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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #175 on: February 16, 2009, 02:26:45 PM »
Its a Nice thread & also nice pics... :)

 :hithere: Hello gater948 welcome to RFF and thank you for the post

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #176 on: February 16, 2009, 03:24:49 PM »
From Extra TV

Will DeAnna and Jason Reunite?

"The Bachelorette's" DeAnna Pappas pops up on tonight's episode of "The Bachelor" and she's speaking for the first time since breaking it off with fiancé Jesse Csincsak.

The brunette beauty tells "Extra" the reason she called off her engagement. "I believe that we all make mistakes in life and we learn from them... it came down to two totally different people. Jason [Mesnick], who has it all together has everything a woman would want. And then there's Jesse, who kind of was like a wild card." Pappas admits, "For me, I felt like the wild card was going to work out. Someone to keep me on my toes. Eventually, it wasn't what I was attracted to anymore."

Jesse has moved on and he's currently dating "The Bachelor: London Calling" alum Holly Durst. Csinscak and Durst told "Extra" in January they were introduced by a mutual friend at a club. Pappas reveals, "Jesse and Holly met while we were seeing each other."

Pappas surprises the competition and her ex during tonight's episode of "The Bachelor." She says, "I believe that it's going to resolve some issues for myself and possibly some viewers." DeAnna shows up while Jason and the final three are on a romantic vacation in New Zealand.

"The Bachelor" Jason Mesnick reveals he was shocked by DeAnna's surprise visit. "Of course it threw me off. I fell in love with her and I went through my healing process. And she's the last person I expected to see, especially in New Zealand."

Catch a special two-hour episode of "The Bachelor" tonight on ABC!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #177 on: February 16, 2009, 09:05:11 PM »
The final two girls are.....

Melissa Rycroft, 25 of Dallas, TX


Molly Malaney, 24 of Grand Rapids, MI

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #178 on: February 17, 2009, 12:34:07 AM »
From EW:

Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': episode 7

We are down to our final two and things are getting very serious on the show and with you, the fans. This seems to happen about this time every season -- I start hearing some of the craziest rumors.  Honestly, I have no idea where this stuff comes from. I guess like high school, it's usually those people who want everybody to think they are in the know or who like to stir things up. Whatever the reason, I don't have the time or energy to chase them all down and explain them away. Actually, there is one rumor that seems to be stirring up more trouble than the rest, and I will address it. I can without a doubt tell you that Jason did not meet any of the women, including Melissa, on this show before they got out of the limo on night one. I don't care what you hear or who you hear it from -- it's all bogus information. Just know this: Most if not all of the rumors you hear are completely ridiculous. Every week when I do the voiceovers for the upcoming episode, we often get a good laugh about our favorite wild theories and stories out there. One thing I do love about all this is the passion that's out there. This show obviously hits a chord with people. Some of you are just along for the entertainment, some for the romantic journey, and then there's some that want to search for clues and try to break the show down for everybody. I say to all of you, whatever your reason for watching, thanks, and I'm glad this show can be so much for so many.

With all the crazy stories floating around let me say this about what's to come: I've been hosting this show for over seven years now and I've never seen anything like this season. From start to finish it has been unlike anything we have ever put on the air. There are many reasons for this (like good casting and good producing), but honestly some things on our show -- as much as we'd love to take credit -- had less to do with great producing and more to do with good old-fashioned human emotion. The theory that this is all produced or scripted cracks me up. Don't you think if we scripted all these endings, we would come up with a perfect love story or crazy twist every time?  The truth is, and I think this is the greatest thing about our show, in the end it's not a game, it's real people trying to make a real life decision, and when that is fake you can tell. When it's not, it makes for unbelievably compelling TV. All right, I'm off my soapbox -- time to hit Queenstown New Zealand for the exotic dates.

This is where the show really slows down for everybody. Each date goes all day and all night. The couples really get some good quality time on and off camera. Jason's date with Jill was first. Every time you see a helicopter or blimp date you should realize there's a chase helicopter capturing all the wide beauty shots. Let's talk about that hot tub scene at the end of their date. That was easily the hottest, most explicit scene we have ever put on the air. One of our producers got so embarrassed watching they had to turn away.

Molly's date started with a bungee jump off the most famous bungee spot in the world. We didn't show this, but on Molly's urging they jumped again. Jason didn't love the first one that much, and he shared with me later if it wasn't for Molly there's no way he would have done it again. I find it interesting that with Jill and Melissa, Jason worries about his feelings towards them. With Molly, though, he seems always to be worried about how she feels about him. Just an observation. Obviously not meeting Melissa's parents still weighs heavily on Jason's mind, and it really lingered over their time in New Zealand. Jason didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but the reality is family is everything to him, and the fact that Melissa's family made the choice not to meet him is something that has to be measured carefully.
The deliberation and rose ceremony was held at the same house where Jason and Jillian had their exotic date. It's a beautiful house that sits atop a vineyard overlooking a lake about twenty minutes outside of Queenstown. When I showed up, Jason was already there and had on a horrible tie. He didn't have a backup, so I gave him my tie and a production assistant had to hustle back into town grab my extra and race back out so we could get everything shot before sundown. The things I do to help these people find love! Jason and Jill were great together but in the end she got the dreaded ''friend'' card.  I know there was more there in Jill's heart, but in the end Jason couldn't see it going further than that, and he could with Melissa and Molly.

After watching the tease at the end of our show, I'm sure there are millions of questions and a million more rumors and theories.  Obviously, Deanna comes back in the finale. We flew her out to New Zealand where she does sit down with Jason. We also showed you a bit of the first After the Final Rose special that will air immediately after the finale on March 2nd. I give you a hint that something happens that's so stunning and dramatic, we taped it in private without an audience. Let me tell you in no uncertain terms, this is a moment in Bachelor history you don't want to miss. Next Monday night, February 23rd, is our two-hour Women Tell All special. It's a great show that true Bachelor fans will love. We listened to you guys, and the show is packed full of bloopers, never-before-seen footage and in-depth interviews with Jason getting his thoughts on the pivotal points in the season. We also catch up with former couples, and we cover all the rumors swirling around about former Bachelors and Bachelorettes. And of course, we sit down with the most memorable women from this season and dish about what happened. My sit-down with Jillian is incredibly emotional, and Jason comes out to face her for the first time since that day back in New Zealand.

I know this wasn't the usual happy-go-lucky, funny blog, but at this point, the season doesn't really warrant that. My goal here is to walk with you through the end of the season and let you in, without being cute or cryptic, as best I can to help you enjoy this experience as much as possible. I hope I'm doing that, and I hope you will continue to comment. I still read them all (no joke) and get much of my direction and inspiration from what is written in the comments. Just a heads up: I will blog three more times about this season. I'm going to have my usual blog next Tuesday after the Women Tell All, and then the Tuesday after the finale. But because of the unusual circumstances and the fact that we have another After the Final Rose special airing Tuesday night March 3rd, I will have a special final edition Wednesday morning March 4th. I feel like you guys have been so loyal, I owe you a final blog that really wraps up everything that is about to happen. Get Ready!


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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #179 on: February 17, 2009, 07:39:53 AM »

Bachelor Jason Blogs About the Toughest Cut Yet

This week Bachelor Jason Mesnick took the final three ladies — Jillian, Molly and Melissa — to New Zealand for the adventure of a lifetime. Breathtaking views, steamy hot tubs and taking a leap of faith were all part of the journey as Jason narrowed the field from three to two. Here is Jason’s final entry for the season:

Wow - another “AMAZING” week. With all of the incredible things we were up to in New Zealand, I just kept hoping that I wasn’t letting the excitement of it all affect my judgment. I knew it was entirely possible to get swept away, so it became even more important for me to keep my head on straight. That’s something I was always thinking about and talking to the girls about as well.

There was no better way to see Queenstown than that incredible helicopter tour. Jillian and I were on the edge of our seats as we soared over miles and miles of beautiful landscapes, and I felt like I was sharing it with a wonderful friend.

But afterwards, the hot tub with Jillian got pretty hot, and that passion was exactly what I needed to feel with her. We knew we had built such a great friendship, but needed to see if there was something more; and obviously there was.

Bungee jumping was so much fun. I have actually jumped once before, but somehow, I ended up being more nervous than Molly. As for the frightful scream, that was all me! I think that’s all part of the fun, just like going on a roller coaster. There really wasn’t any stalling before the jump. We got up, did our countdown and then we jumped. She had so much fun that we actually went up and did it again! It was hard to see on the show, but the rain was really coming down. I loved that Molly was so excited and willing to jump! It really showed me how adventurous she is.

Later, Molly asking me to spend the night really showed me that she was there for me and was completely opening herself up to me. I really love that Molly knows what she wants and goes after it. That is so attractive to me.

How about that catamaran with Melissa? I was really hoping we could just concentrate on us, and not her difficult hometown date. Not seeing Melissa’s family was an issue, but it really was not going to sway my decision one way or the other. Family is so important, but I couldn’t base my decision solely on that. I am really glad that Melissa told me what she was feeling. I don’t want anyone holding back. This process is tough enough as it is, and she said exactly what I needed to hear.

Gosh…. these rose ceremonies get so emotional for me. Some might say I am not much of a man, but I can’t hold back what I am feeling. It was so tough sending Jill home; she had become my ultimate friend on this journey, and I know we will remain friends for years to come. Jill and I always talked about marrying our best friends. But, I told her that for me, it had to be way more than that. Though there was passion in our relationship (as you all saw!), it just wasn’t the same passion I had with Melissa or Molly.

Next week, my family comes out to New Zealand to meet both girls. I can’t wait.

Happy (belated) Valentines day to the new lady in my life and happy belated Valentines day to everyone reading this.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #180 on: February 17, 2009, 08:28:49 AM »
From TV Guide

In this episode of The Bachelor, the last one before the finale in two weeks, Jason and the three remaining contestants travel to New Zealand. Raising the stakes, somewhat, Jason has the option of inviting each woman to stay with him in a "fantasy suite." As always, I'll be recapping the episode with the help of my lovely fiancé, who shares my opinion that Melissa has this whole thing in the bag — and also my disappointment that we won't see the much-promoted return of Deanna Pappas, who broke Jason's heart on The Bachelorette, until the finale.

The episode begins with Jason and Jillian flying in a helicopter over some gorgeous snowcapped mountains in New Zealand. He calls her "Jill" now. Jason sets up a little picnic for them on a mountain overlooking a crystalline blue lake, and Jillian says she can't imagine a better place to fall in love, and that she and Jason could be best friends, just like her grandparents are.

Fiancé and I: AlarmAlarmAlarm

Jason says he really likes "Jill" but is "looking for... a passionate connection too."

Fiancé: He's facing the same situation as every man. There's one woman you want to boink and one you want to marry. It's the classic battle of heart versus weiner.

Me: So Jillian's heart and Melissa's wiener? What's Molly?

Fiancé: Molly's a hot fudge sundae. It tastes good at first and then makes you sick.

Cut to commercial.

Jason and Jillian sip wine in front of a roaring fire. Her hair looks awesome. He asks her how she feels about their date that day and she mentions: a) the scenery b) the helicopter ride c) the picnic and finally d) the conversation with Jason.

Jason reminds us that he always has fun with Jill and that if things go well tonight he can invite her to the "fantasy suite." Usually I leave it to the fiancé to read between the euphemisms, but it's well known to all Bachelor fans that the "fantasy suite" is actually the "place to potentially have sex." Jason again mentions he needs to see if he has chemistry with "Jill."

Fiancé: AlarmAlarmAlarm

Jason asks "Jill" how she feels about him. She says she's excited to be away from home, and to be here, and says some other stuff, then finally gets around to saying she gets butterflies hanging out with him. The conversation ends, as all conversations on The Bachelor are contractually obligated to end, with some kissing. Jillian pretty much asks for her invite to the "fantasy suite" and tries to up the "passion" quotient.

Jillian: Do you think you can handle a night with me?

Jason: Without a doubt.

They head out to a hot tub. She wears a bikini and Uggs.

Fiancé: Dealbreaker.

They kiss in the hot tub. Ominous music plays. Cut to commercial. I now hand off the laptop to my fiancé for her take on the current contestants. All of these assessments are of course based on how they seem on the show, not on any presumptions about their actual lives.

"Jill": Cool lady, chemistry with Jason took a little work.

Melissa: Still in the lead.

Molly: Seems like kind of a dumbass.

Jason and Molly meet for their date on a rainy day. This is a real handicap for Molly: She doesn't get to benefit from the it's-easier-to-fall-in-love-with-someone-when-you're-picnicking-on-a-cliff-overlooking-a-lake-in-New-Zealand effect. They're going bungee jumping. Molly calls it a "leap of faith." Jason is kind of nervous about the jump. Molly isn't. They jump and Jason yells really loudly.

Jason: Am I the only one screaming?

Yes, he is. Molly is a rock. She also likes silly metaphors. She says bungee jumping is like falling in love, because... sorry, can't stand it, jumping ahead several minutes. Molly has several questions for Jason. Can Jason handle the pressure?

Molly: If you could eat only one food for the rest of your —

Jason: Hamburger.

Yeah, he seems to be doing okay. Which brings us back to Molly's main problem: possibly not that deep.

Fiancé: Don't defend her — just say "seems like kind of a dumbass"

Me: ...

For the record, Jason's other answers are peanut butter and chocolate, Greece, birthdays, Mustang, not breakfast, "I've never even thought of that before," Elvis, The president, because you can make a big difference," his old-school Air Jordan sneakers, and now.

Fiancé: Greece is his favorite place? But Deanna's Greek!

Cut to commercial.

Molly says she thinks Jason wants to see her emotional side. It's possible he shares my fiancé's assessment of her intelligence. Take her favorite place, for example: New Zealand, where she happens to be right now. Molly says she really thinks she's falling in love with Jason and they kiss, as the rules of the show require. She invites him to spend the night with her in a note signed "Moll."

Cut to commercial.

Fiancé: Isn't Deanna supposed to be in this episode? They've been teasing it since the first episode.

Me: We don't know when she comes back. It could be the next episode.

Melissa leaps into Jason's arms to begin their date. He runs his hand through her hair. The show should end now. But because half of the two-hour episode remains — and the finale has yet to air — Jason says he's still concerned that he didn't get to meet Melissa's family last episode. But doesn't that seem like one of those bogus romantic-comedy obstacles thrown in for the sake of drama? No guy has ever rejected a woman because he didn't like her parents.

Fiancé: What the hell does that mean?

Me: Nothing, baby. Your parents are awesome.

They go for a sail on a boat once owned by Winston Churchill and talk — again — about Melissa's parents. Whose absence last episode is not a legitimate problem in any way. Jason says he could fall in love with Melissa without meeting her parents, "but it could only go so far." Then they go to dinner and again talk about her parents. Stop this charade. Jason invites Melissa to the "fantasy suite," where she says she's in love with him. Not "falling in love" — that old bide-your-time dating standby — but in love. Jason cuts her off by saying he has strong feelings for her too, and wants to explore them further, but feels a certain responsibility to Jillian and Molly to respect their —

Just kidding. He kisses her. It's kind of sweet, really, watching them work together to pretend she might not win. Cut to commercial.

Jason and Chris talk for awhile about all the dates. Jason notes again that Jillian — he's back to calling her by her full name now — is out to marry her best friend: "But I'm looking for a lot more than that." He says Molly seemed a little distant on their date but then opened up. Finally, he talks again about that non-issue with Melissa that no one takes seriously. And there's still half an hour of show to go.

Jason watches video messages from each of the ladies. Jillian calls Jason "babe." She seems to be having fun with the whole thing. Molly gives a very Reese-Witherspoon-in-Election kind of speech, and says, via video, that she has now determined she is not only falling in love with Jason but officially in love. Melissa also plays the in love card, but more confidently, because she's not saying it for the first time as a desperate keep-me-on-the-show Hail Mary. Twenty-five minutes of show remain. This episode could have easily been condensed to an hour.

Finally, the Rose Ceremony. Melissa's in. So is Molly. Jason walks Jillian to her waiting car. Jillian notes, accurately, that when you're 90 years old you're going to want to be with your best friend. Jason notes, accurately, that "it's got to be your best friend and more." This has to be the longest brush-off speech in show history.

Fifteen minutes of episode remain. ABC fills them with Jason respectfully mourning Jillian, a voiceover, and promos for the finale, featuring Deanna. ABC, never do this again.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #181 on: February 17, 2009, 09:22:45 AM »

Following three spectacular New Zealand dates, "The Bachelor"'s Jason Mesnick had to narrow down the field of three -- Jillian, Melissa and Molly -- to just two.

Right or wrong, Mesnick elected to eliminate Jillian, a 29-year-old interior designer from Vancouver, Canada, who gives ET the inside scoop on how she is feeling.

ET: What was your favorite part of this experience?

Jillian: Before I did the show, I was a little bit worried if I would find my Prince Charming. Being there and feeling those sparks again made me realize that I can have that feeling again. I loved the adventure of it. I loved not being in control for once. I loved traveling. The girls were awesome. Obviously, Jason treated me like gold. I loved that I was brave enough to take a leap of faith. What do they say? You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take, but it doesn't mean every shot you take, you are going to get.

ET: It has to be hard to get to the final three and not win Jason's heart. If asked, would you consider being the next "The Bachelorette"?

Jillian: Part of me says, "Jill, stop while you are ahead. Now that you have done this and learned a lot about yourself, do it the old-fashioned way." The old-fashioned way hasn't really been working for me, so the other part of me says, "Jill, just go ahead and do it. You are an adventure seeker. Give it a shot and maybe you can find him that way." I think I have to sleep on it -- and maybe have a glass of wine.

ET: You mentioned that you felt you were too slow in letting Jason know how you felt about him. Is that what you would do over? Do you think it would really make a difference, or do people make a true connection, so it wouldn't change things?

Jillian: Good question. Watching the show now, I think, "Jill, you should have opened up more. Why weren't you more flirty like Melissa?" But a) I am not really like that to begin with, and b) it may have been the connection. In my heart of hearts, I thought that he was the one, but maybe he saw something that wasn't there. That last day, I felt 90 percent we had so much in common. We shared so much and we had become such good friends. But I woke up that morning thinking, "There is this one little thing that is missing." And I wrote in my journal: "I don't know if it is going to come in time, but I have no time left."

When I watch the show, I see me. I was 100 percent me and that is who he would have had to fall in love with. I don't think I would change anything. In the future, though, I want to be able to be a little softer and show my significant other that I can't do everything on my own and I do need help. I want to share my life with somebody. I think a lot of time people think I am so independent and I want to do everything on my own. I do want somebody to share my life with --and fix my carburetor right now!

ET: Have you had time to go home yet and see how your friends react?

Jillian: I do restaurant design for a restaurant chain in Vancouver, so I am always on the jobsite every morning. The electricians and the carpenters are like, "I cried last night." I am getting a great response from people: People thanking me for being so open and honest. So far I haven't received any negative comments. People are being supportive.

ET: What are your thoughts for Jason now that you aren't in the running?

Jillian: It would break my heart to see Jason go through another break up. That is the one fear that I had. I talked to him about it on one of our dates, but you guys didn't see it. I said, "What happens if it gets to the end and it is me my buddy Melissa and you think, these girls are both awesome, but are not ready to marry either one of them? What are you going to do?"

I think Jason has a good emotional intelligence and I hope he made the right choice, because if he didn't there will be a lot of broken hearts.

ET: Who are you rooting for?

Jillian: I bonded so much with Melissa. We have a lot in common. We are both bubbly and sweet. I hope that he chooses her and doesn't hurt her. But Molly is smart. Molly is funny. She is articulate. She knows how to capture people's attention. I think there are so many great things about her. I see her as maybe a little too reserved, or as planning things out too much. I would say now that he hasn't chosen me, I hope it is Melissa.

ET: Do you think you and Jason will stay in touch?

Jillian: I 100 percent think we will stay in touch. I had breakups before where I have been hurt. The easiest thing for me to do -- a lot of my friends don't understand it -- is be friends with them. Because when I have jealousy or when I have that anguish, it causes me too much anxiety. It is easier for me to be friends.

With Jason it was different. It is not like he intended to hurt me. He had to make a decision -- whether it was the right or wrong one -- and I for sure think I will stay in touch with him. And whoever he chooses, hopefully we will have barbecues and hang out. We will see what happens.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #182 on: February 17, 2009, 10:00:33 AM »
ty for the blogs will and mg.. ok i am secard  :( this touted as the biggest ending ever i have watched all seasons and the only thing i can think of and will i am holding my breath  that deann does't get the final rose.. i can't stand hereather and if going trew all this and he ends up with her i will b mad at abc for even aring messsss.jmo..ok i got that out i mean wth?? 2 after the rose chris saying he is going to blog to explain?? and the final straw they fly her deanna out to NEWZELAND realy??? if she were going to b on the show y not way be for and in the usa??? and thinking about when her and jessy broke up wasn't it around the time the show whould have wraped?? i wiiiiillll be soooo mad if this plays out like that..some one comfort me i am in batchlor hell!!!
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #183 on: February 17, 2009, 11:29:23 AM »

ABC Press Release


Monica Sotomayor:    Hi Naomi. Thanks for your time today.

Naomi Crespo:    Hi.

Monica Sotomayor:    Hi. So and (Cathy) mentioned your hometown date was one of the most unique ones on The Bachelor.

Naomi Crespo:    Yes.

Monica Sotomayor:    And I'd have to agree. So I have to ask you. Has your mom, you know, ever made any of your other boyfriends give a eulogy for a dead bird or anything like that?

Naomi Crespo:    Oh gosh, no.

Monica Sotomayor:    No.

Naomi Crespo:    That was so - it was so embarrassing. Oh my God. I - my mom has met one serious boyfriend and that was my longest relationship.

And obviously nothing that crazy, I mean my mom's kind of out there but I think she definitely could not wait to make her television debut. So I think that she's really excited and wanted to just - she's quirky like that and she's just, I don't know, sometimes I wonder.

Monica Sotomayor:    Well she does seem really lovable and, you know, it's kind of a mom thing to embarrass your daughter...


Naomi Crespo:    Yes.

Monica Sotomayor:    ...when their boyfriends come over.

You mentioned, you know, she's never done anything quite that embarrassing but has she ever done anything else that you know like a date in high school or anything like that where you were just like, oh God, mom, please?

Naomi Crespo:    You know my mom and I, we had a strange relationship for a long time. It's not - my parents divorced when I was younger. My dad got custody and my mom kind of gave him custody. She was experiencing, I don't know, I still don't know what it's called, midlife crisis or whatever.

But we went to New York with my dad. And I actually kind of spent the rest of my childhood there. I was back (more at the scene) high school, my freshman year in Puerto Rico. I moved out to California in my sophomore year, was living with my sister, my older sister who was always kind of like my motherly figure I guess you could say.

And went to high school, sophomore year there, and then back in New York for junior and senior years.

So I didn't have really a relationship with my mom throughout that time. It wasn't, you know, she didn't have the opportunity to do that.

Monica Sotomayor:    Okay, perfect.

Naomi Crespo:    So.

Monica Sotomayor:    What about dad? I mean he seemed like, you know, a lot more mellow.

Naomi Crespo:    Yes.

Monica Sotomayor:    But did he ever, you know, really embarrass you in front of a date or anything like that?

Naomi Crespo:    You know I love my dad. He's hilarious because he's just got the sweetest heart. And my dad he loves me so much. I mean I have overcome a lot of resentment towards both of my parents and there wasn't always - my relationship with them wasn't always this way as it is now.

But, you know, people change and people make mistakes and both my parents have owned up to that, you know.

And I think that with my dad he's just so - he's so true to like what he believes in and he wants the best for me and he's just - he wants me to be with, you know, a man of God, and he just wants me to be happy.

And but he's very supportive, and he knows that I've kind of grown up on my own and the choices I made in life, I've made good choices with my life. And I've - you know, my parents trust my judgment.

So and my dad as far as the embarrassing thing, he's never done any - like in high school I mean I dated guys. I never really brought guys home and but actually my senior year, my junior and senior year I went to a private Christian school out in New York that my dad taught at.

So, you know, all my like friends were in class with him. But it was just everybody just love my dad. He's just so, you know, lovable and...

Monica Sotomayor:    Yeah. Definitely, he seems like a...


Monica Sotomayor:    ...really lovable guy.

Naomi Crespo:    He is. He is, yeah.

Monica Sotomayor:    Definitely. Well thank you so much. I really enjoyed watching you on the show this season.

Naomi Crespo:    Oh well, thank you so much.

Cathy Rehl:    Also, can I just jump in here for a second for everybody. Can we just do, I don't know how many questions all of you have and we'll get to all the questions but can we limit it to two at a time, okay, question and a follow-up and then you can come back and ask other questions so everybody gets their chance? Thanks.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Paulette Cohn with ETonline.

Paulette Cohn:    Actually I have one question for Cathy and then one for Naomi.

Cathy there was - I saw in the trades that they're going to have a one hour special after The Bachelor. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Cathy Rehl:    I can't tell you much about it other than yes, they have - we are going to be having another special. It's just that the show's doing so well and they felt they had the story to tell and it'll be on March 3rd, the night of March 3rd 10:00 to 11:00 pm.

So it - and it's called After the Final Rose, Part 2.

Paulette Cohn:    Okay so it'll be the couple's relationship not like the other girls or anything like that.

Cathy Rehl:    I can't - it'll be an update on everybody.

Paulette Cohn:    Okay. Thanks. And then for Naomi, so what's next for you? Do you think you're going to try the personal modeling career off of this or are you dating anybody, what's happening with you?

Naomi Crespo:    No, no. You know after I left, I definitely felt like it is the time to go solo and, you know, get myself, you know, get back in touch with myself.

And I think the experience was just, it was incredible. Definitely growing, like I grew a lot from it.

And I came off of it just knowing that, you know, having a whole new outlook on what I want in life, who I want - the type of person I want to be with.

And, you know, as far as a career, I'm just working right now. I've been flying, I'm a flight attendant.

And I'm looking into getting into other careers probably in outside sales or marketing, advertising that sort of thing.

I have a - I majored in (unintelligible) communications.

So it's been fun flying, but I think I'm ready to move on. As far as the modeling thing, you know, I did that - I have a modeling account on there that, you know, the person that comes up.

And I did one test shoot. When I moved out to Austin, I was thinking about getting into modeling then because I worked with a girl. I was bartending at the time. I worked with a girl who was a model and she was booking jobs on there and getting paid like $500, you know, a shoot for like an hour, two-hour shoot. So I'm like oh, you know, I'll do it for the money.

But no, I'm not actively pursuing a modeling career. If something - if a great offer came my way then, you know, I'd consider it but it's not what I'm trying to do with my life.

Paulette Cohn:    And are you seeing anybody?

Naomi Crespo:    No, no. I am just taking time to - I'm waiting. I'm waiting on - like I've always had a very strong faith. I'm not by any means the most religious person but I have a strong faith.

And coming out of this situation with Jason, you know, the next day I was just praying and praying, praying and I felt like when that right guy comes along, you know, I'm going to be patient. And God's got somebody out there for me and I can't - I don't want to get ahead of myself. I just got to focus on me right now.

And, you know, focus on getting myself stable again into a career and, you know, that sort of thing. And when the right time comes, the right guy comes along its going to be worth it so.

Paulette Cohn:    Okay, great.

Naomi Crespo:    I'm waiting.

Paulette Cohn:    Thank you.

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah, you're welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of John Bracchitta with Reality TV World.

John Bracchitta:    Hey how are you doing?

Naomi Crespo:    Hi, John. I'm good. How are you?

John Bracchitta:    Pretty good. Jason said that your family's antics and stuff on that hometown date didn't play a role in the elimination.

Did you believe that?

Naomi Crespo:    I'm sorry, that was the reason I got eliminated?

John Bracchitta:    Well he said that they didn't play a role in it in his decision to eliminate you.

But did you believe that with him or do you think that maybe they did?


Naomi Crespo:    No, I do believe that. You know, I had a tough time that night because Jason, you know, I think he's intuitive. And I think that as far as the way he felt about letting me go, deep down inside it didn't matter what I said. That's just what he felt. You know he's like, I can't, you know, as far as me not being ready at this time in my life.

I think that the reason that was and I think that in a different situation, you know, obviously outside of this whole experience, I'm ready. I absolutely want kids. I absolutely want a family.

But I think that because we weren't meant for each other, it didn't feel right.

And so when you feel that, you know, despite what somebody's telling you, you know, and it's very easy to get caught up in that whole world. You know, I think I absolutely got caught up.

But there's a part of me that feels like I definitely built Jason up a lot in my head to the point where I came on the show feeling like I already knew him.

And now that I've known him more it was like okay, I don't know. You know would this be any different outside of this? Like if we just met in, you know, normal day-to-day life and got to know each other, I just think that, you know, I know what I'm trying to say.

I definitely think that my parents, they're crazy and maybe it has something to do with it, but I don't think - I think ultimately in his heart he just felt like I was not the one for him.

John Bracchitta:    Okay. And kind of going off of that, you had said during the show that you were fully prepared to move to Seattle if you were chosen.

Now that you've kind of had some time to be away from it, do you still think you would've be willing to make the move or that would've been a good decision to do so?

Naomi Crespo:    You know what this is weird because I went Seattle. I had never been. And I just fell in love with Seattle. I loved it. I absolutely loved it.

And I think when you're in that situation and you make it that far, you know, I went in thinking I didn't think I'd be on there that long, but, anyway, I had no idea I'd still be there.

But at that point, yeah, your feelings, you know, that's when you start getting emotionally invested in the person and just thinking about a life with that person.

And, you know, it definitely helped that I loved Seattle. I was like wow, I (-totally see myself living here.

But as far as now, you know, having come out of it in hindsight, I'm looking on it with a more I guess clear picture of like the way I was thinking. You know and I can absolutely say that I think I got very caught up in it and it's hard not to. It is really hard not to. When you have this great guy, you know, you've got this love person. He's not - it's just everything. It's like I think I got caught more in the idea of it all.

And so in hindsight I realized, you know, everything - there's things in life that can be a huge blessing in disguise and you can't know it when you're going through it. But coming out of it, you can look back and see it.

And I think that Jason letting me go was absolutely a blessing in disguise. And I'm so happy now. I mean I don't regret the experience. I don't regret anything.

I'm thankful for it. I'm thankful I met him. I'm thankful I met all the girls. And it's one of those things I know that he and I were not meant to be.

So I'm at peace with it, you know.

John Bracchitta:    Okay, great. Thanks.

Naomi Crespo:    You're welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Debbie Chang with Buddy TV.

Debbie Chang:    Hi, Naomi.

Naomi Crespo:    Hi. How are you?

Debbie Chang:    So I just wanted to know about the times that you spent with Jason that might not have gotten shown. Were there any times that you really liked?

Naomi Crespo:    Oh yeah. There is definitely. On our one-on-one date, you know, in Seattle we just had - we had so much fun. It was definitely one of the coolest dates I've ever gone on.

You know in between, you know, shooting and this and that we had a lot of great conversation.

And I'd given him this little book that I bought at Target. It was like family life and all these really cool pictures from all around the world of different families and different cultures.

And I just wrote him a little note, you know, and we had a lot in common as far as that goes. Like, you know, family-oriented and just that sort of thing. So we had a lot of great moments like that.

And that day definitely felt like we were a couple even off camera. I mean we just we were having fun so it was cool, yeah.

Debbie Chang:    And a lot of the other women who have gotten eliminated so far, one thing they say about him is that he's really hard to read.

How did you feel about that?

Did you - could you tell that you were going to be eliminated or like when you interacted what was his behavior like?

Naomi Crespo:    I felt like with Jason, I would have to agree with some of the girls. At times it was very hard to read.

And there's only so much that he's able to say to us, you know, as far as what he's thinking and feeling because of, you know, the situation.

But at times, it definitely was. I felt the chemistry with him. And we had a lot in common as far as the things, the different things that we've done, you know, like things that we care about.

And I think we started off kind of more on a friendship level. So that got to grow.

And but even despite that, you know, yeah, I don't know that I feel like I totally got to know Jason. That's what I'm saying is I don't know in this kind of situation that it's even really possible. I didn't get to see him, you know, in his normal day-to-day life. It's just it's not - I don't know.


Debbie Chang:    Yeah, that makes sense.

Naomi Crespo:    I think that he - yeah, I mean I think that he was honest with me as far as his reasons for letting me go.

Did I see it coming? I think I felt it coming more than anything. And it shows on my face. It shows in the last couple episodes.

The season or the, I'm sorry, the week prior, you know, when Stephanie left that was a really emotional night.

And I thought I was going home. I really did.

And then when she left, I mean she was just incredible. Stephanie is a, the word amazing, I hate to use the word amazing but she really is. And it was tough.

But I thought I was going. You know I think I felt it more than anything. And I think towards seeing the end, I was kind of hanging on a string and just hoping that like, again to go back to the whole idea. I think I really got caught up in the idea of Jason and the life in Seattle.

So coming out of it though, I mean I realized I'm okay, you know, I'm going to be okay and it just wasn't meant to be.

Debbie Chang:    Okay, thank you.

Naomi Crespo:    You're welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Al Mellis with TVGrapevine.

Naomi Crespo:    Okay.

Al Mellis:    Hi Naomi, well done on the show.

Naomi Crespo:    Hi. I'm sorry?

Al Mellis:    I said, well done on the show. You did a good job.

Naomi Crespo:    Oh gosh, thank you so much.

Al Mellis:    Yeah you were one of the shining faces I enjoyed watching.

Naomi Crespo:    Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you so much.

Al Mellis:    A question I have for you, pretty simple, you got all these women surrounding you. The game play amongst the women must be ferocious.

Naomi Crespo:    I'm sorry, the - I didn't quite hear...

Cathy Rehl:    You need to speak up I'm afraid, Al.

Al Mellis:    The tactics amongst the women must be ferocious.

Naomi Crespo:    The tactics, okay. Yeah. I definitely did not - watching it was different than actually being there. There is a couple things I thought of. I was like interesting.

As far as that goes, you know, you go into a situation and you know that you've got, you know, limited time to be able to kind of step in there and try to I guess step up your game sort of speak.

And girls have different mentalities as far as that goes, there are some girls who are different willing to kind of steal him away and jump in there and just be like here I am, you know, I want to get to know you.

And I think he really liked that. I think he appreciated that. He should, you know, knowing that these girls are really here for me and they're going to - they're willing to do whatever it takes.

I had a harder time doing that because this is not my nature. And in reality I've never been that way as far as competing for a guy. I'm not - I compete most with myself. I don't really compete with other people. It's just - I've never been that way.

So it's different. Everybody had their different method. But the girls were great. You know I - overall.

Al Mellis:    Okay. And one more question and this one you might not be able to answer because it might be a show secret.

Naomi Crespo:    Okay.

Al Mellis:    It seemed like you were really, really happy to see Jason on the home visit.

And I thought to myself, it's been a number of days since they've talked to one another.

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah.

Al Mellis:    How long did it take between the last time you saw him and the next time you see him at your home?

Naomi Crespo:    Cathy can I answer this?

Cathy Rehl:    Yeah. I don't know...

Naomi Crespo:    Okay.

Cathy Rehl:    ...and I don't know how long myself.

Naomi Crespo:    Okay. Well I - it had been a week for me. So I was actually - I hadn't seen him for, yeah, seven days.

And I, coming out of the last rose ceremony, I was nervous. I mean I really thought I was going home.

So I felt like I really had to, you know, when he pulled me aside, I was just like my heart was racing and I'm like, this is it. You know he doesn't feel like I'm ready for him (and Ty).

And so I thought I was going home. So I was really nervous that whole week. Going - and when he got to my hometown I was absolutely happy to see him because I wanted to be able to basically reiterate the fact that I absolutely was - I want that.

You know these are the things that I want. I want a family. I want, you know, to be a mother. I want to be a wife. I want - I'm over that whole - I really genuinely am over that whole party phase in my life. I mean that's something that everybody goes through. I don't even have the desire to do that anymore.

I think he was concerned like, are you are ready to just kind of stay home and, you know, pop in a movie and open a bag of popcorn. I'm like that's what I do everyday, you know, yeah.

But again, I don't think that - I really don't think that he was able to completely get to know me and I - and vice versa. And this situation was just, it's hard. It's really hard to.

So yeah, I was happy to see him though, absolutely.

Al Mellis:    Well, Naomi I want to thank you a whole bunch for your time and I want to thank you on behalf of the viewers and...

Naomi Crespo:    Thank you.

Al Mellis:    ...I'll let somebody else have some questions.

Naomi Crespo:    Thank you so much.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Lilly Rockwell with Austin American Statesman.

Lilly Rockwell:    Hi, Naomi. We really enjoyed watching you...

Naomi Crespo:    Hi.

Lilly Rockwell:    ...this season in Austin.

Naomi Crespo:    Oh, thank you. Thanks.

Lilly Rockwell:    So of course, you know, all the Austin viewers are wondering kind of how long you've lived in Austin and how did you apply to be on The Bachelor.

Naomi Crespo:    Well its funny. I actually - I was living in LA beforehand. I was up in LA pursuing acting at the time.

And the director of the show had been in my restaurant and saw me and, you know, was kind of trying to recruit for the London season so.

Lilly Rockwell:    Oh, really.

Naomi Crespo:    It's funny. Yeah, at the time I was, you know, I was okay with that. And I said I'm not, you know, I don't believe the reality TV and the world of acting should ever intermix.

But I just kind of laughed. I'm like yeah, Bachelor, you know, if I was going to ever do reality TV I don't think that that would be the show I would do, no offense.

And so, you know, I ended up moving to Austin. I kind of gave up pursuing acting as a career, which going into this season, I had - you know, I said I didn't want to be typecast as that girl because its not what I'm doing anymore.

But anyway so I moved to Austin about a year, over a year ago now. It was January.

And I ended up watching that season. And I actually went to college with Amy.

And so, I kept on watching because I was interested. And one night I had gotten home from work. I was working at the time and I'm watching. And all of a sudden I'm just like drinking a couple glasses of wine at this point. I'm like, oh it looks like a lot of fun, actually. Maybe I'll just apply.

And so, I did again and then, you know, the opportunity - they got in touch with me and they were really interested.

And when I found out - the deal breaker for me was definitely finding out that Jason was chosen as The Bachelor because I knew enough about him to want to meet him.

So that was the deal breaker. And I ended up doing it.

And I'm glad I did. You know it was a great experience.

Lilly Rockwell:    And regards to the...


Naomi Crespo:    And the first rose ceremony, the director actually goes to me, you look familiar. I'm like I know I do so.

Lilly Rockwell:    That's funny.

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah.

Lilly Rockwell:    And then in regards to the other bachelorettes there, who were you closest with on the show?

Naomi Crespo:    Oh gosh, all the girls are really, I mean different and unique in their own way. But I developed some close relationships there.

As far as the closest, I would definitely say Jill and Melissa. You know those girls are - they kind of became more like sisters to me.

And, you know, you - being as far as we were together, I think that's kind of what set apart, you know, my closeness with them.

And but all the girls are really incredible. You know I know Megan has that whole, you know, the way she comes off on TV or in the drama and this and that. But she is also somebody who I regard highly.

So, you know, people will see what they see and you don't get the whole picture. It's just, you know, it's not possible.

But you get to know these girls, you know, on a more personal level and all of them, I mean Kari, there's just Nikki, everyone. Erica is hilarious. I mean the house was like lots of laughter when Erica left. I mean there's things that don't get shown that I wish did, you know, so that people could get a fuller picture on these girls.

Lilly Rockwell:    Well thank you so much. I appreciate it...


Naomi Crespo:    You're welcome and thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Maxine Shen with New York Post.

Naomi Crespo:    Hello?

Maxine Shen:    Hi Naomi.

Naomi Crespo:    Hi.

Maxine Shen:    How are you?

Naomi Crespo:    Hi. I'm good. How are you?

Maxine Shen:    Good, thank you. So we know that Jason is an extremely popular bachelor and lately.

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah.

Maxine Shen:    What do you think it is about him that people seem to be responding to?

Naomi Crespo:    You know I think that on his season, you know, The Bachelorette (would be on it), he just - he - it's kind of the same way with the final four of us girls. You know he was kind of outside of any drama and he was just himself and he's got this charisma. He got this - I don't know. He's attractive obviously, he's nice to look at.

So I think its kind of the whole package as far as, you know, why he's so popular.

And it's obviously why he was voted in. I mean, you know, he had a huge fan base after his season so a lot of people wanted to see him find love.

Maxine Shen:    Okay. I mean is it...

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah.

Maxine Shen:    ...because he has a kid, that may be also sort of attracts women who are - not just on the show?

Naomi Crespo:    I think that's definitely something that, yeah, absolutely. I think that it's not just that he has a kid. It's, you know, the way he comes across and the way he talks about him is that he's got a kid he just absolutely adores him more than life itself. You know Ty is his whole world.

And to have found somebody that just kind of fits into that was really what he was looking for. Not necessarily a replacement because Ty, you know, what most people don't know is that he - Ty has a really good relationship with his mother and she's a good mother to him. It's not like she's just, you know, none of that, so yeah. I think that all plays into the whole appeal.

Maxine Shen:    Got it. Okay, great. Thank you.

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah. You're welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Tom Rose with

Tom Rose:    Hello, Naomi.

Naomi Crespo:    Hi. How are you?

Tom Rose:    Great and how's yourself?

Naomi Crespo:    I'm good. Thank you.

Tom Rose:    All right. Listen before your hometown date that you looked apprehensive, do - did you coach your family in any way, tell them to, you know, keep the colorful antics down to a minimum, anything like that?

Naomi Crespo:    You know, what I wasn't able to, but my sister did. And, you know, what you see, is what you get. That's my family for you.

My mom is, oh gosh, sometimes I think she fell off her rocker a long time ago and her head's never fully recovered.

But it is definitely unique. And I knew - I was definitely a little bit apprehensive because I knew that my mom had something up her sleeve. I definitely did not know that it was going to be bringing out a dead bird and giving it the proper eulogy and burial. I mean that was so beyond me, beyond all of us, Jason too.

Tom Rose:    Yeah, he reacted real well to that. How did your family feel about - I assumed you watched it with your family? Oh no, I guess you didn't.

But I mean how did - what was the reaction from your family about that segment of the last show?

Naomi Crespo:    You know, I get different reactions. My sister is definitely really disappointed. You know, I think that you don't want to come off as like the crazy family. I guess I tend to be a little less embarrassed when it comes to my family because I'm just like, you know what everybody's different and that's my family. Like, you know, I'm a product of somewhere in the middle of that.

But my sister was - she was a little frustrated. You know and I wished that they didn't show her conversation with or her conversation with Jason and, you know, the three of us were talking for a long time and I really wish they did because my sister is, I mean she's my best friend. And she knows me more than even my parents do.

So, you know, I guess different things make for good TV. But my mom she was disappointed that they didn't. And, you know, at one point there was a conversation I had with my mom and my sister. And she was disappointed that that didn't get shown.

You know, I told my mom. I saw it obviously and her conversation with Jason. I was little bit kind of like, you know, you could've toned it down a little bit. You know obviously these are your beliefs.

But, you know, I'm thinking all America doesn't really need to know this. It kind of was a little bit embarrassing.

But, you know, I'm just whatever about it. And that's my family.

Tom Rose:    Well you took it well. Good luck to you in the future.

Naomi Crespo:    Thank you so much.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of John Bracchitta with Reality TV World.

John Bracchitta:    And I got a few more questions for you.

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah, hi.

John Bracchitta:    Going back to your elimination you said how you didn't like that he said - I'm sorry I'm making up the question.

Naomi Crespo:    No one reason I didn't want to go home was the reason I was going home, right.

John Bracchitta:    Yes. Thank you for...

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah.

John Bracchitta:    ...saying (that). Can you comment on it?

Naomi Crespo:    Yeah, its okay. Yeah. Well I mean I watched that. And I definitely, like I was - you know I said earlier, at that point you're so invested in this and you get - you become more emotionally invested.

And I think that I built everything up in my head and that was my problem. It's almost hard not to.

But at that point you're so like - you're kind of so wrapped up in this whole idea of being with this person and fitting into their life and it's not - and I think that he felt like I wasn't ready to, you know, for Ty. I think that was his biggest thing and that was the week before when he pulled me aside.

I did not throughout the course of the whole thing talk about, you know, oh I can't wait to meet Ty and tuck him in bed and do this and this and this and that because in my mind I'm thinking, you know, I want to fall in love with you first. And then anything that you're in love with I'm actually going to fall in love with as well, you know, but let's work on this first. I wasn't really trying to get ahead of myself as far as having a relationship with Ty.

So I didn't talk as much about that. But I absolutely love children. I mean I want kids. I absolutely want kids and it will be with the right guy at the right time.

I want to adopt. See that's a big thing with me. I definitely - I've traveled overseas. I went to Southeast Asia. I worked in an orphanage from or several different orphanages with kids that come from really rough lives, you know, trafficking and AIDs and, you know, it's not - I wanted to adopt every single one of them.

I mean, I'm not like a girl who doesn't want to be a mother. I absolutely want to.

And my niece and nephew, I mean they're like kids to me. I love them like they're my own. They're my sister's kids, but I know for a fact I will be a mother and I will be a great mother one day. I just think it wasn't meant to be with Jason.

John Bracchitta:    Okay. And then would you be willing to be the next Bachelorette if ABC wanted you to come back?

Naomi Crespo:    Oh gosh, I don't know. I mean I don't even know if that - I mean I don't even know if I qualify for the running. He's like the second person up.

But I don't know, you know, it'd be something to think about I guess and I don't know. I'm going to say I don't know about that.

John Bracchitta:    Okay, great. Thanks.


Naomi Crespo:    That's all I can say. I really don't know.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Paulette Cohn with ETonline.

Paulette Cohn:    Just my last question. So who are you rooting for for the three remaining girls?

Naomi Crespo:    Oh my gosh, well Jill or Melissa. I mean those two are like I love them. I love them to death. I mean it was nothing. I mean I think Molly is great too. I just I didn't get as close with Molly as I did with those two girls.

And, you know, I - he'll be happy with anybody though. I think that I laughed really trusting that I was leaving, you know, three great girls behind so.

But yeah, they're - I love them.

Paulette Cohn:    Yeah. Thank you.

Naomi Crespo:    You're welcome.

Operator:    Again, ladies and gentlemen its star 1 to ask a question.

Your next question comes from the line of Al Mellis with TVGrapevine.

Al Mellis:    Hi again, Naomi.

Naomi Crespo:    Hi.

Al Mellis:    I've got a tough question for you.

Naomi Crespo:    All right, I'm ready.

Al Mellis:    Okay. Hold onto your seat.

Naomi Crespo:    Okay, I'm holding on.

Al Mellis:    In watching the home interview episode when he called your name out, I thought it must have been the talk your dad had with him that caused that.

What do you think?

Naomi Crespo:    I think that absolutely, I think more than my mother I would have to say if my parents did play an influence on his decision it probably would've been that.

I can see how that would have really intimidated Jason. My dad is a very loving guy and he definitely meant well. And he's supportive. He knows that whoever I end up with he's going to support me no matter what. And he's very easy to get along with.

But I think yeah, it probably was very intimidating. Jason, I mean they come from two different worlds.

So what my dad cares mostly about as far as the kind of guy that I end up with is not - you know, I don't think that's Jason. I mean Jason's a great guy but I don't, you know what I mean. It's that whole belief system that he - I don't think that Jason shares that with my dad.

So I could see where that would be very intimidating.

Al Mellis:    Okay. I've got to ask you a follow-up question then.

Naomi Crespo:    Okay.

Al Mellis:    Knowing your dad's stance on that issue, would you have married a non-Christian?

Naomi Crespo:    You know my dad and I talked about this. He came out, you know, I was on this thing. And I was born and raised in Christianity. I have challenged it in the course of my, not entire life but mainly going to college. I graduated from a liberal state college.

And I became so open minded, and I'm just naturally that type of person. I'm very open. And I'm very curious about other beliefs and other ideas.

And so, I've thought that out. And I think that in the end of all that my faith will never change, and I will always have strong faith, and I'll always have a strong prayer life. The core of what I believe in hasn't changed.

But at the same time I'm not going to - there are certain things that I don't necessarily agree with as far as, you know, I absolutely have to marry a Christian man.

I, in my mind, I have to marry somebody who shares a faith. And prays and believes that, you know, there's something out there guiding them. Like that's what I'm more concerned about then what you call yourself, you know, because God only knows if I was born in, you know, the Middle East would I would be Muslim. If I was born in Utah would I be a Mormon. Like if I was - you know I think a lot of things play into that and everybody's born and raised differently.

But ultimately I'm a very open minded person and I just want to - you can't help who you fall in love with.

So I don't, you know, I don't have a, you know, rule as far as that goes at this point in my life.

Al Mellis:    Well thanks for answering the tough questions.

Naomi Crespo:    You're welcome.

Al Mellis:    I appreciate you're talking to me.

Naomi Crespo:    Oh you're welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of Lilly Rockwell with Austin American Statesman.

Lilly Rockwell:    Hi again, Naomi. I was wondering...

Naomi Crespo:    Hi.

Lilly Rockwell:    ...given that you've done some bartending here in Austin, have you ever run into Brad Womack, the former bachelor.

Naomi Crespo:    You know what I - it was one night and it was actually before I was working at this bar.

And he was in there drinking. He owns a bar called The Mark, like right around the corner from where I work.

Lilly Rockwell:    Oh yeah.

Naomi Crespo:    So I had seen him and I was dancing with Laura, my friend and I weas like, I think that's the bachelor.

And, you know, from what I remember there was glances exchanged, but I didn't go up to him and say anything or anything. I just kind of left that night.

So that's the closest encounter I've ever had with Brad.

Lilly Rockwell:    Okay. And then I also wanted to ask you a little bit about Molly, that episode several weeks ago with the (pens).

I was wondering if you were surprised at all by the extent of the intimacy they had so early on the show.

Naomi Crespo:    You know that whole night was just crazy because he had been on such a long date before and then by the time, you know, they got to - it was just a late date.

And so in that situation for any one of us to have, you know, gone out that late I mean I definitely - she came home the next day and, obviously, she was wearing his clothes.

And it was just, you know, we were talking to her and she was just like obviously nothing happened. You know it was innocent.

And they both say that. So you can't - you know I would never be like oh they're lying, you know, you just believe it or not so it was innocent. Yeah.

Lilly Rockwell:    Okay. Thank you.

Naomi Crespo:    You're welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from the line of John Bracchitta with Reality TV World.

John Bracchitta:    Hey, back on one more time. I love the episode a few weeks ago. Stephanie said that you were a doll but maybe not the same maturity level as some of the other girls.

So was that something that you were getting from the girls and Jason while you were on the show?

Naomi Crespo:    You know, what I actually was a little surprised by that comment. And it hurt a little bit coming from Stephanie.

But, you know, it doesn't change the way I feel about her. I think she's great. And I really loved her.

And as far as her saying that, I think maybe it's that she didn't get to see sides of me that the other girls did, you know, as far as I don't know. You know there are certain people that you really open to and there are certain people that know more about you than others.

And I don't think she knew enough about me. I think that there's times that I even feel like people don't take me seriously and they look...


John Bracchitta:    Yes.

Naomi Crespo:    ...she's just, you know, I don't know. I was a bartender, you know, people say that.

And so you just kind of get stuck in that whole association. Like I don't know if she's mature (enough), you know and what are you going to do.

But I don't hold it against her. I think that she's just expressing her opinion. Maybe she felt like, you know, as far as the other girls, that they just had more stability in their lives. I'm a bartender. I'm kind of back and forth all the time.

And maybe she just felt that as far as the mother thing, like I said, I wasn't - I never really talked too much about Ty and wanting to be this and that for Ty because I didn't - in my mind it wasn't appropriate to like, you know, emphasize on being a part of Ty's life. But I'm just trying to get know Jason first.

I'm the type I'm like if I fall in love with somebody, it doesn't matter if you have a kid. I will love your kid because I love kids in general. And I know have the potential to be a wonderful role model and, you know, stepparent if that was the case.

But, you know, maybe she just didn't get to see sides of me that the other girls did.

John Bracchitta:    Okay. And then by the time you all gathered for the rose ceremony for Monday's show, had you heard that Melissa's parents didn't want to take part in the show?

And if you had, do you think that might've - did you think that was going to save you at the time?

Naomi Crespo:    You know that's a good question. We - the three girls, Molly, Jill and Stephanie they were out on their date.

And Melissa and I were back at the suite and that's when she found out, you know, she had talked to her parents and I was there with her. You're not going to see any of this.

But, you know, she really had a breakdown. And it was really, really tough for her.

And we had a great talk that night. You know I told you, you just got to trust that this is meant to be. If you're one then, you know, it's not going to matter.

In the end, he can't hold that against you. If what you're saying to him is true, you know, her parents she says they're awesome people. They're great, you know, I love my parents. They're awesome. Yeah, we're totally different.

But I know that they would accept them. I know that they would love them. They're just very private people. They don't want to - you know obviously they don't want to go out and be recognized on the street. They just - they don't - they're private.

So that's completely understandable. And I don't think Melissa's parents were too supportive with her doing the show in the first place.

But, you know, they support her because they love her.

And so she probably had a great relationship with them. It was just it was really tough. And she definitely had a breakdown and we talked it through and then she felt better.

And, you know, she's still in the running, so she's great. She's great.

John Bracchitta:    Okay, great, thanks a lot for everything.

Naomi Crespo:    You're welcome.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #184 on: February 17, 2009, 11:33:04 AM »

...some one comfort me i am in batchlor hell!!!

 :lol: your so funny tory, awww there there it will be okay  :kuss:

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #185 on: February 17, 2009, 11:37:36 AM »
oh ty ty mg i feel much better now!!!! :hearts: :hearts:
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #186 on: February 17, 2009, 01:17:29 PM »

ABC Press Release



Trista and Ryan Sutter and Charlie O' Connell and Sarah Brice Return to Give an Update on Their Lives

"The Women Tell All" -- It's an explosive reunion viewers won't want to miss, as the most memorable bachelorettes from this season - including Erika, Jillian, Megan, Naomi, Natalie, Nikki, Shannon and Stephanie -- return to confront each other and Jason one last time on national television to dish the dirt and tell their side of the story. And Jason discloses that the third time truly was the charm for him, revealing that he's extremely happy with his final choice, on "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Jason and Chris Harrison discuss the most dramatic on and off-air moments of the season, and Jason finally reveals what happened in that camping tent with Molly! Some of the bachelorettes will be put on the hot seat for a revealing question and answer session: A devastated and emotional Jillian reveals how truly in love she was with Jason and why she thought she was "the one." She has the opportunity to confront Jason for the first time since their trip to New Zealand about why he dealt her the "friend card." Passions run to a fever pitch between the women as they talk about what life was like in the mansion, competing for one handsome Bachelor. The discussion reaches a boiling point when the most abrasive woman - Megan - is confronted by the other ladies about her "potty mouth," and Lauren reveals she was actually scared of her. But the single mom stands up to them all, defending her actions. And Natalie emotionally remembers her dramatic exit from the series after her one-on-one date with Jason in Las Vegas and her shock when she saw the aftermath of her departure, when the remaining women talked about her. The other bachelorettes provide some insight on why they were so glad that Jason sent Natalie home.

Trista and Ryan, who are expecting their second child, offer advice about how they've stayed so happy since we saw them meet six years ago on "The Bachelorette." Charlie O' Connell, who starred in the series in March 2005, and Sarah Brice, the woman he chose, will share with viewers how their relationship has developed since Charlie offered Sarah his final rose.

It's the bachelorettes like you've never seen them before! The hour also includes a special sneak peek at the final episode.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #187 on: February 17, 2009, 01:20:39 PM »
oh ty ty mg i feel much better now!!!! :hearts: :hearts:

 :jumpy: Oh yay I'm glad to hear that   :hugs:

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #188 on: February 17, 2009, 01:29:05 PM »
From The Seattle Times

No spark earns "Bachelor" fan-favorite the boot

By Nicole Tsong
Seattle Times staff reporter

I wish ABC would stop talking about DeAnna and just give us DeAnna. It would make me so happy, though it would make me even happier if she wore a pretty dress instead of the less-than-sexy suit shown in the promos.

Till then, I will have to settle for the drama of the final three and the snow-capped peaks of New Zealand, which still managed to produce fantasy suites and superlatives about how difficult it was to send the third girl home.

I am disappointed to report it was fan favorite Jillian. We may have liked the fun-loving, level-headed Canadian the best, but Jason wasn't feeling it.

Perhaps he was bored by the helicopter ride they took. I was. It's way cooler to be on a helicopter ride than it is to watch two people take a helicopter ride. Jason and Jillian later attempted to ignite the heat in the hot tub, and it was uncomfortable enough to watch I thought maybe it worked. But the sexy make-out session and a declaration of love from Jillian wasn't enough. Jill, I'm sorry to see you and your side-swept 'dos depart.

But Jason sort of killed the suspense with that move. He might have bungee-jumped off a bridge with Molly (it's just like the leap you take falling in love, get it?), answered questions including his favorite ice cream (peanut butter and chocolate, just what I like to eat while watching "The Bachelor") and even got her to say she was falling in love.

But Molly is no competition for Melissa. I had lots of justifications for Jillian, but none whatsoever for Molly. Sorry, Moll.

For Jason and Melissa's date, they took a trip out on Winston Churchill's boat — since Churchill definitely would approve of the show — and soaked in a hot pool. They also talked again about the parental no-show from last week's hometown dates when her parents chose not to meet Jason on television. She worried about it, but Jason practically defended the situation for her, saying he knew it was them, not her.

They are coupley and ga-ga together, and Jason also helpfully pointed out at the beginning of the episode that Melissa reminds him of his ex-wife and DeAnna. I'm sure DeAnna is there just for fun, and I say bring it. But is anyone out there defending Molly? Anyone?

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #189 on: February 17, 2009, 01:38:16 PM »
Press release from ABC

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
ABC Television Network

Quick Take for Monday, February 16, 2009
(Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)

ABC's Monday Lineup Posts its Best Numbers to Date in Viewers and
Adults 18-49 and Leads the Night in Adults 18-34 and All Key Women Demos

"The Bachelor" Hits Season Highs in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49,
Building on the Prior Week's Telecast for the 6th Consecutive Week

Winning the 9 o'clock Hour in Viewers and Young Adults, "The Bachelor" Draws its Largest Non-Finale Audience Since 2003 and Best Adults 18-49 Rating Since 2004

Penultimate Episode of "True Beauty" Hits Best-Since-Premiere Numbers in Viewers and Adults 18-49, Winning at 10pm for the 2nd Time in its Last 3 Monday Telecasts

Monday Night (8:00-11:00 p.m.)
ABC registered its strongest numbers to date with its Monday lineup of "The Bachelor" and "True Beauty" in Total Viewers (10.7 million) and Adults 18-49 (4.0/10).   ABC won the night among Adults 18-34 (3.7/10), as well as leading Monday across each of the key Women demographics: Women 18-34 (5.4/13), Women 18-49 (5.9/14) and Women 25-54 (6.1/13).  ABC has ranked No. 1 on the night among Women 18-34 for 7 weeks in a row, while taking top spot among Women 18-49 for the 6th time in the last 7 weeks. 

"The Bachelor" (8:00-10:00 p.m.)
Winning its 2-hour time slot in Adults 18-49 for the first time this season, ABC's "The Bachelor" registered season highs in both viewers (12.5 million) and young adults (4.4/10), building on the prior week's telecast for the 6th consecutive week.  In fact "The Bachelor" has built on the prior week's performance for every telecast since its season premiere (1/5/09). In addition, "The Bachelor" attracted its largest non-finale audience in over 5 years and strongest Adults 18-49 rating in nearly 5 years - since 11/5/03 and 5/12/04, respectively.

* "The Bachelor" qualified as Monday's No. 1 TV program among across all key Women demos: Women 18-34 (6.1/15), Women 18-49 (6.6/15) and Women 25-54 (6.9/14).  In fact, "The Bachelor" stood as Monday's top program among Women 18-34 in all 7 of its telecasts this season.

* Growing from its first hour to its second hour in Total Viewers by 1.6 million (11.7 million to 13.3 million) and by 23% in Adults 18-49 (4.0/10 to 4.9/11), "The Bachelor" won the 9 o'clock hour in both viewers and young adults. 

"True Beauty" (10:00-11:00 p.m.)
The season's penultimate episode of "True Beauty" posted best-since-premiere numbers in Total Viewers (7.0 million) and Adults 18-49 (3.0/8-tie).  "True Beauty" won Monday's 10pm hour in Adults 18-49 for the 2nd time in its last 3 telecasts, while leading the time slot among Women 18-34 (3.9/10) all 6 of its airings.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #190 on: February 17, 2009, 01:45:04 PM »
i like molly she seems like a lot of fun, jmo. and she has been the only blonde on the show for a while now. us blondes have to look out for each other.. as long as deann is just showing up and doesn't get in on the compatition i will b ok eather way..if not  :jam: :jam: :jam: i am going to b over it..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #191 on: February 17, 2009, 01:52:42 PM »
the reason for the high ratings jmo is gossip girl was a rerun and they moved some other show i was dvring @ 9 cause my hubby makes me dvr 24 and it messes me upon monday ng when gossip girl is on. i have been dvring true beauty it is ok. has any one else been watching it?
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #192 on: February 17, 2009, 01:58:39 PM »
the reason for the high ratings jmo is gossip girl was a rerun and they moved some other show i was dvring @ 9 cause my hubby makes me dvr 24 and it messes me upon monday ng when gossip girl is on. i have been dvring true beauty it is ok. has any one else been watching it?

I bet the ratings for the finale will be HUGE!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #193 on: February 17, 2009, 02:04:15 PM »

The Bachelor Recap: Then There Were Two

The Bachelor Jason Mesnick took the final three to New Zealand for this season’s erotic, err, exotic dates. After some extreme sports, hot tub shenanigans and declarations of love, he broke one more heart.

Friends with Benefits: The first fantasy date went to Jillian. Plaid-clad Jason picked her up in a helicopter for a scenic bucolic splendor tour. After watching her parents bond with Jason, her feelings had intensified. “I’m walking on clouds right now,” she said. They snuggled under a blanket on an isolated cliff overlooking a lake, drank wine and discussed what they are looking for in a partner. She said she was looking for her best friend. Unfortunately, Jason wants more than that. “She’s somebody I can be friends with forever, but I’m looking for a passionate connection,” he said. The date continued over dinner at a winery. Before he gave her the fantasy suite card, he made her share her most intimate thoughts about him. Apparently, she answered correctly as a big smile spread across his face and he planted a wet one on her. Then she asked if he had something to give her. (This is why we love Jill. She goes after what she wants without seeming presumptuous or cocky.) She quipped, “Can you handle a whole night of me?” What followed in the spa was almost too hot for us to handle. After that display of intertwined limbs, butt grabs and spit swapping, how could his concerns about a lack of passion not be quieted?

Leap of Faith: Molly (and her ever-present ponytail) wanted to show him “more of her emotional side” and take their “goofy, sarcastic” relationship up a romantic notch. Jason wanted to add a fear factor first by asking her to tandem bungee jump. She seemed nervous, but he was the screamer. (Side note: They obviously did it more than once as her necklace disappeared and reappeared from scene to scene.) Molly compared the experience to the thrill of falling in love. Over lunch, Molly pulled out a list of questions. He looked frightened until he realized they were of the favorite ice cream flavor variety. They moved on to dinner and Jason brought up his observation about how un-touchy-feely her family was. “We’re not a mushy-gushy family, but I’m different with them than I am with the people I’m dating. I want to let my guard down for you,” she explained. He considered this a breakthrough. She had saved the last question for after dinner. No. 20 invited him to spend the night with her and he liked her initiative and they were off to the fantasy suite for a joint bubble bath.

Parental Advisory: Jason surprised Melissa (who reminds him of Deanna and his ex) with an afternoon ride on Winston Churchill’s old boat. Her MIA parents weighed heavily on both their minds, but it wasn’t until they took a dip in the barrel pools that he brought the subject up for discussion. “I wanted them to see how happy you make me,” she wished while looking teary. He reiterated that you fall in love with the girl not her parents, but was still disappointed that he didn’t meet them. “I can fall in love without meeting her parents, but it can only go so far,” he warned. They strolled in downtown Queensland before settling into a private room for a meal. She finally told him how worried she was about them not partaking in the show and asked him point blank how much it mattered. He was honest, but made a good point that hers were the only friends he met. They retired to the lodge and Mel told him she was scared to lose him because she loved him. (She was the only one who didn’t buffer the l-word with the “falling in” phrase.) It’s obvious he likes her but their intimate moments seem the most innocent.

Down to Two: Each woman made a video to help Jason decide whom to cut. Molly amended her early statement as she realized post-date that she was in full-blown love. Jason’s heart was heavy and his eyes were wet because he was falling for three women. “I have to do the most selfish thing I’ve ever done and break one of your hearts,” he choked. He gave roses to Mel and Molly. He walked Jill out to the Down Under version of the breakup bench. It was obvious she was trying to hold it together as he said they felt more like friends than lovers and blamed their different lifestyles. She told him she loved him multiple times and that she thought it was right. She’d even told him about a dream she had of their future together with Ty trying on one of her dresses just days earlier. Her car ride away was one of the most dramatic ever. “This decision he made broke my heart,” she whimpered. A red-nosed Jason moped in the driveway for a long time, but when he rejoined the final two he declared, “I am going to spend the rest of my life with one of you.”
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 06:08:20 PM by puddin »

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #194 on: February 17, 2009, 05:46:34 PM »
omg the drama of it all... i can't wait till the women tell all.. :meow: :meow: pooor jason u can tell he is falling for them all i though him and jil were so cute together but u r right the hot tub scean or did chris blog this made me un comfortable.
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #195 on: February 18, 2009, 04:22:56 AM »





What I’m about to show you in these videos, and what I’m about to tell you in written word, is what you will see come Monday night, March 2nd, when the “Bachelor” airs their finale, plus “After the Final Rose” show. If you do not want to know anything ahead of time, I suggest you stop reading now. If not, then enjoy.

If you couldn’t look at the videos, then here is basically what’s in them.

My YouTube username is “RealitySteve24″. They are labeled “Part 1″, “Part 2″, “Part 3″, and they are all about 9 1/2 minutes long. Here are the links to the videos in case you need them:
So here’s what I can tell you what went down in the finale:

Jason chose Melissa in New Zealand. No reshoots, no editing, no nothing. All you sleuthers figured it out from Day 1. Which you were supposed to. That’s why I said ABC knew exactly what they were doing when they released the hand with the freckles and the pinky ring and all that stuff. Do you really think they’d make it that easy for you to know he proposes to Melissa in the finale? Just because it was Melissa in New Zealand, didn’t mean you knew the final one now. There’s your love story that they want you to believe. From day one, they’re gonna make it seem like it was Jason and Melissa. She visits him in Seattle. They’re working on a relationship, she’s the lucky girl. But from the beginning, they’ve been planning a shocking ending. And that shocking ending happens to come at the expense of Melissa.

Right now, Jason and Melissa are not together.

The first “After the Final Rose” was filmed in late January. In the videos, I reference that it was filmed either Fri, Jan 23rd, or Sat, Jan. 24th. I’ve since been corrected. Pretty much the only thing I’ve been wrong about. It was actually done the Sunday before on the 18th. I found out a week later on the 25th, made some calls, sent some emails, and ran with this “exclusive” news on the night of Jan. 27th, as you can clearly see in the blog.

What happens at the “ATFR”? Jason ends his engagement with Melissa, and begins a relationship with Molly. I wasn’t there, I don’t know what was said, or who it was said to, but at the taping, Jason dumped Melissa (which will be shown on national television to us) and begins dating Molly. Was there a proposal to Molly? As far as I know, on that date back in January, there was not a proposal. But currently, as we speak, Jason and Molly are together and have been for a while (which I will get to in a minute).

The reason the 2nd “ATFR” was added? I’m guessing to tell us about Jason and Mollys relationship, probably let us know how great she is with Ty, get a reaction from Melissa, and, this is just a guess, but I think Jason will propose to Molly on the “ATFR 2″, if he hasn’t already. That’s complete speculation on my part. But the reason there’s an “ATFR 2″ is because they need to update people on how Jason and Molly are doing.

ABC will present this whole scenario as Jason just changed his mind after thinking this over long and hard. I’m here to tell you I have every reason to believe he didn’t. This was all set in motion from the very beginning that there would be a storyline of: If you want to be with Molly, then you have to pick Melissa. We will have a breakup on the “ATFR”, where you’ll dump Melissa, and say you want to start dating Molly. That’s what you’ll get the night of the finale.

Here’s where I believe this whole story was fabricated.

This is a struggling franchise, we know that. They’re 0-for-12 in producing marriages. So they know people are already skeptical about watching this show to see a love story and an engagement. Well, what’s one thing they’ve never done in the series history? Have the “Bachelor” break up with the one he’s engaged to during the “ATFR”, AND, end up taking the final two girl back. In this case, Molly. So when I said ABC “Grew a brain and pulled a fast one”, I was referencing the fact they decided to show you Melissa getting the ring in early season previews thinking that they had given away the season. That was purposely done, so when he then breaks up with her, and gets back with Molly, that gives you the “jaw dropper” or “shocker”, since its never happened before. And don’t say you knew that all along, because no one did, other than a selected few. All you need to do is go back over past comments in my blogs to see how off everyone was with their guesses. Because when the Final Rose Ceremony ends, a lot of you would’ve said, “That’s it. We’ve known it was her all along. Where’s the drama?”

I’D SAY THAT’S PRETTY SHOCKING. Picking Melissa in New Zealand, dating her for two months, then taping the “ATFR” in January to break up with her only to get back with Molly. NO ONE had that scenario played out from the beginning. NO ONE. And how could you unless you knew the “ATFR” was taped in January? I did, which is why I ran with the information that I had.

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL. Some of you might ask, “Why would Molly take him back?” Here’s where I can tell you where the season became a soap opera and is the best answer I can give you. From everything I’ve heard, I have been led to believe that this season was NEVER, EVER about Melissa. It’s always been about Molly. Jason and Molly’s connection was stronger than anyone elses in the house, everyone knew it, but they couldn’t just play that the whole season because it wouldn’t have been interesting. So they concocted a storyline of, “Let him pick Melissa, and let us have a break up on the ‘ATFR’, something we’ve never done before, AND have him start his relationship with Molly.” I’d say that’s shocking. Why? Because it’s never happened before, and this whole idea of Jason being “wonderful single dad looking for love” would never be disputed because, well, my God, Jason Mesnick would never agree to such a thing. Ummmmm, he did.

Some point during the season, it was established Jason and Molly were THE couple. I’ve been led to believe it was perfectly obvious to them that it was him and her, and Melissa was a distant 2nd. So what does the show do? Something they’ve never done before. They have the Bachelor dump his final one at the “ATFR”, and start dating the woman he dumped in the finale, which is Molly. But as you’ll see, I’m going to be right about everything else. So I find it incredibly believable, that Jason was approached with this scenario to generate, buzz, ratings, etc and he agreed to it. You ask what I couldn’t wrap my head around? Well, that Jason agreed to this. But hey, he was doing what he was told which would make for a bombshell of an ending to the season. Fleiss saying, “Just when you think it’s over, it’s not.” Well, here’s your proof. You’ll think it’s over when Jason proposes to Melissa in New Zealand, but its not since he dumps her two months later at the “ATFR” so he can start seeing Molly.

I feel horrible for Melissa. I really do. She was completely blindsided in this whole mess. She flys out to LA for an “emergency ATFR taping” (remember, the ATFR’s usually aren’t taped until a week before the finale airs. Why would they have to tape it in late January if the finale wasn’t airing til March 3rd? Because it was all part of the plan), at that taping, she’s thinking her fiancé is going to tell her he’s over Molly 100%, but not only does she not hear that, and this is big, Jason has been SEEING Molly ever since the show stopped taping in November. That’s right. While he’s engaged to Melissa, he’s getting weekends with Molly on the weekends Melissa isn’t visiting Seattle. You can choose to believe that Jason just changed his mind after two months of dating Melissa and believe the ABC story. I’m here to tell you the reason he changed his mind, is because he was seeing Molly behind Melissa’s back.

Read the contracts these contestants sign, and talk to anybody who has ever been involved with the show, once taping ends, these people, especially the “Bachelor” and the final two girls, are under lock and key. Everything they do is monitored. They don’t want what happens at the final rose ceremony getting out. So you’re telling me that Molly was able to visit Jason in Seattle just because “he was having second thoughts”, or, “that he missed her.” Please. Like I said, believe it if you want, but I don’t buy it. Jason was seeing Molly from the time the taping of the show ended, til the time the “ATFR” filmed in January. I think he tells this to Melissa during the taping, and if he does, more proof this was all set up from the get go.

Now on to some questions I’m sure you have.

Did Melissa know this was happening? At first, no, she didn’t. Talk about unlucky. How about showing up for the “ATFR” taping thinking your fiancé is going to tell you that he’s completely over his dumpee, only to have him turn the tables on you, dump you on the spot, tell you he’s been seeing this dumpee on the weekends that he wasn’t with you, and now all the sudden you’re completely blindsided, embarrassed on national television, and now become the dumpee yourself? Melissa did not see this coming. Unfortunately, she was a pawn in this game and I feel awful for her.

What’s Molly’s role in this? I think this is the million dollar question right now and I don’t know the answer to it. I don’t know if he told her at the Final Rose Ceremony everything that was going on. If I had to guess, I’d say no. I think they’d want an honest reaction from her. But honestly, I don’t not know the definitive answer to this question. I’ve been led to believe she wasn’t in on it. Everything points to Jason being approached by the producers with this storyline, and agreeing to go along with it for ratings purposes, since they knew this would be big.

So did Jason intentionally do that to Melissa knowing he was getting rid of her that whole time? Remember, I told you there was something I couldn’t wrap my head around? That was it. I had a hard time believing Jason would go along with this scenario, BUT EVERYTHING I’VE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE, says he has. Do I know for a fact? No. But I think its pretty clear what’s going on here. The guy just didn’t change his mind after dating Melissa for a couple months. This was a scenario put in place from the beginning of the season.

What about this great chemistry between Jason and Melissa? All manufactured. Did they like each other? Sure. You can see their chemistry because that’s what they want you to see. But just because you saw it, doesn’t mean it was there. Yes, they liked each other, but from all accounts, I’ve been led to believe that they people knew it was Molly very early on in the process. This season has never been about Melissa, it’s been about Molly.

Jason said in interviews he was engaged and happy? How do you explain that? Yes, he was. All those interviews were done the first week the show aired. Try and find me a Jason interview that was done AFTER the 1st “ATFR” was shot. So after Jan. 18th. You can’t because he hasn’t done one. And probably won’t do one. Why do you think Fleiss is saying things like, “Just when you think it ends, it doesn’t?” That’s because he already has the 1st “ATFR” in the can. It was shot in late January and Melissa got completely screwed. Although Fleiss will have you believe “this is human emotions, and Jason struggled with his decision and ultimately changed his mind.” Uh huh. Sure he did. How about Host Chris recently saying “It took a lot of guts for Jason to do what he did.” Some of you were confused as to why he said that. You shouldn’t be now. Took a lot of guts to dump Melissa on national television and start dating Molly. A lot of guts.

Ok, onto answering all the clues:

K Moon/Rebecca: It’s not so much the who, but the how. Him being with Molly isn’t that shocking. I mean, she was the final two girl after all. It’s the way it happened. I’ve already explained this clue and I think you know what I mean now.

Montreal: Some of you got it. Montreal is part of the famous WWF “Montreal Screwjob” (wikipedia it), but you had the wrong people playing the wrong roles. You all had the 25 bachelorettes as the actors, with Fleiss telling them what to do. Not the case. Fleiss and Jason were the ones doing the screwing and Melissa was on the receiving end. WHY DO YOU THINK I TOLD YOU TO READ MEGAN AND SHANNONS EXIT INTERVIEW? They admitted the guy was hard to read, acted like he didn’t pay attention, and asked everyone the same thing. That’s because apparently he wasn’t interested in getting to know someone else. The “Montreal Screwjob”, in short, was about a title match back in 1997 where the owner of the WWF and the challenger of the match, conspired together behind closed doors, to screw the champion out of his title. Essentially, in this case, ABC/Fleiss are playing the role of the owner of the company, Jason plays the role of the challenger, and Melissa is the champion. Melissa gets blindsided by everything and gets screwed. If you choose to believe that producers and Jason weren’t in on it together, then this clue meant nothing to you. However, I think its clear now what was going on.

2/3: Two meanings. First off, I told you I thought there might be leaks about what happens. Well, the two things I thought would get leaked were Jason and Melissa were broken up, and that he was with Molly. Wasn’t the full story. But the 3rd was most important was that that’s how it was supposed to happen. So the “2/3″ clue meant, “Hey, even if you know 2 major things (Jason/Melissa breakup, Jason and Molly now together), you still didn’t know everything. There was a 3rd and VERY IMPORTANT factor, that being it was all planned in advance. This wasn’t “human emotion” taking over. If I hear that one more time, I’ll vomit.

The second meaning of “2/3″ was probably the most important part that if you figured out, you might’ve been on to something. In every blog I’ve written since I broke the “exclusive” news, I NEVER SAID THE PHRASE “FINAL ROSE CEREMONY.” Go back and check. I always said “FINALE.” Why? Because the information I had had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE 2 HR FINALE. I just knew it was Molly and Melissa, he chooses Melissa, proposes, puts a ring on her, and they spin around. It had everything to do with the “ATFR” that was taped already in January. 100% confirmed. Was I there? No, but I know it happened. And I know the basics of what happened there: He dumps Melissa and gets with Molly. Don’t know the order they were brought out, who he addressed first, did he cry, whatever. I just knew that it was a complete blindside to Melissa. And if that wasn’t shocking enough, that this was all planned at some point during filming. So the other meaning to “2/3″ was that the “finale” is 3 hours long. You were all focused on the first two hours in regards to what I knew. You thought people left on their own. You thought Stephanie or Jillian was coming back. You thought all this stuff. My exclusive news had nothing to do with the finale itself, it had to do with the last hour of the finale, which was the “ATFR.” 2/3 meant you were concentrating on the first two hours of the finale when I was talking about the third hour.

Bird Flower: Rhymes with 3rd hour. Everything I knew from when I found out was about the 3rd hour of the show. I thought of this one Monday night. Pretty self explanatory.

One last thing to get to here. There was someone on my comment board who claimed they had gotten access to an email conversation between Melissa and Jason, which occurred after the “ATFR 1″ took place. They came to me with this, forwarded me the email, and told me to look into it. I did. It has been confirmed that yes, it was legitimate. It was Jason and Melissas email addresses on there, and Melissa is basically confronting Jason for what he did, and Jason admits he was just doing what he was told to do. I am in possession of this email conversation now. I was going to repost it on the blog, because it basically verifies everything I’ve just told you (even Melissa admits she had an idea Jason was seeing Molly behind her back), but out of respect to the both of them, I will not print them. I already feel horrible enough for what happened to Melissa. The last thing she needs is to wake up this morning and see a private email conversation between her and Jason spread out all over the internet. Trust me, I’d love to get it out there to prove that Jason knew exactly what was going on from the beginning, but I think the videos and this column speak for itself. It’s up to you decide. You can choose to believe Jason was not complicit in this whole charade and that he truly loved Melissa, proposed to her in New Zealand, and after dating her for two months, decided he made a mistake. I’m just telling you, I don’t believe that’s what happened here. And when this finale airs in two weeks, you will see for yourselves.

Wow. Even when I think this is over, something tells me this is just the beginning. It’s been a wild ride, no doubt. Thanks for hangin’ with me and seeing this through. Unless Fleiss decides to re-shoot the “ATFR 1″, then this is what you will see come Monday night, March 2nd. Any questions, comments, emails, praises, criticisms, email me at I’m sure I will gather any questions that you have and post a column later this week. I apologize to emailers that I haven’t gotten back to recently, but this has gotten completely out of control. I’ve gotten way more emails than I could handle. I will try to do better in the future.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #196 on: February 18, 2009, 07:02:44 AM »

 :hithere: Hello gater948 welcome to RFF and thank you for the post

Thanks friend for the great welcome,, nice to see you again..
You posted very well dear!!!
So keep it up.. :tup:
thanks!!  :kuss:

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #197 on: February 18, 2009, 10:49:33 AM »
OMG wth realy this is how they got there ratings up?? i wonder if they started this plot after the tent/sleep over. i rember molly saying the walk of shame,huummmm. and also jason saying nothing happened in the tent. if this is true i i am thinkn it is i feellll sso sry for batchlorett number 1, and what does jason even do for a living ?? i for got? allso if this is true i hope abc gave him a LOT  of money cause he is fing with his son and his x wife is not going to b happy, it could b by by ty. jmo if money is involved ppl will sue. and not the ones who signed the contracts..a certian some ones parents that were a no show on the show would not have had to sign any relises if they were not aired.. and that is a redeaming thing for batett 1 jmo..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #198 on: February 18, 2009, 11:00:17 AM »
From Reality TV World...

Exclusive: 'Bachelor' creator Mike Fleiss discusses 'shocking' ending

Despite the show's history of over-the-top promos, The Bachelor creator Mike Fleiss says he isn't crying wolf with his recent comments that the reality dating show's thirteenth-season ending is "shocking" and the "most dramatic ever."

"[If] I'm the boy that cried wolf [before], well this time it's a wolf," Fleiss told Reality TV World on Friday.

"It's five wolves, it's a pack of wolves!  I'm telling you, money back guarantee.  If anyone thinks this isn't the most shocking The Bachelor ever, you have them call me, because I'll want to know why, because it is, it most definitely is.  I don't even think there [has been] anything close."

Fleiss' comments have come despite The Bachelor star Jason Mesnick's previous gushing that he's "engaged" and "completely in love." 

However Fleiss told Reality TV World that doesn't mean The Bachelor's upcoming ending is predictable.

"That might be a mislead, you never know," teased Fleiss when asked about Mesnick's comments.  "It's astonishing, and whatever you think it is, you can't be completely right, there's no way."

Last week, ABC announced it will air The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Part 2 -- an apparent extension to the already-scheduled The Bachelor: After the Final Rose special the network will air on Monday, March 2 at 10PM ET/PT immediately after the thirteenth season's two-hour finale broadcast -- on Tuesday March, 3 at 10PM ET/PT.

"The network knows the way the show ends and they know its going to do a giant [ratings] number," Fleiss told Reality TV World about the decision to expand the show's season.  "They're going to want to show a little bit more of the story."

However according to Fleiss, the extra hour will be worth it to viewers.

"I can not confirm or deny anything," he said.  "[But] if you like reality TV at all, those hours of reality TV are going to be satisfying to you, I guarantee.  Guaranteed."

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #199 on: February 18, 2009, 11:46:48 AM »
so abc is taking out the fake and putting bk the reality?? realy???? :jam: :jam:

jmo i don't think they expected the rateing to b as good as they were i totally belive steve, i still think the rating were a combo of the reruns and award shows that no one wanted to watch also every net work was gearing up to have thease big shows on during the time every one was to make the switch to digatal tv. they were treating this like sweeps week.. any way i am still looking fw to watching it all go down..and a comment on one thing steve said that was not true he said the batch was 0-12 but it is not there r trista and ryan and the fish guy- byron and his girl , i think there were several seasons that r good and a few that were not so good i did not like the one in italy or the bob guney one, did not like andrew fireston, i love the travis stork one, hottie...any way my 2 cents ty
tv junky needs help!!!!!