans — but not to Rycroft herself.

“I knew on the night After the Final Rose I wasn’t getting dumped,” she tells Ellen DeGeneres in an interview scheduled to air on her talk show Thursday. “We had already ended the relationship. And that was mutual.”

But there was one major surprise in store for Rycroft: the other woman, runner-up Molly Malaney.

Once the cameras stopped rolling, Rycroft and Mesnick sat down and talked about how their relationship had changed after the finale. “When we brought up how difficult [the relationship] was, he kind of gave up and I couldn’t understand why at the time,” says Rycroft.

“I repeatedly asked him, ‘is Molly involved in anything?’” she says. “And when they moved up the taping of “After the Final Rose” … I asked Jason, ‘Am I going to be blindsided by anything? Is there anything you want to tell me?’

“And he said, “No, gosh no,’” Rycroft tells DeGeneres. “And the second I went out on that stage he goes, ‘P.S. it is Molly.’”

Feeling Betrayed
Though Rycroft didn’t know for sure if Mesnick was also seeing Molly during their relationship, Rycroft says she had a suspicion. “Anybody that’s been cheated on, you know, and being a woman I got that feeling because he just backed away from me and I knew he had contacted her,” she says. “I know there had been at least one contact … where he was ‘checking on her’ and so it was just in the back of my mind.”

His answer?

“He kept saying ‘no,’” she says, adding that the feelings of betrayal are worse than the breakup itself.

“I understand it was a breakup and I’m not mad about that,” she says. “We all get broken up with but to be lied to [is worse].”

Dating Is the Best Revenge
But there’s good news for the jilted reality television star — she’s in a new, supportive relationship: She’s dating a man named Ty.

“Now that everything is over I’m so excited,” Rycroft says. I’ve known him for two years and kind of done the dating on and off. He has been by biggest rock and supporter throughout this whole process. He’s become my best friend.”

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #276 on: March 05, 2009, 12:21:37 PM »
'The Bachelor''s Melissa On Jason's Betrayal and her New Man!

With fans still reeling over the controversial conclusion to this season of "The Bachelor", Melissa Rycroft shares her feelings about being dumped on national television with talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.

On a taped episode to air Thursday, Melissa explains to the talk show host that she felt betrayed by 32-year-old Jason Mesnick's controversial decision to leave her for runner-up Molly Malaney.

DeGeneres asks if the three could be ever be friends to which Melissa replies; "Jason and Molly don't quite have the characteristics of someone I would want to be friends with. I feel like on a level, they did both betray me."

That doesn't mean, however, that Melissa is sitting home jilted, and longing for Jason. The 25-year-old reveals to Ellen that she has moved on and there is even a new man in her life!

Watch the video for more on the shocking "Bachelor" conclusion and for a look at Melissa's mystery man!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #277 on: March 05, 2009, 01:36:13 PM »
Melissa Rycroft on Ellen 3/5/09

credit with thanks to ellenshowfan

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #278 on: March 05, 2009, 01:58:21 PM »
Picture of Melissa and the guy she is seeing now, Ty that was shown on Ellen

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #279 on: March 05, 2009, 02:40:22 PM »
'The Bachelor''s Jason Mesnick Defends His Decision

Jason Mesnick isn't doing a whole lot of press following "The Bachelor: After the Rose" shocker in which he ditched Melssia Rycroft and asked Molly Malaney to give him a second chance. But he did do one interview and here is what he had to say:

"Melissa definitely knew before going on [the show]," Jason told when the Web site asked him if Melissa knew their relationship was over. "I mean our last conversation was: 'Are you gonna to wear the ring? Because you know we're not together.' And I think that she probably had some hopes still that maybe I was gonna change my mind, 'cause she was really upset. We didn't talk a couple of days before we shot. And that's okay. No matter what I said, she was going to be upset. We've talked about not being together over the phone but I had to tell her stuff in person, too. I'm not as cowardly as it might seem or as much of a jerk as I might seem for doing it on camera. But that was my only chance to do it."

Jason goes on to say that in hindsight, he now realizes he shouldn't have proposed to Melissa in "The Bachelor" finale, but in the moment, he thought he was doing the right thing and that Melissa was the woman he had always dreamed of.

As for the harsh reaction to his decision, which has taken him from being the most popular "Bachelor" to possibly the most disliked, he tells, "I think it's fair for people to have the right to judge me. But it was the truth."

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #280 on: March 05, 2009, 07:23:11 PM »
thank u will for the ellen vid i feel like i have closer lol.. i said that i did not see how molly could trust jason, and i am guessing that is going to b a big hurdel for them, but u no what they say love is BLIND.
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #281 on: March 06, 2009, 08:14:44 AM »
Thursday, March 05, 2009
ABC Television Network


Cathy Rehl:    Welcome everybody. I know we have a lot of people on line and our guest today doesn't have a whole lot of time so we're going to get right to it.

I first want to apologize for the last minute scheduling change. Our couple and this was sort of unavoidable. There was no way they were going to be able to do this on their timetable in Los Angeles today so my apologies to you.

But I have another star with us who is the Executive Producer of the series and creator, Mike Fleiss.

And by the way we'll also be sending out a statement from Melissa. She is not going to be doing interviews right now. I think you probably all understand why.

And but we have a statement we'll get to you a little later after the call.

With that I'm going to start to ask for questions and please keep them to like a minimum of two a piece so that everybody who wants to ask can.

Thank you.

Operator:    Ladies and gentlemen at this time if you would like to ask a question press star followed by the number 1 on your telephone keypad. Again that's star 1 to ask a question.

Your first question comes from the line of John Bracchitta with Reality TV World.

John Bracchitta:    Hey how are you doing?

Mike Fleiss:    What's up (John)?

John Bracchitta:    Nothing much. I've got some questions.

During some of your interviews yesterday both Jason and Chris made statements that Melissa wasn't blindsided when Jason broke up with her. On camera implied they already had broken up before that.

Could you set the record straight on what the status of Jason and Melissa's relationship was when they came out for that final rose speech?

Mike Fleiss:    Well I mean they've been talking and been seeing each other, you know, and I think it was clear to both of them that there was, you know, problems with the relationship at that point.

So, you know, they were, as I understand it they were all broken up prior to the show. I mean I don't think she knew that she was going to give him back the ring.

But I think she knew that, you know, they weren't going to be together.

And, you know, so I mean she definitely wasn't completely blindsided by the situation.

John Bracchitta:    Okay. And then and during (his) interviews Jason often stated that he only broke up with Melissa on camera because it was in his contract.

Could you elaborate on what he meant by that and what contractual obligations he was under?

Mike Fleiss:    I mean I think he felt an obligation to the show. But there's no contractual obligation there. None.

John Bracchitta:    Okay, thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Delaina Dixon with OK Magazine.

Delaina Dixon:    Hey how are you doing?

Mike Fleiss:    Fine.

Delaina Dixon:    Well I guess everybody wants to know, you know, putting that breakup on TV, knew that it probably was going to affect how people thought of Jason.

So, you know, why choose to do that? We could have heard that he broke up with her off camera and could have just (woo) (Molly).

What was your decision behind that?

Mike Fleiss:    Well first of all it's a TV show and that was really the defining moment of the series.

And to not put that on TV seems strange, you know, really when you consider that we are making a TV show and these people signed up to do a TV show.

But the real difference here was that, you know, the - his decision to break up with Melissa involved the other party in the situation which was Molly.

And so it was all, you know, part of our Bachelor universe. And so it seemed weird to turn the cameras off for that. You know I mean we try to tell a complete story and to have that go on and not let the viewers be part of it I think would have been a mistake.

Delaina Dixon:    Okay. And are you going to keep doing the bachelor concept until you finally get a bachelor who actually goes through and picks a girl that he marries?

Mike Fleiss:    Sure.

Delaina Dixon:    Okay, thanks a lot.

Mike Fleiss:    Thanks.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Lorilee Craker with Grand Rapids Press.

Lorilee Craker:    Hi Mike. It's Lorilee Craker from the Grand Rapids Press.

Mike Fleiss:    Hi.

Lorilee Craker:    And I am obviously from Molly's hometown.

And we've given the show tons of coverage and that's spoken to Molly's friends, etcetera.

Why do you think - what would you say - a lot of people here are buzzing about the fact that, you know, although they love Molly and they're loyal to Molly, it just seems so shameless to hurt Melissa in the way that you did.

And the show almost seems set up to hurt people.

What do you say about that?

Mike Fleiss:    Its set up to help people find each other. It's not - that's all it is. And it's a TV show and these people sign up to go on a TV show. I mean it's not like we barge in on someone's personal relationship and filmed it and put it on the air without their consent. They came on a reality TV show.

And this show's been on for so long, people know what they're getting into. And that's what it is.

And to me, I don't see the difference between breaking up with Molly on TV in New Zealand and breaking up with Melissa on TV in Glendale. I don't see the difference.

Lorilee Craker:    Okay. Well both of them were very difficult to watch of course. And as you say you're trying to tell...

Mike Fleiss:    That's the show.

Lorilee Craker:    ...a complete story, right.

Mike Fleiss:    That's the show.

Lorilee Craker:    Another question then about Grand Rapids we've had four contestants now from this area be on your show and including Bob Guiney and (Brad Andrewjeski) and, what was her name, Robin Canfield.

Why do you think the Midwest and specifically Grand Rapids is a drawing card for you? Why do you think that these people have been successful in becoming contestants?

Mike Fleiss:    I don't know. I have no idea. My mom is from that area so...

Lorilee Craker:    Really?

Mike Fleiss:    Yeah. Well close, she's from Michigan, you know.

Lorilee Craker:    Yeah.

Mike Fleiss:    She's from West Bloomfield, you know...


Lorilee Craker:    Okay. Are you looking for, you know, kind of a wholesome Midwestern? Like Molly really typifies the typical Grand Rapids girl. Is that what you're looking for?

Mike Fleiss:    We just look for, you know, good people who are there for sincere reasons. That's all we ever look for.

Lorilee Craker:    Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    We don't care where they come from.

Lorilee Craker:    All right. Thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Hal Boedeker with Orlando Sentinel.

Hal Boedeker:    Hey, Mike.

Mike Fleiss:    Hey, Hal, how are you man?

Hal Boedeker:    I'm good. I'm good. Listen I've been getting emails from people who were saying, you know, that they're really angry at the show and they'll never watch again. I mean even though Elizabeth Hasselbeck made some sort of comment like that.

I mean what would you say to those people?

Mike Fleiss:    Hey, Elizabeth Hasselbeck?

Hal Boedeker:    She wants to be weaned off the show.

Mike Fleiss:    Oh my God. She needs to be weaned off her political views man. She's a little confused.

Hal Boedeker:    But what would you say to those viewers?

Mike Fleiss:    I know man, it's like, you know, you really don't want watch, don't watch. You know it's like it's a TV show and it was big this time and the reaction is big.

And, you know, I mean I know a lot of people were saying it was the best TV they've ever seen in their life. I'm getting lots of emails and text like that and so, I'm not really that concerned.

Hal Boedeker:    Well and also are you surprised at the fury toward Jason?

Mike Fleiss:    Well yes and no. I mean it's - he was so immensely popular that he had the furthest to fall in some ways.

So, you know, when he did something that the audience didn't want him to do, you know, they were disappointed.

But I was with the couple last night that are happy as can be and he kept telling me, you know, what was I going to do, you know, I was in love with this girl. I - what was my choice? To not pursue this woman that I absolutely adore?

Hal Boedeker:    Thanks for your time.

Mike Fleiss:    Thanks Hal. Good to talk again.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Tim Malloy with

Tim Malloy:    Hey, thanks for doing this.

Mike Fleiss:    Hey Tim.

Tim Malloy:    The thing we're getting from our viewers and 60% of them said on an online poll that they believe Jason is a bastard is that they believe - what they believe was improper was dumping Melissa on air.

And Jason has said of course that he had to do because he couldn't see her beforehand.

Can you sort of walk us through the timeline because it seems like he has to take trips with her and they spent the holiday together?

Mike Fleiss:    Yeah, they saw each other. And they were on the phone everyday and, you know, I don't know exactly the specific timeline in terms of when and they were together and whatnot.

But he had plenty of access to her and, you know, which is one of the things we really try to do for the couple, but, you know, it just wasn't working out for them, you know, I mean, she knew it, you know.

And she didn't know that it was about Molly. I think that was the thing that caught her off guard.

Tim Malloy:    But he definitely had the opportunity to tell her before he was on air, right?

Mike Fleiss:    Oh yeah. I mean she didn't come there thinking that they were all good. I mean you can see from the footage. When she comes out and they hug, I mean that's not a couple that's about to get married. That's a couple that, you know, in danger of breaking up.

Tim Malloy:    Yeah, but if he wanted to do it, there was no contractual obligation or anything that he had.

Mike Fleiss:    No. There's no contractual obligation. You can check the contracts. I mean there's, I mean how would you put that in a contract anyways. Like everything you do with your life must be (unintelligible). It's impossible, you know, there would be no way to legislate that frankly.

Tim Malloy:    Yeah, okay. Thanks a lot.

Mike Fleiss:    Thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Athima Chansanchai with Seattle Post.

Athima Chansanchai:    Intelligencer. Thank you.

Mike Fleiss:    Oh this is Intelligencer, yes.

Athima Chansanchai:    Yeah, that's right.

Mike Fleiss:    PI baby.

Athima Chansanchai:    The PI that's right. That's right.

So, you know, the couples don't often stay together but have you ever had a couple not be together by the time the finale airs?

Mike Fleiss:    Oh yeah, many times.

Athima Chansanchai:    So, but was this the first time you chose to film it without the studio audience? I mean there's so much...


Mike Fleiss:    Well, we didn't want it getting out there. And we also just felt like that would have been a bizarre scene to have a guy breaking up with a girl and then the audience applauding as we go to a commercial. I mean that didn't really seem right, you know.

Athima Chansanchai:    Okay, so did Molly have any indication at that point that Jason had left Melissa and wanted another chance with her?

Mike Fleiss:    No, she didn't know.

Athima Chansanchai:    And what did you tell her about the whole setup with the after final rose...?

Mike Fleiss:    You know just that we're going to get it up there (and) everybody, and see how everybody's doing and, you know, and whatnot.

And, you know, that show was scheduled long before Jason told us that he was having troubles with his relationship with Melissa and that he's in love with Molly that, you know, that's part of the cycle. We always do it after the final rose.

So, you know, she was onboard to do that, you know, from the beginning. And just, you know, two or three weeks out it just it took on a different complexion.

Athima Chansanchai:    So when did she tell you that things weren't working out?

Mike Fleiss:    I don't remember the date.

Athima Chansanchai:    Like in the last month or the last...

Mike Fleiss:    It was like - when did we shoot that? Yeah, like maybe ten days before we shot the special.

Athima Chansanchai:    Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    I don't remember really. I mean I...

Athima Chansanchai:    Okay. Okay, thank you.

Mike Fleiss:    Thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Meredith Garibaldi with In Touch Weekly.

Meredith Garibaldi:    Hi.

Mike Fleiss:    Hi Meredith.

Meredith Garibaldi:    How are you?

Has Melissa asked you to be the next Bachelorette and if she didn't what would you say if she did ask you?

Mike Fleiss:    Well I tried to get her to be the next Bachelorette. She didn't want to do it.

Meredith Garibaldi:    Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    First I went to - I've sort of been scrounging around out there. First I tried to talk Molly into doing it.

And, you know, when Jason was with Melissa I said oh, well I think because Molly is fantastically photogenic and, you know, sweet and she'd make a good Bachelorette and so I was on the phone with her for, you know, maybe two and a half weeks trying to talk her into doing that.

Meredith Garibaldi:    Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    And she was still a little upset about Jason and she didn't feel like she could commit and really, I mean she was just starting to come around and she had talked to her friends and family about the possibility of being the bachelorette. She had asked me for permission to break up in actuality and told her friends and family that she hadn't been the chosen one at the end.

Meredith Garibaldi:    Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    And that I was now talking to her about being the Bachelorette.

And she talked to them and they were all supportive of it, at least her friends were. I know that.

And she was just starting to come around to the idea of being the new Bachelorette when, you know, this thing happened with Jason.

Meredith Garibaldi:    Okay. Cool. How did you explain to Melissa that the breakup had to be public? Did you like apologize to her?

Mike Fleiss:    I didn't speak to her.

Meredith Garibaldi:    You didn't speak to her. Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    My producers did I'm sure, you know.

Meredith Garibaldi:    And do you know if - how Jason explained it to Ty?

Mike Fleiss:    No, I don't know.

Meredith Garibaldi:    No. Okay. Thank you.

Mike Fleiss:    Thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Laura Saltman with Access Hollywood.

Laura Saltman:    Hey Mike. I have a question about the - if Melissa knew that this was coming and that was obvious by how she acted, why did she bring the ring? Why did she have - why was she wearing the ring? Was that you guys telling her hey, give Jason the ring back, it'll make good TV?

Mike Fleiss:    I don't know why she had the ring. You'd have to ask her. I don't know.

Laura Saltman:    Okay. Have you seen the emails between them after the show because Melissa makes it seem like she kind of knew that Molly was on Jason's mind and that he had talked to her. Do you know anything about that?

Mike Fleiss:    No, I have not sent that.

Laura Saltman:    Well you were the creator of the show. And I know you've got a million other things on your plate and that you have a show runner that deals with most of it.

So how much interaction do you even have with anybody from this past season that you are - how much are you involved with it?

Mike Fleiss:    I don't really have too much direct contact with the cast members truthfully.

Laura Saltman:    Okay. That's what I wanted to know. So you're not exactly the type of the guy to talk about all this.

Cathy Rehl:    Yes he is. He's the Executive Producer and oversees the entire show Laura.

Laura Saltman:    Okay, well I just feel like...

Cathy Rehl:    And he's the creator and...

Laura Saltman:    But if he's not talking - if he's not discussing with them personally then maybe he's not the one to ask the questions that I'm asking. That's what I'm saying.

So thank you.

Mike Fleiss:    That's not true.

Operator:    Your next question comes from Rick Porter with

Rick Porter:    Hi Mike. How are you?

Mike Fleiss:    Hey, what's happening?

Rick Porter:    Curious, how would you compare this fallout to the other couple times where the fairytale has sort of ended on camera with Brad and going back to Jen Schefft in her bachelorette season?

Mike Fleiss:    You know it's similar, you know, I mean it's whatever the show is getting the ratings, you know, the controversy is just as big. And, you know, it's sort of part of the deal.

Rick Porter:    Okay. And one of the threads that seems to be coming through in the online stuff is that somehow this was kind of stage managed or even just outright scripted.

What - how would you respond to that?

Mike Fleiss:    I mean that's not true. We don't do that. We've never done that and we never will do that.

You know the good thing about unscripted television is that its unpredictable and that's what this was. I mean it caught us off guard; caught the viewers off guard. And, you know, that's why unscripted television works. That's why it's, you know, popular because it doesn't feel (pat), it doesn't feel set up, it doesn't feel contrived like a lot of the script stuff out there.

Rick Porter:    Okay, thanks.

Mike Fleiss:    Thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of John Bracchitta with Reality TV World.

John Bracchitta:    Hey again. Did Jason ever tell you, any of the other show producers that he didn't want to dump Melissa on camera?

And if so, what was the response?

Mike Fleiss:    I never heard that. Never heard that.

John Bracchitta:    Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    Excuse me.

John Bracchitta:    And then it would seem like Jason could have avoided some of the viewer backlash he's dealing with now by spending the last six weeks kind of trying to work out his relationship with Melissa and if it wasn't working, then kind of be like trying to (stark) and just quietly announcing it after the finale had aired.

Do you know if he ever considered that option?

Mike Fleiss:    You know, I think he tried to make the relationship work, you know, but I mean if you could tell another man how long they should try to make a relationship work, I mean that's certainly not my position.

John Bracchitta:    Okay. And Chris had already spent the last week being pretty outspoken responding to the allegations that you or someone else on the show's production staff, well actually you already answered that one.

That's all I got. Thanks.

Mike Fleiss:    Thanks.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Mari Cartel with Radar Online.

Mari Cartel:    Hey there. A couple questions, first of all, have you guys taken some sort of tally as to who's angrier about this, women or men?

Mike Fleiss:    No. No. No we haven't tallied it up. But that's pretty funny.

Mari Cartel:    Well, you know, I'm just curious. And I guess the other question that I would have is about Melissa and her not participating.

I realize you're sparing her feelings today. But really her feelings were kind of not spared in the least at the finale so why spare them now?

Cathy Rehl:    I have to say, I'm going to jump in here, this was her decision. She did not want to do much press.

Mari Cartel:    I understand that. But don't you have some sort of contractual obligation with your - with the people that appear on your show?

Mike Fleiss:    To force them to do press?

Mari Cartel:    Well yeah, I mean afterwards you know...

Mike Fleiss:    No.

Mari Cartel:    ...there's going to be a list of - I'm not trying to be belligerent. But you know there's going to be an element of press that they have to take part in and...

Mike Fleiss:    We can't force anyone to talk to the press. That's - how would you do that?

Mari Cartel:    By putting it in their contract I would guess.

Mike Fleiss:    That you have to answer X number of questions from X number of reporters. No, no, no, no, that's ridiculous.

Mari Cartel:    Okay.

Cathy Rehl:    She was talked to and this is what she wanted, okay. She did a couple of things and that's the way she's leaving it for the moment.

Now she may come back and totally decide to talk to people but right now she wanted her space and we're respecting that.

Mari Cartel:    Okay, thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line Erin Carlson with Associated Press.

Erin Carlson:    Hi, Mike.

Mike Fleiss:    Hi, Erin. How are you?

Erin Carlson:    Good. How are you?

Mike Fleiss:    Good.

Erin Carlson:    How much influence do producers have in selecting the winner?

Mike Fleiss:    You mean the one that he chooses?

Erin Carlson:    Yes.

Mike Fleiss:    Zero. Zero point zero.

Erin Carlson:    Zero, so nobody's, you know, outside in a trailer, you know, giving Jason notes?

Mike Fleiss:    No. No.

Erin Carlson:    And why Jillian as the new bachelorette?

Mike Fleiss:    Well Melissa didn't want to do it. Molly became the one he chose and Jillian is the next biggest fan favorite.

Erin Carlson:    What makes her such a favorite?

Mike Fleiss:    Well she's, you know, she's got - she's relatable. She's got that girl next door thing. And I think she's sort of has a Jennifer Aniston quality. I mean she's just she's sweet and she's smart and she's the right age to do this I think, you know, she's 28 or 29, you know, which is better than having one of the really young girls do it.

Erin Carlson:    Okay, great. Thank you.

Mike Fleiss:    Thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Julie Gordon with AM New York.

Julie Gordon:    Hi, how are you?

Mike Fleiss:    Good.

Julie Gordon:    So I know that Melissa doesn't want to do any press now but will you maybe try in a couple of months to do, you know, an update, some kind of after (show) special?

Mike Fleiss:    Yeah, I'm sure that at some point we'll invite Melissa to be part of an update (pattern) because we do those all the time, you know...


Julie Gordon:    Okay.


Mike Fleiss:    If she doesn't do any press she'll be, you know, an obvious person to talk to but, you know, we just hope that she gets over this and gets - you know, finds the right guy out there. She's a terrific girl. I mean she's not going - I would venture to say that she's probably the most popular girl in the country right now.

Julie Gordon:    Yeah.

Mike Fleiss:    You know, I hope some of that is a positive for her.

Julie Gordon:    Okay. And then I mean did Jason express any reservations, you know, I mean he was with Melissa and then off camera, you know, his relationship was different. Did he express any, you know, reservations that the same thing would happen with Molly?

Mike Fleiss:    No.

Julie Gordon:    No.

Mike Fleiss:    No, I don't know.

Julie Gordon:    Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    At least not to me, no.

Julie Gordon:    Okay. And then one more question. Have you ever thought of increasing the taping period to give people, you know, even more time to get to know each other or is...?

Mike Fleiss:    Well we shoot twice as long as any other relationship show on the air.

So, you know, I mean we - I mean some of these shows banging out in two or three weeks.

Julie Gordon:    Okay.

Mike Fleiss:    Seven and a half weeks and we travel the world. I mean we're - I mean it's those other shows that need to do that. Not ours.

Julie Gordon:    Okay, thank you.

Mike Fleiss:    Thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Rachael Horwitz with

Rachael Horwitz:    Hi Mike.

Mike Fleiss:    Hi Rachael.

Rachael Horwitz:    You said that you got together with Molly and Jason last night. Did they give you a better sense of Molly's timeline for moving to Seattle?

Mike Fleiss:    No, we didn't talk about that.

Rachael Horwitz:    And...

Mike Fleiss:    I know she's definitely planning to do that. You know but she's got her job and family there.

So, you know, I'm sure they'll do it, you know, when it makes sense.

But she's definitely committed to doing that.

Rachael Horwitz:    And one of the (unintelligible) coming through my readers and with even I think some of the women expressed it on last night's special was Jason's fickleness and at this point we see him engaged to a lot of women and or at least proposing marriage. And he's been married.

Do you get a sense of - do you consider him to be a solid guy like do you think you have faith this will work out with Molly or?

Mike Fleiss:    Well they seemed great last night. I mean they really - I mean every time I talk to either one of them they're clearly in love, you know, so, you know, fingers crossed.

Rachael Horwitz:    And did they talk about any plans about getting married or just one step at a time?

Mike Fleiss:    We didn't - I haven't heard anything. I haven't the M word yet at this point.

Rachael Horwitz:    Okay, thank you.

Mike Fleiss:    Thank you.

Cathy Rehl:    I'm going to call for a last question please.

Operator:    Your final question comes from the line of Tom Rose with

Tom Rose:    Hey Mike, thanks for talking with us today.

Mike Fleiss:    Hey thank you.

Tom Rose:    You're claiming that none of this is scripted but that whole DeAnna Pappasstoryline was pretty manipulative and then when she came on at the end it was just a giant snore-fest. I mean you say it's not scripted but that seemed scripted to me.

Mike Fleiss:    All right. It seemed scripted to you. That's awesome.

Tom Rose:    Okay. So you're saying that just came about because, you know, when...

Mike Fleiss:    Well, you know, we had to get her on a plane so we knew that. You know she didn't fly there on her own dime.

Tom Rose:    Right. But when you were - you know as we were leading up to that episode it seemed like she was going to throw out a big ball to, you know, to the work staff. But as it turned out she just made her last play and he just blew her off.

So that seemed scripted to me I mean.

Mike Fleiss:    Unscripted. What are you talking about, crazy, that's pretty funny though.

Tom Rose:    All right, well thank you.

Cathy Rehl:    Okay everybody. Thank you so much. Thank you for your time and during the long season. And we will be back to you with The Bachelorette in some months from now. It will premiere May 18th on ABC. There will be a release on that later.

And I will be again sending out a statement from Melissa that you can have, okay.

And we know if she indeed is going to do press sometime in the future. We will get back to you, okay.

Thank you. If you need anything else please give me a call at 212-456-6749.

Operator:    This concludes today's conference call.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #282 on: March 06, 2009, 10:59:51 AM »
'The Bachelor''s Jason & Molly Talk Regrets & The Future

"The Bachelor"'s Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney opened up to talk show host Ellen Degeneres about their relationship, Jason's regrets, and the negative response to the show's shocking conclusion.

On "The Bachelor" finale Jason stunned fans by announcing to his fiance Melissa Rycroft that he was leaving her for Molly, the show's runner-up. The 32-year-old admits that although he doesn't regret his decision, he does regret breaking the news on national television.

"I completely regret doing that," he says. "I regretted it every single day since that happened and I will regret probably every day for the rest of my life. The producers obviously really wanted me to do it on the show, but I take full responsibility for my actions."

DeGeneres asked Molly about the what she meant when she told Jason he was making a big mistake after he chose Melissa at the final rose ceremony.

"At that time I just thought I was a better fit for him," Molly explains. "I think Melissa is incredible. She's a really really great girl and I think anyone would be lucky to have her, but I just thought I was a better fit."

As far as the couple's future plans, Molly reveals that they are not engaged, but are simply trying to take their relationship one day at a time.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #283 on: March 06, 2009, 01:23:03 PM »
Jilted 'The Bachelor' bachelorette Melissa Rycroft breaks her silence

According to Rycroft, she didn't take very long after the couple's return from the taping of the season's Final Rose Ceremony in New Zealand for Mesnick to tell her he'd changed his mind about their relationship.

"It was pretty immediate.  Once we got back [from New Zealand] we both kind of sat in the real world and you know, we were talking about how it was different and it in all fairness, I think it is when you take the cameras away," Rycroft told Ellen DeGeneres during Thursday's broadcast of The Ellen DeGeneres Show.  "It was just at that point when we brought up how difficult it was, he kind of gave up and I couldn't understand why.  At that time -- now I do, because I think there was someone else involved."

Rycroft told DeGeneres that the couple had already ended their relationship by January's taping of The Bachelor: After the Final Rose special and she knew Mesnick was probably going to officially break-up with her on-air during the taping.

"On that After the Final Rose, I wasn't getting dumped [there] -- we had already ended the relationship and that was mutual," Rycroft said.

Instead of being upset about the on-air break-up, Rycroft said she was actually angry about Mesnick's subsequent admittance that he was ending the relationship because he still had feelings for runner-up Molly Malaney -- a fact he had previously repeatedly denied to her.

"That is where my feelings of betrayal came in," Rycroft told DeGeneres.  "I had repeatedly asked him, you know, 'Is Molly involved in anything?' and when they moved up the taping of that After the Final Rose I was like well, 'Why did we move the taping up, what's going on?'  I asked Jason 'Am I going to be blindsided by anything, is there anything you want to tell me?' and he said 'No, no, no gosh, no' and the second I want out on that stage he went 'Well P.S -- it is Molly' and I went 'Bastard.'"

Rycroft said that she had been suspicious that Mesnick had continued speaking with Malaney after the show had finished taping -- a charge Mesnick has denied -- and said she is sure of at least one communication between the two

"I think, first being a girl you get that feeling. I mean anybody whose been cheated on, you know.  And being a woman, I got that feeling because I went 'Well he just backed away from me' and I knew he had contacted her," Rycroft told DeGeneres.  "I knew that there had been at least one contact that I knew about, where he was 'checking on her.' And so it was just in the back of my mind, I would just casually ask 'Are you talking to her? Have you talked to her? Tell me, just be honest.' [And] he kept saying no."

Rycroft also told DeGeneres that she was accepting of the school of thought that, given she had gone on television seeking to find love, the broadcasting of the couple's subsequent break-up was also fair game.

"I have to.  I mean, at the end of the day, I look and I say 'I signed up for this,' I knew the premise of the show -- this is not the first season by far," Rycroft said.  "I know everything is played out on TV, but it feels so different when you're in it, and honestly when you're in it you go through these feelings of 'It's not fair that everyone gets to see me go through all these emotions without me getting a chance to react to them privately.'"

During the interview, Rycroft also confirmed the legitimacy of a recently leaked series of emails in which Mesnick told her The Bachelor's producers "had a lot to do with" his decision to break-up with her on-air and she subsequently told him she "didn't believe" him and chided that he is "a grown man... perfectly capably of making his own decisions" who should "own your actions and stop blaming this process."

"That was actually right after we that After the Final Rose," Rycroft said about the email exchange, which began the morning after the special's January 18 taping.

"I instigated it -- and I [look] back and wish I hadn't. I felt I needed to apologize for getting angry with him [during the taping] but at the same time, I said 'I hope you know why I got that made.'  Because we weren't talking at that point -- it's not like I was going to just call him up -- and so that was my way of saying 'This is my closure.'  I was mad, I'm sorry but this is it, don't reply back."

Rycroft also made it clear that she disagrees with Mesnick's recent comments that he feels he'll eventually be friends with her -- and added that she also doesn't have any desire to develop a friendship with Malaney either.

"No... Jason and Molly don't quite have the characteristics of someone I would want to be friends with," she told DeGeneres.  "I feel like on a level, they both did betray me. I understand it was a break-up, and I'm not mad about that, we all get broken up with.  But to be lied to...."

In her time since her emotional conclusion on The Bachelor, Rycroft said that she had made steps to move on and had already began dating someone who, ironically enough, is named Ty -- the same name as Mesnick's four-year-old son.

"Because of the privacy and everything going on, we haven't really been able to explore a new relationship, but now that everything is over, I'm so excited," she said.  "I've known him for two years and kind of done the dating on/off. He has been my biggest rock and supporter throughout this whole process and so he's become my best friend."

"Ty is Jason's son's name... how weird that is that you're with someone named Ty?  Maybe you'll have a child together and name it Jason," quipped DeGeneres.

"Yeah... no," Rycroft responded with a laugh.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #284 on: March 06, 2009, 02:19:06 PM »
Jason Mesnick & Molly Malaney on Ellen 3/6

credit with thanks to elllenshowfan

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #285 on: March 07, 2009, 05:06:10 PM »
The Bachelor made it on The Soup this week!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #286 on: March 07, 2009, 06:34:58 PM »
Graham Bunn, who was one of the guys on The Bachelorette: Deanna Pappas bashed on Jason Mesnick at Times Square

credit to xxxjgirlxxx
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 11:15:57 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #287 on: March 09, 2009, 08:18:46 AM »
Reality Steve's latest blog....more insight of the aftermath of the finale last week and Melissa doing DWTS..

No Really, These are the Final FINAL Thoughts plus Melissa on “DWTS”

Ahhhhh, what a week. So many peoples stories have changed, the latest on Melissa joining “Dancing with the Stars” tonight, and finally we’ve heard the last of Tatiana Del Toro (at least I hope so). Let’s put some final FINAL thoughts together on this “Bachelor” season and just move on. It’s over, it’s done with, everyone’s changing their stories now, it’s a farce. Like I told you it was back on Jan. 27th. Before we get to that though, a couple notes regarding the site.

Over the next two months, there will be changes to the site. Still working out the kinks, as you saw last week we tried a different format, but a lot of things are happening right now and I want to make sure this site looks good when we roll everything out. So there might be some days the look of it changes, and there might be some days that it’s down, but just know its all temporary. I hope to have everything finalized and done by May 18th, which is the start of Jillians season of the “Bachelorette”. So any craziness in between now and then, just bear with me. It looks like the merchandising is definitely going to happen, I just need to figure out what products we are going to launch with, plus, some people want to advertise, and the current format we’re in doesn’t make it easy, which is why we’ll probably be giving the site a new look.

It’s not like I broke the Bachelor “shocker” back in January so all this could happen. Far from it. What’s happening now is a result of me being credible with my news, and the thing I’m most proud of, is how many emails I’ve gotten over the last few weeks from people saying they had never even heard of the site before and now they’re a fan. I’ve always wanted more and more people to find, but I did a terrible job of marketing it, which is to say I did nothing. If breaking this seasons ending gave me notoriety, so be it. But those that have been with me for the last seven years know I’ve been loyal to giving you consistent “Bachelor” updates, plus my opinions on a myriad of things. Now, I’m just going to do it more often. Especially with “Idol” about to begin its final rounds, “Survivor” up and running, “Celebrity Apprentice” being a trainwreck I can’t not watch, and the whole “Dancing with the Stars” thing. Hey, those that know me know that’s been one of my favorite shows since it started. Now, with the whole Melissa angle thrown in, obviously that adds a little extra to those that are “Bachelor” fans. Speaking of that, lets go back to last week, imparticular, AFTER Tuesday nights show.

Really now, with all the chaos surrounding this past season of the “Bachelor”, I feel like after today, let’s just put it to rest. Some of you will always believe what you want to believe about the possible set up and conspiracy that I’ve alleged, and that’s fine. All I’ve ever wanted to do was present a case as for why I believe what I was told went down this season. You’re not a bad person if you don’t believe it, and those that do, aren’t conspiracy theorists or bad people either. They’re just realists. Ha ha. Anyway, what really bothered me last week after the ATFR 2 was the spin job that everyone was putting on this. Included in this spin job were ABC, Mike Fleiss, Jason, and even Melissa. On Wednesday, Jason immediately came out and said he broke up with Melissa on TV because he was “contractually obligated to.” Then Mike Fleiss immediately shot back with, “Uh, no you weren’t.” Then Jason spun it to, “Well, Melissa knew we were having problems and we were already broken up. We had ended things a week earlier.” Then Melissa on with Ellen Thursday says, “Yeah, the breakup was mutual, we were broken up. But what upset me was the lying. I asked him numerous times if it was about Molly and he said ‘no’. Then we get on TV to tape the ATFR 1 and he informs me it is.” Then Jason the next day on Ellen says, “Yeah, I wasn’t contractually obligated. I felt I was doing what the producers wanted me to do, and I take full responsibility for that. If I could take anything back, it was that I did it on camera. She didn’t need to go through that.” Well gee, ya’ think?

Look, Jason did exactly what he needed to do last week, which is apologize for embarrassing her on television. He didn’t need to do that, he admits he didn’t need to do that, and says he’ll live with that decision for the rest of his life. Good. He should. And the fact that both of them are now saying, “Well, we were broken up before we went on that show” pretty much proves even more than not only is Jason a douchebag for doing it, but also that ABC was implicit in all of this as well. Bascially they’re saying, “Well, you guys broke up off camera, and we can’t have that. Come and shoot the ATFR 1 six weeks early so we can ‘re-create’ that breakup.” If ABC is saying Jason wasn’t contractually obligated to do that on camera, then ABC could’ve easily said, “No, no way. We’re not doing this to her.” But they chose not to because they wanted drama, and that’s exactly what they got.

Nice to see that Melissa admitted the emails I’d had in my possession for two weeks that I chose not to release were legitimate. Hey, I knew they were the whole time, but it was good to hear something I said finally proven correct. And I’m glad someone else chose to release them because I did not want that on my conscience anymore. I didn’t want my name attached to those emails. And considering they landed in my inbox from someone who’d never emailed once before, I had a good idea someone would release them. I’m sure it was passed around to a few people. I think the one thing those emails proved was Melissa knew there was something going on with Jason and Molly during the time they were together. That’s obvious. I think its obvious to everyone now, and that’s the one thing that Jason is continually lying about. Notice how he never addressed it in the emails both times she brought it up? Never confirmed or denied it, which was smart. Just left it alone. The minute he admits to it, is the minute he’s guilty for lying in front of America, which most people think he did anyway. Also makes ABC look horrible in that they allowed it to happen, and makes them liars too. That gave Jason an out to not address it in his emails back to her.

I find it funny that at first, ABC/Fleiss/Chris Harrison/Jason all were adamant that “No, no, no, no. They had no contact whatsoever in those two months he was engaged. Molly was taken by complete surprise and anyone who suggests otherwise is just plain wrong.” Yet now we’re hearing, “Oh wait, there was one phone call where he was just ‘checking’ on Molly.” Really? When he’s engaged to Melissa and spending time with her over the holidays? Of course, there are also numerous reports that Molly texted or called Jason while he was with Melissa, which she has said happened, but god no! Jason would never do such a thing! Whatever. Like I’ve said ever since I released the news about this season, it is going to be he said/she said til the end of time. You will either believe that he didn’t have contact with Molly and ABC wasn’t planning this ratings bonanza, or you can believe Melissa. It’s up to you. I’m pretty much done debating it at this point. By next week, no one will give a rats ass about Jason and Molly and how they’re doing. I thought the most telling thing between both Melissas appearance and Jason and Mollys appearance on “Ellen” was the fact that Melissa said he started pulling away “almost immediately” when they got back from taping. For a guy that claimed he tried so hard to make it work, I would think pulling away immediately isn’t supporting your case too much.

More questions:

Now he and Molly are doing a tourism video promoting New Zealand talking about that’s where they fell in love and what a great place it is? Huh? I thought when he left New Zealand, that’s when he was in love with Melissa? Did you see this thing? Unbelievable. Check it out:

If Molly had no idea she what was going to happen at the ATFR 2, why was she talking about, “I stay up every night hoping Jason would change his mind and take me back?” No other Final Two girl in the history of that show has ever said that on the ATFR 2.

Why did Jason tell Molly, ten minutes roughly after he just dumped his fiance, “I’m falling in love with you?” If he didn’t have any contact with this woman in two months, can you technically be “falling in love with them?” Seems a little extreme. I would think you’d just leave it at, “I haven’t been able to keep my mind off you and I want to try this out.” Not, “I’m falling in love with you.” How could you? You haven’t spoken to her since New Zealand! Jason is King Contradictory right now.

And of course, he’s gone back and forth on at what point they broke up. He says it was a few days before the ATFR 1 taping, then he said it was a week, then he said in the beginning he shouldn’t have broken up with her, then changed it to, “she knew what was coming.” AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! This is all making my head hurt really. Stick to one story, buddy.

So this can be debated forever. Who do you believe, Jason or Melissa? Or neither? Either way, it doesn’t affect my life. I believe Melissa but it doesn’t mean you’re a horrible person if you don’t. If I were you, I’d put it past you, move on, and start discussing more important things. This is exactly what ABC wants, and that’s to have you talking about them weeks after the season ends. So I will put an end to it in this column if you promise to as well. Sure, I’ll continually make jokes til the end of time about this season and what a farce it was, but I’m done presenting my case for why I believe this was a set up. Let’s move on.

As I’m sure most of you have heard by now, Melissa is going to be an injury replacement for Nancy O’Dell on “Dancing with the Stars” beginning tonight. Nancy O’Dell dropped out on Thursday, and news broke yesterday that Melissa was asked to do it. Which means she’s had a whopping four days to practice. I’m really surprised by some of the response I’m hearing in regards to Melissa “selling out” or “only doing this because she wants to be famous.” Huh? Once again, people will have their opinions on this one way or another, but this is how I see it:

1. She’s a last second injury replacement, so this basically just fell into her lap. She didn’t go out seeking this. This isn’t something she’s been in negotiations for for weeks. Nancy O’Dell just dropped out on Thursday.

2. She has a dance background, it’s her passion, so it’s not like she’s going on “Fear Factor”, or some other stupid dating show just so she could be on TV. I think the fact she turned down being the next “Bachelorette” shows more about her character and motivations than accepting this gig does.

3. She knows she can do well because of her background, the public already likes her, and she immediately becomes one of the favorites. Why wouldn’t you enter a competition that you know you can win?

4. With Nancy O’Dell dropping out Thursday, this is the latest ANYONE has ever dropped out of DWTS by far. If they’re find a replacement and give them only four days of rehearsal, they’re not going to pick someone with ZERO dance experience because they’ll just get voted off the first week. So of course they had to find someone who could dance, and she fits the bill perfectly. It’s ABC crossover, her name has been out there the last week, and she can dance.

5. She told Ellen on Wednesday “I just wanna go back to Dallas, get back to a normal life, and get away from reality TV” or whatever she said. She didn’t know about this opportunity when she said that, so to call her a liar just seems ignorant. Unless you think she knew about this all along, which she couldn’t have, since they announced the DWTS cast back on Feb. 9th and she wasn’t a part of it.

Seems to me that the people hating on her are the ones who didn’t like her in the first place or thought she was in on this whole scheme with the “Bachelor.” So whatever she does, you’ll never change those peoples minds. She could have announced last week on “Ellen” that she’s taking a camera crew to Africa to feed a village of starving children, and her detractors would first ask, “Why are you taking a camera crew?” Can never win with some people. Look, I have no problem with Melissa doing this, but I can see plenty of people will. Whatever. To each their own. I hope she does well. I can’t imagine she won’t at least get to the finals. I mean, c’mon. Steve-O? David Alan Grier? She could’ve been given four hours to practice and she’d be better than them. People who hate her will cheer against her, and people who like her, won’t. It’s pretty simple. There’s no way she would tell America “My reality television days are behind me” if she knew she was gonna do this show, which she didn’t. I can’t believe people are getting on her for that. It’s dancing. It’s her passion. She can win. She’d be crazy not to.

Once again, let’s put all of our “Bachelor” related stuff behind us after today. Really, there’s nothing more to talk about. I’m moving on, and so should you. There are too many questions you will never get answers to unless your name is Jason Mesnick, Molly Malaney, Melissa Rycroft, Mike Fleiss, or Chris Harrison. I’ll be back Wednesday with a fresh new “Reality Roundup” breaking down week one of “American Idol” (I believe it’s Michael Jackson week), along with a few thoughts on more crap that I’m watching. As always, any questions, comments, emails, praises, criticisms, pre orders for your boy shorts (ha ha), feel free to email me at If you haven’t already joined the “I Love Reality Steve” Facebook group, you can always do that as well. Or just add me as a friend as there is a link to that down the right hand column. See you Wednesday.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #288 on: March 09, 2009, 10:53:31 AM »
 :hearts: :hearts: I LOVE THAT U TUB OF GRAM .. i love d gram and ty for putting it up will...
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #289 on: March 17, 2009, 12:10:34 PM »
Jason's latest myspace blog posted today:

Addressing Media Rumors

So...I just saw a picture and an article come out in Star Magazine.  The photo is taken of both Hillary (my ex) & I...the article tries to claim that I am cheating on Molly with my ex - or something to that effect.

Here is the deal...My parents are divorced and have a great relationship
and its important to Ty's mom and I that we do to. The most important thing is
Ty's best interest, so Hilary and I get together as often as possible to
talk in person about what is going on with Ty while each of us is not around. We
know plenty of divorced couples that don't get along and we refuse to let that
happen.  So, there is nothing between Hilary and I except we are great
friends. If the photographer that was following us really saw something, he/she would have shown it.
I used to pick up magazines and somewhat believe what was in them.  I guess
if that was the case then Jennifer Anniston would have been pregnant 800 times
by now.  The truth is that these magazines are horrible and really do not
care about anything outside of making money and the truth has nothing to do with
that.  It's been amazing to see how the media has manufactured my story.
I am heading to visit Moll for her birthday this weekend, I am so
excited to see her.  Molly and I are in love and extremely happy together.



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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #290 on: March 26, 2009, 02:08:53 PM »
The Bachelor’s Jason Visits Molly in Her Hometown

It’s been nearly a month since The Bachelor’s Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney inspired shock and outrage by rekindling their romance on national TV — at the expense of Jason’s jilted fiancée Melissa Rycroft.

So how is the couple doing now? “Molly and I are happy,” Jason tells PEOPLE.

In fact, the couple spent a few days in the past month getting to know each other off-camera. In one of the few chances they’ve had to see each other since this new post-Bachelor phase of their courtship began, Jason flew to visit Molly at her home near Milwaukee. Together they’ve been busy meeting her friends for drinks (“They all gave him the stamp of approval!” says Molly), taking romantic strolls along Lake Michigan, and “grilling out.”

“I’ve learned new terminology,” Jason says, laughing at the Midwestern word for barbecuing. “It’s normal, right, to say ‘grilling out’?” Molly insists with a laugh as the two snuggle up on a sofa in Molly’s living room.

Molly has been cooking for Jason, who loves her signature recipe for Cheesy Chicken. And Jason has been trying to tempt Molly, the meat-and-potatoes all-American girl, to try new foods at restaurants. “She really has a hard time trying new things,” he says. Then again, he has a hard time keeping to a schedule, which is something Molly is great at. So the relationship is working. “We pull each other in the right direction,” Jason says.

The biggest challenge so far is the distance between them: Molly hasn’t had a chance to fly to Seattle yet — she used most of her vacation days around the time of The Bachelor finale — which also means she hasn’t spent any more time with Jason’s 4-year-old son, Ty. “I’m headed out to Seattle in a couple of weeks,” she tells PEOPLE. “I’m excited to just spend some time with Ty outside of the cameras and production.”

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #291 on: March 30, 2009, 12:43:21 PM »
The Bachelor’s Matt Grant Says Jason Mesnick Screwed Up

As expected, Jason Mesnick proposed to a finalist on the season finale of The Bachelor. Then, he went off-script by unceremoniously breaking up with fiancée Melissa Rycroft and romancing runner-up Molly Malaney.

And that, says a fellow Bachelor Matt Grant, was not smart.

“This guy kind of committed suicide,” Grant told PEOPLE at The 23rd Genesis Awards in Beverly Hills Saturday. “He’s a nice man. I’ve met him quite a few times. But I think he should have gone about it differently.”

The world is still watching as Mesnick and Malaney continue their courtship while the jilted Rycroft struts her stuff on Dancing with the Stars, keeping an eye on how each of the three fares out of the eye of The Bachelor’s cameras.

Grant, however, does give Mesnick credit for facing up to his mistake early on. “Ultimately, he had the [guts] to say, ‘I screwed up.’”

Grant — who says he’s still dating his publicist Sarah Robarts — admits he was lucky in his role on The Bachelor: London Calling. “I had an easy ride,” he says. “I had a great group of women; we all just got on fairly well.”

As the show’s first British Bachelor, Grant proposed to Shayne Dahl Lamas but their engagement ended in July of last year.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #292 on: April 01, 2009, 10:24:56 PM »

BuddyTV Interview with Jason Mesnick Part 1

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The Bachelor 13: Jason Mesnick
« Reply #293 on: March 15, 2013, 01:12:52 AM »

Jason and Molly Mesnick Welcome Daughter Riley Anne

It’s a girl for Jason and Molly Mesnick!

The Bachelor couple welcomed daughter Riley Anne Mesnick on Thursday, March 14, the proud parents tell PEOPLE exclusively.

Born in Seattle, Wash., “Daddy’s little girl” arrived in the afternoon, weighed in at 6 lbs., 8 oz., and is 18¾ inches long.

Riley, quips Jason, “has a full head of hair — probably more than I’ll have in the next few years.”

“What’s amazing to me is when Molly is holding Riley, her eyes do not come off her,” Jason, 36, tells PEOPLE. “I’m already seeing how much Molly loves the baby.”

Mesnick says a friend texted him Wednesday saying that if a woman’s feet are massaged, specifically the area between the ankle and the Achilles, it will put her into labor.

“I did it last night for about three minutes and Molly woke me up at about three this morning, after she’d been up for about an hour and a half, so maybe it does work?” Jason notes.

This is the first child together for Jason and Molly, 28, who met on season 13 of The Bachelor and married the following year.

Riley joins big brother Tyler, 8, Jason’s son from his previous marriage.

“Ty has been asking for a sibling for so long,” Jason says. “He was here earlier holding her and kissing her and it was really, really cute. We’re so happy.”