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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #175 on: January 02, 2008, 09:24:53 PM »
Thanks cabb!

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #176 on: January 03, 2008, 10:52:52 AM »
Flashy goth couple Kynt Cothron, Vyxsin Fiala take wrong U-Turn on ?Amazing Race?
16 hours ago

NEW YORK - The team with the most makeup couldn't make up lost time on "The Amazing Race."

Goth couple Kynt Cothron and Vyxsin Fiala were eliminated in Mumbai, India, after encountering two new race twists: the U-Turn and Speed Bump, the CBS reality show's new penalty for teams spared removal during non-elimination legs.

Cothron and Fiala previously came in last place on "The Amazing Race" but weren't eliminated. While the flashy team easily overcame the yoga-posing Speed Bump challenge, they made their biggest blunder with the race's second U-Turn, which allows one team to force another team to backtrack during the race.

"We don't see what you see at home," Fiala said during a telephone interview Wednesday. "You're omnipotent. We really don't know where other teams are during the race."

That's why Cothron and Fiala failed to target dating couple Nathan Hagstrom and Jennifer Parker - the only team trailing the goth couple from Louisville, Ky. - with the U-Turn.

"From our vantage point, they were the one team ahead of us," Cothron said.

Cothron and Fiala weren't able to catch up to Hagstrom and Parker, the bickering dating couple from California who have referred to Cothron and Fiala as "freaks" and claimed they had "witch powers" during the race.

"Anyone who looks different is probably used to getting called names," Fiala said. "I can't say that's the first time Kynt or I have been called something cruel based on our appearance. To be honest, those are hardly the worst things we've been called."

The team says their flamboyant pink-and-black attire didn't deter them during their time on the competitive reality series. In fact, Cothron believes their ostentatiousness was an asset.

"We never had trouble getting information or directions," says Cothron. "Although our look is definitely different, there's nothing intimidating about us. We're very friendly people. We love having conversations with complete strangers."

Cothron and Fiala estimate they spent about a half-hour getting dolled before the beginning of each leg.

"I think I was the first person on 'The Amazing Race' to pack a flat iron," Cothron said.

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #177 on: January 03, 2008, 12:18:41 PM »

 :waves: Another interview with Kynt & Vyxsin

It's a long interview, so I've attached the link

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #178 on: January 03, 2008, 12:21:06 PM »

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #179 on: January 03, 2008, 09:30:07 PM »
Some interesting Timeline stuff in here...

Reality TV World:  How were you cast for The Amazing Race 12?  Was it your first time applying for the show? 

Kynt:  The Amazing Race has always been a favorite show of ours.  It's one of the few programs on television that can hold our ADD attention span.  Vyxsin and I thought it would be a perfect fit for us.  We both love to travel -- we get severely claustrophobic if we stay in one place for too long.  We're road-trip junkies.  We're very adept to traveling on the fly.  A lot of times I'll find out about a music festival or a sci-fi convention and I'll call Vyxsin up and be like, "We've got to jump in the car and go!  Let's do it!"  So we're accustomed to that type of frantic travel.

Reality TV World: So was it your first time applying for the show?

Kynt:  Yep.  It was our first time.

Reality TV World:  Would you consider yourselves The Amazing Race fans? 

Kynt:  Oh absolutely!

Reality TV World:  You just touched upon how you like to travel.  Does your travel include international destinations? Do you know any foreign languages?

Kynt: No.
Vyxsin:  No.  One nice thing about Louisville is that it's pretty centrally located, so you can drive a reasonable distance to be in a Chicago or Detroit or Atlanta.  We like to drive and go to conventions, like Goth conventions and fantasy, sci-fi stuff.  But I haven't been out of the country as an adult, so we never traveled together internationally.
Kynt:  And we don't know any foreign languages...
Vyxsin: (laughing) I dabble in a few.  I kind of get by.  But we're not fluent in any other languages.
Kynt: Yeah, we're definitely not multilingual world travelers.

Reality TV World:  Would you say you formed any alliances with any of the other teams?  Was there anybody you really butted heads with during the race?

Kynt:  Not particularly.  We didn't form an formal alliances per say.  But we were always willing to trade information here or there for mutual benefit.  This race is so fast-paced and erratic, and we all pulled in different directions that it really is hard to have a true alliance in the sense of what you see on these other reality TV shows where these people are with one another.

Reality TV World:  Was there anybody you tried to avoid sharing information with?

Kynt:  Not really.  If we were bunched up with another team at any given moment and there was a chance to help one another out, we were always willing.

Reality TV World:  During last week's episode, how did you get lost after you had to take the detour due to the traffic in Bolognia?  Were you aware of how much extra time the detour would add to your trip?

Vyxsin:  Basically when we got the initial directions, the most obvious route between where we started [Ancona] and where we were headed [Empoli] was a straight line.  The straight line was the route we ended up taking, except in reality there's a mountain road that was pretty much completely vertical the entire time (laughing).  It took about six-times as long as the more circuitous route that was the highway that was blocked [in Bolognia].

Reality TV World:  I see.

Vyxsin:  We knew where we were going.  It just took tiny hairpin turns on...
Kynt: We had to drive much slower...
Vyxsin: ... a single-lane mountain road.  Yeah.  I was driving probably 20MPH...
Kynt: Or else the car would flip over a guardrail! (Vyxsin laughing)

Reality TV World:  So how much time would say that added to your trip?

Vyxsin:  I was driving all night long.  We didn't get anywhere near [Empoli] until way after dawn...
Reality TV World:  So when you arrived at the "Search from Ultralight" Roadblock in Empoli, were you surprised to see "Newly Dating Couple" Rachel Rosales and TK Erwin still there trying to finish it?

Vyxsin:  We were shocked seeing another team.  We thought for sure they'd be hours ahead of us. 

Reality TV World:  Once you reached the subsequent "Invention" Detour task, why did you immediately decide to switch to "Tradition" without even attempting "Invention?"  Did it really look that difficult?

Kynt:  Oh yeah, it looked tough...
Vyxsin:  We thought initially to do "Invention" because we were right there and the task was right there, so we wouldn't have had to travel at all.  But upon looking at it, knowing how tired -- because at that point, we had both been up for probably 35, 36 hours.  We said, "Oh, Invention's a great idea!"  Then we took one look at it and we said, "This is a terrible idea! (laughing) Da Vinci was a genius.  We are not.  Let's go."  It didn't take a lot of deliberation for us to realize we just weren't up to it mentally.

Reality TV World:  Seeing as how it's hurt other teams in previous seasons, Kynt why didn't you learn how to drive a stick shift prior to leaving for the race?

Kynt:  Vyxsin has a stick-shift car, so before we were going on the race I definitely took some time to drive the thing around, try to get somewhat comfortable with it.  But sticks can be cranky.  They can turn on you!  I don't think they're the safest way to drive a car to be honest.  I think they're kind of antiquated.  You know we don't use those cars anymore that you wind up?

Reality TV World:  Yep.

Kynt:  That's what people were using in the 1800s.  Stick shifts... they're a dinosaur (laughing).

Reality TV World:  Did you ever learn what happened to your damaged vehicle on the way to the "Tradition" Detour challenge?  Was it the gears?

Kynt:  Yeah, we never found out exactly what happened but it would not go into gear.  Reverse, first-gear, second-gear... Nothing.

Reality TV World:  About how far did you have to go on foot after your vehicle broke down?

Kynt:  Couple miles.  We thought instead of standing there about the car -- hoping a replacement comes -- just leave it for dead and run.

Reality TV World:  Did you really finish over an hour behind TK and Rachel were you in reaching the non-elimination Pit Stop?  Because the editing really seemed to go out of its way to make it seem like you guys were a lot closer.

Kynt:  No more than an hour behind them.  Even after all that terrible stuff, we still weren't that far behind the fourth-place team.
Vyxsin:  [TK and Rachel] had the thing where they forgot the clue and then they had a flat tire on the way to the Pit Stop.

Reality TV World:  Okay, so what you're saying is if it hadn't been for those things you would have finished even farther behind them.

Vyxsin:  We weren't super-far behind them...
Kynt:  We almost got them.
Reality TV World:  Did you suspect that the leg might be a non-elimination leg or did you think your race was over?

Kynt:  We thought it was over.  Yeah, we thought, "This is it." [Host Phil Keoghan] said, "You're the last team to arrive..."  It was like, "We're gone dude."

Reality TV World:  Before the race began, Phil had told all the racers that there'd be 11 legs and only eight elimination Pit Stops, so with only five teams left in the Race, you had to figure the odds that the Race's first non-elimination Pit Stop was coming up were pretty good, right?

Kynt:  We weren't for sure.  We were hoping, but we weren't for sure.  We were hoping, but there's no 100% they're going to show up.  There hadn't been any in the race so far... As in the past [seasons], there's Superlegs, multiple-day legs, multi-nation legs... We didn't know what was going to happen.

Reality TV World:  What was your reaction when Phil explained the Speed Bump penalty to you?

Vyxsin:  We were thrilled that they weren't going to take our stuff! (laughing)
Kynt:  Yeah, we were thrilled that we weren't getting mugged.

Reality TV World:  So I'm assuming you preferred the new Speed Bump task over the old "nothing but the clothes on your back, go beg for money" penalty?

Vyxsin:  Oh yeah...
Kynt:  Oh yeah...

Reality TV World:  Were you confident you'd be able to overcome the Speed Bump penalty?

Kynt:  We went into it with the most positive spirit that we could.  We had no idea what the Speed Bump would be; when it would rear its ugly head; how involving or not involving it would be.  We had no idea on that. 

One of the things that causes one to lose so much time on the Speed Bump isn't just the task itself, but the travel time to and from the task.  Keep in mind, when we found the Speed Bump sign, the challenge wasn't right there next to the sign.  We had to find another completely separate destination no other team had to go to, drive all the way there, then tackle the challenge, then drive all the way back to where the original Speed Bump sign was in order to find our next clue.  So it's not just the task itself, it's the travel time that one loses as well that makes it particularly brutal.

Reality TV World:  About how much time did it take you to complete the Speed Bump and return to the Detour?

Kynt:  The Speed Bump itself, one had to be very patient while doing it because you couldn't make it go faster.  It's not like build a little house out of blocks and then run away.  We were completely at the mercy of the Yoga instructor -- how many poses he wanted, how fast he wanted us to go, how to keep up with him and not make any mistakes.  Even if we did every Yoga pose perfectly, there was still a finite amount of time the task would entail that you could not make any shorter.  As far as the total time it took us -- with the travel time included -- we lost at least 30-40 minutes.

Reality TV World:  Just to back-up before the Speed Bump, you were the first team to arrive in Mumbai.  Was it disappointing to learn that since the newspaper stand didn't open until 6AM, all the other teams would be able to catch-up and thus negate your lead?

Kynt:  Oh yeah, because we needed every little bit of time that we could get.  It was so sad because with the newspaper stand opening at 6AM, everybody was caught up.  There was no chance for us to gain any time on that leg anymore.

Reality TV World:  Then it looked like your taxi driver got lost on the way to the tailor shop from the newspaper stand.  Is that what happened there?

Kynt:  He took us to the completely wrong place.  The clue said, "Go to Saint Andrews Street," or something.  He took us to Saint Andrews Road, which is a completely different place...
Vyxsin:  He took us to an actual church called Saint Andrews I think or something like that.  It was some kind of crazy... Actually that leg was really challenging because everything that we had to do was get into a little cab and ride in the cab to the next destination... Mumbai is huge!  These place that we were going to, a lot of them were not big, huge, enormous landmarks.  They were these tiny little locations.  Pretty much every single time we got in a cab, we'd say, "Take us to this place."  They'd say, "Oh! Of course!"  Then they'd start pulling over and asking other cab drivers or stopping the cab and getting out and going into businesses and asking people...
Kynt:  A lot of times we would get out of the car to ask directions for the driver! (laughing)
Vyxsin:  We were sort of at the mercy of that.  There's not a whole lot one can really do -- really -- because he either knows or he's not going to know...
Kynt:  That's the nature of every Amazing Race.
Vyxsin:  Absolutely true.
Kynt:  The Race is always 50/50... They're always equal partners.  You have to be a good player to win the game, but you also have to have some good luck on your side no matter how strong of a team that you are.  Again, it was a heart wrenching moment because we killed off the newspaper challenge quicker than anybody.  We were the first team to find [the ad], and it took some of the other teams considerable time after us.  The [cab driver] took us... Oh man, it was at least 15 or 20 miles in the wrong direction.
Vyxsin:  And when we...
Kynt:  When we got there he tried to leave us!  He tried to speed away, I was like, "Don't leave buddy..."
Vyxsin:  "This is not the right place!"

Reality TV World:  After all that -- you completed the Speed Bump task -- were you surprised to find "Dating Couple" Jennifer Parker and Nathan Hagstrom still working on the "Thread 'Em" Detour task?

Vyxsin:  It was totally a shock.
Kynt:  They were the only team throughout the entire leg that we made visual contact with.

Reality TV World:  How long did it take you to finish the Detour challenge after Nathan and Jen left?

Kynt:  About 10 minutes I'd say
.  After they left, we still had to get more flowers on the strong.  We were actually working -- you couldn't tell this on TV -- but we were actually working on two separate strings.  [Vyxsin] did hers and I did mine, then we had to tie them together and make sure it was sturdy enough to not fall apart as we ran the thing to the groom, then find the groom and turn it in.  Again, there's only so much TV time.  A lot of time, things look like they're happening simultaneously because they're having to show what everybody's doing.  They can't waste 10 minutes of TV time showing Kynt and Vyxsin tying a flower garland together and holding it up in the air to make sure it's staying in place.

Reality TV World:  You just mentioned Nathan and Jen were the only other team you made visual contact with after leaving the newspaper stand, so why did you decide to use the U-Turn on "Grandfather/Grandson" team Donald Jerousek and Nicolas Fulks instead of Nathan and Jen?

Kynt:  Because [Nathan and Jen] were ahead of us.
Vyxsin:  The visual contact we had with them was seeing them at the flower stand and seeing them leave ahead of us.  So in our minds this is the only team we've seen, and the only team we've seen is ahead of us.  It's tricky watching it, because watching it...
Kynt:  It seems obvious!
Vyxsin:  ... You're sort of third-person omniscient, and you can kind of see what everyone's doing and where everyone is.  It's totally obvious what's happening.  But all that we knew is we did ["Thread 'Em"] and they did ["Thread 'Em"], well we were thinking maybe the other teams did "Paste 'Em," and "Paste 'Em" was really difficult or really far away, maybe it's just taking everyone a really long time.

Because it seemed unlikely that -- given we had done the Speed Bump -- any teams at all would be behind us.  We just didn't see them, why would any teams be behind us?  But from our point of view, we thought it was extremely unlikely that three teams had come in-front of us and none of them had decided to use the U-Turn.  That seemed unimaginable.

Reality TV World:  That's a fair point.

Vyxsin:  It's Final 5, it just seems like there's not a lot of time to spare.

Reality TV World:  And it was the course's final U-Turn opportunity.

Vyxsin:  And it's the last U-Turn, so nobody can get you back later.  We thought even if they didn't want to U-Turn us, maybe they would U-Turn a different team -- a more competitive team -- if they thought we were completely knocked out of the game anyway because of the Speed Bump.  But at the very least, I would have thought they would have U-Turned us just to ensure -- knowing that we were already behind -- that we were completely knocked out of the game, that way if anything bad happened to them, like if their cab breaks down or they have a challenge that doesn't go well... We've seen in past legs of the race, we didn't know what was coming next or what was expected of us.  You can get one challenge that doesn't go right, you can sit there for six hours...

Reality TV World:  So just to be clear, the decision to use the U-Turn on Nick and Don was a mutual decision?

Kynt:  Yeah, when we finally decided we'd sticker a face up, we actually took all of them out of the box.  We held them up together, and we were like, "Who can we eliminate?"  Nate and Jen passed us, so we can put them back in the box.  Here's the other three teams.  We just had to guess which one of them is the most likely to be behind.  It was a guess.  But if you look at the odds -- mathematical odds -- was it a safe assumption that three teams passed the U-Turn and didn't use it,  or one team passed the U-Turn and didn't use it?  We thought maybe one team -- maybe Nate and Jen are in first place, they just blitzed passed the sign and didn't even think to use it...
Vyxsin:  Because when we saw them at the flower challenge, they seemed kind of... a little bit stressed out.  So we could totally see them running past and not even really...
Kynt:  Right!  And they're always wanting so badly to be in first.  They seemed stressed, we thought they might have just run up, disagreed on who to U-Turn and ran away.

Reality TV World:  What was your reaction when you saw Nathan and Jen arrive at the Roadblock task, meaning they were in fact behind you the whole time?

Kynt:  If you watch Nate and Jen's reaction, they get to the U-Turn and they see that we've got a sticker up there, even they said, "How in the heck did Kynt and Vyxsin get here?!"  Because they know in their heads they left that flower challenge 10 minutes before us.  If you go back and watch, you see Kynt and Vyxsin aren't as stupid as they think because Nate and Jen are like, "They're ahead of us?  What the hell?  We left them way behind!"  The U-Turn destination was also fairly close to that flower challenge.  There wasn't a lot of room to get lost.
Vyxsin:  You're right.  At that moment when we were at the Roadblock and we saw them running up, that was that sinking feeling of, "Oh! D' oh!" (laughing)  That's when you knock yourself in the head and you say, "Oh no!" That's when you know.  But at that point, all we could do was the best we could with whatever was left of the leg.

Reality TV World:  So when you got to that Roadblock did you ever learn the other three teams were ahead of you?

Kynt:  We still had no idea where they were... We still had no contact or info where the proximity was of the other three teams...
Vyxsin:  We were sort of suspecting that they were all ahead of us...
Kynt:  I never lost it though, I never gave up.

Reality TV World:  So Vyxsin you just commented you were left to do your best on the rest of the leg and see what happens.  What do you think went wrong with that Roadblock Kynt?  Was it your initial problem locating the bike's brake?  Why were you so sure that the folks you were delivering those Roadblock task propone tanks to were supposed to keep the initial order slips you'd been given? 

Kynt:  At first I did have difficulty with the bike.  I didn't understand where the brake was because it was in an unusual location (laughing).  And I don't do a lot of biking in life.  But I got my propane tanks there effectively; I was a little confused about the receipt situation.  But again, if you watch the footage, I'm not the only one that has that confusion.  You'll see one of the propane-tank recipients correct at least one other racer and tell them, "You forgot something."

Reality TV World:  So you misread the clue instructions?

Kynt:  I mean, I've actually worked in delivery service before.  Whenever you deliver a package to someone, the recipient gets the receipt and the delivery gets a receipt, which is exactly what I did.  I took the receipt that they had, had them sign it, and then gave them the other.  I didn't realize that I needed to have both of them.

Reality TV World:  How much time did it cost you to run back to the two apartments and retrieve the two order slips you'd left behind?

Kynt:  Yeah, it took a few minutes because I had to find those spots again.  At least this time I knew basically where they were, but I had to run around these blocks, up the stairs in each place.  That lost some time.  It was just my error of misunderstanding one of the idiosyncrasies of the task -- which can happen -- because what you receive in The Amazing Race is a clue.  You don't get detailed directions, you get a clue.  And the clues sometimes are kind of like riddles (laughing).  That's part of the challenge of the game.  It's not black and white.  You have to interpret.

Reality TV World:  How far behind Nathan and Jen were you in reaching the Pit Stop?

Kynt:  We were just a matter of minutes behind the fourth-place team

Reality TV World:  Any regrets about your last leg?  Do you think you'd still be racing if you'd either U-Turned the right team or not lost that additional time going back for the Roadblock order slips?

Kynt:  That's a tough question, but it's like everybody's had these moments in life.  When you're in school and you get your test back, you're like, "Why did I mark answer A?  I knew it was B!"
Vyxsin:  Really, honestly, we talk about it a lot.  Other than the 11 -- and soon to be 12 teams -- who have won The Amazing Race, every other team who has ever participated sits at home and goes (in unison with Kynt), "Oh! I shoulda, woulda, coulda!" You know, that one deciding moment that knocks you out of the game.   For us honestly, yes it would have been really wonderful to win the $1 million... But our overall attitude and reaction to everything is just so positive.  we just feel so fortunate that we got to have this incredibly experience and share it with each other and meet all these wonderful people; go to these places that we never could have visited on our own...
Kynt:  When we think about The Amazing Race, we tend to focus on what we did right, not what we did wrong.  As we mentioned, every team comes home with a, "I shoulda, woulda, coulda," story.  Everybody has one thing they did wrong and it got them eliminated.  Ours was a little bit more overtly dramatic than most people because everybody's like, "The U-Turn!" You know, we Gothed-up the U-Turn! (laughing)

Reality TV World:  Some of the other teams took to calling you two "the Pinkies."  Do you think your look caused other teams to underestimate you?  Was that part of your strategy?  Did it work to your advantage?

Kynt:  Oh yeah, our Goth aestetic definitely worked to our advantage.  We knew other teams would underestimate us from Day 1, and they definitely did.  They didn't realize how lethal we really were until they saw us coming in second place several times.  So it was definitely part of our strategy.

Plus, when we look our best, we play our best.  We feel our most comfortable when we're dressed up, and people were like, "Why would they go through all that trouble when they're on The Amazing Race?"  But the fact of the matter is, it's a confidence boost.  We feel our most positive.  We're prissy but we're punk.

Reality TV World:  How was your appearance met by the locals you encountered?  Was it ever a hindrance for you?

Vyxsin:  People were actually really wonderful to us.  I know Kynt and I look probably different than some people have seen people look before (laughing), but I can't say that we're terribly intimidating.  I think that our aesthetic is fun and colorful and sort of looks like little cartoons or something.  People were very friendly, very open, very willing and patient to help us.  We felt really fortunate.

Reality TV World:  When we talked to Hendekia Azene two weeks ago, she accused you two of pretending to be sweet and caring and instead characterized you as liars.  Did you sense that hostility during the race?

Kynt:  No, I never sensed that at all.  You've seen the show, and you've seen the footage, and I don't think there's any footage to justify that comment.

Reality TV World:  Why did you two call Sequesterville after your elimination? Is that because you went straight to the finish line location instead?

Kynt:  Yeah we didn't go to Sequesterville.  We were just sent to the end destination, which you will find out about soon. Reality TV World:  Was there any team you wanted to see win the $1 million prize?  Anybody you didn't want to see win?

Kynt:  We wish them all the best of luck.  They beat us fair and square.  They earned their spot.  They earned their positions.  So, there's nobody we don't want to see win per say.  We wouldn't mind seeing gramps [Don] take the win (laughing).  It'd be nice to see an older guy that's been though as much as he has take the cake.  TK and Rachel are nice also.  We wish them all the best of luck.

Reality TV World:  Can you explain a little bit about your first names?  Are Kynt and Vyxsin your birth names?  If not, have you legally changed them?

Kynt: (laughing)
Vyxsin:  Vyxsin is a nickname.

Reality TV World:  What about you Kynt?

Kynt:  Yep, that's my name...

Reality TV World:  So what's next for you two?  Back to being "Goth kids" from Louisville, KY?

Kynt:  The year 2008 is a big, big question mark at this point.  But I can tell you, we've never been more excited about what lies ahead in our lives.  We don't know where things are going to take us, but we're ready to jump on a plane at a moment's notice (laughing) if something does come up.  This adventure might be over but the pink and black attack will never stop racing!

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #180 on: January 03, 2008, 10:12:49 PM »
They truly rock! :jam: :jam: :jam: :jam:
Just here to visit.

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #181 on: January 04, 2008, 03:00:42 PM »
Eliminated 'Race' team talks about goth culture

This past week, self-professed goths Kynt Cothron and Vyxsin Fiala were eliminated in Mumbai, India, on "The Amazing Race."

The pink-and-black clad team finished dead last on the previous leg of the competition. However, instead of making their departure, they were given an additional challenge on the following leg.

Unfortunately, any hope for the goths was snubbed out when they chose the wrong team for a "U-Turn" penalty.

With that mistake behind them, the dating team from Louisville, KY ended their journey on "The Amazing Race."

Currently in its 12th season, the race pits teams against each other in a mad dash around the world in the quest for a US$1 million prize. "The Amazing Race" airs Sundays on CTV. chatted with the team about how they discovered goth culture and their experience on the race. You've said that you wanted to represent the "goth community" around the world on the show. Do you think you did that?

Vyxsin: I think so. I think we represented the goth culture in a more favourable light. It's not a secret that there are some pretty negative stereotypes about goths. And the fact is, goth people are really artistic and fun.

Kynt: We wanted the show that the stereotypes were not true, that goths aren't just depressed. At which point in your lives did you discover goth culture and embrace it?

Kynt: For me, as a child, I always loved Halloween. I loved scary movies and I loved dressing up all year around. Then as a teenager I started getting into music and actual fashion, and all of those things melded together for me so well. My goth phase was a perfect fit and I knew I found my calling. It's funny, because finding goth made me a much more positive person. I was so happy to find people who could relate to me.

Vyxsin: We moved all the time when I was younger, and I was perpetually the new kid. I was shy and bookish, and I tried so hard to fit in and be normal. I failed miserably, and I came to this conclusion that I could spend the rest of my life trying to be normal and mainstream and never quite make it, or I could just celebrate being different. Once I made that decision, I find I'm less angst-ridden than before. I love the music and the theatrical sense of dressing up and letting my inner child dress me. It's a great way to be artistically expressive and emotionally in tune.

Kynt: It allows you to be so more fluid and flexible in terms of your appearance and your interests. Vyxsin and I have had multiple hair colours in the past, and we're always updating our fashion and our look and it keeps life from getting boring. It will always be a part of our lives. So how do you feel about the way you were portrayed on the race?

Kynt: I thought our portrayal was extraordinarily accurate. Let's face it; everything we said on the show we actually said or we actually did. It's reality TV and there's no CGI involved. The great thing about "The Amazing Race" is that it's very authentic. What you see on television comes off as easier than it really was. For example, many of the drives are very long and arduous. Watching the episodes, what were the most surprising things you saw?

Vyxsin: It was interested watching the past episodes, because as a team you're on your own. You don't get to really interact with other teams. We were surprised by some things we saw, but overall, emotions run high and it's an intense experience. We don't really have anything negative to say about anyone. Has your life changed at all since "The Amazing Race"?

Kynt: Our passion for traveling has intensified. We've never felt so claustrophobic in our lives! We can't wait to jump on an air place again. We're coming to Canada so we can visit Vancouver and explore up there.

Kynt and Vyxsin are Myspace obsessed and look forward to meeting people online. Click here for Kynt's profile and here for Vyxsin's.
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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #182 on: January 04, 2008, 07:07:09 PM »
January 03
A Gothic Tragedy
Last Sunday, I wanted to dress all in black after watching "The Amazing Race."

Because Kynt and Vyxsin, the Goth couple, got eliminated when they made a couple mental errors after racing really hard to come back in contention.

Because they came in last in the previous episode, they had to do a Speed Bump -- a task only they had to perform. And yet they managed to get ahead of the bickering couple Nate and Jen. If they had only U-Turned them, Kynt and Vyxsin would still be racing.

Alas, they chose to pick another team.

Even so, if Kynt had perfectly executed a Roadblock that involved deliveries, they might have won. Unfortunately for them, Kynt didn't realize the requirements of the task fully.

Here's what the Pinks had to say about their Racing experience:

MSN: You guys were my favorites going in, so I'm sorry to see you get eliminated on Sunday.

Kynt: Aww.

MSN: I thought you guys were going to get right back in it and then you just ripped my heart out.

Kynt: Believe you and me, we ripped our hearts out too. We didn't want to go home.

MSN: First of all, how'd you guys meet?

Kynt: We met four years ago. I handed Vyxsin a flier for a Goth Night event, and man did that flier work. ... It was a club night with a DJ spinning and stuff like that.

Vyxsin: He handed me this flier, and I was like, "Oh, this looks like a fun event." Then I looked up and was like, "Oh, what a cute guy. He's really adorable." Not long after that, we were pretty inseparable.

Kynt: We had a lot in common so we wanted to hang out almost instantly. And here we are, almost four years later, sprinting around the globe. Our friendship has only flourished. Vyxsin and I share everything -- the same goals, the same life outlook, the same cosmetics. (laughs)

MSN: So what made you decide to do the Amazing Race?

Kynt: Well, "The Amazing Race" has always been one of our favorite TV shows, one of the few programs that can hold our ADD-attention span. Because of that, I thought it was perfect for us. We both love to travel. We get severely claustrophobic if we stay in the same place for too long. We're road-trip junkies.

MSN: Let's get down to business. What were you thinking, trying to U-Turn Nick and Don?

Kynt: As a viewer, you're very privileged to have an omnipresent view of where everyone is and what everyone is doing. The only team we had visual contact with was Nate and Jen, who we saw very clearly pass us by about at least 10 minutes. So when we went to the sign, we thought about the teams and who we could eliminate from consideration. And Nate and Jen seemed like the first ones not to consider, because they had passed us. It seemed really strange that the U-Turn hadn't been activated yet. That to us was a clue that not many teams had passed the thing yet because how could no one use the U-Turn in this crucial of a leg, this close to the end? Especially when there would be no repercussions, you know what I mean. It's toward the end. It's not like using it at the beginning and people getting mad at you. But we saw them pass us. When they got to the U-Turn, you saw the footage, they remarked, "How'd they get here?" Like, "We were ahead of them. How'd they get here?" They thought the same thing as we did. They thought they were ahead of us. We thought they were ahead of us as well.

MSN: But wasn't the fact that they didn't use the U-Turn on you a sign they hadn't gotten there before you?

Vyxsin: But by that rationale, the other three teams could have been behind us.

Kynt: Right. Because there were three other teams that could have U-Turned us or another team as well.

Vyxsin: It seems really unlikely ... that the other teams could have been behind us. However, it seemed really unlikely that three teams would have gone ahead of us and not U-Turned us or each other.

Kynt: That blank U-Turn sign seemed very virgin to us. Like, how could no one have used this if they had the opportunity in this tight and crucial leg where everyone got bunched up together at the newspaper stand?  It felt very untouched. It felt like no one has been here yet. It felt like we must be the first team to play.

Vyxsin: It seems clear looking back, hindsight being 20/20. Once we reached the Roadblock, we began that challenge and Nate and Jen arrived. That was the moment when we realized, "Oh, no! We U-Turned the wrong team." Of course, that was a sinking feeling because we knew what had happened and it became clear to us. At the time, we did what seemed logical to us. It obviously wasn't the correct decision. But it was a decision from the information we had at the moment seemed to us to make the most sense. 

Kynt: There were just two clues. Number one, the sign hadn't been used, which indicated that no one had gotten there yet and number two, the fact that we saw Nate and Jen pass us.

MSN: I have to tell you, I'm not sure if I'm disappointed more because I wanted you guys to stay in the Race or because I wanted Nate and Jen gone. But man, there was some yelling and screaming in the house when they came back from commercial and you put up Nick and Don's picture there.

Vyxsin: That commercial was such a cliffhanger because it ended on their photo, didn't it?

Kynt: Their photo was the first one we pulled out of the box. We went through them and thought about the other ones.

MSN: So you pretty quickly dismissed the possibility of U-Turning them, though.

Kynt: They were the first possibility. Then we thought, they're the only team we've seen. They left at least ten minutes before us. And the U-Turn destination was really close to the flowers. It wasn't that far away. There wasn't that much room for a team to get lost. I still to this day don't understand how they got lost.

MSN: I think they just got stuck in traffic pretty badly. But when it got to the Pit Stop, how far behind them were you?

Kynt: Just a matter of minutes. I don't know the exact number but I know it was really, really tight.

Vyxsin: Very close.

MSN: The other question is about the deliveries. Now you forgot about getting the receipts back from people or some such?

Kynt: What I did was, whenever a delivery occurs, they give the recipient a receipt and they take a receipt with them to make sure both parties have confirmation of delivery. Which is exactly what I did. I obtained a receipt from them and left the other one with them as proof of delivery. I didn't realize I was supposed to bring it back. I wasn't the only one to make that error, because if you watch the footage, one of the recipients actually says to a team you forgot something, meaning the receipt, and the person goes back and they get it. It idiosyncrasy of the task.

MSN: So what was the best part of the Race for each of you?

Vyxsin: For me, the best part of being on the Race was to see these places and meet these incredible people that we got to meet, have this adventure, really challenge each other with things we never dreamed of doing before, really watch each other blossom under the intense pressure and really thrive. I was so proud of Kynt. I just feel he was the most wonderful teammate I ever could have imagined. My favorite thing about the Race was getting through it with him.

Kynt: "The Amazing Race" is such a beautiful concept. On one hand, it's a typical reality show. It highlights interpersonal conflict and conquest. On the other  hand, it's a lot like National Geographic. Every show showcases a different country's landscape, scenery, architecture, culture, and people. There's nothing else like it on TV. We're so proud to be a part of it. And like she said, the chance to travel the world. We don't look at it as loss. We look at what we won. And we won the opportunity to go on a globetrotting adventure across eight legs. We don't feel bad about it. We tend to focus on what we did right as opposed than what we did wrong. Every team in the game is going to come home with that "I woulda, I coulda, I shoulda" story. Every team is going to have that one moment where if they only turned left instead of right...

Vyxsin: Why didn't I, Why didn't you? Why didn't we. You can drive yourself crazy with that attitude.

Kynt: Our moment was more dramatic, with the U-Turn. But everybody's going to have that one consequential error that costs them the game.

MSN: What would you say besides the U-Turn was the toughest moment of being on the Race for you?

Kynt: The India leg in general was definitely the toughest, because we had to contend with the additional Speed Bump, and even then it's not just the task itself, but the travel time that we lost traveling to and from the Speed Bump location. The Speed Bump itself wasn't right there next to the sign. That was just the Speed Bump clue. We had to get in a taxi and go to another destination completely. That leg was just rigorous. It was a fight for life from the beginning of the day to the end, gasping for air. 

Vyxsin: We arrived there first but we didn't get much of an advantage for getting the first flight because we all had to wait for the newspaper stand to open in the morning. We didn't really get any sort of a lead that way.

MSN: How would you describe the strengths and weaknesses of the remaining teams?

Kynt: I feel the four teams in the final have all earned their spot. I think they're all very competitive in different ways. They deserve to be where they are. All four of them need to focus on as much teamwork as possible to get ahead because things are only going to get harder. So they'll well-deserving of their position, we wish them the best of luck.

MSN: What's the future hold for you guys?

Kynt: 2008 is a big question mark at this point. But I can tell you we've never been more excited. We've never been filled with more anticipation. I've a feeling we won't be going away. This adventure may be over, but the Pink-and-Black Attack will never stop racing.

MSN: Vyxsin, any final thoughts?

Vyxsin: I think overall, Kynt and I feel just so appreciative for an opportunity of a lifetime. Whatever the future holds, I'm sure we'll find some new and exciting stuff to get ourselves into. Whatever it is, we're never bored. As long as Kynt is around, there'll be some excitement in the New Year.

MSN: Two other questions: What's up with the spelling of your names, and was it hard to keep up your makeup on the Race?

Vyxsin: Vyxsin is a nickname. Makeup was difficult to do under outdoor conditions, it's true. Especially in the warmer climates, our makeup got a little bit melty. But we did our best to maintain as well as we could. We got really good at drawing on trains and airplanes and in turbulence.

Kynt: We did it so often we're pretty adept. ... The morning before the Race, we'd put our game faces on. Because when we look our best, we play our best.

- posted by Raoul!DB9D137CC0F754C9!24066.entry

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #183 on: January 04, 2008, 09:43:30 PM »
I might need a breast reduction and a penis implant :o!?

Obviously I've been lax checking in! What the ??????? :ascared

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #184 on: January 06, 2008, 12:19:23 AM »
  :-*  I came across another one and thought I would share

We were shocked last week when America’s favorite goth racers, Kynt & Vyxsin, were eliminated from Amazing Race 12. Some critics called Kynt’s U-Turn the dumbest move in Amazing Race history. Others blamed the team for making what looked like avoidable fatal errors, costing them their chance to vie for the finish line and the $1 million prize.

“What’s hard for viewers to understand,” Kynt told Reality TV Magazine in a recent interview, “Is that when you’re watching the show you get to play God. …It’s all so obvious.” But, the pair claim, it’s not so obvious when you’re playing the game, in part due to isolation (not to mention exhaustion, dehydration, confusion…) and in part due to interpretation of the Race “clues.” “The clues are just that – they’re clues,” says Kynt. “They’re very short. They’re sometimes not very clear. That’s part of the game. [Viewers] get a much more detailed breakdown.”

The pair was coming into last week’s leg of the race at a disadvantage, knowing that they would be faced with a “Speed Bump” due to their last place status during the previous leg. “It was a very fatiguing day,” Kynt says. But the team raced through their Speed Bump “yoga” challenge very quickly. “We didn’t slow it down by falling or making mistakes,” he says, adding that the watching Vyxsin twist and turn during the challenge was the high point of his day. “I think it was the high point of the day for the instructor as well,” he jokes. Vyxsin adds that she, as a vegetarian, was just relieved not to have to “eat something gross.”

After leaving the Speed Bump challenge, the pair was surprised to see Nateifer still working on their flower challenge. “Nate and Jennifer are always at the front of the pack,” Kynt explains. What they didn’t know was that Nateifer had spent an hour looking for the first clue and were actually at the back of the pack.

Kynt & Vyxsin thought that their suspicions that everyone was still behind them were confirmed when they reached the U-Turn and found that nobody had U-Turned them. “We would’ve bet money that we were going to be U-Turned,” Vyxsin explains. Kynt agrees, “Our first thought was shellshock that we weren’t U-Turned. We thought, ‘Maybe nobody’s been here yet.’”

Going with that reasoning, the pair decided to choose a team – any team – to U-Turn, with the hope that they would keep at least one team coming across the mat behind them. “We didn’t actually know we’d made a bad move until we hit the Roadblock,” Vyxsin says.

Still, the pair says, they were only beat to the mat by Nateifer by “less than five minutes.” Though they were thrilled to be declared Most Fashionable Racers by host Phil, “Our hearts sunk when Phil said, ‘you are the last team to arrive,’” Kynt says.

There are no regrets for the self-proclaimed “Pink and Black Attack.” Kynt & Vyxsin definitely feel as if they stayed true to themselves during the race, and soaked up memories that will be with them for the rest of their lives.

“We were really touched by how warm and friendly and joyful the people were [in Burkina Faso, Africa]. The people just looked happy. They were so sweet to us. …To see such lovely people in such poverty was completely heartbreaking,” Vyxsin says, recalling her emotional breakdown after the bicycle delivery challenge in Africa. “…There were huge mountains of garbage, [with] children climbing and picking through it. It’s burned in my mind forever.”

The “magical village” in Vilnius, Lithuania will stay in their minds, as well. “It was the one moment in Amazing Race where Vyxsin and I felt underdressed,” Kynt says. “We felt right at home.” So much at home, in fact, that the 10 minutes or so that they spent having tea and biscuits with the elves and gnomes cost them the spot of first place during that leg.

The team used their strengths to take them through 8 legs in the infamous “Race Around the World”: patience, teamwork, and…The Force? During the African dance detour, Kynt used his skill with a light saber to rock the judges. When Kynt saw the staffs they were supposed to use to dance with, he says, “The first thing I thought was light sabers.” Vyxsin laughs, “I think we were the first team in history to use The Force to win a detour.”

So what’s next for the Pink and Black Attack? “Oh, my, my,” is all Kynt will say. Vyxsin, however, has real optimism about what may lie ahead for the two of them.

“We won 8 legs of an adventure around the world,” Vyxsin says. “We’ve been so close for so long, there’s not a lot about each other at this point that we don’t know. We both enjoy watching each other blossom. For me, Kynt has been such a huge wonderful force in my life. I feel like he’s helped me grow. On the race and off, I feel like I have the best teammate ever.”

Note to fans: Kynt & Vyxsin call themselves “myspace addicts,” and openly welcome visitors: or

Amazing Race 12 airs Sundays, 8PM ET on CBS. Kynt & Vyxsin tell fans of Reality TV Magazine not to miss the last 3 episodes. “They should be nail biters!”

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #185 on: January 06, 2008, 02:55:00 PM »
Thanks to all who posted the articles.

From one of the articles:

Kynt:  At first I did have difficulty with the bike.  I didn't understand where the brake was because it was in an unusual location (laughing).  And I don't do a lot of biking in life.

See kids, you need to know how to pedal to do well in the Amazing Race  :snicker:

They were a very entertaining team but sadly, not the best of racers.   :(

I was so pleased that they exited the Race on a high note.  As for most fashionable, Yyxsin, sure, but Kynt?   :pull :pull :pull :pull :pull   LOL

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #186 on: January 06, 2008, 09:25:43 PM »
Heres an interview at inpulse

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #187 on: January 06, 2008, 09:35:37 PM »
I mised the pink and blacks this week--I would have loved to see them in Osaka, especially as Kynt had been there before!
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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #188 on: January 06, 2008, 10:40:13 PM »
I know, I don't even care anymore  :'(

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #189 on: January 07, 2008, 11:56:40 AM »
Another interview I thought I would share


A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: We have been very busy for the past few days but we have a lot of energy left.

Q. Mark, So when we spoke prior to the season premier you guys talked about not liking labels on your relationship. Did you like the “dating goths” label that followed your names throughout each episode?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: It was fine, when you’re making a show like this you don’t have time to explain every idiosyncrasy about the people on the show.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: It was sort of funny that it took a major network to say we were dating.

Q. Mark, Was that news to you?

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: We’re not mushy about feelings and so on, it was just a new label.

Q. Mark, I noticed the two of you seemed to interact easily and really enjoyed yourselves with the locals while other teams may have used the locals as props. It appears this helped you guys out during the race. I remember when you stopped at the festival and some of the teams actually yelled at the locals to hush so they could accurately count the fence posts.

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: This was part of our strategy and also our approach to life in general. It’s not a TV show to the people who worked at the airports, people we met in the streets, cab drivers, and the locals. Treating the locals with respect worked for us, we never had a problem getting directions or information. We certainly felt the stress but tried to calm down before we approached anyone.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: The festival you’re talking about was in Lithuania. When Kynt and I got to the village it was one our favorite stops and we also arrived ahead of the other teams. Of all things, this was probably one of our least intelligent moments during the race since we got so wrapped up in the local’s outfits, the music, and so on. We started playing with the festival characters, started dancing, and lost focus. We felt like we had visited Alice In Wonderland.

Mark, I could see how the two of you could lose focus for a minute while at the festival. It looked like they had some pretty elaborate costumes.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: For once in our lives we were at an event where we were underdressed.

Q. Mark, Since we’re talking about the festival and fun magical type things, did witchcraft or anything from the supernatural assist you guys during the race? Last week Jen mentioned that you guys must have supernatural powers and/or use witchcraft to help you stay in the lead?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: It was great to learn we have witch powers. Had I known how to use them we would not have been eliminated.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: I can’t say we have supernatural powers, not that I know of.

Q. Mark, I guess you would still be on the show if you had some cool powers. What helped the two of you stay so calm and collected with each other while other teams kicked and fought with one another. Since we know it wasn’t witchcraft what made your relationship work so well?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: That was a major part of our approach going into The Amazing Race. Win lose or draw we wanted to savor it and enjoy it. Why turn it into a disaster for our relationship. Vyxsin and I share the same outlook on life, the same game strategy, and of course the same make up. Our support for one another really helped us enjoy the experience and enjoy it with one another.

Q. Mark, Wait, you did have one on screen blow out when Vxysin was driving and Kynt wanted to jump out of the car?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: It was a very brief moment and you see we didn’t dwell on it later or call each other names.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: It was really the only time during the entire race when we fought. It was actually so brief but that clip was shown on all the commercials promoting that episode. Kynt was upset that I had been awake for about 38 hours. I was driving a bit recklessly and he wanted me to pull over. The joke between us is that it took tens of thousands of miles of travel to have a blow out with one another.

Q. Mark, You two did seem to hold it together well. Now let’s talk about some of the challenges. For example, talk about the dance challenge you had in Africa. Some of the teams were told their dance lacked creativity, you both danced and one of the judges said it was wonderful. What inspired your dance moves?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: When I saw those sticks they reminded me of the light sabers from Star Wars and I knew I could throw down some Darth Maul moves. Vyxsin and I are the first team in Amazing Race history to use the force in a detour.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: We didn’t try to choreograph a big thing. I told Kynt I would try and get the technical part down and he would do some light saber improve.

Q. Mark, Ah ha, so Jen was wrong, you guys used the force not witchcraft. I had another question about some of the detour challenges and also your appearance. Kynt, what happened to your makeup and outfit after you did the pole vault challenge and ended up taking a swim in the canal?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: That was a rough one. When I read the detour challenge the clue asked which one of us was a better acrobat. So I looked around and saw flat land and some sheep. I assumed I would be herding sheep but then I saw the irrigation ditch and I knew I was going down. My pretty black and pink outfit was ruined but I had a backup, actually about 12 back up outfits.

Q. Mark, Let that be a lesson to any future Goth racers, pack multiple black and pink outfits. The two of you seem to have a ton of online support. From what I read you guys won several online polls such as CBS, Entertainment Weekly, etc… How does that feel?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: You just feel it in your heart, it’s so humbling and flattering. It was funny, the other day we were at a local pizza parlor with friends and a 78 yr old lady came up to us and said she proclaimed herself Kynt and Vyxsin’s oldest fan. She told us that on episode one she didn’t like us but by the 3rd episode she loved us and cheered us on with her grandkids.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: It’s been awesome to be cheered on like this. We had many people who had never met Goths then started to like and support us during the race. It has been great to see all the fans share the experience with us. We are very fortunate.

Q. Mark, – If you Google your names there are tons of fan forums, postings, and fan made photos of the two of you. I assume you changed what some people think of the Goth scene. What did you learn about yourself, one another, or other cast members from watching this season?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: I could not believe how stupid I looked at the U-Turn. When I watched myself, I was talking to the TV hoping I would pick the right team.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: It is interesting watching the show. There was so much going with other teams that we didn’t see. Overall when it comes to what you see of us it’s very accurate. We have admiration for all the teams that have ever participated in The Amazing Race.

Q. Mark, – Well speaking of the U-Turn, I saved the elimination question for last. Kynt, talk with me about why you U turned the wrong team?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: We started our journey in India on a positive note. Vxysin and I found the newspaper clue first and left before all other teams found the clue. As our cab sped away all the teams were still looking for the first clue.

After that we were separated from all the teams since we had to go do the speed bump challenge and none of the other teams had to. When we arrived at the flower detour challenge Jen and Nate were still there working on their flowers. Nate and Jen are typically at the front of the pack so we had no idea if the other teams were ahead or behind us. We then wrapped up the flower challenge, received our next clue, and read about the upcoming U-Turn.

We became worried and assumed we were going to be the team that would get U-Turned. When we got there we were shocked to see that the U-Turn sign was blank. We were shocked and started flipping through all the cards with the other team’s faces. We came across Jen and Nate’s card but since they left the flower challenge before we did we assumed they had passed the U-Turn and elected not to use it. We knew where Jen and Nate were in the race but no one else.

Nicolas and Donald had a rough start in India so we took a chance and tried to U-Turn them not knowing they had already passed us. Of course we made a serious error. Also when you see Jen and Nate arrive at the U-Turn they were also shocked that we were in front of them. If you don’t visually see the other teams you have no idea what order they are in.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: We surely thought a team would have used the U-Turn as a safety precaution.. We were the most logical team to U-Turn so we were so perplexed when we still saw it there unused.

Q. Mark, – Well we enjoyed watching you two on the show and like other fans, we want to know what’s next for the both of you?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: At this point in life 2008 is a bit of a question but we have never had so much excitement for a new year. The Pink and Black attack will never stop racing. Hey DON’T miss the last 3 episodes of the Amazing Race, they are going to be NAIL-BITERS! Every Sunday on CBS, cheer the teams on to victory!!!

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #190 on: January 08, 2008, 01:36:13 PM »
Hi, heres another from my local station...

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #191 on: January 08, 2008, 04:25:44 PM »
Kynt and Vyxsin posted these bulletins on myspace:

"Tonight - Tuesday January 8th - Kynt and Vyxsin from the Amazing Race will be INVADING the TV Guide Channel! The Pink and Black attack will be discussing the Race, what went right, what went wrong, and taking questions. Tune in TONIGHT - TV Guide Channel - 8pm EST, 8pm PST."

Hopefully somebody can catch it, I don't get the stupid TV Guide Channel here in Toronto :(

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #192 on: January 08, 2008, 04:39:44 PM »
I get it! But I can't do screen captures or anything...
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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #193 on: January 08, 2008, 04:42:17 PM »
well, let us know if they say anything interesting  :yess:

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #194 on: January 08, 2008, 04:55:44 PM »
Don't you want me to call them? :angel:
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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #195 on: January 08, 2008, 05:05:19 PM »
January 07, 2008Kynt and Vyxsin on The Amazing Race
The Amazing Race followers know that the goth couple, Kynt and Vyxsin (at right), were eliminated a week ago. They were a loss for viewers because they were  fun to watch in their black and hot pink outfits. They enjoyed every environment and every task and stayed pretty zen about their relationship throughout the competition, unlike another couple - Nate and Jen - who say hateful things like, "I hate you," to each other regularly.  I was so rooting for Nate and Jen to lose.

Not knowing they would be out of the race soon, we interviewed Kynt and Vyxsin for a piece in the magazine and found them to be as charming off camera as on. So I want to share more of the Q and A interview with you.

How did you two meet? How long have you been friends? Are you now dating?

Vyxsin: I met Kynt shortly after I moved to Louisville, he handed me a flyer for a local Goth night.  I thought he was the cutest little goth boy EVER!  Within a short amount of time, we were close friends, hanging out almost every day.

Kynt: And here we are four years later -- sprinting around the globe! Our friendship has only flourished! Vyxsin and I have "dated" off and on - that label has changed a few times - but we have ALWAYS been best friends - and that is the most important thing to me!

Why did you want to do the Race? What motivated you?

Kynt: The Amazing Race has been one of our favorite TV shows for a significant amount of time. It's one of the few shows on TV that can hold my ADD-attention-span. Vyxsin and I thought it was the perfect fit
for us. We both love to travel. We get SEVERELY claustrophobic if we stay in one place too long. We're road-trip junkies. We're also very adept at traveling on the fly.

Vyxsin: It was actually Kynt's idea to apply. It probably never would have occurred to me to try something like this. But one day we were sitting and watching the show and there was a commercial on that said
that they were casting for the next season and Kynt looked at me and asked if I'd ever consider trying to do this. I was thinking so many people apply for these and we probably won't get on, but you know, why
not? Let's give it a shot. Imagine my surprise when we got the phone call months later.

Kynt: I'm always a dreamer. The odds never scare me. So we immediately downloaded and filled out the applications and shot off a video tape. Five months later, we had almost forgotten about it, but then the phone rang and they were interested in interviewing us. And the rest is history. 

Vyxsin: It's crazy, around 50,000 people applied for this.  The show wasn't looking for "goth people" per se.  They just stumbled upon us. We're both thankful they "took a chance" with us and gave us this

Kynt: Vyxsin and I really felt we epitomized the "spirit" of this TV show.  Besides our passion for traveling, we both have a genuinely fun spirit about us. We went into the Race with the mentality that win, lose or draw - we will have fun, we will savor this experience, and hopefully we will make it memorable for viewers as well. We love experiencing different cultures. We're not afraid of communication barriers. We love to try new types of food, new types of fashion.  We're very social.  We love meeting new people and are always ready for a new adventure.  We've taken on challenges in life with a team mentality. We've been a team long before this Amazing Race. All of those qualities about us are why I feel like our team, more than any other, epitomizes the spirit of the show.

Vyxsin: We are genuinely proud to be the "first goth team" on the Amazing Race.  The thing we love about the show, they want you to be who you REALLY are.  They don't "assign" you roles.

Kynt: We couldn't wait to show America that goth people aren't depressed, socially-inept basement dwellers. We wanted viewers to see that this culture is beautiful and intelligent.  Goth celebrates art and


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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #196 on: January 08, 2008, 07:24:11 PM »
I just turned to it now. I hope I didn't miss them.
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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #197 on: January 08, 2008, 07:42:48 PM »
It was great to see them and hear them  :jumpy:
This is filmed in California right or no? because I swear BJ had to run one day because the limo was coming to pick him up to take him to be interviewed.

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #198 on: January 08, 2008, 07:43:54 PM »
haha I love them

and where did BJ have to run from puddin?

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Re: Kynt & Vyxsin - TAR12 "Most Fashionable Couple Ever..!"
« Reply #199 on: January 08, 2008, 07:44:44 PM »
Kynt and Vyxsin are on now! I'll transcribe the interview as it happens.

Rosanna Tavarez and Kimberly Caldwell are the interviewers.

Rosanna: You guys were great!

Kynt: Thanks.

Rosanna: So you guys are Goths?

Kynt: Yes.

Rosanna: Fascinating.

Kimberly: Do you think being Goths make you different?

Vyxsin: Um... What do you think?

Rosanna: um... anyway, That U-turn...

Kynt: What about it?

Rosanna: Why did you do it?

Vyxsin: Because we wanted to stay in the game.

Kimberly: What Rosanna means is why didn't you U-Turn the team that was behind you?

Kynt: We thought Nic & Don were behind us.

Rosanna: But Jen & Nathan were behind you.

Kynt: We didn't know that.

Kimberly: Ok, this isn't going too well.

Vyxsin: do you have any real questions for us?

Rosanna: That's all the time we have! Thanks for joining us! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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