Author Topic: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*  (Read 235082 times)

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Offline Slowhatch

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #650 on: August 08, 2008, 08:13:26 PM »
For reference, here are the two finale videos:
that explain how clues were left for viewers and the other contestants. In Season 2, there was a clue every episode; in Season 1, only 4 or 5 clues scattered thoughout the season.

Offline therealmoflife

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #651 on: August 08, 2008, 09:30:26 PM »

I was looking through the mole's journal and found two things.  the first being on the page with latitude and longitude.  I keyed the coordinates into my GPS and they lead to San Diego, California.  Craig's Hometown.

The second is something else i can't make out...i can read "is the mole" but not what's before it can somebody check that, i circled it.

Offline puddin

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #652 on: August 09, 2008, 12:49:00 AM »
hows that?

Offline Mrs Shrek

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #653 on: August 09, 2008, 02:29:38 AM »
Does it say "success in the Mole"?

I don't see anything that looks like a name :duno:

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #654 on: August 09, 2008, 09:29:24 AM »
i still think the coordinates are a clue though

Offline Cincy-David

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #655 on: August 09, 2008, 09:46:02 AM »
Excellent therory about the GPS position and Craig.    I looked at that for hours and could find nothing.

I am sticking with Craig as the Mole until the fat lady sings.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #656 on: August 09, 2008, 11:19:24 AM »
Does it say "success in the Mole"?

I don't see anything that looks like a name :duno:

It says "success in the mission" I believe.

Offline knuckles487

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #657 on: August 09, 2008, 12:22:03 PM »
Not sure how you could have gotten San Diego with that.  Those coordinates are for downtown Los Angeles.

Craig IS the mole though.

Offline puddin

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #658 on: August 09, 2008, 01:58:07 PM »

I was looking through the mole's journal and found two things.  the first being on the page with latitude and longitude.  I keyed the coordinates into my GPS and they lead to San Diego, California.  Craig's Hometown.

The second is something else i can't make out...i can read "is the mole" but not what's before it can somebody check that, i circled it.

Not sure how you could have gotten San Diego with that.  Those coordinates are for downtown Los Angeles.

Craig IS the mole though.

 :tup: on the coordinates

It's a spot in downtown L.A.; I don't get it.  :duno:

Offline Nightstalker

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #659 on: August 09, 2008, 03:53:48 PM »
It's Rhyme Time for Nicole:

Too many visual on-air clues that point to one person as the mole

1.  N2O (seen on the wine barrel) which could be Nitrous Oxide a gas used by surgeons in some kinds of pregnancies.

2. STIs (the reflection seen in the factory window) which could be for Sexually Transmitted Infections which are treated by doctors

3.  Red Wine (seen at all the dinners, and close by Jon on several occassions) which could stand for Good Health a concern of doctors.

4.  The curser arrow pointing at "Third" which was Nicoles position in the question asked.

5.  The number "3" centered over one cell door and the same cell chosen by Nicole befoe the cell to mole task.

6.  The name "NICOLE" seen in reverse through the top of the first page in the mole's dossier as it was scanned by Mark.  The question here would be would the producers add the mole's name in such a big headline for Mark to see, or was it added in post-production for only the audience to see?

These clues all follow the same pattern as the clues for Bill in The Mole 2 which centered on he being an admiral.

In conclusion, it seem all to lead to

                           THE MOLE IS NICOLE

Heck, it even rhymes. :hearts:

The problem with the doctor clues is that some of them are vague.   The wine one is really vague.  There are tons of things in everyday life that can be linking to being a doctor.  "Uh-oh!  Someone washed their hands!  Doctors wash their hands!  Nicole is the mole!"  See what I'm saying?  It's not that they aren't planting doctor clues as much as it is don't assume that everything is a doctor's clue.  Give the producers more credit than that.

Nicole's name being on the dossier is definitely interesting.  I would think it'd have to be added in post if it's a clue.  They're not just going to tell Mark who the mole is.  I wish that in some season of some series of the mole they showed us what type of information is in the dossier.  Is it notes about the mole themself?  Is it the mole's notes on the other players?  Is is the stuff we see on the ABC website?  There's just so much they don't tell us.  So I guess it's one of two things: it was either added in post like you said or the dossier is the mole's notes on other players.  So confusing!

Offline KingCrimson88

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #660 on: August 09, 2008, 06:33:40 PM »
lol those clues are so damn vague and can point to a whole bunch of things, unlike the clues for Craig which are much more concrete.

I think the definitive clue this season is when Craig said he wanted to open his own business last episode. The moles journal from week 7 said that his goal was to run his own business. This is as concrete as it gets. Craig is the mole.

Offline eazeymac91

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #661 on: August 09, 2008, 06:40:21 PM »
I just read the clue and it was "the mole" blurred which makes me think its craig cause he wears glasses

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #662 on: August 09, 2008, 09:52:10 PM »
If the clues for Craig are so much more concrete than the ones for Nicole, I wish someone would list what the clues are as seen in the on-air program.  These are the only clues which will be shown during the last program, items planted on the ABC website or in the "mole's diary" won't be considered during the final expose.  So what are the on-air clues for Craig?

Offline molenewbie

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #663 on: August 09, 2008, 10:59:33 PM »
Any one notice how we are on the 5th season of the mole and Nicole is the fifth introduced? uh oh...... NICOLE IS THE MOLE lol.

Offline knuckles487

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #664 on: August 09, 2008, 11:20:19 PM »
If the clues for Craig are so much more concrete than the ones for Nicole, I wish someone would list what the clues are as seen in the on-air program.  These are the only clues which will be shown during the last program, items planted on the ABC website or in the "mole's diary" won't be considered during the final expose.  So what are the on-air clues for Craig?

Ep 1:  At the Robinson Crusoe mission, Jon tells them the Crusoe story is based on the real life of Alexander Selkirk.  Selkirks given name at birth was Selcraig.  Too much of a coincidence to NOT be a clue.  If it wasn't important, it wouldn't have been mentioned.  Jon would have simply stated the game is based on Robinson Crusoe and your job is to guess which items he had with him.  I hesitate to bring up the number 11 because frankly I am tired of hearing about all the 11 theories.  But I would imagine we will be hearing about journal 11 being held up.  Whether it refers to Craig being 11th in the credits or whether it means the mole had that number I don't know.  But I'm sure we will hear something about it.  And they did do a good job of hiding his journal number from us for several episodes, so I'm not sure how it will play out.  But all that other 11 stuff people have been grasping at is just silly.  

Ep 2:  We see Craig show up for a mission for the first time without his glasses.  While they are listening to Jons explaination of the game Craig even calls attention to it while on camera by raising his hand to his eyes and rubbing the side of his head.  Admittedly not an earth shattering move all in itself but it set the stage for him wearing the glasses sometimes, and sometimes not.  Goes along with the lying with my eyes thing.

Ep 3:  We are clearly, and frequently, shown Craig wearing a key around his neck.  When he finds the laundromat with their clothes it is next door to a key shop.  Again, too much coincidence NOT to be a clue.  The laundromat wasn't next to a soccerball store or an abortion clinic.  It wasn't even next to a business dealing in the graphic arts.  It was a key shop.

Ep 4:  A somewhat weak clue here would be the large letter "C's" that are on each brick of gold the players have to carry up the mountain.  One on each end.  A little better clue would be the number seen on the side of the ambulance.  It had no relevance to us at the time but later became clear.  When we were shown Marks journal in a later episode we were shown that the numbers associated with craig was 424.  This number appears in every opening and closing sequence in each episode so that makes this an on-air clue.  This also made the number on the ambulance more relevant to us as well.  The number was 4245000.  Again, a little too coincidental NOT to be a clue.  It would be no problem to digitally add this onto the vehicle just as they added things to other episodes.

Ep 5:  Lets start with the word Jaime on the side of the building at the beginning of the All For One mission.  I'm sure it was added digitally but it was there nonetheless.  Jaime is a variant of James and in spanish both names are a variant of Diego.  Such as San Diego where Craig lives.  Then there was the "CRG" on the wall behind the players while they were chained together.  Probably also digitally added but an on-air clue in any case.  

Ep 6:  During the player confessionals, there are 2 figures on a table behind each person that looks like the letter "i".  During a confessional from Clay, these figures mysteriously change into 4 figures right in the middle of his talk.  They are only shown for that one brief shot and were most definitely added digitally.  There was 4 i's and represent "4 eyes".  A term used to describe people that wear glasses.  This is also the episode where we get the view of marks journal and see that the number 424 represents Craig.  There is also the questionable N20 during this episode, which if it is a clue would represent November 20.  Craigs birthday.  On-air clues aren't going to be something as involved as "OK audience, N20 is a gas that doctors SOMETIMES use during delivery of a baby so this means our whiney doctor".   Pffffttttt.

This is starting to get pretty long so I am going to cut it off here but I think this answers your question.  Notice that none of these clues are based on ABC widgets, text clues, player actions, suspicious behavior, or anything of the sort.  They are all based on things shown to us during the program and with the exception of N20 if you want to stretch it, they aren't really able to be applied to other players.  They are based on facts of the show and are straight forward and don't really require any type of iffy logic.  It's a lot like seeing a horse walk by your house.  You look at it and say, "hmmm there's a horse".  You don't have to twist it around at think perhaps it's really a donkey trying to trick you.

Remember that you have to look at the clues without being swayed or taken in by the red herrings.  That's where people get sidetracked because they start looking at the players behaviors and suspicious activity.  Every single layer on the show except for maybe Marcie and Liz did things that seemed suspicious.  Some of it was on purpose and some of it is because we weren't shown everything surrounding it.  And that was on's the nature of the show.  They aren't going to give you clues at the beginning that point to one person only to give you clues at the end that point to someone else.  You just have to avoid the landmines.

It's time to give it up and embrace Craig as your mole.

Offline elTopo

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #665 on: August 10, 2008, 12:04:54 AM »
I think the definitive clue this season is when Craig said he wanted to open his own business last episode. The moles journal from week 7 said that his goal was to run his own business. This is as concrete as it gets. Craig is the mole.

this was discussed a lot on the ABC forums.. here i'll just post it

"You have to admit ALL camps have had a tough time tying everything in the journal back to their Mole pick...

What do we use a journal for?  We use it for writing about adventures, writing about people (crushes for girls, right?), and writing our own thoughts...

What if the mole's journal is a compilation of all three?  The Mole's personal thoughts are in the postcards to the people who have been executed.  The adventures are all the mementos (flags, cards, tickets) and words like "those kids really ran us all over the field" and such.  Then, the writing about other people are the comments about what people's favorites are, like favorite color, fruit, life goal, etc.)

Example:  "OMG, Craig is SO cute.  Well, his favorite color is red, his life goal is to run his own business, he doesn't like grapes..."  So on, so forth...

Thoughts?" -MoleFan18

Like for example... if Craig were writing in the Journal as the Mole... would he write about himself "lifelong dream: to run their own business" ... favorite color: red". Ya know? That kinda summed the journal up for me right there and it really made a lot more sense. I'm one of "those" that doesn't put a whole lot of stock into it...

Offline Mintobrandybuck

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #666 on: August 10, 2008, 02:45:01 AM »
It's Rhyme Time for Nicole:

Too many visual on-air clues that point to one person as the mole

1.  N2O (seen on the wine barrel) which could be Nitrous Oxide a gas used by surgeons in some kinds of pregnancies.

2. STIs (the reflection seen in the factory window) which could be for Sexually Transmitted Infections which are treated by doctors

3.  Red Wine (seen at all the dinners, and close by Jon on several occassions) which could stand for Good Health a concern of doctors.

4.  The curser arrow pointing at "Third" which was Nicoles position in the question asked.

5.  The number "3" centered over one cell door and the same cell chosen by Nicole befoe the cell to mole task.

6.  The name "NICOLE" seen in reverse through the top of the first page in the mole's dossier as it was scanned by Mark.  The question here would be would the producers add the mole's name in such a big headline for Mark to see, or was it added in post-production for only the audience to see?

7.  In the opening title construction just before the letters finally turn into reading MOLE the letters form the word MOM.  An OBGYN doctor deals with moms and moms-to-be.  So could refer to Nicole.

I must thank you. I've been really bored today (waiting for the final episode has been torture! I wanna know now!), and this has provided a way for me to give my opinion ^^

Not to say that I'm purposely picking on you, it's just that it seems a lot of the 'facts' that you post are somewhat biased and, heck, pretty big stretches.

1. N20 could have just as easily been a packaging label. That could be how they number crates, you never know. Someone showed earlier that the barrels there are all similarly labelled, so I doubt there is anything odd about it. Also, I've never heard of a pregnancy that ever required the use of laughing gas.

2. First of all, the term is Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD, not STI). And. . . Nicole's an OBGYN, so I highly doubt she would ever have anything to do with treating one.

3.  . . .Okay, this has got to be one of the biggest stretches I've ever seen. Nightstalker puts it very well:
There are tons of things in everyday life that can be linking to being a doctor.  "Uh-oh!  Someone washed their hands!  Doctors wash their hands!  Nicole is the mole!" 

4. Did you see the person click on that answer? Or who is to say that it is the correct answer? This one would just be waaaay to obvious of a clue. I doubt its anything more than a coincidence.

5. I'm not entirely sure what you meant by this one. From what I understand, you're saying that the number 3 is above the cell door that Nicole chose? I don't see how that proves anything in any way, shape, or form.

6. Now, this one has bothered me. It seems this has a lot of people dead set that Nicole is the mole. I'm not entirely convinced that it is even what it says (I honestly don't see the word there >_>)  Here's my take:

No one knows what's in the dossier. I doubt that the most well-kept secret in the game would simply be 'NICOLE' at the top of the dossier. And if that is the case, for all we know it could be:
(info about Nicole)

(info about Craig)

Or something along those lines. I dunno. No one does. That's the point.

Plus, I don't think the dossier actually gives away the identity of the mole, just clues. And even iff all this is true, I really don't think the producers would allow a shot that gives away so much. So, I'm dismissing this clue altogether.

7. Now, I believe this may be a case of your eyes looking for something they want to find. I've never seen any proof of this before, and even so the word 'Mom' isn't much of a clue.

Almost the entire basis of your arguments is around the fact that Nicole is a doctor. I have a question for everyone: who here really knows what an OBGYN is? Everyone seems to be convinced that it is a surgeon that helps with pregnancies. While this may be included in their job, this is not entirely the case. OBGYN stands for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, which deal with pregnancy and birthing and the female reproductive organs, respectively. While, obviously, the birth process is a part of the position, it is not the full role. Nicole is not in any way a general 'doctor', and for that reason I don't think the show would have clues that alliterate to being a doctor.

Now, that being said, I still devoutly believe that Mark is the Mole. Craig is the obvious choice in most people's eyes, and I think if Nicole really were the Mole, she's doing a bad job of it. The Mole is subtle and usually someone who played the game well; Mark has shown both of these qualities without making himself obvious (not to say the other two haven't, it's just that in my eyes Mark has played a better game). Say what you will, but I am sticking to it to the end.

Let's hope the finale delivers!

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #667 on: August 10, 2008, 10:48:46 AM »
Jon is the Mole!

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #668 on: August 10, 2008, 04:53:44 PM »
just some ramblings from me. I was thinking about the quiz questions for the final test. Even without the dossier, Mark has a distinct advantage. There are 6 questions on the test (that i can see) where 2 of the 3 fall under the same answer with the other 1 on his/her own. For that particular question, the one on his/her own is guaranteed to get the answer right regardless of who they think is the mole.  (On other questions, where the other 2 have 2 different answers, that person has a 50/50 chance of being right)

Mark has the advantage cause he's singled out in 3 of the 6 questions whereas Nicole is singled out 2 times and Craig only once. So in that respect (if Mark isn't the mole), he is guaranteed 1 question correct more than nicole and 2 more than Craig just by default. Which means if they ALL get the rest of questions correct, Mark will automatically win by default because of this.

Please let me know if i have answered these wrong. I double checked but i might have missed something.

Here are the 6 questions:

Mark is guaranteed to get these correct:

Question 3: In "When Pigs Fly," what did the Mole do after returning from Pomaire?

Hold one end of the slingshot handle Craig  Nicole
Do nothing Mark

Question 9: In the "Midas Rush" mission, what color pants was the Mole wearing?

Blue Craig  Nicole
Black Mark

Question 19: How many exemptions has the Mole received to date?

1 Craig Nicole
2 Mark

Nicole is guaranteed to get these correct:

Question 1: Is the Mole?

Male Craig Mark
Female Nicole

Question 8: How much money did the Mole's team earn in "Midas Rush"?

$5,750  Nicole
$8,500  Craig Mark

Craig is guaranteed to get these correct:

Question 15: In the mission "Tick Tock Boom" did the Mole cut the wire?

Yes Craig
No Mark Nicole

Does anyone know the answer to this one?:   i think Mark was the only "yes" which would bump his chances higher but i can't be sure.

Question 12: At wine and cheese after "The Grapes of Cache," did the Mole open a bottle of wine?



Now if Mark is the mole, this would kinda make sense as it would leave 5/6 and 4/6 questions for Craig and Nicole respectively to have to guess which answer fits the mole. Less "gimme" questions for the actual players.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #669 on: August 10, 2008, 05:03:10 PM »
i wanted to add that Questions #6 and #11 put all THREE of the finalists in the same answer so those 2 questions are guaranteed correct for all of them.

so that brings it down to only 12 (or possibly 11) questions out of 20 that are generic where no one has a distinct advantage over anyone else.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #670 on: August 10, 2008, 09:23:22 PM »
Hi everyone!  I'm new here.

Actually I signed up to say one thing that's been bothering me, but I may post more later.

The thing that's been bothering me is the people that have been saying "Red Wine is a stretch for Nicole being the Mole."  I don't think it really is.  If you look back at Season 2, where Bill was the mole, they said one of their clues was the host eating an apple.  That's it.  I'd saying drinking Red Wine is just as much of a clue as eating an apple was in Season 2.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #671 on: August 10, 2008, 11:51:20 PM »
If the clues for Craig are so much more concrete than the ones for Nicole, I wish someone would list what the clues are as seen in the on-air program.  These are the only clues which will be shown during the last program, items planted on the ABC website or in the "mole's diary" won't be considered during the final expose.  So what are the on-air clues for Craig?

Ep 1:  At the Robinson Crusoe mission, Jon tells them the Crusoe story is based on the real life of Alexander Selkirk.  Selkirks given name at birth was Selcraig.  Too much of a coincidence to NOT be a clue.  If it wasn't important, it wouldn't have been mentioned.  Jon would have simply stated the game is based on Robinson Crusoe and your job is to guess which items he had with him.  I hesitate to bring up the number 11 because frankly I am tired of hearing about all the 11 theories.  But I would imagine we will be hearing about journal 11 being held up.  Whether it refers to Craig being 11th in the credits or whether it means the mole had that number I don't know.  But I'm sure we will hear something about it.  And they did do a good job of hiding his journal number from us for several episodes, so I'm not sure how it will play out.  But all that other 11 stuff people have been grasping at is just silly.  

Ep 2:  We see Craig show up for a mission for the first time without his glasses.  While they are listening to Jons explaination of the game Craig even calls attention to it while on camera by raising his hand to his eyes and rubbing the side of his head.  Admittedly not an earth shattering move all in itself but it set the stage for him wearing the glasses sometimes, and sometimes not.  Goes along with the lying with my eyes thing.

Ep 3:  We are clearly, and frequently, shown Craig wearing a key around his neck.  When he finds the laundromat with their clothes it is next door to a key shop.  Again, too much coincidence NOT to be a clue.  The laundromat wasn't next to a soccerball store or an abortion clinic.  It wasn't even next to a business dealing in the graphic arts.  It was a key shop.

Ep 4:  A somewhat weak clue here would be the large letter "C's" that are on each brick of gold the players have to carry up the mountain.  One on each end.  A little better clue would be the number seen on the side of the ambulance.  It had no relevance to us at the time but later became clear.  When we were shown Marks journal in a later episode we were shown that the numbers associated with craig was 424.  This number appears in every opening and closing sequence in each episode so that makes this an on-air clue.  This also made the number on the ambulance more relevant to us as well.  The number was 4245000.  Again, a little too coincidental NOT to be a clue.  It would be no problem to digitally add this onto the vehicle just as they added things to other episodes.

Ep 5:  Lets start with the word Jaime on the side of the building at the beginning of the All For One mission.  I'm sure it was added digitally but it was there nonetheless.  Jaime is a variant of James and in spanish both names are a variant of Diego.  Such as San Diego where Craig lives.  Then there was the "CRG" on the wall behind the players while they were chained together.  Probably also digitally added but an on-air clue in any case.  

Ep 6:  During the player confessionals, there are 2 figures on a table behind each person that looks like the letter "i".  During a confessional from Clay, these figures mysteriously change into 4 figures right in the middle of his talk.  They are only shown for that one brief shot and were most definitely added digitally.  There was 4 i's and represent "4 eyes".  A term used to describe people that wear glasses.  This is also the episode where we get the view of marks journal and see that the number 424 represents Craig.  There is also the questionable N20 during this episode, which if it is a clue would represent November 20.  Craigs birthday.  On-air clues aren't going to be something as involved as "OK audience, N20 is a gas that doctors SOMETIMES use during delivery of a baby so this means our whiney doctor".   Pffffttttt.

This is starting to get pretty long so I am going to cut it off here but I think this answers your question.  Notice that none of these clues are based on ABC widgets, text clues, player actions, suspicious behavior, or anything of the sort.  They are all based on things shown to us during the program and with the exception of N20 if you want to stretch it, they aren't really able to be applied to other players.  They are based on facts of the show and are straight forward and don't really require any type of iffy logic.  It's a lot like seeing a horse walk by your house.  You look at it and say, "hmmm there's a horse".  You don't have to twist it around at think perhaps it's really a donkey trying to trick you.

Remember that you have to look at the clues without being swayed or taken in by the red herrings.  That's where people get sidetracked because they start looking at the players behaviors and suspicious activity.  Every single layer on the show except for maybe Marcie and Liz did things that seemed suspicious.  Some of it was on purpose and some of it is because we weren't shown everything surrounding it.  And that was on's the nature of the show.  They aren't going to give you clues at the beginning that point to one person only to give you clues at the end that point to someone else.  You just have to avoid the landmines.

It's time to give it up and embrace Craig as your mole.

See?  Now this I like.  I wish I would have seen posts more thought out like this one from you.  While I don't necessarily agree with all of your clues I do think that at least a couple of them are very strong.  Particularly your ep. 4 and ep. 6 clues seem very strong.  It's not just that though.  I also dig your explanation of how you looked for the clues and how you mentioned not to put so much faith in that 11 craze that's been going around.  I'm definitely leaning towards Craig now as the mole.  Good on you.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #672 on: August 11, 2008, 09:09:08 AM »

One More on-air clue that points to Craig.....That is quite possibly a mole on the front of that t-shirt.  Since, the red cirlce has no cross bar, then Craig is a Mole.

Offline Aimbo

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #673 on: August 11, 2008, 09:22:55 AM »
Ep 6:  During the player confessionals, there are 2 figures on a table behind each person that looks like the letter "i".  During a confessional from Clay, these figures mysteriously change into 4 figures right in the middle of his talk.  They are only shown for that one brief shot and were most definitely added digitally.  There was 4 i's and represent "4 eyes".  A term used to describe people that wear glasses.  This is also the episode where we get the view of marks journal and see that the number 424 represents Craig.  There is also the questionable N20 during this episode, which if it is a clue would represent November 20.  Craigs birthday.  On-air clues aren't going to be something as involved as "OK audience, N20 is a gas that doctors SOMETIMES use during delivery of a baby so this means our whiney doctor".   Pffffttttt.

^this is the best clue I have read so far.  The 4 i's are the clearest clue I have seen yet.  Awesome.

BUT I still hope they don't mean Craig... Craig is the only one with glasses and 4 i's = 4 eye's makes perfect sense... but i think a lot of us are hoping that the clues add up to something more complicated or clever than that :(  And also that someone we suspected all along isn't the mole cause that's no fun :(

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #674 on: August 11, 2008, 01:57:57 PM »
from the ABC boards