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Offline Cincy-David

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #475 on: July 22, 2008, 11:15:28 PM »
Hi Everyone

I am a first time poster.  I really beleive that Craig is the Mole and here are all my reasons why.  Some of these are collected from prior posters here, I just happen to agree and combined them all together.  For me the most damming is the 495 Widget clue from last night, at the end of my list.

Here is a recap of my major clues that point to Craig

In episode 1 The #11 journal is spotlighted. The 11th person in the introductions was Craig.

There was a mobile clue of NIC @ IT translated to NICATIT. "TITANIC"? maybe??? On the boat to the scavenger game Craig is standing in front with his arms out like in the movie

Then in episode 3 it was Craig who suggested Bobby ride in the wheelbarrow. What better way for a mole to slow down his team and yet it all falls on Bobby's shoulders for being a whimp.

In the episode with the Nic@It clue, they referred to the dinner as the Last dinner. Connect Leonardo DaVinci to Leonardo Di Caprio from Titanic and it still points to Titanic and Craig.

JAIME on the side of a building:

Jaime is a variant of James and means "supplanter". Supplant means: to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery. Treachery, much like a mole would do. In Spanish, Jaime and James are both variants of the name Diego. As in San Diego where Craig is from.

On the waterfall challenge: Is when Craig says "dude, one thing at a time who cares if we're staying here or not we're jumping over a frickin waterfall, god! ********WHO CARES WHERE YOU'RE SLEEPING****************" Why would he mention where they were sleeping BEFORE Jon Kelley told them that Marcie had to choose where they slept?

During the scavenger hunt game, the host mentioned that Robinson Crusoe was based on Alexander Selkirk. If you google that name you will find that his name at birth was Alexander Selcraig. Pretty big coincidence there.

Episode one internet clue: E_E_E_
After going over the waterfall Craig said: "the rope just goes taut and chokes me like a hanged man. E_E_E_ = hangman

Craig has been constantly wearing his glasses, but he did not have them when they arrived for the pig challenge and did not have them the entire time. He did have them back on later though. Maybe they are just clear lenses and doesn't really need them? This could be lying with his eyes (another internet clue).

The text clue of "heart" is mentioned in Craig's bio on the website. It says, "He is a lovable prankster with a big heart, and his magnetic personality has gotten him through life."

There might be another clue that points to Craig. In the first episode intro Craig is the only one without any type of graphics(the circly things) next to his name or hometown. The text doesn't change either. Plus he's a graphic artist. That might be something that's not so obvious so maybe that's a clue. In all subsequnet episodes, it is back to normal.

On the Laundry challenge I also picked up on something that I thought might have been a clue. Craig was wearing a skeleton key around his neck at the spa. The lockers had combinations and I'm sure the hotel doesn't use skeleton keys. When he "discovered" the Dry Cleaners it was right next door to a Locksmith

HEre is a photo from Episode Two. The picture clearly says MOLE and the number above the calculator is the year Craig is born.

Someone said the Mole's color is red. Is this true? I don't know being that this is the first time I've watched the show. Craig is always wearing red, from his tennies, to his tie, to the upcoming episode and the ski beanie. Wouldn't that be a little too obvious if the other players know this tidbit?

Episode 2 Text Clue: cf(11)8 = See if 11 ate.
Craig didn't eat due to being sick... and he is linked to "11"

Another Text Clue
just thinking that if you still use the numerical value then:

2 3 4
7 1 5

23-15 = 8
7 - 4 = 3

8 + 3 = 11 11+ Craig

Handwriting - In the Moles Journal, all of the handwriting uses a goofy little apostrophe mark that looks suspiciously like the number 11. Craig is journal 11 and one of the original journals that still exist.just thinking that if you still use the numerical value then:

In the first journal entry the passport in the upper left has many entries of travel... the only person that would need to travel that much is someone like Craig...... in his bio on reads "Craig has traveled extensively and worked as a humanitarian disaster relief aide worker in Turkey and Thailand."

in the mole journal on the page with the grape stains, above his note, there is 3 $10 bills...10 + 10 + 10=30
craig is 30 years old

Have you noticed that they never show a result for Craig's quiz.

From Episode 5 This N20 couls stnad for November 20, which is Craigs Birthday

And of course, my most recent discovery. Last nights Widget clue was simply the number 495. If you take the first five numbers that Clay and Nicole entered into the computer on the counting mission, they come to 495. However, iit was Craing who came up with these numbers, Nicole had originally entered some other number and Craign had to correct her. This directly points to Craig.

Offline molenewbie

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #476 on: July 22, 2008, 11:39:52 PM »
Wow!!!! Thanx for ripping all of us off Cincy_David. Your real smart

Offline molenewbie

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #477 on: July 22, 2008, 11:47:14 PM »
Inserts foot in mouth******    :hearts: Peace love and welcome cincy-David.... its always good to read the beginning before jumping to the end haha Sorry. I just saw one of the clues i picked up and thought the worst!!! I am so sorry and honored that you agree with one of my clues.

Offline Molecule

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #478 on: July 22, 2008, 11:55:22 PM »
And of course, my most recent discovery. Last nights Widget clue was simply the number 495. If you take the first five numbers that Clay and Nicole entered into the computer on the counting mission, they come to 495. However, iit was Craing who came up with these numbers, Nicole had originally entered some other number and Craign had to correct her. This directly points to Craig.

I was just logging on to add this after seaching the eppy for "495" all evening! You beat me to it! lol Nice math work Cincy!!!!  :yess:

I'm not sure about who came up with the numbers btwn Craig and Nicole (I think they both did), but I do know Craig tried to screw up Clay's discovery of the puzzle twice. When adding 144 + 89 he first got 232. Then at the very last few seconds he throws in 231 while for the last minute they've all been practically screaming 233.

Mole-ish for sure. Is he? I dunno. I keep remembering how they all want to look suspicious too in order to be voted for as the Mole and thus get the others executed.

Knuckles' following find appears to be correct with Clay leaving after Alex. That leaves either Nicole or Paul to be executed next:

The clue card for episode 6.

At about the same time on the ABC board, 2 guys made the same post containing a shot from Marks journal.  So thanks to fallingatlas and tcntk for this.


You can see from this that Mark was meticulously keeping track of possible sabotage chances regarding each player.  Up to that point in the show there had been 10 missions, and he recorded his thoughts of each player using a "1" if he thought they did something that could be considered sabotage, "0" if he thought they didn't, and a "?" if he wasn't sure.

You can see the players names at the left side of each line, and they are listed alphabetically.  The totals from the 10 missions is listed in parenthases at the right side of each line.

Al = Alex  (3-3-4)
Cl = Clay  (6-3-1)
Cr = Craig (4-2-4)
Kr = Kristen  gone
Ni = Nicole (2-4-4)
Paul = Paul (2-4-4)

Offline knuckles487

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #479 on: July 23, 2008, 02:19:28 AM »

No offense but THIS is what I'm talking about when I say that some people are thinking about this waaaaaaaaaaay too much.  Name one clue on one season of The Mole where a clue has involved this much examination?  Counting spaces, replacing letters, come on.  Take a step back and consider how ridiculous it is.  With enough guessing and moving things around a person can virtually make any clue point to any person if they try that hard and are that determined to make a clue point to the person that they want. 

Offense?  Why would I take offense?  I went back and looked at each post you have made for the past month and except for a couple, each one was simply responding to a poster telling them why THEIR post was wrong and/or ridiculous.  So why would I take offense because it was my turn?  I will take this time though to point out something.  You have mentioned numerous times that you believe the moles journal to be the best source of clues, but that seems to be provided we use excerpts that you have decided must be a clue.  Otherwise, the comments in the journal are just as silly and useless as you have decided some posters theories to be.  Personally, I don't put much stock in the moles journal and prefer to use what I see in the episodes as well as the clues put out by ABC.  We do know those ARE clues even though we may not have been able to solve them, or maybe not even have solved them correctly.

Like you, I don't agree with every theory or suggestion that comes along, but I keep it to myself and instead concentrate on those that I believe to be of value.  Being a hard core Craig is the Mole fan, of course most of what I post will be what I consider to be evidence that might help confirm that.  I don't remember any on this site although there could be, but there has been occasion when I have posted something in an effort to disprove a theory being proposed about another player if I think I have a valid argument against it, and not to disagree with their theory just for the sake of disagreement.

From your previous posts, you say that Victoria was one of your main suspects, then when she was executed you switched to Clay.  You were 100% sure Clay was the mole, with Paul as a backup.  Why a backup if you were so sure?  Now that he is gone, Paul is your mole.  I COULD say that relying on the moles journal hasn't exactly provided you a very good track record, but I won't.  If that's what you want to depend on the most then more power to you. 

Now, you asked for one clue from one season that involved this much examination.  There have been no HARD clues to solve in the past but that is because there has been no previous web clues from ABC before.  We have only had clues that the producers included in the episodes and opening credits.  Most of those were pretty lame......Anderson holding up Katherines bag, eating an apple, picture of a ship, MickeyD, etc.  In the six years since the last real mole (celebrity moles don't count because they were pathetic), the internet has become more prevalent in interactive use and is now being utilized to provide the viewer a more involved level of participation with the show.

I agree that clues included within the episodes themselves are relatively simple, subtle, and easy to figure out.  For instance, Craig was wearing a key......he found the players clothes next to a key shop.  Easy and simple enough for you?

The clues given by ABC on their website are a different matter.  To begin with, not everyone that watches the show cares enough to visit the site to even see them.  Of the ones that do, only a small percentage of those people care enough to spend more than a few minutes trying to figure out what they mean.  Those clues are going to be harder to solve than the subtleties we are given in the show.  For instance, s666 - LIAr.

To paraphrase you from a previous post.....Sorry if this sounds condescending, that is not my intention.  I'm just trying to post something that will help.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 04:06:10 AM by knuckles487 »

Offline Mintobrandybuck

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #480 on: July 23, 2008, 04:06:05 AM »
Okay, my current line of thinking on who I think the Mole is:

Nicole- I seriously doubt that she is the Mole. The 'I'm going to quit' thing is a very nonmole-like thing to do (at least, there would be no reason to attract attention to herself by doing so if she were the mole). In my opinion, she's way to loud and out there to be the mole. Now, I could always be wrong and that could be part of her plan, in which case I will eat my hat if she turns out to be the mole. She is smart and rather sneaky, so I won't completely overlook the possibility of it being her. I'd say the chances of her being the mole are about. . . 7%

Paul- Once again, he's much to loud and brazen in my opinion, but there have been several arguments that he may be using a 'hiding in plain sight' method. He doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb, but he's made it this far so he must either be very well off in his suspicions or, well, the Mole. If the former is the case, the he probably won't last too much longer. I know I haven't built a very convincing argument on why he is not the Mole, but I just don't think he is. I really think that he's just another loud New Yorker. Chances of him being the mole are probably 20%

Craig- There are a lot of suspicions on Craig, which is exactly why I don't think it is him. I remember from previous seasons that there was always someone (usually out of shape) that everyone immediately assumed was the mole. Well, it seems like Craig is the one from this game. All this talk about 11 and the Titanic and rope keys and hpothermia and the countless other theories about Craig just continue to absolve my own thoughts. I don't think he's the Mole. On the other hand, the 'nice guy' persona could make a very good coverup, and his out-of-shapeness can be a great excuse for blowing challenges. But all of it is just not subtle enough for me, so I think the chances of him being the Mole are very unlikely. . . probably about 11%
Mark- Now, to the meat of the matter. In my mind, Mark is the prime candidate; he is the least suspected, he has a personality quirk that can allow him to slip under the radar, he has done his share of keeping money out of the pot, and has played an overall good game. No one seems to suspect him because he is so into the game, but I think that is his greatest strength. Being into the game gives him an excuse to write in his journal all the time, which, like I mentioned earlier, helps deter attention away from himself. Reversely, all this attention to detail and concentration on the game may not be superficial. Maybe he's just in it to win it. I like his style of play, I think he's an awesome person, and most of all, I really think he's the Mole. It just fits, you know. Id' say his chances are probably a 62%

I know, my percentages are probably a bit one-sided. And may not add up to one hundred (that wasn't what I was going for), but you get my point. I strongly believe that the Mole is always going to be the person you expect the least. I only stick by this because in previous seasons, the most obvious choice wasn't the Mole and the least obvious was. The Mole was always kind of like the clues on the show; they're subtle. You tend to overlook it when the Mole sabotages a challenge.

So I challenge you all to go back and look for the not-so-obvious screw ups that could potentially be sabotage. Remember, the Mole is paid to be overlooked, so if you're always noticing when they sabotage a challenge, they aren't doing their job correctly.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #481 on: July 23, 2008, 12:50:18 PM »
Well I just have one thing to add to things that make you go HHHMMM.  Why was Paul the only one that had 2 people come to see him?  None of the other married couples have kids?  mark's wife is prgo with kid #4.    And come one Paul you are talking about maybe seeing you with and kid and you pass on several questions... did he know he did not need those and was making the show dramatic?

Offline jojonj

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #482 on: July 23, 2008, 01:08:05 PM » I am upset that clay is gone..I thought for sure he was the mole...glad I'm not a detective or I would have NO business....LOL...I was reading through some of the posts that I missed and something hit me..someone said something, somewhere, about how the producers get the mole alone and everyone was thinking it was Craig when he "went to the hospital"...but there was another time when a contestant was missing, and that was Mark, when he had his hissy fit about the journals, so he could have been off talking about the game also..jmo, any thoughts?

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #483 on: July 23, 2008, 01:43:32 PM »
Minto posted:

Mark- Now, to the meat of the matter. In my mind, Mark is the prime candidate; he is the least suspected, he has a personality quirk that can allow him to slip under the radar, he has done his share of keeping money out of the pot, and has played an overall good game. No one seems to suspect him because he is so into the game, but I think that is his greatest strength. Being into the game gives him an excuse to write in his journal all the time, which, like I mentioned earlier, helps deter attention away from himself. Reversely, all this attention to detail and concentration on the game may not be superficial. Maybe he's just in it to win it. I like his style of play, I think he's an awesome person, and most of all, I really think he's the Mole. It just fits, you know. Id' say his chances are probably a 62%

If Mark were the mole, why did he in ep 6 help the team win 70,000?  He was on the treadmill and could have pooped out, quit running, fall off, or give up and stop before the runners came back with the wine and no one would be wiser.  And when the two bright (?) people could not figure out a puzzle he helped them come up with the right answers?  Why help the team when it wasn't his place to do so?  And in ep 7 he correctly came up with the right numbers for the smart team.  Again, if he were the mole why would he help when the others had it wrong and he could have just gone along with them?  And in the subway, in three occassions he could have screwed up and three team members would not have a reunion with their love ones, and the team would lose 30,000.  He has been too helpful to be the mole in my opinion.

Offline Cincy-David

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #484 on: July 23, 2008, 03:06:13 PM »
Inserts foot in mouth******    :hearts: Peace love and welcome cincy-David.... its always good to read the beginning before jumping to the end haha Sorry. I just saw one of the clues i picked up and thought the worst!!! I am so sorry and honored that you agree with one of my clues.

Thank you very much, Peace, Love and Welcome back.  I am just so glad to have found this site to share my thoughts and theories.  My wife doesn't watch the show, nor does anyone in the office, so I have no one to compare notes with.  This is like a dream come true.

Can't wait till next Monday.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #485 on: July 23, 2008, 03:13:33 PM »
Well I just have one thing to add to things that make you go HHHMMM.  Why was Paul the only one that had 2 people come to see him?  None of the other married couples have kids?  mark's wife is prgo with kid #4.    And come one Paul you are talking about maybe seeing you with and kid and you pass on several questions... did he know he did not need those and was making the show dramatic?

Not sure if it is a clue or just the fact that maybe they didn't want thier kids to have the trauma of the door not opening if they got the questions wrong.

As for Paull, I think he is just so ego drivien that he just really doesn't know anything about his wife. He is clearly living in a ME ME ME world with little or no regard for others in his space.  If he does turn out to be the MOLE (and I am sticking with Craig), it will be on of the best acting jobs ever done on TV.  As another angle, Maybe Paul got to bring two as additional payment for being the Mole.

Does anyone know the background of the show to know enough of how the Mole is chosen and how much prep time is spent in advance of the start of filming.  Is it weeks or do they just toss one into the ring as the show starts and tell them to do thier thing.  Have ofter wondered about this. :waves:   Also, how does one apply to get on the show.  Have no interest, just curious how they select the candidates.

More later,

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #486 on: July 23, 2008, 04:14:37 PM »
Does the Mole get any money for being the mole?

Offline Slowhatch

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #487 on: July 23, 2008, 05:29:55 PM »
A straight payment. According to Bill the Mole (source):
I was given a flat fee, not of an excessive nature. (Nor even an adequate nature, come to think of it!)
What's interesting (to me, anyway) is what the runners-up receive: will it turn out that Ali's acceptance of the bribe was a smart percentage play?

Offline jojonj

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #488 on: July 23, 2008, 06:05:21 PM »
Maybe Paul got to bring two as additional payment for being the Mole

Sorry don't klnow how to quote people in here..LOL...but my thoughts on the whole Paul having 2 people there...I was just thinking that maybe there was nobody to watch the little girl so she had no choice but to bring her, maybe they don't trust anybody with their kid or maybe they have no family around to help out...Just a thought. :O)

Offline MountainsOutOfMoleHills

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #489 on: July 23, 2008, 06:33:11 PM »
What does everyone think of the 23 degrees thing?

Offline jojonj

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #490 on: July 23, 2008, 06:38:20 PM »
Not really sure what to make of it MooM....I am sure we are all gonna say duh when it is all over as well as all of us looking like a bunch of dummies..LOL  :groan:

Offline jerameez

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #491 on: July 23, 2008, 07:08:23 PM »
Not really sure what to make of it MooM....I am sure we are all gonna say duh when it is all over as well as all of us looking like a bunch of dummies..LOL  :groan:

I think it's more of a number 23 thing, and like I said earlier, number 23 is CHICAGO Bulls legend Micheal Jordan. Nicole is also from CHICAGO and she was in the room right after that shot.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #492 on: July 23, 2008, 10:49:21 PM »
Does the Mole get any money for being the mole?

Somewhere, sometime I read that the Mole receives a guaranteed $100,000.

Guess when you weigh that against a chance only at $500,000 it could seem like a good deal.
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Offline molenewbie

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #493 on: July 24, 2008, 02:07:20 AM »
Does anyone notice in the journals how the mole says goodbye to his/her victims? He/She send them post cards as a TRAVELER does to loved ones.!! Maybe I'm just reading to much into it?

Offline Cincy-David

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #494 on: July 24, 2008, 08:15:01 AM »
What does everyone think of the 23 degrees thing?

I must have dosed off, what is the 23 degree thing?  I missed something  :'(and need remedial help.


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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #495 on: July 24, 2008, 03:59:05 PM »
Its the last post on page 19

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #496 on: July 24, 2008, 05:16:21 PM »
Not sure if its been mentioned yet, but there is one big clue in the opening titles that points to Paul.

At the very end, it says WHO, then IS, then THE MOLE.  Between WHO and IS is a quick letter jumble that says 8VFJI.  This can be interpreted as 8VFJI IS THE MOLE.

At about the 24 second mark of the opening titles, right before it goes to the individual contestant shots, there is another sequence of quick cuts and letters jumbling during another WHO, IS, THE, MOLE sequence (as Jon is saying it).  If you go frame by frame during this, the letters 8VFJI appear right over Paul's picture for exactly one frame.  I'd say thats a pretty big clue.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #497 on: July 24, 2008, 07:39:37 PM »
First time poster

Hey guys, not too sure this was mentioned yet (another craig proof here)

As you probably all know Craig has a website up at which is suspicious enough, what's even more suspicious is that the url was bought on February 29, 2008. seems a little early to be purchasing a website talking about how you were on "the mole", especially if you weren't actually the mole (which someone previously mentioned)

Also.. craig's supposed to be a graphic designer, and I being a graphic designer as well, and who knows many other GD's I can tell you that we already have personal websites for once again, it's suspicious that this website even exists.

thats my 2cents :tup:

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #498 on: July 24, 2008, 10:44:01 PM »

Maybe Craig is the mole...That's boring. So much for "Save the Mole!" :workout

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #499 on: July 25, 2008, 01:44:41 PM »
A straight payment. According to Bill the Mole (source):
I was given a flat fee, not of an excessive nature. (Nor even an adequate nature, come to think of it!)
What's interesting (to me, anyway) is what the runners-up receive: will it turn out that Ali's acceptance of the bribe was a smart percentage play?

I read in an article that Jim (season 1) got payed about the same amount as Kathryn, the mole