Author Topic: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*  (Read 235281 times)

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #500 on: July 26, 2008, 10:46:13 AM »
here ya go ..

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #501 on: July 26, 2008, 10:48:18 AM »

Offline V.L.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #502 on: July 26, 2008, 05:05:47 PM »
I don't think the website really means anything - he's a fairly popular player, so I think he may be just capitalizing on the fame from the show and putting himself out there.

Offline Nightstalker

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #503 on: July 26, 2008, 06:29:12 PM »

No offense but THIS is what I'm talking about when I say that some people are thinking about this waaaaaaaaaaay too much.  Name one clue on one season of The Mole where a clue has involved this much examination?  Counting spaces, replacing letters, come on.  Take a step back and consider how ridiculous it is.  With enough guessing and moving things around a person can virtually make any clue point to any person if they try that hard and are that determined to make a clue point to the person that they want. 

Offense?  Why would I take offense?  I went back and looked at each post you have made for the past month and except for a couple, each one was simply responding to a poster telling them why THEIR post was wrong and/or ridiculous.  So why would I take offense because it was my turn?  I will take this time though to point out something.  You have mentioned numerous times that you believe the moles journal to be the best source of clues, but that seems to be provided we use excerpts that you have decided must be a clue.  Otherwise, the comments in the journal are just as silly and useless as you have decided some posters theories to be.  Personally, I don't put much stock in the moles journal and prefer to use what I see in the episodes as well as the clues put out by ABC.  We do know those ARE clues even though we may not have been able to solve them, or maybe not even have solved them correctly.

Like you, I don't agree with every theory or suggestion that comes along, but I keep it to myself and instead concentrate on those that I believe to be of value.  Being a hard core Craig is the Mole fan, of course most of what I post will be what I consider to be evidence that might help confirm that.  I don't remember any on this site although there could be, but there has been occasion when I have posted something in an effort to disprove a theory being proposed about another player if I think I have a valid argument against it, and not to disagree with their theory just for the sake of disagreement.

From your previous posts, you say that Victoria was one of your main suspects, then when she was executed you switched to Clay.  You were 100% sure Clay was the mole, with Paul as a backup.  Why a backup if you were so sure?  Now that he is gone, Paul is your mole.  I COULD say that relying on the moles journal hasn't exactly provided you a very good track record, but I won't.  If that's what you want to depend on the most then more power to you. 

Now, you asked for one clue from one season that involved this much examination.  There have been no HARD clues to solve in the past but that is because there has been no previous web clues from ABC before.  We have only had clues that the producers included in the episodes and opening credits.  Most of those were pretty lame......Anderson holding up Katherines bag, eating an apple, picture of a ship, MickeyD, etc.  In the six years since the last real mole (celebrity moles don't count because they were pathetic), the internet has become more prevalent in interactive use and is now being utilized to provide the viewer a more involved level of participation with the show.

I agree that clues included within the episodes themselves are relatively simple, subtle, and easy to figure out.  For instance, Craig was wearing a key......he found the players clothes next to a key shop.  Easy and simple enough for you?

The clues given by ABC on their website are a different matter.  To begin with, not everyone that watches the show cares enough to visit the site to even see them.  Of the ones that do, only a small percentage of those people care enough to spend more than a few minutes trying to figure out what they mean.  Those clues are going to be harder to solve than the subtleties we are given in the show.  For instance, s666 - LIAr.

To paraphrase you from a previous post.....Sorry if this sounds condescending, that is not my intention.  I'm just trying to post something that will help.

You're really taking things out of context.  I'm not trying to single people out and say that they're wrong.  That would be horrid.  I'm backing up my claims based on previous seasons.  I'm explaining what types of clues I think we tend to get and why clues that don't follow that line of thinking might be wrong.  Of course I could be totally off base.  But I'd rather go in depth and explain what seems to work and what doesn't seem to work from my perspective.  I told you not to take offense because I didn't want the reaction that you're clearly giving me now that I'm not trying to single people out.  I'm not saying that anyone is dumb.  I'm simply stating the traps and pitfalls that I've seen in seasons past of people assuming that every minute thing might be a clue and that some people create a self-fulfilling prophecy by assuming someone is the mole and then trying to force everything into being a clue pointing to that person.

The Mole Journal is a clue put out by ABC so I don't know why you wouldn't put any stock in it if you said you're going by clues ABC put out.  It wouldn't be part of the official ABC Mole website if it wasn't.

Disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing?  I'm sorry if that's what you think I'm doing because I'm not.  I'm just taking a different approach.  Everyone can come around and post their theories.  I decided to go at it from another angle and try to weed out the theories that I don't think have any merit.  It's not like I'm dogging every single theory that's been put forth.  If that's what you choose to think though then please ignore my posts.

I picked Victoria before I even knew about the mole's journal.  If you read my posts like you said you did then you'd know why I picked both Clay and Paul.  I said that all of the clues pointed to the mole being one of them but I wasn't sure which one.  I assumed Clay much more strongly than Paul because of Paul's attitude and how he carried himself in the game.  Based on the clues I said it was one or the other.  But when push came to shove and I had to pick one of them as my horse to ride I had to go on my gut alone.  50/50 chance.  I chose the wrong one which leaves me with Paul.  If the mole is not Paul then yes, the journal clues were either not that important or I misinterpreted them.  I've already providing an in depth, process of elimination post that explains how I got to that point if you care to read it.

Yes, the key clue - if true - would be easy and simple like typical mole clues.  You'll notice that I did NOT quote it in my last post for that very reason.  I only singled out the long, drawn out clue that seemed very vague to me.

I still think you're making assumptions.  I also never said anything about disregarding the other ABC clues.  They probably are a little harder.  We just don't know how hard or even if we're on the right track about them.  Heck, people are dis disagreeing on which set of clues (if either) are more about the mole's identity and which are more about who will be executed.  We have no previous history on those sorts of clues so it's a brave new territory for us all.

I get it.  You didn't like me poopooing your other clue so you've decided to try to turn it around and tear apart what I've said.  I don't know what that sort of hostility is about.  I'm sorry if you took my suggestions too much to heart and were offended.  I'm just offering my opinions which is what a messageboard is for.  If you don't like that then like I said, please just ignore my posts.  You can choose to disagree with me as much as I choose to disagree with you.  I've explained myself thoroughly.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #504 on: July 26, 2008, 06:40:19 PM »


First thoughts.  The second page doesn't have any clues that I can see.  The number of the first page indicate to me that the mole was in the Clay/Paul/Mark group and not the Nicole/Craig group since those are the numbers that group had to add up I believe.  The personal info I'm not sure on.  I don't have the episode handy next to me right now so I'm not sure if we heard those specific answers.  I wonder if those are the answers to the mole's loved one's questions or if they just indicate that the mole would need to know answers and thus was one of the three people picked as most trusted which I think were Nicole/Clay/Mark.

Obviously if it's the latter then Mark would be the suspect.  If it's the former then Paul and Mark are still both suspects unless I can compare those answers with the ones on the show.  I might have to watch the episode again.  I hope these clues don't point to Mark because then I would be off the mark (lame joke not intended) and this would be the first journal entry that contradicts my previous assumptions.  Hmm... interesting.  I'm still going with Paul for now.

Offline puddin

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #505 on: July 26, 2008, 08:46:18 PM »
I'd like to rewatch the episode as well Nightstalker but I'm stuck in BB land :gaw

Offline marukisu

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #506 on: July 27, 2008, 02:06:20 AM »

The Mole Journal is a clue put out by ABC so I don't know why you wouldn't put any stock in it if you said you're going by clues ABC put out.  It wouldn't be part of the official ABC Mole website if it wasn't.

Disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing?  I'm sorry if that's what you think I'm doing because I'm not.  I'm just taking a different approach.  Everyone can come around and post their theories.  I decided to go at it from another angle and try to weed out the theories that I don't think have any merit.  It's not like I'm dogging every single theory that's been put forth.  If that's what you choose to think though then please ignore my posts.

I picked Victoria before I even knew about the mole's journal.  If you read my posts like you said you did then you'd know why I picked both Clay and Paul.  I said that all of the clues pointed to the mole being one of them but I wasn't sure which one.  I assumed Clay much more strongly than Paul because of Paul's attitude and how he carried himself in the game.  Based on the clues I said it was one or the other.  But when push came to shove and I had to pick one of them as my horse to ride I had to go on my gut alone.  50/50 chance.  I chose the wrong one which leaves me with Paul.  If the mole is not Paul then yes, the journal clues were either not that important or I misinterpreted them.  I've already providing an in depth, process of elimination post that explains how I got to that point if you care to read it.

I agree that the journal should be taken more seriously than it is on this board.
Where is your indepth analysis of who you think the mole is?

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #507 on: July 27, 2008, 12:16:36 PM »
A great big RFF :welcome3: to all of you who have found us here!

And a big thank you to all of you for posting here.

Your in depth analyses and dissections of all the clues have added immeasurably to my enjoyment of the show this season and have made me have a "lightbulb" moment more than once!  And I am constantly amazed by all of the care and attention to detail here.

But please remember that in this forum we treat each other with respect. Every opinion is valued and respected. ABC, The Mole show, the contestants are all fair game...  other posters are not.

So go for it--feel free to dissect the clues to death, defend your choice, attack the MOLE.....just not each other! Let's keep the focus on figuring this MOLE out!

We love you all and are glad that each of you are sharing with us all!   :yourock:


« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 01:04:25 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #508 on: July 27, 2008, 12:46:22 PM »
Well said, Ms Peach :yess:  But CBS :duno:  Unless you mean to blame them for wasting all that valuable air space with the likes of Big Bother instead of The Amazing Race :bubs

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #509 on: July 27, 2008, 01:05:05 PM »
True that!! :lol3:

Fixed... :ty
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Offline Pearlgirl4221

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #510 on: July 27, 2008, 03:04:01 PM »
I have been out of town for the last 2 weeks so I am way behind on mole'n'...but reading all of these post's has helped. I have just watched Last Mondays episode (#7) and have a few observations....

1) Clay lied in this episode to either Mark or Nicole….He told Nicole he answered his quiz all Craig and he told Mark that he answered it all Nicole.  So my theory is that Clay answer for this quiz all Craig and tied with Nicole or all Nicole and tied with Mark. I am hoping that he answered all Nicole because if she turns out to be the mole i will be pretty ticked.  So if Nicole thinks he answered all Craig and got sent home she could change her game plan thinking he was wrong and some with mark so both of them could be changin their mind based on him getting executed. idk just some thoughts.....
(I think Clay would be more likely to lie to Nicole seeing as he can't tell her he thinks she is the mole right?)

2)How mellow was Paul in this episode it was almost incomplete with out him and Nicole doing their usual>> :meow: or   :lala (Nicole) and (Paul)  (:;)

I need to re-watch it so i can pay closer attention to the ##s and anything else but I think the 23 need to be closely considered because it was obviously added in on purpose.
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Offline Belle Book

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #511 on: July 27, 2008, 06:07:53 PM »
Craig certainly could've done his best to thwart Clay during the math part of the challenge on the laptop.  However, Nicole could've also done her best to thwart Clay.  Or maybe even Paul.  I don't think it was Mark, but I can't totally eliminate him of course.

Belle Book

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #512 on: July 27, 2008, 07:25:01 PM »
The mole is obviously Craig. Who else gets hungry running around Mendoza?

Offline Nightstalker

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #513 on: July 27, 2008, 11:35:16 PM »
I agree that the journal should be taken more seriously than it is on this board.
Where is your indepth analysis of who you think the mole is?

Here's what I have so far based on the journal.  I'm quoting one of my earlier posts here:

"Hey guys.  This is my first post.  I've been watching this thread since the season started though.  I was examining The Mole's diary on the ABC website and I think it's given away enough information already to tell me exactly who The Mole is.  Feel free to correct me if you think I'm off.  I'd love some input.

Okay, so first here's who is left:


"Being blindfolded while flying 40MPH on a luge... That's something new for me."

Well, I guess this one depends on how we interpret the clue being changed.  Was it changed because it was misleading or because it gave too much away?  I assume it's because it gave too much away since another page has a grape stain on it.  Only the blindfolded people had to touch the fruit.  Craig, Mark and Nicole weren't blindfolded so I've eliminated them.


Another page refers to Kristen in the third person.  So unless The Mole is Kristen and she talks like The Rock then she's eliminated as well.


The diary also talks about playing the soccer game.  That reinforces the elimination of a few suspects including Kristen again.  Also, another page asks how to say something in Spanish.  Why would Alex ask that question?  We've seen that he's fluent in Spanish.  So who does that leave?


So that's it.  From my perspective it's a 50/50 guess.  I don't know about anyone else but if Paul was The Mole he would have to have the biggest set of balls in the world to be so vocal and in everyone's face all of the time.  That leaves me with one option only.

The Mole is CLAY!



Obviously since then more people have been eliminated.  I had it narrowed down to Clay and Paul in my mind and I bet on Clay because of Paul's attitude.  I was wrong.  So now my money is on Paul.  I hope I'm right.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #514 on: July 27, 2008, 11:38:55 PM »
I'd like to rewatch the episode as well Nightstalker but I'm stuck in BB land :gaw

I know the feeling.  I watch BB both in the U.S. and the UK (and AUS but sadly this year was the last season.)

Offline MountainsOutOfMoleHills

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #515 on: July 28, 2008, 04:43:09 AM »

In Craig's ABC profile, it states that the only way he could make friends in school was his sense of humor.

Offline knuckles487

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #516 on: July 28, 2008, 06:07:18 AM »

Back to the clue card from episode 2.


At dinner before the execution during that episode, the seating at the table was like this.

Craig-A, Bobby-B, Kristen-C, Clay-B, Alex-B, Jon-at end of table
Mark-A, Ali-C, Victoria-C, Paul-B, Liz-C, Nicole-A

That gives us a grouping that looks like this:

A - Craig, Mark, Nicole
B - Bobby, Clay, Alex, Paul
C - Kristen, Ali, Victoria, Liz

Although this doesn't point to just one person, if Paul is executed tonight I would say the solution to this clue was to give us the final three which of course includes the mole. Possible?

For this weeks clue:

We all know that is REFLECT backwards. During the challenge where 2 of the players are blindfolded, the other 2 operate a camera that serves as their eyes. The blurb for this weeks episode says "the players can't believe their eyes when their entire world turns upside down". This would seem to indicate that the image shown with the camera is flipped and sent to sensors underneath the blindfolds. This would make the clue point to Paul or Craig since they would be the ones seeing things as a reflection. Everyone knows I have thought the mole is Craig from the first episode and to me this just kind of puts one more check in his column. Thoughts?

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #517 on: July 28, 2008, 09:07:42 AM »
Remember Craig was the one that was keyign int he #s and when Clay figured out she kept saying 2 or 3 different numbers at the end.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #518 on: July 28, 2008, 01:00:21 PM »
The clue could also mean "Reflect BACK" on all the other clues and try to piece them to fit one person. In that case, if we look back to Week 2:


If I remember correctly, by use of grades, Bobby, Paul, and Clay got an "A" on the quiz.  I took this to mean that since the Mole knew every answer, the Mole would get an A.  The only person left with an A on that quiz is Paul.

Week 6, the crossed out numbers, points to Mark, Craig, or EITHER Paul or Nicole.

If anyone else can come up with more clue cards, can someone post all the clues?


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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #519 on: July 28, 2008, 01:05:25 PM »
I believe all the clue cards are here in the thread somewhere...or in the individual episode discussions.

If anyone has time to pull them all together that would be great!
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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #520 on: July 28, 2008, 01:12:18 PM »
OK so it would seem based on the clue week 2 that the final three will be Nicole, Mark, and Craig. (kudos knuckles487 I think you are totally right) B was for the fist 4 guys to go and C the first 4 girls to go seeing also as A is the only group with two genders and with three and not for people being represented. Also to add more proof to the Paul pudding Fallowing the pattern from week 6 clue Ale and Clay would be eliminated and then either Nicole or Paul. SO....I guess we truly don't know till the finger print comes up red but this seems pretty convincing to me!

***also this weeks text clue what is it????***
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Offline puddin

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #521 on: July 28, 2008, 01:33:56 PM »
text clue EP8: 00711   :waves:

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #522 on: July 28, 2008, 02:13:47 PM »
But what has Craig done to lose money?

That's the same question Im asking myself of EVERYONE.  The problem with who is the mole, is simple. The mole has not done anything "mole" like.  The mole has not done anything to lose money.  Hard to predict who the mole is if they dont act like a mole.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 02:21:48 PM by multi007 »

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #523 on: July 28, 2008, 03:18:05 PM »

I was just rewatching the end of last week's episode in search of a game question answer--

And during the quiz, when they are showing the computer answers, on the question "When did the Mole see their loved one" the little white cursor arrow went straight to #3...

And #3 was Nicole.

I didn't see that cursor arrow used on any other questions at all, which made this one look pretty blatant.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 10:29:28 AM by georgiapeach »
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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #524 on: July 28, 2008, 04:16:39 PM »
Thanks so much puddin!!! Your the BEST!!! :hearts:
Ehat does this mean any ideas???
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