Author Topic: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*  (Read 60962 times)

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Offline Brooke_TAR13

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #75 on: October 21, 2008, 09:49:46 AM »
A lot of these interviews have our transcripts all wrong!! :(

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #76 on: October 21, 2008, 10:29:31 AM »
Hi Brooke! :dancer:

Are they misquoting you? Or have the two of you confused? Or attributing your comments to Marisa? ???

It must be frustrating!  :groan:  But feel free to make any corrections here, because of course we want to know the real story...not the story they get wrong!  (:;)

But we love y'all anyway! :hearts: 

You were the cutest thing ever with that Maori!
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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #77 on: October 21, 2008, 10:39:48 AM »
i already miss this team :'(  there where one of my top 4 fav team hope everthing goes well for them after the races :hearts:

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #78 on: October 21, 2008, 11:49:10 AM »
A lot of these interviews have our transcripts all wrong!! :(

How come  :duno:

Offline Brooke_TAR13

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #79 on: October 21, 2008, 01:12:05 PM »
They have us backwards a lot...and some of the quotes are wrong, like in the last interview that was posted it had my quote at the end about what I am doing now...but then it kept going and it ended with me saying what Marisa actually had said. In the interviews we would tell them who was talking when...guess they just didn't get that?!

P.S. That Maori warrior was SCARY! He was literally about to bite my hand lie, he would snap at my fingers! haha I was really scared...but was laughing b/c I knew how ridiculous I looked squealing and running around on the side of the mountain looking like Heidi with that hairdo!

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #80 on: October 21, 2008, 04:15:52 PM »
Lets hope this interview is accurate  :groan:

Fake Tattoos, No-Show Cops and Phil’s Dad: The Southern Belles On Their Disappointing Elimination From The Amazing Race

Almost every season The Amazing Race casts a team of babes. This year, Marissa and Brooke charmingly filled the role, even though most viewers had difficulty telling them apart. With their Southern politeness and unfailingly positive attitudes, the duo befriended everyone they encountered. Unfortunately, their luck ran out in New Zealand. They told fancast about their one-sided relationship with Dan and Andrew, artificial Maori tattoos and why there’s never a cop around when you need him.

How’d you get so far behind at the beginning?
Brooke: First of all, our seats were at the very, very, very back of the plane. We tried out hardest to get them moved up closer so we could get off sooner but we couldn’t. Then it took a while to get through security in the airport. We got in our car and we started getting really lost from the directions we’d gotten off the internet. So we stopped at a gas station and we thought maybe we could get a cop to come and we’d follow him. We ended up waiting forever for this cop who never showed up. So we decided to get directions from people at the gas station and head on. The whole way to the harbor we got really lost so we got really far behind the other teams getting there.
Marissa: Basically, everything we did there we kind of had a problem with.
Brooke: I think we were just really frustrated.

Almost everyone else had a ton of problems with the kiwi stomping challenge but you seemed to sail through it.
Marissa: That’s the weird thing about it.
Brooke: There was actually a little lever that you had to pull up to let all the juice out. I think a lot of people couldn’t figure out the lever.
Marissa: I heard some people talk about how their machine got clogged so maybe that was the problem but ours went really smoothly once we found the lever and it all started pouring out so we got really lucky.
Brooke: But it was really hard. When we were done our feet were all cut up.

What was the Maori tribesman challenge like?
Marissa: That was scary. I thought he was going to eat me! He was snapping, growling and biting my hands every single time. It was really hard to find that tattoo because all those people were yelling at you and they were starting to sweat the tattoos off their faces because it was so late at that point.

They actually had fake tattoos on their faces?
Brooke: Yeah. They were painted on, but by the end of the day they were smeared off!

Were you aware of all the tensions between the other teams on this leg of the race?
Brooke: We didn’t even know about Nick and Starr and Kelly and Christy until later that night.
Marissa: You hear gossip going on, but we tried to avoid it because we wanted to be friends with everybody.

What moment did you wish made it on to the television show that didn’t?
Brooke: A lot of the extra clips that are on-line are really funny and we wish they’d made it onto television.
Marissa: The clip where we met Dan and Andrew. Everyone was laughing about that.

It seemed like there was a little flirtation, at least in their minds. Was there anything going on there?
Marissa: They thought so! But we were just being friendly because that’s who we are.

Were you willing to use their interest to your strategic advantage?
Marissa: Oh yeah. Whatever helped us. It was weird watching Dan say, ‘We might not be the strongest team but we’re cute.’ That upset us a little. We thought we were competitive. Apparently not.
They were excited about coming in sixth. Maybe their judgment is a little off.
Brooke: We beat them in the third leg.

How did going on the race change your lives?
Marissa: It taught me a lot of new things about Brooke. I became more aware of the world and what’s going on. We got to go to countries we thought we’d never visit. It made me a lot more confident. I feel like I could do anything.
It seemed like the two of you bonded with Phil’s Dad at the elimination mat.
Brooke: He felt so bad for us. It just made us cry even more. He was so sweet and he gave us a hug.

Did you get a sense of their father-son relationship?
Brooke: They seemed really close despite the fact that Phil usually isn’t there with him.
Marissa: Phil’s such a great guy. He’s so funny. He said he felt like he was losing his babies.

What was your favorite experience on the race?
Brooke: Even though we were eliminated in New Zealand, I’m so glad we went there. It’s one of those places you never think you’re going to get to go. I really want to go back now.
Marissa: Even though it wasn’t fun, I’m really glad we had the experience of sleeping in the jungle, so I can tell everyone I slept there. I felt like I was on Survivor.

Would you like to be on Survivor?
Marissa: No. I could never go without you, Brooke.
Brooke: Me, either.

What inspired you to try out for the race?
Brooke: We thought it would be a really great experience. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel the world. The things that we saw were different than what the average tourist would see.
Marissa: And the things we got to do like climbing down the tall building in the cargo net. We did face a lot of fears.

What advice would you give to future contestants?
Brooke: Pack very lightly. Do not get a big backpack.
Marissa: Practice running with your backpack because that’s a lot more difficult than it seems.
Brooke: This might be a little clichéd, but you can’t panic. You’ve got to remain positive in a situation because you’ll just get really flustered. Be nice to everybody or else you’ll get U-turned.

Although nobody used that option.
I think a lot of people were like, ‘we only have one U-turn to use so we’re not going to do it this time. We’re going to wait.’

But it only comes up a couple times in the race. That strategy seems a little silly.
Brooke: Looking back on it, it was. We knew we were ahead of a lot of teams, so that’s why we didn’t do it. We heard a lot of talk about people wanting to U-turn Kelly and Christy. We were like, ‘Someone else will end up doing it, so we don’t really have a reason to.’

Why does everyone dislike Kelly and Christy?
Brooke: It’s really weird to watch that because aside from the race everyone’s friends. They’re very competitive. They didn’t want to make alliances with anybody else. They didn’t work with any other teams. They just stayed to themselves. I think a lot of people didn’t think they were that friendly.

After you were eliminated, who did you root for?
Marissa: Tina and Kenny! They were like our Mommy and Daddy on the show. They’re doing really well. They’ve won three legs in a row.
Brooke: They’re really smart. They work very well together.

If you could undo one decision you made on the race, what would it be?
Marissa: Not going to that Shell station.
Brooke: The worst thing is Toni and Dallas were right there. I wish I’d have stuck my head out the window and asked if we could follow them.

What would you like America to know about you?
Brooke: I’d like to thanks the fans for their positive response. It means a lot when they aren’t just saying, “Oh there are blondes again.”
It does seem like every year the show casts a blonde team.
Marissa: Yeah. And then everyone hates on you because you’re blonde. It’s not our fault!

Kynt and Vyxsin are fancast's celebrity Amazing Race bloggers. They have this question for you: Girls! You were a pleasure to watch! In Episode #2, we noticed you girls amorously eyeing the "hot bods" on the beach in Fortaleza, Brazil. In the midst of the Race's intensity, a little ogling can prove to be quite the stress relief. So we have to know --- which location that you Raced through had the HOTTEST boys and girls?
Marissa and Brooke in unison: New Zealand!!
Brooke: The guy in our hotel was hot.
Marissa: I love their accents. Everyone’s so friendly there. It was right up our alley.


Offline Brooke_TAR13

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #81 on: October 21, 2008, 04:45:44 PM »
They basically nailed it except for the part about the warrior...because I was the one that did the road block. But this site did a much better job!  :yess:

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #82 on: October 21, 2008, 09:09:09 PM »
These girls were my favorite team! I'm soo gonna miss them!  :'(

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #83 on: October 25, 2008, 02:28:41 AM »
CTV Interview:

'Southern Belles' bomb out of 'The Amazing Race'
Tyrone Warner,

It started with a small problem. Stuck at the back of the plane traveling from Bolivia to New Zealand, best friends Marisa Axelrod and Brooke Jackson fell a bit behind on "The Amazing Race" and couldn't catch up. Then once on the ground, they struggled with driving on the opposite side of the road and got lost on a three-hour drive.

Brooke ultimately blames their loss on help that never came. "We called a cop and he was going to come and get us and guide us -- and he never showed up. We went ahead and left and kept getting lost," Brooke tells "That's why we came in last -- the challenges weren't that bad."

"The Amazing Race" pits teams of two in a world-wide trek, where the winning pair goes home with a US$1 million prize. Teams must dash through pre-determined "legs," in which they face both physical and mental challenges, with the last place team sent home.

What do you think was your strongest asset on the race?
Brooke: We did a good job working as a team; a lot of the other teams were arguing and bickering. We were just friends with everyone and never argued with each other and it kept us from getting distracted.

What would you have done differently?
I would have packed a much smaller backpack. Our backpacks were huge! I should have packed a lot lighter.

Where on the race did you feel most like a fish out of water?
Definitely Bolivia. It was totally different, and I would have never of imagined going there. The altitude was insane; there was a lot of poverty.

Any place you'd go back for a longer trip?
New Zealand. Even though we had a bad leg, we didn't want to leave. We had such a good time, everyone was so nice and it was gorgeous. I would go back.

What has your response been like from friends and family who are watching you on the race?
Everyone has been excited and can't believe we did everything. They all think that we're these prissy girls -- we are -- but we have a hard side too. When they saw us climbing down cargo nets or sleeping in the jungle, they couldn't believe it.

After being on "The Amazing Race," do you think your relationship with Marisa has grown?
We've certainly developed a bond and more trust in each other, and we figured out things we didn't know before. Marisa is a lot tougher than I thought. I knew she was feisty, but she can rough it out. She didn't care about her hair and make up and I thought we were going to. We even packed a hair straightener!

Did you learn anything about yourself?
I learned that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. If you told me before I was going to do the things I did on the race, I would have said "No way!" When there's a million dollars at stake you'll do anything for it!

Any advice for future racers?
Pack lightly!

CTV Interview LINK
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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #84 on: October 27, 2008, 05:37:54 PM »
I never got to say goodbye! It's all my fault you both were eliminated, I feel so guilty! Gosh, most times you hope that the spoilers are right but some times you hope they are so very wrong, so here we are and yeah, I cried right along with Marisa & Brooke as well as Phil's dad :crybabe:
Your good racers and I miss you both already  :-*

Offline Brooke_TAR13

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #85 on: November 06, 2008, 02:37:48 PM »
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU!to everyone that voted for Jaime and Erik. As many of you may know, they did win the Charleston Wedding Giveaway Contest! :jumpy: They received over 35,000 votes!  :yess: You can read their blog here:

Thank you again to everyone who voted!!! :hearts:

xo, Brooke

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #86 on: November 06, 2008, 02:39:46 PM »
I saw that they won Brooke and was happy to be a part of the voting :jumpy:
Congrats Erik and Jamie  :hearts:

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #87 on: May 31, 2010, 11:52:55 PM »
Brooke and Sarah in Charleston at the beach yesterday...thanks for sharing!! :hearts:

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #88 on: August 11, 2010, 08:05:31 PM »
Two very lovely women!
Just here to visit.

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Re: ♥TAR13 Marisa Axelrod & Brooke Jackson *Southern Belles*
« Reply #89 on: August 12, 2010, 07:11:17 PM »
I'm against composite teams for All-Stars, but I'll make an exception for Brooke & Sarah*, and Dallas & Starr**

*Basically because i don't like Terence
**If they are still dating...