Author Topic: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*  (Read 235340 times)

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Offline virushunter981

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #200 on: June 18, 2008, 09:39:02 PM »
Hi, everybody.  I'm new here, but I already have some suspicions of the Mole.  I think that the Mole is Paul.  If the second web clue (ABCBB ACCBCA) is the grades, then that leaves Clay and Paul as Mole candidates, since the Mole will get every answer right.  In the first episode, Jon says, "Eat, drink, be merry, and treat it like it's your last supper."  Now some people may single Mark out as the Mole.  But few know that St. Paul also wrote an account of the Last Supper in his letter to the Corinthians.  This also relates to the religious aspects of the show.  He lives in Yonkers, which is mainly populated by Italian-Americans.  That way, the Italia shirt would make sense.  The religion also fits here because Vatican City, the capital of Christianity, is in Italy. What makes him such a good Mole (in my opinion) is that he tries to act like a really good contestant.  The online clue (s666-LIAr) does two things.  1:  Singles out Ali as the next one leaving (grapes only rules out Bobby, who was executed).  2: Gives 666, the mark of the beast, another biblical symbol.  There are a few interpretations of this, some leading to Victoria, Alex, and Mark.  But the grades make me think Paul.  I'm not sure what to think of E_E_E_, but it may stand for eleven.  If we look on the bios page on the official site, we see the Paul is the 11th one listed.

Well, those are my suspicions.

Offline molenewbie

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #201 on: June 18, 2008, 11:18:32 PM »
 :yess: THANX PUDDIN!!!!!

Offline molenewbie

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #202 on: June 18, 2008, 11:31:41 PM »
And there is something I dont get about the Grades clue. If they are the grades of the individual player then why is it that the the C's aren't leaving together. like if they were grades then why is it that someone with a C grade is sent home arbitrarily? Are there degrees? And im sure the lowest score wouldnt just be a C. 

Offline multi007

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #203 on: June 19, 2008, 07:55:08 AM »
And there is something I dont get about the Grades clue. If they are the grades of the individual player then why is it that the the C's aren't leaving together. like if they were grades then why is it that someone with a C grade is sent home arbitrarily? Are there degrees? And im sure the lowest score wouldnt just be a C. 

Its not only who scored the lowest but if there is a tie, the person who gets executed is the person who took the longest to finish the quiz.

Offline gingerman28

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #204 on: June 19, 2008, 10:17:24 AM »
, since the Mole will get every answer right.  

Not necessarily.  The mole could answer every question wrong but it wouldn't matter since he is immune from liquidation.

Offline virushunter981

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #205 on: June 19, 2008, 10:29:27 AM »
And there is something I dont get about the Grades clue. If they are the grades of the individual player then why is it that the the C's aren't leaving together. like if they were grades then why is it that someone with a C grade is sent home arbitrarily? Are there degrees? And im sure the lowest score wouldnt just be a C. 

Plus, I'm not entirely sure that they are true grades.  I think that it's just a general amount of questions (i.e. 7-10 right: A, 4-6 right: B, 0-3 right: C).

And gingerman28, I never thought of it that way...  Hmm.  Something new to think about

Offline washburn927

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #206 on: June 19, 2008, 02:28:34 PM »
Hi, everybody.  I'm new here, but I already have some suspicions of the Mole.  I think that the Mole is Paul.  If the second web clue (ABCBB ACCBCA) is the grades, then that leaves Clay and Paul as Mole candidates, since the Mole will get every answer right.  In the first episode, Jon says, "Eat, drink, be merry, and treat it like it's your last supper."  Now some people may single Mark out as the Mole.  But few know that St. Paul also wrote an account of the Last Supper in his letter to the Corinthians.  This also relates to the religious aspects of the show.  He lives in Yonkers, which is mainly populated by Italian-Americans.  That way, the Italia shirt would make sense.  The religion also fits here because Vatican City, the capital of Christianity, is in Italy. What makes him such a good Mole (in my opinion) is that he tries to act like a really good contestant.  The online clue (s666-LIAr) does two things.  1:  Singles out Ali as the next one leaving (grapes only rules out Bobby, who was executed).  2: Gives 666, the mark of the beast, another biblical symbol.  There are a few interpretations of this, some leading to Victoria, Alex, and Mark.  But the grades make me think Paul.  I'm not sure what to think of E_E_E_, but it may stand for eleven.  If we look on the bios page on the official site, we see the Paul is the 11th one listed.

Well, those are my suspicions.

I like your ideas. Those would also fit with the Gustav Eiffel clue. As I mentioned, Eiffel gave the statue of liberty to the U.S, which is currently in NY, the place where Paul is from.

Offline knuckles487

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #207 on: June 20, 2008, 06:00:33 AM »
I think that the Mole is Paul.

I've discounted Paul as the mole for several reasons but the main one is this.

On the execution quiz for episode 2, question 7.  The question is:

7.  In "When Pigs Fly" what did the mole do after returning from Pomaire?
A.  Catch pigs.
B.  Hold one end of the slingshot handle.
C.  Load pigs and shoot slingshot.
D.  Nothing.

Answer A would refer to Paul and Liz since they both caught pigs, but the problem is that neither of them WENT TO Pomaire, so neither of them could RETURN from there.

A better option for A would have been "The mole did not go to Pomaire".

I realize this is just an oversight and a goof on the part of the production people, but if Paul were actually the mole they would have paid better attention to that question and had a more appropriate option.

Now something to think about for this week.  On the ABC site they have some behind the scenes clips each week.  This week one of them is of the production staff trying to get a confessional out of Alex.  He is pretty upset and keeps cussing the cameraman, flipping them off, saying the other players are acting like babies, saying he is ready to leave the show, get his cellphone and call someone that gives a $%#&, etc.

Not the exact wording but one of the advertising lines for this week says that the best liked player suddenly becomes the least liked.

We know that CBS plays up evberything that happens on survivor, it's always the most dramatic, most unbelievable, most shocking, best player, etc etc.  So I have no trouble whatsoever seeing ABC doing the same thing with "best liked player" and mean Alex even though I don't think that he would actually fit that description.  Some of the others do seem to like him since they have shown a clip on the show, and another behind the scenes clip of Alex singing for some of the women and for Paul, so they could refer to him as the best liked.

Since Alex is already highly upset about something and talking about heading home it is very easy for me to see him blow up this week over some incident, piss off the other players, and then tank the test so he can go home. 

(no spoilers in this thread please thanks, puddin)

Sorry this had to be edited puddin.  I didn't realize I had included something from a spoiler.  Now if I can just remember what I wrote that was changed. 


« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 02:21:51 AM by knuckles487 »

Offline molenewbie

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #208 on: June 20, 2008, 08:10:58 AM »

I think that the Mole is Paul.

I've discounted Paul as the mole for several reasons but the main one is this.

On the execution quiz for episode 2, question 7.  The question is:

7.  In "When Pigs Fly" what did the mole do after returning from Pomaire?
A.  Catch pigs.
B.  Hold one end of the slingshot handle.
C.  Load pigs and shoot slingshot.
D.  Nothing.

Answer A would refer to Paul and Liz since they both caught pigs, but the problem is that neither of them WENT TO Pomaire, so neither of them could RETURN from there.

A better option for A would have been "The mole did not go to Pomaire".

Or it could be D. You know as like a trick question.

Offline Rabbit

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #209 on: June 20, 2008, 03:10:11 PM »
Not the exact wording but one of the advertising lines for this week says that the best liked player suddenly becomes the least liked.

Couldn't that be referring to the previews where it shows Mark having a fit and saying "they're sadistic" then taking off? He seems incredibly upset over something and i would think Mark would be more of a best liked player than arrogant Alex.

Offline Belle Book

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #210 on: June 20, 2008, 06:12:12 PM »
I've gotten an overload of possible clues, so I'm not commenting on what clues I think point to the Mole.  However, I will reveal my top suspects:  Craig and Victoria, with Clay and Nicole as outside shots.  There are a number of clues that possibly point to either Craig or Victoria.  There are also clues that may point to Paul, but he seems more like someone trying to look like the Mole than as the real Mole in my eyes.

Also, the four I mentioned as being either my top suspects or as outside shots really did some good sabotage this round.  Craig and Victoria got themselves disqualified as did Clay (of course, so did Bobby but he's out); while Nicole really screwed up her & Alex's chances of winning in Fruit of the Luge.  Of course, I won't know who the Mole is until the end of the game, but those are my top 4 suspects for the Mole.

Belle Book

Offline knuckles487

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #211 on: June 20, 2008, 06:21:11 PM »

Couldn't that be referring to the previews where it shows Mark having a fit and saying "they're sadistic" then taking off?

Sure.  There are a few of them that it could apply to.  My point was that just because ABC says best liked player, that doesn't mean they actually are.  It's just hype.  Myself, I would think Craig would be better liked than the rest of them but I can't see it referring to him.  But like I said it could apply to a few of them using network hype propoganda.

Offline puddin

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #212 on: June 20, 2008, 10:03:51 PM »
EP4 Clue


Offline SailorsWife317

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #213 on: June 21, 2008, 09:13:18 AM »
Hi all found this site and thought I'd share my thoughts with y'all.

I have narrowed The Mole down to these options:  Victoria, Alex, Clay.  I thought about Paul but as somebody said about the quiz question of Pomaire, That pretty much takes Paul off of the list.

My top person right now is Victoria.  The EW clue said "I lie with my eyes"  If you use the wording differently it could be referring to the letter I's in her name.

Also on you can view the Mole's journal.  In it were these clues:

"Those kids really ran us all over the field. Too bad none of them got red carded."- this eliminates Mark and Kristen as they weren't playing soccer

"Being blindfolded while flying 40mph down a luge... now that's something new for me."-  This eliminates Bobby, Craig, Nicole because none of them were blindfolded. 

"Now which little piggy went to the market."- Ruling out Paul since he didn't go to the market.

"Now how do you say "No shoes, no shirt, no service" in spanish, not sure I learned that one in school."-  not sure about that but I do remember Victoria trying to speak spanish

"If only the chilean blankets were a little bigger"- I got nothing with that one

"Those darn grapes just stain everything, and their not even my favorite fruit"- I don't know the importance of this one either.

These were also based on the fact that Ali, Bobby, Liz, and Marcie are gone already. 

Offline puddin

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #214 on: June 21, 2008, 02:40:31 PM »
Your talking about the Mole scrapbook SailorsWife317? Welcome to the forum  :waves:

Offline Pearlgirl4221

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #215 on: June 21, 2008, 06:00:12 PM »
Do you think that this mole's scrapbook/journal is meant to contain clues for us because if so it certainly eliminates several players(as sailorswife was saying)?
for example:
1)"Those kids really ran us all over the field..." Eliminates: Mark, Kristen
"Being blindfolded while flying 40 mph..." Eliminates: Nicole, Mark, and Craig. (Bobby and Ali were also blindfolded.
This Leaves Victoria, Clay, Paul, and Alex (who is supposedly going home this week). I really don’t like this... but Clay was in my top three anyways as well as Victoria. It seems like to much information for then to give us straight out!
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Offline SailorsWife317

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #216 on: June 21, 2008, 06:21:02 PM »
Yup I am talking about the scrapbook.  And I do believe that it is there to help us figure it out. 

Offline puddin

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #217 on: June 21, 2008, 06:33:24 PM »
Maybe there are clues or its to mess with you all  :lol:?

sam300 also did the Samantha Who scrapblog much alike don't you think?

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #218 on: June 21, 2008, 07:29:43 PM »

"Being blindfolded while flying 40mph down a luge... now that's something new for me."-  This eliminates Bobby, Craig, Nicole because none of them were blindfolded. 

I don't think so. I think what the mole means is he/she was NOT blindfolded, and it would be a new thing for them, know what I mean...

Offline V.L.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #219 on: June 21, 2008, 08:35:09 PM »
Woah, I'm new here. I've lurked here for quite some time, reading posts, etc, but now that the Mole is here and there is clue analysis I needed to make an account and start posting.

First, I think Victoria is the Mole and have since episode one, when I noticed a bunch of things regarding the number eight, and with Victoria's name being the only one with eight letters, I sort of assumed it was her. Now I see how many more things there are, and I think I've found a few that not a lot of other people have picked up on.

-There has been much discussion on all of the clues that seem to point to religion/Christianity, and Victoria is from Bishop, Texas, according to her bio and the opening sequence - but not really. She is currently living in Burbank, CA, according to this article. This strikes me as odd only because of the Biblical referances, and really, why would ABC say Victoria was from Bishop, even though she was born there, if she was actually living somewhere else?
-Does anyone else remember back in Celebrity Mole: Hawaii when the inflatable dolphin showed up, colored in the colors of the Netherlands, where Frederique (the Mole) was from? Well, Victoria is Hispanic (Her last name being Garza), and the colors of the Mexican flag were on that pig-catching blanket in the "When Pigs Fly" mission. This blanket is also shown on the Mole scrapbook, meaning it probably has some kind of importance.

Um... and nothing else. Sorry if this stuff was said on past pages and I didn't pick up on it.

Anyway... those are my thoughts.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #220 on: June 21, 2008, 09:03:35 PM »
New here. Ive found several clues.

 at 27 minutes and 19 seconds into ep. 3,  there is an arrow with the letter MOEL pointed straight at Nicole
--------> MOEL

kinda like that.

When the host steals the host, at 16 mins and 9 sec, the calculator has mole written on it under the number 78. idk the significance

just what i found.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #221 on: June 21, 2008, 11:45:48 PM »
Just my quick two cents on the scrapbook the grapes clue could mean the person that got the grape treatment or whatever at the spa if their was one and if i remember their was one.

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #222 on: June 22, 2008, 12:43:41 AM »
I'm pretty sure it was Bobby who got the grape massage, and seeing as he was executed...

Offline molenewbie

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #223 on: June 22, 2008, 01:08:33 AM »
EP4 Clue


Its an Eye exam

Offline puddin

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Re: The Mole 5.0 *Ongoing Clue Analysis and Challenge Discussions*
« Reply #224 on: June 22, 2008, 01:19:39 AM »
EP4 Clue


Its an Eye exam

Now you have me looking for eye charts! lol
And yes it was Bobby who had the grape massage.
And heres the photo  Vernaldo is referring to, swiped from the abc board.......